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AltspaceVR Critic - #10
00:00:00Welcome back, guys. This is where we are right now, a winter town hosted by Sentinel-1.
00:00:09Looks like a few people are in here.
00:00:13So let's see what we got, buddy.
00:00:19I'm in a church.
00:00:21Great place to be.
00:00:27Because of the cross of Christ, no weapons that is formed against you will prosper.
00:00:38I was going to say against me, though.
00:00:40Though the finished work, through the finished work on the cross of Christ,
00:00:47your salvation, healing, and all your needs are provided.
00:00:53Wow, look at this view from the window.
00:00:58All right. Let's see what we got.
00:01:03One of these days, somebody is going to tell me how to...
00:01:19I can shrink this thing a little bit, though.
00:01:23All right. Put it right there. Bang.
00:01:26Okay. Let's see what we got here, buddy.
00:01:40It says Winter Wonderland.
00:01:45Let's see. Look at this.
00:01:47There are people sitting down over there.
00:01:50All right.
00:01:52Might have to hit every cabin.
00:01:55Somebody is breathing here.
00:01:58Let's see what we have in this cabin.
00:02:00Cabin number one.
00:02:02As we walk through the door, the mystery begins.
00:02:09Look at that.
00:02:10What a mystery.
00:02:13Who is this?
00:02:15Sentinel-1, he created this place.
00:02:18Should I speak to the creator?
00:02:23I guess I have to.
00:02:24Good afternoon, Sentinel-1.
00:02:26This looks like your creation here, my friend.
00:02:31How are you doing?
00:02:33Good. The buildings were complete, but I'm just building the inside walls.
00:02:40Gotcha, man.
00:02:41By the way, I'm...
00:02:42After I do that...
00:02:44I'm sorry. Go ahead.
00:02:45Each building is going to have something in it, inside the walls.
00:02:49Good, man. I was wondering, because I went into this one.
00:02:52Let me just tell you right off the bat, man.
00:02:54I'm the AltSpaceVR critic, and I record different creations.
00:02:59I have about 800 videos.
00:03:01I just started recording already inside the church.
00:03:04I saw Sentinel-1, and I saw that you are...
00:03:09Your creation is a winter town.
00:03:13So I'm going to...
00:03:14In this one, yeah.
00:03:16The one there on your left, there's actually somebody.
00:03:21An animated figure in there, all set up.
00:03:26Oh, that's great, man.
00:03:27I see a couple of other animations.
00:03:29Yeah, one of those...
00:03:32It's also set up like a living quarters.
00:03:35Oh, that's great, man. That's wonderful.
00:03:37How long have you been doing...
00:03:38How long have you been creating?
00:03:41About two years.
00:03:43Wow, man.
00:03:45How come I never really seen any of your stuff?
00:03:48This is world number 40.
00:03:50I like to create a world that has a story and a meaning.
00:03:55I'm also a writer.
00:03:57Oh, yeah. Congratulations, man.
00:03:59I do a little writing myself.
00:04:01You got anything published yet?
00:04:03Or are you still working on stuff?
00:04:05Book number 35 just came out.
00:04:08Dude, book number what?
00:04:10Murder in the Desert.
00:04:11Book number what?
00:04:15My God, brother.
00:04:17I've got 15 backlog manuscripts,
00:04:20and I'm working on one called The Key.
00:04:23Congratulations, man.
00:04:25Thank you. I'm 75.
00:04:28Got you, man. I had a feeling.
00:04:29I got a friend of mine that's 74,
00:04:31and he sounds a little bit like you.
00:04:32His name was Marty.
00:04:33He used to do a lot of singing and stuff like that.
00:04:35Man, congratulations, man.
00:04:40So, I don't know if you want to walk around and tell people...
00:04:43Oh, first of all, do you want to say hi to anybody?
00:04:46Because it's going to be on YouTube by the end of the day.
00:04:48Do you want to shout out to anybody?
00:04:50I wouldn't know what to say.
00:04:53Like your family, your friends,
00:04:55anybody that you've met in alt space
00:04:57that helped you create anything?
00:04:59All my family and friends tell me to come back to the real world.
00:05:04Listen, man, this is going to be the real world pretty soon.
00:05:08This is better than...
00:05:10This is like godlike powers, man.
00:05:12You know what I'm saying?
00:05:13That's why I make the videos.
00:05:15I make the videos so that when people try to tell other people
00:05:18outside of alt space what it's like,
00:05:20and they're too lazy,
00:05:22I'm going to look at it.
00:05:23I'll get back to you.
00:05:24What's your thing?
00:05:26You can say, look, man.
00:05:27Look on my cell phone.
00:05:28I have a video on YouTube.
00:05:30Let me just show you a little bit of what I do.
00:05:32So, this is going to be on YouTube.
00:05:36I will say one thing.
00:05:38The church...
00:05:40The persecution against the church is coming.
00:05:43When it does, the church will be in here,
00:05:46virtual reality, thriving, growing.
00:05:51It will not be able to be stopped.
00:05:53Definitely, man.
00:05:55And I'm glad you said that because I'm a Christian, man,
00:05:57a strong Christian.
00:05:58I really believe it.
00:05:59And most of my videos is going to have a positive message.
00:06:02It's going to have something about God in it, man,
00:06:04because I'm not going to waste my time in virtual reality.
00:06:07I've been serving the Lord for 52 years.
00:06:09Wow, man.
00:06:10You're like a role model, buddy.
00:06:12The Light Brown bookstore at the end has some of my books
00:06:16advertised in them.
00:06:18I can't wait to see it.
00:06:19And I try to minister the gospel in all of them.
00:06:21I can't wait to see it.
00:06:23God bless you, man.
00:06:24And thank you for doing the great work, man.
00:06:26You know what I'm saying?
00:06:27There's no question about that, man.
00:06:29You're making a difference.
00:06:30And the video will make a difference too, man.
00:06:32Thanks a lot, man.
00:06:33So, I'm sorry.
00:06:35When America was formed, first, when they built the town,
00:06:41the first thing they did was build the church.
00:06:45I remember Little House on the Prairie.
00:06:46When I built this little settlement,
00:06:48the first thing I did was the same thing.
00:06:51That's excellent, man.
00:06:53I mean, you made a strong foundation.
00:06:55You put God there first, and then you built around it.
00:06:58And that's how you're supposed to do it, man.
00:07:00Yeah, I'm glad to meet people like you, man.
00:07:02And I can't wait to see your books, man.
00:07:04So, let me just ask you this.
00:07:06You said your books are down here?
00:07:07Some of them, yes.
00:07:09Some of them, yes.
00:07:10In the Senate building.
00:07:12All right.
00:07:13At the bookstore.
00:07:14You want to take a walk down there?
00:07:15We can take a look at your books.
00:07:17That way I can have them on.
00:07:18That would be great, man.
00:07:21That way we can have it on the YouTube.
00:07:23People can see your books.
00:07:24I can advertise with you too.
00:07:30I'm glad to meet you, man.
00:07:36I don't know anybody personally has thirty-five books.
00:07:38I got one out.
00:07:39I got manuscripts of two.
00:07:41But I don't know, man.
00:07:43This takes a lot of time and energy when you're doing alt space.
00:07:46To create.
00:07:47To live your regular life too.
00:07:49Exercise and take care of business too.
00:07:51You got to make a decision what you're going to do that day.
00:07:55Discovered that when you're creating a world, the proper skybox is important.
00:08:00Definitely, man.
00:08:01And this is beautiful too.
00:08:02Everybody likes the woods.
00:08:04Ladies and gentlemen, here we go.
00:08:05The bookstore.
00:08:06Sentinel one.
00:08:08These are just some of the books.
00:08:10Excellent, man.
00:08:16Okay, guys.
00:08:17Look at these books.
00:08:18This Sentinel one is created.
00:08:19Look at this.
00:08:20Thirty-five books.
00:08:21Did you hear that?
