All of a Sudden | 1996

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:00:30I'm going to complain to the landlord, he'll know what you're doing.
00:01:00I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:01:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:02:00Are you free?
00:02:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:03:00I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:03:10I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:03:20I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:03:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:03:40I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:03:50I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:04:00I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:04:10I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:24:46Laissez-moi faire, Mademoiselle.
00:24:48Monsieur Massif ne veut pas qu'on reste en bas trop tard.
00:24:51Je dois éteindre ici aussi.
00:24:53Bien. Je ne savais pas.
00:25:16Dans cette nuit où nous sommes, plus nous souffrons du spectacle des choses actuelles, plus il nous faut intérieurement nous attacher à la justice.
00:25:29Plus nous voyons autour de nous des choses inhumaines, plus il nous faut être des hommes.
00:25:38Nous ne voyons que haine autour.
00:25:43Alors résistons. Cultivons en nous ce quelque chose de divin qui ne capitule jamais, la grande douceur et la grande soif d'aimer.
00:25:58Plus il y a de désordre autour de nous, plus il nous faut mettre d'ordre, de soin, de scrupule dans les plus petites choses.
00:26:13À mesure que l'on voit grandir cette brutalité tranquille et arrogante qui marche sur tout ce qui est vénérable, il faut augmenter en soi le respect.
00:26:27À mesure que la nuit du mensonge s'épaissit autour de nous, il faut conquérir la vérité.
00:26:35Et ne jamais en céder la moindre parcelle.
00:26:43Ce n'était pas très clair. Et en temps de guerre, il vaut mieux ne pas troubler les esprits.
00:26:50Nous sommes bien obligés de faire confiance à notre gouvernement. Pourquoi parler de mensonges ?
00:26:55Il a bien parlé. Il a fait appel à ce qu'il y a de meilleur en nous.
00:27:01Enfin, la douceur qu'il prône. Nous avons été agressés, que je sache. Faudra-t-il se laisser tuer ?
00:27:07Non, il ne faut pas se laisser tuer. Ce ne serait pas juste. Je crois qu'il a surtout voulu nous dire de ne pas haïr ceux de l'autre camp.
00:27:20Et pourquoi ne devrait-on pas les haïr ? Vous n'avez pas d'avis ?
00:27:28Parce que ceux qui se battent au front sont comme les nôtres. Comme les nôtres, ils ne veulent pas mourir, ils ont peur.
00:27:38Ils prient tous les jours pour rentrer chez eux, pour que la guerre soit finie. Je me trompe peut-être ?
00:27:46Ne rugissez pas. Vous avez une tête très bien faite.
00:27:54Julien est parfois exalté. Vous savez, ça a beau être mon neveu, je reste critique.
00:28:03Peut-être que vous lui ressemblez plus que vous ne le pensez. Moi, ressembler à ce socialiste ?
00:28:10Vous ne devriez pas être tous les deux des esprits très indépendants.
00:28:23On tourne comme ça. Dans l'autre sens aussi.
00:28:53Je suis sûre que votre mère vous jouait cette air enfant. Mais si, c'est un classique.
00:29:17Bonjour ma tante. J'ai faim.
00:29:24Allez vous mettre à table.
00:29:35Très heureux de rencontrer cette lectrice dont ma tante parle tant.
00:29:40Vos prédications me font réfléchir.
00:29:46Disons que j'essaye de donner du grain à moudre.
00:29:50Qu'est-ce que cela signifie quand Jésus déclare « Je ne suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais le glaive » ?
00:30:00Je ne sais comment penser les malheurs de cette guerre.
00:30:06Ce qui devrait nous étonner, c'est que la bonté existe encore dans ce monde.
00:30:15Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
00:30:21Ça va être prêt.
00:30:35Avez-vous des nouvelles du front ?
00:30:37Hélas non. Ce n'est plus du journalisme, ce sont des communiqués officiels.
00:30:41Imaginez-vous qu'un officier en retraite relit tous les textes pour les amputer et les amender.
00:30:45Il faut soutenir le moral de la population.
00:30:48Sans les journaux, la guerre serait probablement finie depuis longtemps.
00:30:53Ce sont les journaux et les journaux seuls les responsables de ce carnage.
00:30:58Vous m'étonnez.
00:31:01Être dans le journal, ça donne à tous le sentiment d'être important.
00:31:05Du simple subalterne jusqu'au chef des nations, il ferait n'importe quoi pour être dans le journal.
00:31:12Cela ferait un article original.
00:31:16Mademoiselle, parlez-nous plutôt de vos montagnes suisses.
00:31:21Ont-elles toujours les yeux bleus, comme le disait Lamartine ?
00:31:27Pour moi, la montagne est aveugle.
00:31:30Tout ce blanc, c'est ce que ça m'évoque.
