A Doggone Adventure _ Full Family Adventure Movie

  • 2 days ago
00:00:30It's okay, pal, they haven't spotted us yet.
00:00:58I'm not going to let them get you again either.
00:01:01I like that, nice resounding motor confidence.
00:01:19They're here. They're here!
00:01:21They're here!
00:01:24Turn off ahead, overhanging branches.
00:01:27Hold on, pal, we're going to lose them in the woods right now.
00:01:52Well, that put the brakes on them, didn't it?
00:01:54The only thing is, they'll just keep coming.
00:01:57I'm going to have to leave you, pal.
00:01:59There are plenty of good people out there.
00:02:01You've just got to make sure you choose the ones you can trust.
00:02:05All right, come on. It's all right.
00:02:11It'll be okay. It's okay.
00:02:14All right, now listen to me.
00:02:16Now listen to me, all right?
00:02:18You're a very special dog, you know that?
00:02:21One of a kind in the whole universe.
00:02:24And you and me, we're pals, aren't we?
00:02:27We've got a bond that nobody can break.
00:02:30But I've got to let you go, you understand?
00:02:33Otherwise, they'll catch you.
00:02:35They can find me if they want, but you...
00:02:37you can hide, baby.
00:02:39One more thing.
00:02:41Your mind is as vast as all of space.
00:02:44It is.
00:02:46It's a great gift.
00:02:48The world's just not ready for it yet, that's all.
00:02:51All right, no more time for goodbyes.
00:02:53You've got to go, all right?
00:02:55All right, now you listen to me.
00:02:57You run. You run like the wind, you understand?
00:02:59Go! Go!
00:03:07That's it.
00:03:10That's it.
00:03:21That's it.
00:03:52Get you a cool drink of water, little fella.
00:04:00I don't know where you came from, but I'm keeping you.
00:04:07I don't know why, but...
00:04:09I get the feeling...
00:04:11you want me to call you Murphy.
00:04:14Okay. Okay. Murphy.
00:04:19Okay. Murphy.
00:04:21Murphy it is, then.
00:04:23You don't have to ever be afraid again, Murphy. Never.
00:07:21Let's do this.
00:07:38Real funny.
00:07:40Come on. This house isn't haunted.
00:07:43Says you.
00:07:45Says my dad.
00:07:47No such thing as ghosts.
00:07:49Yeah? Well, there's been a bunch of strange noises coming from that house for years.
00:07:53It's a real mystery.
00:07:55Really? We've been here a half hour now and nothing!
00:07:58Jeremy, develop some patience.
00:08:00Guys, stop bickering. Let's go inside.
00:08:03I'm not going in.
00:08:05What are you yelling for?
00:08:07I've been practicing a lot at home.
00:08:09I've gotten pretty good at it.
00:08:11Yeah, he's only broken two windows and freaked out the cat.
00:08:14Won't come out of the attic for a week.
00:08:17Can you please stop?
00:08:19Well, he didn't.
00:08:23What was that?
00:08:25I don't know, but it sounded bad.
00:08:28Maybe we should just get out of here.
00:08:30I'm with Ricky.
00:08:32Me too.
00:08:34We're here to solve a mystery.
00:08:36Like Dad. On TV.
00:08:41Everyone with me?
00:08:45Mega views on our YouTube channel.
00:08:47Money. Fame.
00:08:49All right, I guess.
00:08:51I'm in.
00:08:54You're hosting again?
00:08:57Well, I mean, I can't help it. I'm just right for the part.
00:08:59Why don't I host this time?
00:09:01But you're a girl.
00:09:02Ricky, that's not...
00:09:02Girls don't host TV shows.
00:09:04Oh, why don't you call Kelly Ripper and tell her that?
00:09:09Samantha Bee.
00:09:12We're talking YouTube here, David.
00:09:14Okay, fine. You got me.
00:09:16Next time. I promise.
00:09:18Everybody set?
00:09:21Wait, my coat.
00:09:23He looks just like Dad.
00:09:25He kind of does.
00:09:27Slate it.
00:09:29Unresolved mysteries, take one.
00:09:31The supernatural, the mysterious, the unexplained.
00:09:35Do ghostly spirits still inhabit the most darkest and despaired houses?
00:09:41And most foreboding houses?
00:09:44Do ghostly spirits still inhabit our darkest and most...
00:09:51And most foreboding...
00:09:53Do ghostly spirits still inhabit our darkest and most foreboding houses?
00:10:00This is gonna be awesome.
00:10:02We're in front of the old Conejo mansion,
00:10:04abandoned for nearly 80 years.
00:10:06It is said to be haunted by the demented soul of its former owner,
00:10:10Ralph Conejo.
00:10:11Ralph Rabbit?
00:10:13Let's get that germ in the air.
00:10:14And cut!
00:10:21It's so cool, I can go almost anywhere.
00:10:24How are you going in?
00:10:26It's kind of puny to ram it through the front door, don't you think?
00:10:29Second floor, broken window.
00:10:46We're in.
00:10:47Let's check downstairs.
00:10:53Good picture, too.
00:10:55I know, right?
00:10:58Looks scary even from out here.
00:11:00Glad I didn't have to go in there for real.
00:11:04What's that?
00:11:08Let's play piano!
00:11:09I can't watch this.
00:11:11Dave, turn the drone back, quick!
00:11:17Still don't believe in ghosts, Jeremy?
00:11:20Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
00:11:22We're committed.
00:11:23You should be committed.
00:11:25Stop, stop.
00:11:26Let's go upstairs, take a look.
00:11:38Over there!
00:11:39I see it!
00:11:40I see it!
00:11:53Classic cat scare.
00:12:14Go, go, go!
00:12:15Guys, get out of here!
00:12:18Come on, guys!
00:12:19Forget that!
00:12:20Let's head for the pool!
00:12:21Come on!
00:12:23Wait for me!
00:12:24Head for the pool!
00:12:26Look at them go, don't you?
00:12:28We scared them, but good.
00:12:30Hey, how'd you come up with that alien lobster scream?
00:12:34Years of watching science fiction movies.
00:12:37Think they'll be back?
00:12:38Would you if you were a kid?
00:12:40These masks?
00:12:41All I gotta say is, good thinking.
00:12:44We had them.
00:12:45We used them.
00:12:46And we scored a neato mini drone in the process.
00:12:49Oh, yeah!
00:12:52So what now?
00:12:53Well, back to business.
00:13:04Isn't it great?
00:13:05They can't have been aliens.
00:13:07Can't have been.
00:13:08No such thing.
00:13:10They were aliens.
00:13:11Just like on Dad's show.
00:13:13But that's a TV show, Ricky.
00:13:15What are you saying?
00:13:16Why didn't you tell them about Tooth Fairy while you're at it, brainiac?
00:13:20Never mind.
00:13:21So, what's going on?
00:13:23What now?
00:13:24We go home and check out today's footage.
00:13:26I think we got some really good stuff.
00:13:28I think Dad's gonna love it.
00:13:29It's just like our program.
00:13:54You think they'll catch on?
00:13:57The shoe company?
00:13:58They don't care.
00:13:59They'd care if they were being bootlegged.
00:14:02We're not bootleggers.
00:14:03We're entrepreneurs.
00:14:04Buy cheap shoes.
00:14:05Add a free logo.
00:14:06Sell it online for a hundred bucks.
00:14:08We make money.
00:14:09The people who make the fake logos make money.
00:14:11It's a win-win.
00:14:12Nobody gets hurt.
00:14:14Come on.
00:14:15Let's speed this up.
00:14:16What do you think this is?
00:14:17I love Lucy?
00:14:18All right.
00:14:19We go home and check out today's footage.
00:14:21I think we got some really good stuff.
00:14:23I think we got some really good stuff.
00:14:25Come on.
00:14:44The supernatural.
00:14:46The mysterious.
00:14:47The unexplained.
00:14:49I'm Stephen Hill,
00:14:50and this is Unresolved Mysteries.
00:14:53Unresolved Mysteries.
