• 2 days ago
00:00:00Hola que tal mis queridos amigos de Hola Estudios TV, yo soy Karen Duarte y quiero pedirles que me acompañen a ver nuestro siguiente estreno.
00:00:07Es una gran película de acción que estoy segura les va a encantar con la actuación estelar de Rey Cantú,
00:00:13acompañado de Reinaldo Huerta, Carlos Santerio y varios actores más.
00:00:18Así que no se la pierdan, dejen sus comentarios, sus likes.
00:00:21Si no se han suscrito, suscribanse y activen la campanita porque yo les voy a traer más estrenos como estos.
00:00:27Muchas gracias y nos vemos en la próxima.
00:00:30Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
00:01:01No voy a reclamarte.
00:01:06¿Qué estás haciendo ahí?
00:01:08¡Ve a ver quién es!
00:01:13Voy a pedirte una explicación.
00:01:18Lo que sí quiero pedirte
00:01:21es que me dejes a Paloma.
00:01:28Desde hoy en adelante,
00:01:30dejarás de vivir,
00:01:32de caminar con el miedo,
00:01:34el odio,
00:01:36la culpabilidad.
00:01:37Dios ya te perdió.
00:01:42Y cuando yo termine esta cruzada,
00:01:45si me quieres mandar al infierno,
00:01:48que así sea.
00:01:51Pero por favor,
00:01:53déjame salvar a mi hija.
00:02:06Dile a tus hijos
00:02:08que el ángel de la muerte va a proceder.
00:02:53Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
00:03:23¡Suscríbete y dale a like!
00:03:53Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
00:04:51¡Mi princesa!
00:04:53¿Me extrañaste?
00:04:54Mucho, papá.
00:04:55Y eso que solamente me fui por dos o tres días.
00:04:58Aún si fue mucho tiempo.
00:05:03No me quiero imaginar cuando te vayas a la universidad,
00:05:05cuánto me vas a extrañar.
00:05:07Lo bueno es que falta mucho.
00:05:10Hola, mi amor.
00:05:11Hola, mi amor.
00:05:13¿Ya está la comida lista?
00:05:15Tengo mucha hambre.
00:05:26¿Cómo te fue tu viaje, mi amor?
00:05:29Ah, pues muy bien.
00:05:34Creo que vamos a cerrar el negocio con los restauranteros de Texas.
00:05:38Vente, mi amorcito.
00:05:41Extrañaba a su papá.
00:05:43Vas a ver que nos va a ir muy bien, mi amor.
00:05:45Dios ya nos dio vida, nos dio salud, fuerzas.
00:05:49Es cuestión de usar el cerebro para hacer los negocios lo mejor posible.
00:05:52¿No lo crees?
00:05:54Bueno, si tú dices.
00:05:56A mí lo que me interesa es estar en mi rancho,
00:05:59con mi princesa y con mi reina.
00:06:19Mi amor, el veterinario vino ayer.
00:06:23Reavisó al solitario y dijo que su patita ya estaba completamente curada.
00:06:27Respondió muy bien a los tratamientos.
00:06:30Ya está listo para correr.
00:06:31Ahora lo voy a probar yo.
00:06:38Ay, amor, ¿qué haces?
00:06:40Si Paco dijo que está listo, yo tengo que probarlo.
00:06:53¡Oh, oh, oh!
00:07:01Señora, ¿cómo está?
00:07:02Francisco, ¿cómo estás?
00:07:03Bien, bien.
00:07:04¿Ya dejaste el alimento?
00:07:05Sí señora, ya está en el establo.
00:07:06Ah, muy bien, aquí está tu dinero.
00:07:07Gracias señora, muy amable.
00:07:08Muchas gracias por todo y que te vaya muy bien.
00:07:10Hasta luego.
00:07:12Pariente, ¿cómo estás?
00:07:14Muy bien, ¿y tú?
00:07:15También, pariente, aquí nada más pasaba a saludarte y pues a dejarte el alimento para los caballos, para el mes.
00:07:21Oye, ¿te pagó mi mujer?
00:07:23Sí, gracias compa, ya me pagó.
00:07:24Todo bien.
00:07:26¿Cómo sigue el solitario?
00:07:28Pues acaso no lo viste tú allá.
00:07:30Sí, sigue hermoso.
00:07:32Ese animalito, muy bueno, muy fino.
00:07:34¿No has pensado llevarlo a una carrera?
00:07:39Lo que pasa es que a mí eso de las carreras es con lo que no me gusta.
00:07:43Me gusta mi vida privada.
00:07:45Pues no estaría de más, compa, piénsalo.
00:07:48Con ese caballito solamente te verán el polvo los demás.
00:07:51Pues te llevarías a una feria.
00:07:53No es por presumir, pero no me hace falta.
00:07:58Lo sé, pariente, lo sé.
00:08:00Pero pues no está de más, hombre.
00:08:02Ese caballito es para que lo corras.
00:08:07¿Cuándo es tu siguiente cita?
00:08:09Ah, que mi pariente, no cambias.
00:08:11Nos vemos.
00:08:12A ver.
00:08:15A ver.
00:08:36¿Qué crees?
00:08:37¿Qué, papá?
00:08:39Paquito quiere que corramos al solitario en la carrera de caballos del pueblo.
00:08:44Oye, pues si te dijo eso, porque seguro le vio potencial.
00:08:48Mujer, apenas le acaba de curar la pata.
00:08:52Aún así, papá.
00:08:54Solitario es pura sangre.
00:08:56La niña tiene razón, mi amor.
00:08:58Solitario es uno de los caballos más finos de estos lados.
00:09:03Lo que pasa es que eso de las carreras de caballos a mí no me gusta.
00:09:07No me gusta mi vida privada.
00:09:09No seas un llanero solitario.
00:09:11Los caballos nacieron para correr.
00:09:14Quiero que todos vean lo bueno que eres criando caballos.
00:09:17Hijita, yo no tengo que probarle nada a nadie.
00:09:21Yo sé quién soy.
00:09:23Mi amor, yo también creo que correr a solitario es buena idea.
00:09:27Te daría prestigio entre los criadores.
00:09:29Es que a mí no me hace falta ese prestigio.
00:09:32Ándale, papá.
00:09:34Quiero que todos vean por qué estoy tan orgullosa de ti.
00:09:38¿Qué dices?
00:09:39Ándale, mi amor.
00:09:41Empecé solo para divertirnos.