00:31:35La voyez-vous de votre fenêtre ?
00:31:39Je voyais plutôt le Rhin.
00:31:42Parlez-nous du Rhin.
00:31:44J'aime les grands fleuves.
00:31:47C'est un fleuve impétueux, colérique.
00:31:54Il est rapide, difficile pour les pêcheurs.
00:31:59Ses abords sont instables.
00:32:02Les lingères ne peuvent pas y travailler.
00:32:04Il leur faut marcher loin pour trouver des criques plus tranquilles.
00:32:10Vos amis vous manquent ?
00:32:16Nos voisins étaient des gens charmants.
00:32:19Une femme et son mari.
00:32:21Sans enfants.
00:32:23Leur porte était toujours ouverte pour moi.
00:32:27Savez-vous comme ils disent parapluie, là-bas ?
00:32:31Julien n'est jamais allé en Suisse.
00:32:34Ils disent comme ici, mais ils prononcent barbly.
00:32:40Et porte-monnaie pour porte-monnaie.
00:32:43Oui, c'est ça.
00:32:44Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
00:32:46Un potage de fenne de carotte.
00:32:48Un potage, vous voulez dire.
00:32:59Madame ?
00:33:00Non, non. Non !
00:33:07Ça, on peut le manger.
00:33:09Ça ?
00:33:12C'est de la cire.
00:33:14La feuille est remarquable, n'est-ce pas ?
00:33:17Faudrait la dessiner.
00:33:21Je demanderais à Honorine de venir en ramasser.
00:33:25Comment est-ce que vous savez tout ça ?
00:33:27Je l'ai appris d'une femme de la campagne.
00:33:30Quand nous étions en Sicile avec mon père.
00:33:33En Sicile ?
00:33:35J'ignorais que votre père avait été en poste là-bas.
00:33:39Quelle vie vous avez eue !
00:33:44On y danse la quarantaine.
00:33:46Vous savez ?
00:33:47Oui, j'ai un livre de gravure à la bibliothèque.
00:33:50On y voit exactement cette pose.
00:34:03C'est beau.
00:34:05C'est l'espace ouvert dans le sol.
00:34:10C'est beau.
00:34:12Ce paysage l'entend.
00:34:34Emilienne ?
00:34:36Vous avez déjeuné ?
00:34:38Oh, ça oui.
00:34:41Vous êtes enceinte ?
00:34:45Mademoiselle, je vous supplie...
00:34:47N'ayez pas peur, je ne dirai rien.
00:34:52C'est pas possible.
00:34:54C'est pas possible.
00:34:56C'est pas possible.
00:34:59C'est pas possible.
00:35:02Il ne faut pas que ça vous coûte votre place.
00:35:05Ma soeur me dit de le faire passer.
00:35:07Mais j'ai peur, j'en connais une qui est morte comme ça.
00:35:11Vous savez, ces gens-là ils vous chassent du jour au lendemain.
00:35:15Il ne faut pas se fier à leur bonne mine.
00:35:18Ça fait pas longtemps que je suis là.
00:35:23Ne comptez que sur vous-même.
00:35:31C'est pas possible.
00:35:58Le tricot pour un soldat.
00:36:03Le tricot pour un soldat.
00:36:09Mais j'ai rien fait.
00:36:11Vous n'avez rien fait ?
00:36:13J'avais confiance en vous.
00:36:16J'ai compris la leçon, Madame.
00:36:18Quelle leçon ?
00:36:20Vous vous rendez compte dans quelle situation vous vous mettez ?
00:36:24Vous faites semblant de ne pas comprendre.
00:36:26Je vous ai bien dit, pas de visite dans votre chambre.
00:36:28Encore moins vos galants.
00:36:30J'ai compris, Madame.
00:36:32Excuse-toi, Emilienne.
00:36:34Madame, plus jamais...
00:36:36Que voulez-vous, c'est trop tard.
00:36:38Si quelqu'un ment, on ne sait plus où commence le mensonge ni où il finit.
00:36:43Chez nous, si la confiance est trahie, on ne peut plus vivre ensemble.
00:36:47On ne peut plus, c'est tout.
00:36:50Chaque fois que je vous regarderai, je me demanderai si vous me cachez quelque chose.
00:36:55Vous comprenez ?
00:36:58Honorine sait bien ce que je veux dire.
00:37:01Ça fait 40 ans que je la regarde dans les yeux.
00:37:04Et pas une fois je n'ai pensé qu'elle me dissimulait quelque chose.
00:37:10Je suis inquiète pour vous. Après tout, vous portez une vie.
00:37:16Je vais prévenir mon neveu au temple.
00:37:19Il vous trouvera une autre place.
00:37:32Emilienne ?
