• 5 days ago
00:00I want the officers to feel like they're more part of the community, and they can't really do that from the front seat of a squad car.
00:09Oh, okay. Thank you. Will you see me on that memo?
00:14Yeah, great. Thanks.
00:16Hi. Uh, did we have an appointment that I've forgotten about?
00:21No, I thought...
00:24Thanks, Mark. You strike me as prompt, people.
00:31I have been summoned to an emergency meeting in Judge's Chambers.
00:37You're leaving?
00:39For the moment. But I'm looking forward to dinner.
00:43And dessert. Yeah.
00:46Um, don't you ever knock?
00:50What happened to the open door policy between two brothers?
00:53It doesn't exist.
00:55Well, I'll remember that next time. But since I'm here, can we chat?
01:02As luck would have it, I am due elsewhere anyway. But I am looking forward to dinner.
01:07And dessert.
01:13Thanks, Diane.
01:16Well, things are going well with you two, huh?
01:19So you dropped by to check on my relationship with Diane?
01:23No, it's the other woman you're in a relationship with that I'm worried about.
01:38I'm not too late, am I?
01:41Of course not.
01:44That's a great ad, isn't it?
01:47And that just so happens to be Mac's son, the one he was telling you about.
01:53Cody. Handsome, isn't he?
01:57Willow and I are both still fully committed to the work the New Tomorrow Institute is doing.
02:03Yeah. That's actually why I'm calling.
02:07We will be making a sizable donation.
02:12Yeah. I'll finalize the details in the next couple of days.
02:16You are welcome. Bye-bye.
02:19It is so great to see two people do more than just talk about supporting an organization.
02:24Not that I'm surprised. You've always been incredibly generous.
02:29Well, Willow and I have been blessed financially and with a happy and healthy family.
02:34It only makes sense that we give back when we can.
02:37It must be hard to decide who you can and cannot help.
02:41Sometimes it's easy. You find a cause or a project you believe in and you instinctively want to do what you can to help.
02:47Right. But there are so many causes out there.
02:49Well, I guess I just try and help as many as I can.
02:55All right. I'll see you around.
02:58Michael, hang on. I have something to ask you.
03:06What happened in there? Is she okay?
03:10She's stabilized. Thanks, Dr. Gannon.
03:12Dante, I know that you're worried and I don't blame you.
03:15But I'm going to need some privacy so that I can get brought up to speed on what's happening.
03:19Yeah, but what happened in there?
03:21First Baldwin will fill you in as soon as possible. I promise.
03:24Just give us a few minutes. I'll meet you in Lulu's room.
03:27Yeah, okay.
03:34So who's going to start? You were there first.
03:38I went to check in on Lulu and saw that her ventilator had powered down.
03:42So I immediately, manually started the ventilator with the ambul bag.
03:47And Nurse Baldwin stepped in and provided chest compressions.
03:51I was at the desk when I heard the ventilator's secondary alarm go off.
03:56So I went into the room and we were able to stabilize Lulu until the ventilator was replaced.
04:02And we don't know why the ventilator malfunctioned.
04:05Not yet.
04:07Dr. Gannon, thank you for your quick work, but you are not on staff here.
04:10If things had gone differently for Lulu, our hospital could be held liable.
04:16If Dr. Gannon hadn't been there to revive Lulu, I don't think she would have made it.
04:22I'm sorry, but did I just hear that Isaiah may have saved Lulu's life?
04:33Um, what?
04:36Lana, are you sure?
04:37Lana, are you sure?
04:40I know it's a lot to take in. Let me walk you through the potential procedure.
04:44Wait a minute. Are you telling me that all this time that it's been me? I'm the one who can save Lulu?
04:49It's been checked and rechecked. You are confirmed as a viable donor.
04:53But Jason left our son and went halfway around the world to find Lucky and brought him back.
05:01And Lucky wasn't a match. If I only would have gotten tested sooner.
05:04Sooner, but there was just so much going on in my life with Molly and Christina losing the baby,
05:10and then my mom going to jail, and then I got that stupid cold.
