• last year
VER CIUDAD VIOLENTA película completa en español
00:00:00Amigos, les saluda Jorge Aldama, quiero darles la más cordial bienvenida a Hola Estudios TV.
00:00:07De antemano, quiero agradecerles su apoyo y preferencia para nuestras películas.
00:00:13En esta ocasión, les quiero recomendar Michoacán y a la de nadie,
00:00:18Pánico en Texas, Mojado Abandonado, La furia del narco,
00:00:22estas películas escritas, dirigidas y producidas por su servidor
00:00:26especialmente para Hola Estudios TV.
00:00:30También quiero recomendarles Ciudad Violenta,
00:00:33una excelente película con una gran producción filmada en Tijuana, Baja California.
00:00:38Así es que, ¿qué esperan amigos?
00:00:41Suscríbanse a Hola Estudios TV y disfruten de las mejores películas del cine mexicano.
00:00:56Estamos aquí reunidos para despedir un gran ser humano,
00:01:08una persona que dio todo por su familia.
00:01:11La palabra del Señor dice, el que crea en mí, aunque esté muerto, vivirá.
00:01:16Ya tienen un ángel que los proteja desde el cielo, palabras del Señor.
00:01:26La palabra del Señor dice, el que crea en mí, aunque esté muerto,
00:01:57La palabra del Señor dice, el que crea en mí, aunque esté muerto,
00:02:26No puedo creer que nuestro padre esté muerto.
00:02:49Pero lo que más me duele es la forma en que lo asesinaron.
00:02:56La culpa la tenemos nosotros, por haberlos dejado sin protección.
00:03:08¿Quién iba a saber, cuñado?
00:03:10Ustedes tenían que cumplir con los compromisos del negocio.
00:03:15Esos perros nomás estaban esperando la oportunidad para atacar.
00:03:19Solamente así podía.
00:03:23Pues yo ya movilicé a toda la gente.
00:03:25Y les juro que vamos a encontrar al asesino.
00:03:30Ese cabrón de Don Pancho piensa que porque ya mató al viejo,
00:03:34ahora se va a caer con todo.
00:03:36Está bien equivocado.
00:03:38Eso no va a pasar, Rico.
00:03:41Te lo aseguro.
00:03:43Ese pendejo pensó que con matar a nuestro padre,
00:03:47nosotros nos íbamos a quedar con los brazos cruzados.
00:03:49¿El muy pendejo?
00:03:52Ese pinche viejo no las va a pagar.
00:03:55¡Se los juro!
00:04:01¿Sí, bueno?
00:04:04¿Estás seguro?
00:04:13Ya localizaron a ese hijo de su rechingada madre.
00:04:17¿Qué carajos estamos esperando?
00:04:35Ese pinche viejo huango de Don Pancho
00:04:38se está tragando en un restaurante de playas
00:04:40llamado La Casona.
00:04:41Pero ya tengo la ubicación.
00:04:44Ahorita se van a tragar las balas de mi pistola.
00:05:14Don Pancho,
00:05:16soy Alejandro Mechaca
00:05:18y él es mi hermano Armando.
00:05:21Le supongo que esta no es una visita de cortesía, ¿verdad?
00:05:23Pone perfectamente bien.
00:05:25Usted asesinó a nuestro padre
00:05:27y ahorita se lo va a llevar a la chingada.
00:05:48en vida de su padre siempre le juré
00:05:51que yo iba a velar por los intereses de su negocio.
00:05:56Y ustedes forman parte de esos intereses.
00:06:00¿Y a qué viene eso, Max?
00:06:03Eso siempre lo hemos sabido.
00:06:07la muerte de Don Pancho
00:06:09va a generar en esta ciudad una guerra sangrienta.
00:06:14¿Y estamos listos para la guerra?
00:06:16¿O no, muchachos?
00:06:18Miren, muchachos,
00:06:19ustedes dos y su hermana
00:06:22es mejor que se ausente por un tiempo
00:06:26para que se normalice el agua.
00:06:28Y suponiendo que aceptáramos,
00:06:30¿cuánto tiempo sería eso?
00:06:32No sé, un año o dos.
00:06:34El que sea necesario.
00:06:36No, Max.
00:06:38¿Y dejarte a ti con todo el paquete?
00:06:40Ni lo pienses.
00:06:41Es lo mejor.
00:06:45Yo no quiero que le pase
00:06:47nada a ninguno de esta familia.
00:06:51Eso no me lo perdonaría la memoria de su padre.
00:06:56Está bien, Max.
00:06:58Entonces tú te harás cargo del negocio.
00:07:01¿Acaso desconfías de mí?
00:07:04Ni te lo estoy diciendo.
00:07:06Mi padre confiaba en ti como un hermano.
00:07:09Y nosotros no vamos a desconfiar de ti.
00:07:11Bien, pues, ahora que
00:07:13nos vamos a ir lejos
00:07:15y tanto tiempo,
00:07:19vamos a tener que hacer algunos negocios
00:07:21en Centroamérica y Sudamérica.
00:07:23Miren, muchachos,
00:07:25ya que estamos de acuerdo en esto,
00:07:30quiero que hagan un pacto
00:07:32entre ustedes dos.
00:07:34Quiero que juren
00:07:37ante la tumba de su padre
00:07:40que siempre estarán unidos.
00:07:43Pues yo no sé ustedes,
00:07:45pero a mí me parece buena idea.
00:08:00Y bien, muchachos,
00:08:04quiero que aquí delante de su padre
00:08:09juren que siempre van a estar unidos
00:08:13y que velarán por los intereses
00:08:15del negocio que él les heredó.
00:08:20Lo prometo.
00:08:25Y hermano, frente a la tumba de nuestro padre,
00:08:29te prometo nunca defraudarte
00:08:32y siempre vamos a seguir juntos.
00:08:36Así como nos enseñó nuestro padre,
00:08:39a respetarnos y amarnos
00:08:42y sobre todo a tener unida a la familia.
00:08:45Aquí ante tu tumba, padre,
00:08:47te prometo que cuidaré de mi hermano,
00:08:49de mi hermana
00:08:51y seré responsable en el negocio.
00:08:55Es un compromiso, hermano.
00:08:58Claro que sí, hermano.
00:09:00Siempre juntos.
00:09:29Padre, han pasado dos años
00:09:33y las cosas no han sido fácil,
00:09:35pero gracias al potro,
00:09:37el negocio se ha mantenido en su lugar.
00:09:41Ahora venimos a tomar tu lugar, padre.
00:09:45Te prometo que lo vamos a hacer
00:09:47con todo respeto, honestidad
00:09:51y lo vamos a mantener siempre
00:09:53con tu ejemplo, padre.
00:09:55Y lo vamos a mantener siempre
00:09:57con tu ejemplo, padre.
00:10:00Gracias, potro.
00:10:21Bueno, pues quiero aprovechar este momento
00:10:23para un brindis.
00:10:25Para la mujer más bella de la familia Menchaca,
00:10:27para mi hermana, que sigas cumpliendo
00:10:29muchos años más, hermanita.
00:10:31Muchas felicidades.
00:10:33Claro que sí.
00:10:37Felicidades, hermanita.
00:10:41Puñado, te sacaste la lotería.
00:10:43Claro que sí.
00:10:45Qué chulada mi mujer.
00:10:47¿En qué estabas pensando, hermana?
00:10:49Bueno, pero cada quien.
00:10:51Cada quien.
00:10:55Bueno, pues salud, pues.
00:10:57¿No hemos dicho salud?
00:11:01Uy, ¿y a todo esto?
00:11:03¿Dónde está Danielito?
00:11:05Danielito, pues.
00:11:07Ya ves cómo son esos jóvenes.
00:11:09No va a tardar en llegar.
00:11:11Bien, pues saludcita.
