• 2 days ago
00:13Last time the bakers made a splash in biscuit week look at that
00:18You've got the engineering just right ovens delicate showstopper won him the title of star baker
00:25It's really amazing and we said a fun farewell to Jaden and Ryan
00:30I'm feeling a little sad, but I've had a great time this week our eight remaining bakers take on celebration week
00:38After opening with signature Sarawak look at those layers. There's a festive technical
00:47Before a terrifying showstopper
01:18Great celebration to me is friends and family hanging around with some of my big goods
01:25I am ready to celebrate
01:32Bakers it's time to bust out the decorations put your dancing shoes on and get ready for celebration week
01:40This week it's about food that you'd serve at a party a gathering a shindig weirdly honoring only 50% of the bake-off
01:48hosting team a
01:51calibration if you will
01:55Today Darren and Rachel would like you to bake your signature Sarawak cake a
02:01Sarawak is a colored layer cake from Malaysia served on special occasions
02:06Unlike other cakes this one is baked layer by layer
02:10Your Sarawak should have a minimum of four colors and be designed to form a geometric pattern when it's cut open
02:17Bakers you have two hours and 15 minutes to bake your signature Sarawak cake on your marks
02:24Get set
02:35Sarawak is covered completely. You don't see all those colors you sliced into it, and then it's like
02:44In a Sarawak cake you want to get
02:46beautifully even layers
02:48So the bakers need to pour the batter to the right amount and make sure they bake it evenly
02:56It's gonna take a fair amount of skill to make sure that we get all the layers in there and
03:01We don't actually burn anything
03:04When I cut that cake open, I'm looking forward to seeing a geometric and vibrant design
03:12Coloring my better summery fun colors
03:17See me celebratory Sarawak will be flavored with orange lemon and lime and coated in citrus buttercream
03:25It's a really good cake to showcase the flavors. I love and my style of baking. Yeah, just scream celebration a
03:34Sarawak cake every layer you pop under the grill
03:41I'm going in
03:47I love it
03:49What you're making for us today as you would expect from me. It's quite intricate. It's a very
03:55Tricky cake to make so if someone serves you a Sarawak Larry cake you must be very important to them
04:05Alvin's VIP celebration will be flavored with orange juice and orange zest
04:10Inside the cake he will create a checkerboard pattern
04:16My butter into four I think there are multiple ways to make it
04:21I'm just gonna stick with my guts and a little bit different from the traditional ones
04:28To get the extra flavor into the Sarawak cake
04:30I'm making a raspberry and lime syrup with some condensed milk and butter and I'll brush that in between each layer
04:37Jason Sarawak will have layers of raspberry red and lime green cake all wrapped up in a pink sponge
04:44I just wanted to keep it simple just two flavors to make sure they come through at the end. I
04:50Have a lovely little concoction here of coconut condensed milk and a little coconut rum
04:55So if any of the sponge is a little dry this sits in there soaks in and just makes everything like luscious and delicious
05:04Adrian's boozy Sarawak cake will celebrate all things love with a patent neon heart in the center
05:11Sounds tricky. Yep. It is going to be a challenge and that's because there are so many layers and
05:18So much geometric cutting and gluing. I love how we're getting a classic agent
05:24You're being super creative and really pushing yourself with your design, and I don't know what I'm talking about
05:30I think you'll do great. Thank you cow that means a lot
05:34In Malaysia
05:35There is a temple called the battery temple
05:38Locals have made a tourist attraction with the stairs leading up and I'm going to make those colors
05:42So a bit of blue red teal and I yellow
05:46In keeping with her temple theme Lorena's cake will be pyramid shaped. It will be flavored with vanilla
05:53Coconut and rum my cake batter only uses egg whites and coconut oil. So my colors will be nice and vibrant
06:00I think I've just made cows hair
06:03One hour to go bakers one hour to go
06:14I had a really really intense pineapple phase for some reason. I made pineapples like my whole lifestyle
06:22I had pineapple sunglasses shirts. I had a pineapple themed party
06:28Molly celebration will continue with a pineapple jam between layers of coconut cake. It will be coated in a white chocolate ganache
06:38What got you into pineapple like we're all your did you get into the wrong crowd? Yeah, well, they all doing pineapple
06:49The layers seem to have puffed up quite big. I hope you haven't chopped in at a bad time
06:56No, it's not a bad time. It's a great time. We're trying to Sarawak and it's my version of a Sarawak
07:02Elliot's version of a Sarawak will be flavored with chocolate and orange. It will be topped with an intricate pipe design and love hearts
07:11When it comes to Sarawak, I honestly have zero clue. So I've just started to come up with my own little ideas
07:17Do you know what? I love your confidence, right? You always have a good day in the kitchen if you're gonna be positive
07:22Well, we love baking and we love cooking and we love trying stuff. It's just something out. That's new. Absolutely
07:27This is like useful panic
07:40Bakers you have 30 minutes before your cakes are fair game for Rachel does Natalie and me
07:49mainly for Natalie and me
07:53I'm getting hectic because you're in and out grilling in and out grilling
08:01Okay, I'm on my last layer this is going to be my outside one I
08:06Am doing a kente inspired design now kente is a traditional Ghanian cloth
08:13Melissa's Sarawak cake will include bright greens reds and orange
08:17And orange to finish she'll wrap it in a thin layer of yellow cake. What about those layers there?
