Moody fandom?!?

  • 6 hours ago
00:00Bay Area, it's Moses Moody. You're listening to Willard and Dibbs on 95.7 The Game. Hey, Dibbs, your picks stink.
00:07Hold on just a minute.
00:11Yeah! Woo!
00:15If you weren't a Moses fan before, what about now?
00:23What the absolute hell, Double M's?
00:25What about now?
00:27You know what, Moses? All I do is sit here on this radio show, on this radio station, and defend you.
00:32I even talked to your boss, your head coach, about how you should play more.
00:36I've been right there at the front of Team Moses Moody, and now you're going to do me like this?
00:42Bay Area, it's Moses Moody. You're listening to Willard and Dibbs on 95.7 The Game.
00:47Hey, Dibbs, your picks stink.
00:51I don't even feel like he was reading that.
00:54Dibbs, I've been following your picks, and your picks stink.
01:00He's like, I appreciate you having my back. Will you stop? Please stop.
01:04I had the Niners. I got that one right.
01:06Please stop having my back.
01:07Last night was a bad beat.
01:08It ain't working for me.
01:12Moses, huh?
01:13Once we get into basketball season, don't worry, Dibbs. There's more where that came from.
01:17I hope things will even out.
01:19I can tell. We got stuff.
01:21Hopefully we take some shots at Captain Homer over here.
01:23I don't think that's on the menu.
01:25Mr. Know-It-All.
01:26I don't think that's on the menu at all.
01:27I look forward to the next rejoin.
01:30Yeah. Meantime, more Moses my foot.
01:35Give me more D'Anthony Melton.
01:38Oh, my gosh.
01:39We need to ship that guy out of town.
01:41Down on Moses.
01:42All guests on 95.7 The Game appear on the River Islands guest line.
01:47Isn't it time for you to discover the islands, River Islands and Lathrop and all guests?
01:52On 95.7 The Game are required to finish their interview by saying,
01:56Hey, Dibbs, your picks stink.
01:59I'm just a game below 500.
02:02Phenomenal. Just phenomenal.
02:04Boy, somebody had media day.
02:06Anyway, here's why I ask.
02:10So I get on the phone yesterday with an old friend of my dad's,
02:14like longtime family friend.
02:16Hadn't talked to him in about 147 years.
02:19And so fun to talk.
02:21And, you know, he had a reason, whatever.
02:23He had something that he wanted to know if we wanted as he was cleaning out his garage.
02:27And he listens sometimes.
02:29So, Mike, if you're listening, hey, what's up?
02:31Fun to talk to you yesterday.
02:32But as you know, as a sports radio host,
02:35conversations with old friends, especially between men,
02:39because men have a hard time figuring out stuff to talk about with each other.
02:44There's those awkward moments at parties where you're just like, so, you know,
02:47and nobody knows what to say.
02:49And so once you get by the front line stuff, how you doing?
02:53How are the kids?
02:54All right.
02:56Hey, Mark, can I ask you a question about the Warriors?
03:01Sure, Mike.
03:02What do you got?
03:03Hey, why doesn't Moses Moody play more?
03:08And I'm telling you, Divs, even though I don't need to,
03:11I get this everywhere I go.
03:14It's all over the place.
03:16You all love Moses Moody.
03:20You love him.
03:22And I like him, too.
03:24First of all, I think he's a pretty good basketball player.
03:27Second of all, I think he's someone who reacts to things the way you love to see
03:31another person react to things.
03:33Like he has had a real hard time with the playing time,
03:36and he is a nose to the grindstone like I'm going to show you.
03:40You know, like he doesn't complain.
03:42He doesn't get into fights.
03:44He just tries to work harder.
03:46This is somebody who had a lot of years at college, all of that.
03:50I love Moses Moody.
03:52But I don't think I've ever seen in all my years in sports a player,
03:59and this can be football, basketball, baseball,
04:01a player who is sort of considered like a depth piece, right,
04:07a rotational guy.
04:10I don't know if I've ever seen someone that fits that description
04:14have a bigger fan base than Moses Moody.
04:18Can I ask just on an individual basis, what is it about Moses
04:22that gets your attention as someone who sometimes doesn't even play?
04:28Well, for one, he's homegrown, and for another, when he does play,
04:32he at times will flash and play very well, and as a reward,
04:37he'll go right back to his spot at the 9 or 10 or 11 spot in the rotation.
04:42And I do think a lot of it is the backup quarterback syndrome
04:45where you always want something that you don't see.
04:49Like if your quarterback is struggling, play the backup.
04:52He'll be better.
04:53Give him a chance.
04:54Play the backup.