00:14:58The time, 5.15 p.m.
00:15:00The date, October 7th.
00:15:02The place, a dusty road in New Mexico nearly six years ago.
00:15:06Dr. Roland Masters speeds along a desert road,
00:15:09fleeing something unknown.
00:15:11Something witnesses claim was not of this earth.
00:15:16Masters, a former employee of the Galactitech Research Facility,
00:15:20left his job early that day,
00:15:22but was not missed for over an hour.
00:15:25It's okay, little guy.
00:15:26They're not gonna get you.
00:15:27They may get me, but not you.
00:15:29I'll see to that.
00:15:33According to a former Galactitech employee
00:15:35who was willing to speak to Unresolved Mysteries
00:15:37under the guise of anonymity,
00:15:39Dr. Masters took with him the super-secret project
00:15:42he had been working on.
00:15:44One local farmer was an eyewitness
00:15:46to what transpired next.
00:15:48I was putting my goats back in the barn.
00:15:50All of a sudden, these two wild saucers
00:15:52come flaring by the skies.
00:16:00This guy, he was in a car trying to escape,
00:16:03but he finally gave up, pulled off to the side of the road.
00:16:07This is when it got really interesting.
00:16:09These saucers were just floating there, just floating.
00:16:13They're making this noise.
00:16:17Very irritating noise.
00:16:21And then...
00:16:23he goes up.
00:16:30This little puppy was there
00:16:32just staring at the whole thing.
00:16:34This was very overwhelming.
00:16:36I still don't believe my eyes.
00:16:39It's... aliens.
00:16:43Just exactly what happened on that ominous day
00:16:46may never be known for sure.
00:16:48Why did Dr. Masters suddenly plan his escape?
00:16:51What is the intriguing secret
00:16:53he was so anxious to keep from the world?
00:16:57Goodbye, and keep watching the sky.
00:17:19There it is, just like before.
00:17:21I don't understand.
00:17:23We all saw the aliens.
00:17:25Now they're not there.
00:17:27It's just static.
00:17:29Did you do something weird, David?
00:17:31I dropped the monitor when we were running away.
00:17:34But wait, maybe I can still get a clear frame or two.
00:17:38I don't think so.
00:17:40I don't think so.
00:17:42I don't think so.
00:17:44I don't think so.
00:17:46I can still get a clear frame or two.
00:17:51There. That's the best I got.
00:17:53It's kind of there, but not really.
00:17:56I see it, Sadie!
00:17:58Clear as day.
00:18:00No one's going to believe us on that.
00:18:02My dad will.
00:18:04He's solved cases with less evidence than this.
00:18:07Yeah, you're right, Rick.
00:18:09He's going to be home a lot more now.
00:18:12Maybe this is our silver lining.
00:18:14Silver lining?
00:18:16Unresolved mysteries was canceled.
00:18:18Oh, man.
00:18:20I'm sorry.
00:18:21You'll find another show to do.
00:18:24I hope so.
00:18:39So what was the source of the mysterious five-tone signal?
00:18:43Will we ever know, or will it remain?
00:18:47As many of you know, this is our last show.
00:18:50And we wanted to thank you for three years of dedication.
00:18:53From the cast, the crew, goodbye.
00:18:56And keep watching the skies.
00:19:06And cut.
00:19:07Thank you, everybody.
00:19:09It's been mysterious.
00:19:11Thank you, everybody.
00:19:15Thank you, Steven.
00:19:16Thank you very much, brother.
00:19:18Nice work, as always.
00:19:20Hey, Steve.
00:19:21When would you like me to pick this stuff from your trailer?
00:19:24Just put it in the back of my car.
00:19:26It's open, Billy.
00:19:27You got it.
00:19:28Cool, thank you.
00:19:29Thank you, guys, everybody.
00:19:31I like you a lot.
00:20:05Billy was born in a barn.
00:20:15Billy was born in a barn.
00:20:37Incoming message.
00:20:41Incoming message.
00:20:43Sorry to interrupt, sir, but I think we may have gotten a hit.
00:20:46On what?
00:20:47The dog, sir.
00:20:49Was the satellite imaging retained?
00:20:51It's here, in New Mexico. Right here.
00:20:55Let's get our best operative on it, now.
00:20:57The chip has been reactivated.
00:21:04Alarm attack.
00:21:05Security mission TMA-1.
00:21:06Jack Bowser is in pursuit of female hostages.
00:21:09Descending for a closer look and additional surveillance and possible backup.
00:22:21Darn it!
00:22:24Hi, Jack.
00:22:27Come on, Jack. How many times do I have to tell you?
00:22:29Don't lose sight of the quarry.
00:22:31Technology isn't enough.
00:22:33Thank you, Mrs. McGillicuddy. You can leave now.
00:22:36Thank you, dear.
00:22:37Let me help you.
00:22:44Turn it off!
00:22:55I think I might have dislocated my shoulder.
00:22:58Or worse.
00:22:59I can put that back in.
00:23:00Get away from me.
00:23:04Natasha, drop everything. Crowder wants you.
00:23:07I think we may have a problem here, Zoe.
00:23:09Jack, you klutz!
00:23:11If you broke my arm...
00:23:13What do you mean she broke her arm?
00:23:14Yes, sir.
00:23:15And I get Jack Bowser?
00:23:18Jeez, I'm cracking.
00:23:20Williams can't seem to do nothing right.
00:23:43Are you all right?
00:23:44I'll like to when Daba's on a show.
00:23:46Yeah, but at least you get to see him more.
00:23:48But I like seeing him on TV.
00:23:50Do you think he'll really help us with our case?
00:23:52Yeah, sure. He'll...
00:23:54It's Dad.
00:23:58Dad's home!
00:23:59Come on!
00:24:00Wait up!
00:24:01Hi, Mommy!
00:24:02How's it going?
00:24:04Hey, buddy.
00:24:05Hi, Dad.
00:24:06Give me a big hug.
00:24:07Did you have a good day?
00:24:08I did.
00:24:09How are you doing?
00:24:13Ricky, grab something out of there?
00:24:16Great for dinner.
00:24:21You got it, bud?
00:24:27Go, go, go, go, go, go!
00:24:43Here we are, boys.
00:24:45And this is okay to eat with your hands.
00:24:49Ah, ah, ah.
00:24:50Wait until your mother sits.
00:25:04It'll be good for you to spend the summer with the kids.
00:25:06And then you'll just walk into another show next season.
00:25:09Yeah, I don't know about that.
00:25:11These shows, I think their days are done, you know?
00:25:18Oh, no, no, no.
00:25:19We are going to be fine.
00:25:21We are going to have a great summer.
00:25:23We sure are, Dad.
00:25:26Oh, check this out.
00:25:30What have they been up to?
00:25:32I have no idea.
00:25:36What is this?
00:25:37Look at that.
00:25:38Don't push the button.
00:25:39You're as bad as they are.
00:25:40It's on now.
00:25:58There it was, Dad.
00:25:59Did you see it?
00:26:00I don't know.
00:26:01I saw something.
00:26:02It's just like your show, Dad, but like real life.
00:26:05Well, if I learned anything doing my show,
00:26:07it's that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
00:26:11Yeah, well, you did say you dropped it when you ran away.
00:26:14Maybe some, like, sci-fi footage bled in or something.
00:26:17Come on, Dad.
00:26:19Ghosts in the machine, son.
00:26:20Ghosts in the machine.
00:26:22There's a ghost in the machine?
00:26:23No, no, no.
00:26:24It's just an expression, Ricky.
00:26:25Look, it's OK.
00:26:26Listen, I'm really, really happy that you guys
00:26:28are figuring things out, that you're looking into things.
00:26:30In fact, I'm proud of you.
00:26:32It shows great instincts.
00:26:34How about this?
00:26:35I'll make you a deal.
00:26:36If you guys give me a day, I promise to go with you
00:26:40to the old Kineo house, and we'll figure this out together.
00:26:47All right, guys.