00:08:22Look at this.
00:08:23Look at this, man.
00:08:24These are real books.
00:08:25This is nothing like a.
00:08:26This is the real deal here, man.
00:08:33See the web page.
00:08:34Ladies and gentlemen.
00:08:35This is where you can check out the rest of his books at.
00:08:37Right here.
00:08:38At this website over here.
00:08:40Look at these books, man.
00:08:42There's nothing like meeting somebody who wrote a book.
00:08:45In person.
00:08:49Let me take a look over here.
00:08:53How did you find the time to write so many books, man?
00:08:56And live your life.
00:08:57And live life.
00:09:00I was married to my wife for 35 years.
00:09:03She just recently went home and she was my chief editor.
00:09:06When I first started writing in 2004.
00:09:10I treated it as a job.
00:09:16And right.
00:09:18And now that I'm retired.
00:09:21It's something that it's still my job.
00:09:25A job is to sit down in the morning after reading and praying.
00:09:28And that is to write.
00:09:31I'm in here trying to promote.
00:09:33The gospel through the books and.
00:09:35That's excellent, man.
00:09:38Do you, how come you didn't put any of your portals in here?
00:09:40So people.
00:09:43Not finished.
00:09:44I will.
00:09:45I have about.
00:09:46I'm actually on the long, the side.
00:09:49Each one of those buildings is going to have a portal.
00:09:51I created the East wind Android squadron story.
00:09:54It's virtual reality.
00:09:56It's seven.
00:09:59Each world is a chapter.
00:10:01And I'm going to have one in each one of those.
00:10:04Buildings with furniture and stuff.
00:10:07Remote the books, it's the,
00:10:09the Androids are trying to save.
00:10:11Save the gardens of the galaxy.
00:10:16Let me ask you a question.
00:10:18Cause I was thinking about doing it myself.
00:10:21And since you're a Christian man, I don't have any problems.
00:10:23Tell me about it.
00:10:24You ever thought about.
00:10:25I'm going into the world.
00:10:26Like writing a book.
00:10:28I mean, you already had the book.
00:10:29Tell me about it.
00:10:30you about it. You ever thought about going into the world, like writing a book? I mean,
00:10:34you already had the book. So you have the book and you have the portal. And then when they come in
00:10:39there, you do a little bit of reading yourself and then you're allowed on the read some more.
00:10:44So once you get it started with your voice, the way you want it to go and the tone that you want
00:10:49to have, you go like, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. The rest of the book is right
00:10:53here for you to read. And boom, that's what I'm thinking about doing with my book. Come on like
00:10:58that. I do have a meet up on Fridays and Saturdays to help others to write. And I have to
00:11:11about two worlds. One is a lot of information, how to where to go and what to do. And that one
00:11:19has all my books in it. And then I have another one, right? Adventures in character building.
00:11:26And that is how, you know, certain steps on how to build a proper, good, strong character.
00:11:34Wow, man. You mean for a story has to have a good character basis. And if you don't,
00:11:42the story is going to go too well. Definitely. I agree with you 100 percent, because if you don't
00:11:46have a character, a good character, then nobody's going to care about that person. And you want
00:11:51somebody to actually care about the character. That's why they can build characters that are
00:11:54criminals and good guys. And if you do it right, you care about the criminal, too. All you can care
00:12:00about the good guy. It's all about that character thing, man. Yeah, that's what I look for. Exactly,
00:12:04man. So I feel like this is excellent. When I when I worked, a lot of my co-workers that gave
00:12:11me a hard time, they made good they could made good villains. All I had to do was just.
00:12:17A little bit. Oh, I got my frustration. Yeah. Oh, I never thought about that.
00:12:25I never thought about that. I'm sorry. In the book, a murder in time.
00:12:34Lauren come up to to the main character, George, and
00:12:40in a coffee shop. And she tells him her story and her testimony.
00:12:48That testimony is Lauren, my ex-wife, my ex-wife's actual story. Wow. So let me ask you this. When you
00:12:56are sorry. In in Time Chaser, she comes back and says a little bit more. That's a continuation
00:13:06continuation of her testimony and some of the things she went through. That's excellent. So
00:13:12you're telling me that in this particular area, you're actually doing acting you and somebody else.
00:13:20Not like this is it was it was in the story. I just put it just put it in the story,
00:13:25but I wrote it as Lauren telling it. Got you. So if I wanted to see that,
00:13:30how can I go by seeing that? That you would have to read about it.
00:13:36Oh, I have to read the book. So let me ask you, are these books on Amazon? Are they out
00:13:39there like Barnes and Noble? Are they out there? They're on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. If you did
00:13:44a search for. For Gary T. Brito, you'll come up with all my books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,
00:13:53Goodreads. Congratulations, I have a web page, the galaxy sentinel dot com.
00:14:01Got it. Oh, it's right behind you. I already told people it says check out the rest of my books on
00:14:06the Web page right there, right? Yeah, that's it. See, I wrote about 16, 17 stories on the
00:14:12galaxy sentinel series, the galaxy. He's the and I got the book. My Web page is the galaxy sentinel.
00:14:21So I'm sentinel one. And where are you from? I mean, what are we looking at right now?
00:14:28And I was born in Brooklyn, Queens County, Nova Scotia, Canada. And right now I'm living in
00:14:34Bristol, Connecticut. Wow. So you was born in Brooklyn, you said.
00:14:40Brooklyn, Queens County, Nova Scotia, Canada, a small town in the middle of nowheres.
00:14:46And I was born in 1947. Only a pound and a half. No doctors, no hospital. I'm still here.
00:14:55Wow. God bless. You know why? Because you had a purpose, man. Look at that.
00:14:58We would have missed 35 books and a whole lot of different things that you have to say, man.
00:15:03That's incredible. Incredible. I want to take a look at the books behind the door. I'm going to
00:15:09just take a quick look over there. Everybody see that I'm gonna get a good look at it so people can
00:15:13really see. Really see. You're a nice looking guy too, buddy. Yes, thank you. Oh, you're welcome.
00:15:25I'm going to be 76 in. I wouldn't have known it from this picture, buddy.
00:15:32You know, look at that, man. Wow. Wow.
00:15:36Wow. Wow. These are professional books, man. These are the real deal.
00:15:45Gary. Wow, Gary. You did a really great job, man. I hope people really appreciate the time and
00:15:53energy you put into this, man. Because sometimes you work 1000% and you only get like maybe a
00:16:00smidgen of what you put in it, man. But it's all about keeping up doing the same thing. And
00:16:05eventually, well, today is your day, man. Today people will know on my on my page about your books,
00:16:10man. You see, I served the Lord. I've served, I already served the Lord for 52 years. In 2008,
00:16:20I stood, literally stood next to the Lord, just out of my peripheral vision. And to me, doing this,
00:16:27I'm serving him. And by doing that, it takes care of the rest. And I don't worry about who or how
00:16:37many I mean, I'm a servant. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me tell you, man, when I was younger,
00:16:43I was running to every convention that they have. I got saved by Jimmy Swaggart. So that's how far
00:16:48back we're going. Jimmy Swaggart. And then everybody else came in and Joel Osteen. And then
00:16:54all the motivational books help you too. You know what I'm saying? Norman Benson Pell,
00:16:58and Robert Shuler, and all those guys. And that's what I wanted to have built, man. I wanted to have
00:17:03somebody built for me, the Crystal Cathedral, the way Robert Shuler built it and have a church
00:17:09service over there every Sunday. And then I wanted to invite Robert Shuler's son, Bobby,
00:17:16that he can come in here and do his service at the Crystal Cathedral. And that way,
00:17:20have it back again, just the way his father did it, man. Yeah. So wow, man, that's excellent.
