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00:00He is the ever-resilient Beast Slayer, the Universal Champion, Seth Rollins.
00:29We can talk about that resiliency of Seth Rollins.
00:32We've got to wonder what shape he champs in tonight.
00:35The resilience of the champion is going to be put to the test tonight.
00:38We know that Seth is banged up, he's beat up, but he's optimistic as he looks to defend his Universal Championship against Baron Corbin.
00:49Seth Rollins made a vow to himself and the WWE Universe to be here at Super Showdown to follow through with his agreed-upon championship defense against Baron Corbin.
01:00Seth feels an obligation to the WWE Universe to be the fighting champion that he promised to be.
01:07Well, let's take you back to last Monday night on Raw after an end of days to Baron Corbin after a heated argument left Seth Rollins wounded and weary.
01:15Setting the stage for a heinous, merciless assault from Mr. Money in the Bank, Brock Lesnar.
01:36Friday! Friday! Friday!
01:52Friday! Friday! Friday!
02:03That was earlier this week, Monday night.
02:06And Seth Rollins, you see, bandaged up, battered and bruised to defend his championship.
02:12Nonetheless, Seth Rollins is here.
02:15He's spent a considerable amount of time since we got off the plane trying to get his body right, spending time in the trainer's room, trying to make sure he's as close to 100% as he possibly can be.
02:25But we're about to find out if that's even close to possible.
02:28Baron Corbin's got that bullseye, ready to go.
02:31The Lone Wolf has dreamed about being Universal Champion for months and months and months.
02:47Ever since he was commissioner of Monday Night Raw late last year.
02:52In fact, it was his job as commissioner that Seth Rollins called him out on that really started what's become a very intense rivalry.
03:00This past week, Baron Corbin christened himself the Dream Crusher, intent on stopping Seth Rollins' dream of being Universal Champion.
03:09Seth Rollins, with purpose, stares at his opponent tonight, the man who won a fatal four-way match, to be here.
03:17Baron Corbin, as they battle for the Universal Championship.
03:21Hello everybody, and welcome to ringside here at King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
03:26Michael Cole, Corey Graves from Raw and SmackDown, and of course, Renee Young from Monday Night Raw.
03:30Marhaba, Saudi Arabia. We are so excited to be here in Jeddah tonight.
03:34Also here tonight, our Arabic announced team.
03:37You can't have a potential Brock party without some special guests.
03:40Please say hello to Sultan Al-Habi, Faisal Al-Mughaisib, and Jude Al-Dijani.
03:45And I thought Renee would butcher it, but Corey did.
03:48As-salamu alaykum, I'm Jude.
03:50Today, I'm with Sultan and Faisal.
03:52Today is more than an official event.
03:55Today we have Goldberg vs The Undertaker for the first time in history in Jeddah.
04:00So that was a point for me, none for you?
04:02Yeah, just take the English one.
04:05The following contest scheduled for one fall is for the Universal Championship!
04:18Ladies and gentlemen, as a special request, allow me to introduce a man who was the acting general manager of Monday Night Raw.
04:31A multiple-time Golden Gloves boxing champion.
04:36A United States champion.
04:39A Money in the Bank winner.
04:42The man who defeated Kurt Angle in his farewell match at WrestleMania.
04:50And who claims to be Jeddah's favorite son!
05:00Barrett Corbin!
05:14And his opponent, from Davenport, Iowa, weighing in at 217 pounds,
05:23he is the Universal Champion, Seth Rollins!
05:38Seth Rollins defending the Universal title versus Barrett Corbin.
05:42To kick off WWE Super Showdown tonight, the clash of two former Money in the Bank contract winners.
05:49Seth Rollins would go in to cash in his contract in one of the greatest moments of all time at WrestleMania back in 2015
05:56in a match that Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns were involved in.
05:58Barrett Corbin, he squandered his opportunity at a cash-in.
06:02Tonight, they meet for the Universal title.
06:04But now that very same Money in the Bank contract has become the bane of Seth Rollins' existence.
06:08There is a man that holds the contract by the name of Brock Lesnar,
06:12who has cast a shadow over every aspect of Seth Rollins' career and life for the past several weeks.
06:18And we look at these taped up ribs, I mean, this could very well be the night that Barrett Corbin gets it done.
