• 2 days ago
00:00:00Hola que tal amigos, les saluda Karen Duarte, y en nombre de todo el equipo de Hola Estudios TV, quiero agradecer su preferencia durante este año, y desearles felices fiestas. Feliz Navidad y un prospero año nuevo para todos ustedes.
00:00:31Entonces tu vas a pagar por la muerte de mi hijo.
00:00:34Esta bien, pero soy inocente, si quiere hacer algo así, no me voy a quedar con las manos cruzadas.
00:01:00El Señor confirme con su bondad este consentimiento vuestro que habéis manifestado ante la iglesia, y os otorgue su copiosa bendición. Lo que Dios ha unido, que no lo separe el hombre.
00:01:27Los novios pueden besarse.
00:01:45Muchas gracias familiares y amigos por estar aquí presentes en un día tan especial para nosotros.
00:01:53Quito, quítate, déjame subir.
00:01:55Griselda, no puedes pasar.
00:01:57Que te fijes.
00:02:02Aparte de socios, ahora somos consuelos.
00:02:05Como siempre lo esperamos.
00:02:09Pues salud, y porque mi hijo y mi nuera sean muy felices.
00:02:26Adriana, te lo dije, que íbamos a terminar siendo de la familia.
00:02:40Griselda por favor entiéndeme, a la que amo es a ti.
00:02:43No seas mentiroso Chema, te acabas de casar con esa.
00:02:46Solamente lo hice por la organización y lo sabes, a la que amo es a ti.
00:02:49Por favor mírame, mírame a los ojos, que no ves todo el amor que siento por ti.
00:02:53Lo único que miro es un cobarde que solamente jugó conmigo.
00:03:00¿Qué hacen aquí?
00:03:02Nada papá.
00:03:03Don Gilberto por favor déjenos solos.
00:03:05Tú y yo no tenemos nada de qué hablar, esto se terminó.
00:03:09Déjala Chema, ya la has hecho sufrir demasiado.
00:03:12Pero don Gilberto, ¿qué no entiende que yo la amo?
00:03:14Uno no lastima a quien ama muchacho, lo tuyo no es amor.
00:03:17Y será mejor que te vas olvidando de mi hija, o te la verás conmigo.
00:03:20Hija, voy por la camioneta.
00:03:24¿Y a todo esto, José dónde está?
00:03:29Grisela necesitamos hablar.
00:03:31Ya te dije que no tenemos nada de qué hablar.
00:03:34Claro que sí, por favor no me hagas esto, me duele.
00:03:37¿En serio? Pero el que me está lastimando eres tú, yo no fui la que me casé.
00:03:41Esa boda no significa nada para mí, yo me voy a quedar contigo.
00:03:47¿Y cómo según tú?
00:03:49A la chingada de la organización, prefiero perderlo todo que perderte a ti.
00:04:05Felicidades Mica.
00:04:11¿Te tardaste en oír?
00:04:13Fui a tomar un poco de aire.
00:04:15Te das pendejo.
00:04:18Ambos sabemos dónde estabas.
00:04:21No sé de qué hablas.
00:04:23Límpiate el labial que está saliendo raro.
00:04:36Mi amor, ¿dónde estabas?
00:04:38Estaba viendo ahí unas cosas.
00:04:42¿Y siempre a dónde se va a vender una de mía?
00:04:45A Europa, pero va a ser dentro de una semana.
00:04:48¿Y eso?
00:04:49Es que José quiere ver personalmente a su nuevo cliente.
00:04:53No te vayas a querer endepelizar, José.
00:04:56No, no, ¿cómo crees, Pedro?
00:04:58Todo lo que se haga de ahora en adelante será en favor de la organización.
00:05:02Así sea.
00:05:04Claro que sí, entonces la fiesta está, vamos a bailar.
00:05:19Felicidades Mica.
00:05:50¿Quién es?
00:05:53¿Quién es?
00:05:55¿Quién es?
00:06:19¿Quién es?
00:06:50Ya casi.
00:06:51Sí, ya casi.
00:06:53Griselda, ¿tú qué haces aquí?
00:06:55¿Deberías de estar cuidando a mi mujer?
00:06:57Yo le dije que viniera papá.
00:06:59Desde hoy quisiera que me acompañe.
00:07:00¿Y eso?
00:07:02Creo que ya es hora de que Griselda vaya formando parte del negocio.
00:07:05Y quisiera que esté en mi equipo.
00:07:07Bueno, hermano, creo que José tiene razón.
00:07:09Ahorita que se está moviendo para conseguir más clientes,
00:07:12va a necesitar a alguien a su lado.
00:07:14Qué mejor que Griselda, ¿no?
00:07:15Está bien, hijo.
00:07:16Si así lo quieres,
00:07:17ya veré a quién pongo de guardaespaldas de tu madre.
00:07:21Gracias, papá.
00:07:33¿Quién iba a decirlo?
00:07:35Mi hijo consiguiendo sus buenos clientes,
00:07:38haciendo sus primeras llamitas solo.
00:07:40Así es.
00:07:42¿Quién lo diría, no?
00:07:44De tal palo,
00:07:46tal astilla.
00:07:49¿Te acuerdas que te dije que nos íbamos a escapar?
00:07:52Hoy hice ese día.
00:07:53¿Es en serio, José?
00:07:54¿Pero por qué no me habías dicho nada?
00:07:56Era sorpresa.
00:07:57Pero, y...
00:07:58No digas nada.
00:07:59Yo lo tengo todo planeado.
