• 2 days ago


00:00Genul programului reality show
00:03Urmatorul program poate fi vizionat de copii in varsta de pana la 12 ani numai cu acordul sau impreuna cu parintii
00:10Or familia programul poate contine limbaj licenzios
00:17Traieste aventura fresh aceasta emisiune este oferita de Kaufland
01:16Zei deschid zarile, incepe Asia Express
01:36Ne intoarcem in inima celui mai socant amestec de culturi si credinte de pe Terra
01:40O odisee fabuloasa pe super continentul lumii taramul primei aventuri Asia
01:50Pornim pe un nou drum presarat cu semne inchinate celor de sus
01:54De la sclipirea statuililor iluminatului Buddha, Brahma, Creatorul, Vishnu, Pastratorul, Shiva, Razgunatorul
02:02Pana la semetele semiluni inaltate a tot puternicului Allah
02:10O provocare de proportii legendare pe drumul zeilor
02:14Secole de istorie si civilizatie ne asternu la picioare un itinerariu la limita dintre real si incredibil
02:26Facem legamant peste pamant si ape pe teritoriile a trei tari
02:40Dupa trei etape parcurse in ritm accelerat, azi ne despartim de Malaesia, pe drumul zeilor
02:46Avem multa treaba, joc
02:48Ne-am trezit cu o surpriza foarte placuta
02:50La numai o azvatlitura de bat de standardul de viata din Singapore va fi o zi despre visuri si idealuri
02:56Trebuie sa ne achitam niste datorii
02:58Am avut anumite animozitati
03:00Foarte misto ca s-au gandit la noi
03:02In careu, matematic, lucrurile sunt simple
03:04Ne-au uns asa pe suflet
03:06Nu vrem sa mirosim acesta bunatate
03:08Astea sunt regule jocului
03:10Insa votul poate fi unul dintre cele mai complicate
03:12O decizie foarte grea
03:14Tindem sa ne scarpinam pe dos
03:16O sa le batem doar pe ele
03:18O respingere pe fata
03:20Nu vreau sa te vad, pum
03:22Se pare ca o sa fie o nebunie
03:24Intr-o autoconservare se vor arunca la atac toate mijloacele strategice
03:26Votul nostru merge catre el
03:28E sinucidel
03:30Vom vedea justificari rationale, dar si impulsuri viscerale
03:36Mi-a picat fata
03:38Va fi o zi despre emotii si bucurii
03:40Despre cum sa readuci speranta si zambetul pe chipuri de copii
03:44Vai de mine, nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez
03:46O dorinta frumoasa se va transforma intr-un maraton spectaculos de misiuni in ritm de cursa
03:52Vom inalta minunate smeie inchinate prieteniei
03:56Daruire si determinare
03:58Energie explosiva de majorete
04:00Un parc de distractii cu nici cu gandul nu gandesti
04:04Va fi despre suflete pereche
04:06Despre dragoste si incredere in celalat
04:08Dincolo de frustrare
04:10Dincolo de capriciile vremii
04:12Dincolo de limite
04:14Ai venit sa-ti ceri scuze?
04:16Oameni care nu apreciaz
04:18In cursa pentru ultima sansa
04:20Ultima etapa din Malezia
04:22A fost una de cumpana pentru toate echipele
04:24Trecuti de jumatatea traseului mare
04:26Oboseala si dorul de casa isi spun cuvantul
04:28Presimtindu-se cate putin in fiecare aspect
04:30Insa Bali e inca foarte departe
04:32Am mai numarat cateva sute de kilometri
04:34Am mai numarat zeci de ore
04:36Si alte felurite misiuni
04:38In dinamica de traseu
04:40Autostop-uri dintre cele mai grele
04:42De aceasta data
04:44Imunitatea mare
04:46I-a pus la loc sigur
04:48Pe Oana si Mihai
04:50Primii cu un picior deja in Indonesia
04:52Cea mica le-a bucurat aseara
04:54Pe surori care s-au rasfatat
04:56La un pahar de vorba
04:58La adapost de ce va urma azi
05:00Ultima zi in Malezia
05:02Oricat ar fi de greu
05:04Cartile se dau pe fata in careu
11:04They finished last yesterday, because they finished last last week as well.
