• 13 hours ago


01:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:02I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:04I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:06I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:08I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:10I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:12I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:14I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:16I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:18I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:20I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:22I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:24I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:26I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:28I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:30I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:32I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:34I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:36I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:38I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:40I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:42I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:44I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:46I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:48I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
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01:52I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:54I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:56I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
01:58I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:02I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:04I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:06I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:08I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:10I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:12I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:14I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:16I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:18I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:20I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:22I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:24I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:26I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:28I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:30I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:32I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:34I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:36I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:38I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:40I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:42I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
02:44After all, love is the most difficult thing.
02:49If only it would remain forever like this.
02:52If only we could chase in time like an ancient method
02:56Floating to find the answer
03:02Left over tens of thousands of years of hardships
03:08How would we fear the Duality of Destiny
03:14若长夜静山 若长夜静山 If the night is long,
03:17我便会困战 我便会困战 I will fight
03:19怎么回事 What's going on?
03:20冥界公子醒了 可他一直喊疼 Master Mingjie has woken up, but he's been yelling in pain.
03:23我今早点了葡萄香也熬了汤药 I made a pot of herbal medicine this morning.
03:25可我怎么都喂不进去 But I can't feed him anything.
03:27是不是得禀告谷主啊 Should I tell Master Mingjie?
03:29谷主昨夜与霍气公子饮酒到深夜 Master Mingjie drank with Master Huoqi until late last night.
03:31此刻估计正睡着呢 He's probably sleeping now.
03:33还是得请谷主来 We still have to get Master Mingjie here.
03:34我现在就去找谷主 I'll go find Master Mingjie right now.
03:37别声张 Don't be loud.
03:38不能让霍气公子知道冥界公子就在谷中 We can't let Master Huoqi know that Master Mingjie is in the valley.
03:42你们先在这儿守着 You guys stay here for now.
04:03人世万叹 回首望来去风雪纵然 天无憾 The world is chaotic. Looking back, the wind and snow never cease. The sky is boundless and the sea is boundless.
04:18天哪 这怎么回事 这 Oh my god, what's going on? This...
04:26刚刚是我眼花了吗 Did I see it wrong just now?
04:28双虹 你看到了吧 Shuangheng, did you see it?
04:34我从未见过谷主睡得如此安静 I've never seen Master Mingjie sleep so peacefully.
04:37以前生了再大的火 也总是嚷嚷着冷 No matter how angry he used to be, he would always yawn.
04:40半夜三更睡不着 起来就不停地走来走去 走来走去 走来走去 If he couldn't sleep at midnight, he would keep walking back and forth when he woke up.
04:45所以 现在就让他多睡一会儿吧 So, let him sleep a little longer now.
04:52可是秋之月那边的病人 But Qiu Zhiyue's patient...
04:54你劝兰兰和小诚再点一炉铁壶浆 You tell Lanlan and Xiaocheng to light up some incense.
04:56我在这儿守着 I'll stay here.
04:57待谷主醒来我就告诉他 When Master Mingjie wakes up, I'll tell him.
04:59去吧 Go ahead.
05:00好 Okay.
05:27优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
05:57优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
06:27优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
06:57今天我就让你看看 什么是翻脸不认人 Today, I'll show you what it means to turn a blind eye.
07:00怎么还打人呢 Why are you hitting me?
07:01我好歹是个病人吧 I'm just a patient.
07:02谷主 双虹 你来得正好 把他给我关起来 Master, Shuanghong, you came at the right time. Lock him up.
07:05等药熬好了 把他赶出国去 When the medicine is ready, throw him out of the country.
07:08我 Yes, Master.
07:09谷主 Master
07:11秋之月那边 Qiu Zhiyue's patient...
07:20霍七公子 都一夜了 Master Huoqi, it's been a whole night.
07:22你也赶紧回屋歇息吧 You should go back to your room and rest.
07:28这个女人 昨夜还像猫一样乖巧 今天起来像变了个人似的 真是莫名其妙 This woman was as obedient as a cat last night, but today she's like a different person. It's really strange.
07:43脚麻了 My feet are numb.
