Hollyoaks 16th October 2024

  • 12 hours ago
Hollyoaks 16th October 2024


00:00I really wanted that au pair's job, but you had to interfere, you had to ruin everything.
00:05I'll find you another.
00:06We've called a press conference this morning. We need you there.
00:09Why does he have to be such a div?
00:12Maybe there's someone else more suitable. Someone you already know.
00:15Anyone knows anything? Come forward.
00:19Someone must know something.
00:21Right. Ready to go around, steady.
00:24They're doing a reconstruction.
00:26I'm going to be my sister on her final day. I'm going to be India.
00:57Thanks, Lee.
00:59Call me anything you like, babes, but not Lee.
01:07How long have you...
01:09Been here? All night?
01:11Why, you're in my bed.
01:13I'm not in your bed.
01:15I'm not in your bed.
01:17I'm not in your bed.
01:19I'm not in your bed.
01:21I'm not in your bed.
01:24All night?
01:25Why, you're in my bed.
01:27Because you insisted. I knew it was hard to say no.
01:31I insisted on what?
01:33We didn't...
01:35Did we?
01:36No. I just needed a place to stay.
01:40Of course we did.
01:53Oh, Jim John.
01:55Honeymoon's over.
01:59What happened?
02:00Well, I can tell you one thing that didn't happen.
02:02You didn't pull.
02:04Oh, that's a relief.
02:05Not with me, idiot.
02:07And them young girls that are in your room.
02:09I got them all those drinks, man.
02:11You didn't. I paid for them.
02:13And I end up in a bed with you.
02:17You reckon they're still in there?
02:19Bodies intertwined.
02:23Where are you going?
02:24I'm going to go and check on them.
02:25Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute, me.
02:27I invited them here. They're my...
02:29They're my responsibility.
02:31Yeah, well, they weren't interested in you last night.
02:33Yeah, right.
02:34You weren't interested in them last night.
02:37Oh, yeah, I forgot.
02:39Still in love with Amy, aren't I?
02:42Come on, let's have a little look.
02:47Hey, there's those files.
02:50Right, I'm off.
03:03how did I end up back here?
03:06With you?
03:12You're in the village, complaining about the lack of kebab shops,
03:15so we drove to town.
03:16Not with me behind the wheel.
03:19You lost most of yours.
03:24Oh, no.
03:26Oh, I didn't, did I?
03:29The most ladylike chuck up out of a window I have ever seen.
03:32Not speck on the van. I mean, you were right at.
03:35This, this isn't me.
03:37I mean, I'm a mess since I broke up with Lee.
03:42I went to see him in Hoss.
03:45Yeah, and saw him with a bunch of giggling girls, apparently.
03:48So you told me.
03:50Sorry, why was I telling you?
03:53That's all right.
03:54My shoulder, your tears, his loss, our lucky night.
03:58You know, I don't normally do rebounds,
04:00but if it helps you get over him, then...
04:09All right.
04:10Well, can I at least get breakfast?
04:13Yeah, sure, OK.
04:14Why not?
04:18Turn around while I get out of bed.
04:21You are joking, right?
04:22No, turn around.
04:29Is last night coming back to you yet?
04:34It's Lee.
04:35I think it's...
04:43Are you up yet?
04:45It's Lee.
04:46Are you sure this is going to be enough?
04:48I hope so, cos I already need the loo as it is.
04:50Something wrong with the water we sell at the pub?
04:52No, it's just...
04:54Riley went for a big run this morning.
04:56And expectant women are often asked to drink a lot of water before an ultrasound.
05:00It's just...
05:01My lot and Heidi, it just gets a bit much.
05:04It's like a packed stadium round the bed sometimes.
05:06Look, we told him it's today, he just...
05:08Lied about time.
05:09I understand.
05:11May I?
05:17Don't worry.
05:18One thing I can do is keep a secret.
05:26Life and death.
05:28So often go hand in hand, don't they?
05:30You're sick, but your life isn't over yet.
05:32Oh, you're so right.
05:34But the clock is still ticking, though.
05:36So much still left to achieve.
05:38Just a little less time to achieve it.
05:44I'll be with you in a minute, Lee!
05:46I wasn't being serious.
05:47Well, I'm sure it's not your first time.
05:49Just get in there and hide until I get rid of him.
05:53And please, please, please, please do not make a sound.
05:55Glad I'm not one of your kids.
05:57Sorry to come round so early, but...
06:01Is everything all right?
