• 2 days ago
00:00Am I in the right apartment?
00:11Come here sweetie, I want to talk to you about something.
00:17We've got some really great news.
00:20Is it about my dad?
00:22Can I go visit him soon?
00:24It's about your dad.
00:25But you don't have to visit him because he's being released from the hospital.
00:29Is he going to come visit me here?
00:31Even better.
00:32You're going to move back in with your dad.
00:37Thank you for coming here this early.
00:39Of course.
00:40Mom said it was important.
00:43It is.
00:45Okay, you're starting to freak us out.
00:49What's this all about?
00:50Yeah, you're not sick or anything, are you?
00:54No, no, no, I'm fine.
00:56Actually, better than fine.
00:58It turns out that I am going to be Lulu's donor.
01:07I know this has been a wild ride, Lulu.
01:11Like the world's most nauseating roller coaster.
01:18But you're going to be alright.
01:21If you can hear me.
01:25You're going to be just fine.
01:29I promise you.
01:34Hi, what a pleasant surprise.
01:36Hi, Felicia.
01:37I was looking for your husband.
01:39Is Mac here?
01:40Well, no, he's not.
01:41Is there anything I can help you with?
01:45Maybe, maybe.
01:49I nearly went to my grave keeping a terrible secret from my daughter.
01:54What daughter?
02:03DA Scorpio.
02:05Ah, Miss Corbin.
02:07What can I do for you?
02:08First, I need you to get one thing straight.
02:11You are not my father.
02:24How could you not tell me you have a daughter?
02:43It's been very painful keeping this secret for so many years, especially from the people I love.
02:50And supposedly trust.
02:52Okay, where is this sudden and surprise daughter?
02:55She's here in Port Charles.
02:58And you both know her.
03:03It's Sasha.
03:06I'm sorry, Sasha, Sasha?
03:10Holly, you don't mean our Sasha.
03:13I do.
03:14Hold up, Sasha Corbin is your daughter?
03:19No, no, no, no, no.
03:21That's not possible.
03:22See, Sasha and I were friends.
03:24We've worked together.
03:25We've meddled in each other's romantic lives.
03:27Never in the entire time I have known her has she ever mentioned your name.
03:33Probably because she would rather I wasn't her mother.
03:37Holly, you came here looking for help.
03:39If you want that, you need to be honest with us.
03:43It's a long story.
03:46Long story or not, we deserve to know the truth.
03:52If you don't mind my asking.
03:54My mother is Holly Sutton.
03:57Of course, she never told me who my father was.
04:00I mean, why would she?
04:01She's a con artist.
04:02She literally lies for a living, which is probably not something I should tell the DA.
04:08Not that you seem surprised by that information.
04:12Holly and I were married.
04:14You and my mother.
04:18How long?
04:19Tricky question.
04:21You see, there were times that she thought that I was dead.
04:27And times that I thought that she was dead.
04:32And a lot of years.
04:35A lot of chaos.
04:37That sums up my mother's whole life.
04:41Never a dull moment.
04:45Why didn't you say something the last two times Holly was in Port Charles?
04:50Oh, my mother and I have nothing to do with each other.
04:53And I need to keep it that way, which is why I'm here.
04:57I need to prove that my mother is lying about you.
05:00And then I can cut her out of my life for good.
05:03Well, not that I would know one way or the other, but why would she lie about this?
05:11Good morning, Tracy.
05:14Laura, I just wanted a minute alone with Lulu.
05:19I'll leave the room for you.
05:29Can you stay for a minute?
05:35Um, I was actually thinking about you on the way over.
05:40I don't think I ever properly thanked you for looking after Ace.
05:44Oh, I was happy to help.
05:46Well, I just want you to know that that really meant a lot to me.
05:50That said, a grandson of yours is a terror.
05:55Thanks to him, we are repainting the walls of the nursery.
05:59Oh, no. What did he do to the walls?
06:02What didn't he do?
06:03But not to worry. I'm covering the cost.
06:06Oh, that's very generous of you, Tracy.
06:08I know it is.
06:12Well, Tracy, I want you to know that I'm aware this is not the first time you've stepped up to care for my family.
06:19And I will never forget how you cared for Lulu when I couldn't.