11:10They were saved by the green light.
11:13And the whole stage went very badly.
11:16And now they are in the race for the last chance.
11:18Take the 5th.
11:20Take the 5th, yes.
11:22The 3rd consecutive race, the 5th in total.
11:25For the last chance.
11:26For the last chance.
11:27I don't even want to imagine.
11:28We used to face them, and now I see that they are scared.
11:33If we were to explain what happened yesterday,
11:36we wouldn't realize why we left the objects with palm trees.
11:41When we got to Ananas, we knew that there were one, two, three teams in front of us.
11:47And only then did we realize that we also have a handicap,
11:52the glasses, and if the Sorin and Nicolai come,
11:57we might have a game as well.
11:59The thing that happened, bam, bam, one after the other,
12:01headshot, headshot.
12:03And we were immobilized for 20 minutes like a pig.
12:06The S-Express is not just about strength.
12:10It's very good mentally.
12:13It's not just physical tests.
12:15You have to get out of the bush, you have to be lucky.
12:17It's a treasure trove of everything.
12:18Exactly, S-Express.
12:19A little bit of everything.
12:20I think we have two things that we are most afraid of.
12:22The accumulated fatigue,
12:24and the way we approach these missions.
12:27Because we tend to get carried away.
12:29Look, at Ananas, instead of taking it as it comes naturally,
12:33to go to the field and look for it,
12:35we said, let's take it this way.
12:37You know?
12:38The moment we have to solve a problem from A to Z,
12:40we start with T.
12:42And somehow the lack of method, I think,
12:45could be devastating.
12:49One of the teams that has been saved so far,
12:52and that came to me in second place,
13:00Anca and Samsonica.
13:05Well done, girl!
13:07In second place, the girls with silver.
13:09Yes, we all have silver.
13:11The penultimate team that came to me,
13:13and that will have to come here, next to me,
13:16and next to the boys,
13:25Nicolai and Sorin.
13:29Good luck to you too!
13:31Thank you!
13:37It took me a while to get into this course,
13:41because I wanted to see them in China.
13:44Yes, it was quite difficult.
13:47We went to the amulet game,
13:50and from there on, we took it by surprise.
13:53We started well when we left,
13:55to find the products,
13:57and we were lucky.
13:59We had a car that didn't take us well,
14:01we had to go to another destination,
14:03but it took us a long time.
14:05We started to regret it,
14:07and then it happened to us,
14:09on the plantation,
14:11we didn't see anything,
14:13we tried to collect some bananas.
14:16Nicolai seems down,
14:18but he's just a little disappointed in us,
14:21but when the race starts,
14:23things always change.
14:27Ioana and Mane, you're safe for now.
14:30It means a lot to us that we're safe,
14:33that we qualified,
14:35and we hope to get out of the vote.
14:37We hope to get through the 8th stage
14:39without playing our last chance.
14:41It's clear that we'll vote for each other.
14:43There's no other way.
14:45We're the only ones who can vote.
14:48There's no point in talking to Ioana,
14:51Mane, Anca, Samsonica.
14:53Their vote is clear,
14:55so we'll start with Mishu and Ioana.
15:01Yes, I take on the unworthy mission
15:03of communicating our decision.
15:05It's a very difficult decision,
15:07because we had to choose
15:09between two teams that we like.
15:11It's about Mane and Ioana,
15:13who, in a very difficult moment for us,
15:16didn't vote for us.
15:18We were in the same situation.
15:20It was a matter of morale.
15:22Some time ago,
15:23when we had a lot of votes,
15:25they were the only ones who didn't vote for us.
15:27It was a matter of morale.
15:29On the other hand,
15:31Anca helped me to get here.
15:33We have to pay our debts.
15:35Some are new, some are old.
15:39Our decision is
15:41to pay our old debts
15:45and to vote for Anca and Samsonica.
15:49I'm shocked, Mihai.