05:16The fact that you're here right now is pretty amazing in and of itself.
05:19I know, but I could have saved Dante and Rocco and Lulu all of that pain.
05:24Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We have to take this step by step.
05:29What do you mean?
05:30You are a confirmed match, but we don't yet know if you can donate.
06:00You can't barge in here unannounced.
06:03And you certainly can't schedule meetings in my office without my permission.
06:09Your assistant said the same thing. He's very good. He probably deserves a raise.
06:14What am I doing here?
06:16You're being made aware of a problem. You both are.
06:19Which is?
06:21We sent a team to Sidwell's compound immediately after the drone strike.
06:24And needless to say, we found a number of dead bodies.
06:27Well, if that's your problem, it can hardly be unexpected.
06:31I've sent in drones with explosives. They have been known to cause casualties.
06:35Our problem is, Sidwell was not one of them.
06:42This young man is Mac's son.
06:45Yes, his name is Cody Bell.
06:48Well, he's certainly pale and haughty looking.
06:55He is that and more in person.
06:59I should invite you over for dinner so you can meet him sometime.
07:04That would be lovely.
07:06I think you would get a kick out of seeing him and Mac together.
07:09And James adores him. We all adore him.
07:12Any models for Deception?
07:15Well, yeah, he did briefly, but now he works for the quarter mains taking care of their horses.
07:21And he also gives James riding lessons. I have never seen James happier.
07:27So he's good with children, too?
07:30Very. I don't know if he's better at taking care of children or horses.
07:36Sounds like this Mr. Bell is a man of many talents, just like his father.
07:42Did you see the gorgeous, brilliant redhead that just left here?
07:46She's hard to miss.
07:47Yes, she is. She's the only woman that I really want to be with.
07:53And I don't want anything to change that.
07:56I certainly don't want you blowing your life apart for the other woman who recently dropped into town.
08:02Now, where is she?
08:05Well, you know what? You talk a good game. I'll give you that.
08:08But you sound a lot like me when Felicia tried to talk to me about Cody.
08:14I said I wanted nothing to do with him.
08:17But it wasn't true. I was hurt and what I didn't want to admit was that what I really wanted was a relationship with my son.
08:25Well, unlike you, I'm not in denial. I happen to be with a woman who I really want.
08:32Well, I was hoping you'd say that. You're done with Holly and you've moved on to Diane.
08:37Good, then we're finished.
08:40But I worry about you, Robert.
08:42I worry that there's a part of you that still feels you and Holly have some unfinished business.
08:50We're still trying to figure out what happened.
08:53But Isaiah is definitely a hero.
08:56Pardon my question. Are you here as deputy mayor or friend of the family?
09:02Which one gets me answers?
09:04Lulu Spencer's ventilator failed.
09:05Apparently. We still have to investigate if and how.
09:09It's not apparent. It happened. I know you're the co-chief of staff here, but I know what I saw.
09:16And I know that closely monitored ventilators, they don't fail for no reason.
09:20Mistakes happen.
09:23Lulu's on a new ventilator and she's being monitored very closely.
09:29Dr. Gannon, thank you again.
09:32You're welcome.
09:34You're welcome.
09:36Nurse Baldwin, would you mind debriefing me?
09:38Of course.
09:46Well, I know that Lucky and Nicholas were both matches, but neither of them could be the donor.
09:52They didn't pass our secondary screening, which determines if an organ is viable for donation.
09:57Okay, well, how do I know if I'm going to pass?
10:01Let's have a seat.
10:07Organ donation is a complicated, multi-step process.
10:11One of our main goals is to eliminate as much risk as possible to the organ recipient.
10:17That's why it's so important that potential donors are screened extensively.
10:21Okay, well, what do I need to do to get screened?
10:25Ordinarily, I'd say go home and sleep on it.
10:27I mean, you know you're a match, but now you need to decide if you're willing to go through our screening process
10:33to determine if your organ is viable for donation.
10:36These aren't ordinary circumstances, though, are they?