06:25Is Daddy at home now? Why didn't he come and get me?
06:29Well, your dad's busy making sure everything's just right so you can be together again.
06:33But being together will make everything just right.
06:36You know your dad. He just wants everything to be perfect.
06:40Which is why...
06:46Which is why he's gone to Seattle.
06:51Yeah, he got a job at a hospital there, and he has a really nice house, and it's right next to a great school.
06:57Uncle Chase, if I go to a new school, Goliath won't be there.
07:02That's right.
07:03When can we leave?
07:04How soon can you pack?
07:06I need to find my suitcase.
07:14I need a minute.
07:25Is this Anne McCall?
07:26Of all people.
07:28And did they run the second screening?
07:34She passed with flying colors.
07:37So this is really happening.
07:41Surgeries have already been scheduled.
07:44So yes, this is happening.
07:51This is amazing.
07:53When is this going to happen?
07:55Like, as soon as possible.
07:58Well, let us know if you need anything before the procedure or while you're recuperating.
08:03Yeah, anything at all. We're there.
08:07You're being quiet.
08:09I just love you so much, and I'm so proud of you.
08:13Stop making a bigger deal than this is.
08:17Do not tell me what to do. I'm your mother. This is a very big deal.
08:21It is.
08:22Honestly, I never saw this coming. I thought you were going to talk about what happened with Rick.
08:28What do you mean?
08:31Oh, well, we caught Rick having dinner with you and Jerome.
08:39And, I mean, they were laughing and having cocktails and just acting like nothing had ever happened.
08:47And honestly, I found it pretty disrespectful to both of us, so I had to say something.
08:52No, Christina, you didn't have to say anything. You never have to say anything. You just do.
08:59Mom was there, so just back me up, Mom.
09:02Oh my God, Mom, what did she say and how many people saw?
09:05I got there after everything.
09:08I knocked over Rick's glass and it broke, that's all.
09:12And let me guess, you were yelling the whole time.
09:15In a crowded restaurant full of witnesses.
09:17Christina, do you really not understand how you just helped Ava's defense?
09:26You okay?
09:28Yeah, sorry.
09:31We can hug, you know, especially with news this good.
09:35No, it's not that. It's just...
09:41It's just that for the past few days, all I've been able to think about is how the choices I've made in my life were somehow going to cost my sister hers.
09:56Lucky, we all have to make choices. There's no way you could predict this was going to happen.
10:05I know, I know, but it's just I still feel like I've let my little sister down.
10:14There's one thing I've learned from working at the hospital is that there are going to be days of sadness and grief and despair, and those days are no one's fault.
10:29It's a part of life.
10:32You know, sometimes life can be pretty damn terrible, huh?
10:36And it can be really great.
10:39Today's a good day. You should appreciate it.
10:45You're right.
10:49As always.
10:51Well, I don't know about that, but you are scoring really big points for saying it.
10:59Anyway, I appreciate you coming by with this update.
11:04My pleasure.
11:07Actually, you're not really the reason I'm here.
11:10Oh. Then why?
11:17Today I am a nurse and a babysitter.
11:23Oh? Seems like old times, huh?
11:27Well, things have changed a little. I'm 20 bucks an hour now.
11:32Highway robbery.
11:33Yeah, and I'm still gonna raid the fridge.
11:45I realized when I found out I was pregnant that I couldn't give up another child, not after the pain of abandoning Ethan.
11:55Are you talking about your pain or his pain?
11:59Maxie, please.
12:07I also realized I was in no position to raise a child.
12:11What did you do?
12:13My mother said that she would look after the baby.
12:18So I...
12:20I settled Sasha with her grandmother in Chepukwa and visited as often as I could.
12:26In between scams.
12:31I wasn't winning any Mother of the Year awards.
12:34I wasn't the person that Sasha ran to when she skinned her knee or performed in a school play.
12:40I was pretty much a mother in name only.
12:43It was her grandmother who raised her.
12:45But I did teach her everything I knew.
12:49About what?
12:51About what I do and how I do it.
12:55And Sasha wasn't just a good pupil.
12:59She was a natural.
13:01The reason she told me this, according to her, is that I am in a relationship with Cody Bell.
13:09Who happens to be my nephew.