07:58明剑 你怎么蹲在这儿 Mingjian, why are you squatting here?
08:00你需要好好休息 快去躺下 You need to rest. Go lie down.
08:02别过来 Don't come over here.
08:04我不是明剑 我到底想要什么 I'm not Mingjian. What do you want?
08:11明剑 你应该已经恢复一部分记忆了 怎么还会这么问 Mingjian, you should have regained some of your memories. Why are you still asking?
08:18我不是明剑 我不是明剑 I'm not Mingjian. I'm not Mingjian.
08:20我不是明剑 我不是明剑 I'm not Mingjian.
08:22我不是明剑 我不是明剑 I'm not Mingjian.
08:24我不是明剑 我是明剑 I'm not Mingjian.
08:27都是假的 都是假的 It's all fake. It's all fake.
08:33不是假的 不是假的 It's not fake.
08:35明剑 是我 是我回来了 Mingjian, it's me. I'm back.
08:42我是小夜姐姐 I'm Sister Xiaoye.
08:57你看 这是什么 Look, what is this?
09:15这簪子是你的 This hairpin is yours.
09:18没错 没错 没错 It's yours.
09:22我还未曾问过你 这簪子怎么会在你那儿 I haven't asked you yet. How did you get this hairpin?
09:27这是我去药师谷在雪地里捡到的 I found it in the snow in the valley of Medicine.
09:32你为何要捡它 你是不是记得这个簪子 Why did you pick it up? Do you remember this hairpin?
09:39我只是觉得这声音很熟悉而已 I just thought the sound was familiar.
09:43难怪以前我去找你 隔着老远你别唤我 No wonder I went to find you before, but you didn't call me from afar.
09:50我问你 你怎么知道我来了 你总是不肯说 I asked you, how did you know I was coming? You just wouldn't tell me.
09:56直到现在我才明白 你一定是听到了这个簪子上的叮当声 是不是 Until now, I understand that you must have heard the sound of the bell on this hairpin.
10:04难道 这就是我每夜睡得安稳的原因 Is this the reason why I sleep soundly every night?
10:09明剑 你既然捡起了这个簪子 就说明你的记忆深处是记得我的 记得魔家村的 Mingjian, since you picked up this hairpin, it means that you remember me and the village in your memory.
10:39明剑 我不怕你的眼睛 Mingjian, I'm not afraid of your eyes.
10:59你认错人了 你认错人了 You got the wrong person.
11:02我不是明剑 我不是明剑 我不是明剑 I'm not Mingjian.
11:04听着 马上把龙血珠给我 否则我杀了你 Listen, give me the Dragon Blood Orb now, or I'll kill you.
11:09为什么 Why?
11:23为什么 Why?
11:24为什么 Why?
11:38明剑 你怎么会变成这样呢 Mingjian, how did you become like this?
11:42你竟连自己的回忆都不相信了吗 难道 这就是园艺宫修罗厂里的杀手吗 Have you forgotten your memories? Is this the killer in the palace?
11:49这么多年以来 你到底受了什么样的折磨 What kind of torture have you been through all these years?
12:19难道还在生我的气 Are you still mad at me?
12:37霍公子 该吃饭了 Mr. Huo, it's time to eat.
12:43小青姑娘 你们谷主还在生气呢 Miss Xiaoqin, is your master still angry?
12:47我不知道 I don't know.
12:50那他在下支园呢 What is he doing in the garden?
12:52我不知道 I don't know.
12:55那你叫什么呢 What's your name?
12:57我不知道 I don't know.
13:02小青姑娘 据我所知 你们谷主在治疗病人对吧 Miss Xiaoqin, as far as I know, your master is treating patients, right?
13:07风绿姑娘可都跟我说了 Miss Fengliu told me everything.
13:09风绿姐姐都告诉你了 Miss Fengliu told you everything?
13:11当然跟我说了 Of course.
13:13我和你们谷主什么关系啊 What's my relationship with your master?
13:15有什么好瞒着我的 What's there to hide from me?
13:17可是谷主说 But your master said
13:19这事不能告诉霍奇公子的呀 that this matter cannot be told to Mr. Huo Qi.