00:09:43Ay, Dios mío, Dios mío.
00:09:46¿Qué hago?
00:09:48Tendremos que ir a la carrera del caballo de solitario.
00:09:52Así que vamos a callar.
00:10:04Hija, ¿hiciste la tarea?
00:10:07Sí, papá.
00:10:09¿Sabes una cosa?
00:10:12Yo te amo más que a mi propia vida.
00:10:15Yo también, papá.
00:10:18En la noche, cuando salgas a ver el firmamento,
00:10:23busca la estrella más brillante.
00:10:26Y cuando la encuentres, piensa en mí,
00:10:30que yo estaré haciendo lo mismo por ti.
00:10:34Te amo.
00:10:36Te amo, papá.
00:10:39Te amo.
00:11:09Te amo, papá.
00:11:39Te amo.
00:11:58Mi amor, otra vez estás teniendo pesadillas
00:12:02con recuerdos de tu pasado.
00:12:09Es que el pasado me sigue.
00:12:13Tranquilo, mi amor.
00:12:16Tu vida es diferente ahora.
00:12:20Sí, pero eso no cambia mi pasado.
00:12:26Deja de pensar en eso.
00:12:29No importa quién fuiste,
00:12:31sino quién eres ahora.
00:12:34El pasado no existe.
00:12:36No, entonces, ¿qué existe?
00:12:42Deja de mirar hacia atrás.
00:12:45No te pierdas el presente.
00:12:50Prométeme una cosa, por favor.
00:12:53¿Qué cosa?
00:12:55Que desde hoy en adelante,
00:12:58dejamos de condenarte.
00:13:01Dejarás de vivir,
00:13:03de dormir,
00:13:05y de caminar con el enemigo.
00:13:09¿Quién es mi enemigo?
00:13:11El odio,
00:13:13el rencor,
00:13:15la culpabilidad.
00:13:18Dios ya te perdonó.
00:13:20Ahora te toca hacer tu parte.
00:13:28por ser la compañera de mi vida.
00:13:35Te amo.
00:14:33¿Cuánto tiempo corre el caballo?
00:14:35Seis meses, compadre.
00:14:46Suerte, que lo haga muy bien.
00:14:53Mira, güey.
00:14:55Hola, Paco.
00:14:56¿Cómo está, pariente? ¿Qué tal?
00:14:57Bien, bien.
00:14:58Te presento a mi esposa.
00:14:59Mucho gusto.
00:15:01Hola, ¿cómo está, señora?
00:15:02Hola, mucho gusto.
00:15:03Mi amor, ¿te lleva ese niño?
00:15:05Cómprales algo de tomar, por favor.
00:15:07Y con él.
00:15:09Bye, vamos.
00:15:12Bye, papi.
00:15:14Pariente, ¿te decidiste a traer siempre el caballito en la carrera?
00:15:17¿Por qué?
00:15:18¿Por qué?
00:15:19¿Por qué?
00:15:20¿Por qué?
00:15:21¿Por qué?
00:15:22¿Por qué?
00:15:23¿Por qué?
00:15:24¿Por qué te deciste a traer siempre el caballito en la carrera?
00:15:26Tú sabes, que no le puedo decir que no a aquí a mi esposa y a mi hijo.
00:15:29Pues, qué bueno que se decidieron.
00:15:30Por fin tenemos una muy buena carga acá por el rumbo.
00:15:33Me alegro mucho.
00:15:34Tú sabes que esto yo no lo hago por dinero.
00:15:38Ey, ¿quién es el ranchero ese que viene con las dos bellezas?
00:15:42La gente anda diciendo que es un ranchero de por ahí.
00:15:44Un tal Ángel Coronel.
00:15:49Pues, la que es un ángel es su vieja.
00:15:51Está re buena.
00:15:52Very good.
00:15:54And what do I have to do?
00:15:56Don't worry. I'll point you out.
00:15:59And when it's your turn to run, I'll let you know.
00:16:07One question.
00:16:09Who's going to run my horses?
00:16:11Oh, the best. Pepe, get over here.
00:16:13This is the best jockey here.
00:16:15He'll make the most of your horse.
00:16:19Let me introduce you to the gentleman.
00:16:21Ángel Coronel.
00:16:22Nice to meet you, sir.
00:16:24He's a very good animal.
00:16:26Hey, how are the bets going?
00:16:28Two for one, boss. In your favor.
00:16:32Hey, do you know what the horse you brought is called?
00:16:36That horse is said to be of good blood.
00:16:39What's his name?
00:16:40Solitario, compadre. The Solitario.
00:16:44The bets are at 12 for one. What do you think?
00:16:47Well, they're betting very little.
00:16:50That horse is worth a lot more.
00:16:53I hope you make the most of it.
00:16:55It was a pleasure to meet you, sir.
00:16:57I'll go get ready.
00:16:58Good luck, Pepe.
00:17:03Who are the owners of the horse that's going to run against mine?
00:17:07Well, look, they're those foreigners who are on that side.
00:17:10They always have good horses and do very good races.
00:17:13By the way, they always win.
00:17:16But they say bad words are bad people.
00:17:20How are the bets going?
00:17:23I don't like how they see my wife.
00:17:26No, relative, don't worry.
00:17:28In your family, no one will disrespect you.
00:17:30I also give mine.
00:17:31And I don't worry because everything here is well controlled.
00:17:34Have fun, old man.
00:17:36Well, I hope so.
00:17:38That's how we do it, relative.
00:17:39Ma'am, it was a pleasure to greet you.
00:17:43What a waste of time, man.
00:17:45Well, what we have to do is see the way we make that damn horse.
00:17:49Once we have it, we're going to make it a champion.
00:17:53What do you think, Norteño?
00:17:55Well, what about your people?
00:18:01Come on, come on.
00:18:02Come on, come on.
00:18:35Hello, my friend.
00:18:40How are you?
00:18:42We just came to congratulate you.
00:18:45You did an excellent career.
00:18:49And not to mention your boss.
00:18:51A very good boss.
00:18:53As well as other good things you have.
00:18:59My family is waiting for me.
00:19:01I'm in a hurry.
00:19:02Come on.
00:19:05I'm not the kind of person you leave with a word in your mouth.
00:19:10I'm going to make it clearer.
00:19:13Your career cost me a lot of money.
00:19:16Money that I'm not willing to lose.
00:19:19So somehow, I'm sorry, friend, you're going to have to pay me back.
