• 2 days ago
00:00CC main event is about to get underway a lot on the line the championship has been decided
00:05But the battle for second place is going to be intense
00:07Let me set it up quickly
00:09Damon Bradshaw is seven points ahead of Jeff Stanton now the rider that ends up the season in that number two position will take home
00:17$50,000 from the RJ rentals folks the camel brand and that's a lot of bucks card is sideways this one Marty about to get underway
00:24Quickly your pick
00:27You gotta go with Bradshaw. He was the most exciting rider and the fastest rider in heat race competition the gate is down
00:33It's underway Bradshaw stuck in the game Bradshaw is not going to win this one. No way
00:38He's still stumbling back in the gate as we're taking a look at the pack
00:42And it looked like Larry Ward rider number 10
00:45And it is Ward on the Suzuki followed by Jeff Ward a pair of words out front Jimmy
00:49Candice is right up there
00:51Look at this Janice who was one of the stars of that 125 class is giving chase to the leaders Jeff
00:56Matasovic is in there Jeff Stanton back in about the seventh or eighth spot and there's Bradshaw. Oh boy. He has got to be mad
01:06That starting gate that Bradshaw was stuck in it's designed to curb a rider from jumping the gate the
01:13Individual sections of the gate will allow the gate to drop and if one rider has nudged ahead that rider will be caught while the
01:20Rest of you can go ahead. There goes the task of it
01:22He made a pass now Matasovic moving through traffic has already moved up one position
01:26There's Larry Ward out front the Suzuki rider Jeff Ward last week's winner
01:30Running in the number two position rider number three, and I believe that Matasovic now has moved up to the number three position
01:38And there is chicken Jeff Matasovic running third
01:41But right now Larry wore the board the Suzuki
01:44Showing the rest of the veterans in this one the short way around the racetrack and there's a rider that none of us talked about
01:54And Jeff Ward trying to put the moves on Larry Ward no relation let's establish that
02:00Jeff Ward going to the inside and more he wants another win. He won just one week ago
02:04He's looking to make a two-in-a-row
02:06Warren alongside has he got enough momentum can he push it he does he makes the pass
02:11He puts Larry Ward out in Ward E the veteran one week from tonight will be 30 years of age
02:18He's going to celebrate that birthday at the LA Coliseum has taken over the number one spot
02:23What a thrill for Jeff Ward Larry there's got to be a lot going on in Jeff's mind right now
02:28He's crashed twice tonight. He's got a smooth out. He wants this win badly
02:32I don't think you're going to see that kind of a ride a crash-filled ride from Ward E
02:37He's put itself in that front running position. I here's a bad look at this
02:42Matasovic working on Larry Ward you talked earlier about the intensity and Jeff Matasovic and wanting to win bad
02:48Well, Matt Matasovic grew up not too far from here
02:51Now he goes deep into the corner
02:53But Larry Ward saw it coming and he just got on the brakes and dove on there you go
02:58Here we go aboard right back to the inside what a battle they're having for this number two position
03:04This is the kind of thing that will make Matasovic. He'll be mad now. Watch this
03:10Beautiful pass good pass the war does the same thing this time does he have enough momentum? No indeed Matasovic
03:16Look at Dubrovnik second of corners three consecutive corners
03:21Has put himself right into the driver's seat in this one as he now gives chase to his teammate and the veteran Jeff Ward
03:31Doug Dubok, he said look at Dubok
03:33He's just propped up in the number four position coming into our screen Dubok has got a slot through this traffic behind Dubok
03:40And here's guy Cooper what we have got all up front Doug Dubok Jeff Stanton is up there
03:45This one has got a long way to go and it's going to be a great main event
03:49Matasovic in second as they dive over the
03:52Junked in the humps here in San Jose Spartan Stadium, and there's the leader the man of the hour
03:58Trying to open up some kind of a lead to leave the rest of these riders behind, but they're not going anywhere
04:05You know they're back in about six or seven spot, and he's having a hard time making time on these guys
04:11It's a very hard track to make up time. It is indeed. It's not really a rough track, so you've really got to
04:16Plan your lines
04:18And you really have to be precise if you're going to make some kind of a pass and most of the passing that has been
04:22Done has been done either in that group to do section that series of moguls
04:27Or through a block pass maneuver
04:31There's not much else you can do Dubok is fast Ward Ward has dropped off the pace now
04:36And here comes Mike Fisher. We're watching Dubok go through that set of whoops
04:39And he's going through there just about as fast as anybody I've seen all night
04:43Well Marty Doug Dubok has the ability to ride on any portion of the racetrack just as fast as anyone else, but you're right
04:49He's really attacking that whoops section Dubot's nickname is the doctor the doctor
04:54We told you to go fast, but he really shines like that in both Spartan Stadium in San Jose, California
05:01Passive it has closed the gap on Jeff Ward now only a couple of bike lanes separating first and second Jeff Ward
05:07The running room
05:09Unbelievable race action, but passive edge with a lot of relatives a lot of friends here in the stands
05:14I've spent a lot of his younger life in this area, but Tesla's almost goes down
05:18He tried to get that block pass and he made it stick, but he almost went down in the process
05:22I think Ward saw that coming and hit the brakes to avoid that
05:26Confrontation Larry these guys trained during the week they ride about three or four days a week together
05:31They know exactly what the other one's going to make a move exactly when
05:36And look at that who's that Leroy Cooper guy Cooper has moved to the number-two position and Cooper is on the gas
05:42He's passed Ward
05:43Unbelievable, where did Cooper come from?