13:13Yeah, I can see how that could be a concern.
13:16Only if it's true.
13:18Look, I don't know why my mother is trying to get between me and Cody, but I am not going to let her get away with it.
13:26Which is why I'm hoping that you will agree to a paternity test.
13:32Of course.
13:35Um, I can drop over to GH at the end of the day and do it then.
13:41Yeah, about GH.
13:44As I'm sure you know, my mother can be more than a little resourceful.
13:49You're concerned that she might get wind of this and tamper with the end result to come out the way she wants it to?
13:57Pretty much.
14:00Then we'll use the WSB lab.
14:03You can do that?
14:05Watch me.
14:12Yeah, listen, um, I need a favor.
14:21Uncle Chase?
14:25How far away is Seattle?
14:27By plane, it's about six hours.
14:35Are you and Aunt Brooklyn moving to Seattle too?
14:38No, we can't. Our whole lives are here.
14:41But we are definitely going to come visit.
14:46I'm going to miss you guys a lot.
14:51I'm going to miss you too, Violet.
14:54But you'll be alright.
14:56Yeah, why's that?
14:57Because you and Aunt Brooklyn will have a baby of your own.
15:03Uh, we'll see about that.
15:13You should give Bella the pig and Otto the owl to your new baby.
15:17But you love Bella and Otto. Are you sure?
15:20I'm too old for stuffed animals.
15:24How about this?
15:27Bella will stay here in Port Charles and then you can take Otto to Seattle.
15:32And that way, no matter where you are, you'll always feel like you're home.
15:37I'm glad Finn's doing well.
15:40Yeah, but why Seattle? I mean, can you even get a decent bagel in Seattle?
15:47Say that again.
15:56Say the whole thing. The whole sentence.
15:59Please, just say it.
16:01Can you even get a decent bagel in Seattle?
16:05There it is.
16:09There what is?
16:12Your beautiful accent is back.
16:14Aw, you really think it's beautiful?
16:17Strangely, I do.
16:19Aw, well, thank you. So do I.
16:22So, no more of Ms. Finch's proper diction?
16:27I only learned that for work. I never planned on using it for the rest of my life.
16:33You talked that way for weeks.
16:35Well, yeah, but like playing the guitar or skiing or learning an accent, you gotta work on it until it becomes second nature.
16:45You know, until you're comfortable with it.
16:48I'm comfortable with it, so I don't have to practice it anymore.
16:52I plan on using Ms. Finch's pronunciation when I'm on Home and Heart.
17:00But I'm gonna use my own pronunciation for the rest of the time.
17:04You're really amazing.
17:06Oh, thanks for noticing.
17:08But back to the original conversation, okay?
17:11Finn, I just don't know why he isn't mending fences at GH and just staying where he belongs.
17:20I didn't think you were so attached to him.
17:22I'm not. It's just, you know.
17:27Yeah. I'm going to miss Violet, too.
17:35Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here.
17:37No, no, no, no, no. You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong.
17:41I'm what's wrong.
17:43Oh, honey, does this have anything to do with Violet leaving so suddenly?
17:48I know that Violet belongs with her father. I do, and it's wonderful that they'll get a fresh start together.
17:55But I just can't stop thinking about how much I'm going to miss her.
18:01I'm starting to think of Violet as a daughter, just like I did with Bailey.
18:08It's hard enough giving her up. How am I supposed to do that again?
18:18Dr. Gannon, I'm Lucas Jones. Lucky, Spencer's my cousin.
18:23Dr. Jones, great to meet you.
18:25How's your recovery going?
18:28Why, what have you heard?
18:29About your progress? Nothing.
18:32About you second-guessing every specialist that tries to treat you?
18:36Heard a little about that.
18:38I'm sure my physical therapist would love to beat me to death with my knee brace.
18:42Well, admitting you're wrong is the first step to making things right.
18:45I never said I was wrong.
18:47Yeah, I noticed that.
18:49Anyway, the whole hospital's talking about how you saved my cousin Lulu. Nice work.
18:54I'm just glad I was there.
18:56Me too.
18:58Because we both know that ventilator never should have failed.
19:03So my mom asked you to babysit Ace, huh?
