• avant-hier
00:00Oh boy, we got a good one today.
00:02So this is a laptop that is such a big generational leap from the previous stuff
00:07that this is most likely faster than the gaming desktop that you have at home.
00:11It's incredibly powerful.
00:13So this is the new MSI GE76 and what makes it so special and so powerful is three things.
00:18Number one, it's running Intel's new 12th gen Alder Lake laptop CPUs.
00:22Two, it's running Nvidia's new RTX 3080 Ti.
00:25These are both the fastest components you can get out there right now for laptops.
00:28And three, MSI has a new phase change liquid metal to cool this thing.
00:34It's a compound that will transition between a solid form and a liquid form
00:37and it helps to keep the temperatures down in the system.
00:40So let's start off with the CPU first.
00:42These new CPUs are incredibly fast.
00:46So over the past couple of years, we've seen some chips from AMD and Apple
00:49that were designed to compete with Intel stuff
00:51and it's just been so much better than what Intel's had to offer.
00:54And I've been recommending AMD's chips instead of Intel's for gaming laptops for a while.
00:58But this year, Intel just came out swinging super hard.
01:03This new laptop chip is so fast, it's nutty.
01:07It honestly destroys the previous generation of mobile chips.
01:10It beats AMD's 5000 series stuff.
01:12It beats Apple stuff.
01:13It's just super fast.
01:15It's faster than most Intel and AMD desktops.
01:17Now it does run DDR5 memory
01:19and it's hard to tell how much of that performance bump comes from the memory
01:22versus the actual chip itself.
01:24But based on what I've seen with desktop versions of this stuff,
01:28it's Alder Lake's chips that are doing most of the heavy lifting.
01:31The DDR5 memory is nice, but because they have different pin layouts on the memory modules,
01:35I can't just swap out the DDR5 with DDR4 to test.
01:39Now this is a CPU that has 14 cores.
01:41It's got 6 performance cores and 8 efficiency cores.
01:44And the system will designate the different core activity based on what you're trying to do.
01:48So if you're playing games or using apps that can take advantage of lots of cores
01:51and fast cores, this is going to be a big generational leap from the previous stuff.
01:56Now, we need to talk about heat and energy consumption in a bit.
02:00We'll get there, but I want to talk about the GPU first because it all kind of ties in.
02:03So this is also running a new graphics component.
02:07It's the RTX 3080 Ti, which MSI is feeding 175 watts in this system.
02:12Now, this machine comes with a ridiculously fast 360Hz 1080p panel.
02:17It's a gaming screen, like a competitive gaming screen.
02:20It's a very fluid display.
02:22Now, games are obviously going to run faster with this new CPU and GPU combination, right?
02:26Sometimes we're getting performance bumps that are fairly significant, other times less so.
02:30It really depends on the game, but there's a couple of things you should keep in mind.
02:33Number one, lower resolution gaming is always going to lean more heavily on the CPU.
02:38So you're going to see the biggest gains there.
02:39But secondly, I don't have access to other devices with these components in it, right?
02:44So I can't really tell how much of those gains are coming from the CPU or from the GPU itself.
02:49It's kind of hard to gauge at this point.
02:50We'll have to see more reviews down the line.
02:52Now, when I take a look at creative workflows, this laptop is an incredible performer.
02:56It's fast with 3D work.
02:58It's super fast with video work.
02:59Like the render times that I got out of this machine were the fastest I've ever seen in a laptop.
03:04This can almost keep up with that machine back there, that desktop.
03:08That's a 12900K with a 3080 Ti.
03:10I built it a couple of months ago.
03:11Super fast machine.
03:12This is not that far off from that performance.
03:15It's kind of wild.
03:16Now, I will say one thing.
03:18If you compare this to the M1 Max equipped MacBook Pro, the MacBook has better playback performance in Adobe Premiere.
03:26Apple's M1 Max has an awesome media playback engine and outperforms everything out there, including desktops.