10:39Lulu's condition requires that we move quickly.
10:43If you consent, I'd like to get you screened now.
10:46Lulu doesn't have a lot of time.
10:49I've never seen a ventilator just stop working like that in my entire career.
10:54Yeah, nor have I.
10:56I mean, but it is, it's just a machine.
10:59Machines break down.
11:01Yeah, but we're so careful with our equipment.
11:04And our maintenance teams, they're meticulous.
11:08I need to call the vendor.
11:10Are you thinking lawsuit?
11:12Maybe. We got so lucky this time.
11:15Yeah, we did.
11:16I'm afraid our luck is about to run out.
11:20Lulu's blood pressure and pulse are low.
11:23Yeah, I saw that.
11:25I don't know how much longer she can hold on.
11:27If Sam's liver isn't viable, Lulu's gonna die.
11:35Sam, in spite of everything I just said, do not let me pressure you.
11:39This decision is entirely yours to make.
11:42No, I know.
11:43Is there anyone you want to talk it over with? Your mom? Dante?
11:47No, there's no one I need to talk to at all.
11:52Let's do it.
11:54Just to be clear, you want me to make arrangements for the secondary screening?
11:59Yes, I do. Like, as soon as possible. Now. Please.
12:03And you're sure?
12:05Yeah, absolutely. If there's a chance that I can save Lulu, yes, I want to make that happen. Now.
12:11Okay. I'll get you set up in a room.
12:14But, Dr. Randolph, there's just one thing.
12:20Name it.
12:23We can't tell Dante.
12:27Lulu has been through so much, and now this?
12:31Is she gonna be okay?
12:33That's up to the doctors who actually work here. And a miracle or two.
12:37Well, I'll put my faith in science.
12:40You don't believe in miracles?
12:42I've seen too many times when they don't happen.
12:45That's why they're called miracles.
12:48That's an interesting way of looking at it.
12:50Well, here's one for you. Yours truly has been discharged from the hospital, so if you came to check in on your favorite patient...
12:58Well, I happen to be here to see my boss, the mayor, Laura Collins.
13:04She's Lulu and Lucky's mother.
13:06Yeah, I knew that.
13:08You know, I haven't seen her since she got back. Does she know about the ventilator incident?
13:14I don't think so.
13:17So, Mike and Cody have grown close?
13:20Oh, a little more every day. Thank you.
13:23It was very rocky in the beginning, but Cody...
13:28saved James from almost drowning, and that cut through Mac's stubbornness real quick.
13:34A real-life hero. No wonder Mac bonded with him.
13:38Well, I think Mac would have opened up to him eventually. Cody has a good heart.
13:43Can't imagine where he gets that from.
13:46Cody and Mac have a lot of similarities, but I think no matter what Mac said,
13:52I think it was only a matter of time until Mac would want to get to know his son.
13:59And I'm sure you did everything you can to hasten that alone.
14:03Yeah, me and Maxie and Cody's girlfriend.
14:07Oh, no surprise, a handsome young man like that would have a girlfriend.
14:11That's her. Sasha Corbin.
14:17I don't know.
14:19I don't really know how to...
14:22I'm not even sure you...
14:25You know what? Never mind.
14:27Sasha, we've known each other a long time.
14:31And somehow we're still friends.
14:33And our friendship has been tested big time, but it's only gotten stronger.
14:37I feel the same way.
14:39So, ask me whatever you need to ask.
14:42Well, what I have to ask, it's not for me.
14:46It's not for me. It's for Cody.
14:51Well, actually, I was thinking it could be for you and Cody.
14:54Hey, I'm listening.
14:56Serenity, the estate that Cody grew up on, it's for sale.
15:02And it's always been Cody's dream to buy it and turn it into a horse rescue and sanctuary.
15:10What, like a non-profit or...?
15:12I'm not exactly sure if Cody can explain that better.
15:14But, I mean, you've seen how much Cody loves and cares for the horses here.
15:20He's one of the best stable men we've ever had.
15:22He loves working here.
15:24But what he really wants is a place of his own.