19:06Yeah. She wanted to get to the hospital before Lulu had her procedure, and the nanny's not coming until later.
19:13So I said I'd watch this little guy.
19:16He's not so little, is he?
19:22I can remember Aiden this size like it was yesterday.
19:29What was he like?
19:34What do you want to know? I mean, he was a lot of things.
19:40He loved music.
19:42He was always bouncing to the beat on the radio and banging on his little piano.
19:48He loved to sing.
19:51Is that right?
19:53And you and I both know I can't carry a tune, so...
19:57I know you got that musical gene from me all.
20:00When I was in the hospital, for all that time, it was you who stepped up and gave Lulu the care and the guidance that I couldn't give her.
20:14I will always be grateful to you.
20:18Having stepmotherhood thrust upon me was the last thing I wanted.
20:23Having stepmotherhood thrust upon me was the last thing I wanted.
20:29Especially considering the stepdaughter involved was...
20:36How shall I put this delicately?
20:39Why start now?
20:42So much like her father.
20:45You know, she was always very headstrong.
20:50That's a euphemism.
20:52Did you know she called me stepmonster?
20:55Oh, no.
20:57Oh, that's so rude. I'm sorry.
21:00She was selfish, inconsiderate, reckless.
21:06Yeah, well, like you said, she was a lot like her father.
21:10And just as glorious.
21:14Caring for your daughter...
21:18Was a privilege, Laura.
21:21Nothing less.
21:26Once she turned 12, I started to take her with me on my travels.
21:32Trips to Europe.
21:34Beautiful clothes. It was a one-on-one education in the finer things in life.
21:40I tried to share her with all the love and affection that I had, which turned out to be quite a bit.
21:50No one was more surprised than me.
21:53But she wanted to keep you at arm's length.
21:57She never really wanted anything to do with me.
22:01So... So that's that.
22:04Except, so far, you haven't mentioned a word about who Sasha's father is.
22:13Sasha was born...
22:16I had every reason to believe that her father was dead.
22:20And then...
22:22Years later, when I found out that he wasn't...
22:26It was...
22:28Too late to show up at his door with the happy news.
22:32Does dad have a name?
22:35Something tells me you already know.
22:38I have a pretty good idea.
22:41But I hope for Sasha's sake, I am wrong.
22:45For once, my dad isn't the bad guy here. Yours is.
22:49You're the one who caused a scene in public, not him.
22:52This is all about you blaming me for Adela's death.
22:55Her name is Irene.
22:56Hey, hey, hey. Come on, guys. Knock it off.
22:59Listen to your sister, will you?
23:01You both stop it.
23:02Dad's gonna use everything that she just did in that restaurant to prove that she's angry and violent.
23:08You might as well have signed an affidavit claiming that Ava's not at fault.
23:12That's a little harsh.
23:13Oh, so now you're gonna side with her?
23:16No, I love you both. I'm not siding with either one of you.
23:20What? So you're gonna turn your back on both of us instead of just siding with one of us?
23:29...Lulu and saw that her ventilator had been powered down.
23:32So I grabbed the envelope bag and started ventilating her.
23:36Nurse Baldwin showed up and started CPR.
23:39And we had kept her stabilized until the ventilator was able to be replaced.
23:44And the vent just powered down, like somebody turned it off.
23:50The simplest explanation is that someone accidentally touched something that they shouldn't have.
23:55And what's the complicated version?
23:58What are you thinking?
24:00That maybe someone did this on purpose.
24:07Can't rule that out.
24:09Which begs the question, who would tamper with a ventilator?
24:14And who would know how?
24:16I'd say go to the usual suspects, but this town is infested with the usual suspects.
24:22Yeah, I got that impression from Lucky.
24:26So, the way I see it, if we believe someone did this deliberately, we should be talking to the police.
24:37What do you got there?
24:39I heard about Violet's adventure, and I thought you might need this.
24:42It's so big.
24:44It has to be if you're going to take everything you own to Seattle.
24:47There's so much.
24:49We'll figure it out together.
24:51Well, it looks like you guys have things under control, so I'm going to leave you to it.
24:57Bye, Uncle Chase.
24:59Bye, Violet.
25:08So, Seattle.
25:13That's so cool.