04:55Play Trey Lance.
04:56Trey needs to play.
04:57Let Trey cook.
04:59Trey was drafted.
05:00You drafted him to play him, and it's a little bit like Moses Moody,
05:04and everybody wants to talk about Anthony Lamb and Jeremy what's-his-name.
05:11Not Jeremy Lin, but the other guy that they had.
05:14It was the two players that all of the fans were complaining about
05:18that they would play.
05:19I thought it was that kid Ty Jerome.
05:23Not Jeremy.
05:24Ty Jerome.
05:26It was Lamb and Jerome, and they're playing ahead of Moses.
05:30Why can't you let Moses cook?
05:32That, I think, is what a lot of fans are clamoring for.
05:36I see Moses Moody, and I see him being seventh or eighth best
05:40at a lot of different things.
05:42He's not really good at any one thing.
05:45Not a great shooter.
05:46It's fine.
05:47Not a great scorer.
05:49He can score.
05:50Not a great defender.
05:51He can defend.
05:53Not a great passer.
05:55Not a great ball handler.
05:57Not a great rebounder.
05:59He's good and serviceable at all those things,
06:02but if you wanted to rank all the skills of a basketball player,
06:06he's probably going to be seventh or eighth in all of them.
06:10And that, to me, is why he winds up being a guy who's in the odd man out
06:14rotation spot.
06:15What do you consider a good three-point shooter?
06:17Just run anything in the NBA.
06:19I'd say 37.5%.
06:21Somewhere in there.
06:23He's 36.2%.
06:25And he's almost like straight.
06:26You want to talk about consistent.
06:28Year one, 36.4.
06:29Year two, 36.3.
06:31Last year, 36.
06:32And threes per game attempted is probably about three and a half or four,
06:37A little bit less.
06:392.5, first career.
06:43Let's hear from some of you.
06:45Why do you love Moses Moody so much?
06:51Let's go to Joseph in South City.
06:54Hi, Joseph.
06:55What's going on?
06:56Thanks for calling.
06:57Hey, thanks for taking my call.
06:59I think Moses Moody, I think he reminds me of a young Curry.
07:05He's humble and he's hungry and he's earned it,
07:08but he may not have that talent as you were mentioning just earlier.
07:11We do have so many bodies, new bodies on the team,
07:14so I don't know where he's going to sit.
07:16I don't know if he's going to start, but he deserves to play.
07:18What is it about him, Joseph, that like, I mean,
07:22I get what you just said there,
07:24but it seems like he's connected with a fan base on a much higher level
07:29than others in his position, no?
07:31I think so.
07:34I agree.
07:35I think if you compare it to Kaminga,
07:37I think you've had an even bigger fan base for Kaminga,
07:41but then you also have some, you know, like some star problems, you know,
07:45you have some attitude problems potentially,
07:47but you don't see that with Moody at all.
07:49Joseph, thanks.
07:51Pat in Foster City, you're next up.
07:53Hi, Pat, thanks for calling.
07:55Yeah, thanks for taking the call.
07:57Yeah, I thought your question was headed in a little different direction,
08:00not just that I like him, but I think he should be playing more minutes.
08:03I think he really deserves that.
08:05I think, as you guys were saying, I think he's pretty good
08:09at a lot of different things.
08:11I think the problem with the Warriors, kind of a problem,
08:13is they've got so many people that can play the two this year.
08:16There's like five or six guys that are, you know, right in that area.
08:20But I think unless they go with Wiggins at the two,
08:23which some people have talked about, I don't think they will,
08:25but he played that position way back when.
08:27But if they don't go with Wiggins at the two, you know,
08:30Moses does give them a little more size than most of the other guys
08:33at 6'6", and 2'10", or whatever.
08:36And I think he's, you know, he can shoot.
08:39He can rebound.
08:41He can definitely defend.
08:43So, you know, I think they'll probably play, you know,
08:45they'll mix up the minutes because they've got so much talent.
08:47They can probably keep a fresh guy in there all the time.
08:49But I think he deserves certainly more minutes than he has.
08:52And people forget he's only 22 years old, right?
08:54Only 22.
08:55Yeah, but Pat, like, all right.
08:57I like him.
08:58But let's acknowledge Steve Kerr's response whenever this comes up of math.
09:03All right?
09:04So if you think he should get more minutes, who's getting less?
09:09Well, you know, I think, well, you know, Clay's going to get less, right?
09:13There you go.
09:14That's a good answer.
09:18Yeah, I like him.
09:19You know, I don't know if it should be, you know, we had Mo Speights,
09:22and I don't know if it should be Mo Moses or Mo Moody,
09:24but one or the other I think would go with it.