13:23为什么呢 Why?
13:25因为秋枝院那个病人 Because Qiu Zhiyuan, that patient...
13:29我不知道 I don't know.
13:33小青姑娘 Miss Xiaoqin.
13:38这秋枝院突然冒出个病人 还要瞒着我 Qiu Zhiyuan suddenly has a patient and wants to hide it from me.
13:47霍奇公子 Mr. Huo Qi.
13:52在里边呢 Is he inside?
13:54谷主在给病人诊治 Mr. Huo Qi is treating the patient.
13:56你还是去夏枝园等谷主吧 You'd better go to the summer garden and wait for him.
13:59没事 It's okay.
14:00在这儿等一样 I'll wait here.
14:17谷主 Mr. Huo Qi.
14:30谷主 Mr. Huo Qi.
14:32用绳子捆住他 Use the rope to tie him up
14:34以防他煽动伤人 to prevent him from hurting others.
14:36是 Yes.
14:47来 Come here.
14:57薛谷主请留步 Mr. Xue, please wait a moment.
14:58何事 What's the matter?
15:00想跟你讨个说法 I'd like to talk to you.
15:01什么说法 What's the matter?
15:02薛谷主 Mr. Xue.
15:08薛谷主身为医者 Mr. Xue, as a doctor,
15:09却对病人厚此薄彼 you are so kind to the patient.
15:12这有的病人小心翼翼深怕扰了 Some patients are afraid of being disturbed.
15:14而有的病人却是又骂又吼 Some patients scold and scold others.
15:17还拿糕点伺候 They even serve the patients with pastries.
15:20又是添了新伤啊 It's a new wound.
15:21还不是有的病人懂礼数知进退 Some patients know etiquette and know how to advance and retreat.
15:24而有的病人 And some patients
15:25仗着自己来谷中次数多了 have more times to come to the valley
15:27脸皮越发厚了 and have thicker skin.
15:30所以那秋之苑真的有位病人啊 So is there really a patient in Qiuzhi Yuan?
15:33是 Yes.
15:34又如何 So what?
15:37何其重要的病人 What's so important about the patient?
15:39无非是钱多的长得俊的 He's rich and handsome.
15:41那你收治他是因为银子多呢 Is it because he's rich
15:44还是长得俊呢 or because he's handsome?
15:46都有 Both.
15:47都有 Both?
15:49你为何如此关心谷中的病人 Why do you care so much about the patient in the valley?
15:52不如安排你二人见上一见 Why don't you two meet him?
15:56也不是不行 It's not that I can't.
15:59只是那人患有麻风病 It's just that he has rheumatism.
16:01你若是想见他的话呢 If you want to see him,
16:03便收拾好行囊去他的屋里 pack your luggage and go to his room.
16:05他什么时候痊愈 When he recovers,
16:06你便什么时候出来 you can come out.
16:09麻风病 Rheumatism?
16:10怎么 What?
16:11问东问西的你是嫌着没事吗 Do you think it's a big deal
16:12问东问西的你是嫌着没事吗 to ask the east and the west?
16:17没有 No.
16:18我就是想问问 I just want to ask you
16:20既然药已经集齐了 since the medicine has been assembled,
16:22何时才能炼药呢 when can we make the medicine?
16:25正在赶制当中 I'm in the process of making the medicine.
16:27眼下正好缺一位挡身入药 I'm in need of a bodyguard now.
16:29不如 Why don't you
16:30你随我去后山采药吧 follow me to the back mountain to collect the medicine?
16:33好啊 Sure.
16:35药链药铲锄头药刀都放在里边了 We've put the medicine chains,
16:38药铲锄头药刀都放在里边了 and the tools in it.
16:39还有谷主的手颅也在里边 We've also put the master's handkerchief in it.
16:41我们谷主就交给你了 霍公子 Our master will leave it to you, Mr. Huo.
16:44你放心吧 Don't worry.
16:45我定会照顾好他的 I'll take good care of her.
16:58刚刚我试图给明鉴拔出第二根金针 I tried to pull out the second golden needle for Mingjian just now.