00:08:01En cuanto hagamos esta entrega,
00:08:02nos vamos lejos con todo ese dinero.
00:08:04¿En serio?
00:08:07Vamos lejos con todo ese dinero.
00:08:09¿En serio?
00:08:38¡A tu lado, pinche coco!
00:08:43¿Y Griselda?
00:08:44Se fue con José.
00:08:46¿Cómo que se fue con José?
00:08:49Al parecer, quiere ser su sicario.
00:08:51Y quiere estar en el equipo con él.
00:08:53Están locos.
00:08:54Eso es mucho riesgo para mi hija.
00:08:56¿Qué cosas no, cabrón?
00:08:58Tú tanta que has hecho por entrar a la organización,
00:09:00y ella sin creer ya está adentro.
00:09:02Es lo malo de ser cojo.
00:09:05Que te cases bien.
00:09:11¿No contestes?
00:09:13No, ¿y qué?
00:09:37¡No la vamos a armar!
00:09:39¡No contestas, chingada madre!
00:09:45¡Vámonos, José!
00:09:46¡Ya no tengo balas!
00:09:48No, José, no olvides que te amo.
00:09:49¡Vete! ¡Vete!
00:09:50¡José, no!
00:10:09Me pagaron para partir de tu madre.
00:10:11Pero si te estoy sincero,
00:10:13no pensé que fuera a ser tan fácil, cabrón.
00:10:20Ya nos peló la morra.
00:10:22¿Qué esperas, cabrón?
00:10:35Así no tienes que escribir.
00:10:40Traigo malas noticias.
00:10:53¿Qué pasó, patrón?
00:10:55Nada, nada. ¡Déjame solo!
00:10:59¿Qué tienes, hermano? ¿Qué pasó?
00:11:01Parece que mataron a José.
00:11:03¿Cómo que mataron a José?
00:11:05¡Que te vayas, pinche abuelo!
00:11:26¡Suéltame! ¡Suéltame!
00:11:29¡Viviría! ¡Viviria!
00:11:31¡La libertad! ¿Por qué?
00:11:34¡La libertad! ¿Por qué?
00:11:36¿Por qué?
00:11:49¡Ni alzas nada!
00:11:54What did they do to you?
00:11:56What happened to my son?
00:11:58They intercepted us and killed us all.
00:12:01And my daughter?
00:12:02She's in a safe place.
00:12:04But where is she? Where is my daughter?
00:12:07Get out, Gilberto! Get out!
00:12:10Can't you see what's going on?
00:12:12Get out of my sight!
00:12:14I'm sorry, boss.
00:12:16What's going on? Get out of my sight!
00:12:19I'm sorry, boss.
00:12:22Who killed my son?
00:12:24Who told you to kill my son?
00:12:32Chito, what's going on? Why are you keeping me here?
00:12:36Answer me! Why?
00:12:41You were the damn ungrateful one!
00:12:43What are you talking about, Mr. Heriberto?
00:12:45You planned everything. That's why you killed my son.
00:12:49That's not true. I didn't do anything to him. How can you say that?
00:12:52Shut up! And don't make a scene with us.
00:12:59My brother told me everything about you and my son.
00:13:02You wanted to stay with him, but you couldn't.
00:13:05That's why you killed him.
00:13:07That's not true.
00:13:09Deny me in my face that you weren't his lover.
00:13:16Of course, you killed him out of spite, didn't you?
00:13:20Because you couldn't stand seeing him with her.
00:13:23That's not true. I loved him, and he loved me.
00:13:26I'd do anything for him.
00:13:31You didn't go to the wedding with a gun,
00:13:34because you wanted to kill her.
00:13:37And since you couldn't,
00:13:41you killed him.
00:13:45Give me a good reason not to kill you right now with my own hands.
00:13:56Sister, please don't hang me. Don't hang me.
00:13:59My daughter is in danger.
00:14:01Please, sir, I beg you.
00:14:03You have to believe me. I had nothing to do with it.
00:14:07Kill her already, brother.
00:14:09This can't stay like this.
00:14:11What a coincidence that you were the only one who survived, right?
00:14:16If it wasn't you, who was it?
00:14:18I think it was the Fonsecas. They've always had a fight with you.
00:14:21The Fonsecas haven't messed with us for a long time.
00:14:25Look, what a coincidence that we found your phone damaged, right?
00:14:30That's weird.
00:14:32Yes, because when I saw it, it fell.
00:14:35Jose told me to run, and that's what I did.
00:14:37Don't mention my nephew, you treacherous bitch.
00:14:41Kill her, brother.
00:14:42Look, my sister-in-law needs someone to pay, so shoot.
00:14:48Please, Mr. Heriberto, I beg you.
00:14:51I loved Jose. I would never do something like that.
00:14:54It's not true. Kill her.
00:14:56Let me prove to him that I didn't do it.
00:14:59I'm going to find out everything.
00:15:01And if you're cheating on me, you're going to suffer badly, Griselda.
00:15:06Brother, shoot.
00:15:10Shoot, brother. Come on.
00:15:15Let's go.
00:15:17Chito, watch her.
00:15:19Yes, boss.
00:15:40Boss, where's my daughter?
00:15:43I told you, we have her.
00:15:45She's not a traitor. You know her.
00:15:47She didn't do anything.
00:15:50We'll see about that, Gilberto.
00:15:53Gilberto, I need you to leave my house.
00:15:56But, boss...
00:16:00Get out.
00:16:02Get out!