00:37:38C'est l'adresse d'un foyer pour femmes.
00:37:41Ils vous aideront, même avec votre enfant.
00:37:45Merci, Mademoiselle.
00:37:48Tout ce que je demande, c'est que ce ne soit pas une fille.
00:37:51On ne fait rien qu'à subir, et c'est tout.
00:37:54Allez, on se dépêche un petit peu !
00:37:57Ils vont arriver là.
00:38:06C'est pas possible !
00:38:09C'est pas possible !
00:38:12C'est pas possible !
00:38:15J'ai peur !
00:38:18C'est pas possible !
00:38:22C'est pas possible !
00:38:35Etienne, tu peux enlever le plateau, s'il te plaît ?
00:38:38Tu me poses sur la chaise où il était tout à l'heure.
00:38:43Je te repose.
00:38:51I'll see you tomorrow.
00:38:55But the guests are coming.
00:38:57Hurry up, get ready.
00:38:59If you allow me, I'd rather leave.
00:39:01But I'm not allowing you.
00:39:03You're one of us.
00:39:07I want to introduce you.
00:39:09These are my friends.
00:39:13You'll find something in your room.
00:39:21You'll find something in your room.
00:39:51I'll get you, dirty boy.
00:39:53I'll kill you.
00:39:57Go sit down, Severine will sing.
00:39:59Children, go make war upstairs.
00:40:01Children, go make war upstairs.
00:40:03Severine will sing.
00:40:07Go, go, go.
00:40:09Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:11Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:21Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:23Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:25Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:27Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:29Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:31Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:33Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:35Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:37Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:39Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:41Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:43Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:45Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:47Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:49Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:51Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:53Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:55Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:57Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:40:59Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:01Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:03Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:05Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:07Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:09Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:11Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:13Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:15Children, come and see what I'm doing.
00:41:17Tu m'as perdu et je quittais la terre
00:41:28Pour m'enfuir avec toi vers la lumière
00:41:42Et laisser pour nous retrouver l'air nu
00:41:51Splendeur sans conduite
00:41:59Lumière divine sans truvée
00:42:06Pilose, pilose
00:42:13Triste rivule de son jeu
00:42:21Je t'appelle au-delà
00:42:28Envoie tes mensonges
00:42:35Alléluia, alléluia
00:42:49Alléluia, alléluia
00:43:26Merci, merci, chère Séverine de nous avoir charmé avec cette musique.
00:43:30Et merci, Léon.
00:43:33Mes amis, j'aimerais vous faire partager le bonheur que j'ai ce jour-ci
00:43:37de relire Villiers de Liladon.
00:43:40Si j'osais, je demanderais à Rose de nous faire ce plaisir.
00:43:47Rose, vous voulez bien ?
00:43:49Je vous en prie.
00:43:57Compte d'amour
00:44:11Compte d'amour, éblouissement
00:44:16La nuit, sur le grand mystère
00:44:19Entr'ouvre ses écrins bleus
00:44:21Autant de fleurs sur la terre
00:44:24Que d'étoiles dans les cieux
00:44:26J'ai perdu l'océan morose
00:44:28Son deuil, ses vagues, ses échos
00:44:32Dis-moi n'importe quelle chose
00:44:34Ce sera la rumeur des flots
00:44:37Lourde une tristesse royale
00:44:40Mon front songe au soleil enfui
00:44:43Oh, cache-moi dans ton sein pâle
00:44:46Ce sera le calme des nuits
00:44:50Les présents
00:44:53Si tu me parles, quel que soit
00:44:56Du secret de mon coeur malade
00:44:59Je te dirai pour t'émouvoir
00:45:02Une très ancienne balade
00:45:04Si tu me parles de tourments
00:45:07D'espérance désabusée
00:45:10J'irai te cueillir seulement
00:45:12Des roses pleines de rosée
00:45:15Si pareil à la fleur des morts
00:45:54Vous êtes gentille, hein?
00:45:57Vous faites ce que vous devez
00:46:00Voilà, merci
00:46:27Mais que faites-vous?
00:46:30Il faut pas vous lever, voyons
00:46:34Restez calmes
00:46:39Qui est cette femme rose?
00:46:45C'est cette infirmière qui m'avait recueillie
00:46:49Elle est morte, mes yeux
00:46:51Elle ne vous approchera pas
00:46:54Maintenant, soyez raisonnables
00:46:56Je vous en supplie
00:46:58Et restez couché
00:47:30Vous êtes mon seul espoir
00:47:34Les dernières paroles que mon père m'a adressées sur son lit de mort
00:47:37étaient d'attendre de vous bienveiller en ses protections
00:47:40Qui était votre père?
