• last year
TRAICION OCULTA Película completa en español latino HD
00:00:00Hola que tal amigos, como estan? Bienvenidos sean a su canal de Hola Estudios TV. Yo soy su amiga Karen Duarte y en este momento tengo el gran honor de tener a mi lado al señoron Jorge Aldama, director, actor y muy amigo de nosotros, su casa Hola Estudios, que viene a presentarnos nuestra siguiente pelicula.
00:00:19Claro que si, voy a tener el honor de presentar una magnifica pelicula que tuve el gusto de actuar y de dirigir, que se llama Rosco, traicion oculta. Una pelicula llena de aventuras, de suspenso, pero para que se las contamos mejor veanla en Hola Estudios TV.
00:00:36Muchas gracias y nos vemos en la proxima.
00:00:39Seguro que si, ademas en esta pelicula tambien actuan Reinaldo Huerta, Eliseo Flores y la guapisima Norma Calix.
00:00:49Claro que si, entonces amigos no se pierdan nuestros siguientes estrenos y ademas les adelanto que estamos en grabaciones de peliculas con este señor actorazo.
00:00:58¿Decimos el titulo?
00:00:59Claro que si, la pelicula es.
00:01:02Yo soy la sicaria, pero yo no soy la sicaria, es una actriz muy bonita y muy guapa, pero asi se llama la pelicula.
00:01:08Y la que sigue.
00:01:09La que sigue se llama, si ya soy yo el viejo mañoso.
00:01:11El viejo mañoso.
00:01:13Si, traemos muchos proyectos para ustedes, donde vamos a tener el honor de tener a nuestro amigo, gran actorazo, Jorge Aldama.
00:01:22Gracias por lo de gran actor, gracias. Espero que les gusten todas nuestras peliculas porque acuerdense que Hola TV Estudio hace las mejores peliculas para ustedes.
00:01:31Muchas gracias y nos vemos en la proxima.
00:01:42Subtitulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
00:02:12Bueno, apenas van 4 meses, quien sabe si mas adelante nos vaya a salir con alguna sorpresa.
00:02:18Pues van a tener que estar muy pendientes, no les va a salir manos largas al muchachito.
00:02:23Eso mismo le digo yo a Jesse, pero el no cree que esto pueda ser posible.
00:02:29Si Jesse, tienes que tener cuidado, del barrio de donde vino, no se pueden esperar mas que malos ejemplos.
00:02:35Si, esos muchachos aprenden a drogarse, a robar, incluso a redistribuir las drogas.
00:02:42Si, por supuesto, y en un descuido hasta se prostituye.
00:02:47Que no ves que la mamá andaba en eso, y por eso la mataron.
00:02:52Buenas noches, ¿que va a llevar?
00:02:53Por favor, ¿me da un café?
00:02:54Enseguida se lo traigo.
00:03:00Ya te vi que le estas coqueteando a ese cabrón. Te voy a esperar ahí afuera, y apurate.
00:03:13¿Qué tanto le coqueteabas a ese pendejo?
00:03:15Yo no le coqueteaba.
00:03:17Si yo te vi y nadie me lo contó.
00:03:19Estas loco, todo esta en tu imaginación, estas enfermo.
00:03:23Si, como no, si nomas me descuido tantito, y ahí andas de ofrecida.
00:03:27Pues piensa lo que quieras, yo estoy preocupada por otras cosas, gano muy poquito con esas pinches propinas, entiendeme.
00:03:33Te voy a sacar a trabajar, no te preocupes mas.
00:03:35Si, claro, siempre me dices lo mismo, que tal si te hiciera caso.
00:03:39Ya vas a empezar, si sabes que no me gusta que atiendas a ningún hombre que no sea yo.
00:03:44Pues eso es parte de mi trabajo.
00:03:46Tengo que mantener a mi hijo, si me esperara tus promesas ya estaría muerta de hambre.
00:03:54Mamá, mamá, mira lo que te traje para que comas.
00:04:02¿Cómo te pones, poloniquito?
00:04:04Bien, mamá, ¿y a ti cómo te pone el trabajo?
00:04:06¿Me trajiste algo?
00:04:08Si, mira, tus donitas y una leche de chocolate, tu favorita.
00:04:12Gracias, mamá.
00:04:16Me voy a buscar otro trabajo para darte más cosas, voy a ganar más dinero.
00:04:20No te preocupes mamá, eso está muy rico.
00:04:23No te preocupes mamá, eso está muy rico.
00:04:33¿Tienes todos los pedidos, la carne, la verdura, todos los pedidos que tú te inauguraste?
00:04:37Claro que si, claro que si, ya tengo todo listo.
00:04:40Ok, por cierto, necesito que me consigas una mesera urgente.
00:04:44Claro que si, don Jorge, ¿pero qué pasó?
00:04:46Pues resulta que Tania vino a decirme que ya no iba a trabajar más con nosotros.
00:04:51Y ni cómo conseguir otra.
00:04:53No, pues se vino a decirme que consiguió un trabajo mucho mejor donde le van a pagar más.
00:04:59Bueno, como quiera yo le consigo otra, no se preocupe.
00:05:02Pues ahora que Tania le vaya bien, fíjate, la mera verdad es que es una muy buena muchacha.
00:05:07Y todo lo que hace, lo hace por el bien de su hijo.
00:05:10Claro que si.
00:05:40Maldita vieja, no que muy decente.
00:05:46Bien chiquita, siéntate conmigo.
00:05:53¿Qué quieres tomar?
00:05:54¿Una cerveza?
00:05:55¡Una cerveza, por favor, una cerveza!
00:06:02Tania, así te quería agarrar, hija de la chingada.
00:06:13No, no creo que llegue a pasar eso.
00:06:15Es un muchacho muy centrado y tú lo sabes.
00:06:18¿Cómo ven a mi maridito?
00:06:20Tiene tanta fe en que el sobrinillo va a llegar a ser un agente importante, así un empresario como él.
00:06:26Por favor, mi amor, eso déjalo para nuestros hijos que nacieron en una casa de bien.
00:06:32No para tu sobrinito que vino del sango.
00:06:36Bueno, bueno, ya para tu carro, ¿no? Ya.
00:06:39Pues mejor no habla, ¿verdad?
00:06:41Porque la vida da sorpresas y las personas también.
00:06:45Si ese muchacho quiere, puede llegar muy lejos, a pesar de haber sido creado en esa mugre, como dices tú.
00:06:52Y si aprovecha de la oportunidad que le están dando, podría lograrlo.
00:06:58Pues yo no lo creo así, pero en fin, dejemos de hablar ya del muchacho.
00:07:02Cuéntanos, Jesse, ¿cómo te ha ido en tu negocio?
00:07:05Pues miren, les cuento que el próximo año voy a abrir otro lote de autos.
00:07:10Ay, sí.
00:07:11Pero lo único malo de eso es que todo el tiempo se la pasa o fuera o viajando.
00:07:17Bueno, mi vida, pues gracias a esas ausencias y a ese trabajo, te cambio de carro cada vez que se te antoja.
00:07:24Ay, sí. Ya me prometí un carro nuevo.
00:07:27Pero si no tienes ni un año con el actual, y eso que era del año, te felicito, amiga.
00:07:33Bueno, ¿qué les parece si pasamos a la mesa?
00:07:40Pero por favor, pasen.
00:07:41Claro, vamos.
00:07:43Pasen, por favor.
00:07:47Si no te hubiera sido, estuviéramos juntos y felices el día de hoy.
00:07:52Te prometo que me portaré bien, estudiaré bien, trabajaré para ser un hombre de bien como mi tío.
00:07:59Y no caeré en cosas chuecas, muy pronto tendré que seguir mi camino y irme de aquí.
00:08:13¿Qué haces aquí, güey? ¿Qué haces aquí, mexicanito?
00:08:17¿Qué te quejas? Tú también eres mexicanito como yo.
00:08:21Estás bien pendejo porque yo no soy como tú.
00:08:23I was born here. Yo soy americano.
00:08:26Yo no sé por qué pierdes el tiempo con ese tonto.
00:08:29¿Qué pedo?
00:08:30When are you going to get out of my house?
00:08:32Quisiera irme de aquí para no estar soportándote.
00:08:34Bien, el único que me molesta es tu primito.
00:08:36Pues entonces ya verás que cuando menos lo querés ya no estaré aquí.
00:08:40Just so you know, we're American.
