• 2 days ago


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01:29Champion of the Sports Day! Hooray! Well done, Woody! We have to trick Alfred! Are you talking about me? No, Alfred!
02:10I think the ball is my favourite toy, thought Spot.
02:15Ba-dum-ba-dum, ba-dum-ba-dum, ba-dum-ba-dum, ba-dum-ba-dum.
02:18It keeps wiggling.
02:19Ba-dum-ba-dum, ba-dum-ba-dum, ba-dum-ba-dum.
02:21Don't stop wiggling.
02:22Ba-dum-ba-dum, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
02:26Ah, what great wigglers! Give yourselves a big clap everyone!
02:32Bringing you the best in children's video
02:39In a place far away, over a mountain range,
03:08is a land of high tales, the kingdom of good.
03:15Here, fish swim like elk, lions fly through the trees,
03:20as we learn of life's values through lessons and deeds.
03:25My name is King Otis, and I rule this fair land.
03:42Along with Queen Mabel, here together we stand.
03:47Now today, my fine children, if I might say so myself,
03:53I'll tell you a story that I think will quite help,
03:58about minding your manners, and all in between,
04:03and bettering oneself, which is all that we need.
04:08Hey, look at Peanut. He's got a friend with dots all over him.
04:14Are they painted on? No, I don't think so. His name is Dennis.
04:19Well, I think he looks, I don't know, weird, like an alien.
04:23No, he looks like a mushroom.
04:27No, like a clown.
04:29Silence, please.
04:31Today's story, it seems, will be about Lolly Bird.
04:34A tale of tolerance that perhaps you've not heard.
04:49In the north-central part of the Kingdom of Good,
04:53was a place called Elevil.
05:07Elevil was inhabited by the Elves.
05:12Elevil was inhabited by Green Elephants.
05:24And in charge of these Green Elephants,
05:27was the largest of Elephants,
05:30the Great Green Alfred.
05:35The Green Elephants of Elevil,
05:38lived in this part of the Kingdom for many years,
05:43and had developed a series of games,
05:48which they played each day,
05:51and each night,
05:53and each night,
05:55and each night,
05:57and each night,
05:59and each night,
06:02Which they played each day.
06:09Their favorite activity was a game called
06:14The Elephants took large boulders
06:17and carried them across to the river
06:20and watched them
06:26The Elephant with the biggest splash
06:28was declared the winner.
06:31I won! I won!" said one elephant then.
06:37My splash was the biggest.
06:39Hey, let me go again.
06:43But this was as close to the river as these green elephants ever came.
06:49For these green elephants were afraid of the water.
06:57In the river swam schools of malligators,
07:06which had very sharp teeth and seemed always hungry.
07:13Malligators, malligators, their teeth are so sharp.
07:16Malligators, malligators, they're scary like sharks.
07:20My teeth aren't that sharp.
07:25I tell you, I look nothing like a shark.
07:28I don't know what they're talking about, Beauty.
07:32The elephants of Eleville were all exactly the same color green.
07:39They looked almost identical.
07:44There was one elephant, however, who was different from the others.
07:49Sure, she had a long trunk and floppy ears,
07:54but she was blue, not green.
08:01Not only that, her legs were skinny, almost like a bird's.
08:08So instead of trouncing through the forest,
08:12she would more skip, hop, and bounce.
08:21Her name was Lolly Bird.
08:27While no green elephant ever came out
08:31and made fun of Lolly Bird's blue color or her bird legs,
08:36they often made her feel unwelcome.
08:40Lolly Bird was the only green elephant in Eleville.
08:44She was the only green elephant in all of Eleville.
08:48She was the only green elephant in all of Eleville.
08:52They often made her feel unwelcome.
08:55Lolly Bird wanted to tell the green elephants
08:58that except for her color and her bird legs,
09:01they really had a lot in common.
09:04But whenever she tried to speak with the others,
09:08they just laughed and moved away.
09:12The green elephants had never seen an elephant like Lolly Bird before.
09:18And her blue color and bird-like legs made them uncomfortable.
09:26One of the green elephants, Elvin, told the others,
09:31Why should we play with someone who's blue?
09:35She won't know what to say. She won't know what to do.
09:40So when Lolly Bird asked,
09:42Could I join? Could I play?
09:49The others shook their trunks, no.
10:02And this blue-colored elephant had no place to go.
10:19Many times, when she was alone,
10:23she'd make up her own games.
