Motorcycle Types for Beginners - How to Choose at

  • 4 hours ago
00:00Howdy, this is Lemmy, and Spurge, here to talk to you today about how to choose a motorcycle.
00:10If you're watching this video, perhaps you're a rookie rider, you have no idea what motorcycle
00:14might be appropriate for you.
00:15Then again, you might be at the opposite end of the spectrum.
00:18You might be a seasoned vet who simply took a hiatus and found that the motorcycle market
00:21you returned to is vastly different than the one that you left.
00:25In either case, we can help you out today.
00:27We're going to talk about some of the various categories that exist on today's motorcycle
00:30market to help you figure out which bike might be most appropriate for you.
00:34Now, remember, this is just the first video in a series we have for beginning riders.
00:38We have some other videos on how to buy a new bike and how to buy a used bike.
00:42But today, what we're going to concentrate on is breaking down those classes so you know
00:45exactly what type of bike you might want to look at when you walk into a dealer or check
00:49out that Craigslist ad.
00:51Now, I'm going to be talking to you about some of the features of each of these bikes
00:54that help them be good at a certain task.
00:56We're going to debate some of the pros and cons of those construction pieces on the motorcycles
01:01And while Lem's breaking down the features for the bike, my job is to talk to you how
01:04the bike feels from an ergonomic standpoint.
01:07Now, keep in mind, there's a lot of you out there that might have fallen in love with
01:10a certain style of bike.
01:11Take a sport bike, for example.
01:14Looks awesome, looks fast, hardcore lines, and that bike might be appropriate for aggressive
01:18rides with your friends or attacking a track day on a Sunday afternoon, but it's probably
01:22not the most appropriate machine if you're going to be commuting back and forth to the
01:25office on a regular basis.
01:27Now, while we're not intending in this video to tell you what bike is right or wrong for
01:31you, what we would like to do is just give you some recommendations about what you can
01:35expect from each of these machines and how it's going to affect the actual riding that
01:39you're doing.
01:40Because just remember, the style of riding you might think you'll be doing might be a
01:43lot different than the riding you actually do.
01:46And because these bikes are constructed differently, they come in all shapes and sizes, much like
01:51many riders.
01:52It means they interact with people's bodies differently.
01:54So for example, take a look at me as I'm sitting on the Sportster.
01:56My feet are firmly planted on the ground, and I feel like I have complete control of
02:00the bike.
02:01For new riders out there that have never ridden a motorcycle before, being able to have your
02:04feet firmly on the ground is going to instill confidence in you right from the get-go, as
02:09is the body positioning.
02:10You know, my hands are directly out in front of me, my shoulders are pretty much on top
02:13of my hips, and then when I put my feet up on the pegs, they're directly below me, so
02:17I feel like I'm just sitting nice and upright on the machine.
02:20Now if you have any doubts about whether or not the motorcycle is right for you, you know,
02:24the same way you would try on a pair of jeans or clothes before you buy them, try out the
02:28I'm not talking about a test drive.
02:29I'm talking about walking into your dealership, putting your ass in the seat, grabbing the
02:33handlebars, and sitting there for 10 or 15 minutes to see how you feel.
02:37Now before we get too far, I'm going to encourage you to hit that subscribe button so you can
02:40catch not just the rest of the videos in this series, but some of the other cool motorcycle
02:43content we roll out here at
02:46We're constantly reviewing parts and gear, and we also shake out new motorcycles too,
02:49which might help some of you looking for a new bike.
02:52Now we're going to break this video down very, very simply.
02:55We're going to kick things off with street bikes.
02:57If a bike was made to roll mostly on the pavement, we're going to be talking about it in this
03:01first section.
03:02After that, of course, we're going to get to the dirt bikes, those of you looking for
03:05an off-road adventure.
03:08Let's kick things off with one of my favorite classes of bike, and that is the standard.
03:12Standard motorcycles are usually fairly sporting machines, and they're best exemplified by
03:17having zero fairings on them.
03:18These things are generally fairly naked.
03:20You'll hear that term used from time to time.
03:22They're not sporting plastic side fairings.
03:25Now these motorcycles are not the perfect tool for any job.
03:29However, they can handle lots and lots of different scenarios with aplomb.
03:33For instance, this SV650 could very easily be taken to a track day, but it's also comfortable
03:38enough that you wouldn't mind taking an all-day trip on this motorcycle either.
