Phonic Drill

  • 2 days ago
00:00Well, as we mentioned earlier, in this video, we are going to learn phonics, which is so
00:07You're going to see why in a second.
00:11As a matter of fact, phonics teaches us the sounds that letters make.
00:17Sounds pretty important, right?
00:19Phonics teaches us the sounds that letters make.
00:24If you know what sound a letter makes, you can read and do other awesome things.
00:31Think of reading like solving a puzzle.
00:34Whenever you need to read something, it is like a fun puzzle.
00:41Every letter is a piece to the puzzle.
00:43When you know what sound a letter makes, you have another piece to the puzzle to figure
00:48out what it is saying.
00:52When you learn phonics, you are really finding puzzle pieces to help you read.
01:00By the end of this video, you will know the main sounds of each letter.
01:05How cool is that?
01:08Okay, now two things we want to say right at the beginning.
01:13First, we are goofy and have a lot of fun.
01:16That's just a warning.
01:19The second thing, we are just learning the main sound of each letter.
01:24There are special times where a letter can make different sounds, but in this video,
01:28we are going to learn the primary sound each letter makes.
01:35It's time.
01:36Let's learn the sounds of the first five letters of the alphabet.
01:43First we have the letter A, and the letter A says, ah, ah.
01:48That's right, ah, think of an alligator, alligator, ah, ah, ah, alligator, ah.
02:00A says, ah.
02:05Let's try it, ah, ah, ah, for alligator, ah, ah.
02:16A says, ah.
02:21The letter B is different.
02:23The letter B says, buh, like with the word bear, bear, buh, bear.
02:30B says, buh, can you say, buh?
02:34It's fun to say, isn't it, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh.
02:39B says, buh, buh.
02:43The letter B says, buh, buh, think of a bear, buh, buh.
02:51So our first two puzzle pieces are, ah, and buh, the letters A and B, ah, buh.
03:03The next letter is C, and the letter C says, cuh, like with the word cat, cuh, cuh, cat.
03:12So when you think of the letter C, you can think of cat and say, cat starts with cuh,
03:18C says, cuh.
03:22Let's say that sound together, cuh, cuh, cuh, think of a cat, cuh, cuh, yeah, cuh.
03:35Hmm, what if we put these three puzzle pieces, these three letter sounds together and see
03:42what word we can make, like this word, what's this word, huh?
03:48Let's go ahead and sound it out, cuh, ah, buh, huh.
03:56Let's put those together a little more quickly, cuh, ab, cuh, ab, cab, cab, yeah, you're using
04:06your puzzle pieces, you're using phonics to read.
04:10That word says cab, great job.
04:15It's time for our next puzzle piece, the letter D, D says, duh, like with the word dog, duh,
04:22dog, yeah, D says, duh, if you think of D, think of a dog, duh, duh, duh, dog, duh, D
04:34says, duh, duh, duh, yeah, think of a dog, duh, duh, dog, duh, duh, D says, duh.
04:50You are doing great.
04:52The next letter is the letter E, E says, eh, can you say that, eh, eh, eh, as in elephant,
05:03think of an elephant when you think of the letter E, eh, eh, eh, eh, elephant, elephant,
05:11eh, eh, eh, E says, eh, think of an elephant, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, E says, eh, eh, as in
05:27elephant, eh.
05:31All right, now you are ready to get even more puzzle pieces, isn't that cool?
05:36We're going to learn the sounds of the letters F, G, H, I, and J, okay, so the letter F makes
05:47the sound f, that's right, f, can you make that sound, f, as in fish, f, f, fish, f,
05:58that's funny, isn't it, the letter F says f, let's give it a try, F says f, f, think
06:10of a fish, a fish, f, f, F says f, f, it's fun, isn't it, f, f.
06:26The letter G makes a cool sound, G says g, g, like in the word goose, g, g, g, G says
06:36g, can you say g, g, g, yeah, g, g, g, think of a goose, G says g, g, g, g, as in goose,
06:55g, g, g.
06:59Now the letter H makes a super awesome sound, the letter H says h, h, h, that's fun to say,
07:08h, like with the word hat, hat, so when you think of the letter H, think of the word hat
07:15and that sound, h, h, hat, h, h.
07:22Let's go ahead and practice it, H says h, h, think of a hat, h, h, can you say that,
07:35h, h.
07:39Let's learn a couple more sounds and then we're going to start putting these awesome
07:44letters together.
07:48First we are going to look at the letter I, the letter I says i, i, can you say i, i,
07:57like with the word insect, i, i, i, insect, I says i, i, i.