06:02Yeah, everything's...
06:04Fine, I was just...
06:06You what?
06:09Sorry, it's none of my business anymore, anyway, is it?
06:12Have you been, er...
06:14Have I been what?
06:17Have you been drinking?
06:20Um, drinking.
06:21Last night.
06:23Big night out, was it, eh?
06:25I'm entitled, aren't I?
06:26Yeah, again, it's none of my business, is it?
06:28You know, I want it to be.
06:29I want everything you do to be my business.
06:32I mean, you understand what I'm saying there.
06:35It's just...
06:36Everything I've done so far seems to be wrong.
06:39So can you not just tell me what I have to do to get it right?
06:43Did you get a knock back last night?
06:47Came to see you.
06:48In halls.
06:55Vince, could you yell that up any louder?
07:02Did you watch this yesterday?
07:07The cat's a monster that murdered India.
07:09No, I mean really watch it.
07:14All the journalists are busy scribbling away.
07:17But not Sailor Sea.
07:18He can't take his eyes off Texas.
07:22Listen, Mum, why don't you get some sleep, eh?
07:24Night shifts always take it out of you, don't they?
07:34I thought I could get over you by throwing myself at other women.
07:39You admit it?
07:40There were loads of them and they were all over me.
07:43But, no, I didn't do anything, I swear.
07:46I was like a human magnet. They were all over me.
07:49I was repellent.
07:51I threw them all off me because of...of you.
07:57What were you doing there last night, anyway?
07:59Been thinking.
08:01Drinking and thinking.
08:04A bit about me?
08:07About us.
08:10What is that?
08:11It's just one of the kids' toys. I couldn't switch it off.
08:14I'll put it in the... No, no, no.
08:16It's fine.
08:17Like a metaphor, then, is it?
08:19Like my feelings for you because I...I can't switch them off.
08:23And you try to throw me in that wardrobe,
08:25you'll still hear my heart beating.
08:27You're so cheesy.
08:32Oh, no, no.
08:33Where are you going?
08:34Morning breath.
08:36Is this timing? Have I blown it again?
08:38No, no, I want to get back with you.
08:40I just think we should...
08:44Yeah, I'll get ready and meet you at the SU bar.
08:46Anything you say.
08:48No, no, no.
08:50I love you.
08:51I love you, too.
08:52I love you, too.
09:01Now, that, that was beautiful.
09:04But listen, if lowering your standards with Lee doesn't work out...
09:09..and you fancy some more fun, then...
09:12It'll work out. Bye.
09:21Oh, is it your appointment I had to come in early for?
09:24Is that a problem?
09:25Oh, no, it's just, er, I fancied getting off earlier today.
09:28Mercedes and Riley have already gone to the hospital.
09:31They were deliberately evasive about the time to me,
09:34so obviously that meant you'd be free, too.
09:36Oh, plus I wanted to look my best if I were to go house hunting with them.
09:40House hunting?
09:41An estate agent friend of mine has managed to find them a couple of places.
09:45Oh, you know where shops and schools and bus routes
09:48should be at the top of your checklist.
09:50Bus routes?
09:52The only bus Mercedes is going to be catching in the future is the black one.
09:56And a little yellow light on top of it.
10:01Which line is that on?
10:02I think she was talking about taxis.
10:05You know, I know Mercedes is mixing in different crowds now,
10:09but I just hope she doesn't forget us.
10:11And remind her who her real family is.
10:13Why don't you throw her a baby shower before Heidi thinks of it?
10:16That is a wicked idea.
10:22Do you want to find out?
10:24Find out what?
10:26If it's a boy or a girl.
10:29I want a surprise.
10:54You want to watch your step.
10:56You're going to get yourself killed one of these days.
11:00Oh, did you know Texas has agreed to play her sister in the reconstruction?
11:05Oh, God.
11:07I hope the police don't put us through that for nothing.
11:10Well, you would be disillusioned, wouldn't you?
11:13Well, they never found the person who attacked you either, did they?
11:17Doesn't make you feel very safe, does it?
11:58See these horoscopes? They're such a load of trash.
12:00Gares isn't much...
12:03Sorry, I thought you were...
12:05Lindsay, what's wrong?
12:06No, it's just that he grabbed me before.
12:08What? Somebody grabbed you?
12:09Not someone, Silas.
12:10I nearly got run down by a stupid cyclist and he grabbed me out of the way.
12:14So he saved you?
12:15Yeah, but it was the way that he did it.