00:08:44Rente un apartamento cerca de mi trabajo y mi jefe me apoya.
00:08:48¡Qué felicidad! Siempre hay gente muy buena.
00:08:51Lo más importante es aprovechar las oportunidades.
00:08:54Yo te pongo al tanto de lo que haga.
00:08:56Por lo pronto me tengo que ir.
00:08:58Gracias por todo.
00:09:00De nada.
00:09:20Bueno, y dime, ¿a dónde te vas a ir, Eduardo?
00:09:23Esta es tu casa.
00:09:25¿A dónde te vas a ir, Eduardo? Esta es tu casa.
00:09:27Puedes estar todo el tiempo que quieras.
00:09:30¿Cuál es la prisa?
00:09:32Yo lo sé, tío.
00:09:34Pero es que necesitan de su privacidad.
00:09:36Necesitan de su espacio.
00:09:39Bueno, Eduardo, respetamos tu decisión, ¿verdad?
00:09:42¿Y cuándo te vas?
00:09:44Mañana mismo.
00:09:46Ya tengo todo listo.
00:09:48Recuerden que no tengo muchas cosas.
00:09:50Solamente mi ropa y algunos papeles.
00:09:52Mi carro cabe todo.
00:09:54No se preocupen.
00:09:56Está bien, hijo.
00:09:58Eres todo un hombre.
00:10:00Tienes derecho a vivir tu vida.
00:10:03Pero sabes perfectamente bien
00:10:06que si necesitas algo, lo que sea,
00:10:09cuentas con nosotros, ¿verdad, mi amor?
00:10:11Claro, claro.
00:10:13Pero yo creo que él ya está hecho y derecho
00:10:17y pues saldrás ahí adelante, ¿verdad?
00:10:19Mucha suerte, Eduardo.
00:10:21Yo creo que te vamos a estañar bastante.
00:10:23Gracias, tío.
00:10:25Con permiso.
00:10:27Que te vaya muy bien, hijo.
00:10:36¡Ay, culo!
00:10:46Bueno, pues, Charly, parece que se notó.
00:10:50Lo único que tenemos que hacer ahora es
00:10:53pues, colgar todo, arreglar todo.
00:10:55No, hombre, espérate.
00:10:57Una cerveza y hay que descansar.
00:10:59En un rato.
00:11:01Tú con tus cervezas, nunca te vas a componer.
00:11:04Ni me compondré.
00:11:10¿Qué onda, tonto?
00:11:12¿Qué te traigo luego de la semana?
00:11:14Espero que no me falte.
00:11:16No te va a faltar.
00:11:19Y automáticamente, puedes sacarlo de tu consumo.
00:11:25Oye, vato, ¿vas a ir a la fiesta del bony?
00:11:27Por supuesto.
00:11:29Y también voy a llevar a Jennifer.
00:11:31No, hombre, vas a llevar piedras al río.
00:11:33De seguro Jennifer sabe de la fiesta.
00:11:35Sí, se enteró.
00:11:37¿Pero qué tiene?
00:11:39Yo la quiero, ella me quiere.
00:11:41Y nos llevamos muy bien.
00:11:42Bueno, eso sí he notado.
00:11:44Que aunque son novios, no tienen problema.
00:11:46Pueden andar con sus amigos de cualquier manera.
00:11:48Sí, además le tengo mucha confianza.
00:11:52¿De seguro que la conoces?
00:11:54¿No será que es la muerte ciega?
00:11:56Por supuesto que la conozco.
00:11:58Oye, pero, ¿por qué te quieres ir?
00:12:00¿Por qué no nos vamos juntos a la fiesta?
00:12:02No, ¿sabes qué? Yo me adelanto.
00:12:04Allá nos vemos.
00:12:06Allá nos vemos entonces.
00:12:10Sí, ya estoy aquí.
00:12:12¿Dónde está usted?
00:12:14Está bien, voy para allá.
00:12:22¿Qué tal, cómo estás?
00:12:24Muy bien, carnal, ¿y tú?
00:12:26Muy bien, bien.
00:12:28Aguántame un poquito, voy a atender un mandadito.
00:12:30Y ahorita regreso.
00:12:32Muy bien.
00:12:34Y ahorita regreso. Muy bien.
00:12:58Esto es solo el gancho.
00:13:00Si logras colocar todo,
00:13:02el 20% es para ti.
00:13:08Padrino, me extraña
00:13:10que no confíes
00:13:12en las agallas de pecado.
00:13:14Acuérdate de entregar el celular.
00:13:16Ese es el objetivo principal.
00:13:20Está bien.
00:13:22Va a ver que no la voy a quedar mal.
00:13:24Está bien, ¿qué esperas?
00:13:28Al rato me comunico contigo.
00:13:32Sí, jefe.
00:14:02Hola, Tony, ¿cómo estás?
00:14:04Hola, bien, ¿y tú?
00:14:06Hola, Jennifer, ¿cómo estás?
00:14:08Muy bien, Tony, ¿y tú?
00:14:10¿Cómo te va?
00:14:12Muy bien.
00:14:14Chicos, me disculpan,
00:14:16te voy a tocar.
00:14:18Me da gusto
00:14:20ver de aquí.
00:14:22A mí también me gusta ver de aquí.
00:14:24Me gusta ver de aquí.
00:14:26Me gusta ver de aquí.
00:14:28Me gusta ver de aquí.
00:14:30Me da gusto ver de aquí.
00:14:32A mí también me da mucho gusto verte.
00:14:34Pero dime, ¿qué te has hecho?
00:14:36Pues me puse a trabajar
00:14:38y me ha ido muy bien.
00:14:40¿Qué no ves?
00:14:42No, pues sí.
00:14:44Pero qué clase de chapa tienes.
00:14:46Yo no me arriesgaría a eso.
00:14:48Pues nada de peligro.
00:14:50Todo muy light.
00:14:52¿Y tú? ¿En qué la giras?
00:14:54Pues el Charlie y yo estamos rentando un depa.
00:14:56¿El Charlie?
00:14:58Hace tiempo tuve un problema con él.
00:15:00Y me las va a pagar.
00:15:02Bueno, pues esas son sus broncas.
00:15:04Así es.
00:15:06Bueno, te dejo. Una morra me está esperando.
00:15:08Dale pues, no la hagas esperar.
00:15:28¿Charlie? ¿Dime qué pasó?
00:15:30¿No has visto a Jennifer?
00:15:32No, para nada. ¿Por qué?
00:15:34¿Cómo? Es que me dejó aquí.
00:15:36Dijo que ahorita regresaba y no la he visto para nada.
00:15:38Aquí no ha llegado. Yo no la he mirado.
00:15:40¿En serio?
00:15:42De verdad.
00:15:58¿Has visto a Tony?
00:16:22¿Has visto a Tony?
00:16:24Se desvió con una mochita en el baño.
00:16:28¿En serio?
00:16:58¿Qué pasa?
00:17:00¿Por qué estás perdiendo el tiempo?
00:17:06¿Por qué estoy perdiendo el tiempo?
00:17:08Estaba toda madre.
00:17:10Deberías estar afuera.
00:17:12Te estoy pidiendo y esperando para entregar el encargo.
00:17:18Hijo de perra madre.
00:17:20Me bajaron la maneta.
00:17:22Conmigo no se mete nadie.
00:17:24Conmigo no se mete nadie.
00:17:28Hijo de la chingada.
00:17:32Sí serás pendejo. ¡Hay que encontrarla!
00:17:44¿Cómo vas con eso?
00:17:46Sí, todo está bien. Dame chance.
00:17:48¿Dame chance?
00:17:50¿Chance de qué?
00:17:52¿Tienes algún problema?
00:17:56No, todo está bien. ¿Qué podría pasar?
00:17:58¿Qué está pasando, Tony?
00:18:00Más te vale que resuelvas eso.
00:18:02Recupera el celular.
00:18:04Padrino, encontraré todo.
00:18:06Creo saber quién me robó.
00:18:14Hola, Eduardo. Qué gusto en verte.
00:18:16Hola, Lola.
00:18:18Hoy no quería ir a dormir a mi casa
00:18:20y quería ver si me hacía el favor
00:18:22de dejarme dormir aquí en la tuya.
00:18:24Claro que sí. Yo voy de salida para el trabajo
00:18:26pero ahí te puedes quedar a mi recámara.
00:18:28¿Y qué te trae por acá?