00:47:42Le commandant Juillet, ami de votre mari
00:47:45Julien, je ne comprends rien à ce que cette personne raconte
00:47:49On m'a tout volé, mes papiers, la lettre de mon père, mon médaillon
00:47:52Je sors de l'hôpital, j'ai traversé les lignes pour venir jusqu'ici
00:47:56Et je vois cette personne à ma place
00:47:59Mademoiselle, qui vient de Suisse, m'explique qu'elle a passé la frontière cet automne pour gagner la France
00:48:04Près de la ligne de front, elle a été blessée à la tête par un éclat d'obus
00:48:08Elle déclare qu'une infirmière du nom de Nelly Laborde
00:48:12a volé ses papiers, ses vêtements, au moment d'une attaque allemande
00:48:16Madame, vous ne trouverez aucune infirmière ici
00:48:18Renseignez-vous auprès de la Croix-Rouge peut-être
00:48:21Mais elle est ici, je l'ai vue
00:48:23Vous devez confondre
00:48:25Vous avez sûrement besoin de repos
00:48:27Vous avez été gravement blessée
00:48:32Je me réveille d'une catalepsie
00:48:34J'étais à Mulhouse, dans un hôpital allemand
00:48:40Ils m'ont soignée
00:48:45Mais qu'entendez-vous par catalepsie ?
00:48:48Quand j'ai été blessée, j'étais seule dans la pièce avec l'infirmière Nelly Laborde
00:48:53Elle aura cru que j'étais morte
00:48:55Nelly Laborde n'avait nulle part où aller
00:48:57Elle m'a dépouillée de mes papiers et de mon médaillon
00:49:00Et à présent j'en ai la preuve puisqu'elle est ici
00:49:02Mais que dites-vous ?
00:49:05Je vous dis que je suis Rose Jullet
00:49:09Votre blessure a dû altérer votre bon sens
00:49:13À moins que vous n'ayez inventé toute cette histoire
00:49:16pour profiter de la bienfaisance de Madame de Lengville
00:49:19Écoutons son histoire jusqu'au bout
00:49:21Est-il quelqu'un à Nancy qui peut se porter garant de votre identité ?
00:49:26Je ne connais personne à Nancy
00:49:30Madame, je vous demande de la charité confessionnelle
00:49:32Mes relations sont en Suisse, elles pourront témoigner pour moi
00:49:35Je ne connais plus personne en Suisse
00:49:38Monsieur, aidez-moi
00:49:40Mais quel usage cette Nelly Laborde aurait-elle fait à de vos papiers ?
00:49:45Mais vous voyez bien puisqu'elle s'est présentée ici à ma place
00:49:47J'en ai assez entendu
00:49:53Madame, Madame de Lengville, s'il vous plaît
00:49:56La femme qu'il lisait tout à l'heure s'est-elle présentée ici
00:49:58avec la lettre de recommandation de mon père ?
00:50:01Vous rendez-vous compte que votre question est un affront à mon discernement
00:50:05et un affront à Rose
00:50:06Mais c'est moi, Rose !
00:50:07Allons, vous oubliez que vous devez le respect à la maîtresse de maison
00:50:10Je réclame le droit de voir cette infirmière
00:50:12et qu'elle me dise son nom, les yeux dans les yeux
00:50:14Sortez-la d'ici !
00:50:16Où est-elle ?
00:50:18Qu'on nous confronte avec elle !
00:50:20Madame de Lengville !
00:50:25Lâchez-moi !
00:50:39Rose ?
00:50:43Rose ?
00:50:48Reposez-vous bien, mon enfant
00:51:11Julien ?
00:51:13J'arrive, ma tante
00:51:15Et alors ? Qu'en as-tu fait ?
00:51:19Je l'ai installée dans une des chambres du temple
00:51:21Elle n'avait plus un son en poche
00:51:23Elle persiste dans ses idées ?
00:51:26Elle a demandé mon aide
00:51:28et j'ai accepté
00:51:31En somme, tu veux installer une folle chez moi contre mon gré ?
00:51:34Écoute ce que j'essaie de te dire
00:51:36Il faut comprendre avant de condamner cette femme
00:51:39Ton goût du paradoxe devient absurde à force
00:51:42Il nous manque seulement un maillon de la chaîne
00:51:47Et la croix rouge va m'enseigner
00:52:13Madame ?
00:52:14Oui ?
00:52:15Je cherche une jeune femme hébergée ici par le pasteur Valence
00:52:18Vous la trouverez sous la tribune, elle y prie tous les matins
00:52:23Justement, vous voulez bien lui porter ceci ?
00:52:26Les autres m'attendent, nous partons distribuer
00:52:30Je vous laisse
00:52:31Je vous laisse
00:52:32Je vous laisse
00:52:33Je vous laisse
00:52:34Je vous laisse
00:52:35Je vous laisse
00:52:36Je vous laisse
00:52:37Je vous laisse
00:52:38Je vous laisse
00:52:39Je vous laisse
00:52:40Je vous laisse
00:52:41Je vous laisse
00:52:42Je vous laisse
00:53:43I never thought I would wrong you.
