• avant-hier
00:00Si je voulais acheter un nouvel ordinateur, ce serait celui-ci, l'Asus Strix G18.
00:06J'ai testé beaucoup de nouveaux ordinateurs Asus, et ils sont tous super performants, 40 séries GPU,
00:11mais l'un d'entre eux a un prix très particulier, et c'est celui-ci, l'Asus Strix G18.
00:17Vous pensez que 2500$ est toujours un énorme prix.
00:20C'est vrai, mais si vous considérez que cette machine détruit la performance de 4 000$ de machines,
00:26comme il y a un mois, c'est en fait assez cher, et pour le marché, très bien cher.
00:32Donc, l'Asus Strix G18 vient en 2 variantes, une version normale, et une version Scar.
00:38La seule différence entre les deux, c'est que la version Scar a des RGB sur le dos, et un logo RGB.
00:44Tout le reste est la même chose, le RGB de l'avant, la qualité de construction, le écran,
00:48le clavier, la performance, les thermales, tout est identique entre les 2 variantes,
00:52c'est juste qu'il y a une valeur bien meilleure avec la version normale, non Scar.
00:56Si on regarde la performance, les 13ème génération de CPU sont très rapides cette année,
01:00et le RTX 4080 vous donne une excellente performance.
01:03Je dirais qu'en moyenne, 25% à 30% meilleur que le 3080Ti de l'année dernière.
01:08Et le 4090 que j'ai testé est encore plus rapide.
01:11Donc c'est 35% à 40% plus rapide que le 3080Ti.
01:15Mais la différence de prix est si importante.
01:17Comme sur la plupart des appareils, c'est un extra 6 à 800$ plus juste pour un RTX 4090.
01:23C'est vraiment élevé.
01:24Maintenant, cette année, ils ont complètement redesigné le châssis sur les appareils Strix.
01:28Donc sur le modèle 18", ça peut aller jusqu'à 175W RTX 4090.
01:32Mais le fou, c'est que le modèle 16", aussi, peut être configuré pour la même quantité.
01:37C'est 175W pour le GPU, jusqu'à 65W concurrentement sur la CPU.
01:41Et c'est aussi sur le modèle 16", et le modèle 18".
01:44C'est assez fou.
01:45C'est assez fou.
01:46Donc, le panneau de bas est beaucoup mieux conçu cette année.
01:48Les dernières générations avaient ces câbles de ribbon qu'il fallait gérer quand on les ouvrait.
01:52C'est tout perdu cette année.
01:53C'est beaucoup plus propre.
01:54Et quand on les ouvre, on voit 3 fans.
01:56Donc il y a 2 fans dans la position régulière,
01:58et il y a un 3ème fan qui est juste au milieu,
02:00qui dégoute l'air du bas,
02:01et qui brûle l'air à travers le GPU et les VRMs.
02:04Et alors, pour éliminer encore plus de chaleur,
02:06la chaleur sur le dos est à la hauteur de l'appareil.
02:09Et ils appellent ça leur chaleur Pulsar.
02:11Mais cette année, c'est juste un super système thermique.
02:13Vous avez plus d'air, et plus d'espace sur le dos.
02:16En termes de performance thermique, c'est assez bien.
02:18Les températures de la GPU sont très impressionnantes, même sur un chargement plein.
02:21Et le bruit du fan est très acceptable.
02:23Maintenant, gardez en tête que la plupart du test que j'ai fait,
02:25a été fait en mode manuel,
02:26où j'ai mis les fans à la vitesse maximale,
02:28juste pour voir ce que ce dispositif pouvait faire.
02:30A l'intérieur, vous avez 2 NVMEs et 2 RAM slots.
02:32C'est DDR5 qui marche à 4800MHz.
02:35Certaines marques soutiennent 5600MHz.
02:37Ces gars ne soutiennent que 4800MHz jusqu'ici.
02:39Mais pour mon test, sur le Blade, il n'y a pas...
02:41Il y a semblablement très peu de différence entre les 2 vitesses de RAM.
