• last year
PESADILLA INFERNAL película completa en español latino HD
00:00:00¡Hola! ¿Qué tal amigos? ¿Cómo están? Yo soy Karen Duarte y estoy aquí para presentar nuestro siguiente estreno.
00:00:06Esta es una película titulada Pesadilla Infernal, filmada en la ciudad de Houston, Texas,
00:00:12con la actuación de Max Fernández Jr. y Miguel Morín, entre otros Max.
00:00:16Espero que la disfruten, que nos dejen sus comentarios, sus likes.
00:00:20Si no te has suscrito, suscríbete porque vienen muchos más estrenos.
00:00:23Nos vemos en la próxima y gracias.
00:11:34Nadie va a hacer nada.
00:11:36No te preocupes.
00:11:40Yo te voy a cuidar de las tonterías de tu propio padre.
00:11:48Esta es solo por si las moscas.
00:11:52Ya lo entenderás.
00:11:56Buen muchacho.
00:11:58Buen muchacho.
00:12:23Señora, señora.
00:12:25¡Comandante! ¡Aquí está!
00:12:30¡Ayúdenla! ¡Desántenla!
00:12:32Sí, señor.
00:12:42Aquí están.
00:12:43Pues vamos.
00:12:46Mi hijo.
00:12:48¿Dónde está mi hijo?
00:12:49¿Dónde está mi hijo?
00:12:51Lo siento, señora.
00:12:52Al parecer, su hijo se lo llevaron.
00:12:54Quiero a mi hijo de regreso.
00:12:56¡Cálmese, señora! ¡Por favor, cálmese!
00:12:58Por supuesto que se lo llevaron.
00:13:00Quiero a mi hijo de regreso.
00:13:03Escúchame, mi amor.
00:13:05Preferiste tus malditas piedras que la vida de mi hijo.
00:13:08¡Cállate! ¡No sabes lo que dices!
00:13:11La vida de mi hijo depende de un hilo y todo es por culpa tuya.
00:13:16¡Cálmese, señora! ¡Vámonos!
00:13:17¡No! ¡Regrésame mi hijo!
00:13:19¡Cálmese, señora! ¡Cálmese!
00:13:21¿Qué fue lo que pasó, comandante?
00:13:23Lo siento, comandante.
00:13:24Llegamos tarde.
00:13:25Al parecer, el secuestro ya estaba en proceso.
00:13:27¡Chingada madre!
00:13:29Salió con las uñas este cabrón.
00:13:30¿Pero por qué no entregaste las piedras?
00:13:32Porque el FBI no hace trato con delincuentes.
00:13:34Pero es que se trataba de tu hijo.
00:13:36¡Lo sé!
00:13:40Necesito... Necesito descansar.
00:13:42Necesito relajarme porque el pedo está muy cabrón.
00:13:47¿Y ordenaron la cena?
00:13:48Sí, ahorita te la traen.
00:13:50¿Quieres que despache a los vatos para que se vayan a descansar ya?
00:13:53No, ni madre.
00:13:54Quiero que vayan por la cena y quiero que se queden a dormir aquí.
00:13:57La verdad, no quiero estar solo.
00:13:59¡Ah! ¡Otra cosa!
00:14:01También quiero que me entregan un maldito traje porque este ya me lo mancharon.
00:14:04Ahorita te traigo otro.
00:14:06Oye, Ivan. Espera.
00:14:09El camino acá venía pensando, ¿no?
00:14:12La mujer a la que le vamos a entregar el niño nos aseguró que nos podía entregar las piedras.
00:14:18¿En serio crees que las tenga?
00:14:21Si lo supiera, ya hubiera hecho la negociación contigo.
00:14:25Para una mujer, su hijo vale más que todo el oro del mundo.
00:14:29¡Buen punto! ¡Buen punto!
00:14:33Además, supongamos que las tuviera.
00:14:36Te puedo asegurar que la muy estúpida ni siquiera sabe cuánto valen esas piedras.
00:14:41No, pues con esa bolsa tienen para tragar para el resto de sus vidas.
00:14:46Así es.
00:14:49Mantén vigilados sus movimientos.
00:14:51Algo me dice que la podremos necesitar.
00:14:59Ordené comida mediterránea.
00:15:02Sé que es un poco diferente, ¿verdad?
00:15:05Pero con un poco de vino sabe bastante bien.
00:15:09¿Te gusta la comida brasileña, la italiana?
00:15:14No sé qué es eso.
00:15:16Ah, no sabes qué es eso.
00:15:17Estás más acostumbrado a las hamburguesas y a las cajitas felices, ¿verdad?
00:15:23Pero no te preocupes, hijo. No es tu culpa.
00:15:26A esta juventud de hoy le hace falta mucho mundo.
00:15:30Pero anda, pruébalo.
00:15:32Está delicioso.
00:15:34Te aseguro que no tiene veneno.
00:15:36No me conviene que mueras.
00:15:42Anda, pruébalo.
00:15:44Está delicioso.
00:15:49Pues tú te lo pierdes.
00:16:15¿Qué pasa?
00:16:46Hola, mi amor.
00:16:48¿Cómo estás?
00:16:50No te preocupes.
00:16:52Todo va a estar bien, corazón.
00:16:58¿Cambiaste la marca de tu perfume?
00:17:00Sí. ¿Por qué?
00:17:03¿Hace cuánto?
00:17:05Hace una semana.
00:17:07En mi oficina me lo regalaron por lo de mi cumpleaños.
00:17:09¿Te acuerdas?
00:17:11¿Y quién te lo regaló?
00:17:17¿Y alguien más sabe de este perfume?