08:10Let's practice that, i, I says i, think of an insect, I says i, i, uh-huh, i.
08:26And then we have J, which says j, j, j, like with the word jet, jet starts with J, it has
08:36the j, j, j sound, isn't that cool, J says j.
08:45Let's practice it, J says j, j, uh-huh, you've got the hang of it, j, j, uh-huh, j, j.
09:01You have been doing such a great job learning, so we have collected 10 puzzle pieces, a,
09:09b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j.
09:20Let's see how you are doing by playing a game.
09:27We are calling this game top, middle, or bottom.
09:31We're going to show you three words, a top word, a middle word, and a bottom word, and
09:37then we're going to say one of those words, and you have to let us know whether we are
09:42saying the top word, the middle word, or the bottom word.
09:48All right, here is our first one, we hope you are ready.
09:52Look at these three words, which word says big?
09:56Which word says big?
09:59Is it the top word, the middle word, or the bottom word?
10:04Hmm, remember to check the puzzle pieces, yes, the bottom word says big, yes, let's
10:12check, b, i, g, big, great job, big is the bottom word.
10:22Okay, so which word says dig, dig, hmm, which word?
10:31Should be a little easier, yes, dig is the top word, and we can check by looking at the
10:38sounds, right, d, i, g, dig, great job, okay, that leaves just one more word, it's this
10:49middle word, use the puzzle pieces, what does this word say?
10:54What is this word?
10:57Go ahead, look at each of the letters and put them in order, what is the middle word?
11:02Yes, fig, good job, let's check it, f, i, g, fig, great job, you're learning, you're
11:11doing great.
11:15That was fun, let's give these three words a shot, which of these three words says jab?
11:23Look at the top word, the middle word, and the bottom word, which word says jab?
11:30Yes, this bottom word says jab, let's go ahead and check it, j, a, b, jab, wow, it's so cool,
11:40it works, that's fun, which word says fad, fad, hmm, which one, do you know, uh-huh,
11:56this middle one, yeah, that says fad, let's go ahead and check it, f, ad, fad, wow, that
12:05is so cool, oh, my goodness, alright, now that leaves the top word, what's that top
12:16Remember to sound it out, use those puzzle pieces, what is that top word, uh-huh, bad,
12:26let's check the sounds, b, ad, bad, wow, woo, you're getting the hang of this.
12:36Now it's time to learn more sounds, and apparently it's time to look at this family of rhinos,
12:42hey, what does this have to do with anything, let's get back to the letters, we have more
12:48to learn, we have 16 more letters to learn.
12:53Let's keep the fun going, we're going to look at the letters k, l, m, n, and o, ah,
13:05the letter k, the letter k says k, k, like with the word kangaroo, k, k, k, and you'll
13:14notice that's the same sound as the letter c, k, k, k, the letter k says k, the letter
13:26k says k, k, think of a kangaroo, k, k, k says k, like a kangaroo, right, k.
13:41Next we have the letter l, the letter l says l, l, l, like with the word lion, l, l, lion,
13:53l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l,
14:19then there's m, m says m, m, like with the word moose, think of a moose, m, m, can you
14:32say m, m, moose, m says m, let's go ahead and practice that, m says m, m, think of a
14:48moose, m, m says m, m, m says m. Next we are looking at the letter n, n, and you can think
15:09of the word net, because n says n, n, n, the letter n says n, can you say that, n, n, that's
15:24what the letter n says, let's give that a shot, n says n, think of a net, n, n, the
15:38letter n says n, can you say that, n, n, then we have the letter o, which makes a pretty cool
15:51sound, the letter o says o, o, like with the word ostrich, o, o, can you say that sound,
16:00uh-huh, o says o, o, like with the word ostrich, the letter o says o, o, think of an ostrich,
16:16o, o, uh-huh, the letter o says o, o. Now it is time for a segment called Phonics with Mr.
16:30Whiskers. Mr. Whiskers is so cute, but he doesn't know phonics, you know cats aren't great at phonics,
16:40so we're gonna need to tell Mr. Whiskers what sounds these letters make. Okay, let's tell Mr.
