• 2 days ago
00:11Hey over there damn they're going
00:30Oh man, even Hotani got knocked out cold!
00:34Bob's the only one left now!
00:40The entire karate club is dead meat!
00:46Hey, that's Yoto, right? He's kicking ass!
00:49You can't hold it against such a talented fighter, especially since you have the hots for him, Megumi.
00:55Hey, look over there. There's your rival.
00:58Taki Yanagi's not just in Kyoto's class, she's also in his clubs.
01:05Oh, I'm so jealous. She's with him all the time.
01:10And on top of that, she's charming.
01:15And she's got a positive attitude.
01:17On the other hand, look at you! At this rate, she's gonna beat you out.
01:22Is that what you want?
01:25It's just that when I see Riki face to face, I never know what to say.
01:30So all I can do is watch him from a distance.
01:34Captain Baba, if you please.
01:45Sure, but it's still not too late to change your mind.
01:49Think about it. What will you do?
01:52Instead of aiming for the number one ranking in karate, I want to be the best fighter in the entire world!
02:00My, how glorious!
02:03Cocky, aren't we?
02:04You never know until you try, Captain.
02:21You're fast, Yodo, but not faster than me!
02:31You dodged my Shikenzuki punch!
02:35I've never seen that move before.
02:38You're a skillful fighter, Captain.
02:40I see you're keeping your distance to conserve strength and figure out my weak points.
02:44But it's of no use. I won't let anyone stand in my way.
02:48After I finish with you, my study of unconventional techniques will continue.
02:53Then I'll be the best damn fighter in the entire world!
03:16Oh, me butt!
03:27Oh, hey, Ryo, what's up?
03:29Look who's talking. What's up with you, Riki?
03:32Huh? Oh, you mean about before.
03:35I had to prove to myself that I was really good enough to move on.
03:39You never told me anything like that.
03:41Why so sudden?
03:43Hey, wait!
03:44I don't know why exactly. I just felt like fighting, that's all.
03:48What's that supposed to mean?
03:50I don't know why exactly. I just felt like fighting, that's all.
03:54What's that supposed to mean?
03:56Riki, do you know what you're doing?
03:59Oh, buzz off.
04:01No, I won't. Baba said he's going to resign because you beat him.
04:05Now what will happen to our club then?
04:07I don't care.
04:08What are you talking about? It's all your fault!
04:11Baba said that I had to knock out the entire club in order to quit, so that's exactly what I did.
04:16Besides, I had to quit this club in order to compete with guys from the other clubs, get it?
04:20Figures. You're only thinking about yourself.
04:23And what about the meet next month? Without you, we're screwed!
04:27Hey, wait!
04:28I haven't been doing karate all of this time just for the good of the damn club,
04:32and I wasn't competing for the good of the school either!
04:35You bastard! Don't run away from me!
04:37I haven't finished talking to you, Riki!
04:40Take it easy, Ryo. See you later. Bye!
04:42You stubborn fool!
04:46To be continued...
05:16To be continued...
05:47Lord Byodo, the dimensional gate has been opened.
05:53As the legend foretells, when the gate is opened, the leopard-headed warrior will appear and face a being of the dark world.
06:02At that time, the legendary warrior shall be born.
06:07I see. As of late, I have felt my powers draining, and I believe it to be a part of this prophecy.
06:15Aye. Perhaps it is being transmuted into the power of fate, the power that will produce the legendary warrior.
06:24Or perhaps it is already taking some form in another dimension.
06:29If not, perhaps Your Majesty...
06:37Perhaps it is the work of the heavens, a plot to limit Your Majesty's power.
06:44But why would anyone wish such a thing?
06:49I care not!
06:51The dimensional gate has been opened!
06:54Your Highness!
06:59The time to fight has come!
07:03Okay, class. So again, those homework pages for tomorrow were 79 through 84. Huh?
07:09What's wrong, Yodo?
07:10Riki, you're drooling!
07:12The time to fight has come!
07:19Holy cow! Riki's daydreaming!
07:33Dreaming what?
07:35Mr. Yodo, I'm not through with you yet.
07:40Thank you, everyone. That is all. Goodbye.
07:44I'm gonna go buy some sweets. You want anything?
07:46Hey, could you get me my usual?
