• 2 days ago
00:00Hey guys, I'm Tom our tech chap and have a look at this. It's the brand new LG OLED Evo g4
00:05I've got the 65 inch model wall-mounted here and it is very nice, but it's also
00:1111 years of LG's hard work and research
00:14Culminating in this guy. They've been making them for 11 years. Now. The question is what's new?
00:19Is it any good? Of course it is. But also is it much different from the g3?
00:23Can you really see the difference? Well, I have both TVs with me
00:27Let's have a look and a big
00:28Thank you to LG for sending this g4 out for me to have a play with and also sponsoring this video
00:33So for this year, it's all about the new brightness booster max, which promises up to
00:38150% higher peak brightness
00:40We also have the much faster alpha 11 AI processor which brings sharper detail and better upscaling as well as tons of AI
00:47Picture audio and UI enhancements. There's also a new 144 Hertz mode with VRR for high refresh PC gaming
00:55We have a very helpful AI chat bot for tips and troubleshooting and AI concierge to help you decide what to watch
01:01We get five years of guaranteed web OS updates and it's all wrapped up nicely in this one wall design
01:08We've got the no gap wall mount and you can see how flush this is to my wall
01:12It really is nice
01:13You can use a regular visa mount if you want to and I have
01:16From my own experience seeing that you can mount it on previous generations of the g-series mounts as well. So that was very helpful
01:22I could just pop it back on because I have the g3 on here before
01:25What is new also for this year though is on the 55 and the 65 you can buy this with a table stand
01:30But I reckon you really you do want some wall mount the g4
01:33It looks so nice
01:34But as you can see
01:35No cables here because I've actually drilled into the wall hidden the cables behind it
01:39So it looks a bit like it's kind of floating as for the ports
01:43We have four full bandwidth HDMI 2.1 all with 4k 144 Hertz and VRR plus one of them supports eARC
01:50So you'll want to connect your soundbar or audio receiver to that one and there's three USB a's
01:55Ethernet optical cable antenna inputs and an IR blaster connector plus
01:59There's the usual g-series cutouts and clips for neat cable routing
02:03So the rear can sit flush with your wall and speaking of your wall
02:06We do get this wall mounting positioning guide, which is very helpful
02:09And then it's just a case of installing the wall plugs and turning the screws drop the TV on and away you go
02:14Now this fold flat bracket does actually extend a fair way from the wall
02:18So you got plenty of room for attaching the TV and cables and then just gently push the edges and there's virtually no gap
02:24Against the wall. It really does look good and together with these incredibly slim bezels, which were reduced on last year's g3
02:30It really is a smart-looking TV and one of my favorite upgrades from last year's g3 is the anti-glare coating
02:37It's returned here for the g4 and it really is one of the best TVs for reducing background lights and reflections
02:43It makes a heck of a difference and it really does allow the sort of deep dark
02:47Inky blacks you get with the OLED panel to sort of stand out
02:50So big fan of that and it's back here for the g4
02:54The built-in speakers are decent enough
02:56But I would probably suggest a separate audio system to really give you that full theater experience
03:00And if you do fancy an all wall mounted system, then check out the LG soundbar us g10 ty
03:06Which shares the same zero gap design?
03:09LG's Wow interface lets you control your soundbar from your TV like changing modes and profiles and it can all work wirelessly via
03:16Wow cast and also Wow orchestra lets the soundbar and the TV speakers work intelligently together
03:22So you get an expanded sound stage with richer fuller sound
03:26Now if you've used an LG TV from the past few years, this will all feel very familiar and the setup is nice and straightforward
03:32This is running LG's latest web OS 24 software
03:35And it's just a case of choosing which apps you like to download and then probably turning on a I picture Pro and a I sound
03:41Pro modes in the general settings, although I'll come back to this in a second
03:44And while you're there
03:45I might also suggest turning off the energy saving option to unlock the full brightness of the TV
03:50Now as you would expect the image quality in this thing is just incredible and even just straight out the box
03:55It looks really really good. You don't have to do anything
03:57There are lots of picture modes to choose from and we'll talk about that in a second
04:00But obviously the one of the key selling points of this is being an OLED TV
04:04Self-lit pixels all 8 million of them can turn themselves on and off
04:08So blacks look pure black and there's no blooming or light bleed from brighter areas and as OLED can display so many colors
04:15They're bright and saturated but still accurate
04:18So last year's g3 you already got pretty bright
04:21But now with g4 we get brightness boost to max which is LG's own light control
04:26Architecture and this brings up to 70% higher full-screen brightness and up to a whopping
04:32150% higher peak brightness. So we're talking smaller highlights like clouds and reflections and bursts of bright light
04:37So it can really make the screen just pop that a little bit more
04:40But as a whole the screen is also noticeably bright in the g3
04:43but as I say