02:44Vous avez une batterie de 90Wh.
02:46Cette batterie a une vie de batterie d'accord pour mon test.
02:48Je ne l'avais pas expérimentée,
02:49juste parce que c'est un écran de 18 inches
02:51et qu'il marche sur un chip Intel.
02:53C'est juste un gros appareil.
02:54Maintenant, le clavier est aussi sur un gros appareil.
02:57Et vous avez un beau clavier large.
02:59Vous avez le numéro sur la droite.
03:00Et il est assis sur ce deck de clavier qui s'effondre
03:02à ce genre de matériel translucide gris fumé au dessus.
03:06Et vous avez aussi votre beau éclairage RGB.
03:08C'est un bon éclairage pour l'écriture.
03:10L'éclairage est en verre.
03:11Il a une belle texture.
03:12Le tracking est bien.
03:13Mais le clic est un peu bizarre.
03:16La mécanique du clic est bien.
03:17C'est juste qu'il y a un peu de bruit quand j'appuie.
03:21All right, let's talk about the screen.
03:22So, 18 inches, 16x10, QHD+.
03:25It's such a nice screen.
03:26And when I saw the price tag, 2500 bucks,
03:28I just assumed that this would be some kind of mediocre screen.
03:31It is so not.
03:32It's arguably one of the best screens I've ever seen
03:34in the gaming laptop space.
03:36It's bright.
03:37It's super fast.
03:38Great colors.
03:39And it has a MUX switch.
03:40And advanced optimus.
03:41So, if you want to get sweaty,
03:42you can squeeze out a few extra frames.
03:43But this product overall is just so good.
03:46Like, normally when companies offer a configuration
03:49with this ultra competitive price tag attached to it,
03:51usually there's something wrong with it.
03:53Like, the brand has gone like, eh.
03:55You know, they've twisted something.
03:56They've offered it with some weird screen
03:58or some kind of weird memory configuration.
04:00Like, there's none of that.
04:01This is just a solid overall product
04:03to the point where it makes it difficult
04:05to review other products in this category.
04:07Like, everything has to compare to this
04:10if you have an 18-inch screen and an RTX 4080.
04:13There's a couple things I would mention about this.
04:15Number one, it doesn't have biometrics.
04:17So, no facial biometrics, no fingerprint scanning.
04:19If that's important to you, this is missing it.
04:21Secondly, I did notice some coil whine.
04:24On both the 4080 and 4090 device that I've tested,
04:27it's there.
04:28It's subtle.
04:29You gotta listen for it, but it's there.
04:30There's no way this mic would pick it up.
04:31It's that quiet.
04:33But overall, yeah.
04:35The other thing, size.
04:36It's an 18-inch device.
04:37It's got an 18-inch size.
04:39It's big.
04:40And the 330-watt adapter has some heft to it.
04:42So, if this is too big
04:44and you're looking for something that's like this,
04:46we have the 16-inch device.
04:47The Strix Scar G16.
04:50So, right off the bat,
04:51this is running the same wattage as the 18-inch device.
04:54Like, Asus is so confident in their thermal system
04:56that they're allowing an RTX 4090
04:58to just rip at full wattage in a 16-inch device.
05:02Pretty impressive, right?
05:03Inside, we're looking at the same kind of thermal design.
05:05We have three fans,
05:07one blowing up towards the full-width radiator.
05:09We have two NVMe slots, two RAM slots,
05:11and a 90-watt-hour battery once again
05:13with only slightly better battery life
05:15than the 18-inch model.
05:16Now, this device here
05:18is like an early pre-production engineering sample
05:21that I was sent.
05:22And when I got it in,
05:23it didn't even have the firmware to recognize
05:24that there was a GPU in here.
05:25Secondly, there were no drivers from NVIDIA
05:27to make any of this work.
05:28So, I was told,
05:29don't even bother benchmarking it
05:30because you can't.
05:31But a few days ago,
05:32firmware came out
05:33and NVIDIA drivers came out.
05:35So, I put it on here just to see, right?