00:53:49I saw a death, and you are alive.
00:53:54Seeing you suffer is unbearable.
00:54:00Here are all my savings, since I joined the service of Madame de Lengville.
00:54:06They are yours.
00:54:08Give me my name.
00:54:12I promise to pay you a rent every month.
00:54:15You will see, you will find a good place.
00:54:18I will take care of you.
00:54:20I know a lady who could help you.
00:54:23You recommend me?
00:54:27A girl like you?
00:54:32If you want to do me justice, go to Madame de Lengville and tell her everything.
00:54:36In front of the whole house.
00:54:37I'm sorry.
00:54:39Say your hideous thing.
00:54:41Show your real face.
00:54:43You know that by doing this, the prison is waiting for me.
00:54:46But you deserve it.
00:54:48When I get out, it will be the street.
00:54:50Is this your place?
00:54:53Anyway, you will never be like us.
00:55:00And Madame de Lengville?
00:55:02She will be broken.
00:55:04She learned to know me and to appreciate me.
00:55:06Shut up.
00:55:08I'm going to report you to the police.
00:55:11You wouldn't do that.
00:55:13I'll get you out of here by a sergeant.
00:55:16I want my place.
00:55:18The one you took from me.
00:55:20You thought you could abuse Madame de Lengville and tease the gentlemen around.
00:55:24But I'm going to open their eyes and let them know what kind of women they have under their roof.
00:55:29My sister, I have to talk to you.
00:55:32What is this?
00:55:34My sister, listen to me.
00:55:36We don't eat here.
00:55:38The service will start soon.
00:55:40I would like to tell you...
00:55:42Now, let's see, my child.
00:55:44The choir is coming.
00:55:46Here they are.
00:55:49Come with us.
00:55:51The music soothes the hearts.
00:55:53We'll talk later.
00:56:03It won't take long.
00:56:05They'll know who you are.
00:56:07And who are you?
00:56:10You're the lunatic who came out of a German hospital.
00:56:13Who came to make a scene here.
00:56:16I was taught one thing in life.
00:56:19Never bite the hand that holds you.
00:56:25I only let a path open to me.
00:56:28I don't let anyone else open it.
00:56:30I only let a path open to me.
00:56:33I'll write in the newspaper.
00:56:35I'll tell them Nelly Laborde is here.
00:56:38I don't know Nelly Laborde.
00:56:41She only exists in your head.
00:58:00I'm sorry.
00:58:19This is my protégé.
00:58:23This is Commissioner Fontaine.
00:58:26May I ask a few questions, mademoiselle?
00:58:36Can you tell me where and how it happened?
00:58:41I went to the temple to give my reading lesson to little Bouvet when she appeared.
00:58:46I didn't have time to react.
00:58:49But how did it happen?
00:58:52I don't remember.
00:58:53I don't remember.
00:58:55She just appeared in front of me.
00:58:58No one else at the temple?
00:59:00No one.
00:59:02Except for a diaconess.
00:59:04But why did she go out alone?
00:59:06Massy, Pouétienne could have accompanied you.
00:59:10So she appears and then she finds herself in front of you
00:59:16or she attacks you on the side?
00:59:18In front of me.
00:59:20But everything happened very quickly.
00:59:21It's strange that she attacked you on this side.
00:59:24It's not natural.
00:59:27But what did she want to do?
00:59:29Cut your ear off?
00:59:31Pinch you?
00:59:39And then, after she attacked you, what did she do?
00:59:42Does she have to repeat this painful story?
00:59:44I told you everything.
00:59:46But mademoiselle, I have to take the deposition of mademoiselle.
00:59:48But it seems to me that you took notes during our interview.
00:59:52So make her read them again and she will sign.
00:59:55What matters to us is that this criminal is prevented from harming.
00:59:59But mademoiselle, the procedure wants me to question both parties.
01:00:02Both parties. You put on the same plan Rose
01:00:05and this woman who comes to make a scandal at my house,
01:00:08who attacks my reader at the temple.
01:00:10Does she have to assassinate him so that our complaint is heard?
01:00:18In this case, I will read aloud the notes I took
01:00:22and you will correct me, mademoiselle, if necessary.
01:00:25When were you appointed commissioner to Nancy?
01:00:30It's been three months, madame.
01:00:36You did not answer me.
01:00:38What are the ways to prevent this woman from starting again?
01:00:41The procedure is as follows. We will first question her.
01:00:44To question her?
01:00:46She will answer to what she sings to him.
01:00:49Then she will be placed in temporary detention.
01:00:52In order to be examined by a psychiatrist.