00:26:48Ribs aren't going to eat themselves.
00:26:50Hey, get some food, guys.
00:26:52Oh, yeah.
00:27:04The dog is back.
00:27:05The dog's back.
00:27:07The dog's back.
00:27:08Dog is back.
00:27:11Dog is back.
00:27:12Dog's back.
00:27:13Dog is back.
00:27:14It's not code, Jack.
00:27:16He means Murphy.
00:27:18Oh, which means he can lead us to Masters.
00:27:21Well done, Jack.
00:27:23But we have him in custody.
00:27:25No, no, Jack.
00:27:26Uh, yeah.
00:27:27I saw it on Unresolved Mysteries.
00:27:30Jack, no!
00:27:31That's reality TV.
00:27:32It's not real.
00:27:33Not real, Jack.
00:27:34Well, we did have him close.
00:27:35Hands up.
00:27:36Ready to give up.
00:27:38The dog was Galactitech property,
00:27:41and Masters stole him.
00:27:43Now, the GPS chip went off when they left the facility.
00:27:46We dispatched a reacquisition team
00:27:48on a pair of prototype anti-gravity skyslides.
00:27:51When they finally cornered him,
00:27:52Masters set the dog free.
00:27:55Not seen for six years.
00:27:59That seems like an awful lot of trouble
00:28:00for runaway Jack Russell.
00:28:02That's no ordinary Jack Russell.
00:28:04Masters altered the dog's brain,
00:28:06giving him human-like thought, even telepathy.
00:28:08That's nonsense.
00:28:10Well, believe what you want.
00:28:11Just get me Masters and get me that dog.
00:28:13On my way.
00:28:16Why'd you break your arm?
00:28:17He broke my arm, sir.
00:28:19Get after him.
00:28:20Try to keep him alive.
00:28:22We need his father's money.
00:28:24Got it.
00:28:27Anti-gravity sleds?
00:28:29Let's just say they were reverse-engineered.
00:28:32From what?
00:28:33I'll let you figure that out.
00:28:45Dad's right.
00:28:46Maybe those space creatures we saw weren't really there.
00:28:49But we saw them.
00:28:50We saw something.
00:28:52But it might be what Dad said.
00:28:54Mind if I take a look?
00:28:56You've seen it a million times, bro.
00:28:58I didn't say that.
00:29:00Well, who did?
00:29:02It was me.
00:29:04Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:29:05Easy, kids, easy.
00:29:07Where are you?
00:29:08Show yourself before I call my dad.
00:29:10Yeah, come on out.
00:29:12Slow and easy.
00:29:14Well, that's good, because that's the way I always roll, kids.
00:29:17Now here I come.
00:29:18No swinging or throwing.
00:29:20No promises.
00:29:23I'll trust you.
00:29:28Double whoa.
00:29:29Make that a triple.
00:29:31What's the matter?
00:29:32You guys never met a dog before?
00:29:34Not a talking one.
00:29:35Well, technically, I think at you, kid.
00:29:38But I understand the confusion.
00:29:40But how do you think at us?
00:29:42Uh, now, that's a mystery even I haven't solved yet.
00:29:45I figured we could swap cases.
00:29:47I help you with your crazy aliens,
00:29:49and you can help me find out why I'm the only dog who could do this trick.
00:29:52But dogs do lots of tricks.
00:29:54I don't see Benji or Beethoven doing this one.
00:29:56How'd you get here, Murph?
00:29:58I hitched a ride home with your dad.
00:30:00Are you an alien?
00:30:02Funny you should ask.
00:30:03All I know is one day I was a puppy doing puppy stuff,
00:30:06and the next day I could read Aristotle.
00:30:08In the original Greek, thank you.
00:30:11Oh, thank you. Oh, that feels good.
00:30:13Hey, mind if I take a look at that video?
00:30:15Yeah, sure.
00:30:18Hmm. Very interesting.
00:30:21What do you think, Murph?
00:30:23Is it a real mystery or just bad video?
00:30:25Well, it's hard to tell.
00:30:27Back at Galactatech, they got some nerd
00:30:29who could freeze the frame and enhance the image.
00:30:31But I'm not going back there, even for you guys.
00:30:34If only I knew someone like that out here.
00:30:36Why didn't I think of this sooner?
00:30:38You're right. He'll figure this out in seconds.
00:30:40Who'll figure this out?
00:30:41The Brain!
00:30:43Yeah, he's a genius when it comes to electronic stuff like this.
00:30:46Well, get him over here.
00:30:47It's too late. It's almost dark.
00:30:49But we'll take you to the clubhouse first thing in the morning.
00:30:52Yeah, that's where all of his cool stuff is.
00:30:54Okay. Hey, if we're not, you know, sleuthing,
00:30:57any chance I could snag a few scraps from tonight's leftovers?
00:31:00Sure, no problem.
00:31:01Yeah, just wait right here.
00:31:02Should we tell Dad?
00:31:03No way. This is our mystery.
00:31:06We don't need an adult to help us.
00:31:08Okay, okay.
00:31:13Are there any ribs left?
00:31:16I love these kids!
00:31:30Sir! Sir! Wake up, sir!
00:31:33Wilson, is that you?
00:31:35I failed to see who else it could possibly be, sir.
00:31:38What time is it?
00:31:39Some ungodly hour, as usual.
00:31:42There's a perfectly good bed in your perfectly good bedroom, sir.
00:31:46Has there been a breach?
00:31:47No, sir. No breach. We remain secure.
00:31:51Then why did you wake me up?
00:31:53I thought it would be funny.
00:31:55Also, they found your dog.
00:32:01In Mexico, sir.
00:32:02At the residence of a man named Stephen Hill.
00:32:08Oh, now they'll be waiting for me to come and get him, won't they?
00:32:11The probability is they are more interested in the dog than you, sir.
00:32:15Well, I'm going to go get him anyway.
00:32:17Arrange my transportation.
00:32:18Use the standard misdirection protocol.
00:32:22Pack me a small valise and...
00:32:24Oh, remember to get my umbrella.
00:32:26Whatever you wish, sir.
00:32:28Oh, Wilson.
00:32:30I'd be without you.
00:32:31You'd be a complete wreck, sir.
00:32:35Most likely, that's true.
00:32:37I'll fetch the car, sir.
00:32:39Oh, and don't try to engage it in conversation, Wilson.
00:32:42It's just a car.
00:32:44That car has a lot of safety, care to listen?
00:33:02Je suis un prince d'amitié.
00:33:05La tour est abonnée.
00:33:10Je suis un prince d'amitié.
00:33:12What are you listening to?
00:33:14Yeah, that's odd.
00:33:15Creepo, man.
00:33:16Yeah, Sheldon.
00:33:17What gives?
00:33:18Well, I'm trying to get the telemetry from the ISS,
00:33:21but this is what I got.
00:33:26So, let me get this straight.
00:33:28You two found a talking dog under your bed?
00:33:32And he agreed to help us with our mystery if we help him with his?
00:33:36Does that about sum it up?
00:33:38That's the deal.
00:33:39Some deal.
00:33:40Go fish.
00:33:43Then where's the talking dog?
00:33:45Come on, guys.
00:33:46Extraordinary claims require...
00:33:48Extraordinary proof.
00:33:51How's this for extraordinary proof?
00:33:53Hey, kids.
00:33:54What's the plan?
00:33:56I love a good plan.
00:33:57This seems highly unlikely.
00:34:00You're making this seem possible.
00:34:03Hey, nothing's impossible, kids.
00:34:05He's a dog, and he's talking.
00:34:07And he's a dog, and he's talking.
00:34:10Technically, he's thinking,
00:34:12but we understand your confusion.
00:34:14Right, Murph?
00:34:15That's right, Rick.
00:34:16This fits no established mode of terrestrial reality.
00:34:19I need to...
00:34:20Shut it down, Sheldons.
00:34:21You're drowning us in your words.
00:34:24Don't let her get to you, bro.
00:34:25It's good to be smart.
00:34:26So what's the deal, pooch?