10:27Her favorite game,
10:29which none of the green elephants would be able to play anyway,
10:34was the famous circus act.
10:38Lolly Bird would find an old tree trunk
10:41and try to walk across to the other side
10:44without falling off the log.
10:51She would do this over and over again,
10:55imagining she was at the center stage
10:59of a great traveling circus.
11:03The audience above her, cheering.
11:46One very blue day,
11:48Miss Lolly Bird went walking alone.
11:52She was tired of being laughed at.
11:55Tired of playing by herself,
11:57her blue trunk quivered.
12:00Her teary eyes shone.
12:03When along came a bird,
12:06the most peculiar creature she had ever seen.
12:10It was a very large cow with a beak on its nose.
12:16Who goes there?
12:18Asked Moo, for that was his name.
12:22And Lolly Bird sniffled and sat down in shame.
12:27What's wrong, little one?
12:30I see you are crying.
12:33I'd like to help some if you don't mind my prying.
12:37Miss Lolly Bird studied the owl-like cow.
12:41He was ruffled and older,
12:45and she liked him somehow.
12:48I'm a blue lolly bird in a land of green elephants.
12:52I'd like to make friends, but I can't.
12:54I just can't.
12:56Moo patted her head and said,
13:00Now, now, ahem.
13:03You must know it's not bad that you're different from them.
13:08It wasn't so easy.
13:10Part owl, part cow.
13:13One time I felt just like you do now.
13:18Moo explained to Lolly Bird
13:20how he had grown up looking very different
13:23than everyone else in his village,
13:26and how the other owls laughed at him.
13:30But one day, everything changed.
13:35How did they change?
13:37Lolly Bird asked.
13:39But Moo just smiled and nodded
13:44and looked off into the valley.
13:48Someday they'll realise
13:52that all creatures in the main,
13:55while different in looks,
13:57inside are the same.
14:01When I was a little moo,
14:04I think I was only two.
14:07I was the only owl in town
14:10who in black and white could hoot.
14:13By four I'd grown some more,
14:16those spots they expanded some,
14:19and friends I could count quite easily,
14:22for by then there still were none.
14:27But I knew one day quite soon I would have friends.
14:33I knew, I don't know owl, it was not the end.
14:38Owls would ask me to play,
14:40to fly, dance in the shade.
14:43Those black and white cow spots
14:45would matter less than they did now.
14:50But how did they come to know how nice you are?
14:54Did you have to dream or wish upon the stars?
14:57How did you know that you knew?
15:00Was it just because you're a moo?
15:02It's hard to know the future inside of you.
15:08When I was only two I was quite different.
15:12The only elephant in town, not green but blue.
15:16By four I'd grown some more,
15:19never invited to play ball.
15:21Green elephants, when they saw me,
15:23hid behind a wall.
15:27But I knew one day quite soon I would have friends.
15:32I knew, I don't know owl, it was not the end.
15:37The greens would ask me to play,
15:40to trounce and dance in the shade.
15:42An elephant with blue will matter less than it does now.
15:48I'll tell them inside all creatures are the same
15:51and they'll see I can play all their games.
15:54Of course they will, you can teach them how to play circus.
15:58I'll learn how to play dunk too.
16:00Yes, you will, you will.
16:11Back then it was clear to me,
16:14no one wanted cows with beaks.
16:16Sleeping in their tree I felt quite lonely.
16:20But now all kinds of owls come to play with you.
16:25They don't care if you're spotted,
16:27they like you because you're moo.
16:29So things that today seemed dreadful,
16:33tomorrow can change some things.
16:37Tomorrow can change somehow.
16:41Just believe that it will matter less than it does now,
16:46than it does now.
16:48Just believe that it will matter less than it does now,
16:53than it does now.
17:08Ms. Lolly Bird was already feeling better after talking with Moo.
17:14She thanked the owl-faced cow
17:17and hopped back more hopeful of her future in Ellerville.
17:24But still she wondered,
17:26How will they like me? How will everything change?
17:30Lolly Bird arrived back in Ellerville that afternoon.
17:35But Ellerville was very quiet.
17:41None of the green elephants were playing their games.
17:45There was no laughing,
17:48trouncing or even talking.
17:51No one was talking.
17:54As Lolly Bird got closer to the village,
17:57she saw elephants almost crying as they walked.
18:07What's wrong?
18:08asked Ms. Lolly Bird to one sad green elephant.
