Sturm der Liebe Folge 4298 Im Hochzeitsfieber

  • yesterday
00:07Ich weiß, das war unser Plan, aber...
00:10Alles gut.
00:15Du musst dich nicht rechtfertigen.
00:20Haben Sie was herausgefunden?
00:24Was ist das Ergebnis der Gelenksfunktion?
00:31Ich habe immerhin Osteomobilismus.
00:38Ihr kennt euch?
00:40Miro hat den Beauty Salon im FĂŒrstendorf ĂŒbernommen.
00:43Ah, das bist du? Ui, cool.
00:47Kann mich mal jemand aufklÀren?
00:50Theo und ich kennen uns aus dem Computerkurs.
00:54Zwei Computernerds.
00:57In Sachen Computern kann man Theo wirklich nichts vormachen.
01:00Miro auch nicht.
01:02Michael, was ist los mit dir?
01:04Muss ich mich jetzt wirklich vor dir rechtfertigen, dass ich mich um meine Patienten kĂŒmmere?
01:10Sie hat keine Ahnung, mit wem sie sich da angelegt hat.
01:15Sie sind wirklich so eiskalt.
01:18Sie haben die Wahl.
01:21Entweder geht Markus ins GefÀngnis...
01:25...oder Ihre Tochter.
01:33Das können Sie nicht von mir verlangen.
01:35Immerhin lasse ich Ihnen die Wahl.
01:37Aber diese Aufnahme, die hat doch vor Gericht ĂŒberhaupt keinen Bestand.
01:40Und ĂŒberhaupt.
01:42Weswegen wollen Sie Markus jetzt ins GefÀngnis bringen?
01:44Er hat doch diesmal keinen Fehler gemacht.
01:45Ich finde immer Mittel und Wege.
01:48Damit die Beamten die Ermittlungen aufnehmen, reicht die Aufnahme allemal.
01:53Sie haben doch selbst Kinder.
01:55Maxi ist noch jung. Sie hat einen Fehler gemacht.
01:59Ja, Sie wollen Ihre Tochter schĂŒtzen, das verstehe ich.
02:03Und das können Sie auch.
02:05Wenn Sie mir helfen, Markus aus dem Weg zu rÀumen.
02:09Er hat mir gerade eben noch versichert, dass er nicht mehr gegen Sie arbeiten wird.
02:13Dass Sie diesem Mann auch nur noch eine Silbe glauben können.
02:16Bitte. Wir sind doch gerade alle auf einem guten Weg.
02:21Sie und Alexandra Schwarzbach, Sie bekommen die Wohnung, die Sie sich gewĂŒnscht haben.
02:25Und alle Anteilseigner arbeiten zusammen fĂŒr das Hotel.
02:28Das interessiert mich alles nicht.
02:31Ich will, dass dieser Querulant endgĂŒltig von hier verschwindet.
02:34Ich aber nicht.
02:37Frau Seifeld, es ist ganz simpel.
02:39Entweder Markus oder Maxi.
02:42Ihre Entscheidung.
02:45Ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie mir bis heute Nachmittag Bescheid geben.
02:50Sonst ĂŒbergebe ich das GestĂ€ndnis der Polizei.
03:05Es ist gar nichts los.
03:07Dann hÀttest du auch ins Telefon gehen können.
03:12Gestern im Krankenhaus war die Hölle los.
03:14Niemand hatte Zeit fĂŒr irgendetwas außer fĂŒr die Patienten.
03:17Ach, jetzt sind es die Patienten.
03:19Vorhin ging es um einen einzigen, einen komplizierten...
03:21Verstehst du es nicht?
03:22Du bist mit einem Arzt zusammen.
03:24Ich rette Menschenleben.
03:25Ich... ein bisschen VerstÀndnis.
03:27Ja, das wÀre schön.
03:29Ich habe VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr deinen Beruf.
03:31Ich verstehe nur nicht, warum du mich jetzt so behandelst.
03:33Weil ich mich nicht permanent rechtfertigen möchte.
03:35Und ich habe keine Lust, hier weiter den Blitzableiter zu spielen.
03:38Wenn du alles kaputt machen willst, dann mach genauso weiter.
03:52Stimmt so, danke.
03:54Bei mir auch.