08:24What are they flavored with? Oh, they are flavored with a very African flavor called vanilla
08:40Every minute counts at this point
08:48Oh great, yeah, I'm pretty happy with this. The hard thing is you can't tell until you cut into it to see the layers
08:55I'm definitely happy with the colors. We just need to assemble it
09:04I just can't layer it
09:07I'm gonna put a thin layer of pineapple jam. Um, so that'll help kind of stick the layers together and to all be one cake
09:15We are motoring this camel is gorgeous because it's very dark be full of flavor
09:23Bakers you have 15 minutes to go. Can I have more time?
09:35It's just hope that's cooked
09:37It's just hope that's cooked
09:43Man I hate this
09:48I think it's looking pretty good
09:52I've just heated up my white chocolate ganache a little bit and I'm gonna pour it on my Sarawak
09:56So that'll help me stick my toasted coconut to it
09:58They're gonna make oh, this is just a boring white cake and then boom they cut into it. It's just like wow
10:14Pink Sarawak a little bit
10:19Bakers you have one minute to go clean bench, please
10:26Let's get those on the plate
10:28Oh, no, it's upside down it's a flowers
10:38Nine eight seven six five
10:47Three two
11:12Lorena looks like a fantastic bomb, Alaska perfect for a celebration
11:19Look at those colors. Oh and leave my sunglasses
11:27Coconut is so delicious and in combination with the vanilla. It's so full of flavor. Thank you
11:32It's really fantastic and nice and moist. We've done something very creative and very vibrant
11:40The decoration is fabulous. I love the piping. It's fun
11:46Feels nice and firm
11:49It isn't as neat as you might want it, but you've you have managed to create layers and we've got a pattern there
12:00The texture of the cake it is slightly on the drier side
12:05But it does taste great and the vanilla works really well in the whipped ganache
12:12Looks really festive and it looks like it's perfect for a party table
12:18Look at those layers
12:25The balance of that pineapple jam is perfect love that toasted coconut
12:30I think it's a clever flavor profile that you've put to this. Thank you
12:37It looks like you've had a bit of an issue here wrapping your sponge
12:46You've got some good layers in there I
12:52Think the sponges are not a fantastic texture, but the flavor does compensate
12:59Both of the flavors are nicely balanced out and the cake tastes really fresh and vibrant
13:08The icing on that side looks really appetizing I
13:12Think you've definitely hit the Sarawak brief. You can really see how you've baked each layer
13:20to perfection
13:23That frosting on the outside it's delicious the orange the lime and the lemon so beautiful like a burst of sunshine
13:33The embossing of the cake on the outside it gives the cake some elegance
13:41Oh, you certainly haven't got really thin layers. It's almost like a Battenberg cake
13:49Delicious flavor really nice. It's got a lovely zesty aftertaste. It looks beautiful
13:56However, it's just not a Sarawak cake
13:59You know, you've got this very cool psychedelic kind of pattern going on
14:03I love that a few cracks on the top, which is unfortunate
14:08In order to get those defined layers you want nice and thin you want them baked correctly
14:12Everything's just a little bit too compact here
14:18I'm not getting much of the rum through but the coconut comes through I could tell straight away
14:23It was a heartbreak cake because I see here some wasted years
14:26unreturned DVDs
14:28Really annoying in-laws. I think
14:33Look at that look spectacular and it's got those bright Ghanaian colors. It's fantastic
14:44That's exactly what we were looking for
14:51Really good flavor. I love vanilla. It's a spectacular interior
14:56I think you've nailed the flavors and you've got a fantastic
15:01Definition I was so proud when I heard Darren and Rachel say that I completely nailed the brief
15:08Rachel said that
15:10Mine had had great flavor, but it wasn't a Sarawak, but I'm still proud of what I serve in there
15:27Bakers welcome to what would normally be the technical challenge
15:31But because it's celebration week. We're throwing a party
15:36I'm just kidding. There's no party
15:44Today's technical bank has been set by Darren purchase a man who loves
15:4870s dinner parties so much that he gels his hair up into little spikes and puts a cube of cheese and a cocktail onion on
15:55each one
15:57It's nothing wrong with that Darren any tips for our bakers
16:01watch your temper and
16:05Don't bust my baubles
16:09Thanks dad that's scary now off you guys go good luck good luck
16:16Now that they've gone I can tell you that Darren would like you to make his
16:20Christmas ornaments