07:48Mr. Yodo, there is a faculty meeting this afternoon to discuss the mess you caused yesterday, and now you fall asleep in my class and even mumble and drool.
07:56Did you know the karate club captain Baba is now resigning, and the club advisor is not very happy either?
08:02It's possible this could get you held back.
08:11Riki thinks about nothing but putting himself in the spotlight.
08:16You beat the entire karate club?
08:19Didn't know you were that strong.
08:21What are you talking about, guys?
08:22You mean, you don't know?
08:24He only beat the entire karate club.
08:26He beat them all just so he could quit.
08:31But why did you have to wear a leopard mask?
08:33To get attention. Besides, I found it in my house and thought it was cool, so...
08:40With this on, I'll be the number one fighter on Earth.
08:43Captain Baba! Please reconsider for the sake of the club!
08:48Thanks, but I won't change my mind. I just handed in my resignation. You see, I wasn't strong enough.
08:55But it was all Riki's fault!
08:57No, it was all mine.
09:00But Captain Baba!
09:02Sorry if I sound a little selfish.
09:05Here you go! They didn't have meat pies today, so I brought cutlets and egg sandwiches instead.
09:10Thanks, dude!
09:13And so I'll wear my mask like a guerrilla soldier and beat the hell out of the other schools.
09:19And then, the media picks up on the story, and I'll be in the newspapers and TV and everything!
09:27I'll get on the nerves of those pro fighters with big egos.
09:31They challenge me, I kick their butts one by one.
09:34A world-class celebrity from our class? That's awesome, man!
09:37Hey, if you'd like, you can have this.
09:39Huh? You sure?
09:40I mean, if a future celebrity has my lunch now, well, when you become a real celebrity, I can brag about it in the neighborhood.
09:49Oh, yeah? Thanks, man!
09:51Here. It's for you.
09:54Well, if you don't mind...
09:56Well, if you don't mind...
10:04Gee, thanks!
10:06No, take mine!
10:08Give him mine!
10:13Gee, thank you, everybody! Thank you so much!
10:16Watch it!
10:17Huh? Rio, you too? You got a lunch for me?
10:20Oh, you want my autograph?
10:23What are you so happy about?
10:25Baba resigned from the club, you know.
11:05Master Theodore will not underestimate their power.
11:16They are nothing but pitiful fools.
11:22Two, three...
11:26I see.
11:31Oh, why'd you do that?
11:34Hey, guys?
11:37Uh-oh. Did I hit my head too hard, or...
11:40What the heck?
11:43He's cold.
11:50Huh? A classroom?
11:53What happened to the hallway?
11:55I did hit my head hard.
11:57Let me see what's there.
11:59That's weird.
12:01I didn't know we had a classroom like this.
12:06Lend me your ears.
12:09Among my world's many legends, one foretells this tale...
12:14that when a gate of light is open, a leopard-headed warrior will appear.
12:20There, in the underworld, a fierce battle will be fought.
12:23But before the victor can conquer the two worlds,
12:26he becomes the leopard-headed warrior whom I must face.
12:30The time that has been foretold has come.
12:34Fuck that shit! I'll kick your ass! Come out and fight!
12:47I am YOLO, Master of the Dark Realm.
12:54YOLO, the Master of the Dark Realm? Huh?
13:02Damn, there's a few too many of them!
13:13I am YOLO, Master of the Dark Realm.
13:17You're the king I saw in my dream!
13:20I thought it was only a matter of defeating you,
13:23but there is one thing I must confirm.
13:30What the...
13:39Take this!
13:54Got anything else you want to show me?
14:01Just as I thought.
14:03This was all a diabolical trap sprung on me
14:06by someone who cannot tolerate my relentless increase in power.
14:11Whatever you say, fruitcake.
14:13Stop mumbling and get on with it.
14:15What's next? Get him!
14:17As you wish.
14:19Raise your left arm.
14:21And then what?
14:25Ah, shit!
14:27You think you're funny, you asshole?
14:30Don't be foolish.
14:32You paralyzed me.
14:34Now I understand what the legend is saying.
14:41Don't you realize that you are another part of me?
14:45A part that exists in this world.
14:47You are my counterpart.
14:50Oh, shit. This guy's a total nutcase.
14:54Hey, that's all very interesting.
14:56But it doesn't have anything to do with me,
14:58so maybe we can continue this chat a bit later?