00:18:30Pues verás, Lola, mi novia Jennifer no es lo que yo pensaba.
00:18:32Me engañó con mi amigo
00:18:34y no sé con quiénes más.
00:18:36Tú sabes que yo no soporto el engaño
00:18:38y mucho menos la traición.
00:18:40¿Y qué hiciste?
00:18:42¿No habrás hecho una tontería?
00:18:44No, cómo crees.
00:18:46Solamente dejé perder su negocio.
00:18:48Ay, pero ya después
00:18:50conocerás a alguien que realmente sí valga la pena.
00:18:52Y deberás elegir mejor a las amistades.
00:18:56Pero por lo pronto
00:18:58quiero darte enormemente las gracias
00:19:00por siempre escucharme
00:19:02y ser mi mejor amiga.
00:19:04Tú ya sabes que ya siempre vas a tu casa.
00:19:06Pero mejor descansa y duérmete.
00:19:08Mañana será otro día.
00:19:10Muchas gracias.
00:19:20Sí, usted no se convoca, padrino.
00:19:24Mueve ese cabrón
00:19:26el carro de aquí y yo se lo llevo.
00:19:32vengan para acá.
00:19:34Es una llamada
00:19:36del padrino.
00:19:38Quiere que le busquemos a ese cabrón
00:19:40que está de izquierda.
00:19:48Sigo en el alma...
00:20:06Hay que encontrar la mochila
00:20:08y el celular hasta acomodar el hogar.
00:20:10Si ese cabrón no está aquí,
00:20:12hay que matarlo.
00:20:18¿Qué pasó?
00:20:20¿Encontraste algo?
00:20:22No, nada.
00:20:24Pues entonces vámonos.
00:20:26No tarda en llegar a la policía.
00:20:28Te prometo que muy pronto
00:20:30vas a dejar de trabajar.
00:20:32Yo mismo te voy a ayudar
00:20:36No te preocupes.
00:20:38No te preocupes.
00:20:40No te preocupes.
00:20:42No te preocupes.
00:20:44No te preocupes.
00:20:46Yo mismo te voy a ayudar económicamente.
00:20:48Eso no me cabe duda.
00:20:50Tu mamá está muy orgullosa de ti
00:20:52en donde quiera que esté.
00:20:56Bueno, me tengo que irse. Me está siendo tarde.
00:20:58Nos vemos.
00:21:00Bueno, cuídate.
00:21:08¿Ya te acabaste lo que te traje?
00:21:10¿Qué nombre es?
00:21:12No era suficiente.
00:21:14Puedes más.
00:21:16Pero, como ves, no tengo lana.
00:21:18Me vas a tener que esperar.
00:21:20Por eso te digo que te pongas a vender.
00:21:24Te voy a dejar estos papelitos.
00:21:28¿Y si no los vendo?
00:21:32Sí, los vas a vender.
00:21:34Ya verás. ¿De mí te acuerdas?
00:21:36La otra semana pasó a verte.
00:21:44Ahí está el carro.
00:21:46Seguro se quedó dormido.
00:21:54Puso una pegada bien buena.
00:21:56Pero ¿qué tal la noche?
00:22:06Seguro se la va a acertar este huevón.
00:22:24¿Por qué tardaste tanto?
00:22:26Creí que ya no vendrías.
00:22:28Ya estoy aquí.
00:22:32Esto será
00:22:34ahora tu pase a la vida o a la muerte.
00:22:36Tu destino
00:22:38solo dependerá de ti.
00:22:40La tendrás que estrenar
00:22:42lo más pronto posible.
00:22:44Pero como sé que eres nuevo en esto,
00:22:46Ramos, Morales y Sánchez
00:22:48estarán siempre al pendiente
00:22:52Está bien. Trataré de no fallarle.
00:22:54No trates. Hazlo.
00:22:56Acuérdate que de esto
00:22:58depende tu vida.
00:23:00Ahora vete.
00:23:02Se llevarán otro carro.
00:23:04No quiero que vean el tuyo.
00:23:06Que Morales se lleve tu carro
00:23:08No voy a saber de ti hasta que sea
00:23:10para decirme que recuperaste eso
00:23:12y te deshiciste ya de tu amiguito.
00:23:14Sí, está bien.
00:23:16Pues órale, ¿qué esperas?
00:23:24¿Cuánto tiempo vamos a esperar aquí?
00:23:26Vamos a esperar lo que sea necesario.
00:23:28Tu amigo, tarde o temprano,
00:23:30tiene que aparecer.
00:23:32Yo no sé para qué te pone a hacer esto.
00:23:34Tú no sirves para este trabajo.
00:23:36No sabemos nada de ti.
00:23:38Pero sí sabemos
00:23:40cómo trabaja este business.
00:23:42Así es que bájamele de huevos
00:23:44y ve viendo a ver si aparece tu amiguito.
00:23:48Mejor cállate la boca y ponte a vigilar.
00:23:50Que solamente tú puedes decirnos cuál es
00:23:52ese amiguito tuyo, el tal Omar.
00:23:56Brian, ¡qué bárbaro!
00:23:58Ya otra vez te pusiste así.
00:24:00¿Qué te pasa, pendeja?
00:24:02Aquí el pendejo es otro. Si mi papá te ve así,
00:24:04¡te voy a matar!
00:24:06¿Tú crees que a mi papá le importa?
00:24:08A mi papá lo único que le importa son sus negocios.
00:24:12Pues sí, pero de cualquier manera
00:24:14te voy a matar. Yo métete a bañarte
00:24:16y déjese porquería.
00:24:18A la chingada.
00:24:20A la chingada. ¡Vámonos!
00:24:22¿Y quién chingada te invitó? ¡Vámonos!
00:26:28The two of them were gay.
00:26:30One to the other, I gave them maromas.
00:26:33And do you know who they were?
00:26:35I don't know, they were new here in the neighborhood.
00:26:37It could have been a lot of things.
00:26:39It was horrible.
00:26:40The body was destroyed.
00:26:42Yes, I heard a gunshot last night.
00:26:45But since it's normal in this neighborhood,
00:26:47I didn't give them much attention.
00:26:59What's up, Tony?
00:27:01Nothing, I thought I saw something.
00:27:04Did you see your friend?
00:27:06I don't know, I'll tell you later.
00:27:08Don't try to act smart.
00:27:10Tell us what's up.
00:27:12I thought I saw my friend, but I was wrong.
00:27:58How are you, Luis?
00:28:04What's up, how are you?
00:28:06Did you meet him?
00:28:08Yes, I did.
00:28:10No, he just left.
00:28:12Don't worry, I just talked to him.
00:28:14He told me that if he wasn't here,
00:28:16he was going to leave me some money with you.
00:28:18Do you have it?
00:28:20Let me check.
00:28:22I have a lot of money here.
00:28:25Here you go.
00:28:29Did you bring the papers?
00:28:31Yes, here they are.
00:28:35That's good.
00:28:37I'm glad you came,
00:28:39because I was about to leave.
00:28:41Do you want to deposit the bank?
00:28:43Don't worry, I have to go.
00:28:45Let's go.
00:28:54I'm going out to ask around.
00:28:56I'll be right back.
00:29:25I'm going to ask around.
00:29:27I'm going to ask around.
00:29:29I'm going to ask around.
00:29:31I'm going to ask around.
00:29:33I'm going to ask around.
00:29:35I'm going to ask around.
00:29:37Are you going to buy a car, you idiot?
00:29:40I don't think so.
00:29:42This place looks like shit.
00:29:48Hey, can you give us information about that car?
00:29:51The ones that have just arrived, do you want to give me another one? I don't have the information.
00:29:55No, I like that one.
00:29:57But it's ok.
00:29:59I'll be back tomorrow, once I have the information.
00:30:21The one that has just arrived, do you want to give me another one?
00:30:25I don't have the information.
00:30:27I like that one.
00:30:29But it's ok.
00:30:47Good afternoon, sir. Welcome.
00:30:49Would you like something to drink?
00:30:51Yes, please.
00:31:19Well, good. You've been following me.
00:31:21You want to kill me.
00:31:23Well, kill me. I'm right here.
00:31:25What do you mean?
00:31:27What do you mean I'm going to come and kill you?
00:31:31We're in trouble.
00:31:35And you think I'm going to believe you?
00:31:37You're crazy.
00:31:38You're saying that because of Jenny?
