• avant-hier
00:00Les téléphones gaming sont confus en ce moment. Il y a beaucoup d'options à choisir et beaucoup d'options sont super chères.
00:07Mais pour faire la chose pire, le marketing autour de tout ça est juste extra complexe.
00:12Il y a tout ce qu'on parle de l'IA et c'est beaucoup plus convoluté que ce qu'il faut être.
00:18Je vais faire une vidéo assez simple, j'espère.
00:22Devant moi, il y a un tas de téléphones. Je pense qu'il y a la plupart des téléphones notables qui sont disponibles pour 2024.
00:30On va passer par tous les téléphones, mais avant ça, je veux parler d'une chose.
00:34Les détails de haut niveau sur la GPU et les options de CPU que nous avons,
00:39ainsi que comment elles affectent la décision d'achat.
00:44Les GPU sont, à la fois, les facteurs les plus importants quant à la qualité de la performance de votre ordinateur.
00:54La bonne nouvelle, c'est que les GPU de l'année dernière, les 40 séries qui ont lancé l'année dernière,
00:59sont les mêmes GPU disponibles cette année.
01:02Ce chart ici montre comment les GPU disponibles actuellement s'assemblent.
01:06Les anciennes GPU RTX 30 séries ne sont pas aussi loin que les nouvelles 40 séries en termes de performance.
01:13Donc on trouve un téléphone de jeu 30 séries plus chez nous.
01:18C'est toujours un bon choix.
01:19Les GPU AMD disponibles actuellement sont aussi bonnes,
01:22mais à moins que vous puissiez en acheter un très bon prix,
01:25vous devriez avoir un meilleur prix avec des téléphones équipés de GPU NVIDIA actuellement.
01:29L'autre chose à garder en tête, c'est la quantité de poids de la GPU.
01:32C'est basiquement la quantité de puissance que vous fournissez à la GPU.
01:35Donc, typiquement, quand on parle d'une GPU, plus vous fournissez de watts, plus elle fonctionne.
01:40Et avec les générations plus anciennes de GPU NVIDIA, comme la série 20 et la série 30,
01:44vous pourriez absolument avoir un GPU mid-tier, comme une RTX 3060,
01:49qui outperformerait un téléphone qui fonctionnait sur une RTX 3070,
01:52si la 3060 avait eu suffisamment de juice.
01:55Mais sur les GPUs de la série 40, ce n'est pas comme ça.
01:57Les 4050, 4060 et 4070 capturent tous environ 100 ou 105 watts.
02:03Plus que ça, c'est un échec.
02:05Malgré ce que certaines entreprises tentent de vous dire.
02:07Mais les RTX 4080 et 4090, ils sont toujours bien équilibrés avec plus de puissance.
02:12Donc, si vous avez un système qui peut prendre de l'avantage de cet extra wattage,
02:15vous verrez la meilleure performance là-bas.
02:20L'autre component qu'il faut parler de, c'est le CPU.
02:23Donc, la choix du CPU dicte la taille ou le facteur de forme de votre système.
02:27Parce que les CPU ont la plus grande différence en termes de la puissance qu'ils consomment en ce moment.
02:33Donc, nous avons les processeurs Intel Core H classiques, comme les i7, i9.
02:38Ceux-là sont puissants, mais énergétiques.
02:40Et puis, nous avons aussi les AMD Ryzen HX.
02:43Ceux-là sont aussi puissants, mais utilisent aussi beaucoup d'énergie.
02:46Et nous avons aussi les AMD Ryzen HS.
02:49Ceux-là sont un peu plus énergétiques.
02:51Mais ce qui est nouveau pour l'année, c'est les processeurs Intel Core Ultra.
02:55Donc, ceux-là ont une nouvelle architecture.
02:56Et ils sont également orientés vers l'éfficacité énergétique.
02:59Alors, n'importe quel de ces 4 chips vous donneront une excellente performance en jeu.
03:02Mais si j'essayais de choisir entre eux, la manière dont je le ferais, c'est comme ça.
03:05Ne vous inquiétez pas sur le CPU.
03:07Le chip graphique est tellement plus important pour la performance en jeu.
03:10Mais si vous voulez un système qui a une meilleure vie de batterie,
03:13ou si vous voulez un système plus calme, ou si vous voulez un système plus cool,
03:17je choisirais un AMD Ryzen HS,
03:19ou l'un de ces nouveaux chips Intel Core Ultra.
03:22Ceux-là excellent dans ces métriques.