16:22Darren's Christmas ornaments are made from tempered chocolate and filled with chocolate sponge
16:28cherry compote and white chocolate cream
16:32Bakers you have two hours and 15 minutes to make Darren's Christmas ornaments on your marks get set
16:45It is a mean three page recipe two hours and 15 minutes to get forms
16:52I am so happy that we've got some Christmas cheer in the ships today. It's my favorite time of the year
17:05These are my Christmas ornaments look at them
17:09They're so sparkly and it's hiding a dessert inside
17:13Chocolate and cherry and cream. Oh my goodness
17:17My bakers need to temper some dark chocolate and then cast that chocolate into the molds
17:24super thin and
17:26Then if I break it
17:29You get that nice snap tempering chocolate isn't an easy thing it is one of the hardest parts of this
17:37That is divine, you know you get the crunch of the chocolate
17:42Juicy cherries and the lightness of the white chocolate and they need to bake the perfect
17:48Chocolate sponge and then there's the cherries get in the balance right that sweetness with the white chocolate and Kirsch cream
17:55It can overwhelm because it has the Kirsch cream in it
17:59So I'm going to give it a go. I'm going to give it a go. I'm going to give it a go
18:02Kirsch cream it can overwhelm because it has the Kirsch inside so much packed into a tiny little Christmas baubles
18:11We really need to test them now. We need to find out exactly how good they are
18:19I'm starting with the tempered chocolates. I need to be very careful about my temperature
18:24You need to get to between 31 and 33 to make sure that the chocolate can become smooth
18:32The key to getting tempered chocolate right is to making sure that there's no lumps of chocolate left
18:39Got some lumps in there. Okay, that's good. Now what?
18:48Rightly spread the first mold and completely coat two cavities gold two cavities silver and two cavities red
19:01I'm gonna put a chocolate into the molds now
19:16I've emptied all the excess chocolate out. So it's kind of like a shell
19:22Geez that is thick
19:25With their chocolate shells resting the bakers must work on the components that sit inside the balls
19:32finally pipe 12
19:33Christmas trees
19:36What's going on I'm trying to draw a Christmas tree and it's actually quite hard
19:41Have you made Christmas trees before not chocolate ones?
19:46It's looking good so far so far so good
19:49Have you thought about just like picking some leaves from one of the hinges around here and just like
19:55Just go to that now I
19:59Have a Christmas tree up in my house all year round love the lights don't judge me
20:06I've seen that you need to put the
20:09Trees inside the balls. So I think I might need to make them smaller. It's gonna roll with it
20:23Bakers you're right at the point
20:25Where Donner and Blitzen start complaining their hooves are sore from all the flying
20:30You're halfway
20:32You are halfway bakers
20:36Just making my meringue ready for my sponge
20:40froggy froggy frothy
20:43You just have to be gentle which doesn't help when you're writing the bones going in the oven
20:58Making a white chocolate kush cream now
21:02I just put a little extra kush in there. We all just want a little extra tipple at Christmastime
21:10Hello Elliot, hello, how are you good? I like your baubles. Oh, thank you so much
21:15I know you're a bit busy at the moment. I do need a singing lesson. I thought maybe
21:21Maybe Jingle Bells
21:23Jingle Bells Jingle Bells
21:26Jingle Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle Bells
21:41Your baubles are going better than that
21:46I'm taking my cake out
21:58Yep, that's good. I need a hundred grams of frozen cherries drains
22:04I'm now on to my cherry compote
22:11Yep, that's definitely jammy. I'm gonna take this off. I need this to chill. Oh, no, I think I got something in my eye
22:18cherry juice in the eye
22:25Bakers 30 minutes remaining 30 minutes remaining no
22:37Maybe I shouldn't be so stressed while I sing it. Otherwise, it sounds really terrible. I
22:43Actually have no idea how one goes about demolding
22:56It's a Christmas miracle
23:00Not good, I'm breaking you baubles
23:05My darlings you have 10 minutes to go
23:10I'm trying to soften up like woman darlings. That was nice of you
23:15Okay assembly time
23:18And sherry compote into each
23:23So that's that sponge disk
23:27But that's five centimeters. Okay, we're good
23:30I'm just going for gold
23:39It's not good
23:42It just won't set. Oh breathe breathe breathe. Let's get the Christmas tree out. Come on final touches bakers final touches
23:51Ten nine eight seven six five four three
23:59Two one
24:13Bakers could you please bring your Christmas ornaments up the front?