03:55Sehr lieb, dankeschön.
03:56Dann wĂŒnsche ich euch noch einen schönen Tag.
03:58Sie auch.
03:59Sie auch.
04:02Ein Computerkurs mit Theo.
04:04Also, die Welt ist so klein.
04:06Ist das auch dein Hobby?
04:08Nee, das war nur so Interesse halber.
04:10Ich habe da mal reingeschnuppert, aber das war nichts fĂŒr mich.
04:12Naja, fĂŒr mich auch nicht.
04:13Ich bin schon froh, wenn ich das Schreibprogramm einigermaßen hinbekomme.
04:17Wo wohnst du eigentlich zur Zeit?
04:19Seit ein paar Tagen in der Pension.
04:21Aber jetzt habe ich den Job herbekommen und jetzt suche ich dringend was anderes.
04:24Ja, man sollte es nicht meinen, aber es ist gar nicht so einfach in Bichlheim.
04:28Kann ich mir vorstellen.
04:29Es ist echt mega schön hier.
04:30Aber was suchst du denn?
04:31Ich könnte mich ja mal fĂŒr dich umhören.
04:33Ich weiß nicht.
04:34Irgendwie was typisch Bichlheim-mĂ€ĂŸig Schönes.
04:37Nein, ich meinte, wie groß soll es sein?
04:40Ziehst du alleine ein oder zu zweit oder mit Familie?
04:43Mir reicht ein Zimmer.
04:44Ich bin nicht so anspruchsvoll.
04:46HĂ€tte ich gar nicht gedacht.
04:49Naja, dass so ein netter Typ wie du Single ist.
04:52Ah, okay.
04:56Ja, ich muss los.
04:57Vielleicht sehen wir uns mal wieder hier.
05:00Der Apfelstrudel ist ja sensationell.
05:01Ja, ist eine SpezialitÀt der Besitzerin.
05:29Oh, was machst du denn hier?
05:36Magst du auch einen Tee?
05:38Ja, sehr gern.
05:39Ich musste einfach mal von zu Hause raus.
05:41Ah, und da dachtest du, du schaust mal im Hotel vorbei.
05:45Und ich dachte, ihr plant im Kopf schon euren Umzug nach Gut Thalheim.
05:49Ja, im Kopf vielleicht schon.
05:54Gibt's ein Problem?
06:00Wir sind Zweifel bekommen.
06:02Naja, was heißt Zweifel, Lalle?
06:04Du hast selbst gesagt, dass ich gerade mit Vincent den Traum lebe,
06:07den ich eigentlich mit Philipp hatte.
06:09Es ist einfach ein komischer Zufall.
06:11Aber ein guter, gib's zu.
06:13Außerdem warst du glĂŒcklich mit Vincent,
06:15bis dieser Typ dazwischen gefunkt hat.
06:17Ja, fĂŒr Philipp war es ein Schock,
06:19dass ich mit Vincent jetzt nach Thalheim gehe.
06:22Wir fragen das Universum.
06:24Teebeutel tun's auch, wenn's grad keinen Kaffeesatz gibt.
06:29Und was hast du fĂŒr eine Botschaft fĂŒr mich, oh magischer Teebeutel?
06:33Oh, magische Anna, es geht alles auf einmal so rasend schnell.
06:38Nur deshalb stellst du es in Frage, aber hab Vertrauen.
06:43Du hast dich fĂŒr den richtigen Mann und den richtigen Weg entschieden.
06:50Danke, magischer Teebeutel.
06:55Oh, ich geh da mal ran.
06:58Hi, Shirin.
07:00Na, BĂ€rsch.
07:02Ich Personalraum, da tackle ich um Anna-Burta.
07:04Seine Abhissen.
07:28Na, Computerexperte.
07:30Danke, dass du mitgespielt hast.
07:32Ach, klar.
07:37Weißt du, ich find, es muss ja nicht direkt jeder wissen,
07:39dass ich in Therapie bin.
07:41Ich hab den Job erst seit kurzem.
07:43Ja, klar, das kann ich wohl verstehen.
07:45Mir ging das am Anfang ganz genauso.
07:47Von mir erfÀllt keiner was.
07:51Bist du eigentlich noch bei Dr. Steiner?