15:51I know.
15:53I had this conversation with Anca,
15:55but it's a very difficult decision.
15:59When I heard that
16:01I couldn't hold back.
16:03You've been at the hotel for two days
16:05because of my running
16:07in one leg
16:09and you vote for me?
16:13Leave him alone, it's nothing.
16:15Thank you, Mihai and Ioana.
16:17Our vote was influenced
16:19from an emotional point of view.
16:21Mihai and Ioana
16:23owe me a lot.
16:25I'm not a backstabber.
16:27I think I did something
16:29to get there in third place.
16:31Carmen and Andreea.
16:33As Mishu said, it's very difficult.
16:35Ioana and I have been friends
16:37since the beginning.
16:39My legs were already cut off
16:41when I heard.
16:43Friendship with girls...
16:45At first, we had some animosities.
16:47We never argued.
16:49Then we started to get along.
16:51We helped each other a lot.
16:53We have to thank them
16:55for this immunity.
16:57They put us in a leading position
16:59for which we got here.
17:01In this competition,
17:03we never voted for Ioana and Mane.
17:05They voted for us twice.
17:07Therefore, our vote
17:09goes to Ioana and Mane.
17:11It's ok. Thank you.
17:13It was dubious.
17:15I voted for Anca and Andreea.
17:17Something happened.
17:19Mane and Ioana became friends.
17:21I knew that
17:23their vote
17:25was not related to our vote.
17:27They voted for us
17:29because they didn't want to vote for the mayor.
17:31We voted for them
17:33because we didn't want to vote for Tant.
17:35They didn't play their last chance.
17:37We don't want to waste
17:39this goodwill
17:41to do the right things
17:43for people who don't appreciate us.
17:45Is there equality now?
17:47Does each team have one vote?
17:51The emotions started to grow.
17:53Tant is voting for us
17:55for the first time.
17:57We met Anca
17:59and Sansonica
18:01many times.
18:03From now on,
18:05we will vote for them.
18:07They vote for us, we vote for them.
18:09We are good friends
18:11with Ioana and Mane.
18:13We want to vote for Anca
18:15and Sansonica.
18:17To strengthen them.
18:19We have good friends here.
18:33To save our skin,
18:35we believe that
18:37Ioana and Mane
18:39are a bit weaker.
18:47Oh my God!
18:49It means they came up with a strategy.
18:53I was shocked.
18:55Ioana didn't expect this.
18:57They talked about us all the time.
18:59We know this.
19:01They were the only team
19:03that wouldn't vote for us.
19:05And you, me,
19:07we voted for them.
19:09I was afraid
19:11that this would happen.
19:13I said the time would come.
19:15I'm sorry,
19:17but this is the game.
19:19We understand.
19:21The first team moved better
19:23and they said it.
19:25We want to stay here
19:29It's normal.
19:31We apologize to them.
19:33But this is the truth.
19:35The only thing I'm thinking about
19:37is to beat Indonesia.
19:39Asia Express in season 7
19:41means Thailand,
19:43Malaysia and Indonesia.
19:45Nicolai and Sorin
19:47have all the scenarios in mind.
19:49They have all the strategies.
19:51The chain is getting tighter.
19:53But sometimes it's hard
19:55to take it as it comes.
19:57I just hope
19:59that our friendship
20:01won't break with this vote.
20:03We wanted to vote for Mane
20:05and Ioana.
20:07The girls,
20:09Andreea and Anca,
20:11are cowards.
20:13We're afraid of them.
20:15To have Andreea and Samsonica
20:17in the race for the last chance
20:19is a suicide.
20:21I can't say
20:23that we were prepared for the race.
20:25But I left room for this.
20:27I knew it was a very likely scenario.
20:29Ioana and Mane,
20:31you have to come with me.
20:33Thank you!
20:35Good luck!
20:37And the dangerous girls
20:39will go to Indonesia.
20:45Thank you!
20:47My dangerous sister.
20:51My dears,
20:53we have three couples.
20:55We wish them all the best.
20:57From experience
20:59you can tell
21:01that something tiring is coming.