15:05You think I'm a nutcase?
15:07You want to run away?
15:09What a pitiful soul you are.
15:12So you can read my mind, too?
15:14Hey, come back here where I can see you.
15:17Return to where you belong.
15:20What do you think you're doing? Stop it!
15:28Oh, you made me hit my head.
15:33You think you're going to be the world champion, huh?
15:35I guess I was dreaming after all.
15:37You've got a long way to go, pal.
15:40The hallway.
15:43What's wrong?
15:46It's Baba.
15:47It is?
15:50Captain Baba!
15:52Hyoda's going to apologize about the match,
15:54so please reconsider!
15:56Don't you see it's all your fault?
15:59Oh, he didn't hear me.
16:01Captain Baba!
16:08The subject has changed position by point delta.
16:11Have you completed calculating the total energy level?
16:14It's being redone since the previously computed value was infinite.
16:18My guess is that a space-time continuum distortion
16:21has adversely affected our system's calibration.
16:24Wouldn't that be why we're getting an infinite reading?
16:27An infinite energy reading?
16:29And an anti-matter node?
16:32This is definitely a major temporal violation.
16:39It's been a while since we've dealt with a major case.
16:44Say it can.
16:45There's a body of energy quickly approaching point X-0.
16:48It's appeared out of nowhere,
16:50and it's unlike the one we detected earlier.
16:52It's a hyper-psychokinetic wave.
16:55What's the location?
16:57Sir, it's at X-0.
16:59That's dangerous. I'd better go check it out.
17:04Which one?
17:05The anti-matter node.
17:07Please be careful.
17:17Well, I'll be damned.
17:19It didn't look like an anti-matter being.
17:22The other one?
17:24The psychokinetic wave activity is amazing.
17:27You really can't judge a book by its cover.
17:30No, he couldn't have.
17:32Not from that far away, not with the jammer activated.
17:35Have they started?
17:40From now on, the gangs in this territory
17:43will answer to me,
17:46What's this, a fucking joke?
17:50Don't make us laugh.
17:52Man, wussy sports ain't the same.
17:54So what are you gonna do about it, huh?
17:56Come on, you little punk.
17:59I'll kick your ass.
18:03You're a dead man, asshole.
18:06I thought you wanted to fight,
18:08not show me your toys.
18:14How do you like my toy now, asshole?
18:18It's a toy.
18:20You can't finish me with toys.
18:24What are you, a fucking monster?
18:34Die, you motherfucker!
18:36Ladies shouldn't swear.
18:38Let me go!
18:39Put me down!
18:41Put me down!
18:42Who the fuck are you?
18:44One who by exterminating creatures like you
18:47strives to perfect his skills.
18:49That is who I am.
18:51Exterminate me?
18:53What are you, a demon master?
18:55A demon master?
18:57Do they even exist?
18:59You don't know, I see.
19:01Are you gonna hurt me with that little stick?
19:06I can feel the demon inside him.
19:08No way is this human.
19:10You are all lying to the power.
19:12There is nowhere to run.
19:28That's an unusual chunk of wood.
19:30It's of no use.
19:31Now you can't even move.
19:33Behold, this is your fate.
19:41What's the matter?
19:44This way the girl may die.
19:49But I have no choice.
19:59I never dreamed creatures existed
20:01that could transform humans like this.
20:15So, you're still alive.
20:19Hold it!
20:33It's no use.
20:38You can't run away.
20:40You can't hide.
20:42You can't hide.
20:44You can't hide.
20:46You can't hide.
20:48You can't run away from me.
21:34There you are.
21:35A fairy.
21:37So the man and the cat were controlled by you.
21:45That school has to be it.
21:47Now this is getting interesting.
21:51Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
22:00Come on, let's go up to the science building.
22:05I'm starving. Are you hungry?
22:07I can't wait to eat.
22:09Come on, let's go.
22:14That must be him.
22:16Either he's very inexperienced, or his power is so great, he's barely able to contain it.
22:22He's come!
22:27Feeling lucky?
22:29Are you the demon master of this world?
22:34Wanna try me?
22:37Oop! Wrong one!
22:46We'll meet again!
22:58The subject has moved to grid reference two zero three one.
23:02It's the park above a small hill, two kilometers to the east.
23:05Got it. Keep him under surveillance, and I'll switch over to our secondary subject.