17:00但是由于他情绪过于激动 But he was too emotional
17:02未能完成 and failed to do it.
17:04但是他神经穴的位置已经有微微渗血 But there was a slight blood clot in the location of his神经穴.
17:06说明金针已经有所松动 It means that the golden needle has been loosened.
17:08所以在两个时辰之内必须逼出金针 So we have to pull out the golden needle in two hours.
17:11那谷主需要我们做什么 What does our master need us to do?
17:14烦请婆婆将明鉴带入温泉逼出金针 Please take Mingjian to the hot spring and pull out the golden needle.
17:18我会在两个时辰之后回来 I'll be back in two hours.
17:20在此之前务必完成此事 You must finish it before then.
17:22明白 Got it.
17:23怪不得谷主要带霍公子一起去寻生 原来是为了支开他 No wonder our master wanted to take Mr. Huo to the hot spring with him. He wanted to keep him away.
17:31可霍姬公子总在谷中走动 一直瞒着他也不是个办法 But Mr. Huo Ji always wanders in the valley. It's not a good idea to keep him in the dark.
17:37现在还不是时候 待第三根金针完全拔除 我自然会告诉他们 It's not the time yet. I'll tell them when the third golden needle is completely pulled out.
17:53子夜 第二枚金针已经催出了 Ziye, the second golden needle has been pulled out.
18:06有劳婆婆 Thank you, Granny.
18:24最后一根 只剩最后一根 The last one. The last one.
18:29还剩下最后一根 明届公子就可以恢复全部记忆了 The last one is left. Mr. Mingjie can recover all his memories.
18:34可是第三根金针入脑太深 我没有把握 But the third golden needle is too deep in the brain. I'm not sure if I can pull it out.
18:40我还是第一次救他 I was the first one to save him.
18:43可霍姬公子总在谷中走动 一直瞒着他也不是个办法 It's not the time yet. I'll tell them when the third golden needle is completely pulled out.
18:49子夜 第二枚金针已经催出 自然会告诉他们 It's not the time yet. I'll tell them when the third golden needle is completely pulled out.
18:54子夜 第二枚金针已经催出 自然会告诉他们 It's not the time yet. I'll tell them when the third golden needle is completely pulled out.
18:58第三根金针入脑太深 我没有把握 The third golden needle is too deep in the brain. I'm not sure if I can pull it out.
19:03我还是第一次听你说 没有把握 It's the first time I've heard you say you're not sure.
19:06十二年前 我已经失去过他一次了 I lost him once twelve years ago.
19:11我不能再失去他第二次 所以必须得万分谨慎 I can't lose him a second time, so I have to be very careful.
19:17可眼下 我没有办法保证 将第三根金针取出之后 他还能毫发无损地活下来 But now I can't promise that he'll be able to live without any harm after I pull out the third golden needle.
19:29若是有人 能够为冥界打通全身经脉 运功开穴 令金针慢慢上腹 便可以助我将第三根金针拔出 If someone can open up the meridians of the body for the Holy Realm and open the acupoints of meridians, and let the golden needle slowly go up the abdomen, then they can help me pull out the third golden needle.
19:43霍七公子便是最佳人选 Mr.Huo Qi is the best choice.
19:48可先前在扬州 他嫁祸给霍展白 又差点杀了他的师父秋水赫 But he had framed Huo Zhanbai in Yangzhou and almost killed his master Qiu Shuihe.
19:54还诛杀过诸多江湖中的侠士 霍展白素怀侠义之心 对他也是深恶痛绝 He also killed many warriors in the martial arts world. Huo Zhanbai is a man of chivalry, and I feel no pain for him.
20:03我不敢 也不想让他知道冥界就在谷中 我也不想让霍展白为难 I don't dare and I don't want him to know that the Holy Realm is in the valley. I don't want to put Huo Zhanbai in a difficult position.
20:12早晚有一天 他都会知道 He will know sooner or later.
20:16是啊 早晚有一天他都会知道 不仅仅是冥界的事情 Yes, sooner or later he will know that it's not just the world of the Holy Realm.