03:24Mais si vous voulez la meilleure performance possible,
03:26la meilleure performance CPU,
03:28si vous ne faites pas seulement de l'entraînement en jeu,
03:30et que vous voulez faire de l'éditing vidéo,
03:32ou simplement des workflows qui s'appliquent au CPU,
03:35alors, et seulement alors, j'aurai un de ces chips Core i9 ou Ryzen HX.
03:40Parce que ceux-là sont plus chauds.
03:42En termes de génération de chips,
03:44il n'y a pas assez de différence de performance entre générations
03:46pour choisir un ordinateur basé sur ça.
03:48Malgré ce que le marketing vous dirait.
03:51L'autre chose, les AMD Ryzen chips et les Intel Core Ultra chips
03:55ont des GPUs internes.
03:57Ils ne sont pas incroyables, ils ne vous donneront pas la plus haute frameur,
04:00mais dans un instant, si vous voulez sauver de la batterie,
04:02vous pourriez utiliser les GPUs internes
04:04et obtenir une bonne performance en jeu.
04:07All right, let's go through some devices.
04:08So first up, we have Lenovo with their Legion lineup.
04:11These laptops have been consistently awesome
04:13for the past, like, three or four years.
04:15They used to suck. Horribly.
04:17Like, seven years ago, they used to truly suck.
04:19And then something happened, and they got awesome.
04:22So up top, we have their Legion 9.
04:24This thing is forged carbon fiber.
04:26This thing looks super sick.
04:27The internals haven't changed much.
04:29Like, it's just 14th gen chip in there,
04:31so it's not too much to talk about.
04:34Same thing with this product.
04:35This is their Legion Pro 7.
04:37Awesome device, but just a chip drop,
04:39so I'm not going to dig in.
04:41But this device is their new one.
04:43This is the Legion 7.
04:45All new design, all new form factor,
04:47completely redesigned thermal system.
04:49And, well, first of all, the color.
04:51It's white. It's already winning.
04:52And then you pop it open, it's even more white,
04:55so it's winning even more.
04:57There is something really nice about the overall package
04:59on the new Legion 7 this year.
05:01I like the thermal design.
05:02I like the screen. I like the design.
05:04Also, the keyboard.
05:06Like, this is arguably one of the best keyboards in the industry.
05:09It is Lenovo.
05:10They do own the ThinkPad IP,
05:11so this is basically, like, ThinkPad keyboard
05:14on a gaming laptop, which is really nice.
05:16The one thing that was kind of interesting to me, though,
05:18is that all of Lenovo's Legion lineup right now
05:22still uses the Core i7 and Core i9 chips,
05:25like the higher wattage, higher heat chips.
05:27Obviously, Lenovo trusts in their thermal systems
05:29to be able to get rid of that heat.
05:31But I'm surprised there's no, like, Core Ultra chipped laptop.
05:35Like, maybe in the future they'll make something
05:36that's a little bit thinner.
05:38Even this thing is, like, fairly thin.
05:40But I don't know.
05:42I would like to see something that actually takes advantage
05:44of that lower wattage chip from Intel
05:46coming out of the Legion.
05:48All right, next up is Asus.
05:49They have their Strix lineup.
05:51This has been updated to the new 14th generation chips from Intel.
05:54Higher wattage, like the Core i7, Core i9 stuff.
05:57But the rest of the product hasn't really changed much.
05:59I want to focus your attention on these two guys,
06:02the G14 and G16.
06:04So these are, I think, the most interesting laptops
06:07that Asus makes this year.
06:10What makes them special for me, first of all, is the screen.
06:14So this screen is an OLED panel, and it's just so nice.
06:19It's redefined what I've kind of viewed gaming laptops to be.
06:23First of all, the one on the 14-inch is 120 Hz.
06:27The one on the 16-inch is 240 Hz,
06:29and it's just, like, everything just pops on this thing.
06:31It's OLED, high contrast, really fast refresh rate,
06:34super fast response time.
06:35These things have less than a millisecond response time.
06:38And if you look at the footprint of the G14,
06:40it is actually super small.
06:41If you compare it to the G16, like, it is so small,
06:44yet has such awesome performance coming off of this thing.
06:47So the chip that's inside the G14 is the AMD Ryzen chip.
06:51The one that's in, the chip that's inside the G16
06:53is the Intel Core Ultra chip.
06:55But both of them are great performers.
06:57The other thing, speakers.
06:59Both of them have awesome speakers.
07:01The G14 in particular has a surprisingly good set of speakers
07:05on a 14-inch device.
