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00:00you guys and what tag team action we have on tap right now do you have your solo cups that's my
00:07question Byron uh working on it now i have to live vicariously to the challengers apparently
00:12everybody wants to know do you want that smoke because the street profits they always wanted
00:21without question without doubt will day one be a day to remember to the prophets
00:28you can't say without question then make a statement tax and that's not how language works
00:36the following contest scheduled for one fall is for the raw tag team championship
00:44introducing first at a combined weight of 492 pounds
00:48montez ford and angelo docking the street profits
00:53six welcome everybody day one jimmy smith alongside cory graves byron staxxon wherever
01:02you have a championship match there's always a question did the challenger deserve to be here
01:07that's the big question i don't think we have that problem with the street profit absolutely
01:11not the street profit had to outlast the litany of other top tier teams to earn this opportunity
01:18at day one defeating aj styles and omas getting past the mysterios all to earn this chance to
01:25regain the raw tag team titles and if they seem stressed by the moment in this crowd i'm not seeing
01:34nothing will induce panic in a superstar quite like the arrival of a viper
01:39i and their opponents they are the raw tag team champions griddle and randy orton rk
01:53gory i gotta call you out in front of 13 000 plus you said it wouldn't last
01:58you said it would go wrong it has borne unexpected fruit rk bro you gotta admit that
02:04before i admit
02:09the greatest group in the world the amigos hear that gentlemen the greatest group in the world
02:20migos bringing in the new year at day one alongside the raw tag team champions
02:27throwing their support behind looks like rk bro and listen it just shows you it shows you how
02:33popular rk bro is everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon including amigos and how much
02:38does this boost the confidence as if they weren't confident already but for the raw tag team champ
02:42you have to ask yourself byron how much this is motivating the street profits montez ford
02:48angelo dawkins they realize that the odds are stacked against them already but tonight could
02:53be a make or break match for the street profits lots of flying the doves are soaring and you think
03:01about opportunities for the sweet province remember when they first drafted the monday
03:05night raw they had a chance to take on rk bro the raw tag team titles weren't on the line at the
03:10time but to your point these are rare chances that montez ford and angelo dawkins have to capitalize
03:17right now offset quavo take off all enjoying their moment in the bright lights in the center
03:24of the ring can't win them can you crowd in atlanta absolutely loving it
03:33what a scene what an entrance
03:39so you think it's going to knock the apex predator off his game that he won't be thinking about
03:44you are mistaken for the raw tag team titles on the line riddle and orton know what's at stake
03:52just as much as their challenger the street profits who have earned this opportunity
03:58who have worked their way we're getting joined ringside here look at this
04:03byron you you still have less street cred than anyone in atlanta don't say that too
04:06gentlemen welcome enjoy your time got good seats here
04:13are they sparkly than you cory i mean this suit is no match for the bling around the wrist and
04:19next to these gentlemen migos here ringside to enjoy the raw tag team title match rk bro
04:26the street profits let's go finally someone making cory look underdressed i'm a little
04:32happy about that i'm okay with that i thought i did that on a weekly basis nothing shines brighter
04:38than the spot on top of your head don't worry what's your middle versus angelo dawkins to get
04:43us started raw tag team titles on the line a little bit of respect there healthy respect
04:48between a couple of top tier athletes and remember this is what rk bro wanted this is why they created
04:54the tournament in the first place to see who wanted it bad enough who could earn a chance
04:59to unseat their position as raw tag and the story of the tournament for the street profit
05:05whoa give me the face amigos a little bit montez ford all fired up right now with good reason
05:12realizing what's at stake tag is made here comes ten and this is what i'm talking about the chemistry
05:17of the street profits on point throughout the entire tournament and look at the confidence
05:22of montez ford into the cover swag swag right there on top looking for the cover
05:28early with that explosiveness of montez ford of everybody in the rk bro moment this might
05:34be the tournament might be the the tag team that's hardest to prepare for right now little