00:17:19¿Por qué tantas preguntas? ¿Qué más quieres saber?
00:17:23Hay alguien en tu oficina que está haciendo el enlace de los traficantes de diamantes.
00:17:27Y del FBI.
00:17:30¿De qué hablas?
00:17:32De que están siguiendo tus pasos.
00:17:35¿Qué haces? ¿Vas a salir?
00:17:38Sí. Voy a ir a caminar o a dar la vuelta.
00:17:45Necesito pensar.
00:18:34Claro que sí. Ya te estaba esperando. En cuanto me marcaste me vine para acá.
00:18:40Gracias por venir, Braulio.
00:18:42No tienes que agradecerme.
00:18:44Tengo un problema muy grande.
00:18:46Ya sé de lo que se trata. En la corporación todo mundo habla de eso. Oye, ¿y tu marido sabe que estás aquí?
00:18:53No, pero se lo ha de imaginar. Alguien en la oficina de mi marido sabe dónde está mi hijo.
00:19:00¿Estás segura?
00:19:01Sí. Alguien le regaló un perfume hace poco.
00:19:05Y cuando estaba con ese hombre, él me sugirió que mi marido dejara de utilizar ese perfume con olor a maderas corriente.
00:19:16¿Y qué tiene que ver un perfume en todo esto?
00:19:19Que ese perfume se lo regaló Tania, su secretaria.
00:19:24¿Y qué quieres que haga yo?
00:19:26Quiero que me ayudes a entrar a la oficina de mi esposo.
00:19:28Pero por favor, Renata. ¿Tú tienes acceso a esa oficina a la hora que tú quieras?
00:19:34Gracias, pero quiero entrar cuando no haya nadie.
00:19:38¿Y para qué?
00:19:42Arturo tiene esos diamantes en su poder.
00:19:48Pero si él los tiene en su poder, quiere decir que están en la oficina.
00:19:51Y si están en la oficina, el FBI ya los tiene registrados.
00:19:55¿El FBI ya los tiene registrados?
00:19:58No. Arturo está negociando con esos diamantes la vida de mi hijo.
00:20:03¿Y ya llamaron?
00:20:05Solamente tengo 24 horas.
00:20:12Buen día, Tania.
00:20:16Hola, Arturo. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te sientes con todo este problema?
00:20:20Bien. Me siento presionado. Pero, por favor, en la oficina no me llames Arturo.
00:20:28Ay, pero aquí nadie nos ve.
00:20:30Qué sé yo.
00:20:43Ese no es tu teléfono. ¿De quién es?
00:20:45Es un informante que nos tiene datos importantes que nos pueden ayudar en este caso.
00:20:51¿Y qué dicen?
00:20:53No, nada. Que están próximos a la ubicación del secuestrador.
00:20:59¿Qué estás diciendo? Déjame ver ese mensaje.
00:21:02No, deja que nos confirmen la ubicación.
00:21:05Mi señora piensa que las piedras están aquí en esta oficina.
00:21:08¿Y lo están?
00:21:10Sí, pero no en el cuarto de evidencias.
00:21:12¿Y piensas entregarlos a Bureau?
00:21:15Pero ahora no. Ese es un haz que traigo abajo de mi manga para recuperar a mi hijo.
00:21:22Bueno, voy a revisar unos pendientes y yo te aviso.
00:21:41Sí, ¿cómo estás?
00:21:43Sí, así es. Son cosas que suceden. Pero mira, no te preocupes.
00:21:49Pronto tendré tu dinero.
00:21:52Además, te ofrezco una disculpa.
00:21:56Sí, así es.
00:21:59Así es. Mira, en aproximadamente una semana te tendré tu dinero.
00:22:05Así que, ¿qué te parece si te invito a unas vacaciones?
00:22:07¿Qué te parece si te invito a unas vacaciones?
00:22:09Te vienes para acá, recoges tu dinero y también disfrutamos las vacaciones. ¿Qué te parece?
00:22:18Muy bien.
00:22:20De acuerdo. Así quedaba entonces.
00:22:24Muy bien. Gracias.
00:22:28Mira, Sanate, tenemos un problema bien grueso.
00:22:31Si no le pagamos a esos tipos para la próxima semana, se me hace que estamos fritos como la vez.
00:22:37Así es. Es algo que me preocupa. Este tipo tiene altas influencias y nos puede traer más problemas de los que ya tenemos.
00:22:46¿Por qué no te comunicas con tus contactos para saber qué es lo que está pasando?
00:22:51Ya pronto viene un derby y espero que ahí nos recuperemos.
00:22:56Espero que así sea, Sanate.
00:23:02¿Estás loco? Casi me cachan.
00:23:05Las mujeres de tu mujerro están pendientes al barco. Van por allá.
00:23:10Ellas saben dónde pueden estar las piedras. Así que, tienes que darle acceso al edificio para poner ellas a estar.
00:23:16Porque si estas mujeres toman las joyas, las perras, las unidades...
00:23:20¿Eres estúpido? Arturo es la autoridad y no puede evitar que su esposa entre.
00:23:26Estoy pidiendo que me dejes entrar y yo pueda ganar las piedras. No tienes tiempo.
00:23:31Está bien.
00:23:38¿Está mi marido?
00:23:40Sí, pero está ocupado. Pero, tóme asiento.
00:23:49¿Qué tienes? Te miro muy nerviosa.
00:23:52No, no tengo nada. Lo que pasa es que están a punto de hablar con la ubicación de los secuestradores.
00:23:58Y ya ve que todo el mundo está pendiente de la vida del niño.