24:33Keep giving you
24:35super tough challenges
24:37But I tell you what you guys keep rising to that challenge
24:40I know how hard it is with chocolate tempering and lots of different components and I think
24:47Tonight you have done an excellent job
24:50We're gonna try the first one
24:53We've got three fantastic looking ornaments and the colors are really striking as well
25:00We'll just check if it's tempered correctly
25:04We've got a nice snap, which means the tempering has been done. Well
25:13The chocolate sponge is really light and that cherry is delicious
25:19It's been expertly baked really pleased with this effort on to number two
25:26It's not quite complete but the color is really vibrant
25:39I love how the baker has been really generous with that Kirsch and with that chocolate sponge
25:46Which has that nice denseness to it. It's really delicious. Yeah and
25:51really good texture on chocolate trees
25:54on to number three
25:57They're missing one of the tops on the bauble. It's unfortunate that the chocolate isn't actually tempered
26:04It's a little bit pliable
26:16The cream is well made and it's a really delicious dessert on to the next
26:23Only two chocolate ornaments here
26:29Lovely flavor I do however think the Kirsch cream is a little bit over whipped
26:35But the cake is really rich and the cherries are really delicious and juicy. I
26:41I mean, they're not chocolate trees Rachel. That's a forest
26:50That's really good chocolate well done good tempering on that the consistency of the cake is exactly like yours
26:58I think it's really dense. It's got that lovely chocolatey taste overall. That dessert is fantastic
27:04Hats off to the baker who's attached the
27:08Chocolate string straight to the top and they also look really luscious and really well finished
27:14But unfortunately, the cream is escaping a little bit
27:19It's really nice and even and nice and thin exactly like yours. Yeah
27:29The flavors are all there
27:31Cherry compote was lovely. I think our baker had a fantastic effort of making my chocolate ornaments here
27:39onto the next
27:40It looks like
27:42Dorothy's lost her shoes
27:45This red bauble is so sparkly
27:49It's a little bit thicker than other places there and that's probably where that bloom has come
27:55So the bloom is just different fluctuations in temperature
27:59And there seems to be a bit cream missing
28:05Unfortunately, the whole thing is not in balance because we haven't got that cream right there and the last one
28:11three chocolate ornaments all complete
28:18It's thick chocolate
28:20Even though the baker has done a very thick chocolate shell
28:24We still have all those lovely components in there great flavor
28:31The judges will now rank the baubles from 8th
28:36to first
28:38in eighth place
28:41Who's is this
28:43Jason some great flavors, but it's a shame. You didn't have all the ornaments in
28:49seventh position we have
28:52This one
28:54That's me. Oh, yeah, didn't temper that chocolate correctly
29:00in sixth position
29:02Arvin in fifth place
29:05Demi in
29:07fourth position
29:11in third place
29:13Well done, Lorena. Thank you in second place
29:22Who's this
29:27Great tempering and the perfect cake. Thank you. And of course that means in first place
29:42Very thin chocolate delicious flavors and that's your third technical win. So congratulations. How'd you feel?