05:41surveying the situation and realizes some situations require a bike we're going to tweak
05:47the landscape a little bit now with randy orton that's the strength of rk bro is that little
05:55and randy orton very different stylistically get ready for one you think you have him figured out
06:00and boom the script changes immediately right now angelo dawkins with the power advantage nice
06:07side headlock applied not going to beat randy orton going straight at him you got to go over
06:13him around wear him down a little bit that appears to be the strategy or in that case
06:18through him launching is he oh now it's a mind game towards the viper montez ford too
06:27uh we call that poking the bear gentlemen kicking the snake i like it i like it this is what the
06:32street profits have to do this confidence this swag as you referred to jimmy is what it takes
06:37to be successful tag team champions in wwe montez ford and angelo dawkins have been to the top of
06:42the mountain tonight they are merely one step away muhammad ali said it before i was the greatest
06:48i said it and i believe that's what you got to do to be a successful challenger if you want to take
06:55the title believe you're the champion and randy now just a little warning shot for angelo dawkins
07:01just that quick the rko can strike that's a quick way to purchase real estate in the mind of your
07:08opponent last week which we thought was virtually impossible well here comes a tag montez ford
07:19with style think you're an athlete keep up with this guy let's see and montez will throw you
07:24off doing whatever his body's doing right now i think i just threw out my back watching him
07:30that's another guy he beat you in a dance battle that's another one byron that's gonna add that to
07:34the list for a mop can beat saxon i've won a few in my day and randy orton at this point not
07:39entirely sure what he just witnessed from montez ford and the mind games on both sides this is
07:44something we didn't expect you always expect the mind games when you're dealing with randy orton
07:48few can perform them better than the surefire first ballot hollow famer but right now montez
07:55ford in control we talk about what randy orton has given to riddle the edge the aggressiveness
08:01oh but what has riddle given to brandy or some of that excitement right some of that happiness
08:07we've seen him loosen up a bit in the ring over the last few months and weeks like that and orton
08:13realizing the official's view is obstructed by montez ford bending the rules a little bit
08:18getting a little shot he doesn't expect the new i could argue more dangerous randy orton
08:24pinpoint drop kick to the cover shoulders down kick out by montez ford
08:31so far we've seen veteran moves from both of these teams
08:39this time picking his spot tag made here comes riddle
08:45we're about to see some tandem offense here
08:49shot to the gut to the cover hook in the leg but not quite enough
08:59dawkins with the distraction at the right time giving montez ford a little bit of a breather
09:03which right now i think he needs escape from the suplex nice tag here comes dawkins
09:10this overpowering riddle into the buckle double edged shoved him right into the turnbuckle
09:17so deadly is riddle those tie kicks once they get going
09:22dawkins little rock there in the corner wait a minute able to get out of the way
09:26dawkins done his homework beautiful reversal silencer from dawkins
09:36hawkins showing us a lot of power a lot of aggression so far this is the raw
09:40tag team championship matchup rk bro riddle and randy orton versus the street profits
09:46ford and dawkins we are joined at ringside by migos the hottest group in the world right now
09:54beautiful athleticism into the cover by ford kick out right before three we see the athleticism the
09:59creativity of montez ford what a night it has been thus far day one the first premiere live event of
10:072022 as we found out earlier tonight roman reigns unable to compete contracted covid19
10:13the beast brock lesnar has been inserted into the wwe championship
10:18main event which is now a fatal five-way it simply doesn't get much bigger than this guys
10:23the ultimate x-factor in a match that already didn't favor the champion
10:31montez ford now beginning to roll a look at this beautiful splash right to the cover
10:37oh randy orton just in time great teamwork by the reigning tag team champions
10:43it also speaks to the concern randy orton's got a half right now for the shape that riddle's in
10:47there's been one weakness to rk bro they haven't always been on the same page at the same time
10:54they've been a well-oiled machine since coming into raw cover cover
10:59kick out just in time you see riddle starting to wear down and the street profits have done
11:03an excellent job at this juncture of cutting the ring in half isolating riddle from randy
11:08orton has got a long way to go and a lot of fight left in the tank apparently nice single leg good