05:46We're not having any of that though. He's right on his tail again. Guy Cooper right now watching Cooper is after Matasovich
05:53I want to go back one week ago
05:54We were in Oklahoma City Cooper and Matasovich was a couple of confrontations and Matasovich actually took Cooper out
06:01Now it's going to be interesting to see if Cooper can pass Matasovich or catch him
06:06I should say it's going to be interesting to see how he will treat this because frankly he owes Matasovich one
06:12What a race we're having out here tonight Jeff Matasovich is out in front and here's Bradshaw again working his way through the pack
06:19He's gotten around to Grosky Morocco a whole host of riders
06:23He's not going to be able to come close to catching the leaders, but he's doing a dynamite job
06:28Matasovich and here comes Cooper Cooper has closed the gap on Jeff Matasovich
06:32Jeff Ward running third, but the action is up front for the number one position
06:36It's Matasovich right at number seven Cooper just cut to the inside a little bit Matasovich now knows he is there
06:45There's the look at the back in the back we just saw Jeff Stanton there's Jean-Michel Bale
06:50He's well off the pace Mike Fisher a lot of the top riders not even getting a smell in this one
06:56Cooper dropping back about two bike lengths on that last lap still giving chase to Jeff Matasovich our leader rider number seven
07:03And Bale has gone down Jean-Michel Bale who has ramped up the championship
07:08Bale is certainly not giving up the ride that I thought he would I really thought that he would be more competitive and closer
07:15in the hunt in this one I
07:17Thought he'd ride a little more relaxed tonight Larry and maybe ride a little loose show a little style
07:21But you never know we didn't see the crash. He may have run in the back of somebody
07:26Jeff Matasovich out front
07:28We're looking at Jeff Ward rider number three being chased by Dubac and Stanton
07:32Ward was the winner one week ago at Oklahoma City. He's not going to get a smell in this one as
07:38The two guys out front. That's a prediction. He's not out of it. Let me clarify that
07:42He's still well within striking distance
07:44But I just feel the two guys in front of him really have the momentum going their way and here they are
07:49It's Jeff Matasovich followed by Guy Cooper. We are seeing a barnburner here at Spartan Stadium in San Jose, California
07:56Route 17 of the Camel Supercross Series it is dynamite
08:00Here comes Cooper Cooper drawing close again that whoop-de-doo section the Suzuki looks good. I
08:07Think Kawasaki has a little horsepower on him, but the Suzuki looks like the suspension works a little better through the whoops and
08:14Cooper I didn't see him there momentarily in the screen
08:17And I thought that he might have made a big error, but there he goes look at this going to the inside
08:21He's trying to make this a a good clean race
08:25He's trying to avoid contact
08:26But there's no way that you can avoid contact to make the pass or I should say not contact
08:31But avoid a block pass and Cooper's not going to get the job done unless he does that that's right Larry
08:36This is Supercross. This is a contact sport
08:39Now he had the chance right there Matasovich went way wide and Cooper could have
08:44Taken the line away from me, but he chose not to let me let me run something else by you Marty
08:48Could Cooper be waiting would he rather maybe do it on the last couple of laps and not give Matasovich the chance to do it
08:55Back Larry right now Cooper is staking Matasovich out
08:58He's following him seeing where his weakness is and he's trying to get close just before that weakness
09:04So he can put a clean pass on him now both
09:06Doug Dubock and Jeff Stanton are past Jeff Ward in that battle
09:12Just slightly off the pace and here we are with the front runners and there's
09:17Damon Bradshaw
09:21Damon Bradshaw has passed Jeff Ward and is closing on Jeff Stanton. This is unbelievable. This is unbelievable
09:32Marty I don't know what to say about that Damon Bradshaw is just off the pace with Jeff Stanton. Look at this
09:38He's in the screen. This is unbelievable
09:41Bradshaw is riding another race compared to these guys Larry and meanwhile Cooper and Matasovich is just hammering each other
09:47Coming out of that tunnel Cooper might have the pass made. Let's see what happens
09:51No, Matasovich held on. He's the stronger rider. I thought Cooper had the shot there, but no he didn't
09:57And Cooper had a chance there and he didn't take it. Watch through the loops here horsepower to suspension
10:04Cooper has taken over. Can he hold on?