20:29我随婆婆去藏书阁拿些医书过来 说不定会有其他的办法 I'll go to the library with my mother-in-law to get some medical books. Maybe there's another way.
20:45你快跑 姐姐快跑 快跑 Run, sister! Run, sister! Run!
21:16冥 冥界 爷爷 冥界不想杀人的 你就原谅他吧 Grandpa, the Holy Realm doesn't want to kill people. Please forgive it.
21:24对 它是为了救我 你们要罚就罚我吧 不要怪冥界 Yes, it's to save me. If you want to punish it, punish me. Don't blame the Holy Realm.
21:29傻孩子 现在不是原谅不原谅的问题了 Silly girl, it's not a matter of forgiveness now.
21:34那你们要怎么对冥界 难道要杀了它吗 What are you going to do to the Holy Realm? Are you going to kill it?
21:37从今往后 魔家村人不得再提起冥界一事 从今往后 我会将它关押到山顶小屋 不得再出来 From now on, the villagers must not mention the Holy Realm again. I will lock it up in a small room on the mountain top and never come out again.
21:50Come with me.
21:58Ming Jie!
22:03Sister Xiao Yue!
22:05Ming Jie, don't be afraid. We're all here.
22:07We come to see you every day.
22:14But how did you leave?
22:16Give me your hand.
22:20Ming Jie, don't be afraid.
22:22I won't leave you.
22:26Let's go.
22:28Sister Xiao Yue!
22:30Sister Xiao Yue!
22:34Let her go!
22:36Let her go!
22:38Let her go!
22:40What if she sees us?
22:50Sister Xiao Yue!
22:52Sister Xiao Yue!
22:54Sister Xiao Yue!
22:58I remember now.
23:00This is indeed my memory.
23:02But the Mohist School and Yuan Yi Palace
23:04are the same.
23:06They locked me up in this dark prison.
23:08Now that I have escaped
23:10from that little hut,
23:12I will never go back.
23:14Xue Zi Yan!
23:18Xue Zi Yan!
23:24Where did everyone go?
23:26No one is here.
23:34Li Xue Jian.
23:36No wonder he kept it from me.
23:38So the patient in the valley
23:40was the killer of Yuan Yi Palace.
23:44Let's go.
24:06Why did you come out?
24:08You haven't recovered yet.
24:10You can't wander around.
24:12Is that so?
24:14Is it hard to cure my illness?
24:16I'm still trying to find a solution.
24:20Where is Ling Xie Zhu?
24:22Tell me!
24:26Huo Chen Bai!
24:30Huo Chen Bai, don't hurt him!
24:38Ling Xie!
24:42Are you saying that I'm fine?
24:44I didn't do it on purpose.
24:46Don't hurt him.
24:48Please don't hurt him.
24:50How can you bring him back to the valley?
24:52He wants to use the bronze tree to control us.
24:54He will hurt you.
24:56He is my younger brother.
24:58He is the younger brother
25:00who saved me in the Mohist School.
25:06Ming Jian!
25:12Ming Jian!
25:18I'll take you back to the medicine room
25:20to have a simple bandage.
25:24Shuang Hong.
25:28Take him back to his room.
25:42Shuang Hong.
26:02You are good at bandaging.
26:04You bandaged me for eight years.
26:06I learned this skill
26:12You have something to say.
26:14If you want to ask, just ask.
26:22Did you bring him back
26:24when you saved me in the valley?
26:32I'm sorry.
26:34I shouldn't have kept it from you.
26:38After I recognized him as Ming Jian,
26:40the three golden needles
26:42sealed my memory.
26:44During this time,
26:46I've been trying to pull out the golden needles.
26:48I was thinking
26:52to pull out the third golden needle
26:54and then
26:56stab you in the foot.
26:58How many have you pulled out now?
27:04You have pulled out two golden needles.
27:06But he still wants to kill you.
27:08Do you think he is still
27:10your brother?
27:12Ming Jian was only six years old.
27:14He risked his life
27:16to protect me.
27:18It means he is kind.
27:20All these years,
27:22he was sealed by Chang Wu Jue
27:24with golden needles.