11:16step over right to the ground and pound tough position it is not pretty but it's effective
11:20the cover again all of those kickouts by the way every time you get out of one of those pins you
11:26get all that weight off it is incredibly fatiguing you can see it right now on riddle space without
11:30question i mean we're seeing a very sound strategy on display by the challengers
11:37yo splash in the corner from angelo dawkins we talk a lot about montez ford in the height he's
11:43able to get angelo dawkins can jump about four or five feet from a standing position it's incredible
11:49montez ford talk about otherworldly athleticism it's simply the only way to describe what montez
11:56is capable of he's fighting with a chip on his shoulder tonight am i wrong to montez
12:01ford we're seeing more of an aggressive side for both montez ford and angelo dawkins
12:06could this begs the question could this have something to do with the current allegiance of
12:10migos i think so cover quick kick out by riddle but he he's desperate for a tag right i think
12:16that's part of it i think also part of it is the fact that again we talked about how rare
12:19these opportunities are the challenge for the raw tag team titles and montez ford angelo dawkins
12:24scratched and clawed their way into this opportunity beautiful takedown by dawkins
12:29riddle kicks out oh could have gone for the tag there oh the overhead kick down goes dawkins
12:36right to the doma dawkins the path is clear for riddle if he can make the tag to get there and
12:43get there quickly this smear itches oh here comes the apex predator tags made on both sides
12:51this is not good for montez ford randy orton completely taken over that snap body slam
13:01amigos enjoying it oh dawkins spike the street profits want to be anywhere but in the ring
13:09right now with randy orton fortunately they're not both of them launched outside oh no
13:17all right randy orton's about to double this one
13:25working in migos can the viper pull this off does orton have the power
13:33my goodness laying out the street profits face first double ddt
13:39i think randy orton is poised and ready to put this thing to bed the viper is coiled
13:47ready to strike no not to that place that only he knows i guess ford's stumbling back to his feet
13:56a beautiful counter on his back oh great reversal off the rkl attempt to look at that
14:03orton is down here comes riddle straight into the arms of angelo dawkins
14:12hawkinson up and over to the outside great athleticism by the big man
14:18can they keep it that's a beautiful step up knee we're not wasting any time on the apron now
14:24oh vk kick finds the mark remember montez ford the legal man look at that
14:31both men down on the outside montez ford randy orton the legal competitors
14:38oh shoulder first goes orton the veterans going at it montez ford art moved by montez
14:44ford we know randy orton's got a well-documented history
14:47all day
14:50taking out rk bro it's montez ford leave it all out on the table montez ford knows that's
14:58got to be the strategy take a look at these incredible ups by ford take it out will and
15:05orton maximum risk for maximum reward that's the style of montez ford but right now that cost him
15:12straight right hand from orton montez ford all out of sorts on the top turnbuckle not where you want
15:18to be when you're dealing with the apex predator i say something about maximum risk this is maximum
15:23risk right now for montez ford we're doing his best to maintain a grasp on the top turnbuckle
15:29strut he needs to hard shots they're trying to create some separation orton really hanging on
15:37head button his way out montez ford you are cleared for takeoff oh nobody home
15:44here comes reno look at that flying rko holy moly unbelievable teamwork to the cover
15:53the champions
16:07oh offset takeoff quavo all enjoying the view the hottest group in the world migos is in the house
16:16but tonight it was rk bro doing the straightening maybe migos was a factor they had some energy in
16:24there tonight hey listen whatever the fact was randy orton just proved once again why they're
16:30on top of the wild tag team mountain well i want to take a look at some of these replays i can
16:34barely see my monitor due to all the uh bullying that was surrounded on our right side folks
16:41what a battle hats off to the street profits who brought their a-game tonight but rk flow
16:48continue their unlikely dominance over the raw tag team division and here's how nobody home for
16:56montez ford riddle with the assist and the three most devastating letters in sports entertainment
17:04strike again with every outing i continue to become more and more impressed with the
17:13growing chemistry of the raw tag team champions rk pro they are dangerous on their own you put
17:19them put them together so far unstoppable the chemistry may have been unlikely but at this