00:11:13Síguetela pasando bien.
00:11:15Muchachos, gracias.
00:11:21¿Para bailarlo, no?
00:11:23Claro que sí.
00:11:37tengo un tequila.
00:11:41Ok, pues.
00:11:43Oye, me acaban de pasar el pitazo.
00:11:45Que la abuela va a recibir un cargamento.
00:11:47¿Le dijo Alejandro?
00:11:50No, no, no, no.
00:11:52Esa carga será mía.
00:11:54Avísale a los muchachos.
00:12:14Bueno, ¿y qué pasa con Daniel, que no llega?
00:12:17Mi amor, desde que le compraste ese auto,
00:12:19la verdad que no le miramos la cara.
00:12:21De seguro anda con Eric y con Mario.
00:12:23Esos muchachos.
00:12:25Anda a andar por ahí jugando una carrerita.
00:12:27Ya sabes, con nosotros jóvenes.
00:12:29Más le vale que no.
00:12:31Déjalo que llegue, ya verás.
00:12:33Bueno, pues salud.
00:12:37Báilala, cuñado, báilala.
00:13:01Oye, vas a ir conmigo a la fiesta.
00:13:03A huevo, pones, todo.
00:13:05¿Me tienes que preguntar otra vez?
00:13:07¿Ese también tú, verdad?
00:13:13Ay, abuelito santo,
00:13:15¿qué pasa?
00:13:29Viene con toda la pinche escolta,
00:13:31eso, con farro.
00:13:41¿Qué dice el hambre y la miseria?
00:13:43Pensé que no vendrías, Daniel.
00:13:45¿Y por qué no iba a venir, mijo?
00:13:47Pensé que te daba frío, miedo.
00:13:49Hombre, miedo ni al diablo.
00:13:51Lo mínimo que me puedes quitar son mil bolas.
00:13:53¿Qué te parece si apostamos otra cosa?
00:13:55¿Qué quieres apostar?
00:13:57¿Qué te parece mi auto por el tuyo?
00:13:59¿Tu chingadera esa o por el mío?
00:14:01Yo le tengo mucha confianza.
00:14:03Ese está arreglado.
00:14:05O al menos que te regañe tu papá.
00:14:07¿Cómo ves?
00:14:09Mira, mijo, a mí nadie me va a regañar.
00:14:11Es más porque voy a ganar.
00:14:13Pues sobres, a darle.
00:14:15Sí, cabrón.
00:14:19Oye, Daniel, no aceptes, güey.
00:14:21Ese vato no sabe perder.
00:14:23Te vas a meter en pedos.
00:14:25Pero vámonos, a darle.
00:14:41¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:11¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:13¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:15¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:17¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:19¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:21¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:23¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:25¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:27¡Ole, ole, ole!
00:15:29Voy a recuperarlo, ¿eh?
00:15:35¿Y este pendejo qué habrá querido decir con eso?
00:15:37No te hagas caso.
00:15:39¿Qué haces, zicón?
00:15:41Llevo el carro en la casa de mi tía, güey.
00:15:43Recuerda que tenemos una fiesta.
00:15:45¿Qué es pa' llorar?
00:15:57Oye, güey, olvídate de ella.
00:15:59Si Domingo se entera, te va a matar.
00:16:01No pasa nada, mijo.
00:16:03No les va a dar mucho el gusto.
00:16:05Lo voy a recuperar.
00:16:07Pero, amor, tu mamá tiene un chingo de lana.
00:16:09Ella puede comprarte docenas de sus carros.
00:16:11Pero lo voy a recuperar por orgullo.
00:16:13Tienes que tener cuidado.
00:16:15Su papá es Alejandro Menchaca.
00:16:17¿Y qué?
00:16:19La mía es la güera Mariscal.
00:16:21No te metas en problemas, corazón.
00:16:37¿Dónde estás?
00:16:39¿Dónde estás?
00:17:07¿Qué pasó, Felipe? ¿Cómo te fue de camino?
00:17:09Bien, patrona.
00:17:11Aquí le traigo su encargo.
00:17:13Cayo, háblale a los muchachos
00:17:15pa' que aseguren la mercancía.
00:17:17Claro que sí, señora.
00:17:19Come on, come on.
00:17:37Come on, let's go.
00:17:51¡Que se vayan, que se vayan!
00:17:53Acabo ya tenemos lo que queríamos.
00:17:55Este cabrón no creo que nomás traiga hierba.
00:17:57También trae polvo escondido.
00:17:59Se preocupe. Este cabrón nos va a decir dónde lo trae.
00:18:01¿Dónde traes el polvo?
00:18:03No, no, no, no. Yo no traigo polvo.
00:18:05Yo traigo pura hierba, pura marihuana.
00:18:07No te hagas pendejo, cabrón.
00:18:09Yo conozco las mañas de la güera.
00:18:11Así que, ¿dónde tienes el polvo?
00:18:15Este cabrón no va a hablar, patrón.
00:18:17Déjenme devuelvo los sesos al cabrón.
00:18:19No, no, no, no, no. Está bien, está bien.
00:18:21Se lo diré, se lo diré.
00:18:23Alejandro Melchaca jamás me había pegado
00:18:25como lo hizo hoy.
00:18:27Siempre hemos tenido un pacto de honor.
00:18:29Yo respetaba sus operaciones
00:18:31y ellos las nuestras.
00:18:33No fue Alejandro.
00:18:35Fue Armando, señora.
00:18:37No es la primera vez que
00:18:39ese cabrón se queda con algo que no es suyo.
00:18:41¿Quieres decir
00:18:43que ese cabrón está actuando a espaldas
00:18:45de su hermano?
00:18:47Alejandro es el jefe de la organización.
00:18:49Al parecer, su hermano quiere trabajar
00:18:51por su propia cuenta.
00:18:55Pero no es nada más a usted, señora.
00:18:57También ha chingado a otros.
00:18:59Mira, Cayo, hazme una cita con Alejandro.
00:19:01Pero solamente
00:19:03hablaré con él.
00:19:05Con nadie más.
00:19:11Ahora sí vengo muerto, vieja.
00:19:13También vengo cansadísima.
00:19:15No dejas de bailar en todo el tiempo.
00:19:17Buenas noches. ¿Cómo ya?
00:19:19Dos meses más.
00:19:21¿Estefan? ¿Por qué esa carita?
00:19:23¿Cómo por qué, cabrón? ¿Por qué no llegaste?
00:19:25Tu tía está muy enojada contigo.
00:19:27Mañana le hablas, te disculpas
00:19:29y le llevas un regalo.
00:19:31Bueno, y...
00:19:33¿Cómo te fueron las carreras?
00:19:35Pues me fue bien. ¿Te acuerdas de ese mentado Paulino?
00:19:37Me la pelué, me chingué su carro.
00:19:39¿Paulino? ¿Paulino Mariscal?
00:19:41Ese mero.
00:19:43¿El hijo de la güera?
00:19:45El mismo.
00:19:47Ese cabrón no sabe perder. A ver si no te mete en problemas.
00:19:49Pasa nada. No te preocupes.
00:19:51Además, su madre
00:19:53es una mujer muy sanguinaria.
00:19:55Mira, mañana voy a hablar
00:19:57con Cesar. Que te asigne un escolta.
00:19:59No puedes andar solo.
00:20:01No te preocupes, papá. No empieces con tu drama, por favor.
00:20:03Yo me lo paso bien a gusto con mis compas.
00:20:05Ellos me cuidan y yo los cuido.
00:20:07No es ningún drama.
00:20:09Y me importa una chingada cómo te la pases.
00:20:11Te voy a poner un escolta, quieras o no, cabrón.
00:20:15hazle caso a tu padre. Te va a asignar
00:20:17un escolta.
