• last year
00:00In 1983, the Europeans showed up in force, but it was an American, Team Honda's David Bailey, who stole the show.
00:06The Virginia rider won the overall title with moto finishes of first and second.
00:10Dan Laporte followed Bailey home with another American, Brian Myerscough, providing Unadilla fans with an American sweep of the first three places.
00:19It was a happy Bailey in the Unadilla winner's circle.
00:22The Europeans would have to wait until next year.
00:26In 1984, the Europeans again showed up in force, but again their efforts fell short.
00:31The Europeans had to take a backseat to their American rivals.
00:35Leading the way for the Americans was Unadilla's adopted son, number 33, Bob Hurricane Hanna.
00:40Hanna and his Honda teammate, number 34, Ron Lachine, provided Unadilla fans with a first-rate battle.
00:46But in the end, it was Suzuki mounted Mark Barnett across the finish line, first in moto number one.
00:53In moto number two, Mark Barnett again stormed to the front and appeared to have victory well in hand.
00:58Then, mechanical problems set in and opened the door for Ron Lachine, who won the moto and took the overall victory.
01:05Lachine was followed by Hanna and Barnett.
01:07For the second straight year, Americans swept the top three places.