00:31:42The truth is, I did betray you.
00:31:45But that's not the case.
00:31:47I need a cell phone.
00:31:49You took it.
00:31:50The cell phone?
00:31:52I don't have it.
00:31:53What do you mean you don't have it?
00:31:55What did you do with it?
00:31:56But why is that cell phone so important?
00:31:59It brings very important information.
00:32:01That's why they're after you.
00:32:03They want me to kill you.
00:32:05But I'm not a murderer.
00:32:07That's why I propose that we join forces.
00:32:09And what can I do?
00:32:11I have a plan.
00:32:13The godfather is very important in the world of drugs.
00:32:16No one knows who he is.
00:32:18Not even his own people.
00:32:20But what should we do?
00:32:22Somehow we have to know who he is.
00:32:25And be able to report him.
00:32:27And if he finds out?
00:32:29Do you realize that we wouldn't have a way out?
00:32:31I know, Lalo.
00:32:33But we have no choice.
00:32:35Then I won't give it to you.
00:32:37Nor will I tell you where it is.
00:32:39I think it's a good idea.
00:32:41They don't know you.
00:32:42I told them your name was Omar.
00:32:44Well, I can ask Lola for help.
00:32:46The one who worked in the nightclub.
00:32:48She's involved in drugs.
00:32:50And she can get us out of this mess.
00:32:52She can give us information.
00:32:55You see?
00:32:56Sooner or later, we can find out.
00:32:58That if before doesn't kill us.
00:33:00I promise you that we get out of this.
00:33:02And I will never fail you again as a friend.
00:33:05Well, after all, I have to thank you.
00:33:07Because if it hadn't been for you,
00:33:09imagine how long I would have lived deceived.
00:33:12Well, yes.
00:33:13It was my fault.
00:33:14But you noticed.
00:33:16For now, I'm going to go to my aunt's house.
00:33:19Let's see what I can get.
00:33:21I'm going back there with the thugs.
00:33:23They're waiting for me there.
00:33:25Friends as always?
00:33:27Of course, of course.
00:33:28Friends as always.
00:33:38And where were you?
00:33:39Why did you disappear?
00:33:41I thought I saw Omar.
00:33:43I followed him.
00:33:44But it wasn't him.
00:33:46Don't disappear again.
00:33:48Okay, okay.
00:33:52But have you seen any movement?
00:33:54No, none.
00:33:55And even if there were,
00:33:56you're the only person who knows Omar.
00:33:59You're right.
00:34:00But I don't think he'll show up around here.
00:34:03Have you seen the godfather's face?
00:34:06And why do you ask that?
00:34:07Well, I find it strange that no one knows the godfather's face.
00:34:11Did he have an accident?
00:34:13Well, I don't think so.
00:34:15I think he does it for his safety.
00:34:19I think he's the safest of all.
00:34:22Maybe he doesn't trust you.
00:34:25I hadn't thought of that.
00:34:27Of course.
00:34:28If you need something,
00:34:30you can't because you don't know who it is.
00:34:33You better shut up.
00:34:35Well, I was saying...
00:34:54Lola! Lola!
00:34:56What's wrong?
00:34:57I need your help.
00:34:58I have problems.
00:34:59Okay, calm down.
00:35:00Tell me what happened.
00:35:01Do you remember that you told me that in the place where you work,
00:35:04you were offered to sell drugs?
00:35:06Yes, and I've also told you that I've never accepted it because that's very delicate.
00:35:09Yes, but that's not the problem.
00:35:11Do you remember that I told you that once I ruined the business of one of my friends?
00:35:15Yes, I remember.
00:35:16Well, the boss of that friend wants to kill me.
00:35:18I found Charlie dead, but the one he wants to kill is me.
00:35:21Because I have something very important that they need.
00:35:24What you're saying is very serious.
00:35:26Yes, I know.
00:35:27But I need your help.
00:35:29I need to find a godfather.
00:35:31Have you heard of him?
00:35:33Yes, he's the boss of everyone, but I've never seen him.
00:35:35That's the problem.
00:35:36No one has seen him.
00:35:38I want to find him myself and report him to the authorities.
00:35:42Well, what do you want me to do?
00:35:44Get all the information possible.
00:35:46He sent me to kill my friend Tony, but he didn't kill me because he's not a murderer.
00:35:51Count on me, I'll help you.
00:35:53Thank you very much.
00:35:54Hello handsome, are you well served?
00:35:56Hello doll, it would be better if you sat with me.
00:35:59Well, now you have to ask for it.
00:36:01I haven't seen you in a long time.
00:36:07I'm Reina, and I know I've missed you.
00:36:10But I guess you drink the same as always, right?
00:36:15A beer for me, please.
00:36:18You're welcome.
00:36:23A beer for the young lady, please.
00:36:25Thank you for the young lady.
00:36:27But tell me, what have you done?
00:36:29Well, I haven't done anything, I'm still the same.
00:36:32Wow, how brave.
00:36:34So much time in that business, and look what's left of you.
00:36:38Well, I'm tired of inviting you to get out of here, but you don't want to.
00:36:43You're still fighting for your life.
00:36:45Yes, it's true.
00:36:47But the truth is, I'm scared.
00:36:50Of what?
00:36:52Of the police?
00:36:54It's okay.
00:36:56How many times have they caught me?
00:36:59I won't deny that I've gotten myself into a lot of dangerous things, but I know how to get out of them.
00:37:04Well, yes, it's true.
00:37:06But, you know, do you think you can still start at this point?
00:37:11Really, Lola?
00:37:12Are you willing to start now?
00:37:14I'm tired of living like this.
00:37:16I want to live better.
00:37:18I've been doing this for ten years, no one will want me anymore.
00:37:21I have to do something, and soon.
00:37:24Then that's it.
00:37:25I'll take you to the boss.
00:37:27Tell me the godfather.
00:37:29I'm sure he'll want to meet you first.
00:37:31Really, Arcadio?
00:37:33I knew I could count on you.
00:37:38Damn, Arcadio.
00:37:39You know what, my queen?
00:37:41You're in luck.
00:37:42This bastard is the boss' people.
00:37:49You always have good ideas.
00:37:51What do you want to drink, doll?
00:37:53Well, I'd like to drink tequila, baby.
00:37:56But you're already busy with my friend.
00:37:58Well, I was just talking to Lola.
00:38:00She's willing to get into the business.
00:38:03What do you think?
00:38:04Well, she looked really good, the bitch.
00:38:06If you want, I'll help her.
00:38:08Well, of course.
00:38:10And well, you're closer to the boss.
00:38:12How do we do it?
00:38:14Yes, doll.
00:38:15So what?
00:38:16Are you going to help me?
00:38:18Of course, my queen.
00:38:20But for now, I'll bring some friends to help me.
00:38:43Well, my queen.
00:38:45As agreed.
00:38:46I'm taking you with the boss.
00:38:48Really, doll?
00:38:49Well, then you'll have to take me to my house to change me.
00:38:53If you want, I'll take you.
00:38:54But the boss is going to like you.
00:38:56You think?
00:38:57Well, I've heard a lot about the boss.
00:38:59I'm very curious to meet him.
00:39:01We've never seen his face.
00:39:02Apparently, he's a very important man.
00:39:04Ah, that's good.
00:39:06Well, take care of his business.
00:39:07Well, if you want to see him like that.
00:39:09And does he have a wife?
00:39:10Well, he's had several.
00:39:12But when they've seen his face, he eliminates them.
00:39:15You'll know what to do.
00:39:17Well, I'm not looking for a man.
00:39:19I'm looking for money.
00:39:20I want to work.
00:39:21I don't give explanations to any bastard.
00:39:23You'll see.
00:39:24I'm sure he'll fall for you.
00:39:25Well, I'll make sure he doesn't see my face again.
00:39:28You do know how to think.
00:39:30And I'm sure he'll love you.
00:39:42Hi there.
00:39:59I need some money.
00:40:15Come on, Dad.
00:40:16I don't want to come for this, Dad.
00:40:18I need money.
00:40:20Are you going to lend it to me or not?
00:40:23I don't keep eggs.
00:40:26Do you want money?
00:40:27Earn it.
00:40:31Look, Dad.
00:40:32I don't come for money.
00:40:34I need some money.
00:40:35But I want it.
00:40:36I don't worry about it.
00:40:38I'm happy.
00:40:39So, yes or no?