00:20:19Está bien. Si así se ponen más tranquilos...
00:20:21Así va a ser.
00:20:27Me acaba de llamar la güera Moriscal.
00:20:29Quiere una cita contigo.
00:20:31¿Y cómo? ¿Para qué?
00:20:33¿No vaya a venir a chillar por el carro?
00:20:35No, no, no.
00:20:37No se trata de eso.
00:20:39Creo que está relacionado con Armando,
00:20:41tu hermano.
00:20:43¿Qué le digo?
00:20:45Da bien. Dile que cuando quiera.
00:20:51Estoy muy cansado.
00:20:55Ya va.
00:20:57Hasta mañana, cabrón.
00:20:59Hasta mañana. Pórtate bien.
00:21:01No se preocupe.
00:21:03Ya, ya.
00:21:05¿Continuamos de bailarito, mi amor?
00:21:07Sigo muy cansada.
00:21:09Ya, ya.
00:21:25Ya, ya.
00:21:57Tu familia y la mía siempre han sido buenos amigos,
00:21:59y siempre nos hemos respetado.
00:22:01Eso lo sé de sobra.
00:22:03Desgraciadamente, no puedo decir lo mismo de tu hermano.
00:22:05Ayer tu hermano tuvo un enfrentamiento conmigo y con mi gente.
00:22:07¿Me estás diciendo que te atacó?
00:22:09Se chingó a varios de mis hombres,
00:22:11y se llevó toda mi mercancía.
00:22:15No, no, no.
00:22:17No, no, no.
00:22:19No, no, no.
00:22:21No, no, no.
00:22:23Se chingó a varios de mis hombres,
00:22:25y se llevó toda mi mercancía.
00:22:27Mis hombres ya lo buscan.
00:22:29Solamente quise advertirte.
00:22:31Mira, güera.
00:22:33No quiero problemas.
00:22:35Voy a hablar con mi hermano,
00:22:37y le voy a decir que te regreses tu mercancía.
00:22:41eso ya no será posible.
00:22:43Tu hermano cruzó la raya,
00:22:45y tendrá que ser castigado.
00:22:47Mira, güera.
00:22:49Si alguien tiene que castigar a mi hermano,
00:22:51seré yo.
00:22:53Si alguien se atreve a ponerle una mano encima,
00:22:55lo consideraré mi enemigo.
00:22:57¿Me entiendes?
00:23:21Lo que me faltaba, carajo.
00:23:41Ahora sí tenemos problemas.
00:23:43Pinche hermanito de mierda.
00:23:45Me lleva la chingada, carajo.
00:23:49Sí, lo sé, cabrón.
00:23:53tu hermano Armando
00:23:57ha estado actuando a espaldas tuyas.
00:24:01Por su propia voluntad, claro.
00:24:03Se ha estado enfrentando
00:24:05a diferentes bandas
00:24:07para robarles su producto.
00:24:09¿Y por qué no me habías dicho nada, carajo?
00:24:11Pues es que quería evitar conflictos contigo, cabrón.
00:24:13¡Pues esos pobrezos ya están, carajo!
00:24:15Voy a tener que ir al rancho de mi hermana
00:24:17y hablar muy seriamente con este pendejo.
00:24:19¡Párate, espérate, cabrón!
00:24:21¡No es necesario que tu hermano se entere!
00:24:23No se va a enterar, no seas pendejo.
00:24:25Voy a tener que hablar con él en privado.
00:24:27¡Vámonos al rancho, vámonos!
00:24:31¡Vámonos, cabrón!
00:24:49¿Te preparas para tu siguiente carrera?
00:24:51Pues ya no me gustan tanto las carreras,
00:24:53ya me estoy aburriendo.
00:24:55Te entiendo, debe ser porque Paulino o tú
00:24:57siempre ganan.
00:24:59Oye, y respecto a eso,
00:25:01¿aún tienes el carro que le ganaste?
00:25:03Así es, ya lo tengo, lo he guardado en la casa de mi tía.
00:25:05Es un buen carro, de hecho.
00:25:07Sí, es un muy buen carro, pero aún así deberías venderlo.
00:25:09¿Y cómo por qué o qué?
00:25:11Sabes, Paulino piensa recuperarlo.
00:25:13Ya, mi amor, pues no me importa.
00:25:15Se lo vuelvo a ganar, ¿y qué?
00:25:19Creo que no me estás entendiendo.
00:25:21Él piensa recuperar ese carro.
00:25:23Por las buenas o por las malas.
00:25:27¿por qué me estás diciendo todo esto?
00:25:29Porque me preocupo por ti.
00:25:31Sé que él y yo somos novios,
00:25:33pero no lo seremos por mucho tiempo.
00:25:35¿Ah, en serio?
00:25:37En serio.
00:25:47¿Cómo estuvo anoche todo?
00:25:49Desde madre.
00:25:51¿Qué te parece si vamos con el Navajas
00:25:53para echarnos unas chéveres?
00:25:55Sí, está bien.
00:25:57¿Que me andabas buscando?
00:26:03Si es por el pedo de la güera, pues se lo merecía.
00:26:05Sabes perfectamente bien que desde hace muchos años
00:26:07hay un pacto entre las bandas
00:26:09más importantes que operan en el norte.
00:26:11Y entre ellas
00:26:13está la güera.
00:26:15Siempre hemos respetado nuestra palabra.
00:26:17Tú me dejas trabajar
00:26:19y yo te dejo trabajar.
00:26:21¿Te quedó claro?
00:26:23Ese pacto es estúpido.
00:26:25Entre menos tengamos competencia,
00:26:27mejor serán nuestras ganancias.
00:26:29No, hermano,
00:26:31estás muy equivocado.
00:26:33Es mejor trabajar en paz
00:26:35que ganar más de lo que debes ganar.
00:26:37Tienes el cerebro de una aceituna.
00:26:41Yo voy a hacer este negocio
00:26:43el más chingón del norte.
00:26:47nuestro padre
00:26:49trabajó este negocio durante muchos años
00:26:51y siempre lo hizo con honestidad
00:26:53y sobre todo
00:26:55con dignidad.
00:26:57Ay, carnal,
00:26:59¿en qué pinche mundo vives?
00:27:01Nosotros somos narcotraficantes
00:27:03y nos dedicamos al negocio de las drogas.
00:27:05¿Dónde está la honestidad y la dignidad?
00:27:07Y para el colmo,
00:27:09nos persigue la ley.
00:27:11Y a nuestro padre lo mataron
00:27:13por inútil. ¡Por pendejo!
00:27:17No te atrevas
00:27:19a romper la memoria de nuestro padre.
00:27:21Ya rugiste, Esleon. ¿Sabes?
00:27:23Desde hoy tú caminas por tu lado
00:27:25y yo camino por el mío.
00:27:27¡No tan deprisa, cabrón! ¡Tenemos un pacto!
00:27:29¡Y lo juramos enfrente de la tumba
00:27:31de nuestro padre, cabrón! ¡Al diablo con ese pacto!
00:27:33¡Pues a la chingada, entonces!
00:27:35¡A la chingada!
00:27:37¡Vales pa' pura madre, cabrón!
00:27:43¿Qué madre, eso te pegó a tu carnal, cabrón?
00:27:45Sí, cabrón.
00:27:47Ah, pero ya olvídalo.
00:27:49Pero escúchame bien lo que te voy a decir.
00:27:51Desde hoy yo trabajo por mi cuenta.
00:27:53Acabo de romper con mi hermano.
00:27:55Y quiero saber si tú te quedas con él
00:27:57o te vienes conmigo.
00:27:59No, pues él solo es mi hermano
00:28:01y nunca dejará a Alejandro.
00:28:03¿Y qué diablos quieres decir con eso?
00:28:05A mí dime si sí o no.