04:43it's particularly those sort of small elements and
04:46The best bit if you have a bigger house and a big enough wall to put it on the 83 inch version now gets the brightness
04:52Boost to max tech whereas last year that topped out at the 77
04:56So that is very good news if you are eyeing one of these fancy TVs
04:59But in the bigger sizes, although the 97 still doesn't get it
05:02The g4 also gets a new professional mode under the dynamic tone mapping option
05:07Which gives you full brightness control for HDR content by using AI to dynamically adjust the tone mapping if all that goes over your head
05:13Don't worry. You don't have to use it. This is more for professionals
05:17Now I mentioned LG's been making OLED TVs for 11 years
05:20But they've also been making the processors the chips
05:23They've been powering these and all the features including the AI upscaling now this year with the g4
05:28We have their brand spanking new alpha 11 AI processor, which does far too much stuff for me to list in this video
05:34but one of the key things is AI picture Pro which handles the AI super upscaling to
05:39fine-tune the resolution in the detail and alongside AI
05:42director which dynamically controls colors and contrast to make the most of each preset and you can see more detail and smoother upscaling with it
05:50Turned on and it's a similar story with the AI sound Pro which creates virtual surround sound and it's smart enough to dynamically control your sound
05:57Depending on what you're watching and even uses AI to make voices clearer in noisy scenes via their voice mastering
06:07So this does look very good, but I mentioned earlier I also still have my g3
06:11So let's do a little side-by-side see if you can see the difference now, obviously both look great
06:16But straight away you can see the brightness booster max on the g4 is doing its job
06:21So this is in vivid mode, which I probably wouldn't use every day, but you can see while it's brighter overall
06:26It's especially so with highlights like reflections and light sources and it's not a small difference either
06:31which is amazing given the g3 was already far brighter than the g2 and even the c3 and so it also means that we get
06:38Better dynamic HDR as the higher peak brightness allows them to be more detail around highlights
06:42We're also seeing more detail in textures and a little bit less blur and this isn't just a case of upping the sharpness in
06:48The settings as there's no extra image noise here. It's very impressive stuff
06:52Now I tend to stick to the expert bright modes along with cinema and filmmaker
06:56But hopefully the TV will put you in the best picture mode based on what you're watching and for all the gamers out there
07:02This g4 is basically untouchable. We have super low response times
07:06We have that new 134 Hertz refresh with VRR
07:09Which is great
07:10If you have a well very powerful PC that can hit 144 FPS at 4k
07:14Or of course up to 120 Hertz for consoles if the game supports it firing up your Xbox or your PlayStation
07:20It will automatically go into game mode to reduce all the background processing and give you the lowest response times and we get the game
07:26Dashboard along with the more detailed game optimizer, which gives you access to gaming picture profiles
07:31VRR refresh rates dynamic tone mapping for HDR and a whole lot more
07:35Although don't forget you can also download apps like GeForce now to stream your games
07:40So this is the home screen what you'll see when you fire up your g4
07:43It's running web OS 24 and as I mentioned earlier because of their renew program
07:48They actually give you four years of future updates
07:51It's five years of support but four years beyond what we have here and it introduces a lot of new features
07:55Including the AI chatbot, which is actually really helpful
07:58I know my mom would get a lot of use out of that because she's not that techie and actually sometimes she just doesn't know
08:03Where to find a particular setting or motor option
08:09Using the AI chatbots actually really quite helpful just for just troubleshooting and coming up with
08:13Tips and where to find things but also you'll see that I'm using the magic remote
08:18We've got a little magic pointer there
08:20also hitting the voice input button brings up this new AI concierge which offers tips and
08:25Recommendations for what you might want to watch and as it's an AI you can ask it questions
08:30We also have a personalized picture wizard which lets you pick the style of image you prefer and then the deep learning engine creates a
08:36Custom picture preset just for you
08:39Anyone buying an OLED TV does of course have burn-in on their mind
08:43It's reasonable
08:43and if you do abuse the TV you turn off all the safety features and you leave the same screen on 24 hours a day for
08:49Weeks on end and maybe you can you know see a bit of screen image retention
08:53But I've never had any issues with LG OLEDs
08:55There's tons of safety features built in so you really don't have to worry
08:58But LG through their OLED care plus program do offer five years of warranty with the panel
09:03So that is the new LG OLED Evo G4
09:06If you've got any questions at all drop a comment below and if you fancy checking it out
09:09Maybe buying one for yourself, then I will leave a link in the description and it is an absolutely fantastic TV
09:14But what do you make of it? Let me know in the comments below. Thank you so much for watching
09:17I'll see you next time right here on the tech chat