00:19:26In this game, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
00:19:30You're my friend.
00:19:32Take care of it.
00:19:34Well, yes, yes, I'm not going to argue with you about that.
00:19:37The truth is that your boss is better than mine.
00:19:40So let's do business that way.
00:19:45What do you think?
00:19:47If I stay with your boss,
00:19:51what are we going to do?
00:19:53I forget about the money.
00:19:55If you go with your family,
00:19:57I'm going to go with my boys to the other side, all happy.
00:20:01Look, I'm not going to pay you today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.
00:20:06You can sit down quietly.
00:20:08I'm in a hurry.
00:20:10We'll see about that.
00:20:26Calm down.
00:20:28I told you.
00:20:30Don't mess with my family.
00:20:32Don't mess with me.
00:20:34Or I'll kill you.
00:20:36Do it.
00:20:42I'll keep this gift.
00:20:51Fuck you, asshole.
00:20:52Fuck you, asshole.
00:21:25How is my favorite corrupt federal agent?
00:21:29You again, Angel.
00:21:31I thought I had gotten rid of you, old man.
00:21:34I'm not going to give you the pleasure yet.
00:21:36How are you?
00:21:40I'm fine.
00:21:42And you?
00:21:44I'm fine.
00:21:46And you?
00:21:48I'm fine.
00:21:50And you?
00:21:52You know,
00:21:54cleaning the dirt of society.
00:21:57How are you?
00:21:59Why did you call?
00:22:01You haven't lost the identity we gave you, have you?
00:22:04Not at all.
00:22:06Who do you think I am?
00:22:08I was just asking.
00:22:10You know that no matter how much we try to hide it,
00:22:13what we are inside always comes out.
00:22:18Thank God.
00:22:19For me, that day still hasn't come.
00:22:22Well, that's good.
00:22:24But look, let's stop talking.
00:22:26If you're calling me, it's because something is wrong.
00:22:29So tell me,
00:22:31what can I do for you?
00:22:33What happened?
00:22:35I had a fight with some guys in a horse race.
00:22:39And did you kill them or what?
00:22:43So what's the problem?
00:22:45I just wanted you to know,
00:22:46to make sure there are no rumors,
00:22:48that no one knows I'm still alive.
00:22:51There's no doubt that apart from being old,
00:22:54you're becoming paranoid.
00:22:56Better paranoid than dead.
00:22:58Okay, okay.
00:23:00Look, just because you're you,
00:23:02we're going to be very alert.
00:23:04I'm going to bring my eyes wide open.
00:23:06If we know something,
00:23:08we'll let you know.
00:23:10But at least tell me who you fought with.
00:23:12Did you know the guys?
00:23:13The spoiled son of a rancher from around here.
00:23:16There's nothing to worry about.
00:23:19Are you sure, Angel?
00:23:21Don't surprise me.
00:23:23After what I did to him,
00:23:25I don't think he'll bother me again.
00:23:27Well, if you say so.
00:23:29So, we'll be in touch.
00:23:31And if I know something,
00:23:33I'll let you know.
00:23:38There's no doubt that the dead come back to life.
00:23:41Why do you say that, boss?
00:23:43No reason.
00:23:45Let's go.
00:23:52Well, did you find out anything?
00:23:55Well, look, boss.
00:23:57It's about a rancher who came here about 15 years ago.
00:24:01His land is to the north.
00:24:03He lives with his wife and daughter.
00:24:06The same ones who were in the races.
00:24:07And from what it says here,
00:24:09it looks like he's retired.
00:24:11He's raising the horses,
00:24:13just as a hobby.
00:24:16Well, and nothing else?
00:24:18Nothing like what he did before he retired?
00:24:21Anything? I don't know.
00:24:23I don't know anything, boss.
00:24:25I'm still investigating.
00:24:27I'm going to town tomorrow
00:24:29to see what else I can find out.
00:24:31No, no, no.
00:24:33We'll be wasting time.
00:24:35We know exactly where he is.
00:24:39Well, what we're going to do
00:24:41is go visit him.
00:24:44He's a rancher.
00:24:46You'll see what happens if you mess with the Brotherhood.
00:24:49And I guarantee you
00:24:51that after what we're going to do to him,
00:24:53that bastard will ask me to kill him.
00:25:08Did you bring everything, honey?
00:25:10Don't you forget anything?
00:25:12Everything's ready.
00:25:14Business plan.
00:25:18Will you lend me a lot of money, Dad?
00:25:22Oh, my little girl.
00:25:26look, little girl.
00:25:28It takes me longer to go and come
00:25:30than to make the work plan
00:25:32and make this negotiation.
00:25:34This time, I'm sure
00:25:35that the brothers
00:25:37will do business with me
00:25:39and everything will be a success.
00:25:41You'll see, Dad.
00:25:43I love you so much.
00:25:47Come here, honey.
00:25:49Give me a hug and a kiss.
00:25:51What's wrong?
00:25:53I don't know, honey.
00:25:55I woke up with a very strange feeling.
00:25:58But what?
00:26:00It's like a premonition.
00:26:02You have taught me
00:26:04happy thoughts,
00:26:06happy life.
00:26:08Maybe it's the concern of my trip,
00:26:10but I assure you
00:26:12that I'll be back tonight.
00:26:14Everything will be fine.
00:26:16I assure you.
00:26:18Forgive me, honey.
00:26:20There's no need to apologize.
00:26:22Everything is fine.
00:26:24You are my queen.
00:26:28Goodbye, Daddy.
00:26:29I love your mom very much.
00:26:31You are the boss here.
00:26:34Give me my hat,
00:26:36or I'll get scolded.
00:26:38We love you.
00:26:40I love you more.
00:26:59I love you.
00:27:29I love you.
00:27:59I love you.
00:28:29I love you.
00:28:59I love you.
00:29:04What's the point of welcoming your guests?
00:29:08They are not even guests.
00:29:10They come and knock down the doors of my house.
00:29:17Where is your husband?
00:29:19He's not here.
00:29:23Are you sure?
00:29:25If he were here, you would be dead.
00:29:27I'm scared.
00:29:30You know I'm scared.
00:29:37we have to wait.
00:29:39It depends.
00:29:41If you want to die today.
00:29:47You know,
00:29:49you are a very wild hypocrite.
00:29:53Since I saw you.
00:29:57You don't know how many dreams I had of you.
00:30:03Get out of the house.
