Big Brother's Ryan from Blackpool chats to us post eviction

  • 16 hours ago
Celeb reporter Aimee Seddon chats to Blackpool man Ryan who was the first housemte to be evicted from the Big Brother house this year


00:00Hi, I'm digital reporter Amy Seddon and today I got to chat to Blackpool man Ryan who was
00:06the first housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house this year. In the following
00:11clip, find out what Ryan was surprised to be evicted, if he had any regrets, what he
00:16made of the experience overall and what his highs and lows were.
00:20Are you expecting him to be evicted?
00:23Yes and no. I think when I've come out and seen things and the way the sort of narrative
00:28was on Twitter and the BT and the fact it was vote to evict, I think it could have been
00:34a little bit of a different story if it wasn't vote to evict, it was vote to save. And also
00:38just because when the nomination, obviously looking back now of it, when they've announced
00:42it and went for eviction, people put the vote in straight away. So it was still being drugged
00:46on before rather than what I was like in the house I think. And I think if people waited
00:52or the vote was later on, it might have been a different story again. But if, buts and
00:57maybes and what not. So yeah, I wasn't really, when I found out it was vote to evict, I was
01:01sort of knew that it was going to be because I heard the boos and I knew there was something
01:05to do with the BT about what I said. So I sort of expected it.
01:09So if you were to go back and do it all again, would you have acted differently in any way?
01:15In the house, I wouldn't have changed anything that I acted. I was literally myself, tried
01:19to be a bit mischievous, have a joke, but again, didn't want to hurt anybody or upset
01:22anybody. And I got on with everyone in the house. I was like, I didn't get put up by
01:27anyone in the house because obviously it's a different way of getting nominated. And
01:30yeah, everyone said I was like funny and entertaining in the house and liked to have a laugh. So
01:35I wouldn't change anything in the house. And the BT, it's sort of out of my hands anyway,
01:39because it's a 40 minute video interview that gets clipped to 40 seconds. So yeah, I can't,
01:44I would have potentially changed that judging by the narrative. But at the same time, I
01:48didn't mean anything by it. It wasn't meant maliciously. It's sort of like a tongue in
01:52cheek comment. But that isn't a reflection of how I am. But all I would want is a bit
01:57more time and people might have judged me differently in there. But yeah, I wouldn't
02:01change anything.
02:02So we talked about your experience in there. Was it what you expected?
02:06Yes, and yes, and probably more so than what I expected. Like, I think when you see it
02:12on TV, why are people getting upset? Why are people getting emotional about this? Everything's
02:16intensified by times 10. So it was actually more intense than I thought. And the day seemed a lot
02:21longer. You do lose track of time. You forget the cameras are there. And yeah, it lived up to my
02:26expectations. And I was really buzzing for the first time in the dining room, sitting in the
02:30chair. And even when they announced all your suitcases are ready for collection, they were
02:34like iconic moments. I used to remember watching it. So it's like living in a dream and living my
02:38dream out. So it was actually more and better. And like hearing Big Brother's voice for the
02:42first time, every time he pops up saying this is Big Brother, you shit yourself, to be honest,
02:46because you don't know what's coming. And there's conspiracies that are going on in there. You're
02:49like, oh, is it cos of this? And you start losing your head a little bit. But it lived up to my
02:54expectations and some.
02:56And could you perhaps highlight a best and worst moment from your time?
03:01Definitely worst was the scoring. That was way more intense than it ever looked. Because you're
03:08in there from, I think we went in that night. So all day Sunday, we're waiting to go in. And then
03:12Sunday night, they kept us up to 6am. And then we had to get up at 9am. You're just throwing in
03:18this mad thing. It felt like a weird Duke of Edinburgh experience for people you don't know.
03:22You're on like tin food and stuff. I know it sounds like I'm trying to play violin, but you're
03:26using tin food and stuff like that. And you're just tired. The photo got ripped. You're just
03:30readjusting to this life. So that was definitely the worst moment in there. And then the best
03:35moments, I had a few highlights, but I don't think it's ever had me in. I did this really
03:39good play. I was telling a few dad jokes and Blackpool was highlighted in there. So I did
03:42try and get a few pointers in for Blackpool, obviously, but I don't think they would have
03:46shown them. And then just the jokes and laughing. There were so many moments of laughter. With
03:51Marcello specifically, which I think was three hours I was laughing when my belly was hurting
03:56and cheeks were hurting.