00:17:28So I don't know what else to say, man. I want to take a look around so I can show everybody else
00:17:32something. And so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to take a look around and show everybody
00:17:35else why if you're still here, and then at the end of it, I might come back to you again and
00:17:39talk to you if that's okay with you. Yeah. Sure. Like it's the last two or three buildings on that
00:17:46side aren't finished yet, but all the ones on this side are finished. Okay. So you recommend
00:17:51that I start from the left first? Yeah, yeah, on that side. Yes. Okay, great, man. Okay.
00:17:59Big building over there, that's going to be the picnic table. And over here,
00:18:03that building there, it has no walls. I'm going to put walls up and make that a game room.
00:18:10Wow, man. Yeah, I can't wait to read one of your books, man. When I go to Amazon,
00:18:14will it give me a chance to skim through a couple of pages? I can skim through a couple of pages?
00:18:22Sure. Great, man. So let me ask you this, which book... I have a couple of... I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
00:18:29you was talking... Okay, I have a couple of worlds that have... where you can actually read a chapter.
00:18:36Fantastic. Fantastic. So I have to wait for you to complete this to get those portals?
00:18:43Because you know I'm interested. Oh, yeah. Which portal would you want?
00:18:48I want anyone that you would recommend, because you know in your mind something that you go,
00:18:52you know what? I think I spent time here. I like this one. I wouldn't mind somebody saying,
00:18:57and I wouldn't mind it being on YouTube, because that's where I'm at on YouTube.
00:19:01Okay. Excellent. So how long is the average time it takes you to write a book, too, Gary?
00:19:09And how many pages... The Galaxy Sentinel series took me eight, nine months. But I can write a
00:19:18murder mystery in about three to four months. Oh, yeah? Wow, man. It's excellent writing.
00:19:27Wow, man. It's excellent writing. People don't realize once you're writing, it's like the perfect
00:19:32book, the perfect story, because it's going exactly the way you want it to go. Yeah.
00:19:38You ever get engrossed in reading your own book? You can't put your own book down or something?
00:19:47After I've written it, you know, I do get... I allow the computer to read it for me.
00:19:55Exactly. Exactly. That's what I do, too, man. Exactly. So you can hear your own story
00:20:02read to you. Exactly, man. What software do you use to have it read to you?
00:20:17Uh-oh. I hate when that happens. Wow, look at that, man. I never saw somebody put a portal
00:20:23right in front of my face. I'll be right... I got a redenter. Okay.
00:20:31Look at this, guys. It's scary, man. 35 books, my friend. 35... I'm gonna pick one up. I gotta read.
00:20:43Look at that. In 1917, I was born a pound and a half in a home in Brooklyn,
00:20:54and I had no medical equipment to keep me alive, but by the grace of God, I survived and would have
00:21:01grown up a Southpaw, but I was forced to use my right hand. This caused dyslexia,
00:21:09mental confusion, and the inability to function properly in school. I tell them what...
00:21:17Oh, okay. Where are you? I'm right... I'm right next to the book that says, The Long Way Home.
00:21:28I wonder how people do that. I've seen that. Oh, here I go.
00:21:33I saw you a second ago, Gary, at the door.
00:21:36Oh, okay. You're on here. Yeah. When I try to create something, if I don't turn the
00:21:43collider back on, I drop through the ground. Gotcha. I saw on the portal in there.
00:21:52Yeah, that portal in there is to a rock world. It's one of the...
00:21:59Rock world? Yeah, that's to one of my books. All right. So, I got a question for you, Gary.
00:22:11When I do the video, do you want me to put down... Let me put down what you have. Do you
00:22:16want me to write down... Because I usually put the title in here. Give me one second. I have
00:22:21a little trouble. All right. Do you want me to put a winter town, or do you want me to put
00:22:28something else down? You want me to put your name down? I could put your name down if you want.
00:22:32You can. You can. A winter town. Rock world is the first chapter in Murder in the Grave's Estate.
00:22:41I really created the... I tried to create... I took one of the buildings and create the estate
00:22:49outside of it with the first chapter up on the wall.
00:22:55Gotcha. Can we take a look at it? Is that what we're going to take a look at or
00:22:58you're not ready right now? Okay. Great. Yeah. Okay. All right.
00:23:08Okay. We're going back inside.
00:23:12Oh, this is the portal right here? Yeah. Okay. So, I'm going to hit it and I'll meet you there?
00:23:20Yes. Okay. Gotcha. I'm on my way now.
00:23:26Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, let's see what we got here. You never know adventure. I told you guys,
00:23:31man. You got to check these videos out. 35 books published in creating worlds.
00:23:43Excellent. And a Christian. And you know I'm a light worker.
00:23:50Excellent opportunity to meet people here, man.
00:23:56Okay. Now, what do you think you're going to see?
00:24:03We're going to find out right now. Wow. Wow. Look at this. Let me take my cell phone from you. Wow.
00:24:11Look at the pictures here. Beautiful. This looks like a real home. A real cabin home, man.
00:24:18A real everything you need. Do you hang out here or what? You got the food, you have television,
00:24:26you got the fireplace, you got the curtain and stuff outside too. Wow. Excellent. Let me see
00:24:34where we are. Excellent. Let me see where we are.
00:24:40So, this one is called The Rock World. Oh, let me save it to my favorites.
00:24:48Let me save it real quick before I forget. Bang. Okay. Give me two seconds. All right. Saved.
00:24:57Bang. So, it's not just over here. It's stuff outside also, Gary, because it's called The Rock
00:25:03World. Oh, yeah. Wow. But in here is nice. A nice piece of cake and everything else like that.
00:25:13Wow. Wow. You did say the skybox is everything. Look at this, man.
00:25:21Excellent, man. Excellent. Waterfall and everything. Wow.
00:25:27Wow. How long does it take you to, how long do you think it's going to take you to create this
00:25:35one to finish this or are you finished? You finished? This one is finished. Wow, man.
00:25:42Wow. Let me just take a good look over here. It's beautiful. I like pleasant areas.
00:25:48You thought about putting any light music in here, some relaxing music or something like that
00:25:54somebody comes in. I haven't thought about that, but I do have plenty of some music. I can put it
00:26:00here. Yeah, that's what I normally do in some of my videos. Sometimes I make a video, right,
00:26:05and if the creator is not here and he has the Duke tech thing, I'll put music on while I'm
00:26:13showing the video and it makes it a little bit more because the music is like a motivator.
00:26:18Sometimes you listen to the music and it makes you want to do something. It creates something for
00:26:23you. This is beautiful. Beautiful. You thought about putting any pictures up here of your wife
00:26:30on the wall or something like that? I do have one on that.
00:26:37This way. Wow. I would have never known. I thought this was a gate.
00:26:40I wouldn't have known if I went through here. Look at this.
00:26:46Wow. Look at this. This is incredible. Nobody would have known they can go all the way down
00:26:52here. Wow. Wow. This is a guy who didn't make it. Wow. Look at this. Wow.
00:27:09Incredible. Incredible. I like little journeys.
00:27:16What? This is remarkable. Remarkable. Nobody would have known, Gary, to come over here.
00:27:26I like places like this.
00:27:30Bruce, a man 30 years old with the dark hair. I love writing, man. You know what I love, too?
00:27:37I love writing and then I love to listen to my writing with the audio recording.
00:27:42I love to do that, man. And then I hate when the story is not finished
00:27:46because I wish it could be finished, but I realized I got to finish it myself.
00:27:50Look at this, man. This is like an underground bunker or something.
00:27:57This is like an underground bunker. Incredible.
00:28:02This is like an underground bunker.
00:28:06Incredible. This is the first chapter and the murder at the Graves Estate.
00:28:13Excellent. Oh my goodness. Let me tell you something, Gary. I had an idea that I told
00:28:20you about, right? But now when I see how you did it, you expanded my idea to a bigger level, man.
00:28:27This is excellent.
00:28:30These pictures, that picture and this picture is actually pictures of where my grandmother lives in
00:28:36Nova Scotia. And even this is beautiful, man. The way you have the bird flying and at a distance,
00:28:42it looks like it's in a picture. Yeah. This is beautiful, man. Wow. And look at your book.