00:34:27I wish I knew, Blondie.
00:34:29That's why I need you guys,
00:34:31to help me solve the mystery of why I can do what I can do.
00:34:34And in return, I'll get the alien puzzle unraveled
00:34:37before the sun goes down.
00:34:39What do you say?
00:34:40I'm down.
00:34:41Me too.
00:34:42I guess we can't say no.
00:34:44And after all, you are talking.
00:34:48And besides, you're cute.
00:34:51Aw, shucks.
00:34:52Thanks, Jen.
00:34:53I haven't had this much love and affection in a dog's age.
00:34:56Hey, Bray, are you able to enhance that image?
00:34:59Best I can do in short notice.
00:35:01What do you think, Murph?
00:35:02Frankly, I think someone's got to go in that house
00:35:05and find exactly what's going on.
00:35:07My parents will ground me if they find I went inside.
00:35:10Never mind my parents.
00:35:11I'm not going in because I'm sane.
00:35:13Okay, here's the plan.
00:35:15You guys can wait outside, and I'll go in.
00:35:17Are you sure, Murph?
00:35:19Yeah, it could be dangerous.
00:35:20Danger is my middle name.
00:35:22Actually, it's my dad's middle name.
00:35:24Cautious is my middle name.
00:35:26What have I gotten myself into?
00:35:48Well, how are we looking?
00:35:52We're fine.
00:35:53For a month?
00:35:55No, for the summer at least.
00:35:58People, they think you're on TV and you got made for life.
00:36:01Sweetie, I really don't want you getting depressed.
00:36:06It's not about the money.
00:36:07I mean, I know we need the money and everything,
00:36:09but I just, I like TV, you know?
00:36:12And TV likes you.
00:36:14Yeah, for three years.
00:36:16Aw, should I get you a tissue?
00:36:22No, okay, okay, I'm sorry.
00:36:24It's just I liked telling stories
00:36:27and solving mysteries, entertaining people.
00:36:30And the boys were proud of me.
00:36:32Baby, the boys will always be proud of you.
00:36:37Thanks, hon.
00:36:45All right.
00:36:53Yeah, can I, uh, help?
00:36:57You're rolling masters.
00:36:59I did a show about you.
00:37:01Yeah, I'm a fan of your show.
00:37:03Of course, it wasn't really accurate, was it?
00:37:05I mean, those crop formations, it's not what you think.
00:37:08Well, it's TV, so...
00:37:11Yeah, all right.
00:37:12Do you mind if I come in?
00:37:14Yeah, no, please, yes.
00:37:22Well, here.
00:37:24All right.
00:37:32Yeah, me neither.
00:37:34But I think the kids might have.
00:37:38Well, last night's rib leftovers were under Ricky's bed.
00:37:42There was a water dish under there, too.
00:37:45And when were you gonna tell me this, hon?
00:37:48Well, you know how we had been talking about getting the kids a dog?
00:37:53I was just waiting for the right moment
00:37:56to tell you that maybe they'd already, you know, adopted one.
00:38:00I'm confused, though.
00:38:02Why is it your dog?
00:38:04I mean, why is Murphy here?
00:38:07Well, I know he was here.
00:38:09His recently reactivated GPS chip told me he was here.
00:38:14It actually told Galactitech he was here,
00:38:17and then Wilson, my robot, told me.
00:38:20Wilson, his robot?
00:38:25I'm gonna go fetch the kids.
00:38:33Would you like a cup of coffee?
00:38:45I'm on the freeway now.
00:38:47I know you're on the freeway, Jack.
00:38:49Our eye in the sky is following you.
00:38:51Yeah, I'm heading west towards...
00:38:53Towards exit 24, Jack, and the school. I know.
00:38:55Okay, we're gonna need to talk about what you're gonna do there.
00:38:58What I'm gonna do?
00:39:00You're gathering intel.
00:39:02Right. About?
00:39:04About the children, Jack.
00:39:06Children? What about children?
00:39:08I thought it was after a dog, specifically a Jack Russell.
00:39:10Terrier! Yes, Jack, I know.
00:39:12Please, just listen to me. Try to stay on point, okay?
00:39:15You know, you mentioned something about children.
00:39:17What if I go check out the elementary school, huh?
00:39:20You're on your way to the school now. Exit 24.
00:39:23Can't talk right now. I'm exiting exit 24 right now.
00:39:37Principal Callahan's office.
00:39:40Put him on! Put him on!
00:39:42I'm sorry. You'll have to call back.
00:39:44He's on the other line, and he has someone from Galactitech Security waiting.
00:39:47All right, all right.
00:39:49But you tell him the evac pipes are clogging up again,
00:39:51and it's getting bad down here.
00:39:53Will do.
00:39:55Listen, Sonny, don't be so cavalier about this.
00:39:57If they blow, it's not gonna be pretty, let me tell you.
00:40:00I'll tell him. I'll tell him.
00:40:02You do that.
00:40:05Okay, you did two things wrong.
00:40:10One is you asked a question, and two, you asked another question.
00:40:13But what if I...
00:40:15Listen, Son, you better get that term paper in,
00:40:17or you won't believe what happens next, even while it's happening.
00:40:20Okay, okay, I'll get it done. I promise, I promise.
00:40:23I'll see you at school next week.
00:40:25Yeah. Bye.
00:40:29So let me get this straight.
00:40:31You're from the Galactech people,
00:40:33and you expect me to fall in line and answer your questions?
00:40:36It's, uh, Galactitech. One word.
00:40:39You're messing with me now.
00:40:41Don't get drawn in, Jack.
00:40:45Let's reset, sir.
00:40:47I'm just here to ask about the Hill boys.
00:40:49Well, they're exemplary students, not troublemakers.
00:40:52What's your interest in the Hill family?
00:40:54What's my interest in the Hill family?
00:40:56Mom's a real American sweetheart.
00:40:58She makes chocolate chip cookies for the PTA meeting.
00:41:04Not really. I make the cookies.
00:41:06And I use shortening, and not butter,
00:41:08and semi-sweet chocolate chips.
00:41:10How's that for your gender stereotyping?
00:41:14What? You got a tick?
00:41:16What you got in there?
00:41:18You running a scam on me, you glass-jawed punk?
00:41:22No, sir.
00:41:23You ever met one of those guys you shouldn't have messed with?
00:41:26Well, I'm that guy.
00:41:28Listen, you ever come back here
00:41:30giving me the third degree about my kids,
00:41:32it's gonna get real ugly, real fast.
00:41:35I think we're done here, Jack.
00:41:39Principal Callahan's office.
00:41:41Get my brother on the phone.
00:41:43Principal Callahan, I have your brother Harry
00:41:45from Frisco on line three.
00:41:48Tell him, make my day.
00:41:52Hello, Inspector.
00:41:53He is unavailable, but his message was to make his...
00:41:56I know, I know. Make my day.
00:41:58Our mother always said that
00:42:00when we were in deep straits with her.
00:42:04You still here?
00:42:09Boy, you seem hostile.
00:42:10You think?
00:42:11Listen, I just got a new reading from the chip.
00:42:13Murphy's about two miles from the school.
00:42:15I'll need an exact fix.
00:42:17Just get in the car, Jack. I'll get you there.
00:42:19Copy that.
00:42:23It's our pipes.
00:42:24They're old and they need replacing.
00:42:26Your boss.
00:42:27He's tough.
00:42:28Real tough.
00:42:30Should meet his brother, Harry.
00:42:32Harry Callahan.
00:42:33From Frisco.
00:42:38Gotta love it.
00:42:54I don't know about this.
00:42:56I don't know.
00:43:02Well, there it is.
00:43:05Yep, there it is.
00:43:07Yes, indeed. There it most certainly is.
00:43:09So you going in, Murph?
00:43:10Now that I see it in person, it looks kind of scary.
00:43:13I thought danger was your middle name.
00:43:15Chickening out?
00:43:16Murphy doesn't chicken out.