07:53Ich hab dich schon lange nicht mehr da gesehen.
07:55Ich hab nur einen neuen Termin-Slot.
07:57Ah, okay.
08:01Und wie geht's dir damit?
08:03Ich meine, bist du zufrieden mit der Therapie?
08:08Ja, ich hab ziemlich was zu verarbeiten,
08:10aber ich glaub, ich bin auf einem guten Weg.
08:17Ich bin ĂŒbrigens noch auf Wohnungssuche,
08:19also falls du irgendwas weißt...
08:22Ich glaub, ich weiß da sogar wirklich was.
08:25Ja, das könnte passen.
08:28Wie geht's dir aus der Mannschaft?
08:30Hast du eine GĂŒlschirr?
08:32Alter, wir haben Shirin kaputt gemacht, die GĂŒlschirr.
08:35Oh, ich hab tolle Nachrichten.
08:37Shirin kommt in drei Wochen mit Gary zu Besuch.
08:40Ah, wie schön.
08:44Wenn die zwei schon da sind,
08:45wÀr's doch toll, wenn die auf meiner Hochzeit da wÀren, oder?
08:48Ja, wenn du in drei Wochen heiraten willst.
08:53Nein, das ist eine total blöde Idee.
08:55Na, wieso?
08:56Wie soll ich das dann schaffen?
08:57Fotograf, Hochzeitslocation, Brautkleid, Essen, Einladung...
09:02Ja, jetzt red doch mal mit Theo.
09:03Also, wenn ihr das durchziehen wollt,
09:04dann wĂŒrde ich euch noch auf jeden Fall helfen.
09:06Nein, das schaffe ich nicht.
09:07NatĂŒrlich, Lale, das schafft ihr.
09:09Ich helfe euch.
09:11Ja, es geht ja immerhin um Liebe,
09:12und Liebe verleiht bekanntlich FlĂŒgel,
09:14und die anderen werden euch bestimmt auch helfen.
09:15Okay, okay, okay.
09:16Oh Gott, was wird Theo dazu sagen?
09:18Lass ihn uns fragen.
09:29Warum können wir uns eigentlich nicht ein bisschen was von der Leichtigkeit
09:32hier mit in den Alltag nehmen?
09:34Es klingt...
09:40Dann lass es uns doch versuchen.
09:42Egal, was zwischen unseren Familien steht.
09:45Ganz egal.
09:58Dass ich hier bin, das hat zwei GrĂŒnde.
10:01Zum einen natĂŒrlich, um dich zu besuchen.
10:03Und wer oder was ist das Geheimnis von der zweiten?
10:07Das ist kein Knussen Tölz.
10:09Weil ich da vermutlich, wahrscheinlich, also ziemlich sicher,
10:14die Studie fĂŒr meine Doktorarbeit machen kann.
10:17Was denkst du?
10:19Eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Freude hĂ€ttest du mir gar nicht machen können.
10:28Hey, Katja.
10:30Da bist du.
10:36Was ist denn los?
10:42Hat der böse Christoph schon wieder was ausgeheckt, um uns zu Àrgern?
10:46Dabei bin ich doch nur wirklich gerade so handzahm,
10:48um des lieben Friedens willen.
10:51Hey, was ist denn?
10:53Ach, ich hab nur das GefĂŒhl, es ist irgendwie so eine ErkĂ€ltung im Anmarsch.
10:58Eine ErkÀltung.
11:02Hm, ja.
11:04Na dann.
11:07Nichts wie ab ins Bett.
11:09Krankenpflege ist eine meiner Parallelungen.
11:12Ich mach dir einen schönen Tee.
11:34Hallo, Herr Seifelt.
11:36Die Inventur ist eingezogen.
11:39Die Inventur ist eingezogen.
11:51Also, die Inventur.
11:53Sobald Sie alles beisammen haben, bitte die Unterlagen an die Anteilseigner verteilen.
12:01Wird gemacht.
12:09Haben Sie nochmal mit Markus gesprochen?
12:11Nicht direkt.
12:13Aber er hat mitbekommen, dass wir zusammenarbeiten.
12:16Ihre Entschuldigung hat also nicht gefruchtet.
12:19Ja, so wie ich es sehr vorausgesagt habe.
