• 13 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il problema demografico non esiste solo in Italia, ma in tutti i 27 paesi europei. Soluzioni? Occorre rilanciare la natalità, non possiamo continuare con la diminuzione. É una situazione che va avanti dal 2008. L'immigrazione può essere funzionale al sistema produttivo: dobbiamo fare uno sforzo per un'immigrazione sotto controllo, ma valorizzata per quello che può dare” Così Gian Carlo Blangiardo – professore emerito di demografia all’Università degli studi Bicocca di Milano ed ex presidente Istat  – ha parlato a margine della manifestazione StatisticAll, il festival della statistica e della demografia svoltosi a Treviso.


00:00We, Italy, are in a bad situation, we have said this on several occasions, that is, there is a demographic situation that is undoubtedly critical, but it is something that is quite common also to a large part of European countries.
00:18In fact, we cannot say that there is a country among the 27 of the European Union that does not have a demographic problem, so it is something that we all have in common, although of course the problem is more or less serious depending on the different nations.
00:35The Italian population, the Italian situation is quite well known, low birth rate, prospects of a decrease in the number of inhabitants, a decrease in the working age population, and an aging of the population with all the consequences compared to the providential aspects, pensions, but also health, especially the real problem in my opinion in the long term will be the health services for a very old population.
01:02Well, as always, the solution is not always in one direction, the solution is always, I do not say in the middle, but certainly it is an appropriate, reasonable combination of both components.
01:14That is, we must relaunch birth because it is inevitable, we cannot go on with the continuous decrease, I remember that since 2008 that births in Italy every year always regularly decrease, and we will also see it when we do the math of the end of this year, 2024.
01:30So we must somehow relaunch birth, but we must also make sure that there is a contribution to the labor force, and birth can only be given when these newborns will reach an age to be able to be productive, and therefore immigration has this advantage.
01:45Immigration can be from today, from when it arrives, functional to the production system, therefore it also acts on immigration, an immigration that is regulated, controlled and not suffered, but above all also valued, integrated.
02:00That is, we must make an effort to ensure that there is an immigration that is under control, of course, and that it is valued for the capacities and potential that immigration can give. If we can combine the two things well, we could help to solve some of the problems that demography is creating.