00:43:18I'm no scaredy cat,
00:43:19but I'm occasionally an apprehensive dog.
00:43:21But you said you'd...
00:43:22All right, all right, I'll do it.
00:43:23But remember the plan.
00:43:25If you hear me start to scream, who you gonna call?
00:43:27We know who to call, Murph.
00:43:29Okay, this is me heading over to the haunted house,
00:43:33which I know on my mind isn't really haunted.
00:43:35At least I hope not.
00:43:39Besides, it's me, Murphy the Wonder Dog,
00:43:41and I ain't afraid of no ghosts.
00:43:46Are you gonna answer it?
00:43:48It's Dad. Don't answer it.
00:43:52Well, it doesn't look like there's any way to the spooky place, too bad.
00:43:55Oh, except for that hole in the wall. Darn it!
00:43:58Gotta stick to the plan. Let's go.
00:44:03I hope he'll be all right.
00:44:05He'll be fine.
00:44:06Don't worry, Ricky.
00:44:08Dogs run faster than ghosts.
00:44:10How do you know?
00:44:11Never watched Scooby-Doo?
00:44:16Well, I watched your husband's show.
00:44:18You know, he's pretty good.
00:44:21How is it that a real-life cop
00:44:23winds up being a host on a TV show?
00:44:25Well, he was involved in solving an alien abduction hoax,
00:44:30and it was actually pretty high-profile,
00:44:32so he did a bunch of TV interviews,
00:44:35and some high-muck-a-muck in Hollywood saw them
00:44:38and thought that he was gonna be a good fit, you know?
00:44:42Just one question, though.
00:44:44How sure are you that it was a hoax?
00:44:47Well, I...
00:44:50Well, I...
00:44:52I mean, what?
00:44:54Excuse me.
00:44:55Phone call.
00:44:59It's Wilson, my robot.
00:45:01Yeah, Wilson.
00:45:02Sir, I have an update.
00:45:04The dog is less than a quarter mile from your current position.
00:45:07All right. Just send me the direction.
00:45:09Already done.
00:45:10You do know that your attitude is literally adjustable, don't you?
00:45:14If you're going to talk to me that way, goodbye, sir.
00:45:18Well, I'd have to go get my dog.
00:45:22Are you in trouble?
00:45:25Are my kids gonna be safe?
00:45:28Look, Murphy is a very smart dog, Mrs. Hill,
00:45:32and if he's with your kids, they're gonna be perfectly safe.
00:45:36Thanks for the coffee.
00:45:43These kids are gonna get me in big trouble.
00:45:45Big trouble is my mom's middle name.
00:45:47What's that?
00:45:48Oh, it's just a noise.
00:45:50A noise from down there.
00:45:51From the basement.
00:45:53From the creepy, crawly, ultra-dark, spider-filled, bat-infested basement.
00:45:58No fear. No fear.
00:46:00No fear.
00:46:03David, Ricky, you guys up there?
00:46:05They're not here, Mr. Hill.
00:46:07Oh, hey, Shelton.
00:46:09I figured that they would have been here.
00:46:11Do you know where they are?
00:46:14Come on, that's a pretty easy question for a smart kid like you.
00:46:17They didn't want me to say.
00:46:20Let me take a wild guess.
00:46:22Are they at the old Caneo house?
00:46:30Are they at the old Caneo house?
00:46:35I appreciate your candor.
00:46:36Yes, sir.
00:46:37Oh, hey, Shelton, let me ask you another question.
00:46:40How the heck do you get Wi-Fi all the way out here in the middle of nowhere?
00:46:45Who, me?
00:46:48That's what I thought.
00:46:49Tell Ricky and David I'm looking for them if you see them.
00:46:51Yes, Mr. Hill.
00:46:53Man, they don't get it.
00:46:56What's all that racket?
00:46:58Hey, wait a minute.
00:46:59Ghosts don't operate machinery.
00:47:04Maybe I should wait till their lunch break.
00:47:08Wait just a cotton-picking, ghost-baking minute.
00:47:10That doesn't reek of ectoplasm.
00:47:12That smells like...
00:47:17It's been a while now.
00:47:18How is it?
00:47:19Yeah, I hope he'll be all right.
00:47:21Should we go in and check on him?
00:47:23Should we go in and check on him?
00:47:25Give him a few more minutes and then we'll all go take a look.
00:47:27Can't wait.
00:47:28Creepy aliens, talking dog.
00:47:41Uh, no evil spirits in this dump.
00:47:43Hey, thanks for picking up the drinks, buddy.
00:47:45Came in handy.
00:47:46Just a couple of clowns.
00:47:48Better than coffee, pal.
00:47:50And I really feel like it's giving me the extra energy boost we needed.
00:47:54Why are you talking like that?
00:47:55I don't know.
00:47:56It just felt right.
00:47:58So does this tasty beverage.
00:48:00Wait a minute.
00:48:01They're putting on an act.
00:48:03Scaring everybody away.
00:48:06Hey, some mangy mutt got in here.
00:48:08Let's get him before his owner comes looking for him.
00:48:21Get him!
00:48:23Get him!
00:48:26This'll fix him!
00:48:31What is he doing?
00:48:33No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:48:36No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:48:38It's a shoe.
00:48:48I'm out of here.
00:49:04Now here's some good slapstick potential.
00:49:10I can't watch.
00:49:11Go, get him!
00:49:21Is that a ghost?
00:49:23Get a grip.
00:49:24I know it's a haunted house, but we're looking for aliens here.
00:49:33Adios, suckers!
00:49:40Oh, that wasn't so bad.
00:49:42Says you, you jerk!
00:49:44Let's get him!
00:49:45Come on!
00:49:46Come on, let's get him!
00:49:48Someone's coming!
00:50:09Who are you?
00:50:10Jack Bowser.
00:50:11Private security operative.
00:50:13That sounds ludicrous.
00:50:14It does, Jack.
00:50:15Could you once let me do this without yacking in my ear?
00:50:17Who's in your ear?
00:50:18The most annoying person in the world.
00:50:20Now I'm taking this dog.
00:50:22Any problem with that?
00:50:24You're not here for us?
00:50:29So then we're free to go?
00:50:32You can stay here if you want, but I wouldn't.
00:50:46Hey, he's taking Murphy!
00:50:54What are we gonna do?
00:51:03What the what?
00:51:04Suddenly it's Grand Central over there.
00:51:07Come on, let's go down there.
00:51:08Maybe they can tell us what happened.
00:51:10I look forward to our Amber Alerts.
00:51:16Don't worry, buddy, I'm not gonna hurt you.
00:51:18Man, you're a tough little guy to get a hold of.
00:51:21They've been looking for you for six years.
00:51:23Hey, you hungry? Thirsty?
00:51:26He's talking to the dog?
00:51:28Should've brought some bacon.
00:51:32You know what, there's a strip mall a couple of miles up.
00:51:34What do you say I stop and get you some water, huh?
00:51:37Some big spender you are.
00:51:39How about a mochaccino cappuccino extra syrup latte?
00:51:42You're thinking at me. That's cool.
00:51:44Wow, you're the first one to get that right.
00:51:46And now he thinks it's answering.
00:51:51Oh, boy.
00:51:53Hey, you must be really smart. I like you.
00:51:57I like you too, buddy.
00:51:58So you're the owner of Murphy?
00:52:00That I am.
00:52:01And I'm afraid he's in the clutches of the Galactitech Corporation now.
00:52:05I mean, he's cute and all, but what a multinational research and technology company.
00:52:10What a multinational research and technology conglomerate.
00:52:13Probably the dog. Cute, or not.
00:52:16You getting this?
00:52:17Not a word.
00:52:19They don't want Murphy.
00:52:21They want his brain.
00:52:25I think you better explain.
00:52:26Well, you've heard stories of downed UFOs and flying saucers
00:52:30who crashed and wound up in Area 51, right?
00:52:33Well, none of that was true.
00:52:35I thought so.
00:52:37See, the Galactitech Corporation had a contract on all that alien stuff decades ago.