17:25point in time rk bro quite simply undeniable there we go that's what you love to see a hard
17:34fought battle between two excellent teams and good sportsmanship in the end they have respect
17:40once the match is over but what a match it was rk bro retaining beautiful job of the raw tag team
17:48what a night it's been already and we are just getting warmed up oh yeah
18:30hey does anyone know the locker room is you can turn around
18:35megan there you are actually the microphone you probably have a question hit me drew tonight you
18:40defeated madcap moss and i'm sure he and corbin weren't too happy about that are your sights now
18:46set on corbin well first of all hotlanta is rocking tonight my goodness second of all i'm
18:56actually a little surprised madcap caught me off guard he's got some terrible terrible jokes
19:01but he is one tough son of a bitch as for carbon we go way back and as annoying as he is he can
19:08actually handle himself
19:26to the ribs of macintyre
19:39put it on his head
20:04give me some medical
20:05give me some medical over here
20:18what's the royal rumble like check out 30 men 30 women
20:27with a lot of this over the top both feet hit the floor you're eliminated
20:31at this
20:45the dome at america's center in st louis missouri for the first time ever this is the royal rumble
21:00here comes the est of wwe the fastest the quickest the brightest everything you could
21:08potentially want in a superstar and more i'm the best and that ain't up for debate
21:16bianca belair has all the tools there's no doubt about it toughness the power just the
21:21athleticism of belair is off the charts i'm living my best life how impressive is the est
21:27and it's only about to get better this is the bianca belair era
21:35as a kid i was always the est i excelled easily and naturally in just everything you're talking
21:43about one of the most confident humans i've ever seen and there's a good reason for that
21:48i got a full scholarship to the university of tennessee a division one school in the
21:53toughest conference in the whole country bianca an all-american in track and field
21:57it's one of the most explosive athletes walking this earth after i graduated i went to the wwp
22:02performance center and i proved i was the best bianca belair continues to impress i put everybody
22:09on notice and i wasn't gonna be shy about it i fought and i scratched and i clawed to get to
22:13right here where i am today so now i am loud i am proud i am unapologetically me she's been
22:22waiting for this moment her entire life and as soon as she got into the wwe she wanted the
22:26spotlight i have a legacy that i carry with me every time i step in the ring but when the bell
22:33goes ding i'm just focused on creating my own history the est of wwe is now the b e s t this
22:46moment is for all those little girls that were watching it especially for the ones that saw
22:50themselves when they looked at me this is for you knowing that i'm looked at as a role model
22:56is so important to me it's a responsibility that i take so seriously
23:10i am proud to be an octavian it's my home it's where i feel safe i feel loved that's who i am
23:17that's what i'm about and that's what i'll continue to be the future is so bright for bianca belair
23:38excuse me i just wanted to get your comments on the change of plans with you now competing
23:43for the ww championship in the fatal five-way match
23:49ladies and gentlemen my name is brock lesnar and brock lesnar does what brock lesnar wants to do
24:05because i'm a free agent thanks to my advocate paul heyman so tonight
24:13i'm gonna go to the ring and walk out of it as the wwe heavyweight champion of the world
24:28that my folks is a sport
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25:18it rain every superstar tonight wants to please the crowd here in atlanta but when a current hall
25:27of famer and a future hall of famer meet like the ms and edge it's about legacy as well
25:35this is truly a rivalry that has become must see over the past several months as you mentioned
25:40edge wwe hall of famer is the most must-see superstar in wwe collide on day one
26:07i'm here to talk about the fact that i'm on rock it's really exciting because
26:13everything's wide open
26:21and brought his beautiful talented wife maurice with him while i was dancing with the stars you
26:28were dancing with a body riddled with injury weren't you edge i surpassed you long ago
26:34you should have stayed home for good
26:37little mizzy needs a pat on the back does he you made it here from tough enough and went all the way
26:48to the main event of wrestlemania against john cena and you beat him you built yourself an empire
26:57you got a mansion in the hollywood hills you got a beautiful family you made it higher than anyone
27:03ever thought you could you're a future hall of famer but you want to know the biggest difference
27:09between you and i you come out here you expect respect i earned it sure everyone was afraid of
