• 2 days ago
00:00So I just read this. The 2019 8-core MacBook Pro is a perfect laptop computer. It has no
00:14thermal limitations, the butterfly keyboard has excellent durability, and it's a great
00:20value. That's the end of my review. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thumbs if you liked it, subs
00:25if you liked it.
00:30Hey, how's it going? Dave2D here. So today we're taking a look at the 2019 15-inch MacBook
00:37Pro. So there's two kind of new features this year. They have new CPUs and they have a new
00:42keyboard or at least another attempt at a keyboard fix for these devices. Now I'm not
00:47going to go into the benchmarks and the nitty gritty stuff. I honestly feel like there's
00:51way more important stuff to talk about with these devices than the specs. But just for
00:55the people that are interested, real briefly, this is a very fast CPU. The performance on
01:00this machine is good. No, it's not good. I've seen good. This is not good. It's fair. The
01:10CPU is good. It's got an 8-core processor, but the performance is limited because it's
01:15running in such a thin MacBook Pro chassis. It runs hot. The fans are not super loud.
01:22It's kind of like your standard MacBook Pro fan, but it can't turbo very much above the
01:27base clock for extended periods of time. It doesn't throttle below stock speeds, but it
01:31just doesn't turbo very much. So you won't notice the thermal limitations of this device
01:36on a benchmark, right? Because it's just a short test. What you can do is run benchmarks
01:40for loops and you'll notice a very drastic drop in performance as you do consecutive
01:45runs. And this is what real workflows are often like, right? You're not just working
01:49for a minute at a time. You often have workflows that make your CPU go ham for like 15, 20,
01:5430 minutes, sometimes hours. And the thermal limitations are very pronounced over time.
01:59So if you take the exact same CPU on a very well-cooled laptop, you can see a huge difference.
02:04If this CPU is properly cooled, it can turbo for days, but in the MacBook Pro chassis,
02:09it can't do it. Now, not everyone needs that kind of performance. Like not everyone has
02:13really long workflows. So if you have, I don't know, development projects that just have
02:17short bursts of, I don't know, render time or compiling time, then you don't need it.
02:22But I think a lot of people that are purchasing devices like this want the ability to just
02:26make their CPUs go ham for a long period of time. So I'm pleased that this laptop doesn't
02:32throttle to the point where it's running below base clock like we've seen in a previous generation
02:36of this device. But my optimism for this device kind of ends there because they didn't change
02:44the chassis. And I really feel like they, I mean, obviously they could have, but I feel
02:48like they should have. Apple's decision to not change this chassis design is clearly
02:54motivated by profit. It's not a bad thing, right? It's a company, they're trying to make
02:58money and this is how they've been able to stay as one of the most profitable companies
03:03in the world because when they made this first design in 2016, when they built this chassis,
03:08the engineering, the tooling costs, the manufacturing costs to make that design was super expensive.
03:15And the longer that they can ride this kind of design for, the more money they can make
03:20because they can amortize the cost of the production and the engineering. They know
03:23their customers could use an improved chassis. It's just that it's a smart business decision
03:27to keep it going for as long as possible. And they're not the only company guilty of
03:31this, right? Dell does this, the XPS 15 comes to mind. It's just that we could use an improvement
03:38in the, in the chassis for the MacBook Pros. Okay. The other thing that they improved this
03:43year or attempted to improve this year is the keyboard. This is now the fifth iteration
03:47of the butterfly keyboard. Some people would argue that it's the fourth, but if you technically
03:51look at every single kind of change they made on this keyboard over the years, it is the
03:55fifth version. I'm glad they made this tweak. It's supposedly a new material for one of
04:00the keyboard components, but I can't help but feel doubtful. Like after four failed
04:05iterations, is this one really going to fix it? I think time will tell, like after a few
04:09months, if errors pop up and people complain about it, we'll know, but I just don't have
04:14a lot of faith in this new tweak. Um, I mean, if someone just asked me today, Hey Dave,
04:19what's the most reliable keyboard out there for laptops? I probably wouldn't choose the
04:242019 MacBook Pro. I'm just saying, but the typing experience, despite this tweak remains
04:29largely the same. It's just a little bit different to me, like slightly mushier compared to the
04:332018 model, but I think most people would find them comparable. Uh, related to the keyboard
04:38is that fact that they've extended their keyboard repair program. So now they include the 2018
04:44models as well as the new 2019 models. It's a little bit weird that even the new ones
04:49are on that list. It's peace of mind, but you would think that the new one with the
04:53fix would just not even need to be repaired in the future, but I guess it's good. It is
04:58commendable that Apple is running this program at all. Like I feel like most companies out
05:02there wouldn't have a program like this, regardless of how bad their keyboards were.
05:06Like, can you imagine Dell or Lenovo or HP running a program where customers can go into
05:11a shop and get their keyboard replaced an unlimited number of times for four years.
05:16It's cool that Apple has this. They've obviously run the numbers, like they've got their arterial
05:20scientists there that crunch the numbers. They've run the statistics. They've determined
05:24that it's cheaper for them to run this Apple keyboard repair program than it would have
05:29been to just try to redesign the keyboard completely to try to fix them because this
05:33program, this repair program is not cheap, right? It's going to cost them a lot of money
05:37over the course of the four years coming. It's just that it's cheaper to do this program
05:42than for them to just redo the keyboard in this chassis. They probably took that budget
05:47and spent it into the next chassis. Hopefully that will be fixed. Okay. So I guess the main
05:53question is, is this 8-core MacBook Pro worth it? Because it's a very expensive machine.
05:59For the right person though, I think it's worth it. You just got to be able to take
06:02advantage of the multi-core capabilities of the CPU. Keep in mind though, there are some
06:07issues. It does have thermal limitations. The keyboard is still a bit of a gamble and
06:11the price tag, the price tag is fierce. It's a very...
06:21Good morning!
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06:51Good morning!