00:24:02¿Qué? ¿Estás segura? De cualquier manera, yo quiero hablar con mi marido antes de que hagan cualquier operativo.
00:24:08Déjame localizar eso.
00:24:12Mira, ahí está.
00:24:14¿Qué pasa aquí?
00:24:16Arturo, quiero hablar contigo.
00:24:18Señor, ya tenemos la dirección.
00:24:21¿Estás segura? ¿Verificaron esta dirección?
00:24:23Sí sabes mover las piezas. Pero te hace falta.
00:24:31Jaque mate.
00:24:40Permíteme. Solo será un segundo.
00:24:48¿Cuántas veces les he dicho?
00:24:51Que no me marquen a este número y menos estando en mi casa.
00:24:55Mira, mejor date prisa. Yo no sé qué pedo, pero Tania ya te...
00:25:02¿Qué estás diciendo?
00:25:04Tania está loca. Aun sabiendo que la estoy viendo, le da tu dirección al FBI.
00:25:10No, no, no. Ella no está loca.
00:25:15Todo lo contrario, ella es muy inteligente.
00:25:19Ella es la mujer más inteligente que conozco.
00:25:22Ella sí piensa con la cabeza y no con las chichis.
00:25:26Ten en cuenta una cosa.
00:25:28Ella va a sacar a los federales del cuartel para que ustedes busquen las piedras.
00:25:33Les aseguro que ella ya sabe dónde las esconden.
00:25:35Así que piensa mil veces antes de marcarme. No seas pendejo, Iván.
00:25:47Gracias, mi amor.
00:25:57Arturo, tenemos que hablar.
00:25:59Necesito que me traigas esas piedras y me dejes a mí hacer la negociación.
00:26:02No va a haber tal negociación. Ese tipo ya lo tengo en mis manos.
00:26:11Aló, necesito que me prepares todos los hombres que tengas.
00:26:15Ya tengo la ubicación del tipo que tiene a mi niño.
00:26:20Arturo, escúchame.
00:26:22No tengo tiempo.
00:26:31Déjalo. Es mejor que él haga las cosas por sí solo.
00:26:34Ese desgraciado me está engañando.
00:26:37Pero Renata, por favor. La situación no está como para celos.
00:26:45Esa perra.
00:26:47¿Dónde está la secretaria?
00:26:49No sé. No me di cuenta dónde se fue.
00:26:51Maldito, me va a escuchar.
00:26:53Espéreme, Renata. ¡Renata, por favor!
00:27:01¿Y aquí es?
00:27:03Sí. Este es el cuarto donde fue.
00:27:10¿Y tú crees que está la chilisa?
00:27:13No lo sé.
00:27:15Él dijo que no, pero no hay otro lugar más seguro que este en el edificio.
00:27:31Pues yo no sé qué es lo que le has dicho a Sara que lo tienes bien apendejado.
00:27:36Él está loco. Además, yo trabajo para el Sanate.
00:27:40Él me paga directamente a mí.
00:27:42Pues ahorita estás trabajando para mí, pendeja. Ponte a trabajar.
00:28:01A ver, pequeño Rodrigo. Te voy a hacer una pregunta.
00:28:07Tú quieres ser mi amigo, ¿verdad? ¿Verdad que quieres ser mi amigo?
00:28:12¿Ah, no?
00:28:15Pues entonces escúchame con mucha atención.
00:28:19Ahorita vamos a salir.
00:28:22Ay, Betty, cuidadito con hacer una pendejada. Así sea lo más mínimo.
00:28:27¿Quién nos puso el dedo?
00:28:29Nadie. Todo esto es parte del plan, muchachos.
00:28:32Señor, ¿a dónde nos vamos?
00:28:34A cualquier lugar, lo importante es salir inmediatamente de aquí.
00:28:38¡Vamos a darlos prisa!
00:28:40¿No vienes conmigo?
00:28:50¿Qué pasa?
00:28:52¿Qué pasa?
00:28:54¿Qué pasa?
00:29:05¡Preparados, muchachos! ¡Vamos a entrar!
00:29:11¡Trae un arma!
00:29:12¡Trae un arma!
00:29:22¡No disparen! ¡Hay un rey a la vista!
00:29:25Comandante, esta situación está muy delicada.
00:29:28¡Bajen las armas!
00:29:30¡Alto! ¡Esto no se puede quedar así!
00:29:38¡Tenemos que hablar!
00:29:39¡Calavera! ¡Camioneta, rápido!
00:29:42Sí, señor.
00:29:44¿Ah, sí que quieres dialogar? ¿Quieres negociar?
00:29:49La vida de mi hijo, por la mía.
00:29:52Entonces, ¿quién me traería las piedras, cabrón?
00:29:55Tu papá como que es medio estúpido para negociar este tipo de cosas, ¿verdad?
00:30:02¡Veinticuatro horas para que me traigas las piedras!
00:30:05¡Si no, te voy a mandar pedacitos de este niño!
00:30:16¿Ya escuchó, comandante? ¡Veinticuatro horas!
00:30:24¡No! ¡Lleva a mi hijo, este tipo es un chingo de la madre!
00:30:39¡Te lo dije! Aquí están los diamantes.
00:31:09¡Veinticuatro horas!
00:31:25¡Ya las tenemos, cabrón!
00:31:28¡Veinticuatro horas para que me traigas las piedras!
00:32:25¡Se llevan los diamantes!
00:32:29A nombre del SAC. Van al hipódromo.
00:32:34Todo bien, señor. Escuchamos un disparo.
00:32:36There is a corpse and a man lying in the cellar.