27:19all that but this edge you would get all of the accolades if you would just shut up at day one
27:29i'm gonna knock that stupid look off your face
27:34he is with a champagne to the eyes of the rated-r superstar
27:44there's a position
27:46oh my god
27:51this uses white flurrys as a shield sending edge face first
27:58how about the fact that edge was laying flat on the mat two times three for the person
28:06gets it again do you think old edge would have fell for that
28:10i will dominate edge at day one so in honor we give you our wedding vow renewal
28:20harris you have the honor of reciting your vows first
28:27michael the first time i met you 15 years ago i knew right there and then that you were the man
28:35you are the only person that can tame my wild heart will you continue to be my wife
28:47yes i will if anyone has any objections speak now i could talk about how obnoxious you both are and
28:58speak now you think you know me i could talk about how obnoxious you both are and how i
29:03threw up on my mouth a little bit listening to your vows i don't want to spoil your wedding
29:08okay so i'll just wait you didn't want this to be a white wedding did you
30:00must see couple in sports entertainment obviously in a business mindset tonight no more fun no more
30:09games no more disgusting biscuits fluid ruining a beautiful ceremony tonight is about vengeance
30:18the following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first a company to the race by marie
30:26in hollywood california weighing in at 221 pounds
30:33the a-list couple making their entrance in an extravagant manner as only they can guys do you
30:40have any idea how much marisa's garb cost tonight do you have any idea how ridiculous it is week
30:46after week to hear you kiss up to these two
30:52listen here but you don't like love you don't like happiness like the wedding this is inspiring
30:58byron go back to monday think about the wedding of the vow renewal marie's wearing the wedding
31:03dresses how that moment was tarnished how the miss was embarrassed i think that's just a precursor
31:08to what we're going to see here tonight i think the embarrassment that miz and marie suffered this
31:13past monday is what's going to fuel miz to victory tonight and they may go on a second honeymoon at
31:19this rate mitch has made an awful lot of bold claims mitch has claimed that they just lost a
31:24step back up just enjoy that is beautiful enjoying this love is beautiful gentlemen gentlemen
31:30gentlemen you're overlooking the in-ring skills of the mids get the outfits forget the vows forget
31:36the kisses i guess enough enough already this is a man with skills byron a man with skills whose
31:42mouth has gotten him in trouble in the past jimmy don't live in the past saxton tonight
31:48if miz's promise comes true he will dispatch of edge in an authoritative manner
32:00they look grateful
32:02oh my am i right to be a little bit scared right now
32:30if miz made it known that in miz's mind this edge didn't exist anymore the old edge is gone
32:39we have seen time after time when you question the ability of edge when you question the desire
32:47of edge he responds almost obsessively like a madman
32:54all you have to do to do is look back at his matches with seth rollins right you look back
33:00at his match with roman reigns you'll see a focused competitor that's what we have tonight
33:23and that focus in the eyes is clear as day right now jimmy it just got real it just got real for
33:29the miz if i had the opportunity to speak to edge earlier today and edge said tonight is about more
33:36than just humiliating miz more than just embarrassing miz the way miz has embarrassed
33:41edge tonight is about edge proving to himself that the old edge still exists and is still as
33:48badass as ever he was in our locker room i gotta say pacing around like an animal am i wrong you're
33:55not wrong and i gotta wonder if the miz in the back of his mind feels like maybe it's 2006 all
34:00over again maybe he's getting those nervous jitters he felt as a rookie here in wwe now
34:05standing across the ring from edge or maybe with his beautiful wife maurice at his side
34:10the miz feels downright unstoppable tonight we're about to find out
34:23it's exactly what motivates the miz every time edge comes back he gets the adulation of the
34:30crowd he gets everyone behind him it's not fair i want that shine to right or wrong but that
34:35motivates him but the adulation you mentioned jimmy is exactly what drives edge to recapture
34:41glory of his past to continue to capture glory and redefine his career oh man has played a big
34:49role in the career of edge if you think back guys 11 years ago edge competed in what was at the time
34:55his final match at wrestlemania before announcing his retirement and the miz now in the driver's
35:01seat much to the chagrin of the over 13 000 strong here in atlanta don't get too confident yet miz