12:17The things that he said.
12:19Like what?
12:20About watching my step.
12:22About he concurred not to get himself killed.
12:24Talking about India's killer and my attacker in the same breath.
12:28Look, love, there is no connection between what happened to you
12:31and what happened to those poor wee girls, right?
12:33Yours was a botched robbery and he's just some old guy who's...
12:37You're pinching our hero and he didn't do either, right?
12:39No, you weren't there.
12:41He was taunting me.
12:42Like that article he wrote.
12:44He's taunting the police...
12:45No, look, all he's trying to do is keep the story alive for the safety of women like us.
12:49No, he is playing a game, Cheryl, with all of us.
12:56We'll definitely play with the baby.
12:58What's that?
12:59Well, if I pin the tail on the donkey, go with the baby.
13:01You stick a pin on a baby?
13:03No, of course not. Why would you even think that?
13:06It's with a stick on baby.
13:07No, it sounds like fun.
13:09Anyway, while we're quiet, let's have a little practice.
13:12Come on. Forward.
13:13Oh, yeah.
13:14And that back.
13:15There it is.
13:20Oh, oh, oh, father.
13:22Don't stop.
13:23Look, if I can just offer one suggestion.
13:25Yeah, of course.
13:27From what I've seen from the internet,
13:28the idea is to get the full benefit of the movement.
13:37All right? What's up?
13:39Just trying to gear myself up.
13:41A bit early for the pub, ain't it?
13:43You ain't going to get set for at least another couple of hours.
13:45For tomorrow.
13:46What's tomorrow?
13:48The reconstruction of India's final moments.
13:50Sorry, I didn't know.
13:52Where have you been?
13:53You know, about.
13:56I mean, Nancy wrote a really horrible and intrusive article.
14:00I just can't trust anybody anymore.
14:03Want to go for a drive or something?
14:05Take your mind off it.
14:08I'm trying to get my head around it.
14:09I don't think jumping in your van is going to do that, Dodger.
14:12Probably not.
14:14Well, I guess I'll just leave you to it, then.
14:20You know, people always think this sort of thing happens to someone else.
14:24And if Nancy's article made you sound like, I don't know,
14:28as ordinary as the rest of us,
14:30then everyone's going to care that bit more.
14:33Just a thought.
14:46Am I getting this right?
14:47More than all right, isn't he, Carmel?
14:54Carmel, are you all right?
14:55She'll be fine. She just needs some air.
14:58Carmel, are you all right?
14:59She'll be fine. She just needs to keep focused on the course.
15:02Yeah, all those little babies in Africa.
15:05That's what I need to focus on.
15:06Well, just look at all these signatures and pledges.
15:09Yeah, you're certainly the brains behind all this, Carmel.
15:12See you tomorrow.
15:15You nearly lost your religion then, lady.
15:18I certainly did not.
15:20I almost found mine.
15:21I just hope this instructor you've booked is as good.
15:25Do you have booked someone?
15:29I completely forgot.
15:30You know, I can't write down Father Francis.
15:33Well, then there's only one thing for it.
15:35You're going to have to do it.
15:44How are you feeling about tomorrow?
15:46I'm dreading it.
15:48Couldn't the police have found someone else?
15:50Yeah, well, it was meant to be me.
15:51I was the one talking to him online.
15:54Someone he really wanted.
15:56You know, when I was broken into, attacked...
16:01He wasn't young.
16:03He was older.
16:05You could tell by the sound of his voice.
16:07Well, what's that got to do with me?
16:10You believed me once that I could have been the same person.
16:13Yeah, but I wasn't thinking straight.
16:15When we told Riley about my ring going missing, his blood ran cold.
16:18He had seen India's ring after she was dead.
16:21Your ring turned up.
16:22Yeah, mine had to go back.
16:24I broke his rules. I survived.
16:26The flat was sitting empty.
16:28Silas knew exactly where I was.
16:30Staying under his own roof.
16:32Texas, are you all right?
16:33Why was he at that press conference?
16:35Why did he write that article?
16:36Why is he so interested?
16:38Yeah, but Nancy co-wrote that article, so what does that make her?
16:40His accomplice?
16:41What type of a friend writes an article like that?
16:44No one regrets it more than I do.
16:46Look, if it's made the public more aware, then who cares?
16:49I mean, it's thanks to that article that the police are actually finally doing something to find India's murderer.
16:54And all you've done is waste their time and mine.
16:57Just leave me and Silas alone.
