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Al-Quran para number 25 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #2
Translation Voice Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran Al-Quran para number 25
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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#Quran #MyQuran #JuzByJuz
Al-Quran para number 25
Juz 25 (Para 25) - Quran with English Translation || Surah Al-Hijab Arabic and English
#Juz1 #Para1 #surahalbaqarah
#Juz1 #Para1 #quranrecitation #SurahAlFatihah #SurahAlBaqarah


00:00Then We exacted retribution for them. So do consider the end of those who gave the lie to the Prophets.
00:16And when Abraham said to his father and his people, I totally disown all whom you serve.
00:36Except the One who created me, for surely He will guide.
00:43Except the One who created me, and behold, it is He who will direct me to the right way.
00:58And Abraham left behind this word to endure among his posterity, so that they may return to it.
01:22Even when they began worshipping others than Allah, We did not destroy them, but bestowed sustenance on them and on their forefathers until there came to them the truth and a messenger who clearly expounded things to them.
01:36And when the truth came to them, they said, This is just sorcery, and we reject it.
01:47And when the truth came to them, they said, This is just sorcery, and we reject it.
01:53They say, Why was this Quran not sent down upon some great man from the two main cities?
02:09Do they swear by the mercy of your Lord? We swore by them in the life of this world, and we raised some of them above others in degrees, so that some of them may take it as mockery. And the mercy of your Lord is better than that which they collect.
02:38Is it they who distribute the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have distributed their livelihood among them in the life of this world, and have raised some above others in rank, that some of them may harness others to their service. Your Lord's mercy is better than all the treasures that they hoard.
02:56And were it not that all mankind would become a single community, We would have made for those who disbelieve in the Most Merciful, for their houses, roofs of silver, and pillars on which they would stand.
03:21And were it not that all mankind would become a single community, We would have made for those who disbelieve in the Most Merciful, for their houses, roofs of silver, and pillars on which they would stand.
03:43And silver doors to their houses, and couches of silver upon which they would recline.
04:04Or that they be made of gold. Surely, all this is only the enjoyment of the life of the world. But true prosperity in the hereafter with your Lord is only for the God-fearing.
04:27He who is negligent to remember the Merciful One, to him We assign a Satan as his boon-companion.
04:44And these Satans hinder them from the right path, while he still reckons himself to be rightly guided.
04:50But when he comes to us, he will say to his Satan, Would that there had been between me and you the distance as between the East and the West! How evil a companion you were!
05:14And it will not benefit you this Day, if you do wrong, that you will be partners in the punishment.
05:33Can you, O Prophet, then make the deaf hear, or direct to the right way the blind, or one lost in manifest error?
06:01We shall inflict retribution on them, whether We take you away from the world before We do that, or make you see the end that We had promised them, for We have full power over them.
06:23So hold fast to what has been revealed to you. Surely, you are on the straight way.
06:49Verily, it is a great source of eminence for you and your people, and soon you will be called to account concerning that.
07:10Ask all our messengers whom We sent before you, whether We had appointed any deities beside the Merciful, one to be worshipped.
07:33Indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his nobles. He told them, I am a messenger of the Lord of the Universe.
07:54Yet when he brought forth clear signs from Us, then lo! they burst into laughter.
08:13Every sign that We showed them was greater than its predecessor. And then We seized them with Our chastisement, so that they may return to the right way.
08:36Whenever they faced an affliction, they would say, O Magician, pray for us to your Lord, according to your station with Him. We shall certainly be guided to the right way.
08:47But lo! each time We removed our affliction from them, they would go back on their word.
09:01And Pharaoh proclaimed among his people, My people, do I not have dominion over Egypt? And are these streams not flowing beneath me? Can't you see?
09:29Am I not better than this humiliated one? And he can hardly see.
09:45Why were bracelets of gold not bestowed upon him? Why did a retinue of angels not accompany him as attendants?
10:06He incited his people to levity, and they obeyed him. Surely they were an iniquitous people.
10:36So when they incurred Our wrath, We exacted retribution from them, and drowned them all, and made them a thing of the past, and an example for those who would come after them.