21:03Johor is a small city.
21:05But if Johor is a small city,
21:07the tests
21:09or the things we have to do
21:11are more or less difficult.
21:13That's what I had in mind.
21:15I think it's the first time
21:17we're in a competition with Adi and Cosmin.
21:19I don't want to go home.
21:21Adi and Cosmin had a very hard time
21:25Only the last positions.
21:27Cosmin and Mane
21:29started Malaysia with very bad results.
21:31I don't know how,
21:33but we're not worse than them.
21:35And we can be proud of
21:37Asia Express.
21:39We have a city to explore.
21:41A beautiful, modern
21:43and interesting city.
21:45So we have a lot to do.
21:47Keep your fingers crossed
21:49and your colleagues
21:51will follow me.
21:53Good luck!
21:55Good luck with the hitchhiking!
21:57At the moment,
21:59I think it's a balanced battle
22:01between the three teams.
22:03We want Gashka to come back home.
22:05Ioana, Mane, Nicolai and Sorin.
22:07We worked together.
22:09Mihai is getting closer
22:11to me.
22:13With his arms like this.
22:15Don't come to me.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:19I'm very...
22:21She was clearly disappointed
22:23You know what?
22:25You came to apologize?
22:27You can't apologize to me.
22:29No, I didn't.
22:31No, I didn't come to apologize.
22:33Then please leave.
22:35She rejected me.
22:37Then don't come.
22:39Even if it's a game.
22:41She thought
22:43that being together
22:45in the same team
22:47I'll avoid voting for her.
22:49On the other hand,
22:51we talked about
22:55between them
22:57and a team
22:59that was close to us.
23:01I can't say that I'm sorry
23:03that I voted like that.
23:05We are friends at home,
23:07but today I can't be your friend.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:11To be honest,
23:13you didn't feel like friends
23:15when we met
23:17Buna Buna and Sansonica.
23:19It's not about ranking
23:21because they had this chance
23:23many times before us.
23:25I didn't feel like we had any advantage.
23:27Because of me,
23:29you met her and you've been staying
23:31at the hotel for two days.
23:33If I was the last one,
23:35another couple would have met.
23:37It's true.
23:39Everybody was hoping
23:41that he would be good to her.
23:43To be serious.
23:45I was trying as hard as I could.
23:47Everybody was hoping
23:49that he would be good to her.
23:51If you didn't think
23:53about this as a man,
23:55I'm sorry.
23:57I'm sorry
23:59that I disappointed you.
24:01I thought he didn't have
24:03any evidence of manhood.
24:05Because the decision
24:07was made by Oana.
24:09I can't understand
24:11this exaggerated disturbance.
24:13It's because of me that you are here.
24:15It's a simulation for Anca.
24:17Even if she will be upset
24:19about me forever,
24:21I liked it.
24:23I like Anca too.
24:25We'll be friends at home.
24:27I don't know.
24:29But I don't want to see you today.
24:37Judging by the clouds,
24:39Johor Bahru is a native.
24:41With Singapore the third economy
24:43in the world,
24:45the desire of Malaysians
24:47is very old.
24:49Such ambitions led to the creation
24:51of mammoth projects
24:53like Forest City or Dangarai.
24:55In short, apartments and luxury
24:57spaces in Singapore
24:59but at much lower prices.
25:01Theoretically, it sounded very good.
25:03Practically, no one called
25:05to buy or rent.
25:07As those with financial capital
25:09do not hesitate to invest
25:11in C-Express.
25:19We are in Johor,
25:21in the province with the same name,
25:23on the border with Singapore's luxury
25:25and eccentric.
25:27Here, the contrasts between the upper
25:29and lower floors are evident.
25:31The illusion of a better life,
25:33like the one over the bridge,
25:35pushes thousands of locals
25:37to try their luck.
25:39I would like to work in Singapore
25:41and earn a better living.
25:43Do not laugh, but in Singapore dollars.
25:45But not all local families
25:47can reach the Singaporean dream.
25:49Especially if you come
25:51from the poorest neighborhood
25:53of the city.