17:14I'm sorry we snuck off the way we did.
17:16It's all right.
17:17I wasn't offended. Much.
17:20As long as we're at the berth, we'll be happy.
17:24Dad! Dad!
17:26Come and have a look at this.
17:28The DVD of your great-grandchild.
17:34So safe and happy in there.
17:37With a family just waiting to love it.
17:41Everyone's so excited about this baby.
17:44So what do you two reckon?
17:45More like a McQueen or a Costello?
17:48A Costello.
17:50Let's just not talk about that.
17:52Sorry, babe.
17:53I don't know what theme to do the baby shower tomorrow.
17:56You know, pink or blue.
17:58We should have found out what they're having.
18:00Well, if I were you, I'd play it safe and stick with neutral.
18:04Yeah, of course.
18:05You know, you can't label kids these days, can you?
18:08A parent needs to be open-minded.
18:12You should know all about that.
18:16You're welcome to have it here.
18:18Oh, no, we'll have it at the McQueen's.
18:19You know, there is more of us.
18:21And at the end of the day, it is Mercy's home.
18:23Whatever they're plotting, you need to put a stop to it.
18:27Babe, I'm exhausted.
18:29Yeah, but it's good seeing me mum this happy.
18:32Her own mum weren't around when we were born.
18:34Don't lay that on me.
18:36Look, this baby involves just me and you.
18:39Nobody else.
18:58I wonder if the killer feels any remorse.
19:01Or if he'll surface tomorrow during the reconstruction.
19:04I wonder.
19:07Perfect chance of the gloat.
19:09I'm sure he thinks he's smarter than the police.
19:12He has been.
19:13So far.
19:16Maybe someone will come forward with a vital piece of information.
19:19I think they're counting on it.
19:21It wouldn't be the first time a member of the public knew more than the police did.
19:26Very brave of Texas to play her sister.
19:30But then she was the intended victim.
19:34Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
19:43I'm just here to pick up the journalist pack for the reconstruction tomorrow.
19:47Don't let me get in the way of you and your job.
19:50If there's anything particular you want me to say, in whatever article I write, I will.
19:55An inside scoop for the bereaved sister?
19:57No, I didn't mean it like that.
19:59Tex, I want to get this right.
20:02You could always read it first.
20:08Is that Angie's clothes?
20:11As close as I could get to them.
20:18This is it?
20:19This is it!
20:20This is really it.
20:22We're back together.
20:27Why is Jamil here?
20:31I'm his witness.
20:32Yeah, to say that I didn't lay not even a finger on a girl last night.
20:36He didn't. And neither did I, for the record.
20:39They're both as pure and innocent as ever, unfortunately.
20:43You didn't happen to bring a friend along, did you?
20:46I didn't really think it was appropriate.
20:50Oh, gotcha. Yeah, it was a stupid idea, getting Jamil to tag along.
20:54Eh? But he was yours.
20:56Bye, Jamil.
20:58Cheers, though. Bye.
21:02I know I need to try a lot harder.
21:04It's not just you.
21:05You've no more jealous tantrums.
21:07No more third parties.
21:10Cleanse light.
21:13And now, clean plate.
21:28We're wearing a pink spotted dress
21:31over a grey military-style jacket,
21:35short boots, hair down, pulled back at the front.
21:38Texas is wearing a long pink cardigan
21:41over a cream blouse, hair down.
21:45Wow, it's amazing that you remember, that you even noticed.
21:50I walk into a room, I observe, as do all good writers.
21:54Bumped into Texas earlier at the police station.
21:57She's picking up her outfit for tomorrow.
21:59You didn't say.
22:00How was it?
22:03Was it exactly like India was wearing?
22:07And the ring, was it the same?
22:09Well, Texas seemed to think so.
22:13As she walks us through these woods tomorrow,
22:16everything must be exactly as it was.
22:21It's the detail that's important.
22:24B.B. gets bored into the smallest pair of budgie smugglers you've ever seen.
22:29Not leaving a lot to the imagination,
22:31the dirty sexy things go back to nature
22:33in the brand new episode, Tonight at Ten.
22:36Next, though, the mullets of all wedding dresses
22:39in How I Met Your Mother.
22:55I prefer a good kebab myself.
22:57Fast food's bad for your dodger.
22:59I'm going to try eating something healthier.
23:01This isn't healthy.
23:02Good advice, that, mate.
23:04Good advice.
23:08See, I'm bulletproof.
23:10Nothing he can do or say can get to me anymore.