25:15I'm going to watch ferry boats from my window.
25:18Sweet. What else are you looking forward to?
25:21Seeing my dad.
25:23Of course. What else?
25:27I'm a little nervous to start a new school, but I'm hoping the kids there will be nice.
25:34Makes total sense to be nervous.
25:40Lucky for you, I changed schools a bunch of times, and I picked up a few tricks along the way.
25:46Tell me everything.
25:50Caring for a child bonds you together.
25:54Isn't that right, Lois?
25:56Yes. Yes, it does.
25:59You know what? I really need to fix my makeup, because Violet's going to be down any minute, and I can't let her see me this way.
26:05Brooklyn, does Chase know how you feel?
26:08Oh, God, no.
26:10Why not?
26:12Because as hard as it is for me to say goodbye to Violet, it's going to be even worse for Chase.
26:17No, I need to hold us together, at least until she's gone.
26:22No, you don't.
26:25You weren't supposed to hear that.
26:27Well, it's a good thing you're terrible at keeping secrets.
26:30And just so you know, I feel the same way.
26:40Mac's brother. Cody's Sasha's boyfriend's father. That Robert.
26:47Robert is Sasha's father and Cody's uncle, which makes Sasha and Cody first cousins.
26:55Maxie, I think Holly would know who her child's father is.
26:59Mom, I have science on my side, and you did that DNA test between Mac and Cody, and then Sasha swapped Cody's sample out with hers, so...
27:07Yeah, I taught her that.
27:09Not helpful, Holly. Not then, not now.
27:13Sorry, sorry.
27:15Maxie, I see what you're getting at, but the test I had run was only to determine paternity between two subjects.
27:22It was a yes or no answer. No percentages.
27:27So science is not on my side.
27:30Robert is Sasha's father, and Sasha and Cody can't be together. Those are the facts.
27:38But Sasha refuses to believe me.
27:40Can't imagine why.
27:42Well, since my daughter won't listen to me, I was hoping that Mac could break the news to his son gently.
27:51I can't believe how far off course you are here, Holly.
27:56Of course you have to talk to somebody, but it's not Mac.
28:04Well, that's that. Our samples are on their way to the Bureau lab.
28:11Thanks again for being so understanding and patient.
28:16I know you must have whiplash right now.
28:19Well, not for the first time. Especially with Holly.
28:23It's probably easier to deal with her when she's your wife.
28:27But when she's your mother, rolling with whatever insanity she threw at me was not a great way to grow up.
28:37You know, I'll say this. Holly's methods may be questionable, but her heart is in the right place.
28:50That's what she always says to her marks.
28:55I'm sorry.
28:59You don't hear me disagreeing with you, do you?
29:03I will say that of all the men my mother could claim are my father, I'm glad she chose you.
29:12Thank you. I mean, I feel it's mutual.
29:18Well, don't get too attached.
29:23The results aren't in yet.
29:38Going to the police is definitely on the table, but cops like evidence and we don't have any.
29:43Not yet, but I heard Dr. Robinson say they're checking Malulu's vent for any flaws or damages that could have caused the power down.
29:50I'm interested to see what they find.
29:53Sam, I gotta get to my PT session.
29:56Don't hurt your therapist.
29:59I'll do my best.
30:01And, Dr. Gannon, thank you. For everything.
30:14Okay, Nanny's pretty nice down for a nap, and I am off to work.
30:19Well, glad we had a chance to catch up.
30:22Me too.
30:24Just out of curiosity, um, did Aiden ever take music lessons?
30:31Once he became obsessed with baking, music kind of took a back seat.
30:36Well, at least he found something he loves and that he's good at.
30:40Still don't know where that talent came from.
30:44You should talk to him about music. I think he would like it.
30:49Yeah, yeah, I think I will.
30:53Hmm. I'm off to work.
30:56Yeah, I'm right behind you. I just gotta call a ride share.
31:00Do you still not have a car?
31:03I'm working on it.
31:05Would you like me to give you a ride?
31:08You sure?
31:09Come on. You can serenade me like old times.
31:14Speaking of singing, do you remember when we sang Jailhouse Rock at the Nurses Ball?
31:20Don't remind me.
31:22Hey, come on. We were good. I mean, I was good.