25:55Many children from needy families
25:57grow up thinking that they will never
25:59have a part of a beautiful life
26:01and without shortcomings,
26:03like children from Singapore.
26:05Some of them have never celebrated
26:07and never received a gift.
26:09It is sad, but it is true.
26:11It is their reality.
26:13It is a lucky place
26:15where you are born.
26:17Those little souls
26:19do not choose to be born
26:21in the corner of poverty in Malaysia
26:23and to see Elsa
26:25over the water.
26:27I would like
26:29no child in this world to suffer
26:31and I think there are some
26:33small things that can change
26:35the life of a child.
26:37For us, financially,
26:39it would not be such a big effort
26:41to make a child happy.
26:47This one.
26:49No, this one with children...
26:51This one with children...
26:53Think about it.
26:55These are children
26:57who did not have a birthday.
26:59They did not have a cake.
27:01They did not have a cake in their life.
27:03Two times.
27:05Once a year.
27:07The reason and theme of this
27:09farewell race in Malaysia
27:11will be the Children's Day.
27:13We hope that today
27:15they will have a gift
27:17and that it will be a beautiful day.
27:19It is the mission that will come back to you.
27:21We are glad that today,
27:23even if for us it is a difficult moment
27:25and a race with a lot of pressure,
27:27we have the opportunity to make a child happy,
27:29to make their birthday
27:33This thought is very important to me.
27:35It is a pressure.
27:37Any kind of parent
27:39thinks that they cannot
27:41make their child happy.
27:43They put this on top
27:45of the fact that we risk
27:47getting out of the race.
27:49We are at our last chance.
27:51On top of that, they fail
27:53to make a child happy.
27:55Take this.
27:57It is a very difficult race today
27:59and here we invite the Universe
28:01to help us,
28:03so that we can do this race
28:05more for them than for us.
28:07It is noble.
28:09First of all,
28:11in order to go to the race,
28:13you have to make this cube.
28:15You will take it with you.
28:17Because this is the first gift
28:19for your children today.
28:21You have a box down there
28:23and when the cube is ready,
28:25you can put it in the box.
28:27It was a game
28:29that we used to play
28:31when we were kids.
28:33It was a Tetris game
28:35with some real pieces.
28:37I hope we can do this quickly.
28:39It does not seem very complicated.
28:41We need to have a good view
28:43of the space.
28:45And this is the first gift
28:47that we have to give
28:49to some children
28:51who will really smile.
28:53You also have some bags
28:55so that you can carry them.
28:57Then you come to me
28:59and take a bag with money.
29:01You have many Malaysian coins here,
29:03but you have to turn them
29:05into Singaporean dollars.
29:07A two-dollar banknote,
29:09a five-dollar banknote
29:11and a ten-dollar banknote.
29:13These will be enough
29:15to get rid of this little one.
29:17When you send me a picture
29:19with the three banknotes,
29:21you will find out more about the next mission.
29:23When you leave,
29:25you have to get here
29:27in the port
29:29where you can find
29:31more people
29:33who can have these dollars.
29:35You have to go through the mall
29:37behind me
29:39to get there faster.
29:43Are you ready, my dears?
29:49Wait a minute.
29:51Wait a minute.
29:55It's not ok.
29:57We put one piece in one side
29:59and the middle one in the other.
30:01We put it on the left and the middle one on the right.
30:03No, it's ok.
30:05Let's see.
30:09Let's change it.
30:11It's not ok.
30:15It's not ok.
30:17You have to do it.
30:19It's a competition.
30:21You have to do it.
30:25When I did it,
30:27I raised my hand.
30:29Is it ok? Yes.
30:31Let's see.
30:33You can put it in the box.
30:35It's done.
30:37It's packed.
30:39It's stretched.
30:41It's starting to panic.
30:45No, it's not ok.
30:47The small bag
30:49and the envelope.
30:53Leave it there.
30:55Good luck!
30:57I climbed the stairs to the mall.
30:59I looked behind me.
31:01The other two teams were still puzzling.
31:03I ran away.