00:40:41Do you want it or not?
00:40:43You don't come for your siblings?
00:40:46And you don't come to work either?
00:40:48Well, there's no money either.
00:40:50I already told you.
00:40:51If you want it, earn it.
00:41:01What's up, Brian?
00:41:02How are you?
00:41:04Here I am...
00:41:05I'm doing well.
00:41:06But, what do you think?
00:41:08I have money to pay you, damn it.
00:41:10Look, don't worry.
00:41:12Look, I'll leave you this.
00:41:14We'll talk later.
00:41:18Thanks, man.
00:41:19You're welcome.
00:41:32We're here, boss.
00:41:35Leave us alone.
00:41:37If I need you, I'll call you.
00:41:39Yes, boss.
00:41:49So, you want to enter the business?
00:41:53And why should I believe you?
00:41:55Because I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't like this.
00:41:59And what's your decision?
00:42:02I want to live well.
00:42:03To have jewels, cars.
00:42:04What I've always wanted to have.
00:42:14I like that.
00:42:16You're ambitious.
00:42:19And you're also very pretty.
00:42:21But that won't last me all my life.
00:42:23What I need is money.
00:42:25But tell me something.
00:42:26Does anyone know your face?
00:42:28If I don't let you see my face,
00:42:30it's not just for me,
00:42:32but for you too.
00:42:34I understand that.
00:42:36It looks like you have a lot of potential.
00:42:38I'm sure you're a smart man,
00:42:40having gotten to where you are.
00:42:42So what?
00:42:43Do you accept me on your team?
00:42:45Of course I accept you.
00:42:47But I don't want you for the business.
00:42:51I want you for me.
00:42:54Do you accept?
00:42:55A man like you would never say no.
00:42:57How do you want to do things?
00:42:59You won't be missing anything here.
00:43:02And tell me something.
00:43:04Do you have family?
00:43:05No, I'm alone in life.
00:43:07You're perfect for that too.
00:43:11I'm going to teach you the business here.
00:43:13And we're going to have a lot of fun too.
00:43:16When do I start?
00:43:18But I have to go home for my things.
00:43:21You'll have to forget about that.
00:43:23You'll change your life here.
00:43:25Please, I just want to go get some of my mother's things.
00:43:29Besides, I have to pay the rent.
00:43:34I'm going to order them to take you home.
00:43:36And to buy you whatever you need.
00:43:42Yes, boss?
00:43:43Take the young lady.
00:43:45Buy her whatever she needs.
00:43:50As you wish, sir.
00:44:00I already have a good boatman.
00:44:02He's a good son.
00:44:03And he owes us a lot of money.
00:44:05Well, I owe him a lot.
00:44:07When I see him again, bring him to me.
00:44:09Yes, boss.
00:44:19What happened?
00:44:20I thought you'd never come.
00:44:21I almost didn't come, but I stayed inside.
00:44:23And he liked me.
00:44:24And he even asked me to move in with him.
00:44:27I'm not going to allow that.
00:44:29How are you going to get into the wolf's den?
00:44:31It's okay.
00:44:32I'll do anything to help you.
00:44:34Besides, it'll be easier on the inside.
00:44:36The only thing I don't like is that that man kills if you see his face.
00:44:40Yes, he's killed a lot of people.
00:44:42You know, I feel like I've been with him before.
00:44:45I don't know, his smell, his voice.
00:44:47But I've been with so many men that I actually don't remember.
00:44:50Then you must be very careful.
00:44:52Don't even think about wanting to see him.
00:44:55I know.
00:44:56And I told him that I'm not interested in seeing his face.
00:44:58I gave him a good impression.
00:45:00Okay, Lola.
00:45:01He thinks my name is Dolores.
00:45:03And I didn't get him out of his mistake.
00:45:05Thank you very much for helping me.
00:45:07You really are my only family.
00:45:10But who knows how all this is going to end.
00:45:13I hope it ends well.
00:45:15Everything has to end well.
00:45:16We've never hurt anyone.
00:45:19That has to count.
00:45:21Well, Eduardo.
00:45:22We're going to sleep now.
00:45:23Tomorrow I have to fix some things before you come for me.
00:45:27See you tomorrow.
00:45:31Wake up.
00:45:34Wake up.
00:45:35What happened, Lola?
00:45:36I'm going to buy you food and pay the rent.
00:45:39You stay here.
00:45:40I'll keep you informed of everything that happens.
00:45:42Don't go out.
00:45:44Very well.
00:45:48Go to the right.
00:45:50He's always going this way.
00:46:01Yes, Godfather, tell me.
00:46:03No, sir.
00:46:05We haven't been able to talk to him.
00:46:09The boss says we should go over there.
00:46:11Do you know where it is?
00:46:12Of course I know where it is.
00:46:14If I'm not a rookie like you.
00:46:19I have an extra job for you.
00:46:21Yes, tell me, boss.
00:46:23We need to recover a cell phone.
00:46:25I'll send you the address right now.
00:46:27I want you to get out of there without bringing me the cell phone.
00:46:30Do you understand?
00:46:31Yes, boss.
00:46:32Count on it.
00:47:10Does the boss pay you well?
00:47:12I imagine it will be splendid.
00:47:14How long have you been with him?
00:47:16A long time.
00:47:17It has taken me many years to win the position I am in now.
00:47:21I imagine you have to win well.
00:47:24You must have a house like this, right?
00:47:26Well, I live well.
00:47:27I can't complain.
00:47:28Don't try to fool me.
00:47:30I'm sure he pays you a lot of money.
00:47:32He was going to pay me 20% of the merchandise that was lost.
00:47:36I would like to find that son of a bitch who got me in trouble with the godfather.
00:47:42Yes, of course.
00:47:44Shut up.
00:47:45Let's go see the godfather.
00:47:56Godfather, here is Tony.
00:48:16What happened, Tony?
00:48:18Did you find the cell phone?
00:48:20No, godfather.
00:48:21I haven't been able to find it.
00:48:23What do you mean you haven't been able to find it?
00:48:25I don't know anything about him.
00:48:26Nothing or anyone.
00:48:28He disappears like that because he does.
00:48:31Well, you see that he does.
00:48:33And to all this, why are you so interested in eliminating him?
00:48:37He doesn't know what that cell phone contains.
00:48:40Besides, he doesn't have to worry about my friend.
00:48:43He just wanted to take revenge on me.
00:48:45I don't think it's necessary to kill him.
00:48:47If I look at him, I ask him for the cell phone and he gives it to me.
00:48:51Do you want to shut up?
00:48:53No, godfather.
00:48:55I have better plans for you.
00:48:57I want you to be a simple dealer.
00:48:59What do you want?
00:49:01I want you to be my right hand, Tony.
00:49:03Your right hand?
00:49:05Propose that to me?
00:49:07No, I don't think so.
00:49:08What you want is to give me hell.
00:49:10No, Tony.
00:49:12I've been through all this and I can't even enjoy it.
00:49:18I'll go ahead.
00:49:21But with you by my side.
00:49:24Do you accept?
00:49:26Your offer is very tempting.
00:49:29But they can kill me.
00:49:31I accept on one condition.
00:49:33Conditions to me?
00:49:35That's all I needed.
00:49:37Well, if you want.
00:49:39If not, there's no deal.
00:49:40You see, Tony, why I chose you?
00:49:42You're not afraid of me.
00:49:45But it's okay.
00:49:47Tell me your conditions.
00:49:49I'm going to get the cell phone back.
00:49:52But I don't want them to find out.
00:49:54Because of the envy.
00:49:56What's wrong with you?
00:49:58The one who doesn't like it,
00:50:00already knows where it will go.
00:50:02Then forget it.
00:50:03So they kill me in a while,
00:50:05better because you haven't seen it once.
00:50:09First of all,
00:50:11I want you to find the cell phone.
00:50:13It's your responsibility.
00:50:18I want you to take Tony to the warehouses.
00:50:21Yes, sir.
00:50:22Now go.
00:50:24And remember.
00:50:26You're going to pay me until the last cent with your job.
00:50:30Yes, boss.
00:50:31Until the last cent.
00:50:35What are you going to do here?
00:50:37I don't know exactly.
00:50:39But I want to see how the business is going.
00:50:43All good?
00:50:45All good.
00:50:46It's okay.
00:50:48Go leave the things of the lady on the camera.
00:50:51See you later.
00:50:53Yes, sir.
