• last week
00:00Bruins 5-3 winners last night in Colorado. That's right after they were called out by their head coach Jim Montgomery. They sure were
00:07You got a fight at Isidorov last night. You lose Marchand for a stretch
00:12You heard the two goals in 13 seconds as the Bruins moved to 3-2. They even get a win
00:17Without Jeremy Swayman. That's right. Your guy, Corporate Solo. You know, that is my guy
00:22I don't even know how many of those we're gonna get this year, but there's one so put that on the big board
00:27It's Jones and Keith here on WEI. We've got your phone call 617-779-7937
00:32And we're joined now by The Razor
00:35Andrew Raycroft of Nessun. What's going on Razor?
00:39Not much gentlemen. How we doing? Oh, we're doing good
00:42We had a win last night. Exactly. Well, it was a nice little win last night for the Bruins
00:47I think my big takeaway is it felt like they responded to Montgomery calling about the game prior. Would you say that's accurate?
00:54Yeah, no question. No question and
00:57It's four games in you're getting called out like that's stressful the NHL you I know it's 82 games
01:03But it really is more similar to an NFL season and that you can't have a bad start and a good start goes a long
01:10Way and I thought they responded well getting out on the road and and battling
01:15You know, what was the you know, the first four games even last night, you know, they did take some penalties obviously
01:21But in the first four games, it seemed like penalties all over the place
01:24You put that more on the players or is that
01:27Can that go to the coaching staff?
01:30No, that's on the players. But I you know, it's just kind of sloppy, right?
01:35The start of any regular season gets a little sloppy. I think all teams have been
01:40Playing that way or the majority of them at the start of this NHL season
01:44so I think it's just about getting getting up to speed and
01:50Recognizing kind of what the refs are calling but also just getting your feet going a lot of stick penalties, right?
01:54That usually means you are moving
01:56What do you thought of the new guys Lindholm and Zdorov?
02:00Well, they've started out great Lindholm you can see him
02:05How smart he is? Yeah, and all the little things that he does just watching him through five games
02:10You know when he's in Calgary and in Vancouver just coming in once a week or once a year
02:16you don't notice the details that he has in the the comparison of the Bergeron light is
02:22Certainly there because he plays a huge 200-foot game. He reads the place
02:26Oh, well, he seems to be in the right position and the good news is he scored right away, you know
02:30He's getting points right away
02:31I think that's a huge bonus for him because he does everything else really well and then Zdorov what we've seen from him is
02:37I think what what he is. He's a big guy. He makes plays at times. He he makes mistakes at times
02:43He takes penalties at times
02:45He's an adventure, but but someone that the Bruins needed on the back end and a huge help
02:50This is a fan base that has always loved the fourth line has always wanted the fourth line to be really good and productive
02:57And you know knows the fourth line this seems to be with good reason though this year those guys
03:02Every night seemed to be one of the most consistent lines they throw out there
03:07Super exciting to see that
03:10And you're right. It's it is such a blue-collar fan base. The fourth line is a pride of joy
03:15I think for Bruins nation a lot of times
03:17They love them being big and strong and physical and tough and getting it on the floor check
03:23And that's what this group the three of them have done since since the start of training camp
03:27the first game of preseason
03:29Mark Haslick must have gotten 19 scrums in the first preseason game and it hasn't ended and and it's
03:35Translated into points for them early on which is what what a bonus. What a
03:40What a
03:42huge relief for those guys because a lot of times you can be on a fourth line and not get
03:46Opportunities and it takes you three weeks to get on the board and it's you start to get nervous and frustrated
03:51but for them to get the success early playing the way they are and
03:55Continuing it now through five games is is huge not just for the team
03:59But for those guys and you can see that their games only going to grow now from that
04:04So it's really important and and we know listen the big thing is right
04:09We know how important that is in April and May and that's that that's the big one
04:14Talking to Andrew Raycroft of Nessun joining us here on Jones and Keefe our Bruins insider razor
04:20Last time we talked to you was before Jeremy Swayman had signed. He had been called out by
04:26Cam Neely and the organization, I guess your thoughts on where they settled at eight point two five
04:32And are you surprised that came together as quickly as it did because you know
04:36I think last time we talked we all thought there was going to be a little more hardball and this is going to drag out
04:40longer than it did
04:43Yeah, well again, I'm glad it's over that's for sure I know the players and the organization are glad it's over I
04:51Think we talked about leverage and we talked about you know pressure points at the end of the day money talks
04:58When the team was going to lose cap space and when the player was going to lose money out of their wallet the deal got
05:03Done, so I don't think that's a coincidence. I don't think that should be too surprising in hindsight
05:10it did feel like the week before that that it was at odds, but
05:14again money money talks at the end of the day for for everybody and
05:19To get it done at the start of the regular season to get it done at a number that you know
05:23It's pretty close to what everyone was talking about all along or at least the Bruins were and Jeremy swimming gets
05:29Compensated very well over the next eight years to play a game
05:32What do you think of his performance on the ice so far three games three starts right in a row?