06:23He becomes the new Universal Champion, and on this grand stage, this is exactly what he wants.
06:27And I'll be interested to see if, just like that, if Barrett Corbin, a former Golden Gloves boxing champion,
06:33if he goes to the body with body shots, and Rollins realizing that has to play defense,
06:37and now tries to take the fight to Corbin.
06:39And Corbin is stupid, he knows exactly what he's doing, he knows just where to target.
06:43And Corbin focusing immediately on cutting off Seth Rollins with a knee to the midsection,
06:47but quick kick by Rollins!
06:49Corbin might want to get it done quick, but not with Seth Rollins in the ring.
06:53Rollins landing on his ribs, also a banged up wrist, perhaps, as he lands on the apron outside the ring.
06:59Here's an interesting question as well, Corey.
07:01What if Corbin beats Rollins tonight?
07:03Would Brock Lesnar look to cash in on Corbin here?
07:06Oh my goodness!
07:07And Rollins hits hard!
07:09We might get the answer to that sooner than later, if Corbin can keep up this pace.
07:13Rollins is in trouble out of the gate, and this has been a great strategy by Corbin
07:17to attack the injured midsection of Seth Rollins,
07:21beat down by Brock Lesnar in a steel chair this past Monday night.
07:25Now that Corbin would want to get this done quick,
07:27but it seems he wants to take his time and just pick apart the universal champ.
07:31I can't overstate the respect you need to have for Seth Rollins
07:34for showing up willingly and fighting and defending his championship,
07:37but Seth Rollins is a human being, his body can only take so much,
07:41and Baron Corbin is intent on picking apart the universal champion.
07:44And again, boots right to the ribs of Rollins.
07:46I don't know if this fighting spirit that we know from Seth Rollins
07:49is going to rise to the occasion here tonight.
07:51There's a real contrast in motivations when you look at these two superstars.
07:54You've got Seth Rollins, who excels when his back is against the wall.
07:58Baron Corbin feels like he's the uncrowned universal champion.
08:01He feels like he's got this thing won, and he doesn't want to let himself down.
08:05And again, Corbin dominating the early going.
08:07Rollins trying to do what he can to fight through the pain.
08:11And, Graves, when your ribs are taped up like that,
08:13how quick does your breath get taken away from you?
08:15All it takes is one strike, Seth Rollins.
08:17Oh, my goodness.
08:18Offense is effective.
08:20If you can't cover here by Corbin for the championship,
08:23Rollins forced to kick out.
08:24Again, when you kick out, Corey, it forces you to use your core.
08:27So many offensive maneuvers, and as we just saw,
08:30defensive maneuvers requires your core strength.
08:32So much of Seth's offense is based around that.
08:36Take away the ability to take the base from the core,
08:39to use your core ability, and severely limits Seth Rollins.
08:42Not to mention the ability to breathe, first and foremost.
08:45And not to mention he is in the ring with one of the most dangerous competitors
08:49in WWE today.
08:51Baron Corbin cares about nobody but himself.
08:53He's going to show no mercy here tonight against Rollins.
08:56A little fight from the champ.
08:58The champ fighting out of the corner, trying to drive Corbin back,
09:01but again, Baron using his strength and power.
09:05Look at the athleticism of Corbin.
09:07And what agility by Baron.
09:08Corbin in the clothesline of the champ.
09:10Stacks him up for the title.
09:12And a kick out by Seth at two.
09:14Seth Rollins will fight until there's absolutely no breath left in his lungs.
09:17The trouble is, tonight there might be a limited supply of breath.
09:20Yeah, the trouble is, at what point does that kick in?
09:22I mean, Seth Rollins has already been through it.
09:24We're a few minutes into this.
09:26Baron Corbin just using a slow, methodical pace, realizing
09:30Do your job!
09:32There is no rush, no hurry.
09:34A victory is a victory, no matter how long it takes.
09:37And the other thing about Seth, guys, is we have got really no indication
09:40of how badly injured Rollins was.
09:42Baron Corbin's also sitting here trying to intimidate the official.
09:45I mean, he's using every tool he has in his back pocket.
09:48This is a very effective tool right now.
09:50Corbin is using his power to just inflict more damage
09:53on the midsection of Seth Rollins.