00:50:54I'm going to the warehouses.
00:50:56Yes, sir.
00:50:57I'm going to the warehouses.
00:50:59Yes, sir.
00:51:00I'm going to the warehouses.
00:51:02See you later.
00:51:04Yes, sir.
00:51:07Well, doll.
00:51:15I've been thinking.
00:51:17About what you told me the other time.
00:51:19What are you talking about?
00:51:20We've said so many things.
00:51:22I should be in a better economic situation.
00:51:25Especially for the years I've been at your service.
00:51:28Oh, that's it.
00:51:30Well, yes.
00:51:32Now that I see all this.
00:51:34I think I should be more successful with your people.
00:51:38Well, I already know that.
00:51:40That's why I wanted to talk to you.
00:51:42What do you think is the best way to tell him?
00:51:45Before I get in trouble with him.
00:51:47He'll kill me.
00:51:48And I'm sure he has a family.
00:51:50Why does he want all this?
00:51:52If he's not going to share it with anyone.
00:51:54And that he doesn't want to be seen.
00:51:56It's very strange.
00:51:58I've also always thought about that.
00:52:00Something is hiding.
00:52:02Besides his face.
00:52:04Or maybe he has a double life.
00:52:06What was that?
00:52:08I don't know. Let's see.
00:52:16I already brought my things.
00:52:18I'm going to buy some very sexy clothes for you.
00:52:21I want to make you very happy.
00:52:23Is that really what you want?
00:52:26I want to give you what no woman has ever been able to give.
00:52:31Well, if that's the case.
00:52:34Then you don't need to work in the business.
00:52:37As long as you please me.
00:52:39It's more than enough.
00:52:42When do we start?
00:52:46I never thought about betraying the boss.
00:52:49And less for a newbie.
00:52:51No, Lopez.
00:52:53Betraying him, no.
00:52:55And it's not for him.
00:52:57It's for me and for all of us.
00:52:59We deserve to win better.
00:53:01He's fair.
00:53:02He gave us a job.
00:53:03When we didn't have one, we had to end up dead.
00:53:06No one argues about that.
00:53:09The thing is that you do the work.
00:53:11And he only orders.
00:53:13No, I don't like tales.
00:53:15What they want is to betray him.
00:53:17It will be better if you drop the gun.
00:53:19I'm the boss.
00:53:21He's going to kill them.
00:53:23Look at the camera.
00:53:28What happened?
00:53:29Why so many bullets?
00:53:33Don't you know we can't arouse suspicions?
00:53:37I know, boss.
00:53:38But Lopez...
00:53:41When we got to the warehouses,
00:53:43he tried to steal the merchandise.
00:53:45We told him to give it back.
00:53:48And he tried to kill us.
00:53:50And we had to kill him.
00:53:52I suspected that, boss.
00:53:54But I never thought Lopez would be capable of that.
00:53:59Get out of the body.
00:54:01Okay, boss.
00:54:11I have to remember where I saw that car.
00:54:13When I went to the mall.
00:54:16When I went to cut my hair.
00:54:19Near where my uncles live.
00:54:22Of course.
00:54:23In my uncle's warehouse.
00:54:25Of course I saw him there.
00:54:29Now I'm going home.
00:54:31See you later.
00:54:39There he goes in that truck.
00:54:42That's the one he uses when he goes alone.
00:54:46We have to follow him.
00:54:47I hope we're lucky.
00:54:50I hope so.
00:54:51We don't want him to get us in trouble.
00:54:54That's strange.
00:54:55Why would the boss' wife come here?
00:54:58You know how curious they are.
00:55:00They must have come to see the property.
00:55:03But why do you ask?
00:55:04What is kept here?
00:55:05You tell her, man.
00:55:06And tell her the truth.
00:55:07She knows that the merchandise is kept here.
00:55:10How could I deny it?
00:55:12You saw how she flirted with me.
00:55:14Well, don't tell anyone about this.
00:55:17The boss will get mad if he finds out about this.
00:55:19Yes, he will.
00:55:20He did that so you would talk.
00:55:22That old man is not going to look at you.
00:55:25That bitch took my hair.
00:55:40I didn't find the cell phone.
00:55:41But I do have a lead to follow.
00:55:45Keep me informed.
00:56:13Yes, boss.
00:56:15Okay, whatever you say.
00:56:20Hey, man.
00:56:22The godfather says
00:56:24that you take me to the car lot.
00:56:26You already know where it is.
00:56:29I know where it is.
00:56:31You are so lucky, man.
00:56:33I'm sure he's going to send you something.
00:56:35Something very important.
00:56:36Come on, I'll take you.
00:56:49Hi, dad.
00:56:51If you call me to ask for money,
00:56:53I'll tell you right away that I don't have any.
00:56:57You're so smart, dad.
00:56:59I really need it.
00:57:03I'm sorry to hear that, son.
00:57:05Why don't you look for someone to support you?
00:57:08Because you're done with me.
00:57:10Or get a job, asshole.
00:57:14I'm sorry, dad.
00:57:16Or get a job, asshole.
00:57:19Okay, dad.
00:57:21Don't worry.
00:57:23Thank you, dad.
00:57:24Thank you for supporting me.
00:57:41Hello, miss.
00:57:42I'm here on behalf of the godfather.
00:57:44Yes, here are the keys.
00:57:46The car is mine.
00:57:47Thank you very much.
00:57:48Excuse me.
00:57:52Hello, Eduardo.
00:57:54Look, the godfather just gave me a car.
00:57:58And I came to pick it up here at the lot.
00:58:00And guess what?
00:58:02The lot is your uncle's.
00:58:04Don't you think he has something to do with this?
00:58:07Uncle, how are you?
00:58:09I'm Eduardo.
00:58:10What's up, Eduardo? How have you been?
00:58:12Good, thanks.
00:58:14I'm calling you because I'm near your office and I wanted to stop by to say hello.
00:58:17Oh, son.
00:58:19I'm just about to leave for a trip.
00:58:21But I'll be there in a week.
00:58:23What do you think if we talk,
00:58:25we make a deal, and I invite you to dinner?
00:58:28Don't worry, uncle.
00:58:29I told you I was around here.
00:58:31I'll be there in a week.
00:58:33I'll be there in a week.
00:58:35I told you I was around here.
00:58:37I'll call you next week.
00:58:39It's going to be a pleasure, Eduardo.
00:58:52Hello, good afternoon.
00:58:53Good afternoon.
00:58:54Can I help you with anything?
00:58:55I'm looking for some friends, but I can't find them.
00:58:58I don't know if they're around here.
00:59:00What are your friends' names?
00:59:02My name is Omar.
00:59:05No, only Charlie, Javier, and Eduardo work here.
00:59:10That's Eduardo.
00:59:12Although Charlie and Eduardo haven't come to work for days.
00:59:16No, no.
00:59:17I was looking for them.
00:59:19Well, if you come back, can you tell them a friend is looking for them?
00:59:24Of course.
00:59:25Thank you very much.
00:59:26Have a good day.
00:59:33I have to find that guy, Omar.
00:59:36He's ruining my life.
00:59:38Well, come on.
00:59:40You're already late.
00:59:42The boss will contact us soon, and we have nothing to tell him.
00:59:47And why are you so afraid of the boss?
00:59:50It's not fear.
00:59:51It's respect.
00:59:52Oh, please.
00:59:55If he doesn't do anything, you're the ones who get hurt.
00:59:59Well, yes, that's very true.
01:00:01That's what the boss is for.
01:00:03Well, he may be the boss, but if something happens to you, he washes his hands.
01:00:08No one knows him.
01:00:10You're right.
01:00:11When something happens to his people, he doesn't care.
01:00:16And when someone new arrives, they want to put him on their right hand.
01:00:20Just like that, without any merit.
01:00:23It's true.
01:00:25How long have you been with him?
01:00:28For killing my friend, he wants to raise me very high.
01:00:32Well, but we owe him everything.
01:00:35So stop talking nonsense.
01:00:37And you, Tony, start looking for your friend.
01:00:40I know.
01:00:41I'm going to call his girlfriend to see what news she has for me.
01:00:45I need everything.
01:00:46I need everything.
01:00:47I need everything.
01:00:48I need everything.
01:00:49I need everything.
01:00:50I need everything.
01:00:51I need everything.
01:00:52I need everything.
01:00:53Take advantage of this moment.
01:00:56Can you give me a chance to take you something to eat?