09:27I mean, yeah, go ahead.
09:28Well, just, I mean, he gets minutes when he gets minutes,
09:31and he tends to play about 17 minutes, which was a career high last year,
09:36and he is only 22.
09:37And I just wonder about this year where they do have, as Pat was saying,
09:41more players now who play that position.
09:43And so if you want to have somebody come in and lock somebody down, GP2,
09:49if you want somebody to come in and get a bucket, Buddy Heald.
09:52Buddy Heald.
09:53If you want somebody who can distribute, DeAnthony Melton.
09:56So I think that if you start to look at what you need from a player,
10:00Moses is great.
10:01He's a glue guy.
10:02He can do almost everything capably,
10:06but when you're looking for a specialized thing out of a bench player,
10:10I don't think that he separates.
10:12Well, okay, we're going to take some more calls on this,
10:14so stay right where you are.
10:15But here's the point that I'm getting at.
10:17Moses Moody is the backup quarterback of the Golden State Warriors.
10:20I really see that.
10:22And this is not to be a criticism of him.
10:24I like him too.
10:25Again, I think not only I agree with your assessment,
10:27he does all things pretty well, nothing fantastically.
10:31And also, from a mental standpoint, I think he's been almost perfect.
10:35Like he handles this situation as well as anybody could.
10:39But because he is sort of a BB plus type of a player at all things,
10:45but not an A at anything,
10:48he's the perfect guy for when anyone goes out and doesn't have a good night,
10:53you end up after the game going, Moses Moody.
10:58We should have put in Moses Moody.
11:01That would have fixed it.
11:03And I don't know if that's the case.
11:05I look at this roster.
11:06You and I did this exercise last week.
11:09You just named a bunch of the names.
11:11But it doesn't even stop there.
11:13Like you're just talking about wings.
11:15I know that the two and the three are different.
11:17But in the NBA, it's also wings.
11:20And so to go from Buddy Heald and D'Anthony Melton and GP2
11:27and add in Brandon Podjemski and to a degree Andrew Wiggins,
11:30I know that he's a little bigger, Jonathan Kaminga, bigger.
11:35But you start putting all of this together,
11:38and I'm trying to figure out exactly how it is you all would like Steve Kerr
11:44to handle this this year.
11:47I know what everyone's going to—great problem to have.
11:51Well, we went through that last year, and it wasn't a great problem to have.
11:55And that's just what I see.
11:57I love Moses Moody also.
11:59He's going to have to force his way onto the court.
12:02I don't know exactly how,
12:04but this guy is the backup quarterback of the Golden State Warriors.
12:07If something goes wrong, you all pull out your Moody flag
12:12and seemingly make that the reason why.
12:15Right, and you clamor for him to play a lot more.
12:18And if you look at last year, he played in 66 of 82.
12:22And I'm looking at his game log, and there were only seven games
12:26where he got the DNP.
12:28He was inactive for about two weeks, actually a little bit longer.
12:32He had a small injury, as I recall.
12:34He missed nine games.
12:35He was inactive, and he had a handful of DNPs.
12:38But the frustration for some fans is he goes out and he plays well.
12:43I'm looking at the game against Portland.
12:45He had 11 points.
12:46He was a plus six and a win.
12:48Two nights later against Denver on Christmas,
12:50he played two and a half minutes, and you lost.
12:52And those are the ones where even Steve Kerr has commended him
12:56for always being ready and never carrying it with him.
12:59But the Moody acolytes, Team Moody, they get frustrated
13:04when he actually does get a chance to play and he plays well,
13:07and then he goes back into a subservient role.
13:09Cyrus in Oakland is next up on Weatherden Dibs.
13:11Hi, Cyrus.
13:12Thanks for calling.
13:15Good afternoon, gentlemen.
13:16Yeah, I'm definitely on the Moody bandwagon.
13:18There's a few reasons.
13:19You've hit on a couple of them.
13:21What he does is a basketball player, and he did it
13:24when the lights were brightest, you know,
13:27during the Western Conference finals against Dallas.
13:29The basketball IQ, his performance came through
13:34when the lights were bright.
13:35That's one.
13:36And then, two, I mean, you just got to give it to him.
13:38The name, Moses Moody.
13:40I love the name.
13:41And a guy whose name is Moses Moody and says things like,
13:45calm seas do not make for a good sailor.
13:48So, you know, he speaks my language.
13:51I love Moses.
13:52I hope he gets playing time.
13:53And to answer the last question, I think he deserves minutes
13:56over Peyton now.
13:57I love GP2, but that's one player that I think he could
14:01take minutes away from.