23:12He's clearly following the primary subject. This is no trivial matter.
23:16I'll keep tabs on him. You analyze the data for me.
23:28He must be in there!
23:37So, you've come.
23:41Monster! There's no escape this time!
23:48Reveal yourself!
23:50Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it! I was only trying to kick a pebble, but then I missed and I kicked the car instead!
24:00Liar! How's this possible? Can he read my mind?
24:10Show me yourself!
24:15Enough of your games!
24:19These powers are nothing like those of the first creature.
24:34Your attempts at intimidation are almost entertaining.
24:38Well, I'm certainly glad that someone out there enjoys them.
24:44This can't be happening!
24:52Popping out of the wounds, now that's impressive!
24:57A most unique maneuver on your part.
25:00Your powers are nothing like those of the first creature. Now wait a minute, listen!
25:03I have nothing to say to you, monster!
25:10Listen to me before you attack!
25:14No, it's impossible!
25:17We can still fight after I'm done talking to you!
25:22I am Yodo, ruler of the Dark Realm. I arrived on this world in hopes of making a prophecy come true. However, I fell into a trap.
25:30Laid by one of my followers.
25:34Is that justification for possessing innocent people?
25:37Transforming them into monsters?
25:41This body is that of Riki Yodo, my counterpart in this world, in whom all my powers are contained because of the trap.
25:49We have merged into one body, but my own will is being suppressed!
25:52By your counterpart?
25:56You see, the monsters you encountered today were the Fairy Master and her minions.
26:01And the reason I am here is to destroy their breeding nests.
26:05They are a nuisance if left alone. Take a look at this.
26:10They have characteristics similar to those of wasps.
26:13First they invade other living organisms, then hunt for new prey.
26:18Prey to feed their offspring.
26:21They breed like roaches, you see.
26:23If left alone, there will be no end.
26:25By the time it took me to vanquish one, thirty more have appeared.
26:29There will be no end to it, that's certain.
26:32They are the true devils who prey on people's weaknesses.
26:37Gruesome maggots!
26:39Their master, once my follower, plotted to revolt against me.
26:42This world teems with prey that will become food for the fairies.
26:46If we don't put an end to them now before they spread, this world will become theirs and you won't enjoy it, I'm sure.
26:53That is why I would like to postpone our duel until some later date. Are we agreed?
26:59Fine. Our duel shall be postponed until the fairies have all been destroyed.
27:03I'm Toshimitsu Yuki.
27:06People call me a Demon Slayer.
27:15A Megalord from another universe and demonic fairies.
27:19This is going to be a challenge.
27:22Stand ten. The second of those anti-meta bodies has started moving.
27:25It's at a location three kilometers from your current position.
27:52A shooting star!
27:54Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight!
27:57Yeah, right.
27:58If wishes really did come true, this would be easy.
28:02And if Takayanagi wasn't around...
28:05Oh, this isn't easy, is it, Buttons?
28:10I will always love Riki Kiyoto.
28:16What's that?
28:21A fairy!
28:23I can make your wishes come true.
28:27Let me help.
28:52Someone's following me. From behind.
28:56Behind the trees, eh?
28:58I wonder if it's some kind of pervert.
29:03Hey! Show yourself!
29:24What? A teddy bear?
29:27This is unbearably weird.
29:30Don't scare me like that!
29:32Geez! First you're a leopard, now you're a bear?
29:35It is you, isn't it, Riki?
29:50Ladies have to be careful when walking alone at night.
29:54What have we here?
30:00Such strength!
30:02Not bad for a stuffed animal.
30:08Stay out of this.
30:10What the hell?
30:12Huh? The bear is only a virtual image?
30:15The real object is that little stuffed animal.
30:20Its energy is derived from emotional stress.
30:22Impossible! This can't be! I don't believe it!
30:30What the hell is going on around here?
30:34I'm sorry I frightened you like that. Are you okay?
30:40I see. I'm glad. Allow me.
30:44Thank you very much.
30:46If I may ask...
30:48Oh, forgive me. My name is Zankan.
30:51I'm a space-time continuum enforcer.
30:55Since yesterday afternoon, we've been monitoring a rash of spatial distortions near your school.
31:00The stuffed bear we just saw may be a side effect of those very distortions.
31:05There are a few questions I'd like to ask you regarding that, if I may.