00:52:42Area 51? That was just a cover-up.
00:52:46We worked the Roswell remains.
00:52:48Reverse engineering everything from alien microtechnology
00:52:51to complex chemical and biological interfaces.
00:52:55The aliens had created living computers.
00:52:59I knew it!
00:53:00Shh. He's flashbacking.
00:53:02And we knew that amazing information,
00:53:05the secrets of the universe, of life itself,
00:53:08were all locked inside this bizarre biotech computer.
00:53:12But all we had were rudimentary means to communicate.
00:53:15But then I found an inert gene from an alien DNA matrix.
00:53:20So what'd you do with it?
00:53:22Well, I did what anyone would do.
00:53:24Implanted it into a puppy.
00:53:28Say what now?
00:53:29Sounds kind of Frankenstein-y, doesn't it?
00:53:31And maybe just a little bit nuts.
00:53:33But it worked.
00:53:35And this... this little dog
00:53:38was suddenly blessed with the supernatural intelligence that...
00:53:42well, that even exceeded my expectations.
00:53:45He took a smart dog to outfox us.
00:53:48But when the CEO Crowder got wind of what I did,
00:53:53he smelled money.
00:53:55And I couldn't bear to think of what they might do to Murphy
00:53:58inside those labs of his.
00:54:01So I took him.
00:54:03Well, that is quite a story, Doctor.
00:54:06Dad, how long have you been here?
00:54:09Long enough. David, Ricky,
00:54:11what did I tell you about coming out here alone?
00:54:14Run along home.
00:54:16Okay, Dad.
00:54:18Okay, when we walk by the old guy, make a diversion.
00:54:22Distract him or do something cute.
00:54:25Just do it.
00:54:27I liked your story, mister.
00:54:30Well, thanks, pal. That means a lot.
00:54:32Jeremy? Jenny?
00:54:34You two.
00:54:36Yes, Mr. Hill.
00:54:40And who are you two?
00:54:42Uh, we're realtors.
00:54:44Yeah, yeah, we're thinking about, uh,
00:54:46fixing the place up and flipping it.
00:54:49Well, I wish you luck.
00:54:51And as for you, Doctor...
00:54:54Oh! Where'd he go?
00:54:56Whoa. He was right there.
00:55:00Hey, you look familiar. I've seen you somewhere before.
00:55:03Detective Stephen Hill.
00:55:07Hey, you're that guy on TV.
00:55:09Right? The guy with all those crazy mysteries.
00:55:12That's me.
00:55:14Hey, do you think anything the doc said was legit?
00:55:17I don't know. That's why we call them unresolved.
00:55:20Because it's unresolved.
00:55:25What do you think he means, dummy?
00:55:27He means it's not resolved.
00:55:29Not resolved. Right.
00:55:31Good luck, guys.
00:55:33Yeah. Hey, nice meeting you.
00:55:37The guy's on TV.
00:55:59And that's how it all went down, I swear.
00:56:02It was the scariest night of my life.
00:56:04And that includes that hamburger incident in Barstow.
00:56:07But I digress.
00:56:09Anyway, this old man found me as soon as Dr. Masters left.
00:56:12I was so lucky.
00:56:18Oh, yeah, I know.
00:56:20Those flying machines buzzing around all the time.
00:56:24Fella, you're shaking like a leaf.
00:56:33He took me to his cabin in the woods.
00:56:35Not far from here.
00:56:37And I was under their noses the whole time.
00:56:39But the old man knew his stuff.
00:56:41Maybe he even worked for Galactic Tech at one time.
00:56:43Or something. Anyway, he knew how to block my GPS signal.
00:56:47And then, one day, he just stopped coming home.
00:56:51And I was all alone.
00:56:53You're gonna lock me up, aren't you?
00:56:55Look, it's not me.
00:56:57I was assigned to find a dog.
00:56:59I mean, I didn't realize the dog was gonna turn out to be such a great guy.
00:57:03Well, thanks for that.
00:57:11Jack's here with the dog, sir.
00:57:13I think he may need a vacation, sir.
00:57:15He's talking to the dog, and he thinks the dog is talking back to him.
00:57:19I need the dog back in the lab.
00:57:22Don't let anything go wrong.
00:57:25Was the talking dog not news to you?
00:57:38What you looking for?
00:57:40I'll tell you when I find it.
00:57:42Can I help?
00:57:44Show me where it is.
00:57:46Where what is?
00:57:54What's that?
00:57:55Well, it's an old telephone called a landline.
00:57:58Who knows? But if you plug it into the wall, it works just like your cell.
00:58:01How do you know that?
00:58:03I saw it in an old movie.
00:58:04Why don't you just use your cell?
00:58:06Because I dropped it in the doctor's pocket right before Dad sent us home today.
00:58:09Dad's not gonna like this.
00:58:11Trust me, it will work.
00:58:32Hello, Doctor. This is David Hill.
00:58:34David, you know, this isn't my phone.
00:58:36Yeah, I hid it in your jacket.
00:58:38What would make you do something like that?
00:58:40Because the gang and I are gonna help you get your dog back.
00:58:42Hold on, David. That would be very unwise.
00:58:44Yeah, that's why we called you.
00:58:46Because since you worked at Galactitech for such a long time,
00:58:48maybe you could help us get on the base without setting off any of the alarms.
00:58:51Hold on. Let me think.
00:58:56Why not?
00:58:58All right, all right.
00:59:00I think I have a plan.
00:59:01Great. We start tomorrow.
00:59:07What a day.
00:59:08You think we have to worry about those kids?
00:59:10They'll never sell us out.
00:59:12No, but I might.
00:59:14What are you doing here?
00:59:15Well, I was hoping to ask a small favor of you two, gentlemen.
00:59:19What do you mean by favor?
00:59:21It's the kind of favor that'll allow you to keep your, uh, illicit business flourishing,
00:59:26as well as helping me get back my dog.
00:59:28Do we have a choice?
00:59:30Not if you want to keep selling these silly sneakers.
00:59:33Hey, what do you mean by...
00:59:35What do we have to do?
00:59:37It's full of aliens, and, uh,
00:59:39I'd say you boys fit that bill.
00:59:56Hey, how come Masters is sitting safe and sound back at the clubhouse
00:59:59while we're out here risking our necks?
01:00:01I don't know.
01:00:03Oh, shoot. Quiet. That's him.
01:00:11Check this guy out. He thinks he's on an episode of 24.
01:00:15We look more like we're from the Outer Limits.
01:00:18Status quo.
01:00:23Well, how are the kids?
01:00:24Oh, oh, the kids? Yeah, uh, they're fine. Not a peep out of them.
01:00:32And remember what I told you to say when you get to that gate.
01:00:35Yeah, I remember.
01:00:36Hey, what do you think? You're dealing with a couple idiots here?
01:00:56Got him.
01:00:58Just southwest of Rock Ditch.
01:01:00Heading towards Chainsaw.
01:01:03I think we're slowing down.
01:01:05This could be it.
01:01:07Everyone ready?
01:01:08I'm like lunch meat. I'm always ready.
01:01:10Lunch meat's gross.
01:01:11You're gross.
01:01:12Stop bickering.
01:01:14Hey, that's my line.
01:01:16And I didn't understand it then either.
01:01:18Shh. We're stopping.
01:01:28What have we got here?
01:01:35Roswell's about a hundred miles that way.
01:01:42We're here for Dr. Subron's birthday.
01:01:44You don't seem to be on our list.
01:01:48You don't have a list.
01:01:50Well, call him up.
01:01:52I've been planning this thing for weeks.
01:01:54Joe, call Lab 7, see if Subron's throwing a party today.
01:01:58You got a X143 going on up there?
01:02:01We've got a pair of rental crabs here at the gate.
01:02:03They say they're here for Subron's party.
01:02:06We've got a pair of rental crabs here at the gate.
01:02:08They say they're here for Subron's party.
01:02:19What's this?
01:02:24Confirmation, party on schedule at 1430.