01:00:59We'll see you in a minute.
01:01:00Of course, you already know I know the business.
01:01:02Don't worry.
01:01:03Take your time.
01:01:04I'll take care of this if you come.
01:01:06See you later.
01:01:07Take care.
01:01:08Take as much time as you need.
01:01:10That shipment should be on its way.
01:01:17What's going on?
01:01:19I don't like that they don't keep their word.
01:01:22We're at risk.
01:01:24Yes, yes, you tell me it's on its way, but you don't say anything.
01:01:29Give me a date.
01:01:31What do you mean you can't?
01:01:33That shipment is already compromised.
01:01:38Well, let's put it this way.
01:01:41If I don't have any news by noon tomorrow,
01:01:45anything that happens will be your responsibility,
01:01:50and I won't pay you anything.
01:01:52I hope that's very clear to you.
01:01:58Yes, boss?
01:02:01I want you to go with Morales right now to the dock.
01:02:06Something's wrong.
01:02:08Look at the atmosphere.
01:02:10Something must be happening out of the ordinary.
01:02:14And I also want you to keep an eye on Tony.
01:02:18Maybe he's going to see Omar.
01:02:21I want you to keep an eye on him.
01:02:24That cell phone has a lot of information that we can't
01:02:29let it get to the wrong hands.
01:02:32Don't worry, I'll take care of that.
01:02:39But how is it possible that these papers are here,
01:02:42if that car is already sold?
01:02:59I don't know.
01:03:29I don't know.
01:03:31I don't know.
01:03:57What's up, Lolo? Looking for something?
01:04:00No, look, I was looking for the titles of a car,
01:04:03of some clients who came, but I couldn't find them.
01:04:07Well, I'll tell your uncle that you've been around here.
01:04:11I'll let him know if you want.
01:04:12No, man, don't worry.
01:04:13I'll call him myself and tell him to come here.
01:04:17As you wish, but we'll be in touch.
01:04:20Thank you, as you wish.
01:04:21No, on the contrary, thank you.
01:04:36Look, Morales, I think it's a undercover cop.
01:04:40They're just being stupid.
01:04:42Yes, I also noticed that.
01:04:53Boss, apparently the police are going around here.
01:04:58Yes, boss.
01:05:02The boss is going to send more people.
01:05:04Let me down to see what I can find out.
01:05:07Yes, let me know if anything happens.
01:05:28What's up, bro?
01:05:38What's up, bro?
01:05:45What are you doing here?
01:05:47Do you want us to give you gas or what?
01:05:50What are you talking about? I was just passing by.
01:05:53I didn't want to make you ready with me.
01:05:55What are you looking for?
01:05:57Talk or say goodbye.
01:05:59All right, all right.
01:06:01We're waiting for a shipment.
01:06:03When? What is it about?
01:06:05We don't know when or what it's about.
01:06:08That's why we're here to find out.
01:06:10So how did you find out?
01:06:13I don't know.
01:06:14My boss sent us to investigate.
01:06:16But apparently you do know what it's about.
01:06:19No, I don't know either.
01:06:22You're exposed to being caught.
01:06:24And you don't even know what it's about.
01:06:27Shut up.
01:06:28What do you know?
01:06:29I feel trapped and I can't go back.
01:06:32You should get out of this.
01:06:34Because the only thing you're going to win is ending up dead.
01:06:38There's no turning back.
01:06:40I'm in deep.
01:06:42You're wrong.
01:06:43You could still get out of all this.
01:06:46But how?
01:06:47I'm deep in this.
01:06:49We're not looking for the shipment.
01:06:51We're looking for the root of all this.
01:06:53The big head.
01:06:55But what good does that do me?
01:06:58They'll catch me and put me in jail for many years.
01:07:02Everything will be done discreetly.
01:07:04And you'll be a protected witness.
01:07:07And my family?
01:07:08We'll protect them too.
01:07:11Just let me make a call.
01:07:13Yes, of course.
01:07:14Here's your fool.
01:07:15I'm sure you'll call for help.
01:07:18But if I don't report,
01:07:19they'll look for me soon.
01:07:21And I won't be able to do anything for you.
01:07:23And how can I be sure
01:07:25that they'll protect my family?
01:07:27Let me call.
01:07:29I'll ask them to go get your family
01:07:31and take them to a safe place.
01:07:34I don't know if I can trust you.
01:07:40Call me.
01:07:51I'm Commander Rincón.
01:07:53I need you to go get some people.
01:07:56They're protected witnesses.
01:08:16I told you he wasn't a cop.
01:08:18Did you see how I subdued him?
01:08:20The poor bastard fell to his knees.
01:08:23This is all so strange.
01:08:25There's no sign of the shipment.
01:08:27And the boss won't like any of this.
01:08:31Well, no.
01:08:32But what are we going to do?
01:08:39No one talks about the shipment.
01:08:41They wouldn't even believe it.
01:08:43There are no cops around.
01:08:45We'll wait until tomorrow noon.
01:08:48If they don't have any information,
01:08:50we'll have to act.
01:08:53Tell everyone that I don't want anyone
01:08:55after eight o'clock in the house.
01:08:58But I want them out in case I'm offered something.
01:09:01Now go.
01:09:02I want them here tomorrow morning.
01:09:05Of course, boss.
01:09:06Let's go.
01:09:12Good afternoon, miss.
01:09:14Yes, tell me.
01:09:15I'm looking for Eduardo.
01:09:18I need to find him.
01:09:20I have information about his family in Mexico.
01:09:22It's very important.
01:09:25Why don't you go find him with Mrs. Lola?
01:09:28She's been his friend for a long time.
01:09:30Sometimes she's there.
01:09:31Well, I don't know her.
01:09:33Can you give me her address?
01:09:36No, I don't have her address.
01:09:38But I'll tell you how to get there.
01:09:41Take the 45th.
01:09:43Go to the 10th.
01:09:44Go to Bomay.
01:09:45The exit is on the third street.
01:09:49Turn right.
01:09:50The third house is there.
01:09:53Thank you very much.
01:09:54You're welcome.
01:09:55Have a good day.
01:10:00Eduardo is my friend.
01:10:03He's the one who had the godfather killed.
01:10:06That's why I couldn't do it.
01:10:07Lola is helping us
01:10:09to find out who the godfather is.
01:10:11But we already know.
01:10:13I went to my uncle's car lot
01:10:15where I realized
01:10:17that the suspicious car was sold there.
01:10:20Here are the proofs.
01:10:23But the strange thing is that the papers are still there.
01:10:27Maybe my uncle is being
01:10:29involved in something that he hasn't even noticed.
01:10:35Well, I went to watch
01:10:38the house where the godfather was.
01:10:41And it turns out
01:10:42that a woman came out of there.
01:10:45And a wife.
01:10:47She probably has a family.
01:10:49And that's not all, Eduardo.
01:10:51It turns out that woman
01:10:53is your aunt.
01:10:54My aunt?
01:10:56So she's cheating on her.
01:10:59And with the godfather?
01:11:01I think you'll understand more.
01:11:03What I discovered is still missing.
01:11:05Let's see, start over.
01:11:08Well, I'm not going to tell you much.
01:11:10The only thing is that I already saw the godfather's face.
01:11:14We know he has a family.
01:11:16And do you know his face?
01:11:18Yes, Eduardo.
01:11:19I know his face.
01:11:20And you too.
01:11:21The godfather is your uncle.
01:11:25My uncle?
01:11:26How is it possible?
01:11:27If he was always showing off
01:11:29that he was very honest.
01:11:31And my aunt?
01:11:33Who always boasted that
01:11:35she was from a good family.
01:11:37My cousins also smiled.
01:11:40I can't believe it.
01:11:42I really don't think your family knows about your business.
01:11:45You're right, Lola.
01:11:47Your aunt likes to spend.
01:11:50If she knew,
01:11:52she would like to live in a house like the godfather's.
01:11:56I'm really in shock.
01:11:59But we have something very important in our hands.
01:12:01So what are we going to do?
01:12:03Is it about your uncle?
01:12:05Are we going to continue with the same plan?
01:12:07Yes, Eduardo. Think about it.
01:12:09I, on my part, will understand any decision you make.
01:12:12Well, I'm stuck.
01:12:14And Morales is with me.
01:12:16If you don't want to affect your uncle,
01:12:18I will understand.
01:12:20I will not allow him to hurt people more.