31:10Please, allow me to escort you home.
31:12That way I can ask you the questions while we walk.
31:16Okay. Sure.
31:20Buttons, where did you go?
31:22Hey, Buttons!
31:24Are you jealous of Hyoro or something?
31:29You failed.
31:31What's that all about?
31:33Oh, I'm going to bed.
31:36Sweet dreams, my darling Riki.
31:41A six-foot tall teddy bear?
31:44And an outer space detective!
31:47That space detective person, Inspector, uh, so-and-so, asked some things about you.
31:52Have you been doing something to make them investigate you?
31:58Do you have a fever or something?
32:00Or maybe you just had a nightmare last night.
32:02Erase her memory of last night.
32:05Uh, was I just saying something?
32:08Wow, that girl is fierce.
32:10It's only third period and she's at it already.
32:15Uh, Megumi, you don't look so good.
32:18I'm all right.
32:21Hey, Hyoro! Someone from another school is here to challenge you!
32:27I would wager that the space detective has come to investigate.
32:32So where is he?
32:34He's already in the karate dojo waiting for you.
32:36Gotcha. I'll be right there.
32:48You must be Yodo.
32:52And you are?
32:53I'm Zankan.
32:55As a person and as a warrior, will you accept a challenge?
32:59You're here as a person and a warrior, eh?
33:02Interesting. Fine. I'll accept anybody's challenge anytime.
33:06Hey, Yodo, what's up with you? This is a karate dojo. Take your shoes off.
33:10Oops. Almost forgot that.
33:15And put these on, too.
33:17I know.
33:19You forgot your leopard mask, too.
33:22I don't need it.
33:23Huh? You're not going to use it?
33:26How come?
33:27Zankan, just shut up and watch.
33:30Sorry to keep you waiting.
33:34Just what brings you here?
33:36I'm here to see whether or not we can have a little discussion.
34:02Not bad.
34:04Huh? My arms and legs.
34:07He made it look as if he was merely dodging your strikes, but he got to your pressure points.
34:12What seems to be the problem?
34:14What are you doing, Yodo?
34:16Hmm. I feel like I left that guy somewhere.
34:19Next, he'll probably finish you off.
34:21Don't tell me like it's happening to someone else.
34:23If I can't move, you're going to be feeling the pain, too.
34:26If you fail to dodge my next strike...
34:31You will die!
34:34Oh, fuck!
34:48Looks like a draw.
34:50Yeah, something like that.
34:52If there's something you wanted to discuss, talk to the man himself.
34:56I hope that there's still the chance for a peaceful resolution.
34:59Want to go up to the roof or someplace?
35:01Yeah, I'd like that if you don't mind.
35:15I knew you'd come.
35:18I've been waiting for you, confessing my uncertainties.
35:22The wait has paid off.
35:24You are surely a demon that seeks out people's weaknesses.
35:30Why are you so uncertain?
35:32You are the mighty destroyer of demons.
35:35Let me help.
35:39An oral barricade!
35:41You've made your move.
35:44Do you think you fooled me?
35:51Only one remains.
35:53Are thou so afraid of my powers that you must cower within your barriers?
36:01We share a common interest, you and I.
36:07I'm not so naive as to fall for your petty tricks.
36:10Reveal yourself, Fairy Master.
36:12Whatever you do, you can't break these barriers.
36:15My name is Kyne, Demon Master of the Fairies.
36:20The Demon Master of the Fairies?
36:23I am here in this world to assassinate Beodo.
36:27Behold this.
36:29Lord Beodo, not satisfied with ruling the Dark Realm,
36:33has come to this world intending to rule it.
36:36There's nobody on this planet strong enough to interfere with whatever it is that you are really capable of doing.
36:41But if you intend to include yourself in this planet's history,
36:44then I am officially obligated to do something about that.
36:48I shall become ruler of this world.
36:51You may challenge me at any time.
36:54You led me to believe our duel would be delayed to a later time.
36:58As soon as you defeat this Fairy Master, whatever it is, go back.
37:02As soon as you defeat this Fairy Master, whatever it is, go back.
37:05If you don't return in peace, you'll return in pieces.
37:09I do not take orders.
37:11I suggest you learn how.
37:14What is it you want to say?
37:16If Beodo should become ruler of this world,
37:19then all living souls will be forced to follow his orders upon pain of death.