31:26Do you want that ride or not?
31:30Okay, you're right. I absolutely have to talk to Robert.
31:35We'll be following up with Robert in an hour.
31:37Okay. You win.
31:40I don't think there are any winners here.
31:55Yes, sweetheart.
32:01For what?
32:03Being here.
32:04I, uh...
32:06I know there was a time that you weren't, and...
32:10I gave you a pretty hard time about it.
32:14I deserved it.
32:16Maybe then, but...
32:19definitely not now.
32:21And I'm really lucky to have you.
32:24I'm the lucky one.
32:27Do you think Holly and Sasha are gonna find their way back?
32:31Do you think Holly and Sasha are gonna find their way back to each other?
32:36I honestly don't know.
32:39I hope so.
32:42I don't know how I'm gonna say goodbye to Violet without crying.
32:46I'm sure we're all gonna be a mess.
32:48Isn't that right, Lois?
32:50Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's gonna be messy.
32:52Well, that's the problem. I don't wanna upset Violet.
32:55You won't. I promise.
32:57She was just talking about planning a trip to visit her future cousin.
33:01I'm not premature, but I do like her optimism.
33:04I know that Violet being with her dad is what's best for her.
33:08I mean, did you see the look on her face when you told her she was gonna live with her dad again?
33:12She can't wait to see him.
33:14Yeah. Maybe we should go help her pack.
33:17Gio's got it under control.
33:19Okay, good. Cause I don't know if I could bear it.
33:22Would you guys excuse me for a minute? Thanks.
33:26Look at the bright side.
33:28You're not alone.
33:29We are all gonna have a hard time saying goodbye.
33:32That's right. Because Violet's family.
33:35Oh no.
33:39Brooklyn, Brooklyn, what's wrong?
33:42Violet is leaving and we forgot to tell Tracy.
33:46The only person happier than me when you came home was Lulu.
33:50And maybe you.
33:52Yeah. I slept for such a long time.
33:55It's a terrible thing to be stuck in your head like that.
33:57head like that I'm sure Lulu knows that better than anybody right now you know
34:03you need to know that the entire time you were gone your Lulu never gave up
34:10hope she knew that you would come back to her and she will come back to me
34:17Laura we need to talk about Lulu's surgery okay
34:28I am not turning my back on either one of you well you keep making excuses
34:34please it's the last thing I need today she's right Sam is always there for both
34:42of you and today she needs your support do you think you could manage that
34:47yeah fine I'll make nice as I'm always expected to do this is you know I have
34:53had enough of this I've gotta go drop my kids off at the
34:58quarter mains and go to the hospital bye Sam
35:04well proud of yourselves
35:16there's too much stuff that's not gonna fit what do we say never give up never
35:22surrender oh see told you we'd get in on everything you needed not everything
35:33goodbyes are hard but you're gonna be with your dad that's the most important
35:52hi granny listen when you coming home I have no idea whatever it is can it wait
36:01it's violet something wrong no no not at all in fact everything's great
36:12let's go on home
36:15hi hey Maxie hello we're friends and you know you can tell me anything right
36:33my mother told you
36:38hello Robert Holly come in how's the day treating you thus far
36:47I'm really glad you asked that because there is a personal matter a highly
36:56deeply personal matter that I need to discuss with you
37:00it sounds serious it is it could change everything
37:08well don't keep me in suspense
37:13how do I put this into words how about Robert you have a daughter
37:22well they say there's no wrong way to grieve but I'll be damned if you two
37:28haven't found one wait what you heard me now I need you both to get past your
37:34pain and see what your endless sniping is doing to this family that isn't fair
37:39look I'm trying no you are not trying neither one of you is making an effort
37:46you both should be helping each other through this healing together but you're
37:52so hell-bent on trying to take a piece out of each other you're choosing to
37:58burn this family to the ground
38:04the transplant team has come across a potential complication with Lulu surgery
38:09what kind of a complication please tell me that you're still planning on doing
38:15the transplant
38:23on the next general hospital if I could make those odds better
38:28you're just the two people I was looking for why didn't you tell me then we had a
38:32daughter I will not let her take Cody away from me trying to convince me you
38:36try to convince yourself we'll do exactly what you asked