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Video Information: Advait Learning Camp, 26.02.2019, Rishikesh, India

Who created the world?
What is the secret behind creation of world?
Why did God create the world?
How is His creation limitless?
Why are humans different from other creatures?

How to understand Nitnem Sahib's following verse:
जा करता सिरठी कउ साजे आपे जाणै सोई ॥
~ जपुजी साहिब, नितनेम

(Only the Creator (God) who created the world, knows when He created it)
~ Japuji Sahib, Nitnem .

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Abhilash has asked, quoting from the nickname, he says, only the creator God who created
00:23the world knows when he created it.
00:29This is his creation and there is no end to his gifts and blessings.
00:34So he says, why did God create the world?
00:42Is it not us, the unliberated ones, who create this world within us and influence it and
00:51get influenced by it?
00:54Yes, Abhilash, that's quite a scholarly thing to say, that the world is created by us, we
01:09project the world and then we get influenced by our own projections and so on and so forth,
01:15the cycle continues, but then the question still remains much the same, even if you are
01:29the one projecting the world, who created you and why?
01:44So let's say you are the one who created the world, then the nickname is saying, only
02:00the creator God knows why and when he created you.
02:09Substitute the world with yourself.
02:17Why does God create world?
02:19Why does God create you?
02:20Alright, let's answer it.
02:24Why does God create what?
02:29You said you.
02:31Why did God create man?
02:37The question of has been substituted by the question of creation of man and you are saying
02:48the question of creation of world is not an important one because the world is created
02:55by man.
02:59So we are not talking of the question of creation of man.
03:06What is the question?
03:08Why did God create man?
03:14So why did God create man?
03:16I'm asking why did God create what?
03:21What man?
03:22Man, what is that?
03:26What is that?
03:27Yes, Abhilash, what is that man?
03:34You are asking me, why did God create man?
03:37I'm asking back to you.
03:40Why did God create what?
03:43You say man.
03:44I'm asking what is that?
03:45Explain that to me first.
03:55If I'm asking why did A create B, must I first of all not know what A and B are?
04:06There are three things here, A, B, and Y.
04:14A, B, and Y.
04:22You are trying to put the emphasis on Y.
04:27You are asking why did A create B. According to you, the Y is very, very important, right?
04:34Why did A create B?
04:39I'm saying pause.
04:42Why did what create what?
04:46Why will come later?
04:49First of all, we know what are these A and B that you are talking of.
04:56What is God and what is man?
05:01And if we do not know what A is and what B is, what business do we have extending the
05:08story any further?
05:13Why did A create B?
05:16And I know nothing about A, nor do I know anything about B, yet I'm trying to solve
05:24the problem.
05:25Would I ever succeed?
05:34Why did, give me a funny word, of your choice, any word, tinta, one more word, can't you
05:57go absurd, minta.
06:04Why did tinta eat minta?
06:11Should I go into the why or should I first of all ask what is tinta and what is minta?
06:15What are you talking of?
06:18And somebody is running after you and questioning vigorously, why did tinta eat minta?
06:29What would I turn back and ask first of all?
06:34What is tinta and what is minta?
06:37If I know what is tinta and what is minta, then maybe probably I can answer why did tinta
06:43eat minta?
06:45Similarly, why did God create man?
06:49Who are you and who is God?
06:53But don't we already know who we are, I mean, I'm Suresh, I'm Abhilash from Chennai, it's
07:11so very certain who I am and God, we all know who he is, even my three-year-old nephew knows
07:21who God is, every evening he prays Om Jai Jagdishwara, we all know who God is, there
07:29he sits in that temple, so I'm very confident about who I am and God, he is a matter of
07:42general knowledge, even the cows on the streets, they know everything about God.
07:59I am a little skeptical, Abhilash, I would rather inquire again, who are you and who
08:09is God?
08:15And if you can ask this question again and again, who am I, who am I, who am I?
08:30What is this thing, God or truth or true self?
08:37Then probably the whys and hows and such things will simply sublimate, disappear.
08:52Further says Abhilash, when I read Nithyananda or any other scripture about God, I usually
09:01replace the term God with myself in liberated state.
09:07Myself in liberated state, that's fine, MLS, but I get easily lost when I read verses like
09:22the one mentioned here, for instance in this verse, it's mentioned that God's creation
09:30and his blessings are limitless.
09:40What does that mean?
09:41Acharyaji, I am not sure if I am reading the scripture in the right sense.
09:47Can you please help me understand this verse?
09:57This is his creation and there is no end to his gifts.
10:07Abhilash, one has to go into the scripture resonating with the gurus, the saints.
10:36This verse that you have quoted is an expression in gratitude.
10:47Limitless is his creation and there is no end to his gifts.
10:56In what sense is his creation limitless?
11:06You know of the utter expanse of the universe.
11:10You also know of the utter expanse of time and you also know how time is changing everything
11:21every second.
11:24Now keep these two side by side and look at the kind of multiplicative effect they
11:33have on each other.
11:41An immensely inconceivable universe, unimaginable in its own right, is being changed thoroughly
12:03every moment by an infinite stretch of time.
12:08Now tell me, what is it that you can gather out of this statement?
12:13The universe as it is in any moment of time is inconceivable and the next moment this
12:32inconceivable immensity changes totally into something else and then into something else
12:42and then into something else and then into something else.
12:47Is that fathomable?
12:56In front of such a realization, the saints say limitless is his creation.
13:06Limitless is his creation and then they say and there is no end to his gifts blessings.
13:25I am, I can know, I can see, I can even use the word infinity when there is nothing in
13:38my life that is infinite.
13:49I talk and sing of his name when he actually has no name.
13:58In spite of being so little, I keep talking of immensities.
14:09Is that not a blessing?
14:16So as big and wide his creation is, equally big and wide are his blessings that I am a
14:34part of his creation and I can also perceive the creation.
14:56These utterances spring forth when gratitude talks, when one has received and is full,
15:14when one is not full of grudges or dissatisfaction.
15:23You cannot intellectually or theoretically comprehend this verse.
15:31You can only resonate with this verse.
15:36You can only say yes, I too feel like saying a big thank you.
16:02This verse is both an expression of thanks and a reminder that one must remain thankful.
16:27One is always entitled to ask any question but the entitlement brings in its wake the
16:46responsibility to look for the right method to find the answer and the right dimension
17:04in which the solution would be found.
17:11If there is a wave of mind coming forth with a question, you cannot turn blind to the question.
17:23If the question is there, it is there.
17:27Now that it is there, one's responsibility is to know how to deal with it.
17:38So the mind has asked, why did Tinta eat Minta?
17:51No point rebuking it, no point dismissing it.
17:55Then you tell the mind that just as you are very eagerly asking why did Tinta eat Minta?
18:04How eagerly eagerly must you ask what is Tinta and what is Minta?
18:11Good question but it would be answered after you answer two other questions.
18:24You have asked a very good question, we will answer it after you answer two questions that
18:32are related to your question.
18:36You ask what is Tinta, what is Minta?
19:01The question has a certain effect on the questioner.
19:13Who is the questioner who had started out by asking why did Tinta eat Minta?
19:21So this question is here already, why did Tinta eat Minta?
19:24We said let it remain here, you first answer what is Tinta, what is Minta?
19:30So the questioner is here, the original question is here and now these are the two follow-up
19:36What is Tinta, what is Minta?
19:39Asking who am I, what is the truth, who is man, who is God, who am I and what is the
19:47Who am I?
19:48What is the truth?
19:49Who am I?
19:50What is the truth?
19:51When these questions are being asked, the questions are changing the questioner.
19:58Now the questioner is changing, to whom had this original question come?
20:06To the questioner.
20:07Now if the questioner is changing, if the questioner is no more the one to whom that
20:13question had come, what happens to that question?
20:17Gone, because that questioner, that question was coming only to a particular questioner.
20:26Once that questioner is gone, this question is no more applicable.
20:36Who am I?
20:37Or what is truth?
20:38These are special questions.
20:41They are one and the same, one and the same.
21:01Who am I and what is truth are one and the same.
21:08One appears a little more personal, the other appears a little more scriptural, but one.
21:26Acharyaji, in critical decision making process in our life, do we have to be slave to our
21:58You mean, do you have to take other's opinion from others or do you have to take other's
22:06opinion from your so-called mind?
22:13There are two ways in which you can abide by other's opinions, either by asking others
22:20directly or by using this mind that you think of as yours.
22:45How does it matter whether I am talking of the oil in my oil tank or the oil at the fuel
23:02pump or the oil in your car?
23:08It is all coming from the same well.
23:16Opinions are opinions.
23:18It is nothing called my opinion.
23:24All opinions are alien, foreign to you.
23:36They are always others.
23:40Even if they happen to be present in your mind, they are still others.
23:47It is just that you are so brain identified that when an opinion is present in your brain,
23:54you start thinking that it is your opinion.
23:59And from where did that opinion come to your brain?
24:04It came either from biology or from society.
24:10How is the opinion yours then?
24:18From where did any opinion come to your brain?
24:22Either from biology or from the society.
24:27How is it yours then?
24:34So when faced with crucial decisions in life, it is a good thing to start off with the humility
24:50that the decision is not known in advance, that all the certainty that one has is a borrowed
25:25One has to question, question, ruthlessly question.
25:45And then light emerges on its own.