01:02:27It's okay. Subron's party starts in 15 minutes.
01:02:32Well, it looks like you guys are clear to go.
01:02:34You know where you're going?
01:02:36Lab 7.
01:02:39Lab 7.
01:02:43Hey, no sightseeing.
01:02:46Tell birthday boy to bring down some cake.
01:02:49Will do.
01:02:57I'm watching you.
01:03:26Alien clans.
01:03:29I don't like crabs.
01:03:42All ashore is coming ashore.
01:03:54Okay, Doc, we're over by Lab 7. What now?
01:03:57Well, now, it's an educated guess.
01:04:00Educated guess?
01:04:02A highly educated guess.
01:04:04They're gonna have Murphy in quarantine in a small room
01:04:06on the other side of the lake.
01:04:08They're gonna have Murphy in quarantine in a small room
01:04:10on the other side of the lab.
01:04:12Now, you're not gonna have access to that,
01:04:14so you're gonna have to walk through Lab 7 to get there.
01:04:16So how do we get in there?
01:04:18Once you find the access door, just punch in the code
01:04:20that I gave you last night, remember?
01:04:22Oh, yeah, just like that, huh?
01:04:24Four kids and a couple of nutjob aliens.
01:04:26Just saunter in, real easy.
01:04:28Look, look, people are used to seeing weird things
01:04:30around that place, okay?
01:04:32Just stay calm and walk quickly.
01:04:34You mean run?
01:04:36No, do not run, just...
01:04:38Just don't stop to gawk at anything, okay?
01:04:41All right, got it.
01:04:45Okay, uh, stick together,
01:04:47keep your eyes forward and no talking.
01:04:51This is kinda cool.
01:04:53It's just like one of Dad's shows.
01:04:57Do all of you have to have the last word?
01:04:59Wait, does anybody need to go to the bathroom?
01:05:06Not you.
01:05:08All right, follow us
01:05:10and try not to look like kids.
01:05:13Come on.
01:05:15How are we gonna do that?
01:05:17Attitude, Ricky, attitude.
01:05:19I betcha she's real fun on a camping trip.
01:05:21Okay, yeesh.
01:05:23Hey, my canine intuition tells me
01:05:25there's a rescue attempt in the making.
01:05:54All I can say is, whoa!
01:05:56Double whoa!
01:05:58I'm making a triple.
01:06:00No one's ever gonna believe us.
01:06:03This is like the room I always wanted.
01:06:12It's the kids, I know it.
01:06:14Come on, guys, you can do it.
01:06:23Do you hear talking?
01:06:26Do you think they're talking about us?
01:06:28Who, to you?
01:06:30Yeah, because to them,
01:06:32we're the aliens.
01:06:34I don't care what they're saying about us.
01:06:39Come on, we have to find that dog.
01:06:42Right, because I'm boiling in this costume.
01:06:49I think they're talking about us.
01:06:53I think they're getting close.
01:07:22He's over there.
01:07:28Hey, did you see a giant crab man just now?
01:07:36There's a couple of guards between us and the lab.
01:07:38They don't look as dumb as the ones up at the gate.
01:07:40That was some plan your pal the doc had, kids.
01:07:43We should bail.
01:07:45We can't get Murphy.
01:07:53You ready to do something good for a change, pal?
01:07:59All right, Freddie and I are going to distract the guards,
01:08:01get them away from their posts.
01:08:03And if the guards take the bait,
01:08:05you kids run in there as fast as you can and get the mud.
01:08:07Get out of there.
01:08:09How do we get away? We can't drive.
01:08:11Oh, yeah.
01:08:13Uh, make your way to the truck.
01:08:15We'll meet you there.
01:08:17Why should we trust you?
01:08:19Give us a chance, kid.
01:08:26All right.
01:08:28On three.
01:08:34Take us to your leader!
01:08:36We're here to subdue your world!
01:08:39Yes, Earth shall be ours!
01:08:41We're here to subdue your world!
01:08:43We're here to subdue your world!
01:08:45Yes, Earth shall be ours!
01:08:47Hi, what's the game?
01:08:49What are you guys doing here?
01:08:51This is a secure area.
01:08:53We don't care.
01:08:55We are invaders from Mars.
01:08:57Okay, wait a minute.
01:08:59Let's see your badges.
01:09:01Uh, our badges?
01:09:03We must have left those in our other alien costumes.
01:09:05The ones with the pockets.
01:09:07All right, that's a wise guy.
01:09:09Here, now!
01:09:13They're getting away!
01:09:15Hit the alarm button now!
01:09:17Get up!
01:09:35All security doors will be closed in 60 seconds.
01:09:42Come on, come on.
01:09:44All personnel report to your designated hosts.
01:09:51I knew you guys were coming.
01:09:53Is the doc with you?
01:09:55No, but we're taking you to him as soon as possible.
01:09:57I need something to hide you in.
01:10:01What's he doing?
01:10:03I get it. Great!
01:10:05This will have to do.
01:10:07A backpack!
01:10:09Are we going to college?
01:10:13Oh, no!
01:10:15A security alarm just went off at Galactotek.
01:10:17How do you know this?
01:10:19Because of Hector's system.
01:10:21I think the NSA is going to want to have a talk with you, son.
01:10:25I can find out.
01:10:27No, no. Not needed, kid.
01:10:29All security doors are now closed.
01:10:33They're not here.
01:10:35Plan minus the getaway?
01:10:37Don't worry. I know how to get out of here.
01:10:39Care to share, smart guy?
01:10:41What do you got lined up? Tell me you got a limo.
01:10:43Not really.
01:10:45Taxi? Nope.
01:10:47Look, I'll settle for a rickshaw, but that's as low as I go.
01:10:49None of the above. We're going sky surfing.
01:10:51Sky surfing?
01:10:53You mean like surfing on nothing.
01:10:55Yeah, that's the only way to get you out of here, Murph.
01:10:57Come on, follow me.
01:10:59I don't think I'm down with surfing on nothing.
01:11:01Hey, guys, let's talk about this.
01:11:03All right, come on, get in there.
01:11:05Get in there, both of you.
01:11:07Look at you two crabs.
01:11:09Ha-ha! Want some sushi?
01:11:11I'm just doing it with them.
01:11:13You're going to get the claws like that.
01:11:15Hey, something smells fishy.
01:11:17Don't you think? It smells fishy.
01:11:19Okay, we'll leave these two guys to the octopuses.
01:11:21All right?
01:11:23Don't clam up. You hear what I did there?
01:11:25I said clam. I said clam up.
01:11:27All security doors are now closed.
01:11:29Looks like the kids swiped the dog.
01:11:31Yeah, but how are they going to get out
01:11:33of this dystopian nightmare?
01:11:35Dystopian nightmare?
01:11:37Don't oversell it, buddy.
01:11:39That's our way out.
01:11:41Do you think we can fly them?
01:11:43We're going to have to.
01:11:45Is that the only option?
01:11:47How about a plan B?
01:11:49We don't have time, Murph.
01:11:51Do you want to see Dark Masters again?
01:11:53Is that a trick question?
01:11:55And do we have flight insurance?
01:11:58Galactic is now in lockdown.
01:12:01What's going on?
01:12:03They got the dog.
01:12:05What? How? Forget it. Just get it back.
01:12:09Sled activated.
01:12:11Ready for command.
01:12:13I just need this thing to fly.
01:12:15Affirmative. Prepare for liftoff.
01:12:17Oh, boy. Oh, boy. It's working.
01:12:25Ready for motion direction.
01:12:29Forward. Manual control.
01:12:31I guess we're doing this.
01:12:35Come on, guys. It's easy.
01:12:39That's easy for you. You're not looking down.
01:12:43Prepare for liftoff.
01:12:45Ready for liftoff.
01:12:57This thing has a mind of its own.
01:13:05Do you think our parents will let us keep these?
01:13:07Sure. They'll let us fly them to school.
01:13:11What was he thinking?
01:13:17Approaching closed sky door from the southwest.