01:00:55According to what you reported to me, this woman may be insane.
01:00:59If madness is proven, she will be interned.
01:01:02We will not let her in nature, that's what worries you, madame.
01:01:06Well, have some tea again.
01:01:14Where should I sign?
01:01:26If you could read carefully again, please, before signing.
01:01:34Everything is exact.
01:01:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:01:51Explain to me.
01:02:15Mademoiselle Rose is already sleeping?
01:02:17No, madame.
01:02:19Do you want to see her?
01:02:45Come close to me.
01:03:00Your mother never gave you any jewelry?
01:03:04My mother had no jewelry.
01:03:06Oh, I know that some Protestants refuse jewelry.
01:03:10It gave them too much importance.
01:03:11I have it from my mother.
01:03:26That way I will always stay close to you.
01:03:36Would you love me if...
01:03:38Would you love me if...
01:03:42If I were a laundress?
01:03:45It's because you have a lot of imagination that you are such a precious reader.
01:03:53Can you close the curtains, please?
01:04:08Well, what?
01:04:14A bird?
01:04:17It's stupid, I was afraid.
01:04:35Leave Etienne, I'm going.
01:04:40Here is the mail.
01:04:41A please for madame Delaigneville.
01:04:43It's from Mr. Le Pastor.
01:04:46Goodbye, goodbye.
01:04:54Come and see this, please.
01:05:08Thank you.
01:05:15My dear aunt, good news.
01:05:18I found out that Nelly Laborde operated under the orders of Dr. Clarinval,
01:05:22head of the ambulance of the 201st regiment, until she volatilized.
01:05:33Madame is asking for water.
01:05:38Thank you.
01:05:42Luck is on our side.
01:05:44It seems that this respected doctor, injured on the forehead,
01:05:47has just been repatriated to a Parisian hospital.
01:05:50I'm going to Paris to meet him.
01:05:52In the meantime, do not entrust any important mission to your dear reader.
01:05:56Your devoted, Julien.
01:06:33Mr. Director,
01:06:34I'm writing to you because since I got here,
01:06:37I don't sleep, I don't eat,
01:06:39and I'm afraid to let myself die if you don't come to my rescue.
01:06:43I have no parents in this low world to confirm to you
01:06:46that I'm not a criminal or an alien.
01:06:49But I implore you on my honor to believe me.
01:06:53I am the victim of an odious identity usurpation.
01:06:56While I crawl here, this woman,
01:06:58who is actually called Nelly Laborde,
01:07:00steals my life.
01:07:01Every day that goes by,
01:07:03I do my best to stand up,
01:07:05waiting for justice to be done.
01:07:09you are my only and last hope.
01:07:31I love you.
01:08:01I love you.
01:08:28I take care of the geraniums.
01:08:34Slowly, slowly.
01:08:37It's heavy.
01:08:53It's time for our lecture.
01:08:55Watch out!
01:08:57Watch out for the geraniums.
01:08:59Watch out for the geraniums.
01:09:02I don't like to feel that winter is coming.
01:09:10I've been spending August with the cousins of the Vercors for years,
01:09:15but this year, maybe the seaside.
01:09:19Would you come with me?
01:09:21That's why I'm telling you about it.
01:09:26August is far away.
01:09:29And with the war...
01:09:37You don't look very enthusiastic.
01:09:40It's just that...
01:09:42I don't know if I could stay at your service.
01:09:45Why couldn't you?
01:09:51If you have other plans, do my part.
01:09:54I don't like to be taken for granted.
01:09:57I don't have other plans.
01:10:00You're not happy here?
01:10:22I'm sick.
01:10:24Call a doctor.
01:10:26A doctor?
01:10:27A doctor.
01:10:29A doctor?
01:10:31He wants to see you.
01:10:53Should I call a doctor?
01:10:55We can't wait.
01:10:59We need to do a blood test.
01:11:24The doctor was reassuring.
01:11:26You're going to get well, ma'am.
01:11:30I don't remember anything.
01:11:32What happened?
01:11:34You had a bleeding.
01:11:36It saved your life.
01:11:44He prescribed you sugar.
01:11:46It's good for you.
01:11:48It's good for you.
01:11:50It's good for you.
01:11:52He prescribed you fortified sugar
01:11:55and broth for three days.
01:12:02Miss Rose will give it to you.
01:12:21It's good for you.
01:12:33We're going in again.
01:12:46Miss Rose?
01:12:52I just saw my aunt.
01:12:54I'm reassured, she's better.
01:12:56Thank God.
01:13:04You need strength for this job.
01:13:06Do you think we're lacking it, Mr. Julien?
01:13:09Probably not.
01:13:11I said I was going to gut the leeks.
01:13:13Miss Rose insisted on helping me.