00:32:41Close the building. There is an unauthorized person here.
00:33:07Sanate, I'm on my way.
00:33:10So don't make a fuss.
00:33:13I hope you have my part ready.
00:33:19No, no, no. I can't wait that long.
00:33:22I'll wait for you in what I do to get here and there.
00:33:26Then the feds will be stepping on my feet.
00:33:29No, no, no. I can't wait that long.
00:33:32I'll wait for you in what I do to get here and there.
00:33:34Then the feds will be stepping on my feet.
00:33:37Besides, I have an extra passenger.
00:33:47I'll wait for you in what I do to get here and there.
00:33:57Why does no one love you, kid?
00:34:00Is it because you're ugly?
00:34:08Tell me what I'm going to do with you.
00:34:11Tell me what I'm going to do with you.
00:34:13Because as I see it, the business is over for you.
00:34:17And why don't they get me out of the truck and leave me on the street?
00:34:21Imagine how your worried parents would be
00:34:25if I left you on one of these streets.
00:34:27You could get lost.
00:34:32Then I'll have to cut you into pieces, kid.
00:34:40Don't listen to him, Rodrigo. He's just kidding.
00:34:44You still can't die.
00:34:49Not until they pay me.
00:34:52After they pay me, we'll see what we'll do with you.
00:34:57Okay, kid?
00:35:21I love you.
00:35:51Hey, Sanate. How much do you charge for the animals?
00:35:56These horses just arrived and I'm going to buy them.
00:35:59What are you saying?
00:36:01We haven't been able to pay for the previous horses yet.
00:36:04What's going on?
00:36:06I don't know, but look, with these horses we're going to make a lot of money.
00:36:11I hope so.
00:36:13Let's go to the race.
00:36:15Let's go.
00:36:17Let's go.
00:36:21Let's go.
00:36:51Let's go.
00:36:52Let's go.
00:37:22Let's go.
00:37:52Let's go.
00:38:00Commander, what's going on?
00:38:04They'll ask you a question.
00:38:08Are you okay, sir?
00:38:10Yes, I'm fine, but explain to me what's going on in my lane.
00:38:13Boys, watch out.
00:38:15Don't worry about your safety.
00:38:18Explain to me what's going on here.
00:38:22I don't know.
00:38:24I don't know.
00:38:26I don't know.
00:38:28I don't know.
00:38:53Stop right there!
00:38:57Drop the gun and give me that bag.
00:39:00And the bar with the prosecutor.
00:39:22Drop the gun.
00:39:52Drop the gun.
00:39:58Don't even try it, Iron Man.
00:40:00I want my stones back, bastard.
00:40:03Your hitman has them.
00:40:05Give me my son.
00:40:07Don't be stupid.
00:40:09You're not in a position to demand anything, bastard.
00:40:12Give me the stones back.
00:40:14Take them, but give me my son.
00:40:22Give me my son.
00:40:24Give me my son.
00:40:53Take cover!
00:41:00Let's go!
00:41:07Don't move.
00:41:21Are you okay?
00:41:22Yes, Mom.
00:41:24Are you okay?
00:41:32Yes, my chest stopped the bullet.
00:41:36And as always, those bastards escaped again.
00:41:47It's time you tell us who they are and how many there are.
00:41:52I'd like to know how much you can resist our questions.
00:41:56Leave him alone.
00:41:58He'll talk to himself.
00:42:04I can tell you don't know how to intimidate people.
00:42:08They won't get anything out of me.
00:42:11None of that. We just want to help you.
00:42:14You should have helped me when we were out there.
00:42:18Look, you already have the diamonds.
00:42:19You already have the hostage.
00:42:22What else do you want?
00:42:24I want you to give me the names of all the suspects.
00:42:28Where they live, where they work, what they do, everything.
00:42:32Do you understand what that means?
00:42:35Everything, bastard.
00:42:37You're alone.
00:42:39If you don't cooperate, you'll have a lot of trouble in prison.
00:42:43For the diamonds, sir.
00:42:46Not for the diamonds.
00:42:47No, but for the death of an officer.
00:42:50Of course, bastard.
00:42:52Or what? Are you going to deny it?
00:42:58Do you recognize this?
00:43:00This is yours, right?
00:43:02Of course it's his.
00:43:04We found that gun next to the body where the diamonds were stolen.
00:43:09Or what? Are you going to deny it too?
00:43:12Look, I know my rights.
00:43:15And well...
00:43:17Better call my lawyer, right?
00:43:19And who's going to believe you?
00:43:21If you killed an FBI officer too.
00:43:24Isn't that right?
00:43:27That's what you say.
00:43:31We have to prove it, right?
00:43:33Wake up.
00:43:35There are videos.
00:43:37They saw you with her before she died.
00:43:39Since the gentleman doesn't want to talk,
00:43:41I'll leave you young men.
00:43:42Do whatever you want with him.
00:43:44Excuse me.
00:43:52Well, that's it.
00:43:55You're already here.
00:43:57Everyone is very happy for your return.
00:44:00Your parents are happy.
00:44:02I'm still afraid.
00:44:04I think those bad men
00:44:06are going to come back for me again.
00:44:08Rodrigo, why do you say that?
00:44:10They told me that the business with me
00:44:12was over.
00:44:14And one of them even wanted to kill me.
00:44:18You already have the stones.
00:44:20What else do you want?
00:44:27That's not going to happen.
00:44:29They don't know where we live.
00:44:31And your parents have you well protected now.
00:44:34Do you hear?
00:44:36They're fighting right now.
00:44:38My mom is fighting with my dad.
00:44:40Get some rest.