00:28:07Me quedo contigo. Ya sabes que siempre he jalado contigo.
00:28:09Bien. Y dile a los muchachos
00:28:11que si se quieren unir con nosotros, son bienvenidos.
00:28:13Oye, papá.
00:28:15¿Y qué pasó con mi tío?
00:28:17Que se fue bien encabronado de aquí.
00:28:19Sí, Alex.
00:28:21¿Cómo puede ser eso?
00:28:23Son hermanos.
00:28:25No debieron haberse separado.
00:28:27Yo creo que si su padre viviera,
00:28:29les hubiera puesto una chinga a los dos.
00:28:31Fue su decisión.
00:28:33Yo no pude hacer nada.
00:28:35Pero él te necesita.
00:28:37Tienes que ayudarlo.
00:28:39Tú sabes que tiene muchos enemigos.
00:28:41Sí, enemigos que él mismo se ha buscado.
00:28:43Pero está bien.
00:28:45Voy a tratar de ayudarlo.
00:28:49Dile que no puede trabajar por su cuenta.
00:28:51Será mejor que eso se lo digas tú.
00:28:53A mí no me hace caso el cabrón.
00:28:55Yo creo que no le va a hacer caso
00:28:57a ninguno de los dos.
00:28:59Y menos por lo que acaba de pasar.
00:29:01Es tu obligación, amor.
00:29:03Deberías ir a buscarlo y arreglar las cosas.
00:29:05Está bien, mi vida.
00:29:07Lo voy a hacer por ustedes.
00:29:09Lo voy a tratar de convencer
00:29:11para que regrese conmigo.
00:29:13¿Está bien?
00:29:15Gracias, hermano.
00:29:17Pues va a estar muy cabrón, Alejandro.
00:29:19Porque tu hermano siempre ha sido bien testarudo.
00:29:21Pero bueno.
00:29:23No podemos permitir que la familia se separe.
00:29:27¿Qué pasó, mi pinche navajas?
00:29:29El patrón quiere hablar contigo.
00:29:35No mames, wey.
00:29:37El jefe es don Alejandro,
00:29:39no su pinche hermano.
00:29:41¿Cómo que no mames, cabrón? Es el patrón.
00:29:43Ya se separó de su hermano.
00:29:45Está bien.
00:29:55Siéntate, navajas.
00:29:59Para empezar,
00:30:01yo trabajo para tu hermano.
00:30:03No te hagas pendejo, navajas.
00:30:05Tú trabajas para que mejor te paguen las informaciones.
00:30:09¿Qué es lo que tienes?
00:30:11¿Qué es lo que quieres saber?
00:30:13Por el momento, me interesa todos los negocios de la güera.
00:30:15La güera.
00:30:17Eso te costará dinero.
00:30:19Esa vieja ya me trae
00:30:21en la mira, cabrón.
00:30:23Mira, navajas. Por dinero no te preocupes.
00:30:25¿Qué es lo que tienes?
00:30:27Mañana van a transiar
00:30:29una operación
00:30:31de 20 kilos de polvo.
00:30:33¿Y qué, navajas? ¿Dónde van a hacer el trato?
00:30:35Allá por el aeropuerto.
00:30:37Por una yarda de trailers.
00:30:39¡Atrás del girasol!
00:30:41¡No seas pendejo, navajas!
00:30:43Ahí está lleno de federales, cabrón.
00:30:47¡Es el lugar ideal
00:30:49para hacer ese tipo de operaciones!
00:30:51Mira, navajas.
00:30:53Esto es solo un adelanto.
00:30:55Porque me vas a hacer unos trabajitos extras.
00:30:57No, pues.
00:30:59Por esta paga.
00:31:01Usted dígame a quién mato
00:31:03y délo por muerto.
00:31:05Una cosa más, navajas.
00:31:07Vale más que la información que nos estás dando
00:31:09sea cierta.
00:31:11Si no, al que se le va a llevar la chingada
00:31:13es a ti, cabrón.
00:31:23Esto es lo que haremos.
00:31:25¿Samuel, que no tienes nada que hacer o qué?
00:31:27Patrona, usted sabe que siempre está a la orden.
00:31:29¿Dónde está mi hijo Paulino?
00:31:31No lo veo por ningún lado.
00:31:33¿Su hijo estaba aquí?
00:31:35¿Pero se fue a hacer la entrega con Cayo?
00:31:37Me llevo a la chingada.
00:31:39Si ya le he dicho a ese muchacho
00:31:41que no tome actividad en el negocio.
00:31:43Es muy peligroso.
00:31:45Pues yo pensé que usted estaba de acuerdo
00:31:47en lo que él me dijo.
00:31:49Para nada. Sácate la camioneta.
00:31:51Vamos a darles alcance.
00:31:53Está bien, patrona.
00:32:11La madre.
00:32:13Estos cabrones están tardando.
00:32:15¿Y qué, patrón? ¿Nos vamos?
00:32:17Ni madre, ¿sabes qué?
00:32:19Vamos a tomar nuestras precauciones.
00:33:19Estoy armando a Menchaca.
00:33:21Yo sé que traen 20 kilos de polvo.
00:33:23Así que entreguenme la mercancía.
00:33:25Y se pueden ir.
00:33:27Si no, se los va a llevar a la chingada.
00:33:35Hijos de su puta madre.
00:33:37Hay que partirle su madre, Cayo.
00:33:39Por ningún motivo te bajes del carro.
00:33:41Tu mamá jamás me lo va a perdonar si algo te pasa.
00:33:43Yo ya no soy un niño.
00:33:45Hay que darles la madre.
00:33:47Te dije que no, cabrón.
00:33:49¡Hay que rematar a estos cabrones!
00:33:51Aguanta, güey. Que Cayo dé la orden.
00:33:53¿A dónde vas, cabrón?
00:33:55¡Veinte kilos, pero de plomo, cabrones!
00:34:01¡Vamos, cabrones! ¡Tumbalen a Paulino!
00:34:07¿Qué esperan, cabrones?
00:34:09¡Bajen sus armas!
00:34:19Eso. Así me gusta.
00:34:21¡Que colaboren!
00:34:23Si se quieren llevar al hijo de la güera mariscal con vida,
00:34:25vale más que me entreguen la droga.
00:34:27¡Arnel! ¡El paquete!
00:34:33¡Ve por la droga!
00:34:39¡Vamos! ¡Rápido!
00:34:41¡Vámonos, muchachos!
00:34:49¿Qué esperas? ¡Sólo! ¡Órale!
00:35:11¡Aguanta, Paulino! ¡Aguanta!
00:35:19Cayo, ¿qué pasa?
00:35:21Patrona, le tengo una mala noticia.
00:35:23Hidieron a Paulino.
00:35:25¿Cómo dices?
00:35:27Sí, patrona. Hidieron a Paulino.
00:35:29Sí, lo llevo allá a la clínica con el doctor Rafa.
00:35:31Voy para allá.
00:35:33Está bien.
00:35:37¡Aguanta, güey! ¡Aguanta!
00:35:39¿Qué te dije, cabrón?
00:35:41Ya valió madre.
00:35:43Pero si mi hijo se muere, todos ustedes la van a pagar.
00:35:45Ya ni me digas eso.
00:35:47Ya ni me digas, señora.
00:35:49Lo escuché todo.
00:35:51¡Muévete, cabrón! ¡Dale!
00:35:53Vamos a ir a la clínica del doctor Rafa.
00:35:55¡Muévete! ¡Písale!
00:35:57Sí, señora.
00:35:59¡Muévete, muévete! ¡Apúrate!
00:36:17¡Tranquilos! ¡Tranquilos, muchachos! ¡Tranquilos!
00:36:19Supongo que ustedes son la gente
00:36:21que están esperando a la güera Mariscal.