10:07Let's see what happens
10:09Second week in a row both Cooper and Matasovich goes down Matasovich. I don't believe it hit Cooper on the helmet
10:15Last lap action and either one of them are going to win this one incredible Doug Dubock
10:19Doug Dubock is out front here comes Stanton and right behind him Bradshaw. This is unbelievable on one lap to go
10:27Unbelievable race action watch Bradshaw Bradshaw is gonna pass Stanton. He definitely does now
10:33He's got Dubock, his Yamaha teammate in front of him. This is an impossibility
10:37I can't believe that Bradshaw was able to come back that strong and that hard. This is the most incredible race
10:42We have seen all season. Dubock has never won a supercross race. Is it going to be Dubock or Bradshaw?
10:47Doug Dubock!
10:49Doug Dubock took the win and unbelievable just an unbelievable situation
10:55Damon Bradshaw rode the race of his life
10:58He was so far back and he came all the way up to finish in the number two position
11:03Marty Smith you tell me look at Bradshaw
11:06Have you ever seen or been involved in a more incredible race in your life? Never Larry
11:12I've been involved in racing for over 20 years. I've never seen a race like that
11:16Bradshaw was probably going a good three to four seconds a lap faster than anybody tonight on the course. This is just
11:22incredible Bradshaw
11:25Doug Dubock, let's go back Marty. We want to take a look at that crash with Cooper and the Tasevich
11:31We're going to bring that up take a peek and maybe we can see what went on
11:36It looked to me like well, I'm not going to call we're going to take a look at it
11:41You tell me what you see here. They are side-by-side through the roof. Now, let's watch it
11:45Up over the top Cooper's made the pass
11:47Okay, right now Cooper's trying to move over to the left side to get the inside line chicken does not want him there
11:52He gasses it they both hit the jump
11:57Cooper took the Tasevich's front wheel out. There was no place. There's no room for two bikes in one line
12:05Here's Dubock and Bradshaw do this has to be the happiest night. They're both pumped
12:10There's Brian Lunas at the center of the mechanic for David Bradshaw and Damon is incredibly happy for Doug Dubock
12:16I'm not in your wildest dreams
12:17Would you have imagined that Doug Dubock would win a supercross event a tremendous
12:22He's just a great guy and a great rider
12:25But he has never shown the promise to win one of these events and Marty
12:28He rode the wheels off the motorcycle tonight was in the right place at the right time. That's right. That's a job done
12:34That's persistent. He was right up there without being up where he was
12:37He wouldn't have a chance or the opportunity to win this race tonight
12:40I say again, it is the most incredible evening of racing this main event that I have ever seen it had everything
12:47Just everything
12:48So Doug Dubock has always been just inches short of the big wins and frankly you kind of fall into that rut and you think
12:55Maybe he's never going to get one
12:57He had it tonight the biggest of all and everyone is happy for Dubock
13:00It doesn't seem to be a team barrier at all
13:03Here's a look at the results the riders have finished behind Doug Dubock
13:07What an incredible race Bradshaw finishes second that comes from behind effort Stanton third Mike Fisher fourth Mike Morocco fifth
13:14We'll be back to talk with the doctor right after this one by Doug Dubock the post race festivities in full swing
13:21Marty let's go back and take a look at what I think is a key pass in this thing and Bradshaw's Drive
13:26Here's Doug Dubock now. He's leading but watch what happens with Bradshaw and Stanton Larry
13:30I think that Bradshaw was just going so incredibly much faster than everybody in the race course that anybody in his way is gonna get
13:36Passed anywhere. I don't know how Stanton made it underneath that tunnel
13:40It looked like he was being shoved way out to left field
13:43Bradshaw indeed was incredible and certainly was going faster than anyone else not to take anything away from Doug Dubock and
13:50Speaking of Dubock
13:51Let's go down to Winner's Circle where we're going to find the happiest man in the US of a his first ever
13:57Supercross win Damon Bradshaw joins him on the rostrum
14:01Yeah, this is the first AMA Supercross. I've won here in the United States
14:05I've won in plenty of them overseas, but this is my first here
14:08I just can't explain