07:06When I measured it, this 14-inch speaker
07:09has the same kind of acoustic capabilities
07:13as the ones on the MacBooks.
07:14They're that good.
07:15It's, like, I think the only one out there,
07:17the only Windows gaming laptop that can hit
07:19to the same kind of audio quality as Mac
07:22comes from this thing right here.
07:24I love the white colorway, obviously.
07:26Now, the darker color on the G16,
07:29remember, this thing is running the Core Ultra chip.
07:33This also looks awesome.
07:35It's just so good.
07:37Giant trackpad.
07:38Now, there's a few disadvantages
07:40or kind of things that I don't love
07:42about this particular product.
07:44The first thing is that the RAM on both of these devices
07:47are soldered on.
07:48You can't upgrade it,
07:49which is especially sucky for a gaming laptop.
07:51Secondly, the power adapter uses a proprietary connection,
07:55which I don't love seeing.
07:56Like, I wish so badly that this was just some kind of
07:59high-wattage USB-C that they'd been able to pull off,
08:02but seemingly, they can't do it yet.
08:04The third thing that I don't love about it is the price.
08:07These are more expensive than the G14 and G16
08:10from the previous generations.
08:11Obviously, it's a much thinner and more elegant design.
08:14It's a lot more premium product.
08:16But this thing starts at, like, 2100 bucks
08:19for the 14-inch model,
08:20and it just goes up in price.
08:22Granted, the screen's awesome.
08:24The entire product, awesome.
08:26But super high price tag right now.
08:29Razer also launched some new devices.
08:31Now, the 14- and 16-inch Blade
08:33showed up in studio a little while ago,
08:34but I didn't make dedicated videos on them
08:36simply because the performance is so similar
08:38to the last generation.
08:39Very little has changed other than some chip drops,
08:42so I wasn't going to waste your time
08:43making you watch a dedicated piece on that.
08:45But this top one, the 14-inch,
08:48it doesn't have a new screen,
08:50but the GPU that's inside here
08:52is actually a slightly more powerful version
08:55than the previous generation.
08:57It's still an RTX 4070,
08:58and it's still 140 watts,
09:00like that extra wattage that Razer likes to throw onto it.
09:04So the wattage hasn't changed,
09:06but somehow they've been able to make this thing
09:09higher performing.
09:10Now, when I ran some benchmarks on it,
09:11it does seem that this thing clocks a little bit faster
09:14than the previous generation,
09:15and I think it's simply because
09:17it's able to sustain a higher wattage.
09:20This is super sweaty, but it's like
09:22the 2024 version of the 14-inch Blade
09:24hits about 100 watts,
09:27maybe like 105 watts, sustained.
09:29The previous generation hit like 85 watts, sustained.
09:33It's a noticeable difference
09:35in kind of sustained energy consumption,
09:37and I think that's why it's able to run
09:39a little bit faster.
09:40That's the 14-inch Blade.
09:42Now, under...
09:43Oh, look at that skin, dude.
09:45Okay, so this is the new 16-inch Blade.
09:4714th-gen Intel chip, like the i9,
09:50but the screen on this thing,
09:52it's the star of the show.
09:54Look at this thing.
09:55Well, you can't even tell, but it's glossy,
09:57and it is one of those 16-inch OLED panels.
10:01Now, this one in particular,
10:02I think is the best gaming panel on the market.
10:04It's better than the one that we saw on the Asus G16,
10:08but the reason why it's so good
10:09is because this particular panel
10:10has been tuned in conjunction with Samsung.
10:13It's just the fastest one out there.
10:15It's got the fastest response time,
10:17and it's super fast refresh rate.
10:18It's just like literally the goat
10:20of gaming laptop screens.
10:22The only thing that I think it could improve on
10:25is just brightness.
10:26If this was a little bit brighter,
10:27I think this would be literally
10:28the best possible screen you could get
10:30on gaming laptops.
10:31I can't even imagine this technology getting any better.
10:33It's just that good.
10:34I really think that, like, it's awesome.
10:37Plus, this is my favorite skin on the razors.
10:40Okay, the 18-inch.
10:41So, this also has that 14th-gen Intel chip.
10:45It's just a chip drop,
10:46but this is the first laptop in the world
10:49with Thunderbolt 5.
10:51So, if high-bandwidth external device
10:54is important to you,
10:55this is the first device to be able to do it.
10:57Now, Thunderbolt 5 has a ton of bandwidth,
10:59so you can connect three external 4K displays
11:02all running at 144 hertz.
