TikTok Dinner - Jason Groff on working with Messi to promote Bad Boys

  • 12 hours ago


00:00Jason talk to me about messy. I mean messy Miami. It really all was coming together at once. Well, you know
00:06this movie actually moved its release date because of the strike if we all remember and
00:12We had liked the idea of messy
00:15But then we sort of we're like we're never really gonna get messy
00:19Are we and then you know, we kind of forgot about the idea of it
00:22and then when we were when we moved a we
00:24We're gonna be doing something for the NBA Finals and because of that we wanted to do Miami Heat, Miami
00:30With Jimmy Butler. We're in a meeting with the chairman. Of course. He's like, well, what about messy?
00:35So then it's kind of like okay now we actually have to really take this seriously
00:39and he's never done a promotion for a film before but like
00:44Kabi like he is just he was a fan and
00:49Jimmy Butler was a fan and we got that we got that shoot put together was actually in March months before
00:55We were going to release and it was really about just trying to keep it quiet for as long as possible but in
01:01in the world of
01:03TikTok or social media we were trying to think of things that we could do on the day with him that would
01:09Break out and I think there's like kind of different types of pieces that we can create from a content group
01:14there's call it like raw materials there was a
01:18opportunity where messy kicked a soccer ball at the camera that became a
01:23Thing that people were stitching to that was fantastic or edited material like the NBA Finals where messy said his first English words bad boys
01:32That kind of blew up on its own
01:34But you know, I think the goal of those things
01:38Are to reach an audience through the power of those people and messy is a creator
01:45He's an influencer in his own, right? What it happened half a billion
01:49Followers on Instagram or Jason you should tell the story about the messy camera
01:55well for those
01:57If you don't know who Leona Messi is, he's a very accurate
02:02kicker and
02:04They asked him to kick
02:07the camera
02:09To which I understand enough Spanish where he said you want me to kick the camera?
02:1540 yards away
02:16He's like, all right takes the shot
02:18but you know the camera operators holding his iPhone out in front of his face it hits the camera hits the guy and he gets
02:24laid out and
02:26Keep the shooter. It was the best moment of his entire life. He was like, I just got kicked in the face by a little messy