18:13Alfred's sick as a dog,
18:16the green elephant replied.
18:20Lolly Bird walked by Alfred's hut
18:23and heard cries from his wife, Enid,
18:27and moans from Alfred himself.
18:33The green elephant said,
18:35Alfred is sick as a dog,
18:38the green elephant replied.
18:41Alfred cries from his wife, Enid,
18:44and moans from Alfred himself.
18:49Lolly Bird peeked in.
18:54Oh, my tummy!
18:57Alfred cried.
18:58My tummy!
19:02And the great powerful Alfred
19:04was no longer the rich green color of the other elephants in Ellerville.
19:09He was a pale yellow
19:12and his face was more like three or four colors,
19:17pink, blue and yellow
19:20with a very little pale green mixed in.
19:23The river!
19:25Alfred cried.
19:26Oh, the river!
19:30The End
19:38Lolly Bird headed down to the river
19:41where many of the green elephants now gathered.
19:45They were all talking about something very important.
19:50But what could be so important
19:52about the river at a time like this?
19:57Lolly Bird asked another green elephant
20:00why everyone was way out here
20:03when Alfred was so sick back in his hut.
20:08The elephant explained
20:10that on the other side of the river
20:14lay a cure for Alfred
20:18that would make him feel better.
20:20The cure is a berry.
20:24A berry no one can retrieve.
20:28Between us swim maligators.
20:32Teeth no one can believe.
20:37Maligators, maligators, their teeth are so sharp.
20:40Maligators, maligators, they're scary like sharks.
20:45I'm telling you, my teeth are completely dull,
20:49not a sharp one in the whole lot.
20:51I've got five cavities.
20:53I may need a root canal.
20:56None of the elephants, no matter how green,
21:00would cross that blue river with maligators in between.
21:06whistle blows
21:20trumpet plays
21:27Well, my tummy, it's not feeling good.
21:30In fact, it's feeling quite bad.
21:32I ate some cakes and shrimp.
21:34Maybe it's just something like that.
21:36But I know that I'm in trouble.
21:38And I know just what I need.
21:40It's those berries across the river.
21:42But there's something in between.
21:44Oh, those bad old maligators.
21:47They're keeping us from those trees
21:49with the berries that we need
21:51to help Alfred from his knees.
21:53Those bad, bad maligators.
21:55They've got really sharp teeth.
21:57But we've got to cross that river
21:59because there's something that we need, yeah.
22:09Well, my husband, he's all laid up.
22:12He can't get around right now.
22:14It's as though he's at a farm
22:16and he swallowed a big old cow.
22:18His face is turning purple
22:20and his skin's no longer green.
22:22Oh, I pray that we can help him.
22:24It's the worst I've ever seen.
22:26Oh, those bad old maligators.
22:28They're keeping us from those trees
22:30with the berries that we need
22:32to help Alfred from his knees.
22:34Those bad, bad maligators.
22:36They've got really sharp teeth.
22:38But we've got to cross that river
22:40because there's something that we need, yeah.
22:59If only we could find a way
23:02to get to those berries.
23:04We could save the great old Alfred
23:06and fix his big tummy.
23:08If only we could fly.
23:10If only we could speed
23:12across that great big river.
23:14But there's something that's hungry.
23:17Oh, those bad old maligators.
23:20They're keeping us from those trees
23:23with the berries that we need
23:25to help Alfred from his knees.
23:27Those bad, bad maligators.
23:29They've got really sharp teeth.
23:31But we've got to cross that river
23:33because there's something that we need, yeah.
23:36We've got to cross that river
23:38because there's something that we need.
23:40Something that we need.
23:42Oh, yeah.
23:56I'll go, stated Lollibird.
24:04I'll go!
24:08You can't possibly swim.
24:10They'll eat you like that.
24:12There's a log, replied Lollibird,
24:15reaching both banks.
24:17Your green elephant feet don't fit the plank.
24:20And Lollibird was right.
24:23Every single one of the green elephants
24:25had legs that were too big
24:28and so heavy
24:30that they would break any log to pieces.
24:33But Lollibird's legs were different.
24:36They were skinny and sensitive
24:39and light like a ballerina's.
24:42She could easily walk across that log
24:45and get to the other side of the river.
24:48She can do it!
24:50She can cross it this instant!
25:05Lollibird hopped across the log
25:09as she had done so many times before
25:13and with ease gathered the berries
25:17that would cure the great Alfred.
