Captivate With YouTube Live Advanced Edition
00:00Welcome back. Now if you go inside of your Creator Studio, and you go into the
00:05channel link, and you click on the status and features, one of the things you're
00:08going to want to do is scroll down here to the bottom. You're going to notice
00:12that there is a way for you to be able to get a custom URL. Now currently this
00:18channel that we're using for, for the sake of this tutorial course, is
00:22ineligible for a custom URL. However, it is a good idea to know what the
00:27requirements are. So we're going to click this link where it says here. And
00:32what you're going to notice is that this is going to give you the ability to give
00:37you a name that you can give to your YouTube URL instead of the long ugly one
00:42that we were working with earlier. So what we're going to do is we're going to
00:46scroll down and then we're going to click general eligibility requirements.
00:50You're going to notice that your channel needs to have at least 100 or more
00:54subscribers, it needs to be at least 30 days old, and it needs to have an uploaded
00:59photo as a channel icon, and uploaded channel art. Now more than likely you
01:04have the last two already done. The only thing that you may be lacking are the
01:09100 subscribers. So that is going to be the thing that you're going to need to
01:14work on in order to have a more attractive URL and even more than it
01:19being attractive for it to be memorable. Until that time you'll need to use the
01:23channel ID that you have as well as the user ID. Okay so with that thanks and
01:31I'll see you in another video.