00:36:23¿Y quién es usted, mi compa?
00:36:25Soy Armando Menchaca.
00:36:27A partir de ahora en adelante,
00:36:29tú vas a cerrar tratos conmigo.
00:36:33Ahí traigo la mercancía.
00:36:35Cien por ciento pura.
00:36:47Si el callo no está, no lo miro.
00:36:49¡Mire, compa! ¡Que te quede bien claro!
00:36:51Yo no trabajo para la güera Mariscal.
00:36:53Y los tratos de hoy en adelante,
00:36:55los vas a cerrar conmigo.
00:36:57¡Pues mire, compa!
00:36:59A mí no me gusta que me dan el mañana tanto.
00:37:01Como puede ver,
00:37:03ahí tengo a mi gente en la mira.
00:37:05¿Y como por qué debo hacer tratos con usted?
00:37:07Mira, compa.
00:37:09Yo te voy a dar la mercancía con el diez por ciento
00:37:11de descuento de lo tratado con la güera.
00:37:13Pero si no quieres, pues me la llevo.
00:37:17¡Estamos haciendo tratos!
00:37:21No se van a arrepentir.
00:37:23Pura calidad traemos.
00:37:25Trato hecho.
00:37:27Trato hecho.
00:37:31Ya puedes bajarte.
00:37:33Son compas.
00:37:35Señor, vamos a ocupar por favor
00:37:37unos datos personales del muchacho.
00:37:39La edad, qué tipo de sangre,
00:37:41¿un medicamento por favor?
00:37:43Por favor, doctor, por favor.
00:37:45Dígame cómo está mi hijo, por favor.
00:37:47Tranquila, ahorita lo tengo en el quirófano.
00:37:49El estado de su muchacho es muy grave.
00:37:51Voy a ocupar operarlo.
00:37:53Por favor, doctor.
00:37:55Usted y yo siempre hemos sido buenos amigos.
00:37:57Además, ya sabe que tengo dinero.
00:37:59Por favor, sálvelo, sálvelo.
00:38:01Haga todo lo posible por salvarlo.
00:38:03Vamos a confiar en la fortaleza del muchacho.
00:38:05Por favor, tranquila.
00:38:07Y con permiso, vamos a iniciar la operación.
00:38:09Ahora sí, dime, cabrón, ¿qué fue lo que pasó?
00:38:11Fue uno de los Melchaca.
00:38:13¿Quién fue?
00:38:17Parece que a Alejandro Melchaca le vale madre
00:38:19lo que hace su hermano, ¿verdad?
00:38:21¿Y la droga?
00:38:23La tiene Armando.
00:38:25Ahora sí, ese pinche par de hermanitos
00:38:27van a saber quién es la güera mariscal.
00:38:29Y ponga mucha atención a lo que vamos a hacer.
00:38:31Y no quiero fallas, cabrones.
00:38:33Ahora sí, ¿eh?
00:38:37Oye, Carrillo.
00:38:39¿Y cómo es que toda esa información llegó a ti?
00:38:41A través del copa que me pasa la información.
00:38:43Anoche pasaron un cargamento
00:38:45por algún punto de la ciudad.
00:38:47Dos mil armas.
00:38:49De todo tipo y calibres.
00:38:51Ese cargamento
00:38:53era para los hermanos Melchaca.
00:38:55Esos cabrones son los únicos que trafican
00:38:57con ese tipo de armas aquí en la ciudad.
00:38:59Armas, droga.
00:39:01Esos hermanos trafican de todo.
00:39:03Sólo que...
00:39:05Los hermanos Melchaca se separaron.
00:39:07Ahora trabaja cada uno por su cuenta.
00:39:09No te preocupes.
00:39:11Donde cae uno, cae el otro.
00:39:13Hasta ahorita
00:39:15no se les ha podido comprobar ninguno de sus crímenes.
00:39:17Esos cabrones son muy astutos.
00:39:21el hermano mayor.
00:39:23Usted es un nuevo comandante.
00:39:25Lo acaban de mover a esta plaza.
00:39:27Y aún no sabe cómo se mueven los hilos aquí.
00:39:29Si lo dices por eso,
00:39:31no sé qué va a pasar.
00:39:33Si lo dices por esos cabrones de los hermanos Melchaca
00:39:35que están protegidos,
00:39:37eso ya lo sé.
00:39:39Ya estoy advertido.
00:39:41Pero ¿sabes qué, Carrillo?
00:39:43Eso a mí me vale madre.
00:39:45Mi primer trabajo en esta ciudad
00:39:47es ir por esos cabrones narcos
00:39:49que se sienten intocables.
00:39:51Que se pasean tranquilamente por las calles.
00:39:55por la güera mariscal
00:39:57y esos cabrones de los hermanos Melchaca.
00:40:03¿Quién es ese cabrón?
00:40:33¿Quién es ese cabrón?
00:40:47¿Tú eres Patty, la novia de Paulino?
00:40:49Sí, soy Patty.
00:40:51¿Sabes que...
00:40:53él está muy mal herido en una clínica?
00:40:55Él le daría mucho gusto si vas a verlo.
00:40:57Mira, si quieres, dame su número
00:40:59y yo le puedo marcar después a la clínica.
00:41:01Osea, no vas a ir?
00:41:03Ya te dije, quizás después vaya.
00:41:20Todo, todo, todo!
00:41:22Todo, todo, todo! Corro, corro, corro!
00:41:24Corre, corre, corre!
00:41:25Corre, corre, corre!
00:41:26Corre, corre, corre!
00:41:27Corre, corre, corre!
00:41:28Corre, corre, corre!
00:41:29Ya te dije, no!
00:41:31¿Querés morir o qué, cabrones?
00:41:32¡Suelta la puerta! ¡Suelta la puerta!
00:41:33¡Suelta la puerta! ¡Suelta la puerta!
00:41:35¡Suelta la puerta! ¡Suelta la puerta!
00:41:36¡Solo, solo, solo!
00:41:38¡Va pa dentro, va pa dentro!
00:41:47Le dice del callo. Trabajo para la mamá de Paulino.
00:41:49Ya oíste, wey. Vámonos, vámonos, cállate con su papá. Vámonos.
00:41:55Cállate los cicos, pendejo.
00:41:56No sabes con quien te estas metiendo.
00:41:57I don't understand! You don't know who my father is!
00:41:59Shut up! Shut up, asshole!
00:42:01My father is going to kill you, assholes!
00:42:04We're not afraid of you, asshole.
00:42:06Cover his head!
00:42:07Shut up, asshole!
00:42:09Get over there!
00:42:10Shut up, asshole!
00:42:11You fat little scumbag!
00:42:12Shut up!
00:42:13How is it that they kidnapped my son?
00:42:15Yes, sir. There were three of them.
00:42:17They fired some bullets that surprised us all.
00:42:19One of them...
00:42:21forced Dariana to get in his car.
00:42:23Well, didn't you see who the hell took him?
00:42:25Patti, Paulino's girlfriend,
00:42:27says they were La Güera's people.
00:42:29La Güera Mariscal.
00:42:31It's probably some misunderstanding.
00:42:34I'm going to talk to her,
00:42:36and you'll see there won't be any problem.
00:42:38No matter what the reasons are,
00:42:40Alejandro, I'm begging you, please.
00:42:42Bring me my son, please.
00:42:44Bring him alive, I'm begging you, please.
00:42:46La Güera is unable to hurt our son.
00:42:49She probably wants to negotiate or something.
00:42:51Don't worry.
00:42:53I'm begging you, Alejandro.
00:42:55I'm begging you, please.
00:42:57Bring my son back.
00:42:59Bring him back, please.
00:43:01Don't worry, honey.
00:43:03Don't worry, honey.
00:43:05Alejandro, don't worry.