37:24That is undesirable.
37:26Well, I propose we join forces.
37:29If we do, then this world and the Dark Realm will once again be at peace.
37:36I refuse!
37:42If you cannot defeat me, how can you possibly defeat Beodo?
37:46How did you break the barriers?
37:50They were useless from the very beginning.
37:54Even though your conscious will refuses me, I know you yearn to defeat Beodo.
38:00Your desire betrays you.
38:06Let me help. I insist.
38:15What are you doing?
38:17Now let us merge and form a new world.
38:23A new transcendent of both you and I.
38:48There will be a school meeting during the third and fourth periods.
38:51All first year and second year students must report to the gym.
38:54All student council members from each class and class officers are to report to the council room at once.
39:02Are you feeling all right?
39:06Do you think maybe you should skip the meeting?
39:08It's okay. I'm fine.
39:22Say, Riki, have I been acting weird at all lately?
39:25Yep. You're a complete pervert.
39:27That's not what I meant.
39:29It's just that, I don't know, I've been acting kind of forgetful these past couple of days.
39:40Three o'clock.
39:45Sandy. What is it?
39:47I've just detected strong psychokinetic wave activity.
39:50Your location is S-205-N-5-0-V-1-2-4.
39:55Just 200 meters from your current location.
40:02That must be him.
40:04His psychokinetic wave activity is very unstable.
40:08This is very disturbing. I'd better go check it out.
40:11Sandy, I'm going to have to interrupt my stakeout of Hyodo.
40:14Do me a favor and take over for me.
40:16Okay. Be careful.
40:20And I feel like my false memories are more real now.
40:27Oh, Takenagi, is Hyodo playing hooky again?
40:31If he doesn't go to that meeting, he is in big trouble.
40:34Takenagi, listen, do me a favor and look for him.
40:36I'll go talk to the committee in the meantime.
40:43What's the rush?
40:45Where are you going?
40:47I see that your psychokinetic wave activity is unstable.
40:50Is there an emergency you have to take care of while school's in session?
40:53I'd be very interested in knowing.
40:55Would you mind telling me?
40:57Hold it right there.
40:59I have to verify something right now.
41:02So you're the one who's been following me these last few days.
41:06Sorry, but I must be going.
41:09You leave me no choice but to use force.
41:27You intend to stop me?
41:29I see that your business must be very important.
41:32In which case, there's even more reason why I cannot let you go.
41:36There's even more reason why I cannot let you go.
41:39Even if it means a duel to the death.
41:44Are you certain of that because it is you who will die?
41:48We'll see about that.
41:54Now they're going at it.
42:21Who's there?
42:43My, my, what a sight.
42:47Your folks are going to cry when they see you.
42:59Looks like you've stopped being human.
43:01In which case, it's time for you to stop being alive.
43:07It's no use.
43:09You can't break those bonds.
43:20Good boy.
43:31Haven't you had enough of this?
43:35Haven't you had enough?
43:38Not bad. You've obviously been possessed by the Fairy Master.
43:41Clever man.
43:43You could have lived had you not interfered.
43:49That's just what I wanted to hear.
43:58Without solid evidence, I cannot simply destroy a suspect.
44:01All right. But thanks to your confession, I can fight you without mercy.
44:05I see. Very interesting.
44:09In that case, without mercy, we'll destroy you.
44:14You're the one who will die.
44:16I don't know what your motives are, but your powers threaten this world's stability.
44:20As the space-time continual enforcer, I cannot allow you to proceed.
44:24Behold my true powers!
44:28Take your best shot.
44:37You're awake. It's all right now. Nothing to worry about, okay?
44:44Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
44:49I said it's okay. I wasted those assholes, so don't worry.
44:53I love you!
44:55And I've always been watching you.
45:16Help me.
45:26What a fool!
45:28It thought we wouldn't notice.
45:31This must be the mother of the ones we just destroyed.
45:34This is the third theory.
45:37I wish that act had lasted a little longer. Bummer.
45:46I'll end up killing you. I just can't control it.
45:50Help me.
45:52Yo, Mr. Narrator!
45:54My consciousness hasn't been devoured yet. I take it she loves me a great deal.
45:59Not you. The one she loves is me.
46:02I can't fight it anymore.
46:05We can finish me.