00:30:05Follow me.
00:30:06Follow me.
00:30:10No, no, no.
00:30:11I'm going to show you.
00:30:12No, let me go.
00:30:13How to handle you.
00:30:15No, let me go.
00:30:16Let me go.
00:30:26Is something wrong with you?
00:30:29I don't know.
00:30:31What happens is that suddenly you feel warm.
00:30:35No, no.
00:30:37No, no.
00:32:17They're already there.
00:32:39Get him well, Tino.
00:32:42If the kid comes out,
00:32:44you know what to do, Mr. Antoinette.
00:32:45Yes, sir.
00:32:50let's see how much money the father gives us for his little girl.
00:33:06Can you tell me
00:33:07where the hell you've been all day?
00:33:10What do you mean where, Victor?
00:33:12Paying your debts.
00:33:15And now who do you have there?
00:33:21It's my daughter.
00:33:22She's a rancher who gives me money.
00:33:25Didn't I tell you not to mess with innocent people?
00:33:27No, Ana, let's see.
00:33:29I had nothing innocent.
00:33:31I hit two of your men
00:33:33and he threatened me.
00:33:34I mean, what's wrong with him?
00:33:39He must have been a rancher who only defended himself.
00:33:43Of course not.
00:33:45Of course not.
00:33:46That guy
00:33:47drinks money
00:33:48and has to learn exactly who owns the circus.
00:33:51Do you understand?
00:33:53The truth is that you don't understand.
00:33:57what you don't understand
00:33:59is that if you gave me command of the cartel,
00:34:03something else would paint us.
00:34:05At first, people would respect us.
00:34:07They would fear us.
00:34:09You, unfortunately, are very weak, brother.
00:34:12And also compassionate.
00:34:14That doesn't mix with this kind of business.
00:34:16You know that.
00:34:18I've known how to handle things.
00:34:20On the other hand,
00:34:22if you handled this business,
00:34:24they would have already killed you.
00:34:27The truth is that I want you to finish all this.
00:34:31I don't want any more problems.
00:34:35You three, come here with this one.
00:34:37Let's go.
00:34:59What a miracle, Angel.
00:35:01What do you want now?
00:35:03I need your services.
00:35:06Specifically, which ones?
00:35:08Information and protection.
00:35:11And I also want to make purchases.
00:35:13And do you have to pay?
00:35:15You know I do.
00:35:17You must be in trouble.
00:35:19I'm not.
00:35:22That's what the old man said.
00:35:24I told you.
00:35:26We are what we are.
00:35:28Sooner or later, it always comes out.
00:35:31What do you think if we meet at the Sinaloan cabin?
00:35:34In an hour?
00:35:36Let it be two.
00:35:37I have a couple of things to do before I go to see you.
00:35:42Okay, as you say.
00:35:45Don't get into any more trouble, Angel.
00:35:49So, see you here.
00:35:51In two hours.
00:36:21Don't kill me.
00:36:22There's no money here.
00:36:23Take whatever you want, but don't kill me.
00:36:26I'm not going to kill you.
00:36:28I only have a few questions for you.
00:36:32Angel, is that you?
00:36:34What kind of joke is this, Angel?
00:36:37Do you think this is a joke?
00:36:40But what do you want?
00:36:42I want names.
00:36:44I already told you, Angel.
00:36:46It wasn't them.
00:36:48It's okay, it's okay.
00:36:50It's okay.
00:36:52The one who threatened you.
00:36:53It's Alexander Vega.
00:36:55It's Victor's brother.
00:36:56They are the cartel leaders.
00:36:58But they are from another county.
00:37:00I thought you were my friend.
00:37:02Why the hell didn't you warn me?
00:37:06You know that if I talk,
00:37:08those people are bad, Angel.
00:37:10God knows what they would have done to my family.
00:37:12What they did to mine.
00:37:15No, Angel.
00:37:16My wife is dead.
00:37:18And my daughter is missing.
00:37:20No, Angel.
00:37:21Forgive me.
00:37:23Don't kill me.
00:37:24I'm not going to kill you.
00:37:26But if I find out you're going with the gossip,
00:37:29I'm going to come back and I'm going to cut you into pieces.
00:37:32Okay, Angel.
00:37:33It's okay.
00:37:40Forgive me, Angel.
00:37:43Forgive me.
00:37:46I didn't want you to hurt your family.
00:37:51You look worried, boss.
00:37:52Is something wrong?
00:37:54It's not what I was thinking.
00:37:56It's the stupidity my brother did.
00:37:59And as much as I analyze it,
00:38:01there's something that doesn't fit me.
00:38:02And what is it that doesn't fit you, boss?
00:38:04If it were a farmer
00:38:06or a rancher,
00:38:08they would never do something like that.
00:38:11Now, if it's a professional hitman,
00:38:15why leave things halfway?
00:38:18The truth is that I don't understand this.
00:38:20It's true.
00:38:22Something doesn't fit.
00:38:24Do you know anything about the guy
00:38:26with whom my brother had the problem?
00:38:29Do you know his name?
00:38:31Angel Coronel.
00:38:33It's a pleasure to see you.
00:38:36Let's leave the invocations.
00:38:40Okay, then.
00:38:42Sit down and tell me why we're here.
00:38:54I'm sorry.
00:38:56I'm sorry.
00:38:57I'm sorry.
00:39:03I need your help.
00:39:11It's something very personal.
00:39:15Did you go back to Las Amadas
00:39:18or did they give you the price?
00:39:21They killed Carolina
00:39:24and took her away.
00:39:30And did you know who did it?
00:39:32Do you know them?
00:39:37The cartel of the widow.
00:39:46Very interesting.
00:39:50Well, I'm sorry about your family.
00:39:53Don't be.
00:39:58Pure formality, you know.
00:40:02So tell me, what can I do for you?
00:40:07Two things.
00:40:12I need all the information from that cartel.
00:40:18when I do my job,
00:40:20I need you,
00:40:22your men,
00:40:24the police,
00:40:25to turn the other way.
00:40:31The deal is good.
00:40:34But it's going to cost you.
00:40:37You know I have credit.
00:40:41Yes, yes, yes, but
00:40:43this time I'm going to ask you to pay us in advance.
00:40:47When you have money left.
00:40:51No, never, but
00:40:52it's pure precaution.
00:40:56In this mission,
00:40:58I kill
00:41:00or they kill me.
00:41:03So technically
00:41:06my money
00:41:08is yours.