16:50Whiskers what the letter m says, what's the sound of the letter m, he doesn't know he's a cat,
16:56what does the letter m sound like, uh-huh, m, good job, m, okay Mr. Whiskers, and m says m,
17:08good job. Okay, how about the letter e, Mr. Whiskers was napping during that part,
17:17what does the letter e say, uh-huh, great, e, e, e, you got it, e. How about the letter h,
17:30what does h say, what's the sound of the letter h, uh-huh, h, h, h, great. This next one was really
17:43cool Mr. Whiskers, the letter l, because we had a cat hint, the hint of a lion, what does the
17:50letter l say, uh-huh, tell Mr. Whiskers, uh-huh, l, l, l, that's awesome. Let's do two more,
18:03what does an a say, let Mr. Whiskers know, he's a cat, you know what does a say, a, uh-huh, a, a,
18:13a, a, and finally tell Mr. Whiskers what a k says, what is the sound of the letter k, uh-huh,
18:27k, k, just like the sound of the letter c, k, k, k, that's what a k says. This has been Phonics
18:40with Mr. Whiskers. Okay, you're ready, you're ready for the next five letters, the next five
18:50letters. The letter p makes a fun sound, it makes the sound puh, puh, puh, like with the word pig,
19:00when you think of the letter p, you can think of the word pig, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, and that
19:07will help you remember, p says puh. Let's practice that, p says puh, puh, think of a pig, puh, puh,
19:21can you say that, uh-huh, puh, p says puh. Next we have the letter q, which makes a very familiar
19:34sound, the same sound as the letter c and k, it makes the sound kuh, kuh, like with the word quilt,
19:43kuh, kuh, kuh, quilt, q says kuh. Let's practice that, q says kuh, kuh, like with the word quilt,
19:58kuh, can you say that, uh-huh, kuh, q says kuh, kuh. All right, now it's time to look at the
20:11letter r, the letter r makes a really fun sound, the letter r says ruh, ruh, ruh, like with the
20:20word raccoon, when you think of an r, you can think of a raccoon, and you got that sound right
20:28there, right, ruh, ruh, that's the r sound. The letter r says ruh, ruh, can you say that, uh-huh, ruh,
20:41think of a raccoon, ruh, ruh, r says ruh, uh-huh, ruh. Then we have the letter s, which is super
20:58simple, all right, that's really corny, the letter s says ss, ss, like with the word snake, uh-huh,
21:08can you make that sound, yeah, ss, ss, s says ss. Let's practice the sound that the letter s makes,
21:23s says ss, uh-huh, ss, like a snake, ss, ss, great job, ss, s says ss. And of course there's the
21:43letter t, which says tuh, tuh, like with the word turtle, yeah, tuh, tuh, tuh, turtle, it's a cute
21:51turtle, isn't it, oh my goodness, I just want to hold you, oh my goodness, t says tuh, tuh, let's
22:03practice that together, t says tuh, tuh, uh-huh, can you say that, yeah, tuh, t says tuh, tuh, uh-huh,
22:16you got the hang of it, tuh. We've come such a long way together, we only have six letters left,
22:28only six letters left. Let's look at the letter u, the letter u makes a really cool sound, the
22:37letter u says uh, can you say that, uh, like with the word umbrella, uh, uh, u says uh, the letter u
22:54says uh, uh, uh, great job, think of an umbrella, uh, uh, the letter u says uh. The next letter is
23:10the letter v, the letter v says v, v, like with the word violin, v, v, v, let's try that together, v says
23:30v, like with the word violin, v, uh-huh, v, v, v. The next letter we are looking at is the letter w, which makes the
23:49sound wuh, wuh, like with the word whale, wuh, wuh, wuh. Let's practice that together, wuh, w says wuh, like with
24:04whale, wuh, wuh, wuh, uh-huh, wuh. Now the letter x makes a very different sound, it says x, x, like at the end of the word fox, x, x, what an
24:23interesting sound. Let's practice that, that's a little tricky, x, uh-huh, x, like at the end of the word fox, x, uh-huh, x, uh-huh, x. You
24:43have been like a learning machine, we only have two letters left, that's it, just two letters left. There's the letter y, which makes a really cool
24:57sound, it says yuh, yuh, like with the word yellow, uh-huh, yuh, yuh, can you say that? Fantastic, yuh, yuh. Let's give that a try, yuh, y says yuh, like with the word
25:19yellow, yuh, can you say that? Yeah, yuh, yuh. And of course z, the last letter of the alphabet, which says z, z, z, like with the word zebra, z, z. It's a lot of fun making the sound of the
25:48letter z, z, z, uh-huh, can you make that sound? Yeah, z, like with the word zebra, z, z, uh-huh, z. As we mentioned earlier in the video, every letter is like a puzzle piece, and when you read, you put the pieces
26:43together. Kuh, ruh, ss, tt, uh, vv. Wuh, ks, yuh, and zz. You did such a phenomenal job, we're super proud of you.