00:28:54I'm going to get back into the reading again.
00:28:58And these books are based on what, Gary? It's based on stories you thought about in real life?
00:29:04This one was based on a dream. Oh, yeah?
00:29:09Yeah. This picture up there, that's the cover. And I actually found the picture.
00:29:18You have a guest here too, Gary, by the way, behind you.
00:29:21Of the story and that's the picture I had in my dream that I actually found.
00:29:28Wow. Oh, yeah.
00:29:31Wow. It's one a grotty free picture.
00:29:36You're pretty versatile, Gary. Yeah. Versatile. Excellent, man. How did you find this place,
00:29:43man? Do you know Gary? Well, he's got the winter world. He's setting up a winter world right now.
00:29:50Yeah, I was over there. I just happened to stumble into this place. I wasn't aware it was here.
00:29:56Yeah, I wouldn't have found this place unless he took me down. How did you find out to go down the
00:30:00cave to walk all around here to come out over here, man? I mean. Oh, man, I tell you. I find
00:30:06it quite easy. I fall. I stumble and fall. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm recording this right now
00:30:18for YouTube. I'm the alt space VR critic. Oh, no, no, no. No, stay in, stay in, stay in. No
00:30:23question about it. Stay in. I just wanted to let you know so you don't get caught off guard.
00:30:27This is excellent work you did, Gary. One thing. Excellent work, Gary. I never went because a lot
00:30:32of bullying in the I never went to high school. Oh, no. And look, 35 books. He wrote 35 books,
00:30:40man, on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 35 books. My father wrote a book at 93 and he got as far
00:30:48as grade three in school. So, yep. Yep. You can do it. You can. No question. Well,
00:30:54it's proof right here. And he's a Christian, too. So with the help of God, you can do anything. It's
00:30:59like the disciples, man. They didn't have education, but they spoke to the pharisees and the
00:31:05Pharisees. Wonderful. I don't think I'll ever reach the level my father was on, the spiritualism
00:31:12and religion. He was he was quite there. That's what helped him. Sure. Wow. So, Gary, are you
00:31:19working? I am. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. No, no, no, no, no, no. So
00:31:25your father's a Christian also? Yeah, my father. Yes. Well, he's passed on right now, but he lived
00:31:32until he was 93, lived to 93. He hunted. He was a subsistence hunter. So I heard in 1921, 22.
00:31:44And at 93, he decided, well, he's been telling stories all his life, but he needed to leave
00:31:49something behind. So he put it to print, which is good. Oh, your father wrote a book, too?
00:31:56Yeah. Yeah. At 93, he wrote about his life. Oh, what's the name of the book? Do you remember?
00:32:03Oh, it's a it's it's a native. It's an aboriginal indigenous book. It's called Moccasin Tracks.
00:32:09Oh, gotcha. You familiar with that, Gary? Moccasin Tracks? No, I'm not. No, it's a local
00:32:18local historical type of thing. It's just for, I guess, for the community and for young people
00:32:24coming up. And it's just a legacy of his life. And they just needed to leave it. And I'm happy he did.
00:32:33Gotcha. So let me ask you a question, because you happen to be in here with Gary and myself.
00:32:38Do you believe in God? Oh, sincerely, I do. But I can't reach where my father was. Hey,
00:32:45it's all about it's a personal relationship. It's all about your relationship with God. You can't
00:32:49do what I do. You can't do what Gary do. Gary can't do what I do. You know what I'm saying?
00:32:54That's great to hear, man, that we all underground in a bunker talking about God.
00:33:01Yep. It's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. So I don't know. Do you have anything else you want
00:33:08to say, Gary? Anything else to say? Yeah. Anything about anything. You're a Christian. Do you want
00:33:17to say anything about Christianity? Anything about God? Anything about what God has done for you?
00:33:22Because I started off, man, I couldn't do anything without God, man. Every day I wake up,
00:33:28it's a struggle, man. And every time I push through the struggle, I'm grateful that I have
00:33:32the struggle. And instead of me trying to look to get more, when I can't get more all the time,
00:33:38I just be grateful what I got, man, a piece of bread. I've taken a nice shower,
00:33:42laying down in bed peacefully. You know, oh, you're leaving? Okay. Yeah, he's leaving.
00:33:48Okay. How do you pronounce your name? How do you pronounce your name?
00:33:52Izzygoo. Izzygoo. And it's a word in our language for an elder. And of course,
00:33:59elders don't determine that they're elders. It's bestowed on you by your community and your people.
00:34:04Yes. It also literally translates to someone that's not a youngster, but older.
00:34:12I hear a bit of an Irish a little. Indian.
00:34:19Indian. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, Columbus was lost, I think.
00:34:25My great, great, great grandfather was the chief of the entire Mi'kmaq Nation.
00:34:31Oh, yeah. Great, great, great, great, great grandfather. Now, I do know John Denny.
00:34:39I do know. He was the one that met. He was the one that met the Pope.
00:34:47He was. I'm related to him.
00:34:50Wow. Where are you from? Where are you located at?
00:34:56We call it, our language, it's the great shore, it's Newfoundland up in Canada.
00:35:04Oh, in Canada. You said you've been to Canada, right, Gary?
00:35:08Yes, I was born in Nova Scotia.
00:35:11Okay. Where to in Nova Scotia?
00:35:15My father was born in New Brunswick, Trachty, New Brunswick.
00:35:18Oh, Trachty. Yep, yep, yep. I'm familiar with New Brunswick. Yeah, I went there one time to
00:35:24visit with Peter Paul, but I was late by three months. He had already passed, unfortunately.
00:35:33He wrote, there was a book that he wrote as well, or that was wrote,
00:35:37I'm sure he was wrote in consultation with him, Peter Paul.
00:35:41Yeah, I think it described life in a way of the Maliseet.
00:35:47It's Mi'kmaq Maliseet, the language is a little different, but Maliseet is,
00:35:53I forget right now, their name is, Maliseet is a name that the Mi'kmaq people gave to
00:36:00them, but they're related to our people, the people of the Abenaki people.
00:36:06Wow, and I'm from New York City, by the way, just to let you know.
00:36:10And I was a right hand man, I was actually a personal assistant to Cardinal James P. Cassidy,
00:36:17who was the right hand to Dolan, Cardinal Dolan. I don't know if you heard of Cardinal Dolan,
00:36:23St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. That's a big one, man. He's a Cardinal.
00:36:28Yeah, right across from Rockefeller Center, right around there.
00:36:32Okay, the city's giving me claustrophobia.
00:36:38This was a wonderful experience, man. So you know what I'm going to do? Sometimes I stay too long,
00:36:43and I run out of words, it'll become exciting, so it's good to leave. I heard on Odd Couple,
00:36:49right, Felix Unger said, what he said, said something about never overstay your welcome,
00:36:56or you may never be welcome to overstay.
00:37:05Okay, guys, so it's going to be on YouTube, Alt Space VR Critic. And let me, once again, Gary,
00:37:13what do you want it to be called? Sentinel One, or do you want me to just call it your name,
00:37:16Gary? Let me just make sure. Sentinel One. Sentinel One. Okay, so it'll be Sentinel One
00:37:21on Alt Space VR Critic. And you'll both be on it. And it was my pleasure to meet both you guys.
00:37:27And God bless you. Stay strong. Keep doing what you're doing, man. You know what I'm saying? Keep
00:37:32doing what you're doing. And don't let nothing get you down, man, just like me. Every morning
00:37:36you wake up, you got to fight, shake the devil off your shoulder, get the crush out of your eyes,
00:37:40and still keep moving. You know what I'm saying? And it was a pleasure to meet you, Gary. Let me
00:37:46take the bubble off and do a handshake or something like that. Yeah, it was a pleasure
00:37:51to meet you, Gary. Thanks a lot for everything. Right, bang, right here. And it was a pleasure
00:37:56to meet you too, my friend. Thank you, guys. Same here. Thank you, my friend. Thank you.