15:27What he needs is an investor to help him with the down payment.
15:33Look, Sasha, I really respect that you came to me with this request on Cody's behalf.
15:41You always look out for the people you care about.
15:43But I'm afraid I have to say no.
15:48We've been over this, Jack.
15:50Our mission was to retrieve Lucky, which we did.
15:54We weren't there on an official WSB capacity.
15:58And we certainly didn't make any agreement to eliminate Sidwell on your behalf.
16:03Yeah, we established that.
16:05However, Sidwell is a dangerous loose end.
16:09And it was uncharacteristically sloppy of you two to leave him alive.
16:13Sidwell was unconscious when we got out.
16:16The possibility that he survived shouldn't be news to any of us.
16:20So why are we here?
16:22You're here because the pilot that I hired to get you out of Africa has been found murdered.
16:31Okay, Laura definitely has a lot on her plate without dealing with city business.
16:36I'll catch her later.
16:38Wait, are you still on the clock?
16:41Deputy Mayering and Sidwell?
16:43Well, this was actually my last stop for the night.
16:46In that case, let me buy you dinner.
16:49I owe you that much.
16:51You owe me?
16:53For saving my life.
16:55I like to pay my debts.
16:57How sweet.
16:59Who wouldn't jump at the chance to be a debt repaid?
17:01I was going for more noble with a side of honorable.
17:04Yeah, well, that needs work.
17:06I need a lot of work in general, but I'd still love to have dinner with you.
17:11Unless you have a policy against dining with people whose life you saved repeatedly.
17:18Okay, well, as it happens, I have no such policy.
17:22But I do have others.
17:24Oh, so I'd love to hear about them over dinner.
17:28Over dinner?
17:30So, shall we?
17:46Oh, I'm very sorry to hear about the pilot.
17:49Was he, was he WSB?
17:55Okay, you know, if he wasn't working solely for the Bureau,
18:00then he could have easily been hired for a number of other operations recently.
18:05I ran a check on all the missions he's flown with in the past few months.
18:08Your rescue was the only one that would have put him in harm's way.
18:11He was experienced, trained, and very capable.
18:15Which is why I personally sent him to bring you home.
18:18I'm sorry, was he a friend of yours, Jack?
18:20What's to say that I have a vested interest in finding out why he died and who's responsible?
18:26Any other leads outside of his connection to us?
18:32The private plane that brought the four of you back to Port Charles
18:36was found in its hangar, completely ransacked and torn apart.
18:39Whoever killed the pilot was clearly looking for something.
18:43It would appear so.
18:45Which leads me to my next question.
18:46Did any of you bring back a souvenir from your travels?
18:52They were working together and spending a lot of time together back then.
18:57Are you surprised that they fell for each other?
19:01No, no. Is it serious?
19:05Well, I can't speak for them, but they make a lovely couple.
19:08Oh, that's good to hear.
19:11That's good to hear.
19:14So he stopped modelling to work in a stable?
19:19Well, modelling was never really his thing.
19:22I think he only did it because of Sasha.
19:25But then she quit modelling and started working for the Quartermains as their family cook.
19:31I think, in part, to be closer to Cody.
19:35So she stops modelling for a man who works with children and horses?
19:45That's, yes, very romantic.
19:49She seems much happier now.
19:52Oh, good, good.
19:54And you know how irresistible those Scorpio men can be.
19:58Don't I just?
20:00Excuse me, excuse me. Could I have a double scotch, please?
20:05What unfinished business are we referring to here?
20:10I don't know exactly, but Holly's always had a hold on you.
20:13Get to the point.
20:15If there is one.
20:17Between your work and the spy games and all the cons, you and Holly always played fast and loose with the rules.
20:24And when you didn't like the rules, you made them up yourself.
20:28Yeah, our good times, all right.
20:30Yeah, I'm sure they were.
20:31But as you point out, it's in the past.
20:35For you, maybe. But not for Holly.
20:40Michael, I'm so sorry. I should not have put you on the spot like that.