00:43:07It's probably a misunderstanding.
00:43:10You see how the gunmen are right now.
00:43:13Some of them must have jumped the bars.
00:43:16But La Güera Mariscal is going to put them behind bars.
00:43:20You heard her, honey.
00:43:23Let's go.
00:43:53No, no, no!
00:43:55Open it!
00:44:02Open it!
00:44:11Open it, you bastard!
00:44:15Open it!
00:44:18That's enough!
00:44:21Caio, I'm going to find something to tie this guy up.
00:44:37Come with me.
00:44:39Let's go.
00:44:49What's up, Caio?
00:44:53We have the kid.
00:44:55Yes, here's the house.
00:44:57I'm glad everything went well, Caio.
00:44:59Now, let's take care of the kid.
00:45:02Right now, I'll call his father to negotiate with him.
00:45:14Did you hear that, Samuel?
00:45:16Excellent, boss.
00:45:18So, are you going to kill him?
00:45:21No, no. You'll hear it later.
00:45:23I have a better idea.
00:45:31So, you're not going to do anything?
00:45:33Are you going to just sit there?
00:45:36While I don't know anything about my son, Alejandro.
00:45:39Woman, I'm thinking what to do.
00:45:41Calm down, please.
00:45:53What's up, blondie?
00:45:55I was waiting for your call.
00:45:57I'm glad you were waiting for my call.
00:45:59Look, I have your son.
00:46:01For now, I'm not going to hurt him.
00:46:03And my son, why?
00:46:05What happened?
00:46:06Do you know Santa Fe?
00:46:08That's where we met.
00:46:10Yeah, what's up with that?
00:46:11Do you have my son there?
00:46:13You have until tomorrow at noon to give me your brother.
00:46:16Look, your fucking brother
00:46:18ambushed my men.
00:46:19Also, he took my merchandise.
00:46:22But no, that wasn't all.
00:46:24He shot my son,
00:46:25who is debating between life and death.
00:46:28Your brother has crossed the line,
00:46:31where there is no return.
00:46:32Look, blondie.
00:46:34My brother and I are no longer separated.
00:46:36Whatever you have with him,
00:46:38fix it with him.
00:46:40My son is innocent.
00:46:42What do we have to do with all this?
00:46:44I don't care if you and your fucking brother are separated.
00:46:48Give him to me before noon,
00:46:50or your fucking son dies.
00:46:52Okay, blondie, you win.
00:46:55Tomorrow you will have my brother with you.
00:46:58But you better not hurt my son,
00:47:02because I'm going to kill you.
00:47:04Do you understand?
00:47:07Okay, okay.
00:47:09I'm going to kill you.
00:47:13As always, my brother is screwing her.
00:47:15He messed with the blondie.
00:47:17Let's go get her.
00:47:18Let's go.
00:47:19Don't worry, honey.
00:47:22I'm going to get your daughter.
00:47:24Please, don't do this to me.
00:48:25What did you do?
00:49:02Don't move.
00:49:04Don't do it.
00:49:15Listen to me.
00:49:17I'm going to kill you.
00:49:20I'm going to kill you.
00:49:23Don't do it.
00:49:25Please, don't do it.
00:49:29You're dead.
00:49:43You're going to die, you fucker.
00:49:46Hey, hey, what are you doing?
00:49:51Asshole, what did you do?
00:49:55You just killed Alejandro Mechaca's son.
00:50:00You know what?
00:50:03You're already dead, brother.
00:50:14What's wrong with you, asshole?
00:50:17What's wrong with me, asshole?
00:50:18Because of you, they kidnapped my son, you idiot!
00:50:21What do you mean they kidnapped my nephew?
00:50:22Yes, thanks to all your bullshit!
00:50:24You messed with the woman, you stole her merchandise, you killed her men!
00:50:28But that's not the problem.
00:50:30The one you steal and the one you kill, I don't give a shit!
00:50:33You crossed the line, you hurt his son.
00:50:35That's why they took my son and they're going to kill him!
00:50:41Unless what?
00:50:43I turn you in.
00:50:47Don't worry, brother.
00:50:48Nothing's going to happen to your son.
00:50:50I was the one who did the bullshit.
00:50:53So, turn me in to the woman.
00:50:56Take me with her.
00:50:58Take me with her.
00:51:28Take me with her.
00:51:38What the fuck happened here?
00:51:41They were trying to escape and...
00:51:43They must be idiots.
00:51:44And who killed him?
00:51:45My cousin, Ever.
00:51:47The kid wanted to escape and he got nervous and killed him.
00:51:51Do you know what this means, asshole?
00:51:53Yes, boss.
00:51:54Yes, boss.
00:51:57What do we do now?
00:51:58Do we continue with the Santa Fe case?
00:52:00Of course we have to continue.
00:52:01Now more than ever.
00:52:02We have to finish Armando Melchaca.
00:52:05What do we do with the kid's body?
00:52:07Turn him in.
00:52:08And along with his killer's head.
00:52:10And you, personally, will be in charge of turning him in.
00:52:14Or at least, if you want to take the blame.
00:52:16What happened, boss?
00:52:17What are you waiting for, asshole?
00:52:18You have three hours to turn him in.
00:52:20Move it, move it!
00:52:22I'm sick of this shit.
00:52:25What are we going to do now?
00:52:42Get out, asshole! Get out!
00:52:45Get out! Get out!
00:52:48Get out! Get out, asshole!
00:52:49Get out, asshole!
00:52:51Hold on, hold on.
00:52:52I'm sorry, cousin.
00:52:53The woman told me to turn you in with the Melchacas.
00:52:55Cousin, you told me to get out.
00:52:57Don't fuck with me, asshole.
00:52:58Tell her you didn't find me and let me go, cousin.
00:53:00Yeah, of course.
00:53:01And if they kill me here, you're an idiot.
00:53:03Cousin, don't fuck with her, asshole.
00:53:04I'm really sorry, cousin.
00:53:19I'm sorry.
00:53:42I don't know, asshole.
00:53:44I don't like this at all.
00:53:47I can't see anything!
00:53:49But it could be an ambush.
00:54:06It's useless not to answer.
00:54:09But this is the place.
00:54:11We have to find it!
00:54:20Here it is!
00:54:35It's not here.
00:54:36Keep looking!
00:54:43Here it is!
00:54:44It's here!
00:54:51No, my son!
00:55:04My son, no!
00:55:06Son of a bitch!
00:55:09It wasn't his fault!
00:55:12No, my son!
00:55:20Son of a bitch!
00:55:23Son of a bitch!
00:55:25Son of a bitch!
00:55:35Son of a bitch!
00:55:49Son of a bitch!
00:55:50Son of a bitch!
00:56:17Son of a bitch!
00:56:21Son of a bitch!
00:56:27No, my son, no!
00:56:28Daniel, no!
00:56:32My son!
00:56:33Daniel, no!
00:56:34My son, no!
00:56:36Daniel, don't leave me, son!
00:56:38Don't leave me, son!
00:56:45Daniel, no!
00:56:47Son of a bitch!
00:56:49You failed me, Alejandro!
00:56:51You failed me!
00:57:05No, Daniel, no!
00:57:06My son, no!
00:57:11It's your fault, Armando!
00:57:13It's your fault!
00:57:17Why didn't you die?
00:57:20My son, no!
00:57:47It's your fault!
00:58:06He was here at the funeral.
00:58:12I bought this car when he turned 15.
00:58:16I really liked my son's guts.
00:58:19Laura is right.
00:58:21With my rebellious attitude, I caused my nephew's death.
00:58:27I should never have stolen the merchandise from the blonde.
00:58:30You didn't pull the trigger on the gun, brother.
00:58:33This was the blonde's fault.
00:58:36I'm going to finish her.