29:49It was a big challenge and I'm so glad I got three baubles up for you
29:54Well done. It is a Christmas miracle that I am in first place. I
30:00Have done bad and technicals before but hopefully I'll make it through the showstopper tomorrow
30:20Bakers welcome to the biggest celebration of the week the showstopper
30:25In honor of Halloween and other spooky festivals around the world. The judges would like you to create a spooky blacklight cake
30:34This cake should use brightly colored edible elements that glow in the dark under a UV light
30:41Judges any advice use definition and texture in your design to get maximum effect
30:48Think outside the box when it comes to colors
30:52Bakers you have four and a half hours to create your spooky blacklight cake on your marks get set
31:12We are scared terrified panic for all the best reasons today
31:21Putting a lot of sugar today, but it's a big cake
31:33This makes me so great, I think it's gonna go on my Christmas list
31:42Marina Wow love that scary dress you've got. Thank you. It's very on theme. Well, if you got it haunt it
31:53Marina will be making a spooky chocolate cake
31:56She'll decorate with a Swiss meringue
31:58Tempered chocolate rib cage and a skull under the black light her cake will glow in bright neon colors
32:05How are you gonna get the elements to look both good in daylight and in the black light?
32:10My design is top-notch in black light in daylight
32:15I need to think on my feet and think of how I can like add some sparkle or color to it. Good luck
32:21Thank you so much
32:23In my cake mixture, I've got some delicious dark chocolate orange zest vanilla a coffee
32:34Zesty chocolate mud cake will be decorated with eyeballs fondant spiders and marshmallow cobwebs
32:40Her scary cake will glow orange under black light
32:44I think I am pushing myself and I'm just going to make sure I really nail all the different elements in the cake
32:52This is matcha for my matcha sponge cake
32:55The design of my cake. It's like a witch's altar
32:59It's like a witch's altar
33:01So I kind of wanted to tie that into the flavor which is like herbs and like potions and it's a very earthy flavor
33:09Jason's earthy matcha cake will be coated in Earl Grey buttercream
33:14He'll complete his design with a scary voodoo doll that will glow on top of his cake
33:20When you're doing your voodoo thing on your cake will be another cake the other side of the room that's feeling the effects of what?
33:26Yeah, Elliot will fall over amazing
33:31Alien greed I
33:38Can definitely smell panda are you combining the pandan with anything else so
33:44Coconut buttercream will go in between the layers of the pendant cake
33:48Harvin's pandan and coconut cake will be encased in modeling chocolate and sculpted into something of Philippine legend
33:56My cake is based on a Philippine horror creature
34:00It's a monster that this guy's itself as a baby
34:04okay, and
34:06It will start crying
34:08Luring people to help the baby and then when finally they go there
34:12It will turn into a monster and eat the person when the baby cries. Does it sound like like
34:19That sounds familiar yeah, are you really Natalie?
34:28My spooky cake it's a little homage to my mom
34:31My mom always grows pumpkins every single year for the kids to go and pick at Halloween then does a big Halloween pumpkin pie
34:40Elliot's pumpkin patch cake will be made from Genoise sponge flavored with chocolate and hazelnut
34:47He'll cover it in Swiss meringue buttercream before decorating it with glow-in-the-dark
34:52creepy crawlies
34:54This is what forms the Genoise sponge and you can see it's so lovely and airy
34:58I'm a bit of a black forest sort of vibe going on today. These will go in for about 25 minutes now
35:19I'm gonna start the temper of my chocolate. I feel like after the technical this is risky
35:25Just now I'm starting to work on my chocolate ganache
35:28The dark chocolate is really gonna be a good contrast to the cherries and the whipped cream
35:33With Chantilly cream will be layered inside Melissa's black forest chocolate cake to decorate
35:39She'll mold colorful fondant into an African mask. I'm really excited to see this
35:45I know that you're very creative and you're also known for your color as well
35:49So I'm hoping that this is gonna be really vibrant. Yes, and really scary. Yes. Yes. I hope so, too
35:54Don't mind Natalie. That's just a resting witch face
36:03This one is a
36:05cherry compote
36:06For in between the layers of matcha sponge bakers. You are halfway. Yeah. Okay. I'm good
36:17So this is the the support structure and the roof of the scary-go-round
36:25Adrian will decorate his scary-go-round with glowing neon colors and white chocolate headless horses
36:32Inside the cake will be flavored with pandan and coconut and be filled with a mango coolie surprise
36:38I am hoping that when they cut through the middle it just has to bleed out everywhere
36:54One tasting by push
36:57Have you got zombies indicate not in the
37:00Not in the cake, so it's gonna be arch-shaped
37:03Because whenever I make art cakes, even if they're like pink and floral and like fun my dad's like, oh you've made a tombstone
37:11We're leaning into that today
37:13To complete her terrifying tombstone cake Molly will make skeleton fingers from fondant that will glow green as they escape the ground
37:23Inside will be a five layer cinnamon cake filled with caramelized apple. I
37:28Love that combination of apple and cinnamon
37:31Watch out that it's not too juicy. Yeah, you still want to have a bit of bite from the apple. Yeah, perfect. Thank you
37:49So my god, I think we're on track I am gonna put these straight in the freezer and then we'll start assembling
38:01You have the length of time I like to procrastinate going to bed one hour you have one hour left
38:13I've got my buttercream ready. Also have my syrup ready and just a coconut flakes in the oven at the moment
38:22I'm not just saying these bits of lonely cake. I made them just for you
38:26Let me know what you think
38:30Mmm, that is great. Oh, thank you. I might check something nationally if that's right. That's a really good idea
38:36Very sharing person, but don't mention it to her later
38:40Thanks, Marina
38:42Starting to get some of the decorations ready
38:51Marina what are you doing?