20:44I would never want you to think I'm taking advantage of our friendship.
20:48I don't. And just so you know, I don't have a problem talking about money or being asked for it.
20:53Especially with you.
20:55But in this case, it's a no.
20:57I'm afraid so.
20:58Look, if the money was for you, if it was to help you achieve some specific goal or to make a dream come true, you know, I'd probably be all in.
21:07Thank you for saying that.
21:09I mean it. Look, I know all the struggles you overcome, Sasha.
21:12And I know how smart and resilient you are.
21:15The thing is, though, is I don't really know Cody all that well.
21:20I wish you knew him like I do.
21:22Does he have a business plan written up?
21:25Not yet. But I'm sure he's working on one.
21:28It's not that I don't like Cody or respect him, it's just I'm not sure it's a wise use of my funds. I hope you understand.
21:38Of course, I do. And I really hope this doesn't make things weird between us.
21:43Absolutely not.
21:45Look, I never go into a business deal without, you know, realizing that the other party can say no.
21:50Thank you for saying that.
21:52It's never easy asking someone for money, especially a friend.
21:56It's all good.
21:58Well, I'll see you and the family for dinner later.
22:02And none of us should miss it.
22:10Correct me if I'm wrong.
22:12I could have sworn I heard you just ask my nephew for money.
22:18Sam, while you're undergoing the screening process, you'll be a patient at GH.
22:23And like all patients, your privacy will be protected.
22:28Okay, great. Thank you.
22:31May I ask, though, why you don't want Dante to know? He'd be nothing but loving and supportive.
22:36No, I know that's the problem.
22:40Dante and Rocco have already been through so much.
22:45And when Lucky came home, we thought that he was going to be able to save Lulu, and then that all fell apart.
22:51I just don't want them to have to go through that again.
22:55So you're not going to tell Dante?
22:58Not until I'm 100% sure that the transplants will go.
23:03I understand.
23:05So it won't be a problem?
23:08None at all.
23:10Great. Okay, let's see if I can save Lulu.
23:16We barely made it out of Sidwell's compound with our lives.
23:19We certainly didn't have time to stop and grab a couple of knickknacks, if that's what you're talking about.
23:26What about you, Jason? Pick up any duty free in Somalia?
23:30The only thing I brought home was Lucky.
23:33During your debrief, you said that after Jason had thrown the card game with Sidwell and Spencer, that you two were locked in a cell.
23:44Yeah, and the only time we were taken out of that cell was when they were planning to kill us.
23:49And then your drone strike hit.
23:52Oh, and I hate to belabor the point, but you're welcome.
23:55So, where was Spencer and Miss Sutton while you two were facing certain death?
24:02Ask them.
24:03I'm asking you.
24:05Well, once we got away from the death squad, we found Lucky with Sidwell.
24:10Yeah, and Sidwell had both his hands around Lucky's neck, so Jason incapacitated him.
24:17Well, that seems like the perfect opportunity to have taken him out.
24:22You know, we were avoiding your drone strike and trying to get out of there alive ourselves.
24:30So, where was Miss Sutton during all of this?
24:34Unclear. We ran out of the building, Holly pulled up in a vehicle, and that's what got us to the airfield.
24:42So, Miss Sutton has time that was unaccounted for.
24:48Times have changed, Mac.
24:51But not for Holly. Look, she's still on the take and still keeping secrets.
24:57Robert, when you're in the business as long as the two of us have been, you know when someone's lying or holding back, you can feel it.
25:04Is this your tingly, spidey sense here?
25:07Look, just call it what you want, but Holly's not telling us the truth, and what she is telling us isn't entirely true.
25:14I see.
25:15Holly, I hope you do, big brother.
25:18Because you got something great going on with this brilliant, gorgeous redhead. Don't let Holly blow it up.
25:27Can I ask you something?
25:31You mentioned that Mr. Bell's past was a little unsavory.
25:36He was a kind man. No offense.
25:39Untaken. My point is, is that, well, if he was known for pulling a con or two in the past, are you sure he's not pulling one now?
