Heartbreaking footage shows 'waterfalls' of 3,000 bits of rubbish including drinks cans and Santa hats left by people on Mount Snowdon.
The cascades of waste on Yr Wyddfa Mountain in Wales including drinks bottles requires urgent action volunteers warn.
An 'unprecedented' litter-pick on the iconic mountain left volunteers in shock - as they realised they had only scratched the surface.
From a misplaced Santa hat to plastic bottles and rucksack covers - The British Mountaineering Council volunteers removed 2,765 items of litter from Yr Wyddfa during a two-day-clean up.
Over 63 per cent of the items (1,737) found were single-use products - and the most prevalent brands were Lucozade, Redbull and CocaCola/Monster.
The cascades of waste on Yr Wyddfa Mountain in Wales including drinks bottles requires urgent action volunteers warn.
An 'unprecedented' litter-pick on the iconic mountain left volunteers in shock - as they realised they had only scratched the surface.
From a misplaced Santa hat to plastic bottles and rucksack covers - The British Mountaineering Council volunteers removed 2,765 items of litter from Yr Wyddfa during a two-day-clean up.
Over 63 per cent of the items (1,737) found were single-use products - and the most prevalent brands were Lucozade, Redbull and CocaCola/Monster.
00:00So we're just, I've just abseiled down into central Trinity, I'm, I'm, I don't know,
00:27maybe about 100 metres down, and you can see the amount of trash that's built up in this
00:32small little area down here, and loads of it, so you've got quite a lot of plants growing
00:38over quite a lot of this trash in here, there's even more just a little bit further down there,
00:43so you can see it's all just collecting in these like little holes and spots down here,
00:49and building up.