38:59Going to cut my cakes get them ready to assemble
39:04I'm gonna pipe the mousse on
39:17So I'm starting to fill and stack my cakes
39:26You like the blood it's not symmetrical it's just fun like me
39:35Now it's all about prepping the decorations
39:39Trying to make the pumpkins
39:42And I start to make a little horsey horses all of my decorations include white chocolate and fondant
39:51I'm making a skull and a heart
39:58Just working with it. Oh, it should have that magical like power
40:12I'm covering them with the glow-in-the-dark powder
40:15I've also painted them with the glow-in-the-dark paint when we put the light on it. It'll glow in the dark
40:21Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
40:23Just be careful
40:26Come on, buddy
40:30Yeah, there we go
40:38Making things glow-in-the-dark is not that easy
40:43I'm just gonna check the UV on this
40:46And you can see already that as soon as it gets dark that's gonna glow like crazy. It's awesome
40:53I'm his father
40:58Guess you have 15 minutes to go
41:02Why don't I make us clean the shed like this?
41:05Once I've made the blue spiders, I will get the dust out and I'll just whatever I can
41:13I am starting to add the little UV aspects to this and then I just want it to light up to be very festive
41:22In blacklight, I want the eyes to jump out and scare them
41:30This is actually fun
41:35Thank you, you have two minutes to go
41:38I'm just gonna keep adding now until the final countdown
41:42Get to spooky town
41:51Final touches everyone
42:21You actually did it. That's really good. He's so happy looks just like you
42:48Congratulations on your spooky creations bakers well done
42:51Demi, would you please bring us your showstopper?
43:00Those eyeballs, they're awesome.
43:09They're really scary.
43:10They're good.
43:11Okay, now's the moment of truth.
43:13I'm calling for the black lights.
43:21Hey, Cal, what are you doing?
43:25God, it is literally glowing off the plate.
43:30It's really triggering, actually.
43:33Let's put the lights out.
43:36Right, here we go, Demi.
43:39You've constructed this really well.
43:42That cake is deep, dark and rich.
43:51That chocolate flavour is super intense.
43:54And the orange flavour, I love.
43:57You have created a cake that is perfectly balanced.
44:01An absolutely terrifying decoration on the outside
44:05that I don't think I'm going to forget in a hurry.
44:08I really think this is your best bake so far.
44:11Well done. Thanks.
44:13This is very creepy.
44:15You've definitely nailed the brief in terms of scariness.
44:18Lights off.
44:23The eyes, the way they're glowing,
44:26they look like he's even more angrier now.
44:29Yes, hideous, really, Arvind.
44:31Let's put the lights back on.
44:33Please, quickly.
44:36Look at that green.
44:44Pandan's one of my favourite flavours.
44:47I think you've done a fantastic job.
44:49It's got a good texture
44:51and you've been very generous with that buttercream.
44:54You have created this very light and fragrant pandan flavour
44:57and with the coconut, it's perfectly balanced.
45:01This is one of the best things since sliced head.
45:12It's not super terrifying.
45:15Let it be dark.
45:18It glows so fantastically,
45:21the vibrancy of all the colours you've picked out.
45:26Look at all that cherriness. It's like blood.
45:35You have really succeeded in capturing that black forest flavour.
45:40Your sponge is lovely,
45:42but where you've cut that sponge in half and filled the middle,
45:46I probably would have cut that into three
45:48and then that eating experience would just be a little bit better.
45:52Melissa, you are so good at picking out vibrant colours.
46:01It really pops now.