00:16:03Didn't you hear me, brother?
00:16:06Where is she? I have to see her.
00:16:08I can't tell you anything, Gilberto.
00:16:10Don't get me in trouble.
00:16:12She didn't do anything.
00:16:14Who knows?
00:16:15Everything indicates that she did.
00:16:17I believe you.
00:16:19But let this pass to the boss.
00:16:21And then you talk to him.
00:16:35I'm sorry.
00:16:45This can't be happening.
00:16:47Tell me it's a lie, please.
00:16:50You have to be strong and accept reality.
00:16:53No, I can't.
00:16:54We were going to leave Luna.
00:16:59We have to be strong.
00:17:02No, old man.
00:17:06This was the worst thing that could have happened to me.
00:17:11It hurts so much.
00:17:16I also want to die.
00:17:23But I'll tell you something.
00:17:26I swear.
00:17:29This is not going to stay that way.
00:17:33I'm going to get revenge for my nephew.
00:17:35I swear.
00:17:37I'm going to avenge his death.
00:17:40Although you had your differences.
00:17:44He loved you very much, brother-in-law.
00:17:47Yes, I know.
00:17:51Yes, I know, sister-in-law.
00:17:55I'm going to see Adriana.
00:17:57I think she got very sick, poor thing.
00:18:01Excuse me.
00:18:06God is punishing us.
00:18:12For the life we have led.
00:18:24No, old woman.
00:18:25God has nothing to do with this.
00:18:28The culprit is someone else.
00:18:31And I swear by my life that I will find him.
00:18:33And I will kill him myself.
00:18:35With my own hands.
00:18:46And what are you doing here?
00:18:47Why? What's wrong?
00:18:49Boss, I need to see my daughter.
00:18:51What's wrong with Griselda?
00:18:52She wasn't doing so well with Jose.
00:18:55Don't tell me you killed her.
00:18:56She's alive.
00:18:57That's what they say.
00:18:58But I haven't seen her.
00:19:00Get out!
00:19:06Didn't you hear my brother?
00:19:08What's going on, Heriberto? What's going on?
00:19:10Get out!
00:19:11Get out!
00:19:12Get out!
00:19:13Get out, you son of a bitch!
00:19:15Get out!
00:19:16And don't ever come back!
00:19:26So she wanted Jose.
00:19:29And out of spite, she planned her death?
00:19:33I don't believe that, Griselda.
00:19:36I've known her since she was a child.
00:19:40Did they have something to do with it?
00:19:42I don't believe it.
00:19:46It's very strange.
00:19:49My son didn't kill her.
00:19:51He didn't kill her.
00:19:53And I think he killed him upstairs.
00:19:57I'll go get some coffee.
00:20:07What happened?
00:20:10Yes, you didn't get the goods because they killed my son.
00:20:14Yes, that's what happened.
00:20:17No, I don't doubt you.
00:20:19I know very well that you didn't do it.
00:20:23Okay, thank you.
00:20:35They left with the gossip soon.
00:20:39Don't get involved in this.
00:20:41Your niece is the main suspect.
00:20:44Don't worry.
00:20:47I won't get involved in this because of her.
00:20:52You don't know how things are.
00:20:57We'll talk later.
00:20:59Right now I'm very sad about my son.
00:21:15What the hell are you doing here?
00:21:17What a courteous way to receive the one who just saved your skin.
00:21:21Hello, little mafia.
00:21:23Your aunt is a very good friend of mine.
00:21:25She advocated for you and wants us to give you another chance.
00:21:29With all due respect, ma'am.
00:21:31But I think she's making a mistake.
00:21:35And I think she didn't do it.
00:21:37You shouldn't have gotten involved in this.
00:21:39You say thank you to ungrateful kids.
00:21:41If you're innocent,
00:21:42you'll have a week to prove your innocence
00:21:45and bring me the culprit.
00:21:47And you'll do it alone.
00:21:50But nothing.
00:21:51You say you're innocent, right?
00:21:53Prove it then.
00:21:55If you don't, she'll die
00:21:57and you won't be able to do anything for her.
00:21:59I know.
00:22:00You heard him.
00:22:01You have a week.
00:22:05And don't even think about running away.
00:22:09And don't even think about running away.
00:22:11Because we'll be watching you.
00:22:24Why are you helping me?
00:22:27Because I think you deserve it.
00:22:29And I don't think it's fair that you pay for what someone else did.
00:22:32And that's why you came here?
00:22:34I thought you didn't want to know anything about me or my father.
00:22:37That doesn't matter now.
00:22:39Hurry up.
00:22:41Because you have time on your side.
00:22:54You shouldn't have done this.
00:22:56It's obvious that she did it.
00:22:58I only did it for the Lady of Diamonds.
00:23:01She asked me to do it.
00:23:03And you know we owe her a lot of favors.
00:23:06Is that it?
00:23:07Or are you afraid of her?
00:23:09Don't say stupid things.
00:23:11But I'm not going to get on her nerves either.
00:23:15Well, go ahead.
00:23:17But I hope you keep your promise and kill Griselda.
00:23:21I'm sure she'll never be able to prove her innocence.
00:23:24Why are you so sure?
00:23:27She acts like a duck.
00:23:28She looks like a duck.
00:23:29She swims like a duck.
00:23:31What is it?
00:23:32I think she's very honest.
00:23:34She doesn't fool me with that look on her face.
00:23:37I can smell her guilt from miles away.
00:23:40I don't know why you don't.
00:23:56What happened to your leg?