05:36We had the one in the middle that looked really good
05:39Then splits the other two win over Montreal and the loss to Florida
05:44Yeah, so the first one was as expected the game was kind of sloppy the opportunities that Montreal had it was a tough game
05:52But I think there was six shots in the first period and a couple of goals just banging off players backside
05:59That was to be expected
06:01I loved his second game and then the third game kind of got a little wobbly as well
06:05Just in how it was played in front of them a couple of power play goals. So again, it's it's a
06:11Great to get him in three games. The other thing that was great him playing three games Corporal
06:15Salo gets some work you put him back in
06:18He looks better in net already just after his first game gets a big win like you guys just said prior to me getting
06:24On here. That's a huge win for for Corpus all you don't want to go. Oh and two one and one you're like, okay
06:29Now I'm back to 500 and now I can run from that. So
06:33It'll be similar to Jeremy swimming. He's gonna have five days off six days off with between starts
06:38So, you know, he's getting work done while he's out on the road and should continue to look more comfortable as the games go on
06:44Do you have a number in mind for how many games he should start this year?
06:48Meaning Swain it. I'm sorry. Yeah. Yeah. No
06:51well, we heard the 55 and and I think ideally you get
06:5652 if it's if it's 52 32 at the end of the season, you know
07:01the Bruins had a great season and we're handily in the playoffs come March and you're able to
07:06The bank some rest for Jeremy swimming get the right opportunities for starts now if it goes
07:126022 then you're saying that would tell me that the Bruins are grinding in March to get in the playoffs or
07:18Three four points up and they're trying to hold on to that and they're playing the starter a little bit more
07:24so typically if you look at the end of the season the
07:27Best teams the starters play a little bit less because they're kind of cruising into the playoffs at the end
07:33It's the teams that are in six seventh place
07:36That are the ones really leaning on their starting goalie at the end of the season
07:40So if I had a if I had to pick a number that would be perfect
07:44It would be that 50 to 52 which gives Corpus a little 30 to 32 starts meaning he's playing
07:50well getting wins and Jeremy Swain and
07:53Getting wins and being rested for a good Bruins team if you know if there's no back-to-backs how many games in a row?
08:00Realistically can swim and start and because on the one hand I know you don't want to just completely like ice out Corpus
08:06But we were trying to figure it out the beginning of the year
08:08And I don't know if they're gonna alternate at first just because Swayman was still getting his legs back
08:12But he goes three in a row then Corpus
08:14Oh, like will there be a stretch where it's four or five games in a row or is three kind of the cap?
08:19No, I I think there could be I even dug into the schedule like I kind of go month-to-month on my schedule
08:25Just to like keep my sanity, so I don't think about what's going on
08:29There's no back-to-back. I think until November 2nd 3rd
08:32So they go the rest of this month with no back-to-backs, and it's like six games. Yeah, so for instance like this week
08:40for example if
08:43If the Bruins had a play so they played Monday
08:45They play Wednesday if they had a played again like a back like they played tonight, or they played Friday, and then Sunday like I
08:52Think you could see
08:55I'm talking a lot now now
09:03Apologize I really
09:06The reason why I think corpus all played last night because if he hadn't have played he's not playing for 15 days
09:12So I think it's more a matter. It's not a matter of how many days
09:16Swayman plays in a row. It's more a matter of how much rest is in between so if they have eight games over two weeks
09:23Four and four then I could see a scenario where
09:26Corpus all plays the second one of that and then
09:29Swayman rattles five or six off in a row and then corpus all plays the eighth one
09:33But he only had ten days off in rest
09:36So I think it's more look at corpus all playing once every ten days
09:40That's the absolute max you don't want to you want to freeze the guy out for
09:45Clean all that up in post
09:53Don't worry about it, so when it comes to the the Panthers Razor
09:57Yeah, they're obviously more talented than the Bruins is it just talent or are they in their heads I?
10:04Know I don't think they're in their heads. I think they are talented. I think the style of play
10:10Can give the Bruins trouble at times and especially this week?
10:15That just went past where the Bruins are trying too hard
10:18I thought the Bruins tried too hard against both games against, Florida
10:22I think in that respect they're they're trying to prove they're trying to show they're trying to be physical
10:27They're trying to get their faith. They're trying to make plays
10:30It doesn't make place
10:31And they're really difficult to make plays against because they play fast
10:35The puck goes down the goal line up to the points and it goes in on net right away
10:39And there's a lot of chaos involved and I think at times the Bruins
10:43Over the last two games
10:45especially on Monday had
10:47Opportunities to go low to high and put it on net or break out of the zone just going up the wall chip it out
10:52And go chase it
10:53where they try to make a play to the middle and then the forecheck of the
10:57Panthers gets going and they get behind and they take a penalty from that so I
11:01They're not in their heads by any means the other thing is to the way the NHL season
11:06So they don't have to worry about the Florida Panthers again
11:08They play once in January and that and once in March like it's kind of over with until they see him possibly in April
11:15Where this has to come back up again, so I it's more a stylistic
11:21Situation and I think the Bruins as the season go on will get more prepared because they understand
11:25That they have to go through Florida at some point in the playoffs and that's where we go talk about fourth line and be indirect
11:32Okay, razor. We appreciate the time
11:34Andrew Raycroft every Thursday at 1130 here on Jones and Keith best of luck at the the warm press got there today
11:40And we'll talk next week
11:41Love it. Thank you. I yeah, I got a warm up and keep my words down obviously. Okay. All right. Sounds good razor. Thank you
11:49Yeah, thank you Andrew Raycroft joining us here on Jones and Keith on wei