00:58:38I'm going to get you out of the square, you son of a bitch.
00:58:41I'm just asking you for a favor.
00:58:43When the time comes, I want to kill the blonde.
00:58:46And avenge my nephew's death.
00:58:48We're going to bury my son.
00:58:53We are gathered here again for the Lord to receive another member of the family.
00:59:00Another angel who will take care of you from heaven.
00:59:05God's times are perfect.
00:59:08You are dust and you will become dust.
00:59:13God bless you.
01:00:01This is a private ceremony.
01:00:03Do you have a problem with that?
01:00:05I don't, friend. And you?
01:00:08Your ceremony can be private, my friend.
01:00:10But the pantheon is public.
01:00:12What's going on here? Is there a problem?
01:00:14Mr. Alejandro Menchaca, you are under arrest.
01:00:17Come with us.
01:00:19I'm telling you that Mr. Alejandro is burying his son.
01:00:23Carrillo, let's go.
01:00:25Is this necessary?
01:00:26Let's go.
01:00:28Take the family to the house.
01:00:30I'll take care of it.
01:00:31Hey, don't worry.
01:00:33As you wish.
01:00:34Let's go.
01:00:41Commander Peña.
01:00:45Someone from your group crossed the line.
01:00:50No! Don't leave me!
01:01:02Why did you leave, Daniel?
01:01:05No, my son!
01:01:08No, my son!
01:01:13It was your fault, Armando!
01:01:15It was your fault that I don't have my son with me!
01:01:20What am I going to do without him?
01:01:22What am I going to do without him?
01:01:24Tell me what I'm going to do without my son!
01:01:35It was your fault, Daniel!
01:01:59Thank God you woke up, son.
01:02:02What happened, mom?
01:02:04Son, you were asleep for several days.
01:02:06I thought I would lose you, son.
01:02:08I thought I would lose you, son.
01:02:10Now I remember.
01:02:11We were ambushed by Armando Menchaca.
01:02:13He stole the merchandise.
01:02:15I know, son.
01:02:16Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.
01:02:19What do you mean by that, mom?
01:02:22We kidnapped Daniel.
01:02:24What? Daniel Menchaca?
01:02:27I kidnapped Daniel.
01:02:29I thought Alejandro was going to give me to his brother.
01:02:32But things didn't turn out the way I thought.
01:02:35What happened, mom?
01:02:37One of my men wanted to escape Daniel.
01:02:40He shot him and killed him.
01:02:43You mean he's dead?
01:02:45How is that possible?
01:02:47I told you, son. It was an accident.
01:02:49Alejandro Menchaca won't forgive you.
01:02:52I know, son.
01:02:53Yes, son.
01:02:54That's why from now on,
01:02:56those brothers and I will be at war.
01:03:00And now that you're better,
01:03:02we're going to win the war.
01:03:10I apologize for the inconvenience in the office.
01:03:14I think you're used to the luxuries, right?
01:03:17Women, cars, women, the beach.
01:03:21But tonight, you're going to sleep in a cell, asshole.
01:03:25Tomorrow we'll start with your interrogation.
01:03:28I think you're in trouble, Commander Estrada.
01:03:30I'm in trouble?
01:03:32Look where you're sitting, asshole.
01:03:35And you're going to sleep warm.
01:03:37In the afternoon, we'll get the black guy who's waiting for you.
01:03:45Yes, boss.
01:03:47We arrested him. He's here in the office.
01:03:49Yes, boss. I'll give it to you.
01:03:52It's the boss.
01:03:55Yes, we have him here.
01:03:57Yes, sir.
01:04:02Sir, but we have enough evidence to put him in jail for the rest of his life.
01:04:09Okay, sir.
01:04:11As you wish.
01:04:14You're going to have very good arrangements with the bosses, right, asshole?
01:04:18But you know what?
01:04:20I'm going to follow you.
01:04:21I'm going to be your shadow.
01:04:23I'm going to take care of responding to you in jail.
01:04:25Don't tell me, Commander.
01:04:28I told you, didn't I?
01:04:33Take this asshole away.
01:04:39And you're going to eat the black guy, asshole.
01:04:48Thank you, Commander. With your permission.
01:04:51Let's go, asshole. Don't touch me.
01:04:54These fucking drug dealers.
01:04:56They're used to buying the black guy all the time.
01:05:09These assholes take longer to catch me than I do to get out of jail.
01:05:14Poor asshole cops.
01:05:16They think they're in charge.
01:05:18But look.
01:05:19Nola Perez Prado with Agustin Lara's music.
01:05:23Someday they're going to understand.
01:05:25It's better than you think.
01:05:27Well, where's Armando?
01:05:29He called me.
01:05:30He's waiting for us at the El Girasol bar.
01:05:32Let's go there.
01:05:33At the El Girasol bar?
01:05:35Let's go there.
01:05:36At the El Girasol bar?
01:05:38Let's go. What are we waiting for?
01:05:40Let's go.
01:05:59You know, guys.
01:06:02I feel guilty for my nephew's death.
01:06:06He shouldn't be in that drawer.
01:06:09I should be in there.
01:06:11I deserve it because I'm an idiot and I was doing stupid things.
01:06:15That's why now you know how I feel.
01:06:18Of course we know how you feel, asshole.
01:06:21But oh well.
01:06:23Now it's your nephew's turn.
01:06:26And that's how things are.
01:06:29And to top it all off,
01:06:31the fucking commander took my brother.
01:06:34Don't even worry about that.
01:06:36Your brother should be on his way.
01:06:38I took care of that.
01:06:42I'd pay to see that fucking commander's face
01:06:45when they let my brother go.
01:06:48Those fucking cops don't understand the lesson.
01:06:51You know, here in the city,
01:06:53you guys are the ones in charge.
01:06:57That's why we're going to get our revenge.
01:07:00And we're going to break that bitch's ass and all her fucking guns.
01:07:04Of course, that's how it's going to be.
01:07:06We're with you.
01:07:13Hey, girl.
01:07:14Get me another beer, please.
01:07:17By the way,
01:07:18these guys are taking too long.
01:07:21Don't worry.
01:07:25send my regards to the girl.
01:07:46Damn, they're on time.
01:07:49This fucking bitch wanted to wake us up earlier than we did.
01:07:54But that bitch has the time of day.
01:07:58When the time comes, bro,
01:08:00I want to fuck that fucking bitch.
01:08:02Don't worry.
01:08:04She'll be yours, asshole.
01:08:07Well, if we're going to have another drink somewhere else,
01:08:10the cops will probably be here soon.
01:08:13Yeah, asshole.
01:08:15Well, I just got you out of jail,
01:08:17and I guess you don't want to go to Mascarbarrote again.
01:08:22What I don't want to see
01:08:24is the commander's stupid face when they let me go.
01:08:29Let's go.
01:08:30Let's go.
01:08:41Freeze, assholes!
01:08:42Hands where I can see them!
01:08:45Who the hell are you?
01:08:47Don't you know me?
01:08:49I'm Alejandro Menchaca.
01:08:50Where's that bitch Mariscal?
01:08:51I don't know her.
01:08:52Don't play dumb! She's your boss!
01:08:54I don't know. What are you talking about?
01:08:56Then go fuck yourself.
01:09:08Fucking bitch.
01:09:09Let's go!
01:10:16What is it, Carrillo?
01:10:17Are the people ready?
01:10:19Yes, sir. They are waiting for us at the indicated place.
01:10:21Let's go.
01:10:23Hey, Commander.
01:10:25Forgive us,
01:10:27but this operation is not authorized by the Director.
01:10:29I don't care about the authorization of the Director.
01:10:31He is a soldier of the Menchaca.
01:10:33Are you with me, Carrillo or not?
01:10:35Of course. Together until death.
01:10:37Let's go.