01:13:21It is now quite close.
01:13:25Who's got the garage opener?
01:13:27Watch out, Peyton.
01:13:29Watch the wall.
01:13:31What do I do? What do I do?
01:13:33Why are you asking me? I'm a dog.
01:13:37Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
01:13:39Warning. Warning. Warning.
01:13:41Do something!
01:13:43Warning. Warning.
01:13:45David, do something!
01:13:49Collision imminent.
01:13:51Open door!
01:13:53Affirmative. Opening sky door.
01:14:01Dogs have night lives, right?
01:14:11I'm going to pretend I like this.
01:14:13This is amazing!
01:14:15I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive!
01:14:17You good back there?
01:14:19I'm a dog. I love wind in my face.
01:14:27I love sky sledding!
01:14:29They got away.
01:14:31A sky sled?
01:14:33Sky sled.
01:14:35Sky sled.
01:14:37Sky sled.
01:14:39They got away.
01:14:41A sky sled?
01:14:43Sky sled.
01:14:45I got to rethink this whole boy-genie-stay-behind thing.
01:14:51I'll fly after them.
01:14:53I'll get them to land.
01:14:55You? No, we. And I'll drive.
01:14:57I'll drive.
01:14:59You can barely drive a car.
01:15:01Look at your arm. You can't drive.
01:15:03Just don't kill us.
01:15:13What's this, guys?
01:15:17Show off!
01:15:19Knock it off, Ricky!
01:15:25Will that kid ever stop screaming?
01:15:37Where did you learn how to drive this thing?
01:15:39I took an online tutorial.
01:15:41What do you think?
01:15:45Come on! Go faster!
01:15:47I'm going faster.
01:15:49Stop backseat driving.
01:15:51This thing was only built for one person.
01:15:59We've got company!
01:16:01They're coming!
01:16:03They're coming!
01:16:07Do something!
01:16:09They're coming from behind us!
01:16:11This is getting real.
01:16:13Real fast!
01:16:15They're catching up!
01:16:17What do I do?
01:16:19Ask the fly into Ricky!
01:16:21Activating extreme capture beam in ten, nine...
01:16:23Warning capture beam locked on.
01:16:25Suggesting tactic defensive number one.
01:16:27And hurry.
01:16:29Distractive tactic number one!
01:16:53Good shot, David!
01:17:01Get the other one!
01:17:03Get the other one!
01:17:05There's still one more!
01:17:07No time to rest on your laurels, hot shot!
01:17:13Now what?
01:17:19Anytime, fly boy!
01:17:21Okay, diversion two!
01:17:45Good shot, David! Way to go!
01:17:49Nice work, kid. Nice work.
01:17:53Full speed ahead!
01:17:55Those kids are pretty smart!
01:17:57I'm gonna hang back.
01:17:59We'll catch up with them on the ground.
01:18:13I think I hear something.
01:18:15It's them.
01:18:29Doc, it's you!
01:18:33I knew you'd come back for me!
01:18:37I missed you, Doc!
01:18:39I missed you, baby.
01:18:41I missed you. Remember this?
01:18:43Oh, I love that. I love that.
01:18:45Can we go home now?
01:18:47Neither of you are going anywhere.
01:18:49Well, why not?
01:18:51We're going home.
01:18:53We're going home.
01:18:55Neither of you are going anywhere.
01:18:57Well, why not?
01:18:59I can hear him. In my head?
01:19:01Your girlfriend's a little late to the party, Jack.
01:19:03What do you mean, girlfriend?
01:19:07Professor, you both have to come back with us.
01:19:09I'm sorry.
01:19:11Not so fast.
01:19:13Stephen Hill? I love your show.
01:19:15Thanks, but it's been canceled.
01:19:19However, I know a lot of people in the media who would still pay attention to me,
01:19:21especially if I deliver them a good story
01:19:23about how a great big corporation
01:19:25treats people and dogs poorly.
01:19:27Masters and Murphy are like family,
01:19:29and Galactotech is tearing them apart.
01:19:31I don't make company policy. I'm sorry.
01:19:33And I don't tear families apart.
01:19:37But we have to write a report, right?
01:19:39We would.
01:19:41If we'd found the dog.
01:19:43It's too bad.
01:19:45It's a shame we didn't find the dog.
01:19:47She's kind of a softy
01:19:49underneath that tough, spite-shake look, Jack.
01:19:51Oh, no.
01:19:53She's really tough, too.
01:19:55It's not just a look, but I like it.
01:19:57I like it.
01:19:59Don't go spreading this around,
01:20:01but I like you, too, Jack.
01:20:07Take it easy, Murph.
01:20:09See you later, Professor.
01:20:11Goodbye, Jack. You've been a good guy.
01:20:15Come on.
01:20:21Well, all right, it's...
01:20:23time to say goodbye, guys.
01:20:25Say goodbye to him.
01:20:27Bye, Murph. Wish you could stay longer.
01:20:29It's like we just met you,
01:20:31and I have to leave again.
01:20:33Oh, kids, I'm gonna miss you, too.
01:20:35So long. You're the greatest.
01:20:37Wish I could have a dog just like you.
01:20:39I can't think of a single wisecrack.
01:20:41I'm gonna miss you, Murph.
01:20:43You kids will always be my heroes.
01:20:45I'll keep you in my heart forever.
01:20:47Bye, guys.
01:21:07Goodbye, Murphy.
01:21:21I know.
01:21:23Goodbyes are a little bittersweet.
01:21:25But David and Ricky are clever boys,
01:21:27and they wrote a better ending.
01:21:29And here it is.
01:21:31Unresolved Mysteries, take one.
01:21:33Those lovable little tykes
01:21:35pressed on with their show.
01:21:37They got Dad to host it,
01:21:39even got Mom involved.
01:21:41And you know, somehow,
01:21:43it all worked out.
01:21:45I mean, I mean,
01:21:47I mean, I mean,
01:21:49And you know, somehow,
01:21:51it all actually worked.
01:21:53Their show started getting viewers in the hundreds,
01:21:55in the thousands, in the millions.
01:21:57It went viral.
01:21:59And suddenly, the Hill family
01:22:01and their Internet show were the talk of the town.
01:22:03It could have been the haunted houses
01:22:05or the aliens or the crop circles,
01:22:07but you know what I think it was?
01:22:09I think it was love.
01:22:11With the family working together,
01:22:13the show blossomed into something beautiful.
01:22:15They'd always had the mysteries,
01:22:17but now they had the magic.
01:22:31Now I know it's true.
01:22:33No good deed goes unpunished.
01:22:35Yeah, well, I'm still glad we did it.
01:22:43All right, you two, you're free to go.
01:22:45But I thought...
01:22:47Yeah, well, all the charges were dropped.
01:22:49If you can believe this, it was a million-dollar reward.
01:22:51You guys can pick it up at the cashiers.
01:22:59Now, come on, let's get out of here.
01:23:01This is my office,
01:23:03and you're stinking it up to high heaven.
01:23:09Let's go. Come on, move it. Move it.
01:23:11Let's get out of here. Come on!
01:23:15I hate crapping.
01:23:43I hate crapping.
01:23:45I hate crapping.
01:23:47I hate crapping.
01:23:49I hate crapping.
01:23:51I hate crapping.
01:23:53I hate crapping.
01:23:55I hate crapping.
01:23:57I hate crapping.
01:23:59I hate crapping.
01:24:01I hate crapping.
01:24:03I hate crapping.
01:24:05I hate crapping.
01:24:07I hate crapping.
01:24:09I hate crapping.
01:24:11I hate crapping.
01:24:13I hate crapping.
01:24:15I hate crapping.
01:24:17I hate crapping.
01:24:19I hate crapping.
01:24:21I hate crapping.
01:24:23I hate crapping.
01:24:25I hate crapping.
01:24:27I hate crapping.
01:24:29I hate crapping.
01:24:31I hate crapping.
01:24:33I hate crapping.
01:24:35I hate crapping.
01:24:37I hate crapping.