35:10this match is just starting miz has been confident throughout his wwe run that's
35:15been the key to his success and miz would love nothing more than to live up to his promise
35:21and embarrass edge in front of a sold-out crowd here at state farm arena
35:29the two veterans locking up we have guys with this amount of experience it's a
35:33game of inches about who makes a mistake who expends energy when they shouldn't
35:37the little tiny things you do mean the entire match both these guys know every trick
35:43it's not a problem you really argue jimmy with the careers of both edge and the miz
35:48both highly decorated championship careers here in ww ho edge turns like a reversal for the hip
35:54toss look at that power of edge to the cover easy kick edge for the crossface in the early moments
36:02miz realizing what edge had in mind and got the hell out of harm's way he talks about an old edge
36:09he talks about an over the hill edge but he reacts like this is a dangerous dangerous man
36:14you can say one thing his body's saying something else and that's my point earlier i think the miz
36:20says a lot of things talks about how he's going to dominate edge i don't think the ms truly believes
36:25that he's capable of doing that i disagree completely saxton miz is simply lying in
36:31weight you say something about veteran tricks right test of strength right to a front kick
36:36you may find miz brash you may find miz obnoxious but you cannot argue with results this is a man
36:42who wants main event at wrestlemania i'm gonna stop talking about it since but even recently
36:50jack got cover to the cover can hold him down no and that once again again edge one of the cross
36:56phase and again miz sensed it and got out of the way miz so far very prepared for that move cory
37:01you're talking about emotions going into this match that edge feels disrespected wants to
37:05humiliate him best way to do that is to submit him but miz knows that he's ready for that kind
37:10of game plan so far absolutely right nice reversal by the miz head to the outside
37:18if you're going to land on his feet here comes miz great momentum but the target's just not there
37:28face first into the ring post yeah there there's the benefit to the miz of having marie's that
37:33ringside this is it slight diversion open the door for the miz to take advantage marie's did
37:39absolutely nothing wrong if edge can't focus on the task at hand that being miz his opponent
37:45this is going to be a long night for the way to our stories did nothing illegal did not lay hands
37:50on that point but we lay hands on edge we know the miz is willing to use his wife in any fashion
37:56look edge has to have eyes in the back of his head tonight double axe handle from the top down
38:00goes the hall of famer he had eyes in the top of his head they just got smashed
38:10driving down onto the eyebrow of edge adding a little insult to injury that's so far with this
38:19contest has been about what this rivalry has been about is about miz trying to get in the head of
38:24edge and edge response smart strategy by the miz cover not over yet is attacking edges left leg
38:35is now continuing the assault smart strategy miz able to keep his own body out of edges
38:41striking distance and look at look at miz look at marise jimmy marise is on your screen
38:49you're just not in the match okay we'll need to focus on marise focusing back on the action
38:53look at the submission skills of miz turning the foot that turns the knee great way to break an
38:58opponent down and marise is there yes and incredibly talented intelligent and invaluable
39:05okay we get addition we get to the miz's future hall of fame career do you think miz and marise
39:12could be inducted together simultaneously would that be out of line do you think we care
39:18would you be willing to i don't know how that would work
39:22the series of right hands by the edge reversed by the miz
39:28miz now on the move oh straight into the second turnbuckle marisa like that one
39:35how dare you saxton edge now we're going to regain control power on display driving the
39:42miz right through the canvas cover a kick out by miz
39:49miz with a nasty landing right on the back of his neck being driven down by the rated r superstar
39:55edge now with an opportunity to turn the tides in this matchup and have we mentioned how beautiful
40:00and talented marise is you've said it once or twice look at the strength of edge talk about
40:06beauty and talent toe-to-toe and certainly so far the stronger man oh case in point looking to
40:13get it over with hooking the leg oh how just in time look at edge immediately favoring his left
40:19leg we saw the miz initiating an attack could be perhaps that miz saw something in edge that we
40:27didn't yeah certainly favoring right now the left leg and that's key because that that could force
40:32edge to kind of alter his game plan a little bit here it's now double underhook from behind