12:23Heißt das, ich halte mich in Sachen Markus jetzt erstmal zurĂŒck?
12:26Wir haben eine Abmachung.
12:28Und an die halten Sie sich.
12:31Sobald Sie was mitbekommen, berichten Sie mir.
12:34Ich glaube zwar nicht, dass Sie Erfolg haben werden, aber das ist letztendlich auch egal.
12:40Haben Sie etwas schon an Plan?
12:44Es wird sich schon alles fĂŒgen.
12:47Markus ist nicht mehr lange mein Problem.
13:06Dr. Vincent Ritter, Miro Falk.
13:09Freut mich sehr.
13:10Freut mich sehr.
13:12Miro ist ein alter Bekannter von mir.
13:14Er ĂŒbernimmt ab jetzt hier den Beauty Salon.
13:18Schön, dann komme ich mal vorbei.
13:20Gerne, jederzeit.
13:21Also, warum ich dich suche.
13:23Bei euch wird doch bald ein Zimmer frei.
13:33Ja, so war ein zweites, weil Anna und ich gehen nach Guthalheim.
13:39Oh, das ist ja schön, das freut mich fĂŒr euch.
13:41Oh mein Gott.
13:44Sie sind der neue Friseur?
13:45Ja und Barber.
13:46Und Barber.
13:47Miro, freut mich.
13:48Lale Jalan.
13:49Hast du kurz eine Minute?
13:51Ja, klar, was gibt es denn?
13:52Können wir draußen reden?
13:53Ja, klar, was Sie nehmen?
13:56Yes, they're all really nice here.
14:03Yes, we are a great community here at the FĂŒrstenhof.
14:07What about the room? I'm really a very easygoing roommate. I can cook, bake and iron.
14:13Yes, for God's sake, I'd love to, but we have to ask my roommate. She decides in the end.
14:18Ah, okay, because you're moving out soon.
14:20Exactly, but I don't see a problem with that. Cool.
14:25Your petit-fous are just unbeatably good. Just like everything about you.
14:33Haven't you had a chance to talk to your boyfriend yet? Is he still pulling back from you?
14:40Um, Julia? Yes?
14:42I'll be right back, okay? Of course.
14:45Let's go outside for a moment.
14:56Well, to be honest, it's getting worse and worse.
15:03Michael didn't come home last night.
15:06And when I called him, he didn't answer.
15:10This morning he said there was too much going on at the clinic.
15:15But that happens.
15:17Yes, but I don't believe him.
15:20What else could be the reason?
15:23Why else would you stay away at night?
15:26You think he might have an affair?
15:31That's unlikely.
15:33Then he would be more careful and wouldn't just not come home that night.
15:39I think he...
15:41You're projecting something.
15:46You mean that with Erik?
15:50Yes, could be.
15:52Still, I want to be with Michael.
15:56I would do anything for it.
16:01Something's driving him.
16:04I can feel it.
16:08And he's totally blocking me.
16:11He doesn't realize how we're drifting apart.
16:13Well, you both have to participate if you want to have a relationship.
16:21Maybe something else is driving him.
16:25Maybe his love for you has nothing to do with it.
16:29But why doesn't he talk to me?
16:33Come on.
16:35Talk to him again.
16:37There must be a plausible explanation for his behavior.
16:47Knock, knock, knock.
16:48Come in.
16:53Dear lady.
16:57Here's your ginger tea with honey and lemon.
17:00A few vitamins and a little hip gold.
17:06You're cute.
17:08Man, you really look awful.
17:12Is there anything I can do for you?
17:14Can I get you something from the pharmacy?
17:16Everything's fine.
17:17I think I just need to sleep a little.
17:19Then I'll be fine again.
17:38You really shouldn't stay here.
17:41There must be something I can do.
17:43Yes, that's true.
17:46Maybe a hot water bottle.
17:49Everything's fine, Markus.
17:52You don't look like it.
17:56Get some rest.
17:59I'll look for you again later.
18:39I've already prepared a few things for our move.
18:43Among other things, Maxi and I now have a new roommate, Miro Falk.
18:48Ah, the one who took over the beauty salon in the hotel.
18:51And that's a good thing for both of us, because Maxi doesn't have to pay the rent alone and Miro has a room now.