00:41:11Well, I like that voice.
00:41:16So in a little while I'll send you all the information
00:41:19to an email that will be sent to you.
00:41:20And don't worry about the police.
00:41:22They're going to be turning the other way.
00:41:26And if I understood you well,
00:41:28you also told me you wanted some toys.
00:41:31Is that right?
00:41:32That's right.
00:41:36Well, then follow me
00:41:38to show you what I brought you.
00:41:45And now,
00:41:47I'm going to show you
00:41:48And now?
00:41:50Is there a funeral or what?
00:41:51Who died?
00:41:54Could you explain to me exactly
00:41:57what happened to that guy
00:41:58with whom you had the fight?
00:42:00Oh, come on,
00:42:01the trio again.
00:42:03I already told you, Vito.
00:42:05There's nothing to worry about.
00:42:08As always,
00:42:10we go to the races on Sunday
00:42:12and we take the horses to run.
00:42:14And as always,
00:42:15we lose one race,
00:42:16we win one race,
00:42:17we lose another race,
00:42:18and we win another race.
00:42:19And that's when this rancher showed up.
00:42:22I'm not going to deny
00:42:23that he has a horse
00:42:24that is much better than ours.
00:42:27And well,
00:42:28you know that I like to bet a lot of money
00:42:31on the jackpot.
00:42:33He lost my horse.
00:42:35And the truth is
00:42:36that I wasn't going to let him lose so much money.
00:42:39So somehow
00:42:40I looked for a way
00:42:42for this furred horse
00:42:43to give us
00:42:44some kind of compensation
00:42:47and well,
00:42:48he didn't want to.
00:42:49He got mad
00:42:51and he took two of your men.
00:42:54And in passing,
00:42:55he also gave me a good punch.
00:42:57So you're telling me
00:42:59that a rancher came
00:43:01and hit two of my well-trained men
00:43:03and you didn't even realize
00:43:04that there was something strange?
00:43:06Agent Arias.
00:43:09Bring him the tools.
00:43:10Yes, sir.
00:43:16Let's go.
00:43:33Good choice, man.
00:43:46Now you look like
00:43:47the Angel of Death.
00:44:16What do you have?
00:44:19There you have it, sir.
00:44:24I'm not going to lie to you.
00:44:25The truth is that I didn't see it coming.
00:44:28But what do you worry about, man?
00:44:30Believe me, with what we did,
00:44:32it's going to be very expensive.
00:44:33Who's in charge here?
00:44:34I guarantee you that, Victor.
00:44:38Could you describe
00:44:39what that guy is like?
00:44:44He was a boy.
00:44:46He was tall.
00:44:48He was 1.90 meters.
00:44:50He was skinny.
00:44:53He was like any other guy, Victor.
00:44:56He was normal.
00:45:02Here's the resignation letter
00:45:03you asked for.
00:45:06Thank you. I'm going to go.
00:45:07Excuse me, boss.
00:45:16See? That's the guy.
00:45:18His name is Angel.
00:45:22It can't be.
00:45:24This guy should be dead.
00:45:27It's impossible.
00:45:37Mr. Victor.
00:45:39What do you want now?
00:45:41The Angel of Death is still alive.
00:45:44So you found out.
00:45:47You knew all along?
00:45:49And you didn't tell me anything?
00:45:52You know how these things are.
00:45:55But how?
00:45:57He should be dead.
00:45:59When he failed at work.
00:46:01He went to kill the governor
00:46:0320 years ago.
00:46:05No, no, no, no.
00:46:06On the contrary.
00:46:07He saved the governor.
00:46:09He told us all.
00:46:11He wanted to retire from that life
00:46:13and he knew you guys
00:46:14would never let him go.
00:46:16So he came to us
00:46:18and we gave him protection
00:46:20in exchange for information.
00:46:22Besides, it was convenient for us
00:46:24to have the country's best killer
00:46:25on our side.
00:46:29Why the hell didn't you tell me?
00:46:31That's what I pay you for.
00:46:32So you can protect my safety.
00:46:35Well, yes, but
00:46:37the government pays me better
00:46:39for keeping out of the streets
00:46:41murderers like Angel.
00:46:43And besides, Angel turned out
00:46:44to be a man of his word.
00:46:46He kept away
00:46:48from all the problems
00:46:50for over 20 years
00:46:52until your stupid brother
00:46:54decided to mess with his family.
00:46:56What the hell?
00:46:58What am I supposed to do now?
00:47:00Well, I don't know, Victor.
00:47:02The government can't be involved
00:47:04in these things.
00:47:06And besides,
00:47:08I'm not so sure
00:47:10we could stop him.
00:47:12So take care
00:47:14and good luck.
00:47:16If you survive,
00:47:18I hope we can
00:47:20keep our business going.
00:47:22Son of a bitch.
00:47:23Son of a bitch.
00:47:45Get out of here.
00:47:54Now what, Victor?
00:47:57Do you have any idea
00:47:59who that rancher is
00:48:01you messed with?
00:48:08Come on, you fucking rancher.
00:48:11I've had enough of you.
00:48:13As soon as you pay me the money,
00:48:15I'll kill you.
00:48:17That's it.
00:48:23That's easy.
00:48:26That rancher you provoked
00:48:30is a murderer.
00:48:32The best murderer in the country.
00:48:37And you kidnapped his daughter
00:48:39and killed his wife.
00:48:42You just signed your confession.
00:48:52I'm not going to be afraid of you,
00:48:54you son of a bitch.
00:48:57Have you ever heard
00:48:59of the angel of death?
00:49:09Oh, Victor, please.
00:49:11Are you crazy?
00:49:12That's a child's story.
00:49:14That doesn't exist.
00:49:16That guy
00:49:18died years ago.
00:49:22They just called from one of the points
00:49:24and someone knocked on the door and...
00:49:34And there's a message for you.
00:49:37A message?
00:49:39That the angel of death is after them.
00:49:40The angel of death is after them.
00:49:46I'll be back for you soon.
00:50:00do you still remember me?
00:50:02Because I do remember you.
00:50:06I just found out you're still alive.
00:50:08You know I like surprises.
00:50:12They gave you my message.
00:50:14That you're killing my men
00:50:16and that you're coming for me.
00:50:18We don't have to rush.
00:50:20We can reach an agreement.
00:50:22We can work together.
00:50:24I'll make you a millionaire again.