00:38:00Oh, you're welcome. Okay, so I'm out of here. Stay tuned and watch yourself.
00:38:04Gary, Gary. Okay, Sentinel One. Okay, Gary. Yeah, I remember seeing it up here. Anyway,
00:38:09thank you, guys. And as we say in our language,
00:38:12see you again. Great, great. That was great, Gary. So any final words, anything you want to say?
00:38:23Anybody that you want to give a shout out to? No, I'll say this. Yeah, as a Christian,
00:38:30I cannot start the day without getting into the word in praying and getting ahold of the Master
00:38:38and allowing him to give me his strength to get through. Because I'm his servant,
00:38:44and I do what he does, wants me to do. So you know what, I have a question for you, Gary.
00:38:49What do you do when doubt comes once in a while? Like, we all believe in God,
00:38:54and we believe strongly. But once in a while, you're like,
00:38:58There was one time, a couple years ago, the lovely lady kept contacting me through Facebook.
00:39:06Very caring, very concerned. And after a couple of weeks, my doubts began to roll in. So I grabbed
00:39:15a cup of coffee, went to a park and sit down and said, Okay, Lord, what do I do? And I met a hold
00:39:24of my son. The very next day, my son, I met my son on virtual reality. And he said, and he showed me
00:39:32that it was a scam. Every time I have doubts, the Lord is the first one I go to for help.
00:39:39Wow, man. So you know what, Gary, I'm gonna pray for you. And I hope you pray for me too.
00:39:44You know what I'm saying? Because it's too, we're too touch and agree on something.
00:39:47You know, it shall be done. You know,
00:39:50You know, because I live alone. I have a lot of friends. But like I said, one lady today,
00:39:58they're God's people are doing too busy about doing too many things to be bothered about those
00:40:05are in need. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a different world we live in today. Nice.
00:40:11He's a nice Christian, but Jesus, I'll pray for you. Wait a minute. Sometimes they don't
00:40:17need the prayer they need. They need a little compassion at hand. Definitely they need they
00:40:23don't you know, when people say I'll pray for you. Sometimes it's like a scapegoat. You pray
00:40:28for me so God can do something but you're right in front of my face. What are you doing? You know
00:40:33what I'm saying? Why are you passing the buck on to God all the time? Run. Run.
00:40:41I'll pray for you and then rock out the door to do to focus in on what they want to do. That's
00:40:48right. Instead of instead of a relationship means communication. If you don't have a normal
00:40:55communication with the father every morning, then you're in trouble.
00:41:00Definitely, man, because you never know what the day the day details, man, and God knows everything
00:41:04and that prayer could have got you through a doorway that wouldn't have happened if you didn't
00:41:09do this prayer works. It works. There's no question about that, man. And it's nothing like a personal
00:41:14relationship with God. When you can talk to him like a friend, you know, you don't have to do look
00:41:19in the book. That's why when I run into people that say Christian, and they say it says in this
00:41:22chapter, it says in that chapter, I'm like, if you're really hanging out with God, you know,
00:41:26God's heart. You don't really have to run to the book. You know how God will respond in certain
00:41:31situations, man. It's either good or evil. It's either gonna bring you to heaven and bring it
00:41:35down. Oh, by the way, you ever read? Um, you ever heard of Bill Weiss? 23 minutes in hell?
00:41:41You heard of Bill? No, I haven't. Oh, Gary, you got to take a look at that, man. 23 minutes in hell,
00:41:48Bill Weiss and Mary Kay Baxter, both been to hell, seen Jesus and came back in reality,
00:41:54not one of those scams, but really been there. So his ministry now is 23 minutes in hell. You
00:41:59can look at that all over the place. All he does is tell people the time that he spent in hell.
00:42:03And when you get a chance to listen to that, it becomes more real to you, man. Because in this
00:42:09world of, oh, he's going to say something. I've only been in heaven four times. You've been to
00:42:15heaven four times? Well, Gary, I want to hear that, man. I need to hear somebody who actually
00:42:21been. First time my first wife divorced me was in 1980. I had a problem with my heart. And I said,
00:42:31I'll trust the Lord. And I got up and I woke up early in the morning and had a problem with my
00:42:39heart and I passed out on the bed. Sorry to hear that. Next thing I knew, it's dark. I have a joy
00:42:48that cannot be described. And I looked up and you've seen the Lincoln Memorial. Yeah, I love
00:42:57that. Jesus sitting on the throne were resembled. He was a glowing outline of the Lincoln Memorial.
00:43:04That's what he looked like sitting on the throne. I wasn't allowed to see much. And I said, Jesus,
00:43:10you're taking care of every aspect of my life. He just said, go back or it's not your time.
00:43:16And the next day, didn't have to say anything. They saw my countenance and knew I was with the
00:43:23Lord. What? Did you write that down? I've got that in a book. Yeah, I've got a small novel. Yes.
00:43:33What's the name of that book? Second time? What's the name of that book?
00:43:39It's my biography. I haven't got it published yet. I tried to get it published and it was,
00:43:44they didn't wouldn't do it. So I'm going to try again.
00:43:48Can you just still, can you put in alt space like you did right here and then you'd be
00:43:53advertising that way? I can do that. I do have a testimony world. Oh, you do? Yes, I do.
00:44:02What's in a testimony world? Wow, man. It's my testimony.
00:44:10Oh, that's what I do too sometimes, Gary. When my faith is not really as strong as I want it to be,
00:44:16I listen to people who faith is strong and I watch their face and their reaction and how they feel.
00:44:21And then it comes back to me. Because everybody's struggling these days, man.
00:44:31I can't wait for it to be over. Tell you the truth. Okay. Don't leave me yet. Click. I'm clicking.
00:44:38I'm confirming. And I'm going right now. This is wonderful, guys.
00:44:48I wasn't sure what he was going to be talking about. But testimonies is right up my alley,
00:44:52man. Especially today. I started off with a day with God.
00:44:58I started off with a day with God.
00:45:02Yeah. Okay. True story of my walking in Christ. Oh, here's your wife.
00:45:13That's my wife. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. And that's me. Recent picture.
00:45:22Beautiful. Yeah. Where's that? Where's the background of your picture, Gary?
00:45:33Yeah. Yeah. Where's the? Oh, I forgot. I was on mute. Everybody will usually tell me I'm on mute.
00:45:40I said that was a beautiful picture. Where's the background of your picture? Where are you at in
00:45:44this picture? Okay, that's a lake in Maine. I was on a zoom meeting. And so I took a screenshot
00:45:53of Maine. Yeah, I'm not sure where the picture of the picture is like, I'm sitting at my desk.
00:46:01I was at a zoom meeting. And that would that's the holographic background.
00:46:07Wow. I think supposed to be a picture up in Maine somewhere.
00:46:11It's funny when I think of Maine, I think of Stephen King.
00:46:26She went to church for the first time. So you were already a Christian. And when she was,
00:46:33and she was a Christian, but she never been to church or what happened exactly?
00:46:37Okay. She was about five years in the Lord. She was in a New Britain Memorial Hospital,
00:46:44long term hospice, dying of cancer. So disgusted with trying to get the church on the verge of
00:46:53walking away when the Lord brought me into her life. Wow. Well, another wheelchair dying of
00:47:00cancer, and everybody told me to stay away from her. I wouldn't. I wouldn't listen to them.
00:47:07I knew the Lord wanted me to be to be with her. And I could barely hear what you said the last time.
00:47:22Okay. We fought my family, her family, and everybody else just to get married. We took us
00:47:3511 years. Wow. The mother in 84. And we were married in 96. Wow. So you were like best friends.
