• 2 days ago
00:00Hey how's it going, Dave2D here.
00:05So I've been using the Razer phone for a couple of weeks at this point and I wanted to share
00:08my experiences of using this phone with you guys.
00:11So a lot of people are interested in this phone because it's such a different looking
00:15phone from a lot of other Android offerings, especially with that 120Hz screen.
00:19But I feel like there's so much more to this phone that is actually really good for a lot
00:23of people.
00:24Not just gamers or whatever you might think that the Razer brand is catering to.
00:28So the first thing I want to talk about is build quality.
00:30This thing is built like a tank.
00:33It's aluminum, it's not like special materials or anything.
00:36But the design of it is just so boxy and so just industrial feeling and industrial looking.
00:42It's a really really solid phone.
00:44If I had to drop phones like thousands of times, it would be this one.
00:47I feel like this is the one that's going to last the longest.
00:49The button placement takes a while to get used to.
00:52The power switch is good, but the volume rockers are just, I don't know, they're a little bit
00:55lower than I'm used to.
00:56So even after using this thing for a couple of weeks, I'm still not used to their lowered
01:00I wish it was higher up.
01:02I also don't like that this thing doesn't have a headphone jack.
01:05Now a lot of phones don't have headphone jacks in 2017, but this one in particular, I feel
01:09like it really should have had one.
01:11It's a gamer oriented phone.
01:12I mean it can be for gamers, but even for regular people, because this thing is so good
01:17for media consumption, I feel like a lot of people could have really benefited from a
01:20headphone jack and it doesn't have one, which is unfortunate.
01:24Okay, let's talk about the screen.
01:26It's probably its most flagship feature.
01:28It's the thing that they're marketing the most heavily.
01:30It's a really nice looking screen, 120 Hertz, very fluid, very color accurate.
01:35My biggest complaint about it though is the brightness.
01:37It's not super dim or anything like that.
01:39Don't get me wrong.
01:40I think it measures at around 300 nits, but because of how bright other smartphones can
01:44get at the $700 price point, it just feels like it's dimmer than it could or should be.
01:49Now the screen is nice for games, but I don't know if it makes me a better gamer.
01:53So most of the games that I play on mobile are just pretty relaxed and chill games.
01:56Something like Alto's Landing looks really nice on the screen, 120 Hertz, but there's
02:00a lot of games that are like the competitive games that still don't run at 120 Hertz on
02:04the screen, even if you lower the resolution.
02:06So it depends on the games you want to play, but keep in mind that that list of games that
02:09supports high frame rates is growing every day.
02:12Now using the screen outside of gaming is also really, really nice.
02:16Just browsing the web, anything that has a UI just looks super smooth.
02:20Just browsing Reddit, Imgur, flicking and swiping around on this screen feels so smooth.
02:24And after using this thing for a couple of weeks, switching back to a regular phone feels
02:28so choppy.
02:29The speakers are in a league of their own.
02:31They sound amazing.
02:32It's not the volume and the bass.
02:33I mean, it does get loud and the bass is present, but it's just the clarity.
02:37They sound so clear when you're playing games, listening to music, just anything that has
02:42sound, sounds abnormally clean coming out of these speakers.
02:45It's weird hearing this kind of audio from a smartphone.
02:48It is unfortunately one of those things that you have to experience in real life.
02:51And same thing with the screen.
02:52You can't, like this video is not going to do it justice.
02:54The screen and the speakers are something you have to experience in real life.
02:58Now if there's one complaint I had about the speakers, it's that when you lower the volume,
03:02the bass and the mids disappear way quicker than the higher frequencies.
03:05I had to install some EQ software just to make it sound the way I want, but really good
03:09speakers overall.
03:10The camera is disappointing.
03:12There's no way to spin it.
03:13It's not a good camera.
03:14The default software that this thing comes with takes particularly bad photos, like the
03:18low light photos are really grainy.
03:20But if you download the Google camera app, like the one that comes stock on pixel devices,
03:24the image quality looks so much better.
03:26But here's the thing.
03:27People shouldn't have to do that.
03:28I feel like a lot of people don't even know how to do that.
03:30So it's unfortunate that this camera delivers the photos that it does coming out of the
03:34Now, a lot of reviewers are going to focus on this.
03:36I think a lot of people are going to tunnel vision on the whole bad camera thing because
03:40it's a really easily compared thing, right?
03:42It's a very objective metric that differentiates phones.
03:45But does it really matter to you?
03:46I mean, if you're someone who spends a lot of time on Instagram and you have to post
03:50these like curated photo collections, then yeah, don't get this camera.
03:54Don't get this phone.
03:55But if you just use your phone for the average memory, just take a picture here or there,
03:59camera image quality is important, but it's not the most important thing in the world.
04:03So if the other things in this phone are kind of good for you, then I'd still keep this
04:07thing on the short list of options.
04:10Speaking of performance, Snapdragon 835, 8 gigs of RAM, and I got to be honest, I don't
04:14feel like this is any different from any other Snapdragon 835 phone, which is the majority
04:18of flagship phones.
04:19It's fast, but it's not blazing fast.
04:22The iPhone 10 is still faster in benchmarks, but this thing feels really fluid and because
04:25it's running a pretty much stock version of Android 7.1.1, it's going to stay fast for
04:30a long time.
04:31Okay, last thing, battery life.
04:33This thing has a 4,000 milliamp hour battery and I thought or I kind of hoped it would
04:38last a really long time, like a two day battery because it's relatively big, but that's not
04:42the case.
04:43I'm getting around six hours of screen on time.
04:44It's basically a day and a half battery.
04:46Now it does support quick charge four plus, which is really fast.
04:49It's as fast if not faster than dash charge for one plus.
04:53I'm getting like 65, 70% of battery off of a 30 minute charge.
04:56It's really impressive.
04:57Now, overall, great phone for the right person.
05:01So if you're someone that, again, if you're really big on photography, don't get this
05:07Just use your phone like I feel like most people do for media consumption and stuff
05:10like that.
05:11This thing is awesome.
05:12Like, do you know how much better browsing Reddit is at 120 frames per second than a
05:1660 frames per second screen?
05:17Like there's no comparison.
05:19It's just better to look at, better sounding than most phones out there for media consumption.
05:24So if that's your jam, check this phone out.
05:25I think you guys will like it.
05:27But if you're not interested in that stuff, if you're like Mr. I don't know, business
05:31and Mr. Photographer, not the phone for you.
05:35Hope you guys enjoyed this video.
05:37Subs if you loved it.
05:38See you guys next time.