14:02Cyrus, thanks.
14:03Thanks, gentlemen.
14:04Yeah, thank you.
14:05And, see, that's interesting, I think, to the point
14:07you're trying to make.
14:08Like, is Moses Moody a better all-around player
14:11than Gary Peyton?
14:12I'd say yes, but GP2 is elite at one thing.
14:16If Moses is not, if he's good at everything but elite
14:19at nothing, that's where GP2, in some cases, gets an edge
14:24because he is an elite defender.
14:26That's an interesting thing that you just said because
14:28whether or not I agree with you and I don't agree that he's
14:31an overall better player, I think he's a younger player
14:35and that's why Steve Kerr is always going to default
14:38to Gary Peyton II, if healthy, because you've got
14:41a veteran core of guys and now we're down to
14:44Steph and Draymond and, you know, Wiggins, I think,
14:47is a little bit off to the side, but Steph and Draymond
14:50have shown to be more comfortable with veterans
14:53as opposed to younger players.
14:55And Moody, at 22, and Kaminga, at times, has,
14:58before last year particularly, he struggled to get
15:01consistent minutes and, you know, Pods is a little bit
15:04different because his game has a certain maturity to it,
15:07but I think about this year, Buddy Heald is in his early 30s
15:11and Kyle Anderson's an older player and DeAnthony Melton's
15:14been around the block, so I think it's going to be even
15:17harder for Moses Moody, at 22, to take minutes away
15:20from a guy like GP II when healthy because
15:23GP II's much more bankable. You know what you're going
15:26to get out of him. Even if you think Moody's better,
15:28GP II's going to give you exactly what he always gives you
15:32more often than Moses Moody.
15:34Yeah, I guess I can feel that, and I'm not saying that
15:37GP II doesn't do more than one thing well, right?
15:41He is for his size, he plays bigger, he's a good finisher
15:46around the rim, I think he's an energy guy, but again,
15:49like when you're looking for someone, you're like,
15:52there's a matchup out there, we need to lock that guy down,
15:55you're going to go to GP II.
15:57Moses sort of feels like he just gets lost in the sea.
16:02He gets lost in the sea of what exactly are we trying
16:05to do now. But more often than not, when he comes in,
16:08wouldn't you agree? Good things happen.
16:11See, we have a hard time when something goes well,
16:14but we don't know how to define it. I feel like we've done
16:16this for two and a half years with Brock Purdy.
16:19People had a hard time because they're like, well,
16:21the Niners win almost all the games, but it's nothing
16:26that he's doing. At a certain point, you've got to go,
16:29no, it is something that they're doing.
16:31I do think there's an unexplained something that happens
16:36with Moses Moody on the floor. He's an effort guy,
16:39and as you said, there's nothing he doesn't at least
16:42do pretty well. So that speaks to somebody who's going
16:46to make, I think more often than not, he's going to make,
16:49he's going to help make the game go well.
16:52Yeah, he's going to help the game continue.
16:54I don't know if he necessarily will help it go well.
16:57I'm just looking at some of the advanced metrics
16:59and offensively, as far as offensive box score,
17:04plus minus your net per hundred possessions,
17:07what you contribute, he's a negative .2 on offense,
17:11and he's a positive .1 on defense.
17:13Oh my gosh.
17:14He's a negative .1 overall per 100 possessions,
17:18which is to say he's about a net neutral
17:21for your basketball team.
17:22There are things he does better than others,
17:24but when he's on the court, the team tends to be
17:27about the same as when he's not on the floor.
17:30And just to contrast that with Gary Payton,
17:33he is a plus 2.2 on defense.
17:37He's a minus 1.3 on offense.
17:39So if you put GP2 out there with three or four
17:43other good offensive players, now GP2 can just go out there
17:46and be a net positive on D.
17:49With Moses, he doesn't really contribute on either end
17:52dramatically like that, you know?
17:54Let's go to Dan Entrucki next up on Weather and Devs.
17:57Hi Dan, thanks for calling.
17:59Hey guys.
18:00Listen to Dibs and his metrics.
18:02I get it.
18:03However, the eye test tells me something a little different.
18:07I do love Moses Moody, but I love the attitude.
18:11And you guys answered your own question.
18:14You guys keep talking.
18:15You keep answering it.
18:16Effort, attitude.
18:18The eye test is that he's on the floor for loose balls,
18:21not that GP2 isn't.
18:23Too bad they couldn't play together all the time.
18:25But availability.
18:28Moses is available, right?
18:30Wigs, not going to be so much available.
18:32GP2 plays so hard he's going to get scarred up.