00:47:46That's a long time. That's character development. Right before you get married,
00:47:51you should have character development. Excellent. Excellent. When I married her,
00:48:04all kinds of medical problems. Her needs came first. Wow, man. I guess God sent you to her,
00:48:12man. She probably thought she wasn't going to find anybody. And not only did she find somebody,
00:48:16she found a Christian and somebody was there to take care of her and comfort her
00:48:20for the last days, man. Yeah, that's what I hope. When my time comes, I just want somebody there
00:48:27that I can trust, somebody there that I can believe in to see me go the last time and tell
00:48:32me it's going to be okay, man. You know what I'm saying? That's what I want. Yeah. But I can't wait
00:48:36to go, buddy. I don't want to go like dramatically or anything like that, but I can't wait to go.
00:48:40So I'm always keeping myself ready, man. I'm always asking for forgiveness, right? Because
00:48:45I don't want God to come when we have judgment day, he got to open up the book and say the things
00:48:49I did wrong. I want everything erased, man. I don't want to have God say anything negative to me.
00:48:54It would break my heart. You know what I'm saying? God say, look at that. So I say, forgive me,
00:49:00forgive me, please forgive me. And then once in a while I have memories of the past of things I did
00:49:05that I wasn't educated enough or knowledgeable enough to know that I shouldn't have did it like
00:49:09that. And I reprimand myself, man. I go, man, I can't believe you did that or you said that,
00:49:15you act that way, man. So, you know, but age supposed to come wisdom and with wisdom,
00:49:19a little bit of knowledge, and you're supposed to correct your rights and wrongs and help other
00:49:23people that are on that path too, man. So I'm really grateful to meet you. Okay, great. Gotcha,
00:49:30man. I like those little homes you do over there. Wow.
00:49:38Wow. Wow.
00:49:48Wow. How long ago was that again, Gary?
00:50:00What year?
00:50:05Oh, wow. That's not really, really, really long.
00:50:10Yeah. Wow. This is beautiful. Lauren, in my life, everything I thought the Lord wanted me to do
00:50:17was gone. All that was left was blackness. Wow. What is this over here, Gary?
00:50:24Gary, that's your car accident you had? Yes. Yo, you know, I had to have a neck brace too, man.
00:50:32For a while. My God, Gary.
00:50:39Could you get out the car? Did you need help? Okay, you couldn't get out of your neck?
00:50:43I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened to my neck.
00:50:45I don't know what happened to my neck. I don't know what happened to my neck.
00:50:49I don't know what happened to my neck. I don't know what happened to my neck.
00:50:52Okay, you couldn't get out of your neck? I don't know. I was knocked out for an hour.
00:50:56She says you noticed the windshield was not cracked. Yeah, I noticed that. That was your
00:51:03protection? She says that with that type of impact, it should have been smashed. My gosh, brother.
00:51:10The Lord protected me. My God. When did you get a chance to see the car?
00:51:14Right after. A guy, like I said, I was still in. I was knocked out for about an hour in the car.
00:51:24Woke up with what was left of the windshield wiper going back and forth.
00:51:28My God, man. Did you know you were going to see? The other car was already towed away.
00:51:32Oh yeah? The other car was already towed away and you were still inside your car? How is that
00:51:37possible? How could they tow a car away without getting you out? I was unconscious and they just
00:51:42left me there until I woke up. Oh, because they didn't want to move you or anything like that?
00:51:47Yeah, I had literally broken my neck. Wow, man. So you had to wear one of those halos, huh?
00:51:56For how long? Because that's a heck of a situation, man. You can't sleep or rest or relax
00:52:01for three months? Three months. Wow. So how was your faith with God then, man? Because
00:52:08did you believe in God before the car accident? I've been serving the Lord for 52 years.
00:52:16So when you had the car accident, did you have anything to say to God? Like,
00:52:20why did this happen? Or because you died and you got to see God?
00:52:25My first question was, why am I still here? And all I got was all things work together.
00:52:33Wow, man. Wow. Yeah, I was gonna leave. Look at this, man. I was getting ready to leave out of
00:52:41here without seeing all of the... Wow. And where's that at, Gary? Where did that happen at?
00:52:52That accident? What state?
00:52:54What state? It was upstate New York, just about 10 miles before the Catskill Bridge.
00:53:07That's a book, an experience in itself, man. That's an experience in itself, right here.
00:53:15Look at this, ladies and gentlemen. Look at this car accident. Gary, right here, talking to me,
00:53:20was right here and wrote 35 books, man, and created many worlds.
00:53:26Look at this. This is the Albany Medical Center. This is Gary.
00:53:36Wow. I'm glad you're doing well, Gary. I'm glad you're doing well, man. And I'm glad your faith
00:53:42is strong because now you strengthened my faith a bit. Excellent, man. And I asked you if you had
00:53:50any last words to say or anything you want. This was it? You're just gonna let me go without showing
00:53:54all this, Gary? This video could actually be called the Gary story. You know what I'm saying?
00:54:02Okay, if you want to. Okay, look at this, man.
00:54:14Wow, kind of hyper.
00:54:18Wow. That's my wife. Beautiful, beautiful, man. Beautiful couple, man. It's nothing like
00:54:27finding the right person, man, that you can talk to a friend, a companion. That's why God made it
00:54:32a woman. Made a woman to be the exact thing for the man.
00:54:39Wow. You're a good guy, Gary. God bless you, man. You have everything here.
00:54:51Okay. Wow. Wow. The doctor, when he saw that, he says, what are you doing walking
00:55:02around? He says, people like that are usually a quadriplegic. You didn't want to hear that, right?
00:55:12I don't. This is what my neck looks like today. Wow. Wow. You know, it's funny, man. You don't
00:55:21want to hear the doctor say, what are you doing? It's a miracle. You like to hear it's a miracle.
00:55:26Thank God it's a miracle. But don't let me know that I'm not supposed to be here or something
00:55:31like that. I'm supposed to go on and do it because it'll stay in your mind a little bit,
00:55:34you know what I'm saying? A little tiny bit. After the surgery, he told me that
00:55:39that when they flipped me over on my stomach to do the surgery, lost all my entire spinal column,
00:55:45went dead. So which ones they got, the C3? That's why I'm alive. Just call me Miracle Man.
00:55:53Miracle Man. Yep. That could be a book too, my friend. Part two, Miracle Man.
00:55:59And here you go. This is when you start to recover, huh?
00:56:04That's me beforehand. But that walking stick, I still have that.
00:56:10Oh, yeah. It's funny, man. I had a friend of mine, I told you, Monsignor James P. Cassidy,
00:56:16he used to walk around with a walking stick instead of a cane because the stick gives you
00:56:21more support, actually. You can stand up straight with a stick and the cane, you always have to keep
00:56:25leaning down and stuff like that. Plus, when you get tired, you can actually lean on your cane a
00:56:30little bit too, man. Yeah. Oh, I was on CNA for 20 years. That's the type of... He says,
00:56:37if I didn't have that, I'd have back problems. Definitely. Why do you think Moses had one?
00:56:42All the great people in the past had one too, you know. They didn't have a cane.
00:56:46They had one of those. Yeah. Look at this, man. Excellent, man. This was a great experience with
00:56:53you, Gary. So here it is, you're with a cane and your wife is in a wheelchair, both you guys.
00:57:00So you really had... So she understood then, you know, she understood before,
00:57:04but now she really understood, you understood her and she understood you, your situation.
00:57:10And it was just you two making it to cook, to eat and take care of business. And she's in a
00:57:17wheelchair and you're in a cane. Was that rough for you to get around? You had to have a home
00:57:23health aide, right? Oh, when we went to the grocery store, she got in her mart cart and I sat in the
00:57:33little coffee shop writing. And lots of times I used, excuse me, I used her wheelchair to walk her.
00:57:43Yeah. How come she didn't get an electric chair? She held my walking stick and I kind of
00:57:46hobbled in. Gotcha, man. How come she never got an electric chair? I always wondered why some people
00:57:52are using the manual. She had one, but she had problems with it. She had no peripheral vision
00:57:58on her left side. Gotcha. So she'll bump into something. Yeah. And she had also hydrocephalitis
00:58:07and a long list of problems. Wow, man. So did you write any books while she was still around?