46:07Yeah, I'll kill you.
46:30Such an inferior being, and trying to pull off such a lame stunt.
46:34Even though you're just lumps of meat, I'm not finished with you.
46:43Eat this!
46:48Your toys are of no use against us.
46:57As we said, it is of no use against us.
47:00You idiot!
47:02Oh, shit!
47:13Come on! Come and get me! I'll tear you apart!
47:32This guy won't even obey the laws of physics.
47:36What's the matter? Was that it? Was that all your true power?
47:43Fine. Time to get serious.
47:46Our duel is not over yet.
48:11Now the real work begins.
48:18Forget her. Why bother?
48:52You've got some interesting moves.
48:54Don't worry. One broke from this in your history.
48:58Thanks for your consideration.
49:11Prepare yourself!
49:21Won't you fall for the same trick again?
50:04Nice tits.
50:20It's obvious that you are exhausted.
50:22Even in my dark realm, the reconstruction of life takes more energy than anything else.
50:27Those guys must be finished.
50:41You have no one to blame but yourself.
50:47I've taken too long.
50:50He's here.
50:54We were just about to come looking for you.
50:58A coup de gras? That isn't like you at all.
51:01You look exhausted.
51:04Even so, shall we pick up our duel where we left off?
51:10Anytime you're ready, pal.
51:26Don't attempt to block his attacks directly or you'll surely die.
51:29I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me these things in advance.
51:32What with everything I did earlier, I'm pooped.
51:34Then flee!
51:35You make it sound like he's already won.
51:38You never told me it would be like this.
51:40The lord of the dark realm fleeing.
51:43I'll not permit it.
51:53In coming to this world, you've acquired all manner of human weaknesses.
51:58How can anyone scare you now, Yoda?
52:09He's one of them.
52:12Shut up.
52:17You should be ashamed of yourself.
52:21I did it to defeat you.
52:38Those punks in the lab were almost enough to destroy you.
52:41So much for the lord of the dark realm.
52:46If we get hit again, we're dead meat.
52:49Now what the fuck do we do?
52:55Badly wounded, I see.
52:58He's coming for me.
53:02It's only a matter of time now.
53:14You asshole! How could you?
53:20How could you?
53:22I'm sorry.
53:24I'm sorry.
53:26I'm sorry.
53:29How could you let the fairy master take you over?
53:40You've lost your soul.
53:43And you've defeated yourself.
53:45You who were once a master.
53:47Now look at you.
53:53Take your own fight.
53:59That horn will continue to bore slowly into you until you die.
54:04Savor the pain.
54:10As subjects of the dark realm, we had to endure your torments.
54:16And now, is this Beodo, lord of the dark realm?
54:21The time of our sweet vengeance is at hand.
54:29Face the truth!
54:41You deserve to be beaten to a pulp.
54:44Thanks to your foolish coward.
54:48You've lost your mind.
54:51I owe you my thanks.
54:53The pain from this horn has rendered my counterparts unconscious, and now I am in control.
54:59Now I can use my powers in any way I desire.
55:06Witness my powers!
55:09Beodo, you bastard!
56:06Oh shit!
56:08Oh shit!
56:11No, he's not on the third floor either.
56:13Oh, that idiot.
56:17Where is he?
56:31Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.
56:34No, stay away!
56:36This is not what it looks like!
56:41Now wait!
56:42Just wait for a minute, let me tell you what I just got for you!
56:56How long do you plan to hang around down there?
56:59Sandy, what was I supposed to be doing down here anyway?
57:02Beat me up.
57:36I'm sorry.
57:37I'm sorry.
57:38I'm sorry.
57:39I'm sorry.
57:40I'm sorry.
57:41I'm sorry.
57:42I'm sorry.
57:43I'm sorry.
57:44I'm sorry.
57:45I'm sorry.
57:46I'm sorry.
57:47I'm sorry.
57:48I'm sorry.
57:49I'm sorry.
57:50I'm sorry.
57:51I'm sorry.
57:52I'm sorry.
57:53I'm sorry.
57:54I'm sorry.
57:55I'm sorry.
57:56I'm sorry.
57:57I'm sorry.
57:58I'm sorry.
57:59I'm sorry.
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58:01I'm sorry.
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58:03I'm sorry.
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59:59I'm sorry.
00:00I'm sorry.