46:03This is probably the brightest effect that we've had so far.
46:08Look at those layers, Rachel.
46:14Oh! Tastes amazing!
46:17The sponge is really moist
46:19and then you've got all that cream in there
46:21and you've got Kirsch coming through,
46:23which gives me a little bit of a buzz.
46:25Melissa, this is quality.
46:27That black forest combination is spot on.
46:30For me, I can't fault it.
46:32Oh, thank you.
46:33Molly, this is terrifying,
46:35especially with those fingers coming out.
46:46Molly, look at those spiders.
46:50That looks pretty specky inside.
46:58Molly, the texture of the cake is really lovely.
47:01Those apples have a lovely bite to them.
47:03I do like cinnamon and I could have had a bit more for me.
47:11Wow, there's tempered chocolate at the front.
47:13You've got the rib cage and that skull.
47:16It looks so shiny as well.
47:23The way it's glowing is nuts!
47:25Look at that rib cage. It's just illuminated.
47:32The layers are slightly uneven.
47:40The consistency of the cake is really dense and chocolatey
47:43and I like the contrast of that buttercream.
47:46We're going to check that chocolate temper.
47:49Look at that.
47:51Great snap.
47:53Thank you so much.
47:55I think it looks great.
47:57I'm not sure if it's too simple,
47:59but I'm hoping when we drop the lights
48:01I'm going to get some sort of dramatic reveal.
48:06I do love the glow in the dark swish that we've got around the side.
48:10Those bones are particularly macabre.
48:18Those layers.
48:20Nice and neat.
48:24The earl grey comes through.
48:26I think you could have added a little bit more,
48:29but the cherries really bring everything together.
48:32That matcha sponge was really well made.
48:35It probably could have had a little bit more terrifying detail.
48:39Some of the horses are missing heads.
48:42It really captures that scary merry-go-round.
48:45I think it looks great.
48:47OK, let's make it dark.
48:51Look at it. I love it. It's so bright now.
48:54It's a real contrast.
49:11You have managed to create a beautifully balanced coconut and pandan.
49:15That's really ghoulish.
49:17But what I really love is that explosion of mango blood.
49:23Well done.
49:31What a week. The scariest week of all.
49:34It was fun to turn the lights out in the shed.
49:36Who did really well in the showstopper?
49:38Got to talk about Melissa.
49:40She did a clever design.
49:42It really stood out.
49:44And Demi's cake with the chocolate and orange.
49:46Really wonderful flavour.
49:48I love the way you were personally offended by Demi's cake.
49:51Going to have nightmares over that.
49:55All right, who was in danger?
49:57Look, Jason, he did a very neat cake, but we wanted more drama.
50:02There wasn't a lot wrong with it.
50:04We're just at the point now where everyone is doing something absolutely amazing.
50:09Elliot, he's had an up-and-down week.
50:12It didn't finish amazingly on that showstopper.
50:16Was it scary? I'm not quite sure.
50:19So, in a nutshell, who's going to be Star Baker?
50:22Who's going to go home?
50:24Every week I try.
50:32Bakers, congratulations on an awesome week of celebration.
50:43This week I have the very fun job of kicking off the Star Baker party.
50:48Each week this baker brings us a beautiful duet of precision and creativity.
50:54Each bake tells a story that gives us an insight into their world.
50:58I'm so happy to celebrate this week's Star Baker...
51:17This leaves me with the sad job of announcing the baker
51:20whose days in the shed have come to an end.
51:23This baker has been a delight.
51:25Every week they've taken us on a wild ride.
51:28From their beautiful grasp of flavours
51:30to their ability to pull out a masterpiece in a few minutes,
51:33they've really performed some magic.
51:36That's why we're really going to miss...
51:47Jason has a wonderful way with flavours.
51:49He should be so proud of what he's achieved.
51:52Jason, keep baking.
51:54I'm really happy with my bake today,
51:56so I'm glad I went out with a cake that I was proud of.
51:59Mate, you've done an awesome job.
52:01My experience in the shed has been amazing.
52:04I've met all these awesome people that had the same interests,
52:07and that's been amazing.
52:09And, of course, congratulations to this week's Star Baker.
52:15That cake was bold, it was scary,
52:18but the flavours were out of this world.
52:23Melissa absolutely deserves Star Baker.
52:26She's been getting better and better every week.
52:29I'm so happy.
52:34I'm a star baker!
52:36Eh, eh, eh!