31:05So, go to JB Central Station
31:07to exchange the coins
31:09from the bag with the banknotes of 2, 5 and 10.
31:13Take the puzzle with you.
31:15Send me a picture
31:17to get new clues.
31:19I can't take it anymore.
31:21Open it all.
31:23Don't do anything.
31:25I'll break it.
31:27Wait a second.
31:29I realized there are two symmetrical pieces.
31:31One to start with
31:33and the other to close.
31:37Give me the box.
31:41I put the cube in the cardboard box
31:43and I speed up.
31:45Well done, Ioana and Manez!
31:47You did it!
31:49Well done!
31:51The fact that we managed to leave Nicolai and Sorin behind
31:53is quite a joy for us.
31:57My thought was
31:59to finish as soon as possible
32:01so we don't have to leave after a long time.
32:03Let's go!
32:07We want to go to the port.
32:09The port?
32:11What if Sirina told you?
32:13Sorry, JB Central Station?
32:17It's there?
32:19That's it!
32:21Well done, guys!
32:29The bag.
32:31Thank you!
32:33Good luck!
32:35Asia Express continues!
32:41JB Central Station?
32:43JB Central Station?
32:45Sorry, you have
32:47Singapore Dollars?
32:57We need three bills of
32:592, 5 and 10 SGD.
33:01They were young Chinese.
33:03They understood.
33:05He took out the wallet
33:07and gave us the exact amount.
33:09Excellent! This is for you.
33:11Thank you so, so much!
33:13We took a picture of Irina.
33:15Send it to me.
33:17When we sent the picture
33:19Irina said OK.
33:21I said, wow, incredible!
33:23Let's keep it like this.
33:25Keep the money you exchanged
33:27because you'll need it.
33:31The coin contains the rest of the information
33:33you'll need.
33:35The coin had two sides.
33:37On one side it said
33:39Malaysia Bank
33:41and on the other side
33:43there was a kind of drawing.
33:45A symmetrical thing.
33:47I didn't know what it was.
33:49Let's find the hitchhiker
33:51and we'll figure it out.
33:53Gudang Treasure.
33:55The coin is essential
33:57because it represents
33:59a traditional, regional
34:01and national symbol
34:03of the proportion competition.
34:07Look, it's Nicolai.
34:09We see Nicolai and Sorin
34:11going straight
34:13in front of us.
34:15We should have gone that way.
34:17We're there.
34:19We're good.
34:21I told you we should have gone on the terrace.
34:23Did you see the mall?
34:25One question.
34:27Only one question, sir.
34:29Are you serious?
34:31Come with me.
34:33We tried to hitchhike
34:35for about 5 minutes
34:37and Nicolai, Sorin and Ioana
34:39came out.
34:41We see Cosmin and Adi.
34:43Let's go.
34:45You need to exchange 2 dollars.
34:47Do you have 2 dollars?
34:49At a coffee shop
34:51there were some couples
34:53exchanging banknotes.
34:55Do you have one?
34:57No, we have two.
34:59A boy has a 3x2 banknote.
35:01We gave him the information
35:03and we knew how many coins
35:05we should give him.
35:07We need a 5x10 banknote.
35:09But they don't have money here.
35:11I didn't want to ask the cashier
35:13because I thought they don't have money
35:15and they don't cash Singaporean dollars.
35:17But I thought there were some people
35:19in the shop who have...
35:21Do you have some Singaporean dollars?
35:25My English is not good.
35:27My demand, 21, 22, 23...
35:29Look, it's a 7,
35:3124, 18.
35:3318, yeah?
35:37Hello, miss.
35:39We noticed a lady
35:41who just got in the car
35:43and had 2 banknotes in her hand.
35:45It's an emergency, it's a matter of winning.
35:47We need to go to Pasir Gudang.
35:49Can you help us?
35:51Please, only 20 minutes.
35:5320 minutes on that way.
35:55Can you help us?
35:57Thank you so much.
35:59Let's go.
36:01To Pasir Gudang.
36:03But the exact location
36:05had to do with the coin.
