Daffy Duck And The Dinosaur (1939) ENGLISH, Star Classics Print

  • avant-hier


00:00Musique d'un film d'horreur
00:28Musique d'un film d'horreur
00:58Musique d'un film d'horreur
01:10Musique d'un film d'horreur
01:24Va t'en!
01:31Fais chier!
01:40Miam, miam, mon végétable préféré, la pomme.
01:54Miam, miam, mon végétable préféré, la pomme.
02:24Miam, miam, mon végétable préféré, la pomme.
02:54Miam, miam, mon végétable préféré, la pomme.
03:08Ah! That duck acts like it's crazy!
03:11That is correct! Absolutely 100% correct!
03:18So that's the way it is, eh? All right then!
03:24Les végétables préférés
03:35Fine thing! No swimming.
03:38Other cavemen get to go swimming, but I never get to do anything.
03:42What are you looking at? Don't just stand there! Do something!
03:47Now go get it!
03:49The big lummox!
03:55Well, now isn't that clever!
03:59The hunter's helper!
04:03Now come on!
04:10Nothing for a guy that never took a lesson in his life!
04:17Wait here!
04:25Here you are, girlie!
04:30Gee! Thanks a lot!
04:55Well, just what I wanted! A duck breakfast!
05:01Gee, I can hardly wait! Come on, Fido!
05:24Les végétables préférés
05:50Gee, we're almost there!