00:44:42Go to sleep.
00:44:44You're not in so much trouble.
00:44:48Don't leave.
00:44:50Sleep with me tonight, please.
00:44:54I'm going to get a book and I'll be back.
00:44:56The whole gang left.
00:44:58I can't believe it.
00:45:00Every time you show me more
00:45:02that you don't care about our son's life.
00:45:04That's a lie.
00:45:06It's my job
00:45:08and my responsibility
00:45:10that you tell me.
00:45:12I left the police
00:45:14because I have a normal family
00:45:16and you're bringing work to our home.
00:45:18What are you talking about, my love?
00:45:20Don't call me my love.
00:45:22You're not a faithful man.
00:45:24What are you saying?
00:45:26That I killed your lover.
00:45:28Yes, just like you hear it.
00:45:30I killed Tania.
00:45:32Your Tania.
00:45:34What are you saying?
00:45:36Do you think I didn't know about your romance with that woman?
00:45:38And now what are you going to do?
00:45:40Are you going to arrest me for murder?
00:45:42I can't believe what you're saying.
00:45:44Then believe it.
00:45:46I killed that woman.
00:45:48That woman who fell in love with you
00:45:50and who, because of her,
00:45:52put our son's life in danger.
00:45:54Didn't you realize that she was part of that gang?
00:45:57That's a slander.
00:45:59How do you know I was with her?
00:46:01I checked your shirt
00:46:03and it was stained with lipstick
00:46:05of the same color she used.
00:46:06The perfume that the criminal told me not to use anymore.
00:46:09And by pure chance,
00:46:11didn't she give you the information
00:46:13about the whereabouts of those men?
00:46:15Think about it.
00:46:17I don't think you're such an idiot
00:46:19that you don't realize.
00:46:37Hello, honey. How are you?
00:46:42You were fighting with my dad again.
00:46:46Don't worry, okay?
00:46:48Everything will be fine.
00:46:52Get some rest.
00:46:54Go, Jackson.
00:46:56Go to sleep.
00:47:10We have to get the detainee out.
00:47:12But why my commander?
00:47:14I know my story. Come with me.
00:47:16As you wish, sir.
00:47:26Don't you think he deserves it?
00:47:29He deserves it.
00:47:31Well, that's what Commander Flores wanted, right?
00:47:34Not necessarily.
00:47:36Tell him.
00:47:39Put the gun away.
00:47:44Let him go.
00:47:46Aren't we going to keep interrogating him?
00:47:48No, that judge has to go.
00:47:50Commander, how are you going to let a criminal go free?
00:47:53Those are orders from above.
00:47:55Get that bastard up and throw him where the shootout was.
00:47:57As you wish.
00:47:59He'll stay here like a dog.
00:48:01You, Lobo. Let's go.
00:48:03Yes, sir.
00:48:04Get up, Lobo.
00:48:10Sir, I really don't understand why you're letting him go free.
00:48:15It's necessary.
00:48:18What matters here is that when he gets out of here,
00:48:21we don't lose sight of him.
00:48:25And why do you want him?
00:48:27You'll see.
00:48:29Relax, comrades.
00:48:31Let's have some coffee.
00:48:33Yes, give me one.
00:48:36Gentlemen, how are you?
00:48:38Good. Please sit down.
00:48:42Arturo, how have you been?
00:48:44Good, thank you.
00:48:46I want you to investigate the calls that come in and out of Tani's phone.
00:48:49And why is that?
00:48:51Do you have any leads?
00:48:53Because I think that's the link between the criminals and my family.
00:48:56I understand.
00:48:58But what do we gain by letting the criminal go free?
00:49:00He's beaten up and we can't present him like that.
00:49:04But what if we let him go?
00:49:06He can return to organized crime again.
00:49:10It's necessary to let him go.
00:49:12And not lose sight of him.
00:49:14Until he takes him to hit the head of the organization.
00:49:17I hadn't thought about it.
00:49:20But being so, you're right.
00:49:23Did you hear?
00:49:25Take care of that, please.
00:49:26Yes, sir.
00:49:27Excuse me.
00:49:30Are you calmer now?
00:49:32Well, don't think so.
00:49:34I'm still afraid that those men will come back for revenge.
00:49:37That's normal.
00:49:39But I assure you that they must be the same.
00:49:41They must think that the police is looking for them.
00:49:44Do you think so?
00:49:46Of course.
00:49:48But anyway, don't worry.
00:49:50I'll be by your side to support you.
00:50:00I think this bastard wants to kill her.
00:50:03I don't think so.
00:50:05He's been in tears for a long time.
00:50:07So what?
00:50:09She loves him too much.
00:50:11He's just her friend.
00:50:13I think the boss is going too far.
00:50:15I wouldn't let her get too close to him.
00:50:18I wanted to tell you that...
00:50:20No, don't say anything.
00:50:22This is my home and I'm a married woman.
00:50:24And what I think is that you two should get to work.
00:50:27I'm going to kill you.
00:50:29Or I'm going to put you on the street.
00:50:31For getting involved in what you don't care about.
00:50:34But it seems that your husband doesn't care about you or your son.
00:50:38He's like that and I won't be able to change him.
00:50:41And please, don't insist.
00:50:48Are you okay? Can I borrow a little something?
00:50:51Well, here...
00:50:53Wasting time.
00:50:54Wasting time.
00:50:56Get off the desk, bastard.
00:50:59Like you say,
00:51:01you have to have class.
00:51:03Okay, boss.
00:51:07By the way,
00:51:09why did you like that funny nickname?
00:51:12You don't care about that.