03:41It's a very versatile machine.
03:43Spurge, how do you feel on this baby?
03:45There's no surprise as to why the standard style of motorcycle is going to be just a
03:48do-anything machine, and it's going to be extremely appropriate for new riders.
03:51If you look at where my hands are, my hands are directly in front of me.
03:54There's maybe a slight drop to the bar, which means I have a little bit more weight on my
03:57wrist, but that's going to benefit the rider because it puts a little bit more pressure
04:00on their front wheel, which makes the bike easier to steer.
04:03The other thing you'll notice, my shoulders aren't quite perpendicular to the ground.
04:06They're a little bit more forward than my hips, but then my feet are going to be directly
04:09underneath me.
04:10If you notice, I have an easy reach to the ground, so I have a firm control of the bike,
04:15much like we talked about there in that beginning segment.
04:16Thanks, Spurge.
04:17What do you say we move ahead to the next bike?
04:21Next up, we have the sport bike.
04:22Sport bikes are patterned after road racing machines.
04:25You'll notice how sleek and aerodynamic this bike looks, and that's in part due to the
04:29plastic fairings on this motorcycle.
04:32Sport bikes are very appropriate, as I had mentioned, for racing.
04:35If you plan on doing a track day, a sport bike is just the thing.
04:38You can also use them on the street, too, but I'd say they're probably best used for
04:41shorter, more spirited rides.
04:43Due to the aggressive body position on here, it's hard to remain comfortable for most riders
04:47on a sport bike for a really long time.
04:50The other reason, too, I wouldn't probably recommend these for a beginner, unless you're
04:53in the beginner class of sport bikes, is that the larger machines, the middleweights, I
04:57can see Spurgey on here on this R6, or the larger bikes, generally are extreme machines.
05:02When I say that, I mean that in a lot of different senses.
05:05They're very, very fast, and they also have razor-sharp braking and handling, which doesn't
05:10really bode well for a beginner who might not have mastered inputs on the motorcycle.
05:15The other thing that's really extreme on these things, too, is the body positioning.
05:18Spurge, how are you feeling on that puppy?
05:20You can see right from the get-go, compared to the bikes we've talked about, I'm in a
05:23much more aggressive position.
05:25My hands, they're actually at or slightly below where my knees are.
05:29My shoulders are pitched forward.
05:31My ass is pushed way far back, as are my feet.
05:34That's going to put me in this really aggressive tuck-down position.
05:37This is a great position, like you said, if I'm planning on aggressively riding or tackling
05:42a track day.
05:43If I'm just commuting back and forth, chances are 30 to 45 minutes, I'm going to start to
05:47grow uncomfortable.
05:48That's not to say that there's not riders out there that do it.
05:51There's plenty of riders that commute on these style of bikes.
05:53We're just going to say that this might not be the most appropriate machine to do that
05:56on, especially when you consider some of the more advanced race-style mechanics on this
06:01bike, like the suspension, for example.
06:03If you're using this on the street and you start to hit potholes, bumps, and bruises,
06:06this is going to transmit all of that back to the rider, which can cause you to feel
06:10a little bit unsettled.
06:12The sport bike might not be the most appropriate machine for you to start out on.
06:16Excellent point, Spurge.
06:17Let's roll on the next bike.
06:18All right, you can see now, Spurgey is on arguably the antithesis of a sport bike, and
06:24that is the Cruiser.
06:26Cruisers are bikes built for a nice long, low cruise, as the name may imply.
06:31These things prioritize comfort over speed.
06:34Now, there's a couple of characteristics about a Cruiser that make them particularly good
06:38for beginner riders.
06:40The first is that these bikes, even though they have very large engines, they have very
06:43large engines that deliver very controllable power.
06:46They're typically very forgiving for beginners who happen to make some mistakes.
06:51One of the other things, too, that makes them particularly suited to beginning riders is
06:54the fact that you'll notice this front wheel is kicked out just a little bit.
06:57We say that the frame has a little more rake.
06:59By having that front wheel out there, it makes the steering and handling a little bit
07:02more controllable on this motorcycle, and again, also forgiving to rookies who might
07:07happen to make a mistake or two.
07:09Now, there's a class of rider, too, who might be very interested in the Cruiser, and that's
07:13those of you who have short inseams.
07:15If you're a shorter rider, a Cruiser is almost universally a good choice, because just about
07:19every one of them across the board has a very low seat height.