11:02No sooner the example of the Son of Mary was mentioned, than lo! and behold! your people raised a clamour, and said, Who is better, our deities or He?
11:27They said, Sir, only out of contentiousness. They are a disputatious people.
11:33He was no more than a servant of Ours, one upon whom We bestowed Our favours, and whom We made an example of Our infinite power for the children of Israel.
11:53If We had so willed, We could have made some of you into angels, to become your successors on earth.
12:11Verily, He, that is Jesus, is important of the hour. So be in no doubt concerning it, and follow Me. This is the straight way.
12:35And let not Satan hinder you from believing in the Hour, for surely he is your open enemy.
12:51And when Jesus came with clear signs and said, I have brought wisdom to you, that I may make plain to you some of the things which I have revealed to you.
13:15When Jesus came with clear signs and said, I have brought wisdom to you, that I may make plain to you some of the things which I have revealed to you.
13:38Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serve Him. That is the straight way.
13:44Then the factions fell apart among themselves. So woe to the wrongdoers from the chastisement of a grievous day.
14:02Are they awaiting anything other than the Last Hour, that it should suddenly come upon them without their even perceiving it?
14:20On that day, even bosom friends shall become enemies to one another, all except the God-fearing.
14:47It will be said to them, My servants, today you have nothing to fear or regret.
15:01You who believed in Our signs and had surrendered yourselves to Us.
15:13Enter Paradise joyfully, both you and your spouses.
15:38Platters and cuffs of gold shall be passed around them, and there shall be all that they might desire, and all that their eyes might delight in.
15:47They shall be told, Herein shall you abide forever.
16:00Such is the Paradise that you shall inherit by virtue of your good deeds in the life of the world.
16:15Herein you will have abundant fruits of which you will eat.
16:26But the evildoers shall abide in the torment of Hell.
16:36Never will their torment be lightened for them. They shall remain in utter despair.
16:49It is not We who wronged them, rather it is they who wronged themselves.
16:55They shall call out, O Malik, let your Lord put an end to us. He will reply, You must stay on in it.
17:12We brought you the truth, but to the truth most of you were averse.
17:28Have they contrived some scheme? If so, We too will contrive a scheme.
17:40Or do they think that We do not hear their secret talks and their whispering counsels? Yes, indeed, We do, and Our messengers, i.e. angels, are with them, writing,
18:02Say, If the Merciful One had a son, I would have been the first one to worship Him.
18:25Exalted be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the throne, above what they attribute to Him.
18:32So leave them alone to indulge in their vanities and to frolic about until they encounter that day of theirs against which they have been warned.
18:50He it is who is God in the heavens and the earth. He is the Most Wise, the All-Knowing.
19:08Blessed is He who has dominion over the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them. With Him is the knowledge of the hour, and to Him you shall all be sent back.
19:34Those whom they call upon instead of Allah have no power of intercession except such that testify to the truth based on knowledge.
19:56If you were to ask them, Who created them? They will surely say, Allah. Whence are they then being led astray?
20:19We call to witness the cry of the Messenger, O Lord, these are a people not wont to believe.
20:45Indulge them, O Prophet, and say to them, Peace to you, for soon they shall come to know.
20:58In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
21:14In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
21:27In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
21:37We revealed it on the night wherein every matter is wisely determined.
21:50By our command, verily, we were sent to send a Messenger.
22:03As a mercy from your Lord, surely He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
22:18The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and of all that is between them. If you would only have sure faith.
22:38There is no God but He. He gives life and causes death. He is your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers of yore.
22:51But the fact is, they lack certainty, and frolic about in doubt.
23:03So watch for the day when the sky will come down with a ball of smoke.
23:14Enveloping people, that will be a grievous scourge.
23:25People will then say, Our Lord, remove this scourge from us. We shall believe.
23:39But how will they take heed? Such are they, that a messenger came to them, clearly expounding the truth.
23:52Yet they turned away from him, and said, This is a well-tutored madman.
23:59Verily, we shall remove the punishment a little. You are transgressing.
24:07Yet we will hold the scourge back for a while. But no sooner than we will do so, you will revert to your old ways.