25:38The malligators jumped at her feet,
25:41but she was too quick
25:43and the log was too high.
25:52She returned across the log with the berries
25:56just as easily as she went.
25:59The green elephants cheered and hooted.
26:09If she can walk so easily across that log,
26:12just think of how well she could play dunk,
26:15one green elephant said.
26:17Or play other games,
26:19another elephant said.
26:21We thought because she was blue,
26:23she'd not know what to do.
26:25But I see now we were wrong.
26:27We had not a clue.
26:29I want her on my team,
26:31another agreed.
26:33So do I.
26:35The cheering crowd of green elephants
26:38carried Lollibird and the berries back to Alfred
26:42who was still moaning,
26:45My tummy! Oh, my tummy!
26:49and was even more shades of pink, yellow and blue
26:53than he was before.
26:56Miss Lollibird delivered the berries
26:59to the great Alfred
27:01who ate them slowly, carefully
27:06and thanked Lollibird again and again.
27:15That night, they talked about the great adventure of the day
27:20and about Lollibird,
27:23that blue cousin with bird legs
27:27who so elegantly hopped across that log
27:32and back again,
27:34directly over the vicious malligators.
27:39But where is she now?
27:41asked one of the green elephants.
27:44Where was Lollibird indeed?
27:49Deep in the forest,
27:51Lollibird was skipping along
27:54the happiest she had ever been.
28:00Moo was right after all
28:03and now she went to find him
28:05to tell him what had happened that day.
28:15The next day arrived with a beautiful morning.
28:19The sky a clear lake blue.
28:25Inside Alfred's hut were cries of joy.
28:30I'm better! I'm better!
28:34The berries, they've worked!
28:37My tummy! My tummy!
28:40The berries, they've worked!
28:42My tummy! My tummy!
28:44It no longer hurts!
28:48Lollibird came down from the hill,
28:51arriving from the long journey of visiting Moo.
28:54There she is!
28:56The elephant swooped.
28:58It's Lollibird, the blue elephant!
29:01She's our hero, it's true!
29:04Then Alfred appeared,
29:07smiling at Lollibird and addressing the others.
29:11If not for her legs, so different from ours,
29:16I would surely have perished,
29:19Alfred said to afar.
29:22From then on,
29:24the green elephants and elephant
29:27treated Lollibird differently.
29:29They included her in their game,
29:32talked and played with her.
29:35They realized that not only was she fun to play with,
29:39they liked that she was blue and had bird legs.
29:44It made her unique.
29:47It made her special.
29:51That shade of blue was the most beautiful blue in Eleville.
29:56And those bird legs, well,
29:59they were certainly nothing to laugh at.
30:02They were highly skilled and trained tools
30:06that had saved the great Alfred himself.
30:10And whenever new, different-looking creatures
30:15came to visit Eleville,
30:17they were especially welcome.
30:20Moo, of course, was invited often to dinner,
30:25as were his cousins, friends and acquaintances.
30:29A cat with dog feet,
30:31a fish with antlers,
30:39a brown flea,
30:41and many others.
30:44In fact, they frequently passed through Eleville
30:48at one time or another.
30:52And Lollibird and her green elephant friends
30:57were always there to greet them.
31:06Wow, what a great story.
31:09Were you in it, Dad?
31:11Well, I was busy with the kingdom's annual parade,
31:15but I heard all about it.
31:18Hey, Dennis, I'm sorry I made fun of you.
31:22I actually think the polka dots are, well, you know,
31:25kind of cool.
31:28That's nice of you to apologize, Polk.
31:31Each time our kids bicker, misbehave or just scream,
31:35we'll tell them a tale that turns lessons to dreams.
31:40And now it is time to say our goodnights.
31:44For tomorrow holds more tales of wrongs turned to rights.
31:56But I knew one day quite soon I would have friends.
32:02I knew, I don't know how, it was not the end.
32:07Owls would ask me to play, to fly, donuts in the shade.
32:12Those black and white cow spots would matter less
32:16than they did now.
32:19Back then it was clear to me no one wanted cows with beaks.
32:24Sleeping in their tree I felt quite lonely.
32:28But now all kinds of owls come to play with you.
32:33They don't care if you're spotted.
32:35They like you because you're new.
32:37So things that today seemed dreadful,
32:41tomorrow can change somehow.
32:45Just believe that it will matter less than it does now,
32:50than it does now.
32:54The End