00:24:00I sprained it with a stick, but it's nothing serious.
00:24:03Don't worry.
00:24:04How can I not worry?
00:24:06They're accusing you of Jose's death.
00:24:08You didn't do it, did you?
00:24:09No, Dad.
00:24:10How can you doubt me?
00:24:12I'm sorry.
00:24:13But how did they let you go?
00:24:15My aunt Rebeca was looking for me.
00:24:17You told her, didn't you?
00:24:20She was the only one who could help us.
00:24:23After everything you've said she's done to you,
00:24:25how were you able to find her?
00:24:27Daughter, I'm capable of anything for you.
00:24:30But tell me, how did they let you go?
00:24:33They gave me a week to prove my innocence
00:24:36and find the culprit.
00:24:38One of the two.
00:24:39I'll do everything I can to find the culprit
00:24:42and prove my innocence.
00:24:52You have to eat.
00:24:54I don't want to.
00:24:56You're going to need more strength than ever.
00:25:00I'm not hungry.
00:25:02I feel really bad.
00:25:04I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:25:06Besides, I'm alone.
00:25:08I'll help you with whatever I can.
00:25:10Thank you, Dad.
00:25:12But I don't want you to get involved in this.
00:25:14If the Rodriguez's don't want to help me,
00:25:16I'll do it myself.
00:25:18Please eat.
00:25:19We'll see what to do later.
00:25:29Chizo, what are you doing here?
00:25:31I'm going to help you.
00:25:45You wanted to see us look like idiots.
00:25:47No, how could I?
00:25:49Shut up!
00:25:51No, boss.
00:25:53You know me.
00:25:55Forgive me.
00:25:58I don't know you, kid.
00:26:01But I did hear that you were cutting our material.
00:26:05With who knows what crap.
00:26:08All to earn a few more cents.
00:26:12What a piece of shit.
00:26:14And do you have any idea who it could have been?
00:26:17I say the Fonseca's.
00:26:19They've been the bosses' rivals all their lives.
00:26:21But they have a peace agreement, right?
00:26:23And you believe them?
00:26:25It's obvious it was them. Who else?
00:26:28I have to go look for them.
00:26:30I'll go with you.
00:26:31I won't leave you alone in this.
00:26:34I'll go with you.
00:26:36No, Dad.
00:26:37This is my business and I don't want you to get involved.
00:26:39It's because I'm lame, right?
00:26:40You also think I can't?
00:26:42No, Dad.
00:26:43It's not because of that.
00:26:44The Fonseca's are very dangerous.
00:26:46I don't want anything to happen to you.
00:26:48But, kid...
00:26:49Don't insist, please.
00:26:50You know I'm not going to change my mind.
00:26:52I already lost my mother.
00:26:53I don't want to lose you too.
00:26:55I'll take care of her.
00:26:56Besides, don't worry.
00:26:58I can take care of myself.
00:27:01Okay, kid.
00:27:02I'll do whatever you say.
00:27:04If we're going to look for the Fonseca's...
00:27:06We have to have a good plan.
00:27:08Because it won't be easy.
00:27:10You're right.
00:27:11I'll do everything I can to prove my innocence.
00:27:14And avenge Jose's death.
00:27:16If the Fonseca's are gone, the Fonseca's will pay.
00:27:18Show her what I'm talking about.
00:27:20Swallow it, asshole!
00:27:21Swallow it!
00:27:23Two years working and nothing.
00:27:25And a single mistake ruined your life.
00:27:28Forgive me.
00:27:29I have a family.
00:27:30You know me.
00:27:37You had a family.
00:27:41Shut up.
00:27:43No, no, boss.
00:27:45No, please.
00:27:46No, I have a family.
00:27:47Shut up, asshole.
00:28:23Of course.
00:28:24Look, you trust me, Pablito.
00:28:27This merchandise I'm going to send you...
00:28:29Is of the best quality.
00:28:31Yes, my boys are already loading the truck.
00:28:34Don't worry.
00:28:35Now I leave you...
00:28:37Because there is a little matter that I have to take care of.
00:28:43I'm going to lose my mother.
00:28:44Don't worry.
00:28:49Let me see if I understand you.
00:28:52You two alone intended to end all of us.
00:28:58How daring, honey.
00:29:00Who the hell sent you, bastards?
00:29:02We came on our own.
00:29:03We just wanted to talk to you.
00:29:05Well, excuse me if I don't offer you hot coffee and bread.
00:29:10Look, girl, let's stop talking nonsense, do you want?
00:29:13Unless you want me to hurt that pretty face of yours.
00:29:17We work for the Rodriguez.
00:29:19For the Rodriguez?
00:29:20It's been a long time since we've had a fucking problem with those bastards.
00:29:24Wait, brother.
00:29:27If these two work for the Rodriguez...
00:29:30Then they are here.
00:29:32Why do you think we have something to do with the death of your son?
00:29:36And how do you know they killed Jose?
00:29:38Oh, honey, the rumors fly.
00:29:40And unfortunately for you, they always reach my ears.
00:29:44And is that it?
00:29:45Or did you kill him?
00:29:46They killed him.
00:29:48It's been a long time since the Rodriguez meant anything to me.
00:29:54Honestly, whether they die or not, I don't care.
00:29:58Now we're on a different track, girl.
00:30:01It's a shame that your bosses still think we have a rivalry with them.
00:30:05That is very true.
00:30:07And just because of that, now you will have to pay for your arrogance.
00:30:14Bathe them.