00:50:26How much money do you need
00:50:28to bring someone back to life?
00:50:34Now you see my dilemma.
00:50:36Killing them
00:50:38won't bring my wife back to life.
00:50:40So you and your brother
00:50:43are dead.
00:50:49Now you believe her?
00:50:51Rich, follow me.
00:50:53Get the girl out of here.
00:50:55Let's go.
00:51:05Let's go.
00:51:17Let's go.
00:51:27I have my eyes on you.
00:51:29I'm watching you.
00:51:31The only reason
00:51:33I didn't shoot
00:51:35is because I love my daughter.
00:51:37So I'm proposing a deal.
00:51:39Give me my daughter
00:51:41and I promise I'll kill her in one shot.
00:51:44What do you say?
00:51:46Do you accept the deal?
00:51:48Let the girl go.
00:51:50Are you crazy?
00:51:52If we don't get the girl,
00:51:54they'll kill us both.
00:51:56Don't be an idiot, Victor.
00:51:57The only reason this guy
00:51:59doesn't kill us
00:52:01is because we have his daughter.
00:52:03The only guarantee we have
00:52:05is that we won't need that bitch.
00:52:07Now put your stupid brother's
00:52:09on the line.
00:52:11Who's talking to you?
00:52:14What do you want, you idiot?
00:52:20I just wanted to hear your voice
00:52:22before killing you.
00:52:24I can almost feel
00:52:25that you're going to die in prison.
00:52:28I know you're weak.
00:52:30And that at any moment
00:52:32you're going to leave this.
00:52:34The one who leaves this world
00:52:36is going to be you.
00:52:38But first,
00:52:40I'm going to blow your son's brains out
00:52:42so you can see it.
00:52:46Are you going to tell me
00:52:48that you're going to risk it?
00:52:52Are you going to risk it?
00:52:56Then let's risk it.
00:53:02That guy's crazy.
00:53:04That guy's crazy. Let's go!
00:53:06Let's go!
00:53:08Let's go! Wait!
00:53:10Go get that bastard!
00:53:22You had the chance
00:53:23to take your daughter to peace.
00:53:26Now stop the consequences.
00:53:30You're not in any position
00:53:32to threaten me.
00:53:34Look, I'm here.
00:53:37What do you say?
00:53:39At any moment,
00:53:41I'm going to blow your head off.
00:53:47The dark ranger
00:53:49ended up being the angel of death.
00:53:50Let's see, angel of death.
00:53:53Shoot me.
00:53:55Shoot me!
00:53:58You're not going to do it, are you?
00:54:00Angel of death.
00:54:03You don't dare, do you?
00:54:07little girl.
00:54:09Do you want to see your face
00:54:11on the wall?
00:54:13I just found out
00:54:15that Aquiles' heel
00:54:17is the angel of death.
00:54:18Angel of death.
00:54:22You'd better not follow me.
00:54:24I'm serious.
00:54:27I swear I'm going to kill her.
00:54:29Put your gun down
00:54:31and let me go.
00:54:33Because if I don't, I swear I'll kill her.
00:54:37If I have to go to hell
00:54:39to find you,
00:54:41I will.
00:54:43Well, until then.
00:54:45Angel of death.
00:54:47Angel of death.
00:55:02Angel of death.
00:55:16Angel of death.
00:55:30Leave me.
00:55:44let me introduce you
00:55:46Are you a professional?
00:55:52Infiltration and grenade specialist?
00:55:59And what can I tell you about my friend the Psycho?
00:56:02You already know him.
00:56:08Well, it's a pleasure to have you here.
00:56:13Perfect. And what is the job to do?
00:56:15Patience, Carlos.
00:56:18I'm sure you'll like the treatment I'm going to offer you.
00:56:25I suppose you know perfectly well who we are.
00:56:28Of course. The Brotherhood Cartel.
00:56:31Alex and Victor Vegas, if I'm not mistaken.
00:56:37Well, we have a problem that is getting out of hand.
00:56:42We are specialists in that kind of business.
00:56:45What better?
00:56:47There is a hitman who has already finished half of all our men.
00:56:51And we are not willing to continue losing more.
00:56:54That is the reason why you are here.
00:56:57Perfect. And who is the guy?
00:56:59The Angel of Death.
00:57:01Impossible. He is dead.
00:57:03That's what we thought, but it wasn't like that.
00:57:08So that's your job.
00:57:10I want you to go and eliminate him.
00:57:13Kill him.
00:57:17The treatment we are going to offer you is this one.
00:57:20Three million to kill him.
00:57:24But if you bring him alive, we guarantee you five million.
00:57:30There you will say.
00:57:32The Angel of Death.
00:57:34Killing Romero is a legend.
00:57:36I'm in.
00:57:37Sir, you already know me.
00:57:40You know that I'm in.
00:57:43There you are.
00:57:46And your friend, why do you think so much about him?
00:57:50For three million, I'm in.
00:57:55Tony, show the gentlemen the facilities.
00:57:59Yes, sir.
00:58:01Yes, sir.
00:58:13You see, Victor? I told you.
00:58:24Now the hunted will return to the prey.
00:58:31I'm in.
00:58:52What are you waiting for?
00:58:54To make your next move.
00:59:02Let's go.
00:59:15We've already talked to all the alcoholics.
00:59:18And also with all the guards.
00:59:23No one has seen anything.
00:59:26The contact we had within the government
00:59:29He also washed his hands.
00:59:32Now I know we're alone.
00:59:35It seems to me that the little angel is already cowardly or is injured.
00:59:39No, I highly doubt that.
00:59:42If he is injured, he is hiding to regain strength and give a new blow.
00:59:48No, no, no, let's see.
00:59:52You don't have to be idiots.
00:59:55You have to be smart.
00:59:59To hunt an animal, what do you need?
01:00:04A trap.
01:00:06A trap.
01:00:08And a trap needs a bait.
01:00:14And we, gentlemen, we have the perfect bait.
01:00:19The kid.
01:00:21And that wouldn't stop him, sir?
01:00:23Of course he's going to get angry.
01:00:25Of course.
01:00:26That's the joke.
01:00:28Let him win his anger.
01:00:33That's what's going to make him come to us.
01:00:36Trust is in danger.
01:00:42That's it.
01:00:44Psycho, if you're afraid, there's the door.
01:00:46I wouldn't have drank that water if it were you.
01:00:49What did you say, asshole?