03:32But in terms of render time, this thing just crushes what Apple has to offer right now.
03:36But the elephant in the room is energy consumption.
03:40So on a device like this, you have to wonder, how are they pulling it off?
03:45How are they able to get such amazing scores?
03:47And, well, the big thing is energy.
03:50It's feeding a lot of watts to that chip.
03:53And like all CPUs, the more wattage you give it, the more heat it'll give off.
03:57So with max wattage and max fan speed, you get the best possible performance.
04:01It's loud, but you get big numbers.
04:03But if you set the system to the balance mode, which is a much quieter system and much more energy efficient setting,
04:08this still gives you amazing performance.
04:11That is where the impressive numbers are.
04:13In that balance mode where you get great performance without any heat and noise
04:17and high energy consumption that previous generations of Intel chips required.
04:21So I want to move this conversation over to battery life,
04:24because I did a slightly more extensive battery testing with this device than I do normally,
04:28because it's a whole new architecture, right?
04:30What does Intel's 12th gen chip do for battery?
04:34So, okay, when you do my regular loops, like just website loops,
04:38it's decent battery life, but only a little bit better than last year's model.
04:41And the same would apply for streaming.
04:43If you compare it to previous generation stuff, it's similar and kind of to be expected.
04:47But where I did notice a difference was when you push the system hard,
04:50like if you're playing games or you're doing any kind of application and you're not plugged in,
04:55you get a significant bump up in battery life than the previous 11th gen stuff.
05:00Now, I don't know how much of that is because of Intel's new chip,
05:03or if it's because MSI made some tweaks between last year's model and this year,
05:07and they were somehow able to optimize the energy use.
05:09I'm not entirely sure, but there is a noticeable difference between this model and last year's model.
05:14But if I had to guess, it is that chip.
05:16It's just a little more energy efficient when you push the system hard.
05:20Now, it's not as energy efficient as Apple's M1 Max and M1 Pro products.
05:24These are like the kings of efficiency, but this delivers top-end performance as well.
05:29Like if you want the best possible performance, throw in the wattage,
05:32cool it properly, and you get crazy numbers.
05:35You get desktop numbers. It's that good.
05:37Apple can't do that. AMD can't do that.
05:39I don't even think their new stuff will be able to do it.
05:41But this is an amazing, amazing performer.
05:44Now, I want to wrap this up with a conversation about this device itself.
05:48So, Intel could have asked any OEM out there, any manufacturer to be like,
05:52hey, you know, we want to showcase this 12th gen chip, make us a device.
05:55They could have chosen anyone, but they went with this, and I think they did it for a reason.
05:59So, it's not about a system where it just shows the top-end performance.
06:05Like, obviously, they could have just gotten a laptop company to be like,
06:08hey, you know, we want to stick in this new chip in it, cool it aggressively, show the greatest numbers.
06:13They could have done that.
06:14But what I think MSI does really well, really, really well,
06:17is they have a system that can do that at the top-end,
06:20but their balance mode is so nicely tuned.
06:23Like, it's quiet, it's got great performance, and you saw the numbers.
06:27Like, this is a really good showcase of what this chip can and should do
06:33in a properly tuned system.
06:34And I think not just what Intel's done, but I think what MSI's done in this system is fantastic.
06:39I've always been partial to this thing.
06:41Like, I love the RGB light bar.
06:43It's kind of silly, but this is such a unique-looking RGB system.
06:47You look up close, it looks like there's a fluid inside here.
06:50Like, the color shifting, it's awesome.
06:52I like the keyboard, I really like the super-fast screens,
06:54I like the layouts of, like, the ports and stuff.
06:56Great system from MSI.
06:58But I think, like, the big winner here is Intel.
07:01They did an awesome job this year.
07:03And I'm excited to see what Intel does with the rest of their lineup.
07:06Like, what does their mid-tier or even lower-end mobile chip look like?
07:10Because this, this is promising.
07:13Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video.
07:14Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
07:16See you guys next time.