Best Cartoon - Sinbad #classiccartoons #kids

  • il y a 11 heures
00:00La vie d'un porteur
00:30La vie d'un porteur
01:00I heard your remarks as you rested and I would like to tell you a story.
01:04A tale you will never forget.
01:06Please be my guest and feast with me while I tell you of my adventures.
01:12As a young boy I was very poor, but I was determined to search for my fortune.
01:17I decided on a sailor's life and signed on as a deckhand on the Golden Fleece.
01:23She was the most beautiful and fastest ship that ever outraced a pirate craft.
01:28I sailed for many years, learning the business of shipping and trading,
01:32waiting for the day when I would own my own boat.
01:35One day we were caught in a typhoon and blown far off our course.
01:40A giant wave washed me and two companions overboard.
01:44We clung to a log for a while, but soon we were separated in the storm.
01:49Then, night fell over the violent sea.
01:52I swam until I found myself on a strange beach.
01:56Confused and frightened, I wandered into the jungle and became lost.
02:01Finally, I dropped from exhaustion.
02:05When I awoke in the morning, I was next to a great white wall,
02:09but then I discovered it was a monstrous egg.
02:13Only one bird could lay an egg such as this, the rock.
02:17I remembered an ancient story about an island of fortune where the rock bird lived.
02:22Perhaps, I thought, this was it.
02:25A great flapping of wings startled me.
02:28The rock.
02:30I hid under the egg, wondering what to do when I had a desperate plan.
02:35I tied myself to the rock's leg so that when he flew high above the trees,
02:40I could get my directions.
02:42As we went higher and higher, I could see a river leading out to the ocean.
02:47Finally, the great bird landed in a cave high on a mountain.
02:51A strange light came from within.
02:54Untying myself from the bird, I sneaked into the cave
02:57and could hardly believe my eyes.
03:00The island of fortune.
03:02For there was a treasure in jewels beyond any dream.
03:06I filled my pockets and clothes with as many jewels as I could carry.
03:10When the rock had gone, I sneaked out of the cave and down the mountain.
03:14I constructed a large raft and let the river carry me towards the sea.
03:19Suddenly, I was no longer moving.
03:22The raft had stopped.
03:24Then I saw why.
03:26A monster 20 feet tall had grabbed the raft and was lifting me up in the air.
03:32He had one huge eye, large ears, and an ugly mouth.
03:38The hideous creature paralyzed me with fear,
03:40for I expected to be killed at any moment.
03:43The beast took me to his nearby cave and dropped me into a cage,
03:47and I saw what my fate was to be.
03:50There, tied to stakes, were my two shipmates.
03:54The monster was going to cook and eat them.
03:57I couldn't see any way of escaping.
03:59My only hope was to distract the giant somehow.
04:03Then I thought of the jewels.
04:05While the beast gathered wood for our barbecue,
04:08I fashioned a string of dazzling gems.
04:11When he returned, I dangled them to attract his attention.
04:15The flashing almost hypnotized the monster.
04:18He opened the cage door and grabbed the tantalizing jewels while I slipped out.
04:23Quickly, I freed my friends, and we ran for the river and my raft.
04:27The eye of the creature was only interested in the sparkling toy,
04:31which he had now placed about his neck.
04:34But we didn't know how long that would be.
04:37Just as we reached the ocean, we heard the roaring of the monster
04:40as it came crashing through the jungle, looking for his runaway dinner.
04:44He saw us and started wading out faster than we could push away.
04:48The jewels sparkled as he moved.
04:51Just as he was about to grab the raft, a great shriek stopped him,
04:55and he looked up.
04:57The rock had missed the jewels and had seen them sparkling on the giant.
05:01The battle was on.
05:03While the two monsters fought, we frantically pushed far out to sea
05:08and drifted away with the current.
05:10The next day, we were picked up by the Golden Fleece.
05:14I had enough jewels to make the entire crew wealthy.
05:18I was able to buy my own sailing ship and prospered as a merchant and trader
05:22before I settled here in this home.
05:27And so, friend, you see, I earned my fortune in a great adventure.
05:33For listening to an old man's story, I present you with a gift.
05:37The wealth this jewel will bring you
05:40will remind you of the famous Sinbad the Sailor.
