• 4 days ago
The feds are adamant Diddy will menace or threaten witnesses or alleged victims if the judge lets him out on bail, because they say that's exactly what he did in the immediate aftermath of Cassie's beating.


00:00Well, the federal prosecutors going after Diddy have a reminder for the appeals court,
00:05which is now considering his appeal that Diddy filed, saying that he should be let out on
00:12bail, and they're asking the appeals court to look at the judge's decision to deny him
00:19They're 0 for 2 so far.
00:21Well, it might be 0 for 3, or at least that's the way the prosecutors want it to go, because
00:24they filed documents yesterday, which we have seen, and they lay out all the, they
00:31say, very strong reasons why there is no way you should let this guy out, because they
00:36point out he, you know, we've heard them talk about this in generalities in court, that
00:42he has a history of intimidating witnesses and potential victims as well, as alleged
00:48So now they got a little bit more specific, and it has a lot to do with that Cassie video.
00:54Which, in these documents, they, one, remind the appeals court that, to their knowledge,
01:00what they're saying in court in these documents is that she was trying to escape one of these
01:05freak-offs that was being held at that hotel, at the InterContinental Hotel in 2016.
01:11Beyond that, they say, once that video, once Diddy was aware of that video, he took some
01:17steps, some very problematic steps, to conceal that video, and in fact, let's be honest,
01:23he was successful for many years.
01:26Eight years plus.
01:27And Charles, this is the key point of what they're focusing on, because in laying out
01:30their case, they have to show that if he's on the outside, he could intimidate witnesses
01:34potentially or try to obstruct justice.
01:36So they point to this incident where they say he offered a stack of cash to a security
01:39officer after the Cassie beating video, and then when that bribe wasn't taken, ordered
01:44his other people to go get the video one way or another, and eventually the video disappeared.
01:49So they're saying, this guy on the outside, not only, he may not be a flight risk if he
01:53has an ankle monitor, but what he is is a risk to order his people around to intimidate
01:57witnesses and that's why we need to keep him locked up.
01:59Yeah, and in that case, I mean, that's, I mean, potentially criminal charges, but that's
02:04really a reputation issue.
02:05Now Diddy, I mean, he is literally facing life in prison if ultimately convicted here.
02:09So there's a lot of reason for him to potentially try something.
02:13That's what you're saying, like the stakes are even higher.
02:15I mean, his life is on the line.
02:17So if you let him out, what, imagine what he would do is, what they're saying here.
02:20I would imagine, wouldn't you think Charles, that they, that the lawyers, Mark Agnepo is
02:23going to say, yeah, he could do this stuff from behind bars too.
02:26He could do it from behind bars.
02:28It's a lot harder to do it from behind bars cause your phone calls are sort of more controlled
02:31than on the outside.
02:32If he just has an ankle monitor and he's living in Miami, he can access his people much more
02:38And that's the picture they're trying to paint to keep him locked up.
02:40Hi, my name is Christina.
02:42I'm from Sacramento, California, and I just feel like Diddy's, his whole actions are inexcusable.
02:48And at the end of the day, it really goes to show that everything that happens in the
02:51dark will always come to light.
02:53It doesn't matter how much money you have, how much cloud or how much status.
