• 2 days ago
00:00It's Patriots Monday here on Jones and Keefe. We're joined now by Patriots tight end Hunter Henry
00:05He's brought to you by Shaw's and Star Market
00:07Perfecting the art of fresh Hunter Henry rough one yesterday. Thanks for joining us here on WEI
00:15Gerard Mayo clarified a bit today saying you guys played soft yesterday. He originally called you guys a soft team yesterday
00:23Do you think he's right?
00:27Wouldn't say that no, I just felt like yesterday we didn't obviously I can speak for offensively
00:33Obviously, we want to run the football. We're unable to establish a run like we want to but I don't I don't think we're a soft
00:39team at all
00:43The identity that I feel like we can be
00:46Running the ball. You got to give credit to the Jaguars too. They did a good job. So
00:51We just got to be better, how do you guys prevent or maybe even just stop finger-pointing I
00:57You know anytime there's a team in any sport where the losses start to pile up
01:01It seems like guys kind of point to something else as to what the problem is
01:06How do you how do you kind of get in front of that and stop it?
01:10Yeah, I think you got all of yourself in the mirror and I think we have a lot of guys that have a lot
01:14Of high character when I learn a lot from this these experiences
01:17You know, we've got young guys we've got a mold of you know in between veteran guys and some and some that's that been around
01:24You got to look at yourself
01:25I think it just starts with me and I got to look at myself how I can be better what I can do to
01:31Help this team win
01:33So and I think everybody in that locker room is going to do that
01:36I don't think there's any you know us first them or this guy versus this guy
01:42You know, we're in this together. Obviously, we're not playing good enough at all
01:46we've got to play a lot better and
01:49This starts with looking looking at you know yourself in the mirror and trying to handle what you can do better individually
01:56Daniel quali maybe was doing a little bit of the finger-pointing Keith was talking about he said players need to check their egos
02:03Some players think they're better than they are
02:05Do you agree with that viewpoint?
02:08No, I don't agree with that I mean
02:12Like I said, I can only speak for myself. I don't like to say what other people are what they are
02:19You know, it's about me what I can do better
02:22How I can lead better how I can be an example better. So I wouldn't say that at all
02:28I mean, I think we have a
02:29Good locker room, man. I love going to work every day with these guys and you know, obviously it's frustrating right now
02:36and it's
02:38Not what we want at all
02:40At all and we've got to find a way to string some good things together
02:46We got to learn how to win a football game, you know in your mind after the really good start
02:51You guys had two good drives touchdown and a field goal. You're up 10 nothing and then the next four offensive
02:57Possessions ended in a punt and it was you know multiple three and outs in there in your mind
03:02What happened after the really good start to the game?
03:05Yeah, I mean I just think we weren't good on early downs and some of those drives to get ourselves a manageable third downs or
03:12You know second and shorts, you know just playing them ahead of the change that that's any offense in this league
03:18They want to play ahead of the change
03:20It just it just helps the flow of the game helps all of us on offense. So we've got to be better on early downs
03:26so that we can
03:28obviously play
03:30Obviously play, you know manageable third downs manageable second downs to play ahead of the change put the pressure a little bit on the defense
03:37Talking Patriots tight end Hunter Henry here on a Patriots Monday on WEI. It's Jones and Keith
03:41Do you think Gerard Mayo is the right guy for the job?
03:46Yes, why why do you feel that way
03:51I mean, I love how he is with us
03:55You know, he demands a lot out of us
03:58Obviously, it's not coming out on the field and we need to do a lot better and I think that starts with us as players
04:03But the care that he has for us as players as people that's everything
04:10I think he's a tremendous coach. Obviously, it's not showing up right now
04:14I think we got to take ownership of that as players
04:17But he's a tremendous coach. He's been in our shoes
04:20He's you know
04:22Knows the game super well
04:24He's able to translate that to us
04:26We just got to be better as players and bring that to the field on game day
04:31What did you think of Drake Mays performance in his second start?
04:36Think Drake played great. I mean, he's super tough. He was very poised
04:42You know, it was
04:44Fun to strengthen drives together with him. I feel like he's seen the field really well
04:48So he's doing a lot of good things and he's just gonna continue to get better
04:53And you know as a team captain
04:55Do you feel the need to say anything to a guy like Jalen Polk who has obviously been struggling on the field productions?
05:01not where he wants it to be he was pretty outspoken last week with with a
05:06Media member talking about how he is the best hands in the league and he's limited and things like that and obviously struggled yesterday
05:12Took to Instagram, you know posted something. Is that something where you go and you talk to him or do you just kind of leave him?
05:21I'll probably handle that. We'll handle that, you know ourselves, but he's a great player. He's going to be a great player
05:30Took me a long time to get going this week to
05:33You know different guys are at different ways of you know
05:37Expressing things in a way. So he's gonna be a great player man. He just gotta keep going keep working hard
05:44And I'm excited to see the growth. He's gonna continue to have he's Hunter Henry Patriots tight end joins us
05:50Most Patriots Mondays here on Jones and Keefe hunter. We appreciate the time. We'll talk to you soon. I
05:56Guess thank you hunter Henry joining us here on a Patriots Monday on wei