00:51:14Better tell me how we're going to do it.
00:51:16We're going to do it?
00:51:20But if I'm not going to do anything,
00:51:21who was the one who took your job?
00:51:24Don't be an idiot.
00:51:26You have the obligation to do your job well.
00:51:30Look, old man.
00:51:32I don't care who you are.
00:51:35The only one I come to talk to in this room
00:51:39is the bastard who's sitting there.
00:51:43your comment is left out, grandpa.
00:51:48Look at me.
00:51:50If I want,
00:51:52you don't get out of here alive.
00:51:54Do you understand me?
00:52:01who is this idiot?
00:52:03He is my partner,
00:52:05Senator Moran.
00:52:07If you already know who I am.
00:52:09Oh, Senator Moran.
00:52:12Maybe I have a point in your favor, sir.
00:52:15All your men are out there.
00:52:17Where I remind you
00:52:19that my men are also out there.
00:52:22The way I see it,
00:52:25none of us could get out of here alive, right?
00:52:29Just think about it.
00:52:33Now, now, calm down.
00:52:36Calm down.
00:52:38But if I'm very calm,
00:52:40I'm very calm, my brother.
00:52:47Calm down.
00:52:59Hurry up.
00:53:01This is not going to react.
00:53:03This is not going to react for a while.
00:53:05Put your cell phone down.
00:53:14Excuse me a second.
00:53:19the feds are back.
00:53:22What are you saying, bastard?
00:53:25Okay, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
00:53:27Calm down.
00:53:30Put everyone down.
00:53:37You see?
00:53:39Now the feds know what's going on with you.
00:53:44Good luck, gentlemen.
00:53:49THE FEDS
00:54:15What a fucking prosecutor.
00:54:19You are the most powerful and the most asshole at the same time.
00:54:44Speaking of the king of Rome.
00:54:49What happened to the feds?
00:54:52What do you mean what happened, bastard?
00:54:55Because of you, one of my men was killed.
00:54:58Now you owe me a lot of money, bastard.
00:55:02No, if there are no stones, there is no money.
00:55:05You're not playing with me, asshole.
00:55:07I already told you that the stones first.
00:55:09That's not my fucking problem.
00:55:11You owe me money and I want you to pay me.
00:55:13Look, look, look.
00:55:14Don't talk to me like that.
00:55:15Yes, remember that you are talking to the prosecutor of justice.
00:55:19I don't care who you are, bastard.
00:55:21In fact, at this precise moment, I break the deal.
00:55:26I found the stones once and I can find them again, bastard.
00:55:31The difference is that now the loot will be for me only.
00:55:46Did you put the cell phone as I told you?
00:55:49Of course I did.
00:55:50I gave the order.
00:55:51But what are you going to win with that?
00:55:54You'll see.
00:55:59And why did they let you go?
00:56:02How do you want me to know that?
00:56:05And neither do the Swedes do all that.
00:56:09Don't you see me, bastard?
00:56:11Right there they threw me out.
00:56:13That's what I miss the most.
00:56:15Why right here?
00:56:21What do you have there?
00:56:23Is a cell phone what you have there, bastard?
00:56:36Who is it?
00:56:38They are already there.
00:56:41As soon as you get there, please send me the address.
00:56:45Because we are going there.
00:56:49Damn traitor.
00:56:52You know well that I am always loyal to this organization.
00:56:55Shut up, damn traitor.
00:56:58You know what happens to him.
00:57:00Ivan, you know what happens to those who betray me, bastard.
00:57:05Get this bastard out of here.
00:57:20Pay close attention to me, bastard.
00:57:26I know very well where you are.
00:57:29I swear.
00:57:31You're going to suffer like never before.
00:57:35I'm going to make you look
00:57:37like my men
00:57:39make pieces of your whole damn family.
00:57:43I swear.
00:57:52Those guys are going to disappear.
00:57:55I told you what we did was very childish.
00:57:58I don't believe it.
00:57:59Those guys don't have a head.
00:58:01Soon they will fall.
00:58:03Well, I insist that what we did was nonsense.
00:58:06In fact, that guy just threatened you.
00:58:09I know.
00:58:10But I only play a desperate expression of them.
00:58:14What happened?
00:58:15Sir, mission accomplished.
00:58:17But we had a confrontation with the same men.
00:58:20But what were those men doing there?
00:58:22I don't know.
00:58:23But it seemed like they were waiting for us.
00:58:25They weren't waiting for us.
00:58:26There was the real owner of the business.
00:58:29If not, why would they be there?
00:58:30Yes, but who?
00:58:33Guess who is the owner of the lipo.
00:58:36One of the employees who were there.
00:58:39Exactly, the prosecutor.
00:58:42Aren't they the guys we're looking for?
00:58:45Of course it's them.
00:58:47They are the real diamond dealers.
00:58:50Then we have to go look for them.
00:58:52Of course.
00:58:53But I'm not going to be there.
00:58:55Don't think they're so stupid.
00:58:57I know where to find them.
00:58:59Let's go get them.
00:59:32Let's go.
00:59:54Rodrigo, what's wrong?
00:59:57Why are you sad?
00:59:59I came to play with you.
01:00:03Let's go.
01:00:21Hey, calm down. It was just a dream.
01:00:24Yes, it was a very bad nightmare.
01:00:27You know what? I'm not in the mood right now.
01:00:32I think that's his mom.
01:00:34Do you want me to go with you?
01:00:36Yes, since...
01:00:43I'm going to tell you a great story.
01:00:46It turns out that there was a little boy who was hiding in his house.
01:00:50He was a thief.
01:00:52And then bad things happened to him.