11:03It's just, if that's what you're looking for,
11:05if you want to be able to have that kind of
11:07external connection right now,
11:09this is the device to do it.
11:11But overall, the Razer devices,
11:13I mean, they're pretty solid year on year,
11:15and I think of all the 14-inch devices out there,
11:17the 14-inch Blade tends to be the highest performing
11:20just because they put a lot of effort into their cooling.
11:22But their stuff is super expensive.
11:24If you've ever wondered why,
11:25I think, ultimately, Razer can charge that money
11:28because no one else really builds systems quite like this.
11:31And I've always said that
11:32if you're the only person building a machine
11:34that's like this,
11:35technically, you can charge whatever you want
11:37because no one else does it.
11:38All right, next up is Dell's XPS lineup.
11:41And these are not marketed as gaming laptops whatsoever,
11:44so I contemplated whether or not
11:46I should even include them in this video.
11:47But in the end, I decided to
11:48because these always have a place in my heart
11:51as, like, gaming-capable.
11:53The very first performance machine I ever bought,
11:55like a gaming-capable machine,
11:57was, like, the 2016 XPS 15,
12:00and I loved it.
12:01And this is way better now
12:05in terms of just, like, gaming capabilities.
12:07It's got a kick-ass screen.
12:09So these now have 120Hz refresh rate screens.
12:12They're awesome to look at.
12:13I love the lattice keyboard.
12:15Like, this is a really strange-looking keyboard at first,
12:17but if you want to play games on it,
12:19it's very comfortable.
12:21The trackpad is like that invisible trackpad,
12:23so you can move the cursor around,
12:26but then it just kind of, like, disappears on the edge.
12:28And the function keys are non-existent.
12:30They're, like, built into the kind of invisible display at the top.
12:34It's not really a display,
12:35but it's just, like, a bunch of LEDs that change.
12:37So there's a lot of stuff that makes it not gaming-friendly,
12:40but gaming-capable.
12:42And if you're someone that's, like, drawn to this product
12:44because you like the way that it looks,
12:46I don't blame you, dude.
12:47I've been there.
12:49So that's why it's in this video.
12:50Now, the thing to keep in mind
12:53is that because both of these products are geared for...
12:58I guess they're meant to be, like, elegant, premium products, right?
13:01They're not high-performance machines as, like, the main goal.
13:05These have a lower-wattage GPU
13:10compared to the rest of the high-performance machines.
13:13And because of that, you don't have the best possible performance.
13:16Now, I think that for a lot of kind of light-to-moderate gaming,
13:21this is more than capable.
13:23And it really is one of the best-looking performance machines
13:26you can get in the Windows laptop space,
13:28especially with this nice white color.
13:30But if the top-tier performance is what you're after,
13:33then this ain't gonna be it,
13:35just because of the lower GPU wattage.
13:38Also, I must say,
13:40the fan noise on these two devices is not as quiet as I was hoping.
13:44I'm not sure why.
13:45Like, the GPU wattage isn't super high.
13:47It doesn't pull a ton of power.
13:49Also, these now have been updated to the Core Ultra chips,
13:52which are less energy-consumptive.
13:54Why are the fans still super loud?
13:56I don't know.
13:57They are built like tanks, though.
13:59These are really sturdy and durable.
14:01Like, the bottom panel has zero flex on it.
14:04It's crazy how strong these things are.
14:06And the hinges, as well, are just super tanky.
14:08But again, they're not built or marketed as gaming laptops,
14:12but they have gaming capabilities.
14:17The XPS products are very expensive, though.
14:19But if you get them at the right time every year,
14:21you can get them with some pretty aggressive discounts.
14:23So, like, just before the Christmas season,
14:25or, like, Black Friday and stuff,
14:27this stuff usually goes for, like, 20, 30, sometimes 40% off.
14:30And that's, like, the only time I really feel like it's worth buying them.
14:33But you've got to get this stuff on sale.
14:35Otherwise, you're overpaying for kind of a premium product.
14:40Dell also has their Alienware lineup,
14:42which are some actual gaming laptops.
14:44This is their X14 and their X16.
14:46These have just had a chip drop, like the new generation of those chips.
14:49So, nothing super exciting.
14:50But I have to say, the X16 is...
14:53It impresses me every single time I look at it.
14:55So, the thing that I find most interesting about it
14:58is that they still keep the whole Alienware theme
15:01and that whole brand going with, like, the unique designs
15:04and the hexagon patterns,
15:05while still cooling this particular product really well.
15:08The X16 is arguably, like, the best product that they make.