18:56Yes, that's true.
18:57And then I've already talked to people who would take over my practice.
19:02You're really pushing it.
19:03Yes, why not?
19:05Well, we don't even know exactly when we're going to Thalheim.
19:08It doesn't matter when. The main thing is that it happens.
19:22Anna, I'm just so looking forward to our future together.
19:26And it starts right here and now.
19:54Cheers, gentlemen.
19:58Oh, wait a minute.
20:02I've got a present for you.
20:06Oh, cider with pear flavor. Tasty.
20:09A representative from Dahn left a whole box here.
20:12And we're the little test rabbits and stuff like that.
20:14If it's good, I'll take it with us in our assortment.
20:18That's definitely a good alternative with little alcohol.
20:22Oh, tell me.
20:24Have you actually gotten to know our new colleague a little better?
20:30The one you put the rumor in the world about?
20:32He would be interested in men.
20:34I didn't at all.
20:36I just talked a little bit about him with Hanno.
20:38And we'll figure it out.
20:40He's totally nice.
20:41But somehow I won't look that smart.
20:45I told you.
20:46That's why he's not gay right away.
20:48Whether you're gay or lesbian these days.
20:53Or anything else.
20:55I just don't understand why he doesn't go out.
20:58Maybe because he's not homosexual at all.
21:02Sure, you didn't get a discount in his salon, even though you let your whole charm play.
21:07There's only one explanation for that, of course.
21:10I get it now.
21:15In one point I have to agree with you.
21:19There must be something in his life that he doesn't want to talk about.
21:24I wanted to support him with his search for an apartment.
21:27And then of course I asked him if he was coming alone or if he was bringing someone.
21:30Maybe even a whole family.
21:32And then he was suddenly in a hurry.
21:35Well, he hasn't said goodbye yet, but...
21:38He has a secret.
21:41I find that very exciting.
21:44Don't spread the next rumor, okay?
21:47I'm not doing that.
21:49But I'll probably be allowed to speculate a little.
21:51No, don't.
22:00I can see that.
22:13I didn't know him at all.
22:17We're getting married!
22:19Yes, we know that.
22:21So we are the two who were involved in your engagement.
22:25Yes, but we're getting married in three weeks.
22:27Hey, I didn't want to say that.
22:29That fast?
22:30Yes, because Shirin and Gerry are coming to visit.
22:32But of course you are our number one guest of honor.
22:36Yes, but we won't be there in three weeks.
22:39We took a vacation.
22:41We want to go to Leander and Eleni to Tanzania.
22:45And visit Charlotte.
22:46That's Leander's grandmother.
22:49Oh, that's nice.
22:51Yes, but stupid for us.
22:53Well, then we'll postpone the wedding until you're back.
22:56Oh, come on.
22:58That's out of the question at all.
22:59Oh, Gerry and Shirin, that's your family.
23:01We're not that important there.
23:03Yes, exactly.
23:04We'll just celebrate when we get home.
23:08You won't be mad at us?
23:11But if we can somehow help with the preparations ...
23:14No way.
23:15Yes, we have to manage something.
23:17Lalle can do it.
23:30Yes, please.
23:33Oh, Mrs. Neubach.
23:34Dr. NiederwĂŒhl.
23:35Dr. NiederwĂŒhl.
23:37I hope you don't take this as an exaggeration,
23:40but I did some research.
23:44About Manus Immobilis?
23:47I understand that as a doctor it is particularly difficult
23:50to suddenly become self-patient.
23:53Nevertheless, you should get a therapy as soon as possible.
23:56Mrs. Neubach, thank you very much, but ...
24:03Excuse me.
24:07I'm sorry I left you alone earlier.
24:10Can we have lunch together and talk?
24:12No, I'm sorry.
24:14I ...
24:15Excuse me, I ...
24:17I can't right now.
24:19I'll call you back, okay?
24:22See you later.
24:28Nicole, my life partner.
24:31I haven't told you yet, and ...
24:38You know how important
24:40staying away from the family environment is.
24:43Especially with such a typical disease.
24:47But I don't know if my relationship can take it.
24:51If it can break it.
24:53If the stiffening of my fingers will progress.
24:55And how far, and whether a second medication ...