00:30:17Listen to me, please.
00:30:18Healthy meat.
00:30:20They killed Jose.
00:30:21And they think I was responsible.
00:30:23I need to find the culprit.
00:30:24They're going to kill me.
00:30:25They can't kill us.
00:30:26Oh, no?
00:30:27Just watch.
00:30:29I'm Rebecca's niece.
00:30:31The Lady of Diamonds.
00:30:32You're lying!
00:30:33I can prove it to you.
00:30:35I have her number marked.
00:30:37Wait, brother.
00:30:39The affidavits match, but we still have to prove it.
00:30:43Check it yourself.
00:30:48It looks like you've won some time, Canelo.
00:30:53But as my brother says, we have to prove it.
00:31:01Leave him alone, please.
00:31:04I want to be alone.
00:31:09It hurts me to see you like this.
00:31:11If I could give my life for my son's, I would.
00:31:18If you really want to do something,
00:31:22bring me the culprit.
00:31:25Do it.
00:31:33So the Mafia member is your niece, ma'am?
00:31:41Yes, we have her here.
00:31:43Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to her.
00:31:45I just hope I don't forget this favor.
00:31:52Did she hang me?
00:31:55Let me guess.
00:31:58You're family, right?
00:32:03Do you know what this means, brother?
00:32:07The Lady of the Diamonds will be in debt to us.
00:32:12No, I don't think so, brother.
00:32:15The lady...
00:32:18won't take this as a favor.
00:32:22Fucking negative guy.
00:32:25Just think about it for a second.
00:32:28First, we help you free your niece.
00:32:32And second,
00:32:34we investigate who killed Chenita.
00:32:40even if you don't thank us,
00:32:43that woman won't be forgotten.
00:32:47She's from the old school.
00:32:50The lady has never wanted to do business with us, brother.
00:32:55And she doesn't love us either. You know that.
00:33:02I assure you,
00:33:04after all this,
00:33:07the Redhead will change her mind.
00:33:11I assure you.
00:33:15Free the girl and that trigger.
00:33:18But do it fast.
00:33:24The Lady of the Diamonds.
00:33:28What's up?
00:33:36Thank you for not killing us.
00:33:38No, thank you.
00:33:40Remember that a favor is a favor.
00:33:43And what do you want in return?
00:33:45For now, the most important thing
00:33:48is to fix your problem.
00:33:50If it weren't for you,
00:33:52who else?
00:33:53In these times, anyone betrays you for money.
00:33:57In your case,
00:33:59it must have been someone
00:34:01who knew the date and place of the delivery.
00:34:05Do you mean
00:34:07that someone among us could be?
00:34:10Or maybe someone on the buyer's side?
00:34:14The buyer was very close to Jose
00:34:16and he didn't even know where we were going to move.
00:34:19Well, then that greatly reduces the options.
00:34:21The truth is that it took very few days
00:34:24to find the culprit.
00:34:26Well, as I see it,
00:34:28they only have two paths.
00:34:33find the stolen merchandise.
00:34:35Or two,
00:34:37find who stole it.
00:34:39That would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
00:34:41I know.
00:34:43And that's why they have to put you to work.
00:34:46You really don't trust anyone?
00:34:48I say this because it is very evident to me
00:34:51that it could be someone from their own cartel.
00:34:57who had access to very delicate information.
00:35:00But here among us,
00:35:02what intrigues me the most
00:35:04is to know who wanted the poor guy of Chemita dead.
00:35:18Dad, we're here.
00:35:20Thank God you're alive.
00:35:22What happened?
00:35:24The Unsecas didn't go.
00:35:26Or at least that's what they said.
00:35:28And if they didn't go, who did?
00:35:30I think it was Hernan.
00:35:32How do you think it was Hernan?
00:35:34He's his uncle.
00:35:36And he never wanted him either.
00:35:38Didn't you realize that?
00:35:40That's true. I know.
00:35:42Hernan always lived in the shadow of Jose.
00:35:44Think about it.
00:35:46If Jose died,
00:35:48I saw a lot of things in that house.
00:35:50And it's hard for me to believe that Hernan
00:35:52always saw Miss Adriana with love in his eyes.
00:35:54I think you're both wrong.
00:35:56It's true.
00:35:58Hernan is tough and weird.
00:36:00But from there,
00:36:02to the fact that he was able to kill his poor nephew,
00:36:04I don't believe it.
00:36:06We'll have to find out.
00:36:08I'm going to take a shower.
00:36:10I'll see you in a bit.
00:36:12Daughter, even if Hernan is gone,
00:36:14it will be difficult for you to blame him.
00:36:16Let's go. Listen to me.
00:36:18I'm going to go.
00:36:20I'm going to take a shower.
00:36:32Boss, they're looking for us.
00:36:43Vicenta, what are you doing here?
00:36:45Did you bring what I asked you?
00:36:46That's what I'm here for, Mr. Heriberto.
00:36:48I want to know who it could have been.
00:36:50You tell me who it was.
00:36:53I think it was him.
00:36:55Are you crazy?
00:36:57Maybe yes, but my intuition tells me
00:36:59that it could have been him.
00:37:04What's going on here?
00:37:06Griselda says you were the culprit
00:37:09of Jose's death.
00:37:13How dare you, bitch?
00:37:14It's not worth it, brother.
00:37:16The Fonsecas didn't do it.
00:37:18I'm sure of that.
00:37:20And the only one who deserved Chema's death was you.