01:12:23I thank him for giving me a house
01:12:25and for helping me when I needed it the most.
01:12:29But I will not allow him to have me killed
01:12:32without knowing who I was.
01:12:34We will continue with the plan.
01:12:36I will find out.
01:12:39I will tell my aunt that he is a drug trafficker
01:12:42so she can learn her lesson.
01:12:46That will complicate things for us.
01:12:48We can't expose you.
01:12:50Let's work as a team.
01:12:52Lola, you stay at the godfather's house.
01:12:56You inform us from inside what's going on there.
01:12:58You, Tony, go to the warehouses.
01:13:02And you, stay here.
01:13:04We don't want to expose you.
01:13:06The shipment arrives at 12 at night.
01:13:10From there, they will take it to the warehouses of the house.
01:13:14And everything will be discovered there.
01:13:16I will take a picture of you
01:13:18so that the commander recognizes you.
01:13:20I, leaving here, will communicate with him
01:13:22so that he comes to pick you up.
01:13:24I will go to the dock.
01:13:26And from there, we will keep in touch.
01:13:29Well, I have to go too.
01:13:31We are waiting for you.
01:13:33Of course.
01:13:41And Aunt Mari?
01:13:43She's not even aware.
01:13:54Look at that.
01:13:56We just need Lola
01:13:58to be Tania's friend.
01:14:54And where the fuck is that cell phone?
01:15:24I'm already here, boss.
01:15:26Pay close attention.
01:15:28Today at 12, a shipment will arrive at the dock.
01:15:32You go there.
01:15:34You report to the boss upstairs.
01:15:36And you tell him that you are going to confirm
01:15:38the arrival of some parts for automobiles.
01:15:44You have to register
01:15:46the address.
01:15:48You have to register
01:15:50the address
01:15:54where the shipment will be taken.
01:15:56You will give this.
01:16:00Here they will take the pieces.
01:16:02First they will bring everything here
01:16:04to our warehouses.
01:16:06Here we will unpack the drugs.
01:16:08But the pieces will go
01:16:10to the address you gave.
01:16:12When I have already registered that,
01:16:14you come back here
01:16:16because we have to be ready
01:16:18for when everything arrives.
01:16:20And unpack quickly
01:16:22so as not to arouse suspicions.
01:16:24Do you understand?
01:16:26Okay, boss.
01:16:28I'm leaving now.
01:16:46Thank you for watching!
01:16:48Don't forget to like and subscribe!
01:17:16What's up with you?
01:17:18Do you have my money?
01:17:20No, man, give me a chance!
01:17:22Hold on!
01:17:24No, Brian, you're overreacting.
01:17:26Let's go!
01:17:28Let's go!
01:17:30Let's go!
01:17:32Let's go!
01:17:34Let's go!
01:17:36Let's go!
01:17:38Let's go!
01:17:40Let's go!
01:17:42Let's go!
01:17:44Let's go!
01:17:46Let's go!
01:17:48Let's go!
01:17:50Oh, Eduardo.
01:17:52You're already late.
01:17:54Your uncle is not here.
01:17:56He went on a trip.
01:17:58So, what do you want?
01:18:00Are you sure you can't go alone?
01:18:02Do you want to go back home?
01:18:04Well, no.
01:18:06I need to talk to you.
01:18:08To me?
01:18:10What do you want?
01:18:12I just want you to give me 10 minutes of your time.
01:18:14Five minutes.
01:18:16Counting, okay?
01:18:18So, my uncle is on a trip.
01:18:20Is that what he told you?
01:18:22What do you mean by that?
01:18:26I'm just warning you
01:18:28to lower your guard.
01:18:30Because very soon
01:18:32you'll realize that we're all the same.
01:18:34No one is more than no one.
01:18:36Get out of here.
01:18:38You won't be able to meddle.
01:18:40When your uncle comes back from his trip
01:18:42which I'm sure he did
01:18:44then you'll know what's good.
01:18:46After we gave you a home.
01:18:48How dare you?
01:18:52A home?
01:18:54How can you tell
01:18:56that you don't know what a home is?
01:18:58You've never had a home.
01:19:00Get out of my house.
01:19:02And please, don't come back.
01:19:04Okay, I'm leaving.
01:19:06And I forgive you
01:19:08for your guilt.
01:19:10But when you need me, I'll be there.
01:19:12I need you?
01:19:14Please, don't make me laugh.
01:19:16Get out!
01:19:20How dare you?
01:19:32I brought this son of a bitch
01:19:34who doesn't want to pay.
01:19:36Okay, leave him.
01:19:38Now go, it's getting late.
01:19:44Put him in a cell.
01:19:46We need to give him
01:19:48a special treatment.
01:19:58My uncle is the godfather.
01:20:00The thing is
01:20:02everything he did, he kept it very well hidden.
01:20:04I'm sorry for my aunt
01:20:06and my cousins,
01:20:08it will be a hard blow for them
01:20:10when they find out who he really is.
01:20:12Morales told me
01:20:14about your situation with the godfather.
01:20:16It will also be a big surprise
01:20:18for him
01:20:20to know that his nephew
01:20:22is part of this plan.
01:20:24Well, yes.
01:20:26But my uncle was never tolerant
01:20:28with anyone being the godfather.
01:20:30He always let my aunt and my cousins humiliate me.
01:20:34why am I going to be tolerant with him?
01:20:38And if no one gets hurt,
01:20:40you'll have to confront him.
01:20:42And you know what you're going to tell him.
01:20:44I'll just tell him
01:20:46that I'm the one he wanted to kill.
01:21:02I'm sorry.
01:21:04I'm sorry.
01:21:06I'm sorry.
01:21:08I'm sorry.
01:21:10I'm sorry.
01:21:12I'm sorry.
01:21:14I'm sorry.
01:21:16I'm sorry.
01:21:18I'm sorry.
01:21:20I'm sorry.
01:21:22I'm sorry.
01:21:24I'm sorry.
01:21:26I'm sorry.
01:21:28I'm sorry.
01:21:30I'm sorry.
01:21:32I'm sorry.
01:21:34I'm sorry.
01:21:36I'm sorry.
01:21:38I'm sorry.
01:21:40I'm sorry.
01:21:42I'm sorry.
01:21:44I'm sorry.
01:21:46I'm sorry.
01:21:48I'm sorry.
01:21:50I'm sorry.
01:21:52I'm sorry.
01:21:54I'm sorry.
01:21:56I'm sorry.
01:21:58I'm sorry.
01:22:00I'm sorry.
01:22:02I'm sorry.
01:22:04I'm sorry.
01:22:06I'm sorry.
01:22:08I'm sorry.
01:22:10I'm sorry.
01:22:12I'm sorry.
01:22:14I'm sorry.
01:22:18Lincoln, commander.
01:22:20The merch is in the warehouses.
01:22:28Comandante, he's on his way to the warehouses. He'll be there in five minutes.
01:22:58Get down! Get down!
01:23:28Get down! Get in the van!
01:23:58What a shame, uncle! You really disappoint me!
01:24:12You told me that you earned the money honestly.
01:24:15That it was the shame of the family.
01:24:19That it was the bad influence for your children.
01:24:22And look who says it. You really disappoint me, uncle.
01:24:26The pleasure it gives me that you're going to spend a long vacation in jail.
01:24:48Comandante, that guy killed my mom.
01:24:51Are you sure?
01:24:52Yes, Comandante.
01:24:55Damn murderer! You took from me what I wanted most in life!
01:25:00Who was going to say that this pig that I never loved was going to save me from jail?
01:25:05Pull him, bastard! Pull him!
01:25:08No, Eduardo. Don't worry. Don't give him pleasure.
01:25:11How life puts him in front of me. And I can't avenge my mother.
01:25:15Look, you let justice do its job. They wait many years in jail.
01:25:21Yes, Comandante. The police kept everything.
01:25:24The trials will come. And you are the main witness of what happened here.
01:25:29And the godfather was one of the most wanted in all of America.
01:25:34A great reward is offered for him.
01:25:37I don't do it for the reward, Comandante.
01:25:40I do it because subjects like him ruin many lives.
01:25:44Well, yes. But someone has to receive that reward.
01:25:48And who better than you?
01:25:49I would like to be the one to bring the news to my aunt.
01:25:52May I?
01:25:54Thank you, Comandante.
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01:26:49© BF-WATCH TV 2021