01:10:43That war with the Güera must be over.
01:10:45It has caused many casualties
01:10:47and we are neglecting our business.
01:10:49I know, bastard.
01:10:51This fucking war
01:10:53has caused us to neglect our activities.
01:10:55The good thing is that Armando
01:10:57is already investigating the whereabouts of the Güera.
01:10:59As soon as we finish with this matter,
01:11:01we are going to see a friend who was right about
01:11:03some gunmen of the Güera.
01:11:05That fucking Colombian is already late.
01:11:07I'm going to call the bastard
01:11:09to see where the fuck he comes from.
01:11:13What do you say, bastard?
01:11:17Yes, yes, it's fine.
01:11:21The police are coming here.
01:11:23They just passed the point.
01:11:25What we were missing, motherfucker.
01:11:27Well, let's go. What are we waiting for?
01:11:29Wait, wait, bastard.
01:11:31And the drugs?
01:11:33Let the fucker take it.
01:11:35We don't care anymore.
01:11:37Well, let's go.
01:11:41Let's go.
01:11:57It's the police.
01:11:59Raise your hands.
01:12:01Drop your weapons.
01:12:03You are under arrest.
01:12:05Don't make things more difficult. Surrender.
01:12:07It's the only and last warning.
01:12:09Hey, Alejandro.
01:12:11I think we are in deep shit now.
01:12:13There are many of them, bastard.
01:12:15We are in deep shit.
01:12:19Do you remember what happened in Rosita, Coahuila?
01:12:21Let's go after them, commander.
01:12:23Let's do it.
01:12:25Well, let's do it, bastard.
01:12:33Don't open, don't open.
01:12:35Don't open, don't open.
01:12:39Don't open, don't open.
01:12:47Let's go after them, commander.
01:12:49No, Carillo.
01:12:51Let them go.
01:12:53They just had a fight.
01:12:55They have a very important shipment of drugs in this warehouse.
01:12:59With that, we are going to kick their asses.
01:13:09Motherfucker, Alejandro.
01:13:11With this fucking blow,
01:13:13it's going to be very difficult for us to recover.
01:13:15A hundred fucking kilos.
01:13:17And what did you want me to do?
01:13:19That I stay crossed-legged
01:13:21like an idiot so the police would catch me?
01:13:23No, well, yes, you're right.
01:13:25But one thing I'm sure of.
01:13:27I think that the fucking woman
01:13:29has something to do with this.
01:13:31Maybe you're right.
01:13:33But one thing I assure you.
01:13:35Whoever has given the whistle,
01:13:37is going to die.
01:13:43What's up, my fucking razor?
01:13:45How have you been, man?
01:13:47Fine, man. Why?
01:13:49Your boss wants to talk to you, man.
01:13:51Come here.
01:13:53But why, man?
01:13:55Just come here, man.
01:14:07What's up, my razor?
01:14:09What do you have for me?
01:14:11Well, that the woman
01:14:13celebrates her birthday.
01:14:15Look what a piece of shit.
01:14:17With all this that is happening,
01:14:19and she still has the balls
01:14:21to throw a little party.
01:14:23And when is that going to be?
01:14:25For Saturday.
01:14:27For Saturday.
01:14:29Do you know where it is?
01:14:31Yes, it's going to be in the house
01:14:33that she has on the beach.
01:14:35I think I know where it is.
01:14:37What do you think, Chuy?
01:14:39Fuck, man. We have to make a mess.
01:14:41So she remembers the day she was born,
01:14:43and the day she's going to die.
01:14:45Let's tell my brother.
01:14:47This is going to be good.
01:14:49That's going to make his brother very happy, boss.
01:14:59Very good, boss.
01:15:03The very Attorney General
01:15:05of the Republic
01:15:07is going to send his mother to hell.
01:15:09He's going to run
01:15:11to fucking Commander Estrada.
01:15:13That's not enough.
01:15:15He's already done a lot of damage.
01:15:17And now where the fuck
01:15:19are we going to get a Colombian supplier?
01:15:23Do you want me to send him to hell?
01:15:25Right now?
01:15:29That bastard
01:15:31I'm going to kill myself.
01:15:33What I do need is for you to tail him.
01:15:35He's dead by tomorrow.
01:15:43I want you to tail this bastard
01:15:45son of his fucking mother
01:15:47of Commander Estrada.
01:15:51Don't leave him alone
01:15:53not even to go to the bathroom.
01:16:15See you tomorrow.
01:16:17Good night.
01:16:39It's an emergency.
01:16:41Quick, send backup.
01:16:43The agent is hurt.
01:16:49You know, my love.
01:16:51By tomorrow everything will be over.
01:16:53What do you mean?
01:16:55I'm going to leave the business to my brother.
01:16:57And you and I are going to go to Europe.
01:16:59For a while.
01:17:01And that for what?
01:17:05There have been
01:17:07very unpleasant things.
01:17:09It will be good for us to change airs.
01:17:11And whoever removes one of those
01:17:13we'll have a good time.
01:17:17I thank you very much, my love.
01:17:19But nothing you do or we do
01:17:21will change the situation
01:17:23or nothing will return to our son.
01:17:25But I'll do whatever you say.
01:17:29You won't regret it, my love.
01:17:33I think it's good.
01:17:51I think it's good.
01:17:53I think it's good.
01:17:55I think it's good.
01:17:57I think it's good.
01:17:59I think it's good.
01:18:01I think it's good.
01:18:03I think it's good.
01:18:05I think it's good.
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01:20:01I think it's good.
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01:20:05I think it's good.
01:20:07I think it's good.
01:20:09I think it's good.
01:20:11I think it's good.
01:20:13I think it's good.
01:20:15I think it's good.
01:20:17I think it's good.
01:20:19I think it's good.
01:20:21I think it's good.
01:20:23I think it's good.
01:20:25I think it's good.
01:20:27I think it's good.
01:20:29I think it's good.
01:20:31I think it's good.
01:20:33I think it's good.
01:20:35I think it's good.
01:20:37I think it's good.
01:20:49Quiet, motherfuckers!
01:20:57Quiet, motherfuckers!
01:20:59Don't move!
01:21:01All the old ladies, get out!
01:21:03At least you, get out!
01:21:05We can negotiate!
01:21:09No, you've lived a long time, and I won't forgive you for the death of my son.
01:21:18No! No!
01:21:23You're going to die, bastards!
01:21:27And you, bastards, do you want to die too?
01:22:09Look, brother, I want to apologize for all the bullshit I've done.
01:22:14And I also want to thank you for leaving me in charge of the business.
01:22:18And I'm going to do this business with dignity and honesty.
01:22:21And you know why?
01:22:23In memory of our father.
01:22:25This is not the time for reproaches or complaints.
01:22:28This is a time to celebrate.
01:22:30Sure, bro. That's in the past.
01:22:32Yes, but you know what? Now that you're going to Europe,
01:22:36you're not going to organize another business without telling me.
01:22:39No, not at all.
01:22:41I already told you that we're only going to be gone for a couple of months.
01:22:44I promised my wife that we were going to take care of the new member of the Menchaca family.
01:22:49And that's going to be in Paris.
01:22:51I want to make a toast to that.
01:23:02To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:05To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:08To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:11To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:14To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:17To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:20To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:23To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:26To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:29To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:32To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:35To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:38To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:41To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:44To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:47To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:50To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:53To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:56To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:23:59To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:02To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:05To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:08To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:11To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:14To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:17To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:20To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:23To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:26To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:29To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:32To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:35To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:38To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:41To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:44To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:47To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:50To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:53To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:56To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:24:59To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:02To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:05To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:08To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:11To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:14To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:17To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:20To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:23To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:26To all the people who have helped us in the past.
01:25:29To all the people who have helped us in the past.