01:00:51It just didn't seem so convenient to me anymore that you were part of the team.
01:01:00I told you.
01:01:02Trust is in danger.
01:01:04You neglect yourself for a moment and you're dead.
01:01:08Don't forget that.
01:01:15What are you waiting for?
01:01:17Let's cut that little angel's wings.
01:01:20By the way, the water had nothing.
01:01:23Did you hear that, sir?
01:01:25That's the joke.
01:01:42They want to tell me how the hell we're going to find that angel.
01:01:50We're in the middle of the 21st century.
01:01:53Cell phones exist.
01:01:55And you think someone is going to answer the phone to us?
01:02:02But his daughter's phone does.
01:02:07That's a good idea.
01:02:09Very good.
01:02:16Let's go.
01:02:17Get up.
01:02:18Let's go.
01:02:19There's the other one.
01:02:35They say they're going to leave me.
01:02:37Just give them the money.
01:02:40Leave it at the construction site.
01:02:44You have until today.
01:02:47At midnight.
01:03:17Let's go.
01:03:28This is more dead than a cemetery.
01:03:31Do you think he's going to be here?
01:03:34You're still underestimating that man.
01:03:37He must be here.
01:03:39He's probably watching us.
01:03:41Keep your eyes open.
01:03:44It's strange.
01:03:46I would have seen it.
01:03:48Are you sure the men from Las Vegas are patrolling the perimeter?
01:03:56I'm sure he'll come.
01:03:58For the pleasure of sending more people from the cartel, he will come.
01:04:14Let's go.
01:04:26Well, well.
01:04:28They hired you to kill me.
01:04:31In fact, there are two other murderers.
01:04:35And an army of men behind you.
01:04:38I must admit that it was an honor that they thought of me for this job.
01:04:44How much does your betrayal cost?
01:04:48Three million.
01:04:50If I kill you right now.
01:04:52Five if I throw you alive.
01:04:55I'm sorry.
01:04:57Because you will not be able to collect that reward.
01:05:01You're still underestimating me.
01:05:06Where is my daughter?
01:05:08Where is my daughter?
01:05:11If you kill me, you'll never know.
01:05:16He's here! He's here!
01:05:18Angel, go in the opposite direction!
01:05:21Let's go!
01:05:42Here he is!
01:05:51Damn it!
01:05:52I got you!
01:05:58Look what you did!
01:06:14You're going to pay for this!
01:06:18Where is he?
01:06:21Where is he?
01:06:52Damn it!
01:06:54You're going to pay for this!
01:06:58What are you doing?
01:06:59Cutting off a pianist's fingers?
01:07:03You ruined the career of an animal artist!
01:07:06He won't be able to play music anymore!
01:07:09Damn you!
01:07:11But you're going to pay for this!
01:07:13Damn it!
01:07:14I can't find him anywhere.
01:07:16Only our men are dead.
01:07:18We have to relocate.
01:07:22We have to relocate.
01:07:27He's dead.
01:07:30Yes, don't tell me.
01:07:32What do you want me to do?
01:07:34Brush the area or what?
01:07:36No, this guy is very skilled.
01:07:39He would kill us one by one.
01:07:42Let's go back to the base.
01:07:45Where is all this?
01:07:47Where the hell were you?
01:07:49That idiot escaped.
01:07:51And it was your fault!
01:07:53Don't talk to me like that.
01:07:55He escaped from all of us.
01:07:57I warned him.
01:07:58They underestimated that man.
01:08:00And this bastard paid for it with his life.
01:08:03Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance?
01:08:06For the same reason.
01:08:08That he snatched you and killed Carlos.
01:08:11Angel is the best.
01:08:13We have to get out of here and plan a new strategy.
01:08:19Let's go.
01:08:30I have news for you.
01:08:33We're leaving this place.
01:08:35Put on the blindfolds.
01:08:37How long are we going to use this ridiculousness?
01:08:40I'm sorry, gentlemen.
01:08:42But the location of this place must be to know the secret.
01:08:47Let's go!
01:09:07How did you fail?
01:09:08How did you fail?
01:09:10Aren't you supposed to be the best?
01:09:12I told you.
01:09:13It's a very difficult job.
01:09:15We lost everything we had.
01:09:17Even Carlos lost his life.
01:09:20That's the price of incompetence.
01:09:24That's an implicit cost in this kind of job, if you know it.
01:09:32What are we going to do now?
01:09:34Honestly, I don't know.
01:09:37Wait for Angel to make a mistake?
01:09:42Do one thing.
01:09:43I'm thinking, Victor.
01:09:45That this guy is very strange.
01:09:49You were close to Angel.
01:09:51Very close.
01:09:52And you didn't do anything.
01:09:54And the most curious thing, you know what it is?
01:09:57That Angel looked at you.
01:09:59And he didn't do anything to you either.
01:10:01So you're very strange.
01:10:02That has nothing to do with it.
01:10:04He was alone with him.
01:10:06And he didn't do anything to him.
01:10:07He just knocked him out.
01:10:08The difference is that I came with 15 men.
01:10:11And you!
01:10:12You came alone!
01:10:17No, no, no.
01:10:18You don't see my face.
01:10:20I'm going to tell you something.
01:10:22This guy has been talking about Angel all the time.
01:10:25And time has passed.
01:10:27And you know what?
01:10:29I think you were even adulating him.
01:10:34Maybe you're getting on his side.
01:10:36What they're talking about is very serious.
01:10:39If we find you guilty, you're not going to finish it.
01:10:55You and I have a very serious conversation.
01:10:58Take him to the warehouse.
01:11:00Go ahead.
01:11:01Go ahead.
01:11:06I think this guy is playing us, Chaco.
01:11:15You know what?
01:11:20I haven't told you about me.
01:11:22And I don't like killing innocent people.
01:11:28Before being a boss, you move.
01:11:33I was dedicated to questioning.
01:11:42I enjoyed it a lot.
01:11:44A lot.
01:11:46Killing and torturing.
01:11:48Traitors like you.
01:11:57I don't know anything.
01:12:03I don't know anything.
01:12:29I'm getting tired.
01:12:31Are you going to talk?
01:12:32Yes or no?
01:12:34Or do you want to keep working?
01:12:38I'm going to kill you piece by piece.
01:12:41Piece by piece.
01:12:45I told you.
01:12:47I told you I don't know anything.
01:12:49You don't know anything?
01:12:56You better talk.
01:12:58He's manipulating you.