09:55Big right hand, just squeezing the breath out of the Universal Champion.
09:59Rollins tacks the entire weight of his body on the midsection of Rollins
10:02and then delivers some right hands to the ribs.
10:04Watch Rollins. Rollins is sucking for air.
10:08Look at Baron Corbin just using his chin as added pressure
10:12on the midsection of Seth Rollins.
10:14Incredibly painful on what could be fractured ribs.
10:16We don't know. Seth Rollins has been keeping his cards very tight for the vest.
10:20He's a friend of mine. I asked him how he was feeling today.
10:22He gave me the typical, I'll be fine.
10:24Yeah, that was the point we made before.
10:25I tried to talk to the trainer earlier today,
10:27and the trainer basically said, hey, he quickly looked at Seth.
10:29Seth threw him off, said he was ready to go and defend here tonight.
10:32And we also had Brock Lesnar make it abundantly clear on Monday Night Raw,
10:36Friday, this is his night.
10:38Lesnar is lurking somewhere as Corbin delivers the side suplex.
10:42Cover now. Is it enough to put him away?
10:45Hooks the leg on Rollins. Kick out again at two.
10:48You're right, Rene. Brock Lesnar did declare that Friday was his night,
10:51but based on recent history, you can't exactly count on everything that he and Heyman said.
10:56Yeah, the point is, though, that Brock said it this time, not Paul Heyman.
11:06Let's not discount the work that Baron Corbin has put in preparing for this matchup.
11:11We've been focusing so much on a weakened Seth Rollins.
11:13Corbin's training harder than ever.
11:15Baron Corbin realizes this is the single biggest opportunity of his career to this point.
11:19And he did win a fatal four-way elimination matchup to get to this point tonight.
11:24Corbin has all the momentum, perhaps, coming into this matchup.
11:27Oh, wow.
11:28Rollins able to land on his feet and step up into Gary.
11:30He drops Corbin.
11:31And what this does is buy Rollins some critical time to try to regroup here.
11:36Rollins right now just focusing on catching his breath.
11:39Rollins still writhing in pain.
11:41And the way this match is going, Rollins is going to need a quick strike to try to keep Corbin down.
11:47Rollins does have the stomp in his arsenal, which we've seen take down Brock Lesnar in the past.
11:52Could potentially do the same to Corbin.
11:55But it's a matter of will Rollins have enough to execute that maneuver.
11:59Seth fighting back a chop to Corbin.
12:01He perhaps has Corbin in a bit of trouble now.
12:04Rollins, the champion, fighting back.
12:06And here are the guts and the determination and the heart we talk about with Seth Rollins,
12:10the very spirited champion.
12:13Discus elbow connected right on the jaw of Baron Corbin.
12:17Got that boot up.
12:19His favorite son is rocked.
12:22Rollins with the second rope will land on his feet, try to build a little momentum.
12:27And there's the swing blade, and down goes Corbin.
12:31Now the fact that we're getting to see this side of Seth Rollins, what left does he have in the tank?
12:35He can close this out.
12:36You can see the look in Seth Rollins' eyes.
12:38He believes he has enough to finish the job.
12:40Now he's got this momentum on his side right now.
12:42Got to capitalize.
12:43Well, Seth Rollins is fueled by a fire inside called passion.
12:47Here's an example as he drives Corbin into the announce table with the dive through the second ropes.
12:53Can Rollins capitalize?
12:54And Corbin wisely rolls out of the ring.
12:57Yeah, but Corbin's not safe out there either.
12:59Another dive, and this time Corbin goes down.
13:02Universal champion defending like a man possessed right now.
13:06Seth Rollins looks like he's running on pure adrenaline right now.
13:09Adrenaline's a hell of a thing, Renee.
13:14Baron Corbin in peril at the moment.
13:16Going to feel his opportunity slipping through his fingers.
13:18You got to love this attitude by Rollins.
13:20Doesn't want to take a count-out victory.
13:22He wants to pin Corbin and shut him up once and for all here tonight.
13:26Top rope for the champion, but Corbin meets him there.
13:31Plucking the champion from the top rope.
13:33And there's quote.
13:37And a kick out at two by Corbin.
13:38Rollins almost had him.