18:35He's not going to be always available.
18:38Moses is just we fall in love with him because of his attitude
18:42and his effort.
18:44Nothing else I can say.
18:45The eye test tells me.
18:46Metrics tells you one thing.
18:48The eye test tells me a little bit different that the team is like
18:51together working hard, effort, effort, effort when he's on the floor.
18:56So that's my answer to you guys why I love Moses Moody.
18:59Dan, appreciate it.
19:00See, here would be my follow-up question to that, though.
19:04If you're the head coach of the Warriors, can you use that as reasoning?
19:08Like I get what the metrics say,
19:10and you just threw out metrics that would suggest that Moses Moody is just
19:14like dead set, as average as you can be, a net neutral.
19:22As the head coach of the Warriors, you could be like,
19:25my eyes tell me different.
19:27Can you afford to do that?
19:30You can, but here's my counter to that,
19:32which is everything that we're all saying about effort and attitude,
19:36and particularly attitude.
19:38If you know that a guy like Moses Moody,
19:41even if you have him as the 10th and 11th man out of the rotation,
19:44if you know that once that player goes in the rotation,
19:48he's going to be the exact same player that he always is,
19:51it's almost easier to then take him out of the rotation,
19:54because you're not going to lose him.
19:56He's not a fragile young man.
19:58He's a guy who you can actually do this to.
20:01And you know,
20:02like Jonathan Kaminga in the playoffs a couple of years ago,
20:05when you started taking him out of games, you lost Jonathan Kaminga.
20:09And it got to the point where he played four minutes in a game because he was
20:13unable to recover at that point.
20:15But shouldn't the behavior of Moses Moody be rewarded,
20:18rather than the other way around?
20:20Like what you just said sort of sounds like the old adage of nice guy finishes
20:24Is Moses Moody on the bench because he's the one who can handle the bench?
20:28No, but if you have a tough call to make,
20:30and you know that one guy, if you put him on the bench, is going to be fine,
20:34then that's a guy you can put on the bench.
20:36Well, then he needs to learn how to not be fine, I guess.
20:40I mean,
20:41we were kind of making the same comp with Nick Bosa and drawing holding
20:45because he gets held and he doesn't really carry on.
20:47And maybe if he carried on more,
20:49Steph Curry is probably a better analogy for this conversation.
20:52If Steph flopped more, would he get more calls to go his way?
20:57And that's a tough behavior to encourage,
20:59but I'm not saying Moses should start throwing tantrums,
21:02but as a coach,
21:03if you know that one player is going to be more okay with it than another,
21:07then if the players are comparable, it becomes an easy call.
21:10Big Smooth in Oakland is next up.
21:12Hi, Big Smooth.
21:13Thanks for calling.
21:18Smooth, you there?
21:20Go ahead.
21:21Go ahead.
21:22Yep, yep, yep.
21:23So, you know, as we're talking here,
21:25I'm just looking at it like this.
21:27Moses, let me get this straight.
21:29He's too good to trade.
21:31He's not good enough to play.
21:33I like him because he's the Warriors' admitted mistake.
21:39He's the one thing that they can't seem to get a hold of.
21:42I mean, listen, the Warriors don't do a lot of things bad,
21:45but Moses Moody, James Wiseman, a few things they have done.
21:49I mean, listen, Moses Moody is a solid player
21:52who would probably play way more, would even start in some organizations.
21:57But I don't – listen, GP, too, we love him,
22:01but he's never matched that one year he has.
22:04He's never matched that.
22:05He's never even played to that standard again.
22:07He's always been below.
22:09That seemed to be the ceiling.
22:11We haven't seen anything that would indicate that he's able to play
22:14above that one year.
22:15And I don't know why – to me, listen, I could be wrong on this,
22:19but it seems like Pods will do the same thing or a similar game to Moody,
22:23and then Moody won't play again, but Pods will play more.
22:26That's just what it seems like, fellas.
22:28I'm just being honest with you.
22:29Yeah, smooth, thanks.
22:30Appreciate it.
22:31I don't know about that.
22:32There's always this thing with – Pods, I would argue,
22:36and some of this we don't see as fans, but he sort of picked it,
22:42whatever it is, he picked it up a little bit quicker as a rookie last year
22:49than a lot of other guys have coming through.
22:52At least that's clearly the thought of the organization.
22:55Yep, and that's, I think, the thought of the vets, too, on the floor,
22:59and there's a reason that Pods, I think, led the league last year
23:02in charges taken, and he's a better shooter than Moody,
23:06and he's probably as good if not a better defender.
23:09And now he has a broken nose because of it, and he won't play tonight.