• 2 weeks ago
There are many ways you can keep your Apple Mac secure. In this video, I’ll go through the most important and give some tips on how to keep your data safe, secure and away from prying eyes.

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00:00As an Apple consultant and a Mac junkie over the years, I've seen thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Macs and when I'm with the client, they often ask me how can I keep my Mac secure.
00:17It's kind of a big question because there's so many things that you kind of have to do so many things you need to do and some things that you don't need to do because you because you've been told doesn't mean that you need to do it.
00:32So in this video, what I'm going to do is try to go through some of the things I always tell my clients.
00:40The first thing is to have a password on your Mac.
00:43Obviously, this is the most obvious thing.
00:46So no one if someone gets access to your Mac, you want a good password just like you have a good password anywhere else.
00:55So they can't get into it because once they get into your computer, they have access to what's called the keychain and the keychain holds passwords to your bank and everything else.
01:06So having a secure password is kind of top of the list or the first thing on the list that you should definitely do.
01:13Now secure means different things to different people secure means someone accessing your data.
01:21But obviously secure also means not having any kind of attacks external attacks.
01:27The external attack thing is more to do with you actually Max and the OS the operating system is kind of locked down.
01:41So without it without you giving access to those things and this is 99.9% true.
01:49This is there's a small minority of things that can happen without what you do, but generally that's not going to be you.
01:58But so having it secure externally is basically upon you and you giving access.
02:06So unless you put your password into the computer, nothing pretty much is going to give get access to you.
02:14So again goes back to having a secure password.
02:17So having all these the PC's actually and I'm not a Mac PC type person use a PC if that's what you need to do.
02:24But between a Mac and a PC the Mac is way more secure because with a PC there are so many ways that it can get attacked without having your password.
02:36So many ways on an Apple is extremely rare.
02:40So again, it's not a Mac PC thing.
02:43I'm just telling you how things work basically.
02:47So the obvious question is do I need something on my computer to help me fend off these things?
02:56Well two schools of thought and I don't believe in one of them.
03:03The school of thought is you should have an antivirus and whatever.
03:06So a virus let's talk about the virus thing a virus only happens when you do something to it again.
03:16It's not an automatic thing.
03:17So do you need an antivirus?
03:20I haven't had one for the past 20 odd years and I've in my whole lifetime of 35 years.
03:29The only times I got viruses were for the computer was at the beginning and I think I can count them on my hand.
03:38And this is a person that deals with computers day in day out.
03:42And this is a person that attaches external things to their computer.
03:47So obviously I have a lab which I do specific things with workshop, but on my computer.
03:54No, just it.
03:56I don't have one on my computer, but so the school of thought is for me.
04:03No, don't bother having it.
04:04But the peace of mind thing is yes.
04:07It might be a good idea to have it because if you're too busy, which a lot of people are people will connect things put their passwords in and then they don't realize they've got a Trojan or virus or whatever.
04:19So there's so many things that so many ways to keep your Mac secure, but the top of the list is have a good password.
04:30Don't give your password to anyone and make sure whatever is asking for your password is something that you know, if it's like walk.
04:43I've said this before.
04:44If you walk down the street, someone says, can I have your keys to the house?
04:47You'll be like, who the hell are you?
04:50And that password on your computer is effectively the same thing as something come up on my screen.
04:56So if if the part if something comes up on your screen that says give me your password is the same as saying give me your keys.
05:04Well, who is it?
05:05That's asking for your password because many people go to a website malicious website.
05:12It'll pop up something but it's not a pop-up of your computer.
05:16So pop up within the browser and they think it looks extremely good.
05:21They think that that the computer is asking for something.
05:27But in fact, it's a malicious website looking for your password.
05:30So you're going to be very careful of that.
05:33So going back to what I was saying how to keep it secure have a good password.
05:39Make sure you know what you're who's asking for your password virus apps.
05:45Yes, it's a good idea.
05:46But personally I I do recommend them but I just haven't had one and I've never had an issue with it.
05:53So it's that's kind of up to you, but I would probably say do it.
06:01I'm sure there are a thousand or one others and I'm sure you have more questions about this.
06:05So if you do I'll leave a link below to book a call with me so we can have a chat about it.
06:11It'll be a free call.
06:11I'm not going to charge you anything.
06:13So it'd be good to know if you're getting this video via email just reply to this email and ask me questions because there are many ways of doing it.
06:23But again, have a strong password.
06:28Anyway, have a great day again.
06:30If you have any questions, let me know and I'll see you in the next one.