01:00:54Rodrigo, don't worry. Everything will be fine, son.
01:00:57Don't be afraid.
01:00:59We will protect you, son.
01:01:08Here you go, sir.
01:01:15Aurelia, go to Renata.
01:01:17Can you go check the door, please?
01:01:19Yes, ma'am.
01:01:24Everything will be fine.
01:01:33I'm going to tell you a great story.
01:01:35It turns out that there was a little boy who was hiding in his house.
01:01:38He was a thief.
01:01:40And then bad things happened to him.
01:01:42He was a thief.
01:01:44I'm going to tell you a great story.
01:01:46Everything will be fine, son.
01:01:48Can you go check the door, please?
01:01:50Yes, ma'am.
01:01:52I'm going to tell you a great story.
01:01:54It turns out that there was a little boy who was hiding in his house.
01:01:57He was a thief.
01:01:59No! What was that?
01:02:01What do you want?
01:02:10I heard another one.
01:02:12Shut up, old man.
01:02:15Hey, what do I do with this old woman?
01:02:18Kill her.
01:02:19And another one.
01:02:21Now I'm going to tell you a great story.
01:02:30Let me go!
01:02:31Zula, follow him.
01:02:33Let me go!
01:02:35My God!
01:02:36If they take the boy, I'm going to call the police.
01:02:42I wasn't expecting this.
01:02:56Let's go!
01:02:59Let's go!
01:03:09Let's go.
01:03:10But the tire is punctured.
01:03:11Don't worry, we're going to get your truck.
01:03:15Shut up!
01:03:16You're not going to win anything with that.
01:03:18That man is very dangerous.
01:03:20If he comes looking for us, he's going to kill us.
01:03:23Shut up!
01:03:24That's not going to happen.
01:03:25With the men I have here,
01:03:27no one is going to mess with us.
01:03:29What if the police suspect us?
01:03:31And what are you worried about?
01:03:33If you are a senator of the nation,
01:03:35you have money,
01:03:37tomorrow I will talk to the national security
01:03:39so they can get rid of us.
01:03:41And it's over.
01:03:48Let them pass.
01:03:50I told you, we are sunk.
01:03:53I need you to calm down.
01:03:55Come with me.
01:04:06don't mess with Sanson.
01:04:09Watch how you talk to the attorney general.
01:04:20Good night, boys.
01:04:21We can leave now.
01:04:25Good night.
01:04:30We have a very serious matter
01:04:32that we need to talk about, sir.
01:04:35I'm listening.
01:04:37It's about the diamond trafficking.
01:04:40Yes, it's a very difficult case
01:04:43that the national security
01:04:45has not been able to solve.
01:04:47We already know that.
01:04:49Or maybe you are involved in all of this.
01:04:52The only thing I have to do with this
01:04:55is that we have not been able to talk to the people responsible.
01:04:57Tell me something.
01:04:59What were you doing at the racetrack?
01:05:02At the time we were chasing the criminals
01:05:04who were carrying the stones.
01:05:07Was it a coincidence?
01:05:10I got the impression
01:05:12that your presence gave you a lot of confidence.
01:05:15You are wrong again.
01:05:17I already told you that I have nothing to do with this.
01:05:20Why didn't you send reinforcements
01:05:22when they threw the grenade into my wife's car?
01:05:25Because it wasn't necessary.
01:05:27I think you're behind all this.
01:05:29And I'm going to catch you.
01:05:31Don't talk to me like that.
01:05:34If you have proof,
01:05:36make the corresponding complaint.
01:05:38And it's over.
01:05:40The guy we had spoke.
01:05:42And at this precise moment
01:05:44I'm going to file the complaint.
01:05:46I swear
01:05:48I'm going to go behind the bars.
01:05:50Excuse me, sir.
01:06:02Hey, bastard.
01:06:04The first thing I told you to do
01:06:06and it was the first thing you did.
01:06:08Why did you talk to the prosecutor like that?
01:06:12Now it turns out that the ducks
01:06:15throw the shotguns at him.
01:06:20Both you and I know
01:06:22that this criminal is responsible for everything.
01:06:25Well, yes.
01:06:26But now things are going to get more complicated.
01:06:29Don't you understand?
01:06:30Do you think
01:06:32you like chocolate?
01:06:34You're a little crazy.
01:06:41Why do you say that?
01:06:43Because first you kidnapped me.
01:06:46Then you gave me gunpowder.
01:06:49Then you wanted to kill me.
01:06:51And now you want to give me chocolate?
01:07:13Is that the vehicle?
01:07:15Yes, that's it.
01:07:17I think I'm in these positions
01:07:19where I should have killed you.
01:07:22Kill you?
01:07:23But I didn't hurt you, stupid kid.
01:07:26And are you going to do it?
01:07:28I don't know.
01:07:30I don't want to.
01:07:32In fact,
01:07:33I'm getting a strange affection.
01:07:36But remember something, son.
01:07:39Business is business.
01:07:44You're very bad.
01:07:46You've already told me.
01:07:47I'm the worst.
01:07:52Okay, okay.
01:07:56I shouldn't have let you follow me
01:07:59at the cost of your own life.
01:08:02Don't say that.
01:08:03If it were up to me,
01:08:05I wouldn't go with you to the end.
01:08:07I don't think I'm going to make it.
01:08:09Don't worry.
01:08:10Stay here.
01:08:12I'm coming with you.
01:08:14I'm coming with you.
01:08:20Damn bitch!
01:08:29that fucking bitch followed you.
01:08:34It's okay, it's okay.
01:08:35Calm down.