40:39good reversal by the miz is what's this called crushing finale
40:43as counter by edge kick to the knee oh beautiful ddt to the cover
40:51not yet kick out
40:55miz trying to talk his way to three now
40:57those are absolute slow count you kidding me that you know what that just tells me how
41:04desperate miz truly is to try to get this victory over edge
41:10but right now he has definitely the edge rocked he's in control now in this crowd let him know how
41:18they feel
41:32him he's just going to use that as motivation right now kicking the guts out of edge
41:40taking time to show they're taking time
41:46oh out just before three edge looking for the crossface once again the third attempt now from
41:52edge every time miz has been a step ahead now sending edge out of the ring
41:59he's now taking it easy marie's easy
42:02he's simply getting a better view of the goings-on
42:08yeah her husband's matchup got to be ready for anything that comes to marise
42:14you know the reels are turning in the mind of any good woman will keep you on your toes at all times
42:22i don't i don't appreciate you guys disparaging marise and implying that she's out oh god
42:28face first on the outside but remember once again edge favoring the left knee
42:33looks like it may have taken a bad landing there
42:38yes i think i think bad landing might have been the understatement of the night jimmy
42:44driven face first into the outside is the miz i wonder if that effort hurt the edge
42:52just a bit favoring that left leg even more cover kick out once again right before three
43:03they're not quite enough to put miz away you can you can feel the nerves building
43:07for marise on the outside i'm nervous that her husband the miz may fail at his goal to
43:15or end edge's career or perhaps marise and miz have reservations at a wonderful restaurant here
43:21in the atlanta area in which to celebrate the massive victory you need to tell me that they're
43:24so confident they've they already made reservations assuming they're gonna defeat
43:28edge no saxon they have people that do that that's what happens in your a-lister
43:33oh my god edge face first off of the ring apron great move by the miz and they are right in front
43:41of us about respect miz demanding edge respect him just dribbling edges skull off the announce
43:55table edge i'm sorry miz back in the ring quick win by count out here edge is still on our table
44:01right now he is laid out this is valuable time being wasted by the miz a win is a win saxon
44:09even if it is by count out no no he's coming back to do more
44:14climbing now onto our table guys this is what we call must see oh my god oh my god skull crushing
44:24finale no no no counter by edge counter by edge face first when our announce test goes the miz
44:33and the miz splattered right now edge in a moment of desperation had the wherewithal to counter
44:43take another look at this avoiding certain disaster
44:48bouncing miz face first off the cowl of our announced desk and now it's the rated r superstar
44:54wrestling control of this one away from the a-list right now he has all the momentum he's
45:00tired he's battered but he has miz in his sights on the top rope
45:06oh cross body this goes down no and miz just barely escaped before the officials count of
45:15three with the beating he took on the outside to take that cross body and not get finished
45:21unbelievable stuff from the miz it's toughness let's call it what it is jimmy everyone acts
45:25surprised that the miz is a tough human being great counter looking for the skull crushing
45:30finale a beautiful escape to the roll-up a kick out by miz miz holds on miz could be
45:38looking for the figure four leg lock oh no no that's just the one good leg to kick miz off
45:43from behind shoulders down oh and edge unluckily into the ring post once again not just kicking
45:53out but launching edge right into the ring post oh beautiful shot block this time to the right
46:00leg here it goes he's got it figure four miz has tasted a great deal of success with this very
46:09maneuver on the already compromised left leg you can see the agony on the face of the rated r
46:17superstar you can see the determination on the face of the miz you gotta wonder is this where
46:22mrs prediction comes through here disrespecting edge figure four locked in the elevation on the
46:29hips it is tight extra pressure on the shin bone of edge on the ankle on the knee of the rated r
46:36superstar look at that the crazed look on the face of edge i see rage on the face of edge and concern
46:46on the face of miz it's trying to reverse it trying to reverse the figure four makes it
46:52incredible amount of core strength does edge have enough left to reverse the pressure in the figure
46:57four leg lock back and forth we go miz knows how dangerous this would be for him he's desperate
47:04to keep the figure four right where it is the pressure is reversed it's the miz now who is