13:40Kick to the face.
13:41Cover again by the champion.
13:43Is it enough here to put Baron away in a near fall at two?
13:46Baron Corbin didn't think he was going to get this kind of fight tonight.
13:49I think he thought he had Seth Rollins in the bag with those taped up ribs.
13:52Corbin could be guilty of resting on his laurels to an extent.
13:55Not expecting the best that Seth Rollins had to offer,
13:57but at this point you have to be impressed with the fight
14:00that Seth Rollins has been able to bring.
14:02The pace he's maintained these past few minutes.
14:04Yeah, Rollins feeding off the adrenaline and the WWE fans here at Super Showdown.
14:10Rollins trying to fire himself in the WWE Universe up.
14:16Corbin could be moments away from disaster.
14:19Rollins has, oh, and Baron Corbin again moved out of the way.
14:23And Corbin caught him with an elbow to the jaw.
14:26And now Baron Corbin looking to put Rollins away.
14:29Oh, right to the midsection.
14:31Cover for the Universal Championship.
14:34Rollins at two and a half.
14:36Just barely.
14:37Talking about adrenaline a few minutes ago, Renee.
14:39It works both ways.
14:40Baron Corbin obviously finding a sudden surge.
14:43We almost just had a new Universal Champion.
14:45This has been Baron's problem in the past.
14:47The frustration building.
14:49Instead of yelling at the ref,
14:50he should be continuing to attack the banged up Rollins.
14:53Baron Corbin obviously thought the official's count was slow,
14:55but take another look at this incredible impact.
14:59Driving Seth Rollins with that added rotation.
15:02And let's look at the count here.
15:04Rollins clearly getting up before a count.
15:06Rollins certainly got up,
15:07but I'm not going to say that the referee didn't hesitate a little bit.
15:10And Corbin again into the corner.
15:12Splashing Rollins.
15:14And there's the quickness of the champion.
15:17Rollins has Corbin where he wants him.
15:19Was going to go for the stomp,
15:20but Corbin quickly back to his feet.
15:22And here we go.
15:23Deep six.
15:24Deep six by Corbin.
15:26Hooks the leg on Rollins to win the Universal Championship.
15:29And an air fall again.
15:32And you have got to give Seth Rollins so much credit here tonight
15:36to continually kick out.
15:39But don't discredit Baron Corbin for the fight
15:41that he has brought to the Universal Champion.
15:44Nearly coming within a half a second of dethroning Seth Rollins.
15:48Baron Corbin certainly brought his A game tonight.
15:51If it weren't for the frustration,
15:53as we're seeing again.
15:55How many times do I have to tell you?
15:58Count to three.
16:00It should be over.
16:05Corbin extremely angry.
16:08Could prove to be.
16:10The fact that Rollins kicked out of the deep six.
16:14Wait a minute.
16:15Rollins lands on his feet.
16:17That's what took Rollins out on Monday night.
16:20That athleticism.
16:21A high elbow.
16:22Corbin knocked out of the ring.
16:23It was a really good fight.
16:26A high elbow.
16:27Corbin knocked out of the ring.
16:28It was a rare misstep on that slide around the ring post
16:31that could have cost Baron Corbin.
16:33He's going to get himself disqualified.
16:35This doesn't make any sense.
16:39If he's disqualified, Rollins keeps the championship.
16:41You can't win the title that way.
16:43You know that.
16:44You've got to get rid of it.
16:46You've got to get rid of it.
16:48Get rid of it.
16:50The official admonishing Corbin.
16:52Corbin's caught in the heat of the moment.
16:54Stop telling me what to do.
16:55I know how to do my job.
16:57You know how to do yours.
17:00You know how to do your job.
17:03Who do you think you are?
17:05I'm the winner.
17:07From behind, Rollins rolling up Corbin's shoulders.
17:10That was wicked.
17:11Oh, my gosh.
17:13Here is your winner, and still the universal champion,
17:21Seth Rollins.
17:24Seth Rollins retains.
17:27What a turn of events here tonight.
17:30Baron Corbin's frustrations caused him to squander the
17:34biggest opportunity of his career.
17:36In the back of the line, Corbin.
17:39But what about the resilience of Seth Rollins here tonight?
17:44Hey, hey.