36:07I asked Adi,
36:09what has to do with the Malaysian bank?
36:11It can't be that simple.
36:13In Pasir Gudang, it's Bank Negra Malaysia?
36:15No, that's an American bank.
36:17He said, I don't think so.
36:19Bank Negra Malaysia?
36:21Yes, can you type like that?
36:23I don't think so.
36:251 of 2, 1 of 10,
36:27and 1 of 5.
36:29Perfect, man.
36:31Thank you so much.
36:33Keep it, keep it, it's all the money there.
36:37The coin contains the rest of the information
36:39you need.
36:41It's a boat.
36:43A boat.
36:45What does this mean?
36:47This is a symbol.
36:49Ask her what this symbol is.
36:51What does this mean?
36:53It's a kite.
36:55A kite?
36:57Yes, a kite.
36:59A kite that flies?
37:01Yes, a kite.
37:03I have a present for our children.
37:05Can you pass it to them?
37:11Thank you so, so much.
37:13We are the last ones left.
37:15We are so happy to be in second place.
37:17It's over.
37:19I'm so frustrated.
37:21We were so desperate.
37:23We didn't know what to do,
37:25how to find a car.
37:27What's the information on this coin?
37:29Maybe it's in Pasir Gudang,
37:31maybe it's a place.
37:33Maybe it's related to a location?
37:35There's a place called Layang-Layang.
37:39In Pasir Gudang?
37:43That's the place.
37:45The full name is Layang-Layang.
37:49This is Layang-Layang.
37:51I know that place.
37:53You know this place in Pasir Gudang on the coin?
37:57It's a big park.
37:59We solved the riddle in the second second.
38:01We got it.
38:03God help us.
38:05Layang-Layang in Pasir Gudang.
38:07We have to go there.
38:09It's a place where every year
38:11there's a snake festival.
38:13A sign for snakes.
38:17Thank you so much.
38:19You are brilliant.
38:23Malaysia doesn't have volcanoes
38:25or big tremors.
38:27That's why it feels blessed.
38:29But being surrounded by water,
38:31it has strong winds.
38:33This has given birth to a special art
38:35of traditional snakes.
38:37These complex snakes,
38:39painted with floral motifs,
38:41can be raised by at least two men.
38:43Every year, in Pasir Gudang,
38:45there's one of the most beloved
38:47snake-raising festivals in the world.
38:49Real national competitions
38:51that offer real lessons of mastery
38:53at great heights.
38:55Besides this, the show brings joy
38:57to the faces of many children
38:59from needy families,
39:01those who grow up thinking
39:03that they will never reach
39:05the most beautiful snakes.
39:07For many days, at S-Express.
39:15Can you please help us?
39:17It's our last chance.
39:19Finally, after a few minutes,
39:21we managed to stop a car.
39:23It was a couple.
39:25And we're off to Pasir Gudang.
39:27She takes out the coin
39:29and we ask the lady next to us.
39:31This one.
39:33This one.
39:35Play traditional...
39:37Traditional kite.
39:39Who told us it's a kite?
39:41We were lucky to google it
39:43and we realized...
39:45It was something with a snake.
39:47We have to go this way.
39:49What's up with Cosmin and Adi's guns?
39:53Should we put the glasses on their eyes?
39:57The other team's on the road, competing.
39:59That's why we are so desperate.
40:09In 300 meters,
40:11you will arrive at your destination.
40:19You have arrived.
40:21Oh, we must see a red flag.
40:29Isn't it a flag?
40:31And you said, look at the flag.
40:33And I said, we are rich.
40:35We love you, thank you so much.
40:39Thank you, we love you.
40:41My heart was like...
40:43We are good here.
40:45Look at the snake on the coin.
40:47It's so cool.
40:51Welcome to the museum
40:53at Pasir Gudang.
40:55It's famous
40:57for one of the biggest snake festivals in the world.
40:59Here, you will show your talent
41:01to raise snakes in order to continue the race.
41:03First, you have to finish decorating
41:05two snakes.
41:07The one you see here
41:09has to look good,
41:11because it's a gift for children.
