• 2 days ago
00:00When NVIDIA launches a new GPU for laptops, they normally come out with their best stuff first,
00:08their most expensive stuff, it's like the latest and greatest, and they try to convince people to
00:12buy the whatever's newest, right? And then a few months later, they will come out with kind of the
00:16mid-tier offerings of that generation. And right now in spring of 2019, we've seen NVIDIA's hand,
00:22so we have a lot of options to choose from. We have the older generation 10 series stuff,
00:27we have their 20 series RTX, like the prime, like best of the best, and then we have their newest
00:341650 and 1660 gaming laptops. Now, if you're loaded and you have tons of money to burn,
00:39then you pick up a three or $4,000 RTX laptop and you're good to go. But for most people,
00:45you got to make a decision as to which one to get. So this video is to kind of
00:49help you choose which one of these would probably be the best fit. And I have a particular kind of
00:54combination I think is the best value for your money right now. So I made a video a few months
00:59ago about how RTX laptops were not a wise choice to make. And months later, we're still in the same
01:06position. I still don't recommend most people buying an RTX gaming laptop because for one,
01:10they're super expensive. Two, the technology hasn't matured. Like it's been eight months
01:16since RTX has come out, like the technology was introduced publicly. And there's like three or
01:21four playable games that support RTX. There's Battlefield 5, which we've seen a lot of,
01:26and there's Tomb Raider, and I think there's a racing game. Point being, it's not a technology
01:30that's being quickly adopted by developers. And I don't blame them. Like if you're a game developer,
01:34you have to assign resources to support ray traced graphics, right? It's going to take from
01:39other projects and stuff like that. It's going to cost money and you don't want to be a company
01:42that's backing the wrong horse. You don't want to be the guy that's like, hey, we have a ray traced
01:46game, but the game isn't very good. No one wants to be that developer. So my position still stands
01:51when it comes to RTX laptops. Most people should not be buying them still. When it comes to the
01:5610 series devices, these are still good. However, the well is drying up. The stock levels for the
02:02good GTX 10 series laptops is definitely dropping. So if you want to get one, I'll link some below
02:07as to devices that I still think are quite good for the money. It's just that if you're going to
02:11do it, you probably want to do it sooner than later. And lastly, the new ones, the 1650 and 1660
02:17devices from Nvidia, these GPS are aimed at the entry to mid tier market. So the devices are a
02:22little bit cheaper, but the one of interest to me is the 1660 TI. That performance is quite similar
02:28to the 1070 Max-Q and because of the newer architecture, it's slightly more energy efficient
02:32and it's just a better chip overall. But there is one unique device made by Asus, which is running
02:38an AMD CPU and that 1660 TI, and it goes for $1,100. It's the Zephyrus G. I'm going to be doing
02:45a review on that pretty soon, but because it's running an AMD CPU, it's quite a bit cheaper than
02:49devices that are based on Intel stuff. Okay, here's the thing. Right now, I'm using as my daily driver,
02:56I really hate that word, but the device I use most frequently is the Razer Blade from 2017. I'm still
03:02running a 1070 Max-Q. Even though I have access to a lot of laptops, I'm someone that recognizes
03:07the value of just using stuff that's really good from the past. And I think this is the message I
03:13want to convey to my audience right now. This year, both the companies, Nvidia and Intel, are trying
03:20to push stuff onto consumers. They're trying to sell us stuff that we don't need, right? The stuff
03:25from 2018 was awesome. Super fast screens, 6-core CPUs, 10-series GPUs. This was seriously like the
03:31golden age of gaming laptops. And the new stuff is better, but keep in mind what games you're going
03:36to play, what games you'd like to play, and then make a decision based on that because you can get
03:40some really good stuff still in the 10-series laptops. And if you're going to buy one of the new ones,
03:45I'd lean more towards the 1650 and 1660 devices because as cool as RTX technology is, the games
03:51just aren't there yet. And I know some people are like, you know, I want to get a future-proof
03:55laptop. By the time RTX is super popular, like, get it then. Get your gaming device then because by
04:02that point in time, the 20-series laptops are going to be pretty old. Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this
04:07video. Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it. See you guys next time.