17:45Uh-oh, Corbin from behind.
17:47Corbin with an end of days after the match is over.
17:52A frustrated Corbin attacks Rollins after the match.
17:57To be fair, Baron Corbin really shouldn't be frustrated with
18:00anyone but himself.
18:02Oh, no.
18:03Rollins, Seth Rollins just suffered an end of days.
18:08And here comes the beast in the back, steel chair in hand,
18:13Brock Lesnar marching to the ring.
18:16Rollins is a sitting duck.
18:19Brock Lesnar promised Friday, I'm gonna do it Friday.
18:23And Lesnar is heading to the ring to cash in money in the bank.
18:27We said last week there was no way Rollins was leaving Jetta
18:30as the universal champion.
18:32He overcame the first pass.
18:34This one's downright impossible.
18:35Can you imagine if you're Seth Rollins?
18:37Yeah, Brock Lesnar could not pick a more opportune time.
18:40Universal champ just laid out in the middle of the ring.
18:43This is it.
18:44And can you imagine if you're Rollins, what you're thinking,
18:47what you're feeling right now as the beast is on the apron
18:50with a steel chair in hand and the Money in the Bank contract
18:53in his advocate's hand?
18:55The beast Brock Lesnar has Rollins in his sights.
18:59Oh, my God, Heyman just- Heyman's so excited, he-
19:02A low blow by Rollins.
19:04A low blow by Rollins reminiscent of WrestleMania,
19:08the way he won the championship.
19:11Heyman tripped on the ropes.
19:12He dropped the Money in the Bank briefcase,
19:14and that distraction allowed Rollins to deliver
19:17a low blow to the beast.
19:19That's what it took at WrestleMania now.
19:21Rollins with a steel chair.
19:23Rollins returning the favor.
19:26Rollins remembers what Lesnar did to him Monday night on Raw.
19:30And now steel chairs to the spine of Lesnar.
19:34And the key here, ladies and gentlemen,
19:36is that the bell never rang.
19:38The cash-in hasn't happened.
19:39Seth Rollins is unloading on Mr. Money in the Bank Lesnar.
19:43Let's go.
19:50Lesnar trying to preserve his contract.
19:52The beatdown continues.
19:54Worried about preserving his body.
19:58Rollins barking at Lesnar,
20:00making him pay for Monday night.
20:02How does it feel?
20:04How does it feel, you big ugly son of a bitch?
20:11Lesnar trying to use the briefcase
20:13for some sort of protection.
20:24And I don't believe Rollins is done.
20:27Rollins with a stomp on the briefcase.
20:31And tonight, it's the Universal Champion, Seth Rollins,
20:35sending an emphatic statement to Brock Lesnar.
20:39Think before you try to cash in.
20:42That contract was not cashed in.
20:45He didn't get the job done tonight.
20:47Seth Rollins still our Universal Champion.
20:50I believe Corey, Brock, and Heyman
20:52had every intention of coming back.
20:54I don't think so.
20:55I don't think so.
20:56I don't think so.
20:58I believe Corey, Brock, and Heyman
21:00had every intention of cashing in here tonight.
21:02But when Heyman tripped on the ropes
21:04and dropped the briefcase,
21:05the distraction allowed Rollins to attack.
21:07For the moment, and Seth Rollins survived.
21:09But what goes around comes around
21:11as we take another look at this.
21:13Paul Heyman, so excited,
21:14knowing he was about to cash in
21:16to be the advocate for the Universal Champion,
21:18once again, loses his footing.
21:20And it almost proved to be disastrous.
21:23But Seth Rollins again went low,
21:25much like he did at WrestleMania.
21:26And then payback and retribution
21:28for what Brock Lesnar did to Seth Rollins
21:30Monday night on Raw.
21:31Rollins beat the hell out of The Beast.
21:34Rollins got a little bit of redemption
21:36paying back Lesnar for the beatdown this Monday.
21:39But when it comes to Brock Lesnar,
21:41The Beast does not like to be one-upped ever.
21:44Seth Rollins is still the biggest target in WWE.
21:48And The Beast still has the money in the bank contract.
21:51And Seth Rollins is still the Universal Champion.
21:56What an effort tonight by The Beast Slayer,
22:00Seth Rollins.
