• last year
Having a password manager is one of the best ways to help keep your privacy and security in check. But what one is best for you and why? In this video, I’ll go over some of the best options available.

Apple Keychain: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/mchlf375f392/mac
Minimalist: https://minimalistpassword.com
Bitwarden: https://bitwarden.com
1Password: https://1password.com

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/what-password-manager-should-you-use
Newsletter: https://macjunky.com/newsletter
Contact: https://macjunky.com/contact

#apple #mac #consulting #coaching #training #business #tech #technology #minimalism #simplicity


00:00So this video is actually going to be quite a short one.
00:02I received an email earlier today or last night, but I saw it today and
00:09the person asked me what password manager they should use.
00:15So if that person is listening in or watching the reason I didn't
00:21email you or you didn't receive any emails because it bounced back
00:25to me, but I thought I'd make a quick video with the question that
00:28he had hopefully he'll see this video and contact me again and it
00:33will help you as well.
00:36The question was one of the questions was where was where what
00:42password manager should one use now?
00:45I have made a video a brief video about this a while back actually,
00:51but I'll go over it again.
00:53So there are several password managers.
00:57Now one password was one of the original ones and I used to use that.
01:01I don't like using anymore.
01:03No reason other than the fact.
01:07I think it's just a bit too bloated for a simple password manager.
01:11The one that comes with your Mac is probably the best one.
01:16It's called keychain.
01:17It will sync with all your devices.
01:20Now there are some things that it can't do.
01:23But generally because it comes with the Mac, it's it's it just works
01:28and it works really well.
01:29It's can be a pain to do some things with it, but keychains probably
01:37the best one out of the box.
01:39Now if you want to pay for one one password is another I'm going to
01:46put links to all of these down below so don't you don't have to keep
01:50writing down bit Warden is an open source.
01:55I think it's an open source one.
01:56It's actually very secure.
01:58It's a free one, but you can pay for it for a few more functions.
02:01Now the difference between keychain and all these other ones is that
02:06all these other ones work with all browsers.
02:09Whereas the keychain generally just works with Safari and you want
02:14something if you're using Firefox and God forbid you're using Chrome.
02:20What's the other one the one that I use I like using is minimalist
02:26password again that works like one password and it works like bit
02:30Warden but it's an Apple centric one.
02:34So that's actually a pretty good one.
02:37So put the links to all of these below if you have any questions, let
02:40me know there'll be a link here to contact me and don't forget to
02:45I have to say that now anyway, have a great day and I'll see you in
02:49the next one.