• 2 days ago
00:00Hey, how's it going? Dave 2D here, and in front of me is a very small computer case.
00:08It's one of the smallest cases you can get out there that can hold a full size graphics
00:12card. And if you'll notice in the front of it, it's got Supreme on it. It's a Supreme
00:17themed computer case. Now if you don't know what Supreme is, they're a New York based
00:21skate brand. They have this iconic look to their stuff with this white font against a
00:26bright red background, and their stuff can be crazy expensive. I customized this case
00:30to match their branding, but to understand where this thing came from and why it exists,
00:36I have to go into story time. But let's start at the very beginning. This is a case that
00:41is called the Ghost S1. It's made by a company called Loki, and they're a Swedish company.
00:46And they hit me up a couple months ago and they're like, hey, we have this really small
00:49case. You like small cases. Do you want to check it out? And I was like, yeah, send it
00:52over when it's ready. And the thing is, I receive a lot of cases, small ITX cases. The
00:57majority of them just aren't impressive to me. They're kind of like rehashes of one another.
01:01But this one is really cool, and I actually think it's one of the best. No, I'm just going
01:05to say it's my favorite ITX case that I've ever used. So this is why. Not only is this
01:10thing a small case, it's a modular case. So the base, like this little small box here,
01:15can hold an ITX motherboard, an SFX power supply, and a full size GPU. But the case
01:19also has these modular pieces available that they call top hats. And these basically allow
01:23you to extend the height of the case vertically. So by itself, I'm just running mine without
01:28a top hat. It'll hold everything that you need for just like basic air cooling. But
01:32if you want to have bigger fans, or if you want to do something a little more advanced
01:35like water cooling, or if your system requires water cooling, they have different sized top
01:39hats available. And because these components are modular, you can run these top hats on
01:43the bottom or underneath if you want to put your water cooling or your fans on the bottom
01:47of the case. Now for me personally, I like to keep my builds as small as possible, so
01:51I'm running this without any top hats. And I'm getting temperatures that are actually
01:54very similar to my old case, the Encase M1. So all the components that were inside here,
01:59it's running an 8 core Ryzen 7, 600 watt power supply, GTX 1080, 32 gigs of RAM, and an NVMe.
02:05And everything was just straight up transplanted into this new case. Now this thing is running
02:09a Noctua cooler, the L965, and that can comfortably handle stock speeds. I just tend not to overclock
02:14my smaller builds. But the crazy thing is that even with this smaller case, I'm getting
02:18the same temperatures as the Encase M1, which is like 40 or 50% bigger than this case. So
02:24the airflow on this thing is obviously very good, but it's not just that. The whole case
02:27design, the way they give you cutouts so you can run your cables and stuff, it's just a
02:31really well designed case. Now another thing I really like about this thing is how easy
02:34it was to build into it. So the top lid pops off, it's magnetically attached, and the side
02:38panels pop off really easily. It's surprisingly easy to build into this case despite it being
02:42so small, just because of how well the whole thing has just been designed. Now the last
02:46thing I love about this thing is the build quality. So small ITX cases, like those boutique
02:51ITX cases, they tend to be expensive, and they tend to be really well built. That's
02:55just the nature of the whole, like, boutique ITX case. But the Ghost S1 has noticeably
03:00thicker panels than the Encase M1, and the Encase M1 was already a really well built
03:05case. It was actually one of my favorite cases before this one came out, but this one's just
03:09that much better. Now as for the reason why it's red, and how this came to be, so this
03:13is the story. I built into this case, and I really liked it. Like, I liked it so much
03:18that I was thinking I should use this case as my main rig. So I thought, hey, why don't
03:22I make a custom Dave2D case? And I was just going to paint it blue, and I had these decals
03:26ready to put them up front. But I go to Home Depot, and you wouldn't believe it. They had
03:30every single color possible in the spray paint section, except for the one color that is
03:35most similar to my logo color, which is like, they call it Seaside, I think. So I called
03:40up other Home Depots, and no one seemed to have the color in stock, which is super annoying.
03:43But then I thought, what can I do with this array of colors to choose from? And I just
03:48went with the red, because it's something that doesn't go on my channel, but I thought
03:51I would make something that just was a little bit different, and then the idea popped into
03:55my head. Why don't I just make a Supreme-themed computer? Because I don't think it's been
03:58done before. I don't think someone's built a Supreme computer, like at least not a little
04:03tiny one like this. So I kind of thought it through and just went with it. So this
04:07is what we have, a Supreme-themed computer. Now this case is, I really like it. This is
04:12not an endorsement or anything, they didn't pay me to say this. This is literally my favorite
04:15ITX case that I've built in, and I think for a lot of people that enjoy ITX cases, they're
04:19going to like this thing. Now there's a couple things that need to be tweaked still, like
04:22this is a Kickstarter project that is fully funded at this point. I think today is when
04:27the Kickstarter ended, so it's unfortunate that I'm telling you guys about this thing
04:30after the Kickstarter's over, but you can still purchase this thing through regular
04:34retail channels. I'll put all the links for that stuff below. But the one thing that I
04:38would say is really interesting is that during the Kickstarter process, they had a bunch
04:43of prototypes that they sent out to people, and I found that the few things that I had
04:47issues with, like the power supply that I used didn't fit exactly into the framing,
04:51it was off by 0.5mm or so, so I emailed them and they're like, hey, we already know about
04:55this issue, we're going to fix it in the retail version. So they have this list of tweaks
04:59and adjustments that they want to do to the retail version that my pre-production engineering
05:03sample didn't have, but even in this kind of early form, I really enjoyed this case.
05:08Little details like the pull tab on the top panel give it a more premium feel, and even
05:12the light up front is really subtle and elegant, it's not like this obnoxiously bright RGB
05:16LED or something like that, it's just a really elegant case, and I think a lot of people
05:20will like it. Now obviously, this isn't for everyone, it's an expensive case, I think
05:23this thing goes for like $250 US, but if you're in the market for a nice looking case,
05:30this thing looks good. Now, I have this thing actually set up at my office, I have it set
05:33up with a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse, and everyone knows this mouse, it's
05:36the MX Master 2S, but this keyboard is a new pickup, it's made by a company called Drevo,
05:40or Drevo, and I actually got it as a Christmas gift, and it looks awesome, it's like a wireless
05:44or wired keyboard, whatever you want, and it's got RGB backlighting, mechanical keys,
05:48$60, can't go wrong with that. Okay, that basically wraps it up. I'll put all the information
05:53for the keyboard, the mouse, and obviously all the stuff that's in here down below.
05:59Hope you guys enjoyed this video, thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it, see you
06:02guys next time.