01:13:15I said I didn't want her to hurt her hands.
01:13:18But you have to admit,
01:13:19she has a good hand.
01:13:27can I see you alone?
01:13:33I found Major Conelli on board,
01:13:36on the front.
01:13:39Dr. Clarinval
01:13:41is seriously injured.
01:13:50If it wasn't an emergency,
01:13:52I wouldn't have bothered you and Dr. Clarinval.
01:13:56Can you describe to me
01:13:58Nellie Laborde,
01:13:59your nurse?
01:14:03thin waist,
01:14:05a pleasant face,
01:14:07very brave.
01:14:09The last time I saw her,
01:14:10it was in this house in Meunier.
01:14:14What's wrong?
01:14:17She was hit by a shell
01:14:18shortly after you left.
01:14:21I thought she had been killed.
01:14:24We saved the transportable wounded.
01:14:27Did she survive?
01:14:30If she's alive,
01:14:32you have to report it to the Red Cross.
01:14:36And this woman who was travelling from Switzerland,
01:14:40could you describe her to me?
01:14:43My memories are imprecise,
01:14:45but I'd say she was a good person.
01:14:49Thin waist,
01:14:51a pleasant face.
01:14:54Can I ask you for my pipe?
01:14:58You'd be kind to give it to me.
01:15:06did this nurse have a scar on her skin?
01:15:10What do you mean?
01:15:12My pipe?
01:15:14Yes, your pipe.
01:15:26This nurse,
01:15:29did she have a scar on her right hand?
01:15:39Once, I asked her for help to heal my foot.
01:15:44I saw her hands.
01:15:47They were impeccable.
01:16:03The woman who made a scene at my aunt's
01:16:05is Nellie Laborde.
01:16:08You're the last person she saw before being hit.
01:16:11Her head injury made her lose her bearings.
01:16:14She was convinced,
01:16:15from her prayer,
01:16:17to be you,
01:16:18and that you are her.
01:16:21She's a poor woman.
01:16:24I owe you an apology.
01:16:27My aunt trusts you.
01:16:29And I,
01:16:31I wanted to check on her.
01:16:34For the sake of this lost young woman,
01:16:36I wanted to keep a cool head.
01:16:38I don't know.
01:16:39I don't know what to say.
01:16:41Forgive me.
01:16:56Is the director going to see me?
01:16:58I've been waiting for his answer for several days.
01:17:00Calm down.
01:17:01We're not going to see the director.
01:17:02Come on.
01:17:03Follow me.
01:17:05No, I don't want to.
01:17:06Come on.
01:17:07Come on.
01:17:44Nellie, please.
01:17:56Leave me alone!
01:17:58Come on.
01:18:01I'll be right back.
01:18:09Jean Valjean said,
01:18:13took the child,
01:18:14give me back my piece.
01:18:18Jean Valjean bowed his head and didn't answer.
01:18:22The child started again.
01:18:24My piece, sir.
01:18:26Jean Valjean's eye remained fixed on the ground.
01:18:30My piece, cried the child.
01:18:32My white piece.
01:18:34My money.
01:18:35My money.
01:18:38It seemed that Jean Valjean didn't hear a thing.
01:18:41What are you doing?
01:18:48Tell me about your grief.
01:18:50Don't keep it to yourself.
01:18:55Let your tears go.
01:19:05Let your tears go.
01:19:35Bring me some hot water.
01:19:50Is it still too hot?
01:19:52Come on.
01:19:53We're going to hang the laundry.
01:19:54You'll bring him water after.
01:20:05Come on.
01:22:14Do you have hot water?
01:22:36You're fine.
01:22:38You're fine.
01:22:39What about you?
01:22:43Yes, yes.
01:22:45Hold this.
01:22:51Go to bed.
01:22:52Tomorrow morning you'll be warned, Mr. Le Pastor.
01:22:54Yes, very well.
01:23:05Let's go, let's go.
01:23:35Let's go.
01:23:45Here, enlighten me.
01:23:47Have you ever used a rifle?
01:23:49But we're not really going to shoot, are we?
01:23:52Listen, we'll see.
01:24:05Come on.
01:24:35Come on.
01:25:05Come on.
01:25:21Come on.
01:25:27I just caught her.
01:25:29She was coming out of a hole.
01:25:31What do I do?
01:25:32Take her to the kitchen.
01:25:33I'm going to wake up my aunt.
01:25:35Go, go, go.
01:26:06It's time to get this person back to the police.
01:26:10We found this woman in the cell.
01:26:18This liar.
01:26:20Take her away.
01:26:22Let me go.
01:26:25I have a right!
01:26:30Come on.
01:26:33Let me go!
01:26:35I have a right!
01:26:37Come on.
01:26:38I have a right!