00:37:22Yes, right? Well, you're not going to talk about me.
00:37:25Show me your cell phone.
00:37:27Let me check it for you.
00:37:29If you don't hide anything, let me check it for you.
00:37:31I'm not going to fall for your stupid game.
00:37:33Get your phone.
00:37:35Come on, brother.
00:37:37No, because these are very personal things
00:37:39that you won't find anything.
00:37:41What is this?
00:37:45There's nothing, brother.
00:37:47There has to be an explanation.
00:37:49Griselda, you have very little time.
00:37:52Or get ready for your end.
00:37:54Mr. Heriberto, you know I didn't do it.
00:37:56Otherwise, she would have killed me.
00:37:58I'm the one who's going to kill you.
00:38:01And I'll tell you one thing.
00:38:04You don't know how I'm going to enjoy your death.
00:38:12Let's go.
00:38:33There was nothing, Chito, nothing.
00:38:35It's very strange because they didn't have a message or something.
00:38:38Maybe, and it really wasn't him.
00:38:40He's not very smart, and he erases everything.
00:38:43Or he has another phone.
00:38:45I don't think so.
00:38:47What do you want, Rebeca?
00:38:49And you can't tell me, aunt?
00:38:51Whatever, I want to know how you're doing.
00:38:53If you don't want to end up dead,
00:38:55you should think about a plan B.
00:38:57No, I'm innocent.
00:38:59And I'm going to look for the culprit as if by chance.
00:39:02Sometimes it's better not to find out the truth, Griselda.
00:39:05What are you talking about?
00:39:07Just give them a culprit.
00:39:08It's what they need.
00:39:10No, I want to know who killed Chema.
00:39:12As I told you before, it's better not to know the truth.
00:39:16It could bring you more trouble.
00:39:17Let's go.
00:39:38You saved my ass, Chico.
00:39:40Look, they'll soon realize the messages I've sent to Adriana.
00:39:43They're not bad,
00:39:45but they could realize that I like them.
00:39:48Don't worry, boss.
00:39:50You know I'll keep it a secret.
00:39:52What about Griselda?
00:39:54Well, Griselda didn't do it.
00:39:56And the Fonsecas didn't either.
00:39:58Of course the Fonsecas didn't do it.
00:40:00If they had done it,
00:40:02we would have realized, don't you think?
00:40:04But as I told you, boss,
00:40:06Griselda didn't do it.
00:40:08She's suffering a lot with Chema's death.
00:40:10Or is that what you think?
00:40:13You don't know a despicable woman capable of doing everything.
00:40:17Well, if she's just acting,
00:40:20she's doing it very well.
00:40:22She's a fool.
00:40:24Everyone thinks I did it.
00:40:29I'm sorry to ask you this, boss.
00:40:31You know I'm loyal to you.
00:40:33But tell me...
00:40:35No, no, no.
00:40:37Chico, I didn't do it.
00:40:38I didn't do it. I had nothing to do with my nephew's death.
00:40:42And don't doubt me again,
00:40:45or you'll regret it.
00:40:49You keep supporting Griselda.
00:40:52And if we don't find anything?
00:40:54We'll have to kill her.
00:40:57My brother needs justice.
00:41:00And we just give him an innocent.
00:41:09Who is Jacinto?
00:41:11Who is she?
00:41:13She's a friend.
00:41:15She's interested in buying the merchandise.
00:41:18I like to know who I'm doing business with.
00:41:20It doesn't matter who I am. Do you have the merchandise or not?
00:41:22Of course I do. And the money?
00:41:24First I want to see what I'm looking for.
00:41:26Go ahead.
00:41:35What's going on, Jacinto?
00:41:37What's going on, Jacinto?
00:41:39Nothing, old friend.
00:41:41Business and nothing else.
00:41:43I didn't know that drug was stolen.
00:41:45Of course it's stolen.
00:41:47This is Rodríguez. Did you steal it?
00:41:49No, I didn't do it. I didn't go.
00:41:51Then who?
00:41:53I don't know.
00:41:55What do you mean you don't know, asshole?
00:41:57Either you tell me or I'll blow your balls off.
00:41:59It was a woman.
00:42:01A woman?
00:42:03Yes, a woman.
00:42:05Get him out of here.
00:42:07I have him.
00:42:09If it's a woman, you have to know something about her.
00:42:11I don't know.
00:42:13And who gave you the merchandise?
00:42:15Are you sure you could see someone?
00:42:17A man in a hood brought it to me.
00:42:19I couldn't see him.
00:42:21I thought you liked meeting the people you were doing business with.
00:42:23It's the same shit.
00:42:25This is useless.
00:42:27Don't get discouraged.
00:42:29At least now you have that phone.
00:42:31And that number will take you directly to the killer.
00:42:33You'll see.
00:42:37They found the merchandise they stole from him.
00:42:40But don't worry.
00:42:42I'll keep you informed.
00:42:55What will happen to my merchandise?
00:42:58It's theirs.
00:43:00And the money I paid?
00:43:01What do you prefer?
00:43:03The money or your life?
00:43:06That's what I thought.
00:43:08The guys have finished loading your car.
00:43:11Everything is ready.
00:43:13Thank you very much, Jacinto.
00:43:15There is no doubt that one judges people without knowing them.
00:43:17Don't mention it.
00:43:19That's why we're here.
00:43:21Let's go.
00:43:32Hurry up, hurry up.
00:43:38You brought me the shipment, Griselda.
00:43:40But you haven't brought me my son's killer yet.
