• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “ll Fellowship Program ormai ha più di una decade di storia e ha permesso di supportare la ricerca scientifica italiana”. Lo ha detto Giordano Madeddu, professore di Malattie infettive università di Sassari vincitore del Fellowship Program, partecipando alla celebrazione di premiazione della 13esima edizione dei Bandi di Gilead Sciences, dedicati alla ricerca nell’area delle malattie infettive, delle patologie oncologiche e ematologiche.


00:00The project, as the title says, aims to evaluate neuropsychological disorders, which are very
00:10frequent in the population of people with HIV, especially if they are women.
00:14The focus of the project is to evaluate, with a scale of evaluation of the questionnaires,
00:20the disorders related to depression, anxiety, sleep quality, and correlate them with the
00:24quality of life and the adherence to antiretroviral therapy.
00:27We know that it is possible that these disorders cause a reduction in adherence and therefore
00:33a risk of failure of treatments.
00:35Our goal is to focus attention on these aspects, try to identify them early and
00:41possibly allow the person, the woman with HIV, to manage their problem in order to
00:46improve the quality of life.
00:47The FeloCiSo program now has more than a decade of history and has allowed to support
00:54Italian scientific research, therefore spontaneous scientific research, thanks to grants that
01:01support research and is an example, in my opinion, virtuous of what can be a collaboration
01:06between the private pharmaceutical company and universities, public hospitals, in order
01:11to finalize and make these efforts cohesive to improve the quality of life of the patient
01:17thanks to an impulse to research.
