• 14 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Un altro obiettivo è dare alle donne la possibilità di scegliere liberamente se crescere il loro contesto familiare o crescere all’interno del mondo del lavoro” ha dichiarato Simona Tironi, assessore all’Istruzione Regione Lombardia a margine dell’Assemblea Generale di Assolombarda che si è tenuta all’Università Bocconi di Milano.


00:00What do you think about the relationship between the two companies?
00:05I must say that President Spada's relationship is absolutely in line with the vocation,
00:10the planned lines of the vision of the Lombardy region.
00:14First of all, when he talks about the two absolute evils
00:17that make our economy more and more difficult,
00:20therefore the growth of our companies,
00:22such as bureaucracy and tax pressure.
00:25On the other hand, the many recipes,
00:27the many variables that we are also paying attention to,
00:30on which we are developing many measures
00:33precisely to support competitiveness
00:36and therefore the growth of our companies
00:38and consequently the growth of our economy,
00:42our companies as a backbone of our economic growth.
00:47Paying attention to the two profiles
00:49that President Spada also highlighted in his speech,
00:52such as the issue of young people,
00:54how to bring our young people closer.
00:56Here we are in the house of young people,
00:58right here at Bocconi University,
01:00our young people, our boys,
01:02especially students in the world of work.
01:05We are doing it with an absolutely innovative activity.
01:11We are the first region in Italy
01:13through LabLab, a platform, a web app
01:16that will enter very soon
01:18within the last two classes,
01:20fourth and fifth and higher
01:22of all our Lombard schools,
01:24which will lead our young people to choose
01:27a job experience within the company
01:30that they themselves will choose
01:32and therefore to know directly the world of work
01:35that is evolving,
01:37also thanks, above all, to technological innovation.
01:40And on the other hand,
01:41to bring women back into the world of work,
01:44women after maternity leave,
01:46after an important job,
01:48an illness, a disability,
01:50within the school walls
01:52and therefore to really give women the opportunity
01:54to choose freely
01:56whether to grow their family context
01:58or to grow within the world of work.
02:01We are committed to this,
02:03exactly in line with the speech
02:05of President Spada of ASSO Lombarda this morning.