05:37What can this thing do?
05:38Does it even work?
05:39And it does.
05:40And holy God,
05:41this 16-inch model can keep up
05:43with the 18-inch model
05:45in terms of benchmarks and frame rates.
05:47The temperatures are warmer,
05:48but it has amazing performance.
05:51And again,
05:52I have to reiterate the fact
05:53that this is not a retail unit,
05:55but the new chassis really does seem like
05:57it can handle the heat of the high-end components.
05:59The keyboard is really similar
06:01to the 18-inch model.
06:02It just doesn't have the number pad.
06:04It has a row of media keys on that side.
06:06But on the Scar version,
06:07like the premium version
06:08with the extra RGBs on the back,
06:10there's a feature on the touchpad
06:11that allows you to activate a number pad on it.
06:14So, if you're a number lord
06:15and you need to crunch math on your keypad,
06:18you got that option.
06:19Now, it's never going to feel as tactile
06:21as like a regular 10-key,
06:22but that's pretty cool.
06:23Now, the features between the 16 and 18
06:25are so similar.
06:26So, I'm not going to go through too much of it.
06:27Even the ports are the same.
06:28So, you get 2 USB-A, 2 USB-C, Ethernet, HDMI.
06:33It's all good stuff.
06:34And both devices have this customizable aesthetic piece
06:37they call the Armor Cap.
06:38The smoked gray color is kind of cool,
06:40but it's the wrong color.
06:42It is an easy fix, though.
06:45But the real big difference is the screen.
06:47So, we're opening it back up again.
06:50On the 16-inch model,
06:51you get the option of a mini-LED 16-inch panel.
06:56So, mini-LED screens have really good control
06:58of the backlighting, right?
06:59You can turn the backlighting zones on and off
07:01and you just get certain zones that you want to be dark
07:03to be really dark.
07:04So, you get way better contrast ratios
07:06and colors just look really nice on the device
07:08with a panel like this.
07:09So, shows and games just look awesome on this device.
07:12Now, I would imagine that the G16 pricing
07:14is cheaper than the G18, right?
07:16It's the same kind of componentry.
07:18It's just a smaller version of it
07:19and usually that makes the price less.
07:21But as of right now,
07:22there is no super well-priced version
07:24of the G16 on Best Buy.
07:26So, I don't know the retail pricing of this.
07:29I just imagine when it's more saturated on the market,
07:33this will be slightly better priced than the G18.
07:36I hope that this thing could hit like 23, 2400 bucks
07:40for the same kind of configurations.
07:41That'd be pretty cool.
07:43Okay, that's the G16.
07:45Now, if you want something that's a little bit thinner
07:48and a little bit more elegant,
07:49we have the third device.
07:51This is the M16.
07:53Now, this device is also running an RTX 4090,
07:56but it's running it at 150 watts at the top end.
07:59Now, the weird thing is that their marketing material
08:02says 145 watts,
08:03but when I look in the system settings,
08:05like I can get up to 150.
08:06So, I'm not sure what the official number is,
08:08but this unit here,
08:09and it's a retail unit, I believe,
08:11is 150 watts.
08:12So, it can't have the same kind of sustained performance
08:15as 175 watt version.
08:17But when I was testing this,
08:19I was very surprised as to how close this could get
08:22to the higher wattage Strix devices.
08:24So, on last year's products,
08:25like if you took a 30 series laptop,
08:27a 25-30 watt difference in TGP
08:30would have been pretty substantial, right?
08:31You would be able to see right away on the chart,
08:33like, okay, that's the lower wattage one.
08:35But this year, it seems really close.
08:38So, inside, we're looking at another three-fan system
08:41with the full-width heatsink,
08:42and this product, to me,
08:44just really tells the story
08:46of how effective their new thermal system is.
08:48Like, you could not cool
08:50a 150-watt GPU
08:52in a product like this before.
08:54No one could have done it,
08:55not even Asus.
08:56And, like, they're doing it,
08:58and they're doing it really well.
09:00So, I love the new thermal system.