47:11suffering you see the agony now on the pain of the miz desperately reaching for the rope
47:16killing the cap of the miz he might have to tap here oh no miz could tap right here this would be
47:23absolute humiliation just what edge wants great great beautiful escape oh my god
47:30miz is looking for the spf that's trying almost got it nope
47:36yeah it's it's maneuvering himself now
47:40hey edge has had a grip on the base yeah beautiful roll out by the miz
47:48is now both legs hooked of edge looking for a slingshot right into the top turnbuckle
47:56shoulders are stacked
47:57the rise of proofs and the ref sees it great job by official jessica card i mean you didn't
48:04win miz put your arms down miz still thinks he had it better come back to reality
48:17miz thought he got away with the win on day one nope not yet jimmy you can't write this
48:24off already once again it shows that the miz will do anything including stealing a victory here
48:32against edge once again miz gonna go to the great counter by edge and fight now it says
48:43it's not gonna be easy he's got the left arm locked up he's up in the middle of the ring
48:49i think this is it for the miz i'm afraid you're right byron
48:53the center of the ring crossface is locked in absolutely nowhere to go
49:02miz squirming i think the a-listers starting to fade
49:07he is in absolute agony it's putting everything into this
49:11he's trying his best to free his left arm up to the oh almost had him covered there
49:17edge hangs on but now closer to the ropes
49:33referee now breaks it up because of marie that's what i'm talking about exactly no no no no the
49:38referee broke it up because miz's foot was on the bottom the referee was in the face of the
49:45a-lister trying to see if miz would submit which he did not great spin artist over here
49:52maurice though has an exhausted miz he's got to somehow it's it's saved him now he's got
49:58somehow get back into this match oh moves like that help edge hung across the top rope
50:09miz just told maurice there probably that he loved her byron i'm sure that's what it was
50:15she's the reason he's still in this match
50:20beautiful combo counter backslide shoulders down oh kick out just in time
50:26oh double boot there's an edge both laid out both athletes with the exact same idea
50:35in the same moment both men are down the playing field is even in the beginning experience is
50:42about the little moves in the end it's about who can dig deeper and this is why both edge and
50:48miz delivering thunderous boots to one another simultaneously now who can dig deep who can
50:54find the resolve to win miz showing a little more movement than edge right now now edge
50:59well back to his feet oh forearms from the rated-r superstar miz answers
51:07yeah it's been building for weeks these two joined talking trying to embarrass one another
51:15the attacks back and forth well now we get to see who has more in the tank who has more will
51:21because of those exchanges look at this aggression from the miz great stuff from the miz he's looking
51:26to put this one away oh that might do it classic offense from the a-lister flying clothesline i
51:35think took all the fight out of edge but now it's the a-lister brimming with confidence
51:43making the climb to the top rope edge right there to meet the miz with a right hand
51:52both these men in a precarious position now
51:55ed repositioning himself there on the middle rope it's about who can use it
51:59right here right now oh my goodness oh my god a hip toss from the top rope
52:08long way down for miz rough landing for edge it is though in absolute agony
52:15take a look at this desperation pays off big for edge and oh and look at marise
52:24marise couldn't stand every second of it look at the eyes of edge now it feels like edge
52:29has found new life in this matchup marise concerned because she's seeing what we're seeing
52:36which is edge lined up with miz in his sights oh miz might have tweaked his knee on the landing
53:02marise now marise has got to get off that apron
53:26wwe hall of famer the life of edge
53:48that's nothing
54:18one two three for the victory
54:39initially referencing marise but
54:43this is beautiful in its own sort of way as out strategize the mids and for all the weeks
54:48all the weeks that the mids best trying to embarrass ed in the end it was ed who embarrassed
54:56mids take a look at how it all came crashing down for the a-lister first the
55:06probably thousand dollar bag to the bears then the skull crushing finale surely victory was
55:12imminent for the miz right yeah not quite the probe got fired and guess who would show up
55:19cat phoenix clearing the way for an emphatic spear to the miz and a hollow victory has got to feel
55:27so sweet for the rated-r superstar that is a power couple ladies and gentlemen that is a
55:34hall of fame couple
55:40like it seems we're on the line edge victorious tonight unbelievable