01:26:39Leave her.
01:26:47I can explain who Nelly is.
01:26:59I thought you were dead.
01:27:03I burned myself putting your medallion on fire.
01:27:12I am the daughter of lingerie.
01:27:16Of an unknown father.
01:27:21My name is Nelly Laborde.
01:27:33Your trust has been an honour.
01:27:43I will never forget your kindness.
01:27:53I came from the street.
01:27:58I stole to eat.
01:28:00And worse.
01:28:03I killed.
01:28:12I just wanted to change lives.
01:28:33I loved living with you.
01:29:03I love you.
01:29:33I love you.
01:30:03Madame wants you in her office.
01:30:05I'll go with her.
01:30:32Sit down.
01:30:38Are you sure?
01:30:51Does your ankle make you suffer?
01:30:54No, Madame.
01:30:56I feel much better with the cataplasm.
01:30:58Very good.
01:31:00I'll go with you.
01:31:03I feel much better with the cataplasm.
01:31:05Very good.
01:31:07Can you walk?
01:31:09Almost, Madame.
01:31:13Do you finally recognize the prejudice I suffered?
01:31:19I recognize you for a person in difficulty.
01:31:25My father was Gustave Jullier.
01:31:28I was born on January 21, 1892 in Lausanne.
01:31:33No one will question you.
01:31:38But I no longer need a reader.
01:31:42And I wish to help you to the best of my means.
01:31:48I suppose that your financial situation is fragile.
01:31:53And that a small advance in the digital world,
01:31:56proposed tactfully, would be welcome.
01:32:04So you buy my silence?
01:32:06To establish you,
01:32:09I think that the equivalent of a year's salary would not be enough.
01:32:14Don't you want justice to be done?
01:32:17Two years either.
01:32:19I can't accept that.
01:32:20Let's say,
01:32:23five years of salary.
01:32:34And I will not complain about the assault that night.
01:32:42My father, you think, is a friend?
01:32:44I measure your disappointment.
01:32:48For the first time in my life, maybe,
01:32:51I lacked discernment.
01:32:57I thought it was the reason that guided me.
01:33:01When my heart held the reins.
01:33:20But where could I go?
01:33:23You will find your way, I'm sure.
01:33:26You have the will.
01:33:30I have the will.
01:33:32I have the will.
01:33:58To the station.
01:34:02I want to see Paris.
01:34:32Let's go.
01:35:06My dear aunt,
01:35:08I didn't have time to warn you,
01:35:11but I was leaving tonight to join the 52nd Infantry Regiment.
01:35:17I decided to make the call.
01:35:22Don't worry about me.
01:35:32Let's go.
01:37:26Where are you going?
01:37:28I'll go with you.
01:37:29I'll go with you.
01:37:31I'll take a train to Le Havre.
01:37:33Get in.
01:37:48Let's go, Massy.
01:37:59Let's go.
01:38:12My car has been requisitioned.
01:38:15When I get back, Massy will drop it at Place Stanislas.
01:38:21War affects everyone.
01:38:24I disappointed you, didn't I?
01:38:28There are blows you don't think you can recover from.
01:38:33And then,
01:38:36comes the real blow.
01:38:40For me, it was when I realized you had left.
01:38:54When I was a little girl, I would have given everything
01:38:57for my mother to take me as her own,
01:39:00in her arms,
01:39:02as I saw other mothers do.
01:39:07And yet, I knew she loved me.
01:39:11Because one day, she looked at me with a special look.
01:39:18She saw my dress, all torn up, torn up.
01:39:23She told me,
01:39:25we're going to get you a new dress.
01:39:31She took all her savings, which she kept in a separate box,
01:39:36she took me to the big store.
01:39:44Maybe there is something,
01:39:48like destiny,
01:39:49like you,
01:39:53that can't be changed.
01:39:59Come home with me.
01:40:06You know I won't be able to live with you anymore.
01:40:11Your society will never forgive me.
01:40:16It will reject you too.
01:40:19I have long dreamed of leaving the North.
01:40:27I could settle down on the Italian side,
01:40:29by the sea.
01:40:33There would be a room for you.
01:40:37You would be free to come and go.
01:40:41We wouldn't know you.
01:40:44You would read to me from time to time.
01:40:46Just wait for the end of the war.
01:40:51Before you left,
01:40:56I had prepared an adoption procedure.
01:41:05If you want it, you will be my daughter.
01:41:08You will bear my name.
01:41:17I understand your surprise.
01:41:23You don't have to answer right away.
01:41:26You have a long way to go to read it.
01:41:35The board was my mother's name.
01:41:39It's my name.
01:41:42I want to wear it.
01:41:44You can wear several names.
01:41:50Things are too fragile to want to destroy them.
01:41:57Don't you see that we are here together?