24:14The day when we shall seize them with a mighty seizing, that will be the day on which we shall inflict upon you full retribution.
24:30Indeed, before that, we subjected the Pharaonites to destruction.
24:40Indeed, before that, we subjected the Pharaonites to the same test.
24:45A noble messenger came to them, and said, Deliver to me Allah's servants. I am a trustworthy messenger to you.
25:02And do not exalt yourselves in defiance of Allah. I have come to you with a clear authority as a messenger.
25:27I have taken refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you should attack me with stones.
25:38But if you do not believe what I say, leave me alone, and desist from laying hands on me.
25:53Then he called upon his Lord, These are a criminal people.
26:06He was told, Set out with my servants by night, for you will certainly be pursued.
26:20And leave the sea behind you as calm as ever. Surely, they are an army that is doomed to be drowned.
26:34How many gardens did they leave behind, and how many fountains,
26:43Then sown fields and splendid mansions,
26:52And a life of ease in which they took delight.
27:01Thus it was, and We made another people inherit all that.
27:06Then neither the sky shed tears over them, nor the earth. They were granted no respite.
27:20Thus did We deliver the children of Israel from the humiliating chastisement.
27:36From Pharaoh, who was most prominent among the prodigals.
27:47We knowingly exalted them, i.e. the children of Israel, above other peoples of the world.
28:00And bestowed upon them the signs, wherein lay an evident test for them.
28:14Indeed, these people say, This is our first and only death, and we shall never be raised again.
28:35So bring back our fathers, if you are truthful.
28:48Are they better, or the people of Tubba, and those before them? We destroyed them, for they were criminals.
28:59It was not an idle sport that We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them.
29:12We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know.
29:36The Day of Final Decision is the appointed time for all.
29:57The Day when a friend shall be of no avail to his friend, nor shall they be helped.
30:11Except those to whom Allah shows mercy. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Compassionate.
30:22The tree of Al-Zaqqum, shall be the food of the sinful.
30:35Like dregs of oil, it will boil in their bellies, like boiling water.
30:50Seize him, and drag him to the middle of the blazing fire.
31:02Then pour boiling water over his head, as chastisement.
31:12Taste this, you are a person mighty and noble.
31:23This is what you used to doubt.
31:32Verily, the God-fearing shall be in a secure place,
31:42amidst gardens and springs,
31:53attired in silk and brocade. They shall be arrayed face to face.
32:04Thus shall it be, and We shall espouse them to fair wide-eyed maidens.
32:15While resting in security, they shall call for all kinds of fruit.
32:21They shall not taste death, except the death in this world,
32:26and Allah will save them from the chastisement of Hell.
32:38As a favour from your Lord, that is the great triumph.
32:50O Prophet! We have made this book easy in your tongue, so that they may take heed.
33:03Wait then, they too are waiting.
33:15In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
33:30This Book is a revelation from the Most Mighty, the Most Wise.
33:42Verily in the heavens and the earth are signs for the believers.
33:49Behold, for those who believe, there are myriad signs in the heavens and the earth.
34:04And in your own creation, and in the animals which He spreads out over the earth too,
34:10there are signs for those endowed with sure faith.
34:18And Allah sends down sustenance from the heavens, and He gives life to the earth after its death.
34:27And the winds are signs for those who understand.
34:37And in the succession of night and day, and in the provision that Allah sends down from the sky,
34:43wherewith He gives life to the earth after it had been lifeless, and in the change of the winds.
34:50In all these, there are signs for people who use reason.
35:06These are Allah's signs that we rehearse to you in truth.
35:10In what kind of discourse after Allah and His signs will they then believe?
35:20Woe to every guilty imposter!
35:22Who hears Allah's signs being rehearsed to him, and yet persists in his pride, as though he had not heard it.
35:30Announce to him then the tidings of a grievous chastisement.
35:53Whenever he comes to know anything of our signs, he makes them an object of jest.
35:58For such, there awaits a humiliating chastisement.
36:22Hell is behind them. Their worldly earnings shall not avail them, nor those whom they took as protectors instead of Allah.