25:51Now? Yes, but I wasn't so sure initially.
25:59Well, at first, Cody said he wasn't Mac's son.
26:02Did he give a reason for lying?
26:05Well, he was afraid Mac would reject him.
26:07Seems a little flimsy.
26:10Well, he was right. Mac did reject him at first, but none of that matters now.
26:14Mac and Cody have made up, and I can tell you, Cody Bell is a Scorpio.
26:22Another Scorpio? Hurrah! You can never have too many of them.
26:30You're right. I did ask Michael for money, but it's not what you think.
26:34This ought to be good.
26:37The money wasn't for me. It was for Cody.
26:41Why does Cody need money? Is he sick?
26:44No. He wants to put a down payment on Serenity. The estate where he grew up.
26:52And he thought the best way to acquire funding was have you ask your married ex-boyfriend, who also happens to be your employer.
27:01Cody doesn't know of any of this.
27:04Then why are you acting as his broker?
27:07Because I, uh, I knew that me asking Michael was better than the alternative.
27:13Which is?
27:15Cody asking you for money.
27:21Elizabeth. Hey, I thought you were going to come and update me.
27:26I am. I just need to file this report after debriefing with Dr. Hathaway.
27:28Why didn't you come and debrief me first? Like, before you did that, I'm sitting in a room wondering what the hell's going on.
27:37I understand you're upset, but you want Lulu to get the best possible care, don't you?
27:41Yeah, of course I do.
27:43Then I have to follow procedure and enter this incident report regarding her ventilator.
27:52I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should be thanking you for not coming at you like that.
27:58It's okay. I'm just trying to do my job.
28:01I know you are. And if you and Isaiah hadn't gone in there when he did, I don't think Lulu would have made it. So, thank you.
28:10Listen. Everybody in this hospital is invested in getting Lulu through this.
28:18I get that, but what if it's not enough? What if she doesn't survive this latest setback?
28:29You know, most people who had the day you did would be a little shaken up. Lulu would have died without you.
28:39I'm not most people.
28:41That, I knew.
28:45Before I went to Africa, I specialized in transplant surgery. I loved the challenge.
28:53You're trying to do something for the good of the body, and the body is instinctively saying no to the very thing it needs to continue living.
29:02So, how do you get the body to say yes? Or, at least, I'll give it a try.
29:09Medication. Lots of it.
29:12See? Science.
29:15Even when the surgery is successful, there's a lot that can go wrong. But, when it goes right...
29:22You save a life.
29:26You save a life. And that is an amazing feeling.
29:32Yet, you gave it all up.
29:35People change. Goals change.
29:38Just like that? Even with that kind of calling?
29:43Just like that. What about you? Is Deputy Mayor your calling?
29:53Hello, handsome.
29:55Hey, how'd it go? Did you get any help?
29:58Well, I certainly gave him a taste of what it would be like. And I got my client's charges dropped, so we've avoided trial.
30:05Then we do have something to celebrate.
30:08Indeed. But first, I'm just curious. I have a question. What did Mac want?
30:17Well, it's true. We didn't have eyes on Holly at all times.
30:21According to our intel, she was with Sidwell for months, so she must have had full access and been familiar with the compound's layout.
30:29Certainly more than we were.
30:30So if anyone would have known where to find something of value, it would most likely have been the son.
30:36You're gonna have to ask her. We brought Lucky home. That's it. That's why we were there.
30:45Yeah, if you figured out Holly's the most likely person to have taken whatever Sidwell's missing, don't you think he would have figured it out too?
30:53Yeah. You know, if anyone's in danger, it could be Holly.
30:57What makes you think he won't go through you two to get to her?
31:01Sidwell already tracked Isaiah Gannon to Port Charles.
31:05Yeah, you're both capable and resourceful enough, but I recommend you keep your eyes open.
31:11If Sidwell survived, he has the resources to track down anyone who gets in his way.
31:19Cody would never ask me for money. He's too proud.
31:22You're right. He is. But that is not the only reason.
31:27He knows that you have a history of people, mostly men, targeting you for money.