00:43:43I'm close, sir.
00:43:45Stop telling stories, Griselda.
00:43:47Admit it was you.
00:43:50I have the number of the woman who sold the drug to Sabina.
00:43:54A woman?
00:43:56By chance, her name is not Griselda.
00:43:59Enough, Hernan.
00:44:01If you don't cooperate, don't get in the way.
00:44:03For fuck's sake.
00:44:05And the number?
00:44:07I prefer to keep it a secret and take care of it myself.
00:44:09Trust me.
00:44:11Soon I'll bring you the one we've been waiting for so long.
00:44:13I hope so.
00:44:17But hurry up.
00:44:19You have very little time left.
00:44:22Let's go, bastard.
00:44:28Let's go.
00:44:44I wanted to see you, bitch.
00:44:46What are you doing here, Adriana?
00:44:48Put the gun down.
00:44:50Shut up, bitch.
00:44:52I know you messed with my man.
00:44:54Is it true that you killed him?
00:44:56No, I didn't.
00:44:58Stop it.
00:45:00I'm not a whore.
00:45:02He loved me much more before you showed up, stupid.
00:45:05And no, I didn't kill him because he's the love of my life.
00:45:08What are you doing, bitch? Give me that gun.
00:45:11It's not her fault.
00:45:13Yes, it is, dad.
00:45:15She's a victim.
00:45:17Me too. I loved him.
00:45:19And he loved me.
00:45:23Get out, rich girl.
00:45:25I swear you'll regret all this.
00:45:26Get out, now.
00:45:29You have to calm down.
00:45:31I can't. I'm sick of being seen as a murderer.
00:45:34You'll always be to them.
00:45:36No matter how much evidence you give them, you'll never convince them.
00:45:44What do you mean he's leaving?
00:45:48My father went to get the tickets.
00:45:50We'll leave later.
00:45:52My time is over and I couldn't prove my innocence.
00:45:54Running away?
00:45:56You'll end up as the real culprit.
00:45:58And what do I do?
00:46:00Am I going to die unfairly?
00:46:02You're right.
00:46:04You'd better leave.
00:46:06Thank you for everything, Chito.
00:46:08Someday I'll come back.
00:46:10When I can prove my innocence.
00:46:12I know you will.
00:46:24Let's go.
00:46:47The peace and comfort of our heavenly father
00:46:49is a healing influence
00:46:52for those who mourn the death of loved ones.
00:46:55It's the most powerful medicine for any pain.
00:47:00Let's go.
00:47:02I have to tell him.
00:47:04Wait, your father is talking to you.
00:47:06You can't wait.
00:47:08It's about Griselda.
00:47:10Don't go with your father this late.
00:47:12It's not impossible.
00:47:14Because if he wants to see us well,
00:47:16there's nothing that can stop him.
00:47:17There's nothing that can stop him.
00:48:55What's wrong, sister?
00:48:57The lady wants to talk to you.
00:48:59You're such an idiot. Let's go.
00:49:01Sister, what are you doing here?
00:49:03Don't call me sister.
00:49:05Blood doesn't make us family.
00:49:07Are you watching me?
00:49:09That's right.
00:49:11And I see that you're going to leave
00:49:13like the coward you've always been.
00:49:15I don't know what you're talking about.
00:49:17You can say that I did the business with a woman.
00:49:19They managed to mislead Griselda,
00:49:21but not me.
00:49:23Nobody's going to believe that story, Rebeca.
00:49:25It's better if you leave.
00:49:27You failed me many years ago.
00:49:29But doing this to your own daughter,
00:49:31you really don't have a mother.
00:49:33No, we don't have a mother.
00:49:35She died of a heart attack
00:49:37when she found out about you.
00:49:39Or did you forget?
00:49:41You better get out of my way.
00:49:45They'll kill Griselda.
00:49:47Get out of my way.
00:50:18How could you?
00:50:20How could you?
00:50:22Pika, let me explain.
00:50:24Shut up.
00:50:26He's a bad person, Dad.
00:50:28I never thought you were going to do this to me.
00:50:30I didn't want to involve you or hurt you.
00:50:32You had Jose killed.
00:50:34The only man I've ever loved.
00:50:36That bastard was only playing with you.
00:50:38He was only going to make you suffer
00:50:40more than he's already done.
00:50:42And that's why you had him killed?
00:50:44I wanted the merchandise,
00:50:45not you.
00:50:47I'll never forgive you.
00:50:50What are you going to do?
00:50:52Daughter, I'm talking to you.
00:50:54Don't call me daughter.
00:51:16What are you doing here?
00:51:18You already know, don't you?
00:51:20I told you the truth was going to be very painful.
00:51:23Or it would bring you more problems.
00:51:25You already knew?
00:51:27I just found out.
00:51:29I have my eyes on everything.
00:51:31Especially on people like your father.
00:51:33I suspected him and investigated.
00:51:35And I found out it was him
00:51:37with the help of someone else.
00:51:41I know.
00:51:42But I can't believe my father would have done this to me.
00:51:46family is what surprises you the most.
00:51:48And not always for good.
00:51:52My father did something to you before, didn't he?
00:51:56But that doesn't matter now.
00:51:58What are you going to do?
00:52:00No matter how much pain and anger I have for him,
00:52:02I can't give him up.
00:52:04He's my father.
00:52:06Then get ready to die.
00:52:07Please help me.
00:52:09I don't know what to do.
00:52:11I told you before.
00:52:13You know what you need.