41:13The second part of the mission,
41:15as you can see,
41:17is that you have to raise the snake
41:19until the red flag.
41:21Then, you have to run
41:23with the snakes between the two flags
41:25back and forth.
41:27I raised the snake.
41:29With the female?
41:31Many times.
41:33What snake did you raise?
41:35Let's go.
41:37We have to make two flags.
41:39Each team will receive a work table
41:41and the necessary materials
41:43to make a snake.
41:45Studying the model,
41:47they have to guess how the snakes
41:49will look like.
41:51When they finish,
41:53they will go to the museum
41:55where the wind will be the most loyal
41:57or the most suitable partner.
41:59You see, you have to cut it.
42:01And you have to see where it goes.
42:03Bam, bam, bam.
42:05We had a decomposed snake of each.
42:07We also had the model in front.
42:09The model was separated, it wasn't glued.
42:11So we can see how it was made inside.
42:13To fill all the empty spaces.
42:15The models had to be glued and made on the back.
42:17On the back, so they can be seen on the front.
42:21It has to be nice,
42:23to cover the whole area.
42:25Everything was very fragile.
42:27The wind was also blowing.
42:29That was bad.
42:31Come on, snake!
42:37We still have 5 minutes.
42:41This is the place.
42:43Thank you very much for everything.
42:45We arrived at the park.
42:47He let us in and said he can't
42:49park the car in the middle of the park.
42:51Do you see a star there?
42:53Yes, yes, yes.
42:55I saw it.
42:57Look, the leaf is yellow.
42:59Yellow, yellow, yellow.
43:01It's everywhere.
43:03Yellow, yellow, yellow.
43:05Yellow, yellow.
43:07He said he can't park the car.
43:09I think he could.
43:11He could.
43:13We arrived in the heart of the park
43:15and there was a parking lot with cars.
43:17That's what I understood.
43:19Let's see what's here.
43:21On the right we see the star,
43:23we move to the board,
43:25we run there,
43:27we start reading
43:29and we find out that we have to build
43:31some snakes that will be
43:33gifts for children.
43:35The second part of the mission
43:37is to raise the snake
43:39until the red light comes on.
43:41Then you have to run with the snakes
43:43between the two stars.
43:45There was a group of people
43:47who made big snakes
43:49and I saw how they do it.
43:51I think I built it.
43:53It was made from a cross
43:55and then you have to do
43:57a kind of rhombus
43:59and you tie it in the middle.
44:01We also made hexagons,
44:03with six sides.
44:05It was made 45 years ago.
44:07You wanted to say yes.
44:09Welcome to the Yang La Yang
44:11Museum in Sirgutang.
44:13It's one of the biggest snake festivals in the world.
44:15First of all, you have to finish
44:17two snakes.
44:19The second one is a gift for children.
44:21I never built or raised a snake.
44:23I never built it, but I raised it
44:25by going to our work table.
44:27I saw them on our left,
44:29Sorin and Tan,
44:31and on the right
44:33I saw Cosmin and Adi.
44:35We tried to mobilize ourselves
44:37to recover those lost minutes.
44:39We have to leave you a bigger portion.
44:41He gave us a model of a snake
44:43and he gave us the materials.
44:45Adhesives, paper,
44:47and the snake skeleton
44:49that we had to build.
44:51We put this on this.
44:53We put this on this.
44:55You had to wrap
44:57the wooden skeleton
44:59with thin paper.
45:01We have to cut a little,
45:03just enough for this to come.
45:05And this one.
45:07And while we are struggling
45:09I see on our left
45:11Oh, they are already there.
45:13Sorin and Tan.
45:15Adi and Cosmin.
45:17Have you ever seen an expanded tiger?
45:19That rhythm can make a difference.
45:21Now you are going to kill us, brother.
45:23Help us, please!
45:25I don't want to go home.
45:27Slowly, slowly!
45:29They are destroying the snake on the wheel.
45:31Hop, hop, hop!
45:33We are going to break it!
45:35Oh my God!
45:37We are going to break it!
45:39We are going to break it!