27:26That's why he killed people.
27:28I believe
27:30as long as I pull out the third golden needle
27:34and restore his memory,
27:36he will change his mind
27:38and change his mind.
27:40Even if he restores his memory,
27:42he is no longer Ming Jian.
27:44But now,
27:46it's all because of me.
27:56I have a guess.
28:00Back then,
28:02the village was destroyed.
28:04If it was really done by Yuan Yi Gong,
28:08why did Yuan Yi Gong
28:10only take Ming Jian with him?
28:12What is his plan?
28:22Tong Shu.
28:26Back then, he used Tong Shu
28:28to save me.
28:30Then I thought
28:32maybe that night
28:34he leaked the news.
28:36That's why his body was burnt.
28:38The village was destroyed.
28:42But it's just a guess.
28:44You don't need to blame yourself.
28:46That night,
28:50Xue Huai and I
28:52didn't have time to save him.
28:56He was taken away by Chang Wu Jue.
28:58We abandoned him.
29:04In this situation,
29:06what can you and Xue Huai do?
29:08Even so,
29:12after so many years,
29:14I still feel uneasy.
29:28In the end,
29:30it was Chang Wu Jue who did evil.
29:32Tong Shu was just used by him.
29:36But don't forget
29:38Tong Shu has been in Yuan Yi Gong for more than ten years.
29:40He was able to survive
29:42from the slaughterhouse.
29:44It means that he has become cruel,
29:46cold and heartless.
29:48I understand you.
29:50He is your younger brother.
29:52You have to save him.
29:54But I still want to remind you
29:58to be careful of Yang Pu.
30:24Did I say too much?
30:38But if Tong Liu is here,
30:40how can I leave with peace of mind?
31:24What can I say?
31:26After all,
31:28Ming Jie almost killed his master.
31:30Why should I ask him
31:32for forgiveness?
31:54I love you.
32:24I love you.
32:40I may have to stay here for two or three days.
32:42Please tell Shuang Hong and Feng Lv
32:44to send me some food on time.
32:48I understand.
33:08Zi Ye.
33:10What's the matter?
33:12You have to do your best.
33:14There are a lot of things
33:16that you can't force.
33:18Although the head of the Apothecary Valley
33:20has been called a divine doctor,
33:22no matter how brilliant the doctor is,
33:24he is still a human, not a deity.
33:26There are things that you can't do,
33:28but you should do.
33:30Don't be like Elder Master Tang.
33:36are you afraid that I will follow Elder Master Tang's footsteps?
33:42That year,
33:44I saw him personally.
33:46In order to find the antidote to the Poison of Soul Dispersal,
33:48he tried his best
33:50and risked his life
33:52to die in the Library Pavilion.
33:54At the last moment of his life,
33:56he still held the Poison of Soul Dispersal in his hand.
34:00He was only thirty-one years old that year.
34:06I know my own body well.
34:10should learn from Elder Master Liao.
34:12He is very happy now.
34:50I must find
34:52the antidote to the Poison of Soul Dispersal.
35:20Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
35:50Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
36:20Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
36:50Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
37:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
37:10Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
37:40Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
38:10Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
38:40Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
38:50Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
39:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
39:30Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
40:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
40:30Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
41:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
41:30Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
42:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
42:30Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
43:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
43:30Chief, Chief, don't look.
43:33Hurry and go.
43:57Do you have anything else?
44:15This is tea.
44:19It's sweet.
44:21The medicine is very bitter.
44:22Drink it while it's warm.
44:24It's good that I was hurt but I forgot to fall.
44:26I really thought I was the God of Vajra.
44:30What else do you have?
44:35You woman,
44:37really can't recognize people.
44:40Hurry and go home and rest.
45:54Don't I say true the whole
45:59No, sure, I'm sorry. No sir. Yeah
46:05Some fun for tell sir. Sure. Don't worry
46:11She will wait. Oh
46:16She is
46:22In turn
46:30Each other
46:34In turn
46:39He's a nice
46:41You ready she needs to know one more you did you did you did you
46:50Yeah, I'm just
46:58We shall one night you don't share