Simplifying your tech security

  • last week
In today’s world, your online security is vitally important to your privacy. So having everything, from your online accounts to your Mac, iPhone, and other Apple devices, safe and secure should be vitally important to you too!

Minimalist Password:


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00:00If I told you there was a way to do less work with more apps you think I'm crazy purely for the fact that I am an advocate of having less tools and less apps so you can get more work but today I'm going to tell you that having some apps more apps actually enable you to do less work.
00:27And how do I start this so yesterday I had a call from a client let's tell you a little story and now this has happened many times not with the same client but many times different clients.
00:39And they were fished they thought they were hacked but they were fished I think and what has happened is that they've lost access to social media accounts.
00:51And hoping that they haven't lost access to other things.
00:58I mean they can still access the accounts but we're going to find out that that account isn't compromised so this person has to go through every single online.
01:11Service app all the apps that they use their accounts all over the place and change every single password now some people even use the same passwords or variation of passwords for all their accounts that they have a handful of passwords that you reuse think about it if someone can get into one account with your password.
01:39They're going to try getting into all your other accounts with the same password right so having different passwords.
01:49For every single account that you have online is the best solution for it and obviously not simple words like hello this is my password or one two three or password which some system admins have actually done in the past.
02:10Fucking batshit crazy to be honest so having different passwords the next stage is having different emails for each each network each account.
02:23That's probably the next step but that's not always possible but that's the best step to do but different passwords now how is having more apps enabled going to help you not do more work.
02:37Well this person actually has to go and do loads of work to change all the accounts and obviously she's lost access to some of the account so having another tool like a password manager is going to help you not do all of that work right.
02:55It's just obvious so I'm going to put down below the links to these so there are two that I recommend as a third one obviously which is the key to apple keychain very secure works iCloud works with everything doesn't work with all browsers right.
03:13So if you want if you're not using Safari and you're using let's hope you're using brave and not chrome Firefox is a great opera is not great either if you're using another browser other than Safari the next best thing bit warden which is a password manager it's it's an open source thing insanely cheap.
03:40And then my personal favorite is called minimalist password minimalist password because it's really simple and I love it and it's someone in Canada who makes it and there is no server holding the information it's actually held on your iCloud account which is something that I like.
03:59So again I'll put the two links down below I'm not it's not they're not affiliate links or anything but they're the two three including keychain that I would recommend using if you're in the Apple ecosystem and you're using Safari just use keychain because that works and in fact the next operating system that's coming out from Apple for the Mac and the phone they're going to add some new features which are actually really good.
04:26So that's probably the better one if you're in the Apple ecosystem if you're not and you do want a separate password manager and in fact I would argue to say and I've spoken about this before are you and say that having a different password manager other than the one built into your Mac is probably better.
04:54I'll go into that in another video what I would do is it here's a tip sorry here's a tip don't save your passwords in the browser Safari is different because it uses keychain so that's good but if a browser is asking you to save the passwords don't because there are hacks that can happen where maliciously it's not even fishing maliciously someone can actually have if you go to a malicious website they can access.
05:24Your history of on your web browser and they can also access all the safe passwords so don't save your passwords in your browser unless it's Safari because Safari uses keychain automatically.
05:38This is a roundabout way of saying that but again using more tools password manager will help you do less work being hacked and having to change all your passwords in the future so please please for the love of all that is holy and my dog wolf use a password manager and make sure that you use different passwords for every single online service account app.
06:08That you have if you have any questions you know where to find me where to find me to be a link below and I'll see you in the next one.
06:18Bye bye.