15:11I really think it's cool.
15:12Plus the glowing trackpad.
15:14Like, come on, dude.
15:16This thing just bangs.
15:17This thing just bangs.
15:18Now, the new product for this year is their M16 R2.
15:24Now, this right here is the M16 R1,
15:27the one from last year.
15:29But this one is their new one.
15:31And the first thing you'll notice is they...
15:33There's, like, a massive change in size.
15:35You see this whole, like, tail?
15:37It's gone on the new M16.
15:39Now, the reason why they're able to remove
15:42a huge chunk of that laptop,
15:44it's obviously a smaller device now,
15:46is because it's got the new chip.
15:48This now runs the Core Ultra chips
15:50instead of the Core i7, i9 stuff.
15:52That was a lot hotter.
15:54So the good thing is that they've made this product a lot smaller.
15:57The bad thing is that the cooling capabilities of this device
16:01are significantly reduced.
16:03As you can imagine, just removing that amount of, like...
16:06Look at the size difference, right?
16:08It's a huge amount of laptop and thermal capability
16:11that is now gone.
16:12So, yes, it's smaller.
16:15But the bad thing is that because of that reduced cooling capability,
16:19this device now has fewer configurations.
16:22The old one could go, like, 40, 50, all the way up to 40, 90.
16:26Now, they only have 40, 50, 40, 60, 40, 70 configurations.
16:30And the reason why is because you just can't cool
16:32as aggressively with this system.
16:34Now, I think this product...
16:37It's still good in the sense that
16:40this is a cheaper product.
16:42It's a lower price point, which is nice.
16:44I think that for the kind of average person
16:47that just wants an Alienware device,
16:49this is probably a better fit than the M16 R1.
16:52But this is no longer a special laptop to me.
16:55This does not have the cooling capabilities of the R1.
16:59The fans are louder.
17:00The product just feels less unique.
17:03It feels less Alienware, if I'm being honest.
17:05This product just feels so kind of generic.
17:08It doesn't... It's not special anymore.
17:11It does have some RGBs.
17:12It's got the whole Alienware look.
17:14But it doesn't have the cooling capabilities
17:16that Alienware should have.
17:18And I feel like, if I'm being honest,
17:22I feel like this is not the direction
17:24they should have gone.
17:25Obviously, they know better than I do
17:27how to run that business.
17:28But I think that this is a step down
17:30from the R1 from last year.
17:32So if I was trying to decide between them,
17:34if you can get the M16 R1 at this point
17:36for, like, a lower price point,
17:38sure, it's bigger and heavier, thicker,
17:40but I think it's a better laptop.
17:43We also have some Acer devices that showed up.
17:45This is the Predator Helios Neo 16,
17:48and this is the Predator Helios Neo 14.
17:51The 14 is really interesting to me.
17:53Actually, to be clear, these are not retail units.
17:55This one is an engineering sample,
17:57same with the one below,
17:58so I can't do proper testing on it.
18:00But the first thing I noticed
18:02is that this device is actually a little bit thicker
18:05than what I would have expected
18:07for a product of this class.
18:09So this is, if you can see,
18:12it's fairly kind of like...
18:15You can catch it there.
18:16It's kind of like a regular gaming laptop.
18:18It's not like a super thin one,
18:20but it does use one of those Core Ultra chips.
18:22So I was expecting, you know,
18:25maybe they've been cranked the performance with the GPU.
18:28This does have a 125-watt GPU.
18:32This is running on 4070.
18:34And from my very limited testing,
18:36which I don't even...
18:37Let's not call it testing.
18:38From my very limited sampling,
18:41this is a very high-performing machine
18:44for a 14-inch device.
18:45But I can't give any conclusive commentary on it.
18:51But it does look nice
18:52and does feel like this is classic Acer Predator.
18:55I like it.
18:56And a 14-inch device from them is pretty cool.
18:58The 16-inch, this is not, like, brand new
19:01in terms of the product category.
19:03They've had a 16-inch product for a while,
19:04but I think the design language
19:05is a little bit different this year
19:07and does have, like, that light-up logo that...
19:10I've always liked the...
19:12Right? It's almost like a Decepticon logo.
19:14I think it's cool.
19:15No OLED screen, at least not from what I've seen,
19:18but it does seem like a really solid overall product from Acer
19:21with my limited testing on this device.
19:24Okay, last up is the HP Omen Transcend 14.
19:27And this is the first 14-inch gaming product
19:29I've seen from the Omen lineup.
19:31It's not super small.