01:08:36You and your guys protect the grandmother.
01:08:38Yes, sir.
01:08:41I don't want to die.
01:08:43I don't want to die.
01:08:44You have to support me.
01:08:46Get out of here, you too.
01:09:13Are you sure about this?
01:09:24I already told you yes.
01:09:37Damn bitch, she's got me.
01:09:40Good luck, buddy.
01:09:41We're not behind you.
01:09:42We're going to hell.
01:09:59Cover me.
01:10:11Cover me.
01:10:32I'm sorry, son.
01:10:34But your parents
01:10:36left you.
01:10:41I'm sorry.
01:11:12I'm sorry.
01:11:19Explain to me, Sanate.
01:11:21What the fuck is going on?
01:11:23Don't you understand, asshole?
01:11:25This is over.
01:11:26And my wife?
01:11:27That doesn't count anymore.
01:11:28It's no longer useful.
01:11:29Get out of the truck slowly.
01:11:31Get in.
01:11:42Put your hands up, assholes.
01:11:56It will be very difficult for you to put me in charge.
01:11:59We better talk about the situation.
01:12:02And we all win.
01:12:07Do you want to buy them?
01:12:09Damn rat.
01:12:11If that's how you want to see it,
01:12:13we can do a lot of business together.
01:12:19Don't you know I'm the senator?
01:12:22Nobody takes me alive.
01:12:35You won't be able to defend yourself from this, asshole.
01:12:40Go get him.
01:12:42Drop the bag.
01:12:43Drop it.
01:12:44Hands up.
01:12:48Do you have it?
01:12:49Yes, I have it.
01:12:50Let's go.
01:13:06I have good news.
01:13:08We got rid of you and you got rid of me.
01:13:11Ah, well then you guys turned out to be very assholes.
01:13:15But guess what?
01:13:17I'm not Renata.
01:13:19Who are you talking about?
01:13:20Someone who wants to negotiate with you, asshole.
01:13:24Now pay close attention to me.
01:13:27You bring me the stones.
01:13:29And I set free Golfa and Mocoso.
01:13:32And so you can see that I'm a good person.
01:13:42Please give me those damn stones.
01:13:44They're going to kill my son.
01:13:47They're going to kill my son.
01:13:50I want to talk to my son.
01:13:52I'm not going to please you with everything, asshole.
01:13:56Now shut up and listen to me.
01:13:59If it's true that you have the prosecutor in your hands,
01:14:03that idiot knows where I am.
01:14:06Bring me the stones.
01:14:09Because the 24 hours are about to end.
01:14:13I love you.
01:14:33You do make me sick.
01:14:38When you walk around with your bulletproof vest,
01:14:41with your plate and your gun,
01:14:44you were shooting bullets everywhere, right?
01:14:46Very cool.
01:14:49And now look at you.
01:14:52You beg me for your life and for your little girl's life.
01:14:59Don't get my son in this.
01:15:01Let him go.
01:15:02Okay, fine.
01:15:03Let's suppose I let him go.
01:15:06What would happen if they ran him over?
01:15:09Or kidnapped him?
01:15:12The way I see it,
01:15:14the kid is safer here with us.
01:15:16I'm sure he is, boss.
01:15:18Or could your conscience handle his death?
01:15:24When Arturo gets here, you're not going to finish him, idiot!
01:15:29Oh, but honey, you're the one who's going to finish him.
01:15:33Because I'm going to let my men
01:15:35have fun with you, you damn wolf.
01:15:50Check everything!
01:15:51Make sure there's nothing left unregistered!
01:16:06Zack, this is getting out of hand.
01:16:08There are too many of them.
01:16:09We won't be able to handle them.
01:16:24Those bastards are already here.
01:16:26Get ready.
01:16:27But now!
01:16:39Why are you taking so long?
01:16:43You're going to stay here.
01:16:44Shut up.
01:16:49Shut up.
01:17:48You didn't intend this.
01:19:36Oh, God.
01:20:35He's at the window.
01:20:39Let's go.
01:20:44That's it.
01:21:35Let's go.
01:21:53I think I'm going to get caught.
01:21:55I have a surprise for you, bitches.
01:22:05It's the sir.
01:22:07Answer him, bastard.
01:22:10Tell me, sir.
01:22:13I need you to come to the ranch.
01:22:14But quickly, bastard.
01:22:16Yes, yes.
01:22:17I'm surrounded everywhere.
01:22:19Don't worry, sir.
01:22:20We're on our way.
01:22:23The sir is in trouble.
01:22:24Let's go.
01:22:25Well, let's go.
01:22:31You're a bunch of assholes.
01:22:32You don't know what's coming for you.
01:23:02Oh, my God.
01:23:27Something's here.
01:23:32Son, son.
01:23:33Are you okay?
01:23:34Don't worry, don't worry.
01:23:35He's just unconscious.
01:23:38We have to get out of here immediately.
01:23:40Yes, let's go.
01:23:41But call me, son.
01:23:57He's getting away!
01:23:59Follow him!
01:24:02Let's go.
01:24:33Hurry up!
01:24:35Come on!
01:25:32Let's go.
01:25:52Thanks for the support, Ramos.
01:25:54Don't worry, comrade.
01:25:55We're here to take care of her.
01:25:57Okay, guys.
01:25:58Take care of each other.
01:26:00Let's go.
01:26:02Let's go.
01:26:32Let's go.
01:27:02Let's go.
01:28:02You'd better do it.
01:28:04Because if you leave me alive,
01:28:06I'm going to recover
01:28:08and I'm going to break everything.
01:28:12Then go fuck your mother, asshole!
