• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Ci sono delle responsabilità che tutti noi come istituzioni dobbiamo sentirci addosso per portare avanti quelle misure che permettano a tutte le donne di conciliare tempo, lavoro e famiglia”. Così Simona Tironi, assessore al Lavoro della Regione Lombardia a margine dell'evento “La sostenibilità economica e sociale di Danone Italia e della sua filiera”, organizzato ieri pomeriggio dall'azienda durante il G7 Agricoltura e Pesca in corso a Ortigia. “A breve -a aggiunto Tironi- la nuova misura “Lombardia per le donne” a sostegno della maternità e per il ritorno delle donne nel mondo del lavoro. Le istituzioni si devono impegnare per dare alle donne tutti gli strumenti possibili per poter scegliere”.


00:00Can we combine work and maternity? Are there any differences?
00:12Absolutely yes, it is in the responsibility that we all have to feel as institutions
00:21in carrying out those measures that allow us to reconcile time, work and family for all our women
00:29and we as Lombardy Region have been working on this for years
00:32we are close, in a few weeks we will bring a further measure in support of maternity
00:38for the return of women in the world of work
00:41On the subject of gender equality, we were the first region to join the certification
00:46on the subject of training to take over, therefore acting also on an incentive
00:51on the company that takes over and if the person taken over was a woman
00:55there is a much higher incentive, the same for a continuous training
00:59the improvement of skills and now this new measure that will be called Lombardy for Women
01:05which will be precisely for the return of women in the world of work after maternity
01:09Minister Lobrigi has recently declared that women should not choose between maternity and career
01:15It should be so, but for this to happen it means that institutions have to commit
01:22to give all the tools possible to our women so as not to have to choose
01:27to be able to choose, not to have to be forced to give up a career perspective
01:34a work satisfaction to stay at home and take care of a care load, a disability or raise their children
01:43When do you think a real gender equality will be achieved?
01:48Well, on these forecasts they say that it will still take many, many years
01:54I believe that we are still on the right track because the numbers are giving us reason
02:00I can bring the example of our region Lombardy
02:05for a year and a half we have opened the certification, it is good that it is on incentive for companies
02:10but there are almost a thousand companies that have joined, often they are also small companies
02:14so it means that cultural change is happening and this is important