24:57Excuse me, if I may interject,
24:58but you can straighten Ed Weigel right away.
25:03For a young doctor, you are surprisingly resolute.
25:06I came across something in my research.
25:09The immunosuppressants have a completely new therapy approach,
25:13which looks very promising.
25:19Here, look.
25:20That's pretty cool, the restaurant.
25:23Cool, but not romantic.
25:25Yes, that's true.
25:27Even if you don't admit it,
25:29deep down there is a little romantic discovery.
25:33I'm just saying EnzianhĂŒtte.
25:36Do you like that?
25:37No, it's too cheesy.
25:41What do you think of it?
25:43An excursion steamer
25:45that you can book for private events.
25:52That's expensive.
25:54Maybe I should have married Anna after all.
25:57No, don't worry, it's already booked.
26:00Doesn't matter.
26:01We are young and creative,
26:03and we will find something that we both like.
26:06Okay, creative.
26:08If you had all the possibilities,
26:10what would you do?
26:15Then I would have to ask the coffee set.
26:41Come in.
26:48Do you have a moment for me?
26:55Did you hear that Anna and I are going to Talheim?
27:01Yes, she told me.
27:06I will not only sell my practice,
27:08but also no longer work as a support leader.
27:11Sounds logical.
27:13I wanted to offer,
27:14in the search for a successor...
27:16I think that's fine.
27:17I'm sure we'll find you quickly.
27:25I will still have to talk to the boss
27:27about your term of office.
27:30It's quite surprising for everyone
27:32that you are suddenly leaving.
27:38It's not as if Anna hadn't already planned it.
27:45What's that?
27:55What do you see there? I don't see anything.
27:57One moment.
28:01Oh, I see a dog.
28:04A dog? That one?
28:05That's more like a deer.
28:07No, that's a dog.
28:10And what does that mean?
28:14Let's just keep looking online.
28:16Maybe it still makes sense.
28:18Or maybe not.
28:20Theo, something is wrong.
28:23Theo, one day you will believe the coffee sentence.
28:27Yes, yes.
28:56Are you asleep?
29:09How are you?
29:10Markus said you were sick.
29:15You're lucky you don't have a fever.
29:18I used to do that with you.
29:20Now you're the doctor.
29:23I don't have to be a doctor to see that you're not well.
29:28Do you have a sore throat?
29:29A little.
29:31A headache?
29:33No, just a dull feeling.
29:38Maybe I can sleep well.
29:41And if that doesn't work, I'll go to the pharmacy and get you something.
29:44Markus said that already.
29:46No, but I can get you something stronger, something prescriptive.
29:52Maxi, sometimes pills don't help.
29:54You just have to get through it.
29:57Mum, not with a cold.
29:59I would really like to try to sleep now.
30:06If you need anything, let me know, okay?
30:08I'm here.
30:09I will.
30:33Your Marlowe.
30:35You're welcome.
30:50I don't want to disturb you at work.
30:52You already have.
30:54I wanted to make an appointment with you for dinner tonight.
30:57I have reserved a table for us and then there is a little surprise.
31:02Where did you reserve it?
31:03I won't tell you.
31:06And what the surprise is probably not either.
31:08Because it's...
31:09If there was no surprise here, it would only be half the fun.
31:13Will you tell me what we're celebrating today?
31:16Well, we're getting married.
31:19We're renting our own apartment in OstflĂŒgel.
31:22Yes, that's right.
31:24Well, then we have to invite Markus today, too.
31:32Now don't look like that.
31:34But that with the apartment would not have worked without Markus' approval.
31:40We should see this as a model for the future.
31:43Decisions are made objectively, without emotions and, above all, without unnecessary conflicts.
31:53What's so funny about it?
31:56Nothing, nothing.
31:58You're right, as always.
32:01When we finally let go of this little war, we can all devote ourselves completely to business and the beautiful sides of life.
32:18All good.
32:19All good.
32:21I just can't grasp my happiness.
32:39By the way, thanks for the washing-up. You weren't even there.
32:42I didn't wash up.
32:46The new...
32:51Did you wash up?
32:52Uh, yes.
32:53Was that wrong?
32:54Of course not.
32:55Everyone who washes up is welcome here.
32:56Or participates in the housework.