09:02Clearly, it works.
09:03It's a big improvement over last year's 120-watt M16.
09:07So, inside, we have two NVMEs
09:09and two RAM slots.
09:10So, traditionally, on the M16,
09:11you would have one DIMM that was soldered on,
09:13and then one that was replaceable.
09:15But this year, they finally have a system
09:17that you have both slots replaceable.
09:19You have a 90-watt hour battery,
09:20which has very similar battery life to the G16.
09:23It is a bit thicker and heavier,
09:25I'm assuming, with the bigger heatsink
09:27and the new thermal system.
09:28It just needs a little bit more room in there
09:29to pull it off,
09:30but it doesn't feel large.
09:31It's still a very compact system.
09:33Now, the edge of the top panel,
09:35I noticed, has this kind of
09:37polished aluminum look to it.
09:39It reminds me of the aesthetic you'd see on smartphones,
09:42like the trim of smartphones.
09:44And it looks nice,
09:45but this is aluminum, right?
09:46This is a relatively soft material,
09:48so I feel like it's just gonna scratch pretty easily.
09:51I kind of prefer the matte finish of the previous one,
09:53but it does look nice out of the box.
09:55And you also have the
09:56anime or anime matrix LED lights up at the front.
09:59Okay, the performance on this device is really good,
10:02but the fan noise is definitely louder
10:04to be able to maintain the same kind of frame rate
10:06as the G16 and the G18.
10:08It's just a much smaller system,
10:10so everything just has to be cooled
10:11a little bit more aggressively to pull it off.
10:13But that's only for, like, the top-end performance.
10:15For regular use and, like,
10:16more moderately demanding games,
10:18or even, like, workflows,
10:19like if you're working with video editing stuff,
10:21fan noise is not an issue.
10:22It's just that if you're going for
10:23the craziest possible frame rates,
10:25this is gonna be a louder system.
10:27The screen is also running their wicked mini LED display.
10:30Colors are popping,
10:31it's bright, fantastic contrast ratios.
10:33It's an awesome screen.
10:34The chassis is magnesium alloy,
10:36and the keyboard remains unchanged from last year.
10:38It's a good keyboard,
10:39but there's still no print screen.
10:40If you're a print screen user like I am,
10:43it's missing.
10:44Trackpad, I don't think, has changed.
10:45The same kind of feel as last year's device,
10:47and same with the Windows Hello camera up top.
10:49You can log in with facial biometrics like before.
10:52But this device, I'm assuming,
10:53is gonna be a lot more expensive, right?
10:55I don't have pricing on this yet,
10:56but because it's shrunk down,
10:58it's a more elegant
10:59and more aesthetically focused product,
11:01this is probably gonna be quite a bit more
11:03than the other two devices.
11:04But overall,
11:05there's, like, a couple things come to mind.
11:07Number one,
11:08this new thermal system from Asus
11:10that we saw on all three devices is...
11:12It's really something special.
11:13Like, I just thought of it in the middle of this video.
11:15Last year's device was 120 watts,
11:17and, like, to be able to go from 120 to 150
11:20in one generation
11:21on the same kind of product
11:23just through, like, a new thermal system,
11:25that's really impressive.
11:26And I think this puts pressure on other companies
11:28to do stuff like this, right?
11:30Not a lot of companies are fitting
11:32this type of GPU wattage capability
11:34in something like this.
11:36That's pretty cool.
11:37But the other thing is that price, man.
11:39That G18.
11:40Like, come on!
11:42Think about all the other competitors
11:44that have dropped these products
11:45that are, like, 3,500 bucks,
11:46$4,000 for RTX 4080 devices.
11:49You look at that G18, you're like,
11:53Like, how do we compete with that?"
11:55I really think that the presence of that thing
11:58I think it's, like, the...
11:59It's the warrior
12:00that will fight for the consumer
12:02to be able to have better pricing
12:04with the high-end 40 series devices.
12:07Okay, there you have it.
12:09Asus devices this year,
12:10really good
12:11with one being very well-priced.