36:30An awesome chastisement lies in store for them.
36:34This Quran is the true guidance.
36:37Those who deny the signs of their Lord shall suffer the torment of a woeful scourge.
37:03Allah it is who has subjected the sea to you, so that ships may sail upon it at His bidding, and you may seek of His bounty and give thanks to Him.
37:33He has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and the earth, all being from Him. Verily, there are signs in this for those who reflect.
37:50O Prophet! Tell the believers to indulge those who have no fear of any evil deeds coming upon them from Allah, so that Allah may Himself requite them for their deeds.
38:13Whoever acts righteously does so to his own good, and whoever commits an evil will suffer its consequence. All of you will then be sent back to your Lord.
38:37Indeed, We endowed the Children of Israel with the Book and Wisdom and Prophethood, and provided them with good things as sustenance, and exalted them above the peoples of the whole world.
39:06We gave them clear directions in matters pertaining to the Day of Resurrection.
39:31We gave them clear directions in matters pertaining to religion.
39:36Yet, they deferred among themselves, not out of ignorance, but after knowledge had come to them, and they did so out of the desire to commit excesses against one another.
39:47On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will judge among them regarding what they had deferred.
39:52Then We placed you on a lawful path, so follow it, and do not follow the desires of those who do not know.
40:07And then We set you, O Prophet, on a clear high road in religious matters, so follow that, and do not follow the desires of those who do not know.
40:34Surely, they will be of no avail to you against Allah. Indeed, the wrongdoers are friends of each other, whereas Allah is the friend of the God-fearing.
40:43These are the lights of discernment for people, and guidance and mercy for those endowed with sure faith.
41:01Do the evildoers imagine that We shall make them equal to those who believe and do good, making their lives and deaths a means of punishment?
41:24Do the evildoers imagine that We shall make them equal to those who believe and do good, making their lives and deaths a like? How vile is their judgment!
41:34Allah created the heavens and the earth in truth, that each person may be requited for his deeds.
41:51They shall not be wronged.
41:53Did you ever consider the case of him who took his desire as his God,
42:22and then Allah caused him to go astray despite knowledge, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and cast a veil over his sight?
42:30Who, after Allah, can direct him to the right way? Will you not take heed?
42:35They say, There is no life other than our present worldly life. Herein we live and we die, and it is only the passage of time that destroys us.
43:01Yet the fact is that they know nothing about this and are only conjecturing.
43:28And when our clear signs are rehearsed to them, their only contention is, Bring back to us our fathers, if you are truthful.
43:55Tell them, O Prophet, it is Allah who gives you life and then causes you to die, and He it is who will then bring all of you together on the Day of Resurrection, a day regarding which there can be no doubt, yet most people do not know.
44:20Allah's is the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth, and on the Day when the Hour of Resurrection shall come to pass, the followers of falsehood shall be in utter loss.
44:30And you shall see every nation barren, every nation called to its Book. On that Day you shall see every people fallen on their knees,
44:49every people will be summoned to come forth and see its record and will be told, Today you shall be requited for your deeds.
44:57This is our record which bears witness against you with truth.
45:17We used to record all what you did.
45:20As for those who believe and act righteously, their Lord shall admit them to His mercy. That indeed is a manifest triumph.
45:41But those who denied the truth, they shall be told, Were my signs not rehearsed to you? But you waxed proud and became a guilty people.
46:03And when it was said to them, Surely Allah's promise is true, and there is no doubt regarding the Hour of Resurrection, you were wont to say,
46:31We do not know what the Hour of Resurrection is. We are simply making conjectures and are not at all certain.
46:38On that Day the evil of their deeds will become apparent to them and what they had mocked at will encompass them.
46:55And it will be said, We will forget you today as you forgot the meeting of this Day of yours.
47:22The fire shall now be your abode and you shall have none to come to your aid.
47:43You reached this end because you made Allah's signs an object of jest and the life of the world deluded you.
47:50So they shall not be taken out of the fire nor shall they be asked to make amends and thus please their Lord.
48:06So all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Heavens, the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the whole Universe.
48:14His is the glory in the Heavens and the Earth. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise.