32:59You're acting as if we don't have our cleaning plan under control.
33:02Of course we do.
33:03But now we can do even better in three days.
33:06Tell me, didn't Yvonne give us this pear and cedar?
33:08Shall we try it?
33:09Good idea.
33:11Sounds very good, but no alcohol for me at the moment.
33:14Ah, good that we have everything there.
33:16Also alcohol-free sacks.
33:17A glass of wine for the lady.
33:23So, let's see how this cider tastes.
33:28Thank you very much.
33:33It's good.
33:36To our new roommate.
33:37And from now on, please.
33:38To you.
33:39With pleasure.
33:40Is that also for me?
33:41Even though I live in a flat lower?
33:48To our new roommate.
33:53Not bad at all.
33:54Feedback to Yvonne.
33:55She's happy.
33:57Miro, if you need help with hauling or unpacking, let me know.
34:02You don't know what you're getting yourself into.
34:04I have several trucks out there.
34:06But you do know that you only get one room.
34:08Yes, don't panic.
34:09If I need help, I'll get in touch.
34:11You're welcome, Vincent.
34:13Cheers again.
34:16That was a total attack in the bathroom.
34:19I definitely don't want to get married in that shed.
34:22The photos on the Internet were actually pretty cool.
34:25Did you see the curtains?
34:26They were already moldy.
34:27They must have been 120 years old, like the photos.
34:30They must have been digitally reworked.
34:33The curtains.
34:36Now we're exactly at the same point as before.
34:39All locations that come up in question are either booked out or far too expensive.
34:42Or both.
34:43Or the horror episode from before.
34:46Theo, maybe it was a bad idea to get married in three weeks.
34:49Yes, but if we postpone the date, then Gerry and Shirin can't come.
34:53That would be stupid.
34:54Without Shirin, I would never have ended up in Bichelheim.
34:57And we would never have...
34:59What is it?
35:02So what?
35:04A dog.
35:05You've never seen a dog before.
35:06It must belong to someone.
35:07It's a sign.
35:10Oh, you mean because of your coffee set?
35:12He wants to show us something.
35:13Come on, Theo.
35:14Follow me.
35:15Come on.
35:17That can't be true.
35:26Come on.
35:29This way.
35:30Down, please.
35:31Come on.
35:43It's great that you have time.
35:46May I bring you something?
35:48Oh, a teapot.
35:49Come on.
35:52Alexandra, I...
35:53I just don't know what to do.
35:55I followed your advice and suggested to Michael that we talk it out.
36:01Did he refuse?
36:03Not directly.
36:04We talked on the phone and he was so short-tempered again.
36:08He said he would contact us.
36:10But he hasn't done that yet.
36:14I mean, I understand if he has so much to do.
36:18But you could at least leave a message, right?
36:22I apologized to him this morning because I whistled at him and just left.
36:31How did he react?
36:33He said he was sorry, too.
36:36But more than that, I just don't understand why he's acting up again.
36:41Or whatever he's doing.
36:45I had the feeling on the phone that he wasn't alone.
36:50How do you come up with that?
36:53Female intuition.
36:59I don't think there's another woman behind it.
37:06You tried everything to get close to him.
37:09You signaled willingness to talk.
37:13If he's so short-tempered,
37:15maybe that means he's in such a deep crisis that he can't see a way out.
37:20And he doesn't want to burden you with it.
37:23But we're a couple.
37:25You talk to each other when you have problems.
37:28And you want the other person's support.
37:30Of course.
37:32But you have to deal with some things on your own.
37:35Or at least believe that.
37:40Like you did after your accident, when you withdrew.
37:43And you couldn't even let Christoph get close to you.
37:48But even you came back at some point.
37:52And your relationship is more stable than ever.
37:57Only patience helps.
37:59If you have it.
38:02I don't know.
38:06With all due respect.
38:08I just wish for a sign from Michael.
38:11We're getting more and more alienated.
38:25And now?
38:28Shh! Be quiet!
38:34There he is!
38:57I think our star of Bethlehem has gone mad.
39:00He's sitting somewhere and sniffing at his tail or something.
39:05Yeah, right.
39:08I told you, a coffee break isn't the solution.
39:10Yeah, okay. That was a stupid idea.
39:14Do you have any idea where we are?