00:58:17Oh, about maybe 20, 30, 20 some odd, maybe 20, 30 some odd books.
00:58:26Did she have a favorite book that she liked that you wrote?
00:58:32She loved the Galaxy Centaur series. Oh, yeah? No, yeah. So when you was writing it,
00:58:39do you let her see a couple of pages before you do it? Or how did you do it?
00:58:43Chief editor. Oh, she was? Chief editor. Yeah. Wow, man. What a partnership. So your books have
00:58:51a lot of meaning too, man. It's not just a book. It's a book you deal with your wife. It's a book
00:58:55that tells a story and you have a story behind the story. Because of her, I'm still writing today.
00:59:05Wow, man. There was a pastor, did not like the fact that I wrote science fiction Christian
00:59:12adventure stories. And after Sunday, after he was ending his message, and he says, and there's
00:59:22only one person in this church that has to get true gift of writing. He said, I he said, that's
00:59:27it. So that goes to high school. I went home. I called it quits. And I threw everything away.
00:59:37What? I gave up. Lauren pulled it out. I pulled all my stuff out of the garbage,
00:59:41put it in her lap, rolled up to me and says, I'm not gonna let you give up.
00:59:46Excellent. Excellent. Excellent, man. It's so much in this video. I'm gonna watch this video,
00:59:52maybe two or three times. I got a lot out of this. Wow. So Gary, you have any more surprises, man,
01:00:01that you didn't show me yet that you think I suppose? I see that arrow going towards the
01:00:05Wow. Oh, I hate when that happens. Oh, I'm right behind you. I'll be back. I'll be back with you.
01:00:20Yes. Okay. Oh, I can fly.
01:00:25Let me see. Oh, I can't fly. Let's see.
01:00:40Okay, I'm up here. I'm in the bushes.
01:00:45Okay, I'm coming back around again to the surgery place. Bang, bang, bang.
01:00:51Okay, I'm right behind Gary. Okay. I got it fixed at.
01:01:02Okay, I'll just hyper. Sorry about that. So you bought the Oculus Quest in 2020.
01:01:08Yeah. How did you find out about Oculus Quest, Gary? I mean, you're a little bit older. We're
01:01:14older. Okay. My son, you see, I had an older sister, Thelma. He was also a writer and he
01:01:22called me every day. But just before she passed away, the Lord brought the I was able to get my
01:01:32son told me about the Oculus. And so in other words, the Lord didn't leave me sitting in my
01:01:38home with nothing to do. Definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely people don't realize how
01:01:44valuable virtual reality and Oculus is to people who have disabilities and can't get out the house
01:01:50and see the world the way they used to see it and think that life is over for them. Because maybe in
01:01:54the real world, they did everything. You did this, you did that, you did this, you did that,
01:01:58it's nothing really left until you come in here. So let me ask you this question, Gary.
01:02:02What was your what was the experience that you have? I want to relive that moment that
01:02:07when you went into the virtual reality, you looked and you say what an amazing place over
01:02:13here. What came to your mind? Did you feel like you had like God like powers? Did you feel like
01:02:19God has given you a gift and he give you a little bit like God is the big G, and you're a little g
01:02:25now. So you can create just like a little g. Did you ever feel like that? Well, I in creating a world
01:02:37I understood that when you create a world, it's yours and you do everything you can to protect it.
01:02:43The Lord created this earth and and human race and he's doing everything he can protect it.
01:02:53Because he does things ways and we we don't understand but definitely creation and as his
01:03:01creation, he's he's doing everything he can to preserve. Yeah, and the devil is doing everything
01:03:08he can to buddy to destroy with COVID-19 with wars in Russia, Ukraine, China, and what Taiwan,
01:03:17and not to mention all little problems, bottles that we have amongst ourselves, man. That's why
01:03:22I think man, if people people who work every day, you're working hard to get to the job,
01:03:26we're going to you never get a chance to really see what the world really is, man, because you're
01:03:30under so much stress and distractions. There's so many distractions in the world to stop you from
01:03:35getting to where you're supposed to get to. That's what I feel. That's a great picture. That's you, right Gary?
01:03:42That's you, your picture. Yeah, that's until one that's one of my worlds.
01:03:47That's one of the that's the East Wind Android Squadron's story. That's the first world.
01:03:55Wow, man. So once again, Gary, if somebody wants to get access to your portals, because 37 worlds,
01:04:02man, it should be out there. I don't see it on the events. This is the first time we actually talk
01:04:06and I talked to a whole lot of different creators in here, man. I mean, some real big creators in
01:04:11here that you probably you've been here long enough. So you've seen it like Nico. You ever
01:04:15seen Nico? His creations? Oh my goodness. You got to check that out, man. It's like a godly kind of
01:04:21a thing. Maybe, let me ask you a question, Gary. Do you have a little time? Should we? Do you have
01:04:31a little time that I can take your place that you've probably never seen before? A little time?
01:04:37Like one minute that I can take you into a world. It's not my world. Sure. I just want. Okay, great.
01:04:43All right. Let's go over in a big space so I can get on that portal going right here. I gotta fix
01:04:49that. Got you. Not a problem, man. That'll give me time to find this world I'm looking for.
01:04:54Always wanted to take somebody here. All right. Let me see.
01:05:03Bang. Bang.
01:05:08Okay. Give me a couple of seconds.
01:05:14A couple of seconds.
01:05:16Okay. I'm still looking for it. Give me a couple of seconds here.
01:05:22Okay. It's a lot of beautiful spots right here. Give me a...
01:05:30Okay. Just went to that one. All right. We're still going.
01:05:39And let's see what we got here. Still looking. I have so many favorites. I saved.
01:05:44I have so many favorites I saved. Oh, yeah. It was just about now. Can you see it?
01:05:49That I added this skybox.
01:05:55You can't see my screen, can you? No.
01:05:59Unfortunately. All right. Let me see. Gotta show you that spot. I think you really like it.
01:06:06And then I gotta go to bathroom. Okay. Let me see. Bang. Okay.
01:06:12Okay. Let me see. Still looking.
01:06:21Still looking.
01:06:27Okay. So, I know I saved so many.
01:06:33Let's see. Still looking.
01:06:35Still looking. Oh, got it. I got one of the worlds. Right here. Let me see. Info. Portal.
01:06:46Bang. All right. Ready for this one?
01:06:59Okay. This is excellent, man. I never thought I was going to spend so much time with one person.
01:07:30Are you here?
01:07:41Are you here, Gary? Yeah. I don't see you.
01:07:50Okay. Got you. You're like a little ball in front of me. Look at this, Gary.
01:07:54Wait. What do you think about this, Gary?
01:08:04And, Gary, you can fly outside the ship. You see me? You see you? We're spirits now.
01:08:10Yeah. Look. We can fly outside the ship.
01:08:30These are the creations that this guy does. Niko. Not just this other beautiful ones like this.
01:08:51You can... Look how far you can go, Gary.
01:08:54I'm all the way over here, Gary. With the flying mode. You hit the fly and you can leave the ship.
01:09:11Don't forget to save it to your favorites, Gary, so you can come here by yourself.
01:09:24You can go high, Gary. Look. All the way up.
01:09:35Or all the way down.
01:09:39Not really too far down.
01:09:54So, Gary, I'm going to probably leave you right here in this space right here because my battery's running low.
01:10:02But it's hard to talk to you now when you're just a spirit ball.
01:10:08Yeah. What did you say that web page was?
01:10:14Oh. Well, this one right here. Oh, you mean my...
01:10:16No. Yours.
01:10:18Okay. I'm going to type it to you.
01:10:21I'm alt space VR critic, but I'm going to type it to you right now.
01:10:25I appreciate it.
01:10:27I got better ones than this, Gary. I have like 800 videos.
01:10:31And I never spent so long with one person, man.