01:13:00That guy is manipulating you.
01:13:03He's been doing it from the beginning and he's doing it.
01:13:06Nobody manipulates me.
01:13:08I just saw it.
01:13:12I've come to the conclusion that you're a traitor.
01:13:17That's what I think of you.
01:13:24Don't you feel bad that they're hitting your buddy?
01:13:30My buddy?
01:13:32My colleague?
01:13:34But the first rule of this business is that the end always justifies the means.
01:13:40That's why I like you, psycho.
01:13:42That's why.
01:13:46I don't know why you protect that bastard.
01:13:48That guy is a disarmed.
01:13:52If that's what you like, I can be much more creative.
01:14:06Do you like it?
01:14:12Lie down.
01:14:13Lie down.
01:14:14Do you want me to do this?
01:14:16Is that what you want?
01:14:18I don't know anything.
01:14:20I don't know anything.
01:14:35I told you I don't know anything.
01:14:41Do you like my new baby?
01:14:44You just decided.
01:14:46I'm going to roast you like a chicken.
01:14:52I don't know anything.
01:14:53I told you.
01:15:05Go get the girl.
01:15:06Let's go.
01:15:19Let's go.
01:15:24So, what do you think, you bastard?
01:15:31I told you I was the master of infiltration.
01:15:35Where is my daughter?
01:15:39I'm alive. I can help you.
01:15:42She's in a property in Las Vegas.
01:15:45Which one?
01:15:47I don't know.
01:15:48They always take us blind.
01:15:52But I can help you get to her.
01:15:56Why are you doing this?
01:15:58One, you have a knife in my throat.
01:16:02Two, I didn't know you were the target until after I accepted this job.
01:16:09You were my mentor.
01:16:13And three...
01:16:15I'm sick of these clowns too.
01:16:21You're always with your stupidity.
01:16:24Just to save your skin.
01:16:27If you don't believe me, kill me.
01:16:29Cut my neck.
01:16:31But if you were a little more perceptive,
01:16:35you'd know I'm offering you my help.
01:16:38You'd know I'm offering you my help.
01:16:52Apparently, your little killer was right.
01:16:57Trust is dangerous.
01:17:01I tried to kill Angel.
01:17:05But despite his injuries,
01:17:08he's still better than me.
01:17:11If I wanted to kill you,
01:17:13I'd do it right now.
01:17:15Or I'd talk to all the men and murderers around you
01:17:18so they'd come for you.
01:17:22But that's not what I want.
01:17:27What do you want?
01:17:30The same thing you had.
01:17:35A way out.
01:17:36A new life.
01:17:44Believe it or not,
01:17:47I still have some dignity left.
01:17:50Just to kill you.
01:17:56Damn son of a bitch.
01:18:11I told you you're the master of infiltration.
01:18:20It's a tracking chip.
01:18:23Put it on your body.
01:18:25Make them take you to the farm in El Bebe.
01:18:28Then I'll get to you.
01:18:31We knew that
01:18:32not even your most loyal men
01:18:35know the location of this place.
01:18:51It looks like
01:18:54your castle has a crack
01:18:57that has just become a sinkhole.
01:19:00You're dead, Victor.
01:19:02And to be honest,
01:19:04no one's going to miss you.
01:19:08It looks like the Vegas
01:19:11are no longer untouchable.
01:19:25Enough, asshole.
01:19:27Enough, asshole.
01:19:29You're just a kid.
01:19:30Come here and listen to me.
01:19:31Step on it.
01:19:32Let's go.
01:19:47Let her go.
01:19:48Let her go.
01:19:52How do you make a ranchero
01:19:54to get rid of you?
01:19:56What are you going to do now?
01:19:58Are you going to shoot now?
01:20:01Don't risk it, girl.
01:20:03You know what's going to happen.
01:20:04We are destined
01:20:06to meet again.
01:20:14I'm a fool.
01:20:15I'm a fool.
01:20:20Let's go.
01:20:21Let's go.
01:20:22Let's go.
01:20:27Let's go.
01:20:32I'm a fool.
01:20:34I'm still alive.
01:20:38I'm going to kill you.
01:20:43I'm going to kill you with my own hands.
01:20:56I'm going to kill you with my own hands.
01:21:23Beat it.
01:21:27Beat it.
01:21:52You're just a kid.
01:21:57It's just that I'm careful.
01:22:04Give it to him.
01:22:05Yes, boss.
01:22:12That one is going to the house.
01:22:26Let's go.
01:22:33Beat it.
01:22:39You're just a kid.
01:22:45You're just a kid.
01:22:48You're just a kid.
01:22:51You're just a kid.
01:22:56You're just a kid.
01:23:22Aren't you glad to see me?
01:23:26I saw you kill those people.
01:23:30I did it to save you.
01:23:32Life is a jungle.
01:23:37I'm sorry you had to go through it this way.
01:23:41But I want you to know
01:23:43that I love you unconditionally
01:23:46and that I will always be with you.
01:23:48Until the end.
01:23:56Until the end.
01:24:00Beat it.
01:24:07Give her time.
01:24:09This was too much for her.
01:24:13And what happened to the cartel men?
01:24:16And Armanda?
01:24:20I think the first thing is to find a doctor.
01:24:23I know a discreet one near the town.
01:24:26We can go with him.
01:24:28What happened to the cartel men?
01:24:31And Armanda?
01:24:33We killed their leaders
01:24:35and their best gunmen.
01:24:37This is going to be a very quiet area for a long time.
01:24:40I hope so.
01:24:42What are you going to do with her?
01:24:44I have to hide.
01:24:47Because if I don't,
01:24:49they'll come for me.
01:24:51The deal I made with you,
01:24:53I'm going to keep it.
01:24:56I'm sure you will.
01:25:04What do you think, Agent Eras?
01:25:06Are you ready to stop the best killer in the country?
01:25:11Of course, boss.
01:25:13Let's go get him.
01:25:22we already know who did the mess in the properties of the brotherhood cartel.
01:25:29If I told you,
01:25:31I wouldn't believe it.
01:25:34But this man is going to be very useful to us in the future for the plans we have.
01:25:40I guarantee it.
01:25:43It would be better for you to take care of it yourself.
01:25:47And if you really want us to catch him,
01:25:50go towards the border.
01:25:52He is injured and travels with a girl.
01:25:56Don't worry, sir.
01:25:58Let's go get him.
01:26:02you drive.