39:17In the forest?
39:19Yeah, right. Now we're lost.
39:22Do we know the way?
39:29The dog is gone.
39:31Good. We came from over there.
39:40Let's go.
40:34Are you looking for my cell phone?
40:37Ms. Saalfeld, if you want to play like this,
40:40I can hand over the recordings of your daughter to the police.
40:44No! Please!
40:46I just don't know what to do.
40:49Well, at least you have a choice.
40:54You can also decide for Markus.
40:59Besides, your daughter should learn to stand up for her actions.
41:04She's grown up.
41:06And you?
41:08You have the audacity to record a private conversation in secret.
41:13It's not like she agreed to everything.
41:21Of course I hope you'll decide against Markus and for Maxi.
41:26For purely selfish reasons.
41:30But if you prefer your daughter to be convicted,
41:33she'll be convicted,
41:35she'll be punished, she'll lose her probation,
41:38she'll never be able to practice again.
41:41No! Of course not!
41:47I didn't expect anything else.
41:54So you're helping me to get Markus to where he belongs.
41:59Behind bars.
42:20At least you have a network.
42:22Very weak.
42:24When I try to zoom in, nothing works.
42:26How could I be so stupid to follow a dog?
42:30No, wait a minute. Actually, I followed you.
42:33I said I'm sorry.
42:35Yes, but it was too late.
42:37Can we stop now and think about how to get out of here?
42:41Yes, okay. You know the way. You always know everything better.
42:45That way.
42:47No, this way.
42:51You really have no idea, do you?
42:53You really have no idea, do you?
42:55There's no coffee here either.
42:57Wait a minute. I once saw in an episode of Set Out in the Jungle
43:01that you're supposed to follow the river.
43:03But there's no river here.
43:05Yes, that's right.
43:07Okay, then let's just go straight ahead.
43:09At some point we'll get to a street.
43:11After all, it's not the Amazon here.
43:13Although, that would be a river, right?
43:15Can you at least make sure we don't go in a circle on your cell phone?
43:17I'll try.
43:19Let's see it positively
43:20and as an adventure we can tell our grandchildren about.
43:24You mean ...
43:26Back then, when your grandma was still young and bright,
43:29we wandered through the forest for days,
43:32because she had a message from a dog.
43:35And then, after a long time, we had to decide.
43:39Do we eat us or do we eat the rabbits?
43:43I'll think about getting married again.
43:46Show me the way, Milady.
43:48I will.
43:50Let's go.
43:57There he is again.
43:59Oh no!
44:22There you are.
44:24Here you go.
44:31Oh, you want to put it down first.
44:33Wait, I'll help you.
44:35Come on.
44:37So, be careful with the glass.
44:39Did you cook?
44:43I'd like to take a seat, please.
44:46I'll get straight to the point,
44:48so we can enjoy all of this from now on.
44:54I treated myself ...
44:56like an idiot.
44:58And I'm sorry about that.
45:00I didn't want to hurt you.
45:02I know I did.
45:05And ...
45:07I'm sorry.
45:09I'm sorry.
45:11I'm sorry.
45:12I'm sorry.
45:14I'm sorry.
45:17I just didn't understand.
45:19As I said,
45:21it was a very complex diagnosis.
45:24It looked hopeless for a long time.
45:27For the patient.
45:30And I had to hide everything.
45:33Including you, my dear.
45:35To find a therapy
45:37that would
45:39provide healing.
45:43Did you do it?
45:47I hope so.
46:30Are you okay?
46:34I'm okay.
46:56I think we got him.
46:58Me too.
47:00This place is ...
47:02It's magical.
47:06It's magical.
47:07This place is ...
47:09It's magical.
47:13We're getting married!
47:37Because you look happy.
47:39We are!
47:40I told you.
47:42But we don't make any demands on each other
47:44and are not obliged to anything else.
47:46And maybe that's why it's going so well.
47:51I think it's better
47:52if I talk to him.
47:54If that's okay with you.
47:56Bad news?
47:58My father only sends
48:00pictures of his wedding.
48:02Don't you want to look at them?
48:04Now I have to look at the reading device first.
48:08These are really
48:10pure formalities.
48:12Reading can save you.
48:16It's good that we trust each other so much.