01:10:33This is the longest I spent with anybody.
01:10:35You know, because I live by myself. I'm a little bit of a loner.
01:10:37But you're a Christian, man.
01:10:41So, we're all brothers.
01:10:43So, I'm going to type it to you right now.
01:10:45I'm a little bit of a loner.
01:10:47But you're a Christian, man.
01:10:51So, we're all brothers.
01:10:53I'm not going to get to wait until I get to heaven to know you.
01:10:55I'm going to know you right now.
01:10:57So, as soon as we get to heaven, I'm going to...
01:10:59Gary. What's up, buddy?
01:11:01The thing the Lord showed me was I know exactly where Lauren is because he showed me...
01:11:03took me to heaven.
01:11:05And when I walk in, I walk in the same way.
01:11:07I walk in the same way.
01:11:09I walk in the same way.
01:11:11I walk in the same way.
01:11:13When I walk in, I walk...
01:11:15I entered a beautiful garden.
01:11:17Trees and...
01:11:19hectic tables.
01:11:21And a green grass.
01:11:23And everybody that I knew
01:11:25that went on before in Christ
01:11:27was there to greet me.
01:11:29And Lauren was the first one.
01:11:31Wow. I read about that, man.
01:11:33I read about that.
01:11:37I don't know.
01:11:39I know exactly where she is.
01:11:43Wow, man.
01:11:45That's wonderful.
01:12:07Wow, man.
01:12:09Wow, man.
01:12:11That's fantastic.
01:12:13So you have no problems about dying now
01:12:15because you know where you're going
01:12:17and you know who you're going to meet.
01:12:21Because that was the third time.
01:12:23The second time...
01:12:25I always had a very negative attitude.
01:12:27My mother, you know, useless.
01:12:29Couldn't do anything right.
01:12:31In 2008, Lauren and I were camping.
01:12:33The Lord pulled me away
01:12:35and I literally stood next to the Lord.
01:12:37He was just out of my peripheral vision.
01:12:41I begged him not to send me back.
01:12:43He just said,
01:12:45I have confidence you will make it.
01:12:47However, he sent me back.
01:12:49He gave me
01:12:51a positive, confident attitude.
01:12:55Took away all the negative garbage
01:12:57in my life.
01:13:01And that's what helped me bring me through
01:13:03the car accident and my wife passing away.
01:13:05He gave me what I needed
01:13:07to get through and to go forward.
01:13:09Wow, that was a great moment
01:13:11in your life, man, because of the accident
01:13:13and losing somebody that you love
01:13:15at the same time, man.
01:13:17Wow, but you're here today.
01:13:19So let me ask you this, Phil.
01:13:21From the time that you had the car accident
01:13:23until now, what have you accomplished
01:13:25that you can say, well, God,
01:13:27from the time that you hit me with my neck...
01:13:29Well, the lady that hit me?
01:13:33She actually sued my car insurance.
01:13:35Oh, it got worse, huh?
01:13:37It went down again.
01:13:39My gosh.
01:13:41Could she do that, even though you're hurt, too?
01:13:45She had whiplash.
01:13:47I broke my neck, and she couldn't
01:13:49shoot my car insurance.
01:13:51But why, I don't know.
01:13:53But it was
01:13:55dismissed from the courts
01:13:57just before the pandemic struck.
01:13:59Thank God for that, man.
01:14:05So, oh, the battery's gone.
01:14:07And let me tell you, once the batteries are gone,
01:14:09all the recording will die.
01:14:11And I don't want to lose all of this, man,
01:14:13because this is a personal experience, man.
01:14:15So, Gary, thank you for everything.
01:14:17I can't shake your hand now
01:14:19because we're spirit people.
01:14:21But I'm going to keep my... You made me a friend, right?
01:14:23I made you a friend. So if I see you again
01:14:25and I see something I think you like...
01:14:27I'd really like it.
01:14:29Plus we can talk. And don't forget
01:14:31to check out the video. And, Gary, check this out.
01:14:33Since you have more experience than me
01:14:35in everything, life,
01:14:37VR, everything like that,
01:14:39if you look at the video and you see something that you say,
01:14:41well, you know what? I think you should do A, B, and C,
01:14:43I can use all the advice
01:14:45I can get, man, especially from a Christian guy
01:14:47like yourself, man, who happens to be
01:14:49a little bit of a role model for me now, man.
01:14:51You know? So
01:14:53if you see anything that you think
01:14:55I should change or do, any ideas
01:14:57that you have or something like that,
01:14:59please let me know, man, because I really
01:15:01respect you a lot, man.
01:15:03Is that okay?
01:15:07Gotcha, man. So I'm going to leave you right here
01:15:09in space, and you can spend your time
01:15:11with God, maybe, if you want, and talk to Him
01:15:13or whatever. And
01:15:15I'm going to get back to you as soon as possible.
01:15:17Don't forget to check out the video. When you see it,
01:15:19subscribe. I will. Right? That way
01:15:21you'll see all the other videos, right?
01:15:23And thank you so...
01:15:25You sent it to me? Yeah, I sent it.
01:15:27You didn't get it yet?
01:15:31Did you get it? Because I sent it.
01:15:33Sometimes people don't get it.
01:15:35Because people send me stuff, and I didn't get it.
01:15:37I made you a friend. You're a friend.
01:15:39I'm going to send it one more time. So it's called
01:15:41Alt Space. You know, I can even tell it to you, too.
01:15:43It's Alt Space VR,
01:15:45and I'm a critic.
01:15:47Alt Space VR?
01:15:49Mm-hmm. Or
01:15:51how about this one?
01:15:53That's one of my pages. The other one is
01:15:55Kenneth Brown, Engage.
01:15:57Maybe that's a little easier for you.
01:16:01Kenneth Brown, Engage.
01:16:03But I'm going to write it for you anyway, though.
01:16:05So I want to tell you, man, thank you for the time
01:16:07that you spent with me. Thank you for sharing your
01:16:09personal experiences, and you had to relive
01:16:11a little bit of it as you were telling me.
01:16:13That's all right.
01:16:15But I appreciate it so much, man, because
01:16:17I'm not going to let it go to waste. I'm going to take the information
01:16:19you got, and I'm going to praise
01:16:21God for it. I'm going to ask God how I can
01:16:23incorporate that information you gave me
01:16:25in my life, and that way our meeting
01:16:27will not be in vain, man.
01:16:29It'll be like I got something out of it, also,
01:16:31along with the fact that everybody
01:16:33that's listening to the YouTube video will
01:16:35hopefully get something out of it, too.
01:16:37And it'll be in memory of your wife, also,
01:16:39and your accomplishments
01:16:41with your books and your creations.
01:16:43And you got to keep your portals open
01:16:45so I can get there,
01:16:47because I can see it some more, man.
01:16:53Okay, so thanks again for everything,
01:16:55Gary. God bless you,
01:16:57and keep you strong and healthy, man.
01:16:59And every time now
01:17:01when I'm praying, I'm going to say, pray for
01:17:03Gary, too, man.
01:17:07So, any last words?
01:17:09Those are my last words. You good?
01:17:11No. Lord bless.
01:17:13Lord bless and protect us.
01:17:19So, I'll see you a little bit, Gary,
01:17:21in the next world we meet in.
01:17:23And if you
01:17:25have a place that you want me to see,
01:17:27you just leave a comment
01:17:29on this video right here,
01:17:31and you leave a link or something like that,
01:17:33and I'll go to that world, and then I'll put
01:17:35that on YouTube, also,
01:17:37if that's okay with you.
01:17:39Anything I can do...
01:17:41That's good.
01:17:43Anything I can do to help and promote
01:17:45your book and help and promote
01:17:47and make your life a little bit better,
01:17:49that I have the power to do, let me know,
01:17:51and I'll do it within my power, buddy.
01:17:55Okay. So, I'll see you a little bit, Gary.
01:17:57Thanks a lot for everything.
01:18:01God bless you, man.