07:22It means that even if you're not a large motorcyclist, even if you're on a large motorcycle, you'll
07:26find yourself able to easily control the bike.
07:29Now, these things are built, of course, for comfort, not for speed.
07:32So, Spurge, tell me all about how you're feeling on this puppy.
07:35Spurge, you've finally gotten me on a Harley, and you can see that I am in much more of
07:39a slouched riding position.
07:41My hands are going to be at or slightly above my shoulders, and my shoulders are going to
07:46be kind of like slouched back with my ass almost kicked out in front of my shoulders
07:51a little bit, and then my feet are going to have two different options.
07:54As you can see right here, they're going to be kicked out in front of me using a forward
07:58Now, I say two different options because Cruisers are usually available in two different flavors.
08:03I've currently got the forward control on this bike, and that means that I'm actually
08:06going to actuate my brake and my shift levers on my left side with my feet pushed forward.
08:12Now, if this bike were to have mids on it, what you would notice is that my feet would
08:15actually be sitting just slightly below my hips, and that's going to be much more what
08:20I would say, for me personally, comfortable riding experience, because it makes me feel
08:24like I have more leverage over the bike than something that's kicked out a little bit more
08:28in front, but really, it's going to vary rider to rider.
08:31Excellent point.
08:32As Spurgeon mentions, I personally prefer forwards when I'm riding a Cruiser.
08:35I find that to be just a little bit more comfortable for me.
08:38Even among experienced riders riding the same bike, there's not even a consensus necessarily
08:42on what is right, so I'm going to kind of reiterate what we told you the first time
08:46Spend some time on a bike.
08:48Sit on it.
08:49It's not weird at all to be in a showroom or perhaps to park yourself on a used bike
08:52and just ask for 10 or 15 minutes to make sure the bike is comfortable for you.
08:56Let's move on to the next class of motorcycle.
08:59Already, now we come to the class of motorcycle that offers more smiles per gallon than just
09:04about anything else, and that is the scooter.
09:08Scooters are kind of interesting.
09:09These are really offered in a broad variety of sizes.
09:12The smaller bikes are excellent for in-town work.
09:14If you live in an urban area and you want to just run some errands, scooters are absolutely
09:20Now, there's also a larger class of scooter known as maxi-scooters, and those are much,
09:24much bigger with more powerful engines, and they can actually attain motorcycle speeds.
09:27In fact, legally, they're actually classified as motorcycles.
09:31They offer lots and lots of storage capacity, and taking a really long trip on one isn't
09:35out of the equation at all.
09:37Now, scooters are built a little bit differently than a regular motorcycle.
09:40Looking at this, it obviously visually is much different.
09:42Let's go through some of the construction features on here that make it a little different
09:45than some of the other bikes we've talked about already.
09:48First, let me direct your attention to the wheels on here.
09:51You'll notice these wheels are a much smaller diameter than the other bikes we've looked
09:55Generally, these contribute to the easy-handling nature of a scooter.
09:59Note also the platform where Spurgeon has his feet there.
10:02The step-through design is sort of a hallmark of this scooter.
10:05It's entirely different in terms of where your feet sit than really almost every other
10:09motorcycle out there on the market.
10:11Note also underneath Spurgeon as well, there's plenty of storage.
10:15Believe it or not, there's a surprising amount of cargo-carrying capability on a scooter,
10:19especially relative to its size.
10:21Now, also in that same vicinity, too, is the transmission.
10:24We should talk about that just briefly.
10:27With the exception of older scooters, almost every single one of these things has an automatic
10:32So, if the prospect of learning to drive a manual transmission vehicle is kind of daunting
10:36for you, a scooter might be the perfect gateway drug into the world of motorcycling.
10:40Spurgeon, I have to say, you look adorable.
10:43You look like you're ready for a day shopping at the Italian market.
10:46How are you feeling on this puppy?
10:47You look good.
10:48You feel good, Len.
10:49That's what I always say.
10:50So, when I'm sitting on this thing, I mean, I can't help but smile.
10:53But really what you're talking about from a body position standpoint, my handlebars
10:57are definitely closer to me than anything we've talked about so far.
11:00I feel like my hands are almost sitting at my knees.
11:03Shoulders are still right on top of my hips, but my legs are definitely more in front of
11:07me than anything else because if this was a motorcycle, my feet are sitting right where
11:11the engine would normally be.
11:13So, I think if you've never ridden a motorcycle before, you're not going to notice that.