19:33Like, it looks very small and compact,
19:35but when you compare it to, like, let's say, like,
19:37the G14 from Asus,
19:39the G14 is smaller,
19:40despite having the same kind of 14-inch screen.
19:42But what makes this one really special,
19:44at least to me, is its price point.
19:46It is a lot less expensive
19:48than most other premium 14-inch gaming laptops.
19:51So this thing starts at, I think, like, $1,300, $1,400.
19:54I also really like the screen.
19:55This is not touch.
19:56It's just a glossy panel.
19:57There's no, like, matte diffusion layer.
19:59And I've always loved the look of this.
20:01Like, colors pop.
20:02The blacks are just a little bit blacker
20:04and you have no diffusion on it.
20:06And I'm a big fan of it.
20:07Now, the keyboard is a little bit strange.
20:10It's just, like, it's got that white bezel around it.
20:12Let me just kill the backlighting
20:13so you can kind of see the...
20:15It's got that white trim around each key.
20:18But I think it types nicely,
20:20and it's great for games.
20:22It's just a little bit strange-looking.
20:24And it allows the colors, or, like, the backlighting
20:26to just pop through,
20:28which I think is neat, if that's what you're into.
20:30But you always kill it if you don't like that, like...
20:32Or that you don't like that light.
20:35The one thing you need to know about this product, though,
20:37the disadvantage,
20:39is the GPU wattage.
20:41So this is a relatively low-powered
20:44RTX 4060 that's in here.
20:46I think it goes up to a 4070,
20:47but it caps out at 80 watts.
20:49That's with boost.
20:50So the performance isn't gonna be top-tier.
20:53But I feel like by trimming down that GPU wattage,
20:57they don't need as beefy of a thermal system on the inside
21:00so they can lower down the price to make it more accessible.
21:02But also, it makes the system a little bit quieter.
21:05This is just a quieter running system
21:07compared to any other 14-inch gaming laptops that I've shown.
21:10So I do feel like there's room for something like this, right?
21:13It's a little bit cheaper.
21:14It's not as capable a system.
21:16But I just think that for a lot of people's, kind of,
21:19entry into the small gaming laptop space,
21:22something like this is a really good fit.
21:24Um, but yeah.
21:26This is the only HP product I have right now.
21:30There is a Victus.
21:31I've had some other stuff I'm like,
21:32not really worth showing, I feel,
21:34because just chip drops.
21:36Um, okay.
21:37I wanna wrap this video up with a conversation about pricing.
21:40So, right now,
21:42all the stuff I've shown you has been, like, super expensive products.
21:45And I don't think...
21:47The point I'm trying to make here is that
21:49I don't think people should be going out and buying
21:51all these crazy expensive laptops that I've shown.
21:53Because the best pricing when it comes to gaming laptops,
21:55usually comes from older devices.
21:58But primarily, older devices,
22:00when they're, like, refurbed,
22:02or on, like, massive sales.
22:03And the thing you gotta look out for
22:05is, like, every one of the brands that I've shown you,
22:08well, most of them,
22:09have good sales.
22:11Razer doesn't.
22:12Uh, their pricing just, kind of, stays pretty consistent.
22:15But the three big ones that go on sale,
22:17Lenovo, massive sales pretty frequently.
22:19Uh, HP, decent.
22:21Dell, slash, Alienware has big sales occasionally.
22:24But it's just, you gotta get the stuff on sale.
22:26Otherwise, you're just paying for stupid premiums
22:29just because of the timing of when you bought it.
22:31Now, the benchmark to me was this product right here.
22:34The Asus TUF A15.
22:35This was available for $1,000 at Best Buy.
22:37And it got you an RTX 4070 with high wattage.
22:40It had great configuration options with a good screen.
22:43It wasn't, like, super bright, but really color accurate.
22:45And the fact that you could get that product for $1,000,
22:48like, that kind of gaming capability for just $1,000,
22:51that's the gold standard.
22:52Now, I recognize that that's not available every day, right?
22:55That was a sale product, very limited time.
22:57But the fact that that product could be achieved
23:00for that kind of price point,
23:01like, that's where you want to aim for.
23:03As close as you can get to that kind of value, the better.
23:06Uh, so, I think that once you go, like, beyond $1,500, $1,600,
23:10you're no longer in that value range.
23:12It's just, aim within there, go for a 4060, 4070.
23:15I feel like that's, like, the, kind of, the comfort
23:17or the value zone of where this whole product line is.
23:20Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video.
23:22Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
23:24See you guys next time.