00:52:15Give the Rodriguez what they want
00:52:17or they'll come for your head.
00:52:38I found out.
00:52:40They say they'll be here in two hours.
00:52:42They're still at home.
00:52:45I'll go with you.
00:52:48But, sister-in-law,
00:52:50this is a situation you shouldn't be going to.
00:52:52It's very...
00:52:54I said I'd go with you.
00:53:12What's up, Griselda?
00:53:14Put the speaker on.
00:53:16I want to see what it says.
00:53:18I know who the culprit is.
00:53:20Who is it?
00:53:22You'll see in a little while.
00:53:24Write down the address where we're going to meet.
00:53:26I'll give it to him myself.
00:53:28Daughter, what are you going to do?
00:53:31Are you going to turn me in?
00:53:33Don't do it, please.
00:53:35I beg you.
00:53:37I just wanted that merchandise to get that money.
00:53:39For what?
00:53:41To start a new business.
00:53:43They were never going to give me the opportunity.
00:53:45I'm tired of being a nobody.
00:53:47Don't say that.
00:53:49You were everything to me and you didn't care.
00:53:51Of course I care, daughter.
00:53:53That's why I did it.
00:53:55To be someone and give you what I never gave you.
00:53:57Daughter, forgive me.
00:53:59I thought I was doing something good for both of us.
00:54:01Get up.
00:54:03I don't want to see you like this.
00:54:08Let's go, daughter, please.
00:54:10I beg you.
00:54:12No, we're not going to run away.
00:54:14So you're going to turn me in?
00:54:16It's what I deserve.
00:54:18But forgive me.
00:54:20That's all I care about now.
00:54:23Bull, if I don't turn you in, someone will kill me.
00:54:25What do you want?
00:54:27You want me to turn you in?
00:54:29I can't turn my cousin in.
00:54:31Look, Bull.
00:54:33You were with us that day.
00:54:35It would be the perfect quarter.
00:54:37But you killed her.
00:54:39Oh, Bull, Bull.
00:54:41Look, Bull.
00:54:43You either cooperate for the good...
00:54:47or for the bad.
00:54:50I imagine you love your family a lot, don't you?
00:55:01Okay, Bull.
00:55:03I swore loyalty.
00:55:05And so be it.
00:55:07But don't let anything happen to my family.
00:55:10Don't worry.
00:55:12I'll take care of that.
00:55:14Bye, Bull.
00:55:25Turn me in, Griselda.
00:55:27I'm not guilty.
00:55:29I can't show my innocence either.
00:55:31I told you this was just verbal, bro.
00:55:33You're a damn liar.
00:55:35Then you're going to pay for my son's death.
00:55:38Okay, but I'm innocent.
00:55:40If you want to do things like this,
00:55:42I'm going to keep my hands crossed.
00:55:44She's innocent.
00:55:46The real culprit is...
00:55:48What are you doing, Dad?
00:55:56What are you doing here?
00:55:58I told you not to get involved in this.
00:56:00She's my niece. Don't forget that.
00:56:02She's a traitor.
00:56:04She's a murderer.
00:56:06We're all here.
00:56:08But she didn't kill your son.
00:56:10Then who did?
00:56:12We're the ones who can help you with that.
00:56:14We've got him.
00:56:16Get him out, guys.
00:56:19Get him out.
00:56:21Get him out.
00:56:23Get him out.
00:56:25Get him out.
00:56:31He's one of my men.
00:56:33He's the one who started the robbery.
00:56:35The others who helped him are already dead.
00:56:37Like my friend says,
00:56:39we started the robbery for you.
00:56:41And as a sign of my goodwill,
00:56:43we decided to bring you the one who pulled the trigger.
00:56:45He was there,
00:56:47but he didn't kill him.
00:56:49Don't get involved in this, daughter.
00:56:51That's right, sir. I killed his son.
00:56:53Shut him up.
00:56:55Shut him up.
00:57:01You're going to die, son of a bitch.
00:57:03Get him up.
00:57:08It's been a pleasure serving you, ma'am.
00:57:10I'm in debt with you.
00:57:12We'll talk soon to do business together.
00:57:15I can't wait for the moment.
00:57:18It will be a pleasure for me.
00:57:25Thank you for your help.
00:57:27You're welcome.
00:57:29Thank you. Believe me, we won't forget it.
00:57:42Thank you for everything.
00:57:44I didn't do it for you.
00:57:46I did it for my niece.
00:57:48Don't forget that.
00:57:50Anyway, thank you very much.
00:57:52I'm proud of you.
00:57:53You're a good person.
00:57:55People like you are the ones who need this organization.
00:57:57Does that mean you were inviting me to be part of your team?
00:58:00It could be.
00:58:02Thank you very much.
00:58:04But I have other plans.
00:58:06There is no doubt that you look like me,
00:58:08although I don't know how good that is.
00:58:10But remember,
00:58:12the Rodriguez's are going to look for your father
00:58:14to pay for what he did.
00:58:16I'll be ready for that moment, aunt.
00:58:18It sounds very nice.
00:58:20But better tell me, Rebecca,
00:58:21or the Lady of the Diamonds.
00:58:25But you keep calling me the Mafioso.
00:58:34You killed him, didn't you?
00:58:42like the guy from the 8th grade said,
00:58:44I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
00:58:48I was for Chema, asshole.
00:58:51I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
00:59:21I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
00:59:51I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
01:00:21I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
01:00:51I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
01:01:21I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
01:01:51I'm telling you no, yes, yes.