31:35He told you that?
31:37Not in those words exactly, but yes.
31:40He doesn't want you to think that he's just another person after your money. He cares about you.
31:46Thinks of you as a friend.
31:47He cares about you. Thinks of you as a friend.
31:51Oh, how kind of you to tell me what Cody's thinking.
31:56I'm just trying to explain how something needs to be clear between us.
32:00I am aware that you and Michael had a romantic relationship and that you're friends of sorts now.
32:07And is that a problem?
32:09Yeah. When you don't remember your place.
32:18Oh, thank you.
32:20I know you're exhausted and scared, but you need to try to stay optimistic.
32:25I just... I don't know. I don't know where my head's at right now, really.
32:35I don't know how you stay so professional when idiots like me come at you like that.
32:42I've been doing this long enough to know that people are just scared.
32:47When their loved ones are in the hospital, they feel helpless and desperate.
32:53And they put that desperation and fear onto someone else.
33:00You shouldn't have to worry about that coming from me.
33:04I know you love Lulu.
33:06Yeah, I do.
33:10Look at us, huh? Falling for the Spencer kids.
33:15It's an exclusive club.
33:17It is. Life was never dull with Lulu.
33:21Same with Lucky.
33:24But we both moved on. We found happiness in other people.
33:30We did. Doesn't make me love them any less.
33:44I love you.
33:53And what exactly is my place, Tracy?
33:58I'm gonna put this in the simplest of terms so you understand.
34:02Look, I get it. I shouldn't have asked Michael for money.
34:05No, you shouldn't have. And you should have known that, which is the bigger issue.
34:09Asking my nephew for money was egregiously inappropriate.
34:15You are not a guest here. You're not a friend. You're an employee.
34:20And despite your considerable talent in the kitchen, it would behoove you to remember that.
34:25That's not all?
34:27No. If anything like this ever happens again, you will be seeking employment elsewhere.
34:39You just miss Holly. I was telling her about you and Cody. She's so happy for you.
34:49Well, that makes me feel like crap.
34:52Not the response I was expecting.
34:55I just came from Robert, and I told him to stay away from Holly because she's nothing but trouble.
35:02If it's police business, well, you know, obviously.
35:06You don't have to answer, certainly, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't.
35:14Baby brother is convinced I'm still hung up on Holly.
35:21Yeah, well, is he correct?
35:24No. Holly's my past. You are my future and my present.
35:33I'm afraid I'm going to need a little bit more convincing. I'm just not quite sure about this.
35:39Is there anything you could possibly do to put me at ease?
35:49I think Sidwell cares more about his bottom line, not revenge.
35:56I mean, coming after us, coming to the US, it's not going to be cheap.
35:59And he'd probably rather invest that money in rebuilding his operation back there than trying to get payback against us.
36:08But by ransacking the plane, if Sidwell is responsible, he must have been looking for something very valuable.
36:16And apparently he's willing to kill for it.
36:47Hello, Sasha. You look even more beautiful than you did in your deception ad.
36:54What are you doing here, mother?
36:57I wouldn't say my job is a calling, exactly, but it has a purpose.
37:06Laura's an amazing mayor, but running a city isn't a one-woman job.
37:12She has a lot on her plate right now.
37:15She does. Thanks to you, Lulu Spencer has a chance.
37:19Now, let's just say a miracle does happen, and there's a donor match.
37:25You're a transplant surgeon. Could you resist the temptation to step in?
37:30I can.
37:33The work that I do is, at best, miraculous.
37:41But even though I believe in them, I'm not in the business of performing miracles anymore.
37:50I know you're tired, and you might not want to fight anymore.
37:59But I need you, too.
38:02Because I'm out here, I'm fighting for you.
38:06Fighting with you out here, Rocco, too.
38:11That kid needs his mom.
38:15And I need you, too.
38:16And I need you, too.
38:21Listen, listen.
38:23It's me.
38:25What are you talking about?
38:27I'm the match. I can save Lulu.
38:46You will pay for what you have done.