11:17But for those of you that are kind of coming off of maybe an MSF course where you've been
11:20practicing on a bike, getting onto a scooter might be a little bit of a different experience
11:24for you.
11:25But you do have a lot more room, and you do have that clear, planted feel to the ground.
11:29And because these things are so lightweight, you never feel like you're intimidated.
11:32The other point to make is if you are coming off of an MSF course, this is not to be confused
11:37with a motorcycle in the fact that, like Len mentioned, it's a fully automatic.
11:40So, you don't want to grab that front lever thinking it's a clutch because it's actually
11:43a brake, and you will throw yourself right over the front.
11:46But other than that, it's a fun little machine to learn how to ride a bike on.
11:49Well, Spurgeon, you look fantastic on your Italian shopping scooter there.
11:53What do you say we move on to the next motorcycle?
11:56Now, this large barge you can see over here is Spurgeon.
11:59But Spurgeon is on another large barge, and that's the touring motorcycle.
12:03You may hear touring bikes also called dressers or baggers.
12:07Touring bikes are meant to carry lots of stuff at high speeds for long distances.
12:12Now, the signifying factor that makes a touring bike is big, big storage, often integrated
12:18right into the motorcycle.
12:20You'll notice back there, this thing has some huge saddlebags on it.
12:23And the Street Glide that Spurgeon is on here is actually one of the more stripped-down
12:25touring bikes you can put your money down on.
12:28A lot of full touring bikes actually also have a top case or top box on the back for
12:32additional bring-it-along capacity.
12:35Now, because these bikes are meant to be ridden for long clips of time, the manufacturers
12:39typically make them very comfortable for riders.
12:41And I mean that in terms of both seating position as well as appointments on the motorcycle.
12:46It's not uncommon at all on a touring bike to see full audio systems and navigational
12:50aids just in an effort to make a rider's ride as good as possible.
12:54Now, moving back to the touring bike providing lots and lots of comfort, again, these are
12:57meant to keep riders happy in the saddle for quite a while.
13:00So I expect we're going to find that Spurgeon is very comfortable in this bike.
13:03Spurgeon, can you confirm or deny for us, please?
13:05So, I mean, out of all the bikes we've talked about so far, this is the one that's definitely
13:09big enough to fit me from my size standpoint.
13:11There's plenty of room for me to move around.
13:13And really what we're going to see here is a mix of, you know, two different types of
13:17body positions that we talked about.
13:18Take a look at me from the waist up.
13:20I'm in a very neutral position.
13:21My hands are out in front of me, wider set bars, plenty of leverage here.
13:25My shoulders are above my hips, and I've got this really nice upright seating position.
13:30Now, if you take a look from the waist down, with these floorboards, I've got a couple
13:33different options for where I want to put my feet.
13:35I can kind of kick my feet out a little bit if I want to, give me more of that stretched
13:38out forward control, or I can kind of slide my feet back and use it for more leverage
13:43as if these were mid-control.
13:45So there's plenty of options here for me to kind of move around and find what position
13:49works well for me.
13:50Now, in addition to the rider comfort, there's also plenty of room out back if I want to
13:54bring a passenger along for them to move around comfortably too.
13:58But that's going to bring us back to weight, which is what Lem was talking about earlier.
14:01You know, these bikes come in around 700, 800 pounds.
14:04You throw a passenger in the mix, it's a pretty heavy ride, especially considering, you know,
14:08while I can get my feet on the ground for this, it's still going to be kind of hard
14:12to leverage this back and forth if I'm not really comfortable with the machine itself.
14:16Now, while we're not here to tell you what's right or what's wrong for your first motorcycle,
14:21we are going to kind of steer you away from certain bikes, and this would be one of them.
14:24Just because of how large this is, it's not going to instill confidence right from the
14:28get-go for new riders.
14:30Great advice, Spurge.
14:31Now, one of the other bikes I want to talk about before we move on is actually kind of
14:34a throw-to-a-blend-of-motorcycle we've already talked about, and that's the Sport Touring
14:39It's both a mixture of a sport bike as well as a touring machine like you can see here.
14:43Now, typically, you're going to give up a little bit of carrying capacity.
14:46Generally, they can't carry quite as many things as a straight-on touring bike, but
14:50these bikes also are considerably faster than a straight touring bike as well.
14:54One of the other hallmarks of that breed of motorcycle, too, is the aerodynamic fairings
14:58we have seen on a sport bike.
15:00They'll typically be very sleek-looking motorcycles, and the riding position is sort of middling
15:04as well.
15:05You won't see the full upright position you've got Spurge in over here, but you're also not
15:09going to see somebody on a sport touring bike all wadded up in that uncomfortable sport
15:13position either.
15:14It sort of splits the difference there.
15:16Now, before we move on, I do want to mention something else, too, about positioning.
15:21You may have noticed that just about every bike we've shown you up to this point has
15:24had a pretty neutral or intermediate riding position.
15:27With the exception of the cruiser and the sport bike, both of those kind of at the extreme
15:31ends of the spectrum, most manufacturers are shooting for that sort of neutral riding position.
15:36The reason I'm bringing that up is because it's a very successful riding position.
15:39The reason you see it on so many motorcycles is because so many motorcyclists are comfortable
15:43in that position.
15:44If you do find yourself gravitating towards one of the bikes, again, towards the outside
15:48ends of the spectrum, whether it be sport bike or cruiser, I would encourage you to
15:51spend a little bit of time, again, on one of those more intermediate bikes just so you
15:55know what else is out there.
15:56Now that we've got that out of the way, what do you say we head on to dirt bikes, Spurge?
16:00Let's get dirty.
16:02Check out this leggy beauty over here.
16:04No, I'm not talking about Lurch.
16:05Instead, I'm referring to the dirt bike you can see over here.
16:08When you say off-road motorcycle to most people, the thing that jumps into their head immediately
16:13is probably something like a dirt bike.
16:15These bikes are made to tackle the roughest terrain that Mother Nature has to offer.
16:19As such, they're constructed in a very specific way.
16:22Let's start with a couple of those features.
16:23The first and probably most noticeable is the tires.
16:26You can see that these things are very knobby, super aggressive tires made to bite into the
16:30loose surfaces that dirt bikes are typically ridden on.
16:33The other thing to notice about this bike is how tall it is.
16:36It has lots and lots of suspension travel, and it also sits very high up.
16:40That's because dirt bikes are meant to roll over some obstacles too.
16:43Treestumps, logs, and rocks, they all get in the way.
16:46Having a bike that sits up high prevents the bike from being damaged.
16:49One of the other important parts about a dirt bike too is you should know that this is a
16:52single-cylinder machine.
16:53The motor is physically very small.
16:56Though it is pretty powerful on some motorcycles, it's kept small so the weight is kept down
17:00on the bike.
17:01When you're wrestling a bike around off-road and you have to pick it up after you've dropped
17:04it after a crash, which is fairly common in off-road riding, having a lighter weight bike
17:09really can help.
17:10These things are also not street legal.
17:12You need to know that going in.
17:13There's no headlight, no key, no taillight.
17:15There's a bunch of stuff that's missing on this bike that won't make it legal to ride
17:19around on the street.
17:20When it comes to riding these things, again, riding off-road is really different than riding
17:24on the street.
17:25Spurge, how does that affect your seating position?
17:28You hit the nail on the head when you said this is a tall machine.
17:30I'm 6'3", and even as I'm standing up, I'm on my tippy toes on this bike.
17:35That's got that 12, 13 inches of suspension travel there.
17:38It works great.
17:39Just keep in mind, you probably don't want to go to the taller end of the spectrum if
17:42you're just learning how to ride.
17:44From a rider's standpoint, talking about the ergonomics, it's very similar to what we talked
17:47about with a standard riding position.
17:50My hands are out in front of me.
17:51It's definitely going to be a wider bar for maximum leverage, but you're going to notice
17:54that my shoulders are on top of my hips.
17:56I'm sitting upright, and then my feet are just below my hips, so I feel very comfortable.
18:01The one thing to note with a dirt bike is this long, flat seat.
18:05It is quite uncomfortable, but that's okay.
18:08You're going to spend most of your time standing up or sliding back and forth.
18:12You're not going to sit in one position too long because you're going to use your body
18:16as a counterweight over terrain when you're out there riding with this machine.
18:20It's also one of the reasons you might see different style handlebars on different style
18:24dirt bikes because you want to make sure you're comfortable not just sitting down, but also
18:28when you're standing up.
18:30The CRF450 that I'm on right now is going to be one of the larger machines in the dirt
18:35While this bike itself might not be the most appropriate one for you to start off with,
18:39the beauty of dirt bikes is they come in a plethora of different sizes.
18:42You can start off with something as small as a CRF50, or you can work your way up throughout
18:46the range across pretty much every manufacturer out there.
18:49There's going to be a dirt bike for you.
18:51Like Lem said, as long as you've got somewhere to ride it, this is an excellent machine to
18:54start riding on.
18:56All great points, Spurgy.
18:57The dirt bike really is a lot of fun.
18:59This is one of my favorite classes.
19:00What do you say we move into one of your faves next?
19:02Let's do it.
19:04Now I'm going to be telling you a little bit about this next type of bike, but the real
19:07expert is actually sitting on top of it.
19:10This is generally Spurgy's weapon of choice, and that's an adventure bike, also known as
19:14an ADV bike.
19:16These differ from a dirt bike in several important ways.
19:19They're larger, they're heavier, they have bigger, more powerful multi-cylinder engines,
19:23and they're also street legal.
19:26These are bikes really you could think of as the Cadillac of dirt bikes.
19:28They're kind of enormous, but they're also much more powerful.
19:31There's pros and cons to this style of bike.
19:34Spurgy, how do you feel on this baby?
19:36Cadillac of dirt bikes is a great way to describe these.
19:38You can either look at these as just giant, massive dirt bikes, or you could look at them
19:42as touring bikes with some off-road pretense to it.
19:46Now, I know Lem said that these aren't going to be as tall as dirt bikes, but keep in mind,
19:49these are still pretty damn tall.
19:51At 6'3", I'm almost flat-footed on this F800, but for you shorter riders out there, just
19:57keep in mind, these might be intimidating as a first machine.
20:01From a rider's standpoint, when we're talking about ergonomics with this, very similar to
20:04what we saw with a dirt bike, wide, flat handlebar.
20:07My hands are in front of me, my shoulders are on top of my hips, and then when I get
20:11my foot up on the peg, it's going to sit directly below me.
20:14That's because a lot of adventure riders out there, if you are going to use this off-road,
20:17you're going to spend a lot of that time standing up the same way we talked about with a dirt
20:23Unlike a dirt bike, however, this seat is going to be much more comfortable because
20:27most of the OEMs realize that the majority of riders looking at this style of bike are
20:31probably going to be using it for putting down large amounts of miles on pavement, and
20:35therefore, you're going to need a more comfortable seat for it.
20:38The one thing to note with this, they are a larger bike, they're a little bit pricier,
20:42and most of you out there are probably not going to want to consider the larger sect
20:46of ADV machines as your first bike.
20:49However, Lem has got a favorite section of his own that might be more appropriate for
20:53riders out there looking to tackle both on-road and off-road, and that's going to be dual
21:00That is another option.
21:01A dual sport sits squarely between the dirt bike and the adventure bike.
21:05Think of it as a dirt bike with blinkers.
21:07It doesn't have nearly the amenities or road capabilities of an adventure bike, but what
21:10it does allow a rider to do is to take a dirt bike onto the street.
21:15This is great for riders who plan on either riding to the trail or riders who want to
21:19connect a series of trails with short pieces of pavement in between.
21:23They're road legal, they have emissions equipment, they also have all of the lighting and inspection
21:28items you might need in order to get a sticker on to your bike, but you still have most of
21:31the capability of a dirt bike.
21:34So we have reached the end of the video.
21:36We've covered most of the major classes of bike, although I think it's fairly obvious
21:39we did not get everything.
21:40There's lots of different subdivisions of bike, bunch of cool ones out there, chopper
21:44racers, cafes, super motars, all sorts of nifty motorcycles.
21:49However, we're not going to be able to pack them all in here, but we think we've given
21:52you enough information that you should be able to be well-armed to go out there and
21:55do a little research on your own.
21:57That research should start over at Common Tread.
21:59We've written a slew of articles, great for new and returning riders.
22:03Remember too, this is just one video in our little mini-series here.
22:07We also have how to buy a new motorcycle and how to buy a used motorcycle, and I'm guessing
22:11if you've made it this far through the video, that's probably your next step.
22:14So make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube so you can keep up with all the content we
22:17have rolling out.
22:18From educational content like this to full bike reviews and product reviews, we've got
22:22a ton of information for you over at
22:26Now I want to thank you for joining old Lemlem and Spurgy as we talked about how to choose
22:30your motorcycle